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Family names

Major clans
Crab clan
Hida Guards the empire from the Shadowlands
Pragmatic and have little time for the polite fictions of court
Hiruma Eyes and ears of the Crab beyond the wall, warning of attack and staging spoiling raids on the unending hordes
Rotate between service beyond the wall and in the Empire
Kaiu Engineers who support the foot soldiers of the Crab in every possible way
Kuni Shugenja who use study, observation and dissection to delve into the secrets of the Shadowlands
Known for wearing kabuki facepaint
Yasuki Use tools of trade and industry to keep the Crab armies equipped and well fed

Crane clan
Asahina Through art and prayer they seek to spread peace throughout the Empire
Daidoji Compose the core of military of the Crane
Doji Embodies the courtly arts and refined culture of the Empire
Kakita Focus on a single skill, which they strive to master
Renowned as some of the finest duelists in the empire

Dragon clan
Agasha Combine mysticism and practical arts to delve deep into alchemy, metallurgy and medicine
Kitsuki Most well-known for their keen perception and investigative techniques that rely on physical evidence
Mirumoto Renowned for their unique two-sword style
Oversee the management and duties of the Dragon clan
Togashi A monastic order that welcomes anyone willing to embrace their teachings snd accomplish the challenges
required to join
Known for mystical tattoos that grant them supernatural abilities

Lion clan
Akodo Master strategists and tacticians who seek to understand war and battle in all of its complexity
Ikoma Historians and the finest storytellers in the Empire
Kitsu Share a mystical connection to their ancestors which allow them to use magic that no one else can
Matsu The largest clan in the Empire who fill the ranks of the Lion armies

Phoenix clan
Asako Prize wisdom and use their studies to advance their spiritual evolution as well as their political agendas
Isawa One of the oldest shugenja families in the Empire
Kaito Safeguards the many shrines scattered across the Phoenix holdings
Shiba Focus on keeping the Phoenix clan safe and rely on diplomacy before resorting to force

Scorpion clan
Bayushi Use blackmail, poison and seduction to control the enemies of the Empire, while dancing a fine line to avoid
being villains themselves
Shosuro The finest Scorpion spies known for their acting talent and theatrical skills
Soshi Shugenja who offer prayes in silence for the Scorpion
Yogo Cursed to betray the one they love the most
The most diligent and underappreciated servants of the Scorpion

Unicorn clan
Ide Serve as diplomats, courieers and merchants across Rokugan
Iuchi A priestly family, who practice a unique form of sorcery (meishōdō), using talismans and names to manipulate
the spirits
Moto Nomadic warriors always seeking battle
Know for stocky builds and heavy beards
Shinjo Administrate and lead the Unicorn
Master equestians and scouts
Utaku Matriarchal and allow only women to ride to battle (Battle Maidens “Shiotome”)
Men serve afoot as infantry and in stables and households

Side 1 af 11
Minor clans
Badger clan
Ichiro Dwell in a series of rough valleys and caves in the Great Wall of the North mountains.
Created to guard the north border of Rokugan

Cat clan
Nekoma Successful mercenary shinobi, who appear to be a playful association of acrobats, actors and playwrights

Centipede clan
Moshi Shugenja who preserve ancient traditions and keep mostly to themselves

Dragonfly clan
Tonbo Act as intermediaries between Dragon clan and the rest of Rokugan

Falcon clan
Toritaka Specialize in finding and defeating ghosts and other hostile spirits

Fox clan
Kitsune Noted for its scholarship, its knowledge of the medicinal properties of plants and the subtle magic of its shugenja

Hare clan
Usagi Devoted to finding and battling mahō tsukai

Mantis clan
Families Carry the names of the fleet/port on which they serve
of the fleet Control lucrative trade routes thanks to their position on the Islands of Silk and Spice

Sparrow clan
Suzume Noted storytellers who lead a lifestyle of honorable poverty

Tortoise clan
Kasuga Magistrates of Slow Tide Harbor
Preside over one of the most notorious havens for smugglers, criminals and gaijin in the Empire

Wasp clan
Ashinagabachi Boasts the finest archers in the Empire

Imperial families
Miya Acts as the dispassionate eyes and ears of the Imperials, noting and recording events affecting the Empire
Otomo Sow discord among the clans in order to prevent them from uniting and gaining influence
Seppun Protects the Emperor from physysical threat with the Honor Guard and spiritual threats with the Hidden Guard

Side 2 af 11
Male names
Akifumi Eijirō Heisuke Hisashi Kakuji Keiichi Kōdai Masakata
Akihiko Eiken Heizō Hisataka Kakutarō Keiichirō Kogo Masakatsu
Akihiro Eikichi Hide Hisateru Kamon Keiji Kogorō Masakazu
Akihisa Einosuke Hideaki Hisato Kanehira Keijirō Kōhei Masakichi
Akihito Eisaku Hideharu Hisatsugu Kanehiro Keiju Kōichi Masakoto
Akimasa Eisen Hidehiko Hisayasu Kanehisa Keiki Koichiro Masakuni
Akimitsu Eishun Hidehisa Hisayoshi Kanemaru Keinosuke Kōji Masamichi
Akinari Eisuke Hidehito Hisayuki Kanematsu Keishi Kojiro Masamitsu
Akinobu Eita Hideji Hitoshi Kanemoto Keisuke Kōki Masamori
Akinori Eitarō Hidekazu Hokuto Kanesuke Keita Kōkichi Masamoto
Akio Eizō Hideki Hozumi Kanetake Keizaburō Kōnosuke Masamune
Akisada Emon Hidemaro Ichiei Kaneto Keizō Korechika Masamura
Akitake Enji Hidemasa Ichirō Kanetsugu Ken Korekiyo Masanaga
Akito Etsuji Hidemi Ichizō Kaneyoshi Ken'ichi Kōrō Masanao
Akitomo Fujio Hidemitsu Iehira Kan'ichi Ken'ya Kosaburo Masanari
Akitoshi Fukashi Hidenobu Iehiro Kanji Kengo Kōsaku Masanobu
Akitsugu Fumiaki Hidenori Iehisa Kankuro Ken'ichirō Kōsei Masanori
Akiya Fumihiko Hideo Iemasa Kansuke Kenji Koshi Masanosuke
Akiyoshi Fumihiro Hideomi Iemon Kanta Kenjirō Kōshirō Masao
Akiyuki Fumihisa Hideshi Iesada Kantarō Kenki Koson Masaomi
Arashi Fuminori Hidetada Ikki Katsuaki Kenkichi Kōsuke Masaru
Arata Fumio Hidetaka Ikko Katsuhiko Kenrō Kōta Masasada
Arihiro Fumitaka Hideto Ikuo Katsuhiro Kensaku Kotaro Masashi
Arinaga Fumito Hidetoshi Ikurō Katsuhisa Kensei Kou Masashige
Arinobu Fumiya Hidetsugu Inasa Katsuhito Kenshi Kouki Masataka
Aritomo Fusanosuke Hideya Ippei Katsuji Kenshin Koya Masatake
Asahiko Fusao Hideyo Isami Katsuki Kensuke Kōyō Masatane
Asao Fusazane Hideyoshi Isamu Katsukiyo Kenta Kōzaburō Masateru
Asayama Futoshi Hideyuki Isao Katsumasa Kentarō Kōzō Masato
Atomu Fuyuki Hiro Issei Katsumoto Kento Kumatarō Masatomi
Atsuhiko Fuyukichi Hiroaki Isshō Katsunaga Ken'yū Kuniaki Masatomo
Atsuhiro Gaku Hirofumi Itaru Katsunari Kenzo Kunihiko Masatoshi
Atsuji Gakuto Hirohide Itsuo Katsunori Kesao Kunihiro Masatsugu
Atsuki Gen Hirohisa Itsurō Katsunosuke Kihachi Kunihisa Masatsune
Atsunobu Gen'ichi Hiroji Iwao Katsuo Kihachirō Kunimitsu Masaya
Atsuo Gen'ichirō Hirokatsu Jiichirō Katsushi Kihei Kunio Masayoshi
Atsushi Genjirō Hirokazu Jin Katsusuke Kiichi Kunishige Masayuki
Atsuto Genki Hiroki Jin'ichi Katsutarō Kiichirō Kunitake Masazumi
Atsuya Genta Hirokuni Jinpachi Katsuteru Kikuo Kuniyoshi Masujirō
Azuma Gentarō Hiromasa Jinzaburō Katsutomo Kimihiro Kuniyuki Masuo
Banri Genzō Hiromichi Jiro Katsutoshi Kimio Kuranosuke Masuzō
Bunji Giichi Hiromitsu Jirokichi Katsuya Kimitoshi Kusuo Matabei
Bunta Gin Hiromori Jo Katsuyoshi Kimiya Kyōgo Matsuchi
Bunzō Ginji Hiromoto Jōichirō Katsuyuki Kin'ichi Kyōhei Matsuki
Chikao Gō Hironari Joji Katsuzō Kin'ichirō Kyōichi Matsuo
Chikara Goichi Hironobu Jōkichi Kazuaki Kinji Kyōji Matsushige
Chikashi Goro Hironori Jōtarō Kazufumi Kinjirō Kyōsuke Michiaki
Chikayoshi Gota Hiroo Jūbei Kazuharu Kinsuke Kyukichi Michiharu
Chōbyō Hachirō Hirooki Jūkichi Kazuhiko Kintaro Mahiro Michihiko
Chōei Hakaru Hiroomi Jun'ichi Kazuhiro Kin'ya Mahito Michihiro
Choki Haruaki Hiroshi Jun'ichirō Kazuhisa Kisaburō Makio Michihisa
Chūichi Haruchika Hiroshige Junji Kazuhito Kisaku Makito Michinori
Chūjirō Haruhiko Hirotaka Junki Kazuki Kishio Mamoru Michio
Dai Haruhiro Hirotami Junnosuke Kazuma Kishō Manabu Michirō
Daichi Haruhisa Hiroto Junpei Kazumasa Kiyoaki Manato Michitaka
Daigo Haruki Hirotoki Junto Kazumichi Kiyofumi Manjirō Michitarō
Daihachi Harukichi Hirotomo Jun'ya Kazunari Kiyohide Mantarō Michiya
Daiji Harumitsu Hirotoshi Junzō Kazunori Kiyohiko Mareo Michiyoshi
Daijirō Harunobu Hirotsugu Jūshirō Kazuo Kiyohiro Masaaki Mikio
Daiju Harunori Hiroya Jūtarō Kazuoki Kiyoji Masabumi Mikito
Daiki Haruo Hiroyasu Jūzō Kazurō Kiyokazu Masachika Mikiya
Daikichi Harutaka Hiroyoshi Kagemori Kazushi Kiyomitsu Masafumi Mikuni
Dairoku Haruto Hiroyuki Kagenori Kazushige Kiyomoto Masaharu Mineichi
Daisaku Haruya Hisaharu Kagetaka Kazutaka Kiyonari Masahide Mineo
Daishi Haruyoshi Hisahito Kai Kazuto Kiyonori Masahiko Minoru
Daishin Hatsuo Hisaichi Kaichi Kazutoki Kiyoo Masahiro Mitsuaki
Daisuke Hayanari Hisaki Kaii Kazutoshi Kiyoshi Masahisa Mitsugi
Daizen Hayao Hisamitsu Kaiji Kazuya Kiyosue Masahito Mitsugu
Daizō Hayata Hisamoto Kaisei Kazuyasu Kiyotaka Masaichi Mitsuharu
Eiichi Hayato Hisanobu Kaito Kazuyoshi Kiyotake Masaie Mitsuhide
Eiichiro Heihachirō Hisanori Kakichi Kazuyuki Kiyoto Masaji Mitsuhiko
Eiji Heiichirō Hisao Kaku Keigo Kiyoyuki Masakage Mitsuhira

Side 3 af 11
Mitsuhiro Nagatoki Norikazu Sakutarō Shiro Tadahito Takenaga Tetta
Mitsuhisa Nagatomo Norimasa Sanji Shiryu Tadakatsu Takenaka Togo
Mitsumasa Nagayasu Norimichi Sankichi Shizuo Tadamasa Takenori Tōichi
Mitsumori Namio Norimoto Sanshiro Shō Tadami Takeo Tokihiko
Mitsunobu Nankichi Norio Satonari Shogo Tadamitsu Takerō Tokio
Mitsunori Naofumi Noritoshi Satoru Shōhei Tadamori Takeru Tokuji
Mitsuo Naoharu Noriyasu Satoshi Shōichi Tadanaga Takeshi Tokujirō
Mitsuomi Naohiko Noriyoshi Satsuo Shōichirō Tadanao Takeshirō Tokuo
Mitsushige Naohiro Noriyuki Sawao Shōji Tadanari Taketo Tokurō
Mitsusuke Naohisa Nozomu Seigen Shōjirō Tadanobu Taketora Tokutarō
Mitsutaka Naohito Okimoto Seigo Shōma Tadanori Taketoshi Tokuzō
Mitsutarō Naoji Osamu Seihō Shōsuke Tadao Takeya Tomiaki
Mitsuteru Naokatsu Otohiko Seiichi Shōta Tadaoki Takeyoshi Tomio
Mitsutoshi Naoki Raizo Seiichirō Shōtarō Tadashi Takeyuki Tomoaki
Mitsuyasu Naomasa Reiichi Seiji Shōya Tadataka Takezō Tomochika
Mitsuyo Naomichi Reiji Seijin Shōzō Tadateru Taku Tomoharu
Mitsuyoshi Naomori Reizō Seijirō Shu Tadatomo Takuji Tomohide
Mitsuyuki Naonobu Rentarō Seiki Shūgo Tadatoshi Takuma Tomohiko
Mitsuzō Naoshi Reo Seikichi Shūichi Tadatsugu Takumi Tomohiro
Mochiaki Naotaka Riichi Seimei Shūji Tadatsune Takumu Tomohisa
Mokichi Naotake Riki Seishi Shuko Tadayo Takuo Tomohito
Morihiko Naoto Rikichi Seishirō Shun Tadayoshi Takurō Tomoji
Morihiro Naoya Rikio Seitarō Shungo Tadayuki Takuto Tomokazu
Morikazu Naoyuki Rikiya Seiya Shun'ichi Taichi Takuya Tomoki
Morimasa Naozumi Rinshō Seizō Shun'ichirō Taichirō Takuzō Tomomichi
Morio Nariaki Risaburō Sendai Shunji Taiga Tamio Tomonaga
Morishige Nariakira Ritsuo Senkichi Shunki Taiichi Tamotsu Tomonobu
Moritaka Narihiro Rokurō Setsuji Shunkichi Taiji Tarō Tomonori
Moriyasu Naritaka Ryōga Setsuo Shunpei Taiki Tasuku Tomoo
Mosuke Nariyasu Ryōhei Setsurō Shunsaku Taisei Tateo Tomotaka
Motoaki Nariyuki Ryōichi Shichirō Shunsui Taishi Tatsuaki Tomoya
Motofumi Naruhisa Ryōji Shigeaki Shunsuke Taishin Tatsuhiko Tomoyasu
Motoharu Naruhito Ryōki Shigefumi Shunta Taisuke Tatsuhiro Tomoyoshi
Motohiko Naruki Ryōkichi Shigeharu Shuntarō Taiyō Tatsuhito Tomoyuki
Motohira Naruyuki Ryōma Shigehiro Shun'ya Taizō Tatsuji Torahiko
Motohiro Natsuhiko Ryōsei Shigehisa Shunzō Taka Tatsuma Toranosuke
Motoichi Noboru Ryōsuke Shigekazu Shūsaku Takaaki Tatsumi Toru
Motojirō Nobuaki Ryōta Shigeki Shūsuke Takafumi Tatsunori Toshi
Motokazu Nobuatsu Ryōtarō Shigemasa Shūta Takaharu Tatsunosuke Toshiaki
Motoki Nobuharu Ryōya Shigematsu Shuto Takahide Tatsuo Toshiei
Motomu Nobuhiko Ryōzō Shigemi Shūhei Takahiko Tatsurō Toshifumi
Motonobu Nobuhiro Ryu Shigemitsu Shuya Takahira Tatsushi Toshiharu
Motoo Nobuhisa Ryūga Shigemori Shūzō Takahiro Tatsuya Toshihide
Motoshi Nobuhito Ryūhei Shigemoto Sō Takahisa Tatsuyoshi Toshihiko
Motoshige Nobukatsu Ryūichi Shigenaga Sōgen Takahito Tatsuyuki Toshihiro
Motosuke Nobukazu Ryūji Shigenobu Sōichi Takaji Tatsuzō Toshihisa
Mototada Nobuki Ryūjirō Shigenori Sōichirō Takakazu Teiichi Toshihito
Mototsugu Nobumasa Ryūki Shigeo Sōji Takaki Teiji Toshiji
Motoyasu Nobumitsu Ryūma Shigeru Sōma Takamasa Teijirō Toshikatsu
Motoyoshi Nobumoto Ryūnosuke Shigetada Sōnosuke Takamitsu Teiko Toshikazu
Motoyuki Nobunaga Ryūsaku Shigetaka Sōsuke Takamori Teizō Toshiki
Motozane Nobunao Ryūsei Shigeto Sota Takanao Teppei Toshimasa
Mukuro Nobunari Ryūshi Shigetoshi Sōtarō Takanobu Teruaki Toshimichi
Munehiro Nobuo Ryūsuke Shigetsugu Suehiro Takanori Teruhiko Toshimitsu
Munehisa Nobusada Ryūta Shigeyasu Suenaga Takao Teruhisa Toshinaga
Munemori Nobusuke Ryūtarō Shigeyoshi Suguru Takashi Teruichi Toshinao
Munenobu Nobutada Ryūya Shigeyuki Sukehiro Takasuke Teruki Toshinari
Munenori Nobutaka Ryūzō Shikō Sukemasa Takatō Terumasa Toshinobu
Muneo Nobuteru Saburō Shin Sukenobu Takatomi Terunobu Toshinori
Muneshige Nobutoki Sachihiko Shingo Suketoshi Takatoshi Teruo Toshio
Munetaka Nobutomo Sachio Shin'ichi Suketsugu Takatsugu Teruyasu Toshirō
Munetoki Nobutoshi Sadaaki Shin'ichirō Sukeyuki Takauji Teruyoshi Toshitada
Munetoshi Nobutsuna Sadaharu Shinji Sumihiro Takaya Teruyuki Toshitaka
Muneyoshi Nobuyasu Sadahiko Shinjirō Sumimoto Takayasu Tetsu Toshitsugu
Murashige Nobuyoshi Sadahiro Shinjō Sumio Takayoshi Tetsuharu Toshiya
Musashi Nobuyuki Sadakatsu Shinkichi Sumiyoshi Takayuki Tetsuhiro Toshiyasu
Mutsuhiko Nobuzane Sadakazu Shinnosuke Sunao Takeaki Tetsuji Toshiyoshi
Mutsuki Noriaki Sadanaga Shinpachi Susumu Takefumi Tetsumasa Toshiyuki
Mutsuo Norifumi Sadao Shinpei Sutemi Takeharu Tetsunosuke Toshizō
Nagaharu Norifusa Sadatoshi Shinsaku Tadaaki Takehiko Tetsuo Toya
Nagahide Norihide Sadayoshi Shinsuke Tadachika Takehiro Tetsurō Toyoaki
Nagamasa Norihiko Sadayuki Shinta Tadafumi Takehisa Tetsushi Toyohiko
Nagamichi Norihiro Sadazane Shintarō Tadaharu Takehito Tetsutarō Toyokazu
Naganao Norihisa Saiichi Shinya Tadahiko Takeichi Tetsuya Toyoki
Naganori Norihito Sakichi Shinzō Tadahiro Takejirō Tetsuzō Toyomatsu

Side 4 af 11
Toyoshige Umanosuke Yasumi Yōichi Yoshikane Yoshisuke Yūichirō Yūshi
Toyotarō Umeji Yasumichi Yōichirō Yoshikatsu Yoshitaka Yūji Yūsuke
Toyozō Uryū Yasunari Yōji Yoshikazu Yoshitake Yūjirō Yūta
Tsugio Wataru Yasunobu Yōjirō Yoshiki Yoshitarō Yūkichi Yutaka
Tsugumasa Yahiko Yasunori Yorimitsu Yoshikiyo Yoshiteru Yukiharu Yūtarō
Tsugumichi Yahiro Yasuo Yorinobu Yoshikuni Yoshito Yukihiko Yūto
Tsugutoshi Yamato Yasuomi Yorishige Yoshimasa Yoshitomo Yukihiro Yūya
Tsuneharu Yanosuke Yasurō Yoritaka Yoshimatsu Yoshitsugu Yukimasa Yūzō
Tsunehiko Yashiro Yasushi Yoritsugu Yoshimichi Yoshiya Yukimura Yuzuru
Tsunehisa Yasuaki Yasutaka Yoritsune Yoshimitsu Yoshiyasu Yukinobu Zenji
Tsunejirō Yasufumi Yasutake Yoriyuki Yoshimori Yoshiyuki Yukinori Zenjirō
Tsunekazu Yasuharu Yasutarō Yoshi Yoshimoto Yoshizumi Yukio Zenkichi
Tsunemi Yasuhide Yasutomo Yoshiaki Yoshinaga Yōsuke Yukishige Zentarō
Tsunenobu Yasuhiko Yasutoshi Yoshifumi Yoshinao Yōta Yukitaka Zenzō
Tsunenori Yasuhiro Yasuyoshi Yoshiharu Yoshinari Yōzō Yukito
Tsuneo Yasuhisa Yasuyuki Yoshihide Yoshinobu Yūdai Yukitoshi
Tsuneyoshi Yasuji Yatarō Yoshihiko Yoshinori Yugi Yukiya
Tsuneyuki Yasujirō Yawara Yoshihiro Yoshio Yugo Yukiyoshi
Tsutomu Yasukazu Yō Yoshihisa Yoshirō Yūhei Yuma
Tsutsumi Yasuki Yōhei Yoshihito Yoshisada Yuhi Yūsaku
Tsuyoshi Yasumasa Yoichi Yoshiie Yoshishige Yuichi Yūsei

Side 5 af 11
Female names
Ai Chitose Hisae Kotoe Miki Nao Sakura Tokuko
Aika Chiya Hisako Kotomi Mikiko Naoko Sakurako Tomie
Aiko Chiyako Hisayo Kotono Miku Narumi Sanae Tomiko
Aimi Chiyo Hitomi Kotori Mikuru Natsue Saori Tomoka
Aina Chiyoko Honami Kou Mimori Natsuko Sari Tomoko
Airi Chizuko Honoka Kozue Mina Natsume Satoko Tomoyo
Akane Chizuru Ichiko Kumi Minae Natsumi Satomi Toshiko
Akari Eiko Ikue Kumiko Minako Noa Sawa Toyoko
Akemi Eimi Ikuko Kuniko Minami Nobue Sawako Tsukiko
Akeno Emi Ikumi Kurenai Mineko Nobuko Saya Tsuneko
Aki Emika Ikuyo Kuriko Mio Nodoka Sayaka Tsuru
Akie Emiko Io Kyoko Miori Nonoka Sayako Umeko
Akiko Emiri Itsuko Maaya Mira Noriko Sayo Uta
Akina Eri Itsumi Machi Misaki Noriyo Sayoko Waka
Akiyo Erika Jitsuko Machiko Misako Nozomi Sayumi Wakako
Amane Eriko Junko Madoka Misato Omi Sayuri Wakana
Ami Erina Juri Maho Misumi Otoha Seiko Yae
Anzu Etsuko Kaguya Mai Misuzu Otome Setsuko Yaeko
Aoi Fujie Kaho Maki Mitsuki Ran Shigeko Yasue
Ariko Fujiko Kahori Makiko Mitsuko Ranko Shiho Yasuko
Arisa Fūka Kahoru Mami Mitsuyo Reika Shihori Yayoi
Asako Fukumi Kana Mamiko Miu Reiko Shiina Yoko
Asami Fumi Kanae Mana Miwa Reina Shimako Yoriko
Asuka Fumie Kanako Manaka Miwako Rena Shinako Yoshiko
Asumi Fumika Kanami Manami Miya Reona Shino Yoshino
Asuna Fumiko Kanna Mao Miyabi Rie Shiori Yui
Atsuko Fumino Kanoko Mari Miyako Rieko Shizue Yuika
Atsumi Fumiyo Kaori Marie Miyo Riho Shizuko Yuiko
Aya Fusako Kaoruko Marika Miyoko Rika Shizuru Yuka
Ayaka Futaba Karen Mariko Miyoshi Rikako Shōko Yukako
Ayako Fuyuko Karin Marina Miyu Riko Shuko Yukari
Ayame Fuyumi Kasumi Masae Miyū Rina Sonoko Yukie
Ayami Hana Katsuko Masako Miyuki Rino Sugako Yukika
Ayana Hanae Kawai Masayo Miyumi Rio Sumie Yukiko
Ayane Hanako Kaya Matsuko Mizue Risa Sumika Yukina
Ayano Harue Kayoko Mayako Mizuko Risako Sumiko Yukino
Ayu Haruhi Kazue Mayo Moe Ritsuko Sumire Yūko
Ayuka Haruko Kazuha Mayu Moeka Rumi Suzue Yumeko
Ayuko Haruna Kazuko Mayuka Moeko Rumiko Suzuka Yumi
Ayumi Haruno Kazusa Mayuko Momo Runa Suzuko Yumie
Azumi Haruyo Kazuyo Mayumi Momoe Ruri Taeko Yumika
Azusa Hasumi Keiki Megu Momoka Ruriko Takako Yumiko
Chidori Hatsue Keiko Megumi Momoko Ryōka Takayo Yuri
Chie Hatsumi Kiho Mei Motoko Ryoko Takeko Yuria
Chieko Hideko Kiko Meiko Mutsuko Sachi Tamako Yurie
Chiemi Hidemi Kikue Meisa Mutsumi Sachie Tamami Yurika
Chigusa Himawari Kikuko Michiko Nagako Sachiko Tamao Yuriko
Chiharu Himeko Kimi Mie Naho Sadako Tamayo Yurina
Chiho Hina Kimiko Mieko Nako Sae Tamiko Yuumi
Chika Hinako Kinuko Miharu Nami Saeko Tatsuko Yuuna
Chikage Hiroe Kira Miho Nana Saiko Tazuko
Chikako Hiroka Kiyoko Mihoko Nanae Saki Teiko
Chinami Hiroko Koharu Miiko Nanako Sakie Teruko
Chinatsu Hiroyo Komako Mika Nanami Sakiko Terumi
Chisato Hisa Konomi Mikako Nanase Saku Tokiko

Side 6 af 11
Value Examples
100 The ruling Emperor
90-99 The Imperial Spouse, the Voice of the Emperor, the Emperor´s children, daimyo of the Imperial families, the Emerald
Champion, the Jade Champion, the Imperial Advisor, the Imperial Chancellor
80-89 Great Clan Champion
70-79 Minor Clan Champion, the Imperial Herald, the Imperial Treasurer, a Great Clan family daimyo, a great general
60-69 A hatamoto, a provincial governor, a commander of multiple companies
50-59 A city governor, a captain of a military company, a vassal family daimyō
40-49 Darō, Emerald/Jade Magistrate, revered sensei, clan magistrate, lieutenant
30-39 Abbot of the Brotherhood, average Great Clan samurai
25-29 Average Minor Clan or vassal family samurai, monk of the Brotherhood
20-24 Village officer, disgraced samurai, rōnin
10-19 Ashigaru, artisan, laborer
1-9 Merchant, bandit
0 Burakumin, one outside the Celestial Order


Office of the Emerald Champion Oversees enforment of Imperial laws
Office of the Ruby Champion Oversees traing of new Emerald Magistrates and maintains the scrolls codifying Imperial law
Office of the Jade Champion Oversees enforcement of Imperial Laws against heresy and sorcery
The Imperial Legions The Emperor´s armies, fielding warriors from all clans
The Imperial Treasury Oversees collection of Imperial taxes
The Imperial Census Bureau Oversees collection of demographic information
The Imperial Cartographers Oversees archives of Imperial maps
Office of the Imperial Household Oversees servants in the Imperial palace, as well as the Seppun Honor Guard (responsible for
the physical safety of the imperial family) and Seppun Hidden Guard (responsible for the
spiritual safety of the imperial family)


Advisor Duties including general counsel and strategy
Captain of the Guard Oversees security of an area and aasigns bodyguards
Chancellor The lord´s chief courtier, responsible for receiving dignitaries
Court Astrologer Responsible for auguries and divinatory rites
General Oversses the lord´s military forces, recruitment and equipment
Hatamoto A daimyō´s personal retainer
Herald Oversees the lord´s communications with other samurai and clans
Magistrate Oversees law enforcement and the judiciary in a town, city or province
May have deputies called yoriki
Seneschal or Steward Oversees the household staff and castle upkeep
Spiritual Advisor A font of knowledge related to local spirits of the Tao
Stable Master Oversees the lord´s horses, stablehands and stables

Side 7 af 11
Descripition Social Skill Check Common Way of
TN Modifiers Unmasking
Adaptable Quickly puts themselves into new situations Fire +2 Bend principles
Earth -2
Ambitious Pursues power whenever possible and is extremely resistant to Fire +2 Bend Principles
giving it up Water -2
Angry Quick to anger and hard to control Fire +2 Rage
Air -2
Arrogant Convinced of their own power and might, which sometimes lead Fire +2 Expose an opening
to their downfall Water -2
Assertive Used to being in charge and does not like being ordered around Earth +2 Rage
Air -2
Beguiling Attempts to charm everyone in order to strike when they let their Air +2 Panicked retreat
guard down Earth -2
Capricious Seems to always do the thing you least expect them to do Air +2 Honor´s challenge
Earth -2
Cautious Always explores every option before making adecision Air +2 Bend principles
Earth -2
Calculating Tryes thinking trough every possibility before making a decision Fire +1 Inappropiate
Earth -1 outburst
Clever Able to think their way out of most situations Air +2 Bend Principles
Earth -2
Courageous Do not hesitate to overcome their fear and act correctly, no Air +2 Inappropiate
matter the consequences Earth -2 outburst
Covetous Relentlessly pursue whatever they desire at any moment Earth +2 Rage
Air -2
Cowardly Will flee from any confæict at the first sign of defeat Earth +2 Panicked retreat
Air -2
Curious Always on the lookout to obtain new information Void +2 Expose an opening
Water -2
Detached Extremely meditative, spiritual, enlightened or simply uninterred Earth +1 Expose an opening
in others Fire +1
Void -2
Enraged Blinded by constant feeling of rage Air +1 Expose an opening
Fire -2
Feral Driven purely by primal instincts Air +2 Panicked retreat
Fire -2
Fierce Rushes towards battle witout a second thought Fire +2 Expose an opening
Earth -2
Flighty Prepares a plan of escape before any conflict Air +2 Panicked retreat
Fire -2
Friendly Open and trusting of new acquaintances Fire +1 Expose an opening
Earth -2
Water -2
Gruff Little tolerance for frivolity, niceties or trickery Water +2 Inappropiate
Earth -2 outburst
Hungry Guided by nothing but the need for sustenance Fire +2 Expose an opening
Air -2
Intense Hyperfocused on whatever they engange in Air +2 Panicked retreat
Water -2
Intimidating Attempts to battle through any conflict with brute force Fire +2 Inappropiate
Air -2 outburst
Loyal Will defend those they respect and care about at any cost Air +1 Bend principles
Earth -2
Fire -2
Near feral Just barely able to keep their carnal urges in check Air +1 Rage
Fire -1
Obstinate Doesn´t change their minds easily once it has been made up Water +2 Panicked retreat
Air -2
Opportunistic Uses any chance to enhance their own agenda Water +2 Bend principles
Fire -2
Playful Doesn´t take many things seriously Earth +2 Expose an opening
Water -2
Proud Will defend their on if ever challenged in any way Fire +2 Honor´s challenge
Earth -2
Shrewd Used to being around powerful people ans tend to avoid direct Air +2 Panicked retreat
conflict Fire -2
Skittish Generally avoids any unnecessary conflict if possible Fire +2 Panicked retreat
Earth -2

Side 8 af 11
Conflict rank Ring Skills Advantages Disadvantages Techniques Demeanor
Artist +2 Intrigue +1 Fire +2 Artisan (add/replace 0-2) (add/replace 0-2) (add 0-3) (replace 1)
+2 Social - Eye for detail (Air) - Cantankerous (Water) - Shūji - Detached
- Renown (Fire) - Naiveté (Fire) - Gruff
- Steady hand (Earth) - World-weariness (Earth) - Shrewd
Investigato +2 Combat +1 Air +1 Martial (add/replace 0-2) (add/replace 0-2) (add 0-2) (replace 1)
r +2 Intrigue +1 Scholar - Analytical mind (Fire) - Disbeliever (Fire) - Kata - Gruff
- Self-awareness (Void) - Haughty tone (Air) - Shūji - Shrewd
- Sharp eyes (Water) - Severe allergies (Earth)
Sage +1 Combat +1 Earth +1 Scholar (add/replace 0-2) (add/replace 0-2) (add 0-2) (replace 1)
+2 Intrigue +1 Trade - Forbiddden knowledge [mahō] (Fire) - Bitter marriage (Water) - Mahō - Detached
- Exact memory (Earth) - Know-it-all (Air) - Shūji - Shrewd
- Well-read (Fire) - Frailty (Earth)
Socialite +2 Intrigue +1 Water +2 Social (add/replace 0-2) (add/replace 0-2) (add 0-3) (replace 1)
+2 Trade - Well-spoken (Air) - Doomed love (Fire) - Shūji - Assertive
- Prim (Earth) - Lack of empathy (Air) - Shrewd
- Seems trustworthy (Water) - Bad eyesight (Water)
Spiritualist +1 Combat +1 Void +1 Artisan (add/replace 0-2) (add/replace 0-2) (add 0-2) (replace 1)
+1 Intrigue +1 Scholar - Partial enlightenment (Void) - Poverty (Water) - Invocations - Assertive
- Keen empathy (Air) - Fanaticism (Fire) - Kihō - Detached
- Friendly Kami or spirit (Fire/Earth/Air/Water) - Repressed (Fire)
Tainted +2 Combat +1 Earth +1 Martial (add/replace 0-2) (add/replace 1-2) - (replace 1)
- 1 Social - Accepts the end (Void) - Shadowlands taint (any) - Assertive
- Knows the enemy (Earth) - Detached
- Veteran of the Shadowlands (Water) (add/replace 0-2) - Gruff
- Quick to rage (Air)
- Distrust of Kuni (Water)
Trickster +1 Combat +1 Air +1 Social (add/replace 0-2) (add/replace 0-2) (add 0-2) (replace 1)
+2 Intrigue +1 Scholar - Excellent liar (Air) - Fear of failure (Fire) - Ninjutsu - Ambitious
- Patience (Earth) - Narcissism (Earth) - Shūji - Shrewd
- Loves Haggling (Water) - Unmemorable face (Air)
Warrior +2 Combat +1 Fire +2 Martial (add/replace 0-2) (add/replace 0-2) (add 0-2) (replace 1)
+1 Intrigue +2 Social - Masterful fighter (Earth) - Bad dreams (Void) - Kata - Assertive
- Fearsome presence (Fire) - Quick to anger (Fire) - Gruff
- Veteran´s instincts (Water) - Shattered by war (Earth)

Side 9 af 11
A squad consists of 2+ NPCs with the same name and profile SILHOUTTE EXAMPLES
Value Examples
Initiative They generate a single initiative value and 0 Cats, small dogs, handheld objects
take their turns in any order GM chooses 1 Children, large dogs, goblins
Group Actions If the number of rolls have to be reduced, 2 Adult humans, ningyo, tengu
have all members but 1 assist the last one 3 Horses, naga, rakshasa, trolls
(No more than 6 NPCs in a squad) 4 Elephants, ogres
Group Stances All members assume the same stance 5 Dragons
each round
Group Assign squad a shared composure value X
Composure 3 of an individual members composure

Concerns Informed by the position they hold ans comprise the duties for which they are responsible
Complications The typical things that conspire to make a lord´s duties more difficult toi achieve
Retinue and servants The resources they have available to solve their problems
Agendas The thing that they´ll pursue if left to their own devices
Qualities Includes their demeanor, passions, anxieties, distinctions, adversities and appearance; what they look like,
dress like, sound like

Sample lords
Concerns Complications Retinue and servants
Ministers and - Upholding laws and norms - Expectations from superiors - Counterparts overseeing related
Governors - Overseeing rites and ceremonies - Unclear divisions of power spheres
- Investigating lawbreakers and - Unclear chains of command - Deputy ministers
heretics - Rivals for promotions - Secretaries
- Overseeing development projects - Rivals of intent - Shrine keepers
- Ensuring stability and productivity - Scandals and cover-ups - Monks
- Lack of resources - Apprentices
- Changing laws - Bodyguards
- Household members
- Household servants
Provincial and - Collecting taxes from citizenry and - Environmental issues and - City governors
Family Daimyō governors disease - Clan magistrates
- Ensuring security - Interests of neighboring - Ministers
- Cultivating and developing the land provincial lords
- Levying armies - Peasant revolts
- Overseeing the sensei of the clan - Competing interests of
schools neighboring families and clans
- Cultivating heirs - Incompetent subordinates
- Approving interfamily and interclan - Meddling family members
marriages - Imperial ordinances

Side 10 af 11
Description Conflict rank bonus Restrictions First rank Additional ranks

Bony Carapace The oni is covered in thick hide, bony +2 Combat rank Cannot be selected +2 Physical resistance +1 Physical resistance per
carapace or some other form of natural with Serpentine +1 Supernatural resistance additional rank
armor Speed
Captivating Voice The oni speaks with honeyed voices, +2 Intrigue rank - Scheme action, Social (Fire) check, TN = target´s vigilance, to influence the -1 TN to check, per additional rank
giving them the ability to cajole and mind of a listener. purchased (min. 0)
coerce even stalwart samurai with If successful, target suffers 1 strife + 1 per 2 bonus success.
their words If the oni is aware of target´s ninjō, add 4 bonus successes.
A character who becomes Compromised in this manner must spend 1 void point
or unmask immediately
Dark Puppet The oni is able to act as if it is many in +2 Combat rank - Once per scene, the oni may perform an extra action at Initiative 0. The oni may use this power 1
number, striking through its shadow or +2 Intrigue rank additional time per scene (only
another proxy. once per rorund).
Foul Separation Some oni are able to tear out their own +1 Combat rank - The oni is able to remove 1 body part (eye, hand, tongue) and reattach it freely. Second rank:
limbs and organs to serve as puppets +1 Intrigue rank -5 endurance and -1 for each ring while the body part remains separate. Choose 1 additional body part that
for their will, alloeing them to see, act the oni can split off
or speak at a distance
The body part then acts separately from the oni, possessed by the oni´s sense
andirecte by its will.
It is destroyed if hit by a critical strike, though the oni may regrow it over a
Human Mask The most cunning of oni sometimes +4 Intrigue rank - Scheme action, an oni may while unseen by others ininiate this illusion to change -
treasnform themselves into human its apparent nature. It appears as a normal, unafflicted silhouette 2 human.
guise, Characters may see through this illusion with TN 4 Medicine (Air) or Theology
They are often able to fool the unwary, (Earth) check (-1 TN if outside the Shadowlands).
though closer scrutiny often reveals The oni may dismiss the illusion as a Support action and does so befor engaging
the truth. in combat
Illusion Master Some oni have learned vile magics +3 Combat rank - Support action, the oni able to create an illusion up to a total size of silhouette 8 -
that can deceive the senses and mind +3 Intrigue rank (ex. 2 ogres).
into perceiving that which is not there. The illusion is revealed as false if touched and its effect ends if it is brought into
contact with jade.
Characters may see through the illusion with TN 3 (Appropiate skill + ring)
Obsidian Jaws Massive jaws dilled with teeth of +4 Combat rank - The oni gain the unarmed attack profile: After inflicting a critical strike
obsidian shards using this profile, oni removes 2
fatigue per additional rank
Obsidian Bite: purchased
RNG 0, DMG 4, DLS 8 [Razor-Edged, Unholy]
Scent of Weakness The oni is able to the hidden +3 Intrigue rank - Scheme action, Social (Air) check targeting 1 character in the scene, TN = target -1 TN to check, per additional rank
weaknesses and secret desires of a ´s vigilance. purchased (min. 0)
smurai´s heart. If successful, the oni learns the targets ninjō, including contextual details.

Characters whose secrets have been exposed inthis way have no way of knowing
the extent of has been learned.
Serpentine Speed Oni with this power are preternaturally + 2 Combat rank Cannot be selected +2 focus +2 focus per additional rank
swift, capable of reacting and moving with Bony Carapace -1 TN of Fitness checks (min. 0)
with blinding speed.
Shadowlands Venom The oni´s weapons or attacks carry the +4 Combat rank - After inflicting Bleeding on a target, target also becomes Lightly Wounded on 1 +1 TN to resist critical strikes from
threat of deadly venom, smeared on ring of oni´s choice oni, per additional rank purchased
weapon or injected by its claws or bite.
Tainted Sorcery Cowing the kansen into submission or +5 Combat rank - Oni gains 1-3 mahō techniques. The oni may be given 2 additional
drawing on the power of Jigoku +5 Intrigue rank When using these, the oni never suffers spiritual backlash, nor does it take mahō, per additional rank
instead of enticing the corrupted spirits damage for channeling them. purchased
with blood offerings.
All of the oni´s rings count as having the Shadowlands Taint disadvantage.
Side 11 af 11
Side 12 af 11

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