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Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Metro, Metro Indonesia 3411

Abstract: The objective of the research is to examine whether there is a significant influence of
listening song towards students’ pronunciation ability at the eleventh grade students
of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Metro. The method applied in this research was an
experimental study. It was conducted at the eleventh grade students of SMA
Muhammadiyah 2 Metro which contains two classes. The Sample is XI IPA chosen
by using cluster random sampling. The data were analyzed by using independent T
test (SPSS 17). Based on the data analysis, there is a research finding that can be
drawn as “there is a significant influence of listening toward students’
pronunciation ability. Listening song can give a positive effect toward students’
pronunciation ability.

Keywords: listening song; pronunciation ability

INTRODUCTION vocabulary (BP3NPK, 2006: 3).

Moreover, based on the scope of teaching
Pronunciation is an organized sound; and learning English for SMA, one of the
obviously, it is very different form written supporting competences of English lesson
language. It is the spoken form of the is linguistic competence, and one of the
language and it is the way to pronounce linguistic competences is pronunciation in
the sound of the language. Pronunciation the form of using English phonology,
teaching is a prominent factor in foreign besides grammar, vocabulary and
language teaching. It is the basic skill for grammar of writing. (Depdiknas:
student before they speak. Bowen 2006:308). Due to that competence, in a
(1980:8) sates that student who sense the students are expected to
pronounces and speaks nearly native like understand the sound of English. Since the
can be said as successful student in flourishing of a curriculum is determined
mastering a second language. So the way by the accomplishment in applying of all
to mastery a second language, we must be the aspect of curriculum, and since
able to pronounce and speak well. In pronunciation mainly concern with
addition, Hismanglu (2006:102) states phonology and pronunciation is one of the
sounds play an important role in aspects of KTSP of English for SMA,
communication; foreign language teachers thus, pronunciation, especially English
must attribute proper importance to phonology is quiet important to be learn
teaching pronunciation in their classes. by the students of SMA.
Inside KTSP of English (School Based Learning how to pronounce a foreign
Curriculum) for SMA that is in the language like a native speaker is difficult
process of teaching and learning English, but not impossible. The better your
the English pronunciation must be taught pronunciation, the better people will
to the students, because it is one of class understand you and the easier you will
evaluation aspects of the students find it to understand them. Because that,
performances besides grammar and teaching pronunciation is vital in learning

195 ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013

English and English teacher have to four language skill, they are listening,
teaching pronunciation for their students. speaking, reading and writing. The basic
skill in learning English is listening, so the
The fact above is contrast with the learner should listen first then continue to
condition at many schools. Pronunciation the next skills. Therefore the researcher
is one of teaching which is often neglected will try to teaching pronunciation by
(Tennant: 2007). Many English teachers listening.
avoid teaching pronunciation, not because In addition, Harmer (1998: 98) stated that
it is not necessary, but because they have “Listening to appropriate tapes provides
little or no information on the subject. such exposure and students get vital
Many teachers begin English information not only about grammar and
pronunciation practice as they introduce vocabulary but also about pronunciation,
vocabulary. And this way many textbooks rhythm, intonation, pitch and stress”.
advise to teach pronunciation. Moreover, Harmer (2007: 302) said that
listening help to improve students’
The writer assumed that many problems in
pronunciation ability. In other words, the
learning English especially in learning
purpose of teaching listening is making
pronunciation. Further, the researcher
the students to be able to pronounce words
does investigation and survey to the
and recognize words through the sound
research subject. The interviews done by
and pattern, and listening can improve
the researcher toward teacher and some
students’ pronunciation ability. In short,
student of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Metro,
we can build students’ pronunciation by
and fined that the teacher seldom thought
listening activities. From listening
pronunciation and used lack variant
activities the student will hear the sound
technique and method in instruction of
of native speaker and they will listen how
pronunciation. She begun English
the word pronounced correctly by the
pronunciation practice as they introduced
native speaker. It will give positive effect
vocabulary and gave the example how to
for students’ pronunciation.
pronounce word correctly and she thought
pronunciation when teaching listening.
The teacher should be able to create an
Listening material is about short
interesting technique or method to get the
conversation and base on the textbook.
best result in instruction and to avoid the
The researcher find students’
bored students when they learn English.
pronunciation ability is poor, because the
English teacher should prepare the
teaching pronunciation in that school was
material well that consist native speakers
neglected. Therefore when the students
sounds and when it is necessary they can
were asked to pronounce words such as;
use any media that appropriate with the
women, heart, Image, realize, picture,
objective of instruction.
most of them cannot pronounce it
In view of the phenomena above, the
researcher tries to apply teaching listening
Brown in Zhang Ge (2009: 9) points out
through song to improve students’ English
that for almost six decades of research and
pronunciation. The researcher chooses
practice in English, language instructional
English song to teach listening because
has identified the “four skills”-listening,
songs almost always contain native
speaking, reading and writing-as of
speaker voice, it can be used as an
paramount importance. And in our
example how to pronounce a word. The
curriculum, English instructional is
most important every people love
focused on the mastery learning of the

ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013 196

listening song. Stannard ( ability with title as follow; “The Influence
state that song help improve students’ of Listening Song toward Students
pronunciation. Moreover, Lynch Pronunciation Ability at the Eleventh
( said that students think grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 2
songs are natural and fun. Metro”

Researcher reads a book by Puasa (2008)

with title Teaching English through Pop REVIEW OF RELATED TO
Songs. He provides many choices to LITERATURE
instructional English with songs. So the According to Hornby in Agustinami
researcher will try to teach listening (2006) a pronunciation is the way in
through song based on that theory and which a language is spoken, or a way in
book. These are only some of many which a word is pronounced. O’Connor
reasons songs are useful in the language (1980: 2) defines pronunciation as the way
learning classroom. The Most important in which a language is spoken. It is a
songs consist of native speaker sounds production of phonemes, which is of
which will be learned by student for their accurate standard for a certain group of
pronunciation. people. Moreover, O’Cornnor (1980: 1)
state that pronunciation is organized
Therefore, the researcher assumes sounds that are obviously very different
teaching listening through song will be from written language. Based on the
positive effect for student pronunciation statements above, the writer can conclude
ability at the second year of SMU that pronunciation is the way in which the
Muhammadiyah 2 Metro. The researcher words are pronounced, so how the words
chooses this SMA because this school are pronounced can be said pronunciation.
hasn’t language laboratory, as we know
listening will run well when it does in Pronunciation consists of organized
language laboratory. So with limited sounds that are produced by their air that
facilities, the writer will try to give gets through the organ of articulation. The
alternative media to teach listening as an organ of speech that produces the sound
input for students’ pronunciation, and base will determine the sound whether it is
on the researcher’s observation fined that clear, right and understandable.
the teacher avoids teaching pronunciation; Furthermore, in the American Dollege
she seldom gives a modeling how to Dictionary cited in Agustinami (2006)
pronounce the English sounds right, and pronunciation is defined as “the act or the
students’ pronunciation ability is poor. result of producing the sounds of speech,
They find difficulties to distinguish including articulation, vowel formation,
between the English sounds. To help accent, inflection and intonation, often
students’ pronunciation better, the writer with reference to the correctness or
will try to teach listening through song acceptability of the speech sounds.” In
and analyze the influence of teaching summary, Pronunciation is the way in
listening song toward students’ which we pronounce a word. Therefore,
pronunciation ability. the teacher has to emphasize all the
elements of the sound system in teaching
From the background above, the writer pronunciation; the individual vowels,
will conduct a research to know is consonants and semivowels.
teaching listening through song have a Pronunciation is one of speaking
positive effect in students’ pronunciation aspects that sometimes thwarts people to

197 ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013

make a good communication foreign They can be simple or long. They can be
language. As Thanasoulas (2004) asserts in the form of sentences or just a word,
that pronunciation is paramount of even a syllable.
importance of all, since successful Almost everyone loves music and song..
communication using language cannot Song becomes alternative technique to try
take a place without correct pronunciation. making students interest with the
In other words, a successful listening. Many researchers researches
communication by using language could songs in instructional learning, because
not be achieved if the pronunciation is the influence of song to students is interest
correct. This reason that make and many students like singing or
pronunciation is important for students to listening a songs. Murphey in Byung-Bin
mastery their second language. & Ji-Sun (2001) said the important of
music and song in language learning:
Witnessing the importance of 1) Songs precede the human language
pronunciation, the Department of National development;
Education puts pronunciation in this case 2) Songs plays a significant role in the
English pronunciation as one of class language development of children;
evaluation pouts in KTSP (Education Unit 3) Songs fulfill the man’s emotional
Level Curriculum/ School Based desire;
Curriculum) of SMA (Depdiknas 4) Songs strengthen short and long-term
BP3NPK, 2006:3). Moreover, in the memory capacity;
KTSP one of the linguistic supporting 5) Singing activities are concerned with
competences in English lesson scope of Piaget’s egocentric language and
SMA is English phonology. In other Chomsky’s language acquisition
words, learning English pronunciation device;
especially English phonology is an 6) Songs have high emotional and
obligation for the students of SMA in motivational effects because of being
Indonesia (Depdiknas, 2006:308). simple and repeated conversational
language; and
Learning English pronunciation means 7) Songs help listeners relax and keep
learning English sound, where sound of their interest alive
English is mainly formed by consonant
and vowel. Moreover, there are three In addition, Lynch (in
kinds of segmental phonemes: vowels, tells some reason use songs to teach
consonants, and diphthongs. Each of three English as a foreign language in the
segments is described in more detailed in classroom include the following:
the following points. 1) Songs almost always contain
Doren in Nursyam (2003) states that song authentic, natural language
is a short musical work set to a poetic text, 2) A variety of new vocabulary can be
with equal importance given to the music introduced to students through songs
and the words. It may be written for one 3) Songs are usually very easily
or several voices and generally performed obtainable
with instrumental accompaniment. 4) Songs can be selected to suit the needs
Redlich in Nursyam (2003) adds that song and interest of the students
is short composition usually for one voice 5) Grammar and cultural aspects can be
based on lyric or poem. From this introduced through songs
statement, song consists of lyrics or poetic 6) Time length is easily controlled
text. The lyrics and the text are various.

ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013 198

7) Students can experience a wide range are objectionable in some way making
of accents the song unusable.
8) Song lyrics can be used in relating to 2) Songs must have clear and
situations of the world around us understandable lyrics. Nothing is
9) Students think songs are natural and worse than a song almost nobody can
fun understand. If you have trouble
understanding the lyrics by listening,
Variety is one of the most important then another song needs to be selected.
factors in maintaining the high level of 3) Songs should have an appropriate
motivation and interest among the theme. There’s enough bad news,
students. There are many activities that negativity and violence in the world
can be brought into the classroom to add already. Songs with any type of
variety not only to learning process but negative theme should be avoided.
also to the students’ experiences in There are plenty of positive, upbeat,
English one of these activities is song. even humorous songs available. Use
From the statements above, the researcher Exactly there are no specific criteria for
assumes that song is one of the very useful selecting song. All of songs are able to use
ways of instructional learning process in teaching English. But, base on the
because teachers and students find singing statement above, the research use some
songs entertaining and relaxing. Song also criteria to selecting song are: popular
offers a change from routine classroom song, the lyrics of the song is clear and
activities into meaningful and enjoyable understandable, song have appropriate
activities. theme, the most important the song is
There are many advantages of familiar with students, they often hear it
using them in the classroom they are on Radio or Television.
easily available (you only have to go out
and buy them). They present new O’Cornor (1980) said “Language starts
vocabularies and expression in context, with the ear”. Before you start trying to
through them, students become familiar speak a foreign language, spend some
with the pronunciation of native speaker, time tuning your ears to sounds and
they provide a break from the textbook rhythms, you ca can do this by listening to
and workbook routine. Students will enjoy the language as much as possible”. It
learning English through song. means that the first activity in language is
The question that arises in instructional hearing or listening. Listening is ability to
English through songs is what kind of identify and understand what other is
song should one use in English Language saying. This involves understanding a
Instructional. The researcher realizes that speaker’s accent or pronunciation, his
not all kinds of songs are appropriate to be grammar, and his vocabulary, and
used in instructional learning process well. grasping his meaning (Howard and Dakin
According Larry M. Lynch (in in Saricoban, 1999). It means that there are three aspects. listening requires student’s ability to
They are: recognize different accent or
pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.
1) Use songs that are popular with the
In addition, Harmer (1998: 98) stated that
students whenever possible.
“Listening to appropriate tapes provides
Unfortunately, students frequently
such exposure and students get vital
select songs for classroom use which
information not only about grammar and

199 ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013

vocabulary but also about pronunciation, a. Playing the Mp3 and ask the
rhythm, intonation, pitch and stress”. In students to listen to the song
other words, the purpose of teaching carefully
listening is making the students to be able b. Distributing the worksheet (cloze
to pronounce words and recognize word lyrics, words etc) of the song to the
through the sound and pattern. From students.
listening students can analyze the native c. Playing the song four until five
speaker sound and pronunciation. times and let the students fill
Moreover Harmer (2007: 303) states that worksheet
listening help to improve pronunciation. It d. Let the students practice the song
means listening can improve students e. Giving a chance to the students to
pronunciation ability. ask difficult words to pronounce
and giving the right pronunciation.
Brown (2000) points out that for almost 3. Post-Listening
six decades of research and practice in a. Discussing the answer
English, language instructional has b. Asking the students one by one to
identified the “four skills”-listening, write the answers on the
speaking, reading and writing-as of whiteboard
paramount importance. Oxford in Zhang c. Giving the correct answer to the
Ge (2009: 9) says “It is important to students
develop listening skills together with other d. Singing the song together
skills. Most of the time in real life
listening occurs together with speaking
and it also occurs with writing, e.g. taking RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
notes while listening to a lecture”. The research method used for this
research was an experimental study.
Robin and Guo Naizhao in Zhang Ge Experimental research is a research in
(2009: 9) consider that through a variety which the researcher manipulates the
of listening-reading, listening-writing and independent variable. As stated by
listening-speaking activities, students can Johnson and Christensen (2000: 23), the
not only strengthen their language skills purpose of experimental research is to
but also sharpen their interests and raise determine cause-and-effect relation-ships.
their motivation to improve their learning It means that the purpose of an
efficiency. The researcher hope by experimental study is to investigate the
listening activities, student can improve correlation between cause and effect and
language skill especially for student’s how far its correlation is by giving certain
pronunciation ability. treatment to experimental class and to
Instructional listening through English control class as the comparison.
songs can be carried out by the following
procedure: The population of this study is all of the
1. Pre-Listening eleventh grade students of SMA
a. Greeting the student Muhammadiyah 2 Metro. The total
b. Introducing the song numbers of the population are 68 students
c. Explaining about listening divided into two classes. The writer a
activities (the rule) and what must class which are randomly selected. The
students do in this section sampling technique applied in this study
2. Whilst-Listening was cluster random sampling.

ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013 200

The researcher applied The Pretest- R O X1 O
Posttest Control Group Design. This R O X2 O
design involves at least two groups, both
of which are formed by random Where:
assignment; both groups were R : Random Group
administered a pre test of the dependent O : Is pre test and post test. It is given
variable, one group receives a new, or before and after treatment
X1 : The treatment (teaching listening
unusual, treatment, and both groups are
through song)
post tested, post test scores are compared X2 : The treatment (without listening
to determine the effectiveness of the song)
treatment (Gay, 1991:261). This design
figured out below: RESULT OF THE RESEARCH
Hypothesis Testing
Then, the criteria for testing the
The hypothesis testing is the last step in hypothesis are as follows: if the value of t
this research. It is used to prove whether obtained is higher than that of t-table at
the hypothesis proposed is accepted or the significant level of 0.05, the H1 is
not. The researcher used Independent accepted. In contrast, if the value of t
Sample t-test. The hypotheses are as obtained is lower than that of t-table at the
follows: significant level of 0.05, the H1 is rejected
and H0 is accepted. The summary of
Ho : There is no significant influence complete calculation can be seen in the
of listening through song toward following table.
students’ pronunciation ability at
the second year of SMA Tabel 2. Description of Post Test
Muhammadiyah 2 Metro
H1 : There is significant influence of Group
Max. Min. Mean SD Rang
listening through song toward e
students’ pronunciation ability at Exper. 71.0 60.0 65.89 3.11 11.0
the second year of SMA Control 64.0 53.0 58.41 3.59 11.0
Muhammadiyah 2 Metro
Table 4.9 The Summary of T-test

As it is explained previously, the t table p

Source t obt. df Mean
experimental group is the class which is 0.05
taught using the technique of listening Exper. 65.588
Control 58.412
song and the control group is the class t 6.236 32 2.042 0.00
which is taught using conventional
technique (without English song). To
prove the hypothesis, the result of post test The result of analysis as presented in
in the experimental group is compared to Table 4.9 indicated that the value of t
the post test of the control group. To obtained (6.236) was higher than that of t
compare both post tests scores, the table (2.042) at the significance level 0.05
formula of T-test (Independent Sample T- and the significance (0.000) was lower
Test) is applied. than 0.05. Therefore, the alternative
hypothesis (H1) is accepted and the null
hypothesis (H0) is rejected. In other

201 ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013

words, there is a significant influence of experimental is higher than control group
teaching listening through song toward (65.588>58.412). It means that teaching
students’ pronunciation ability. The pronunciation through listening song is
students’ pronunciation ability in the more effective to improve the students’
experimental group is better than that of pronunciation ability than without using
the control group. It is because the mean song. In other words, teaching
score of the experimental group (65.588) pronunciation through listening song can
is higher than the mean score of the improve the pronunciation ability of the
control group (58.412). In addition, the students.
data show that the students’ pronunciation
ability is increased; there are some
students from fair category to good
Moreover, the result of data analysis
category. (See the result of descriptive
proved that the value of t-test (tobs) is
6.236 and ttable is 2.042. It means that tobs
is higher that ttable (6.236>2.42). Based on
the criteria for testing the hypothesis was
After viewing the results of Independent if the value of tobs is higher than ttable at
Sample T-test, the researcher came to significant level of 0.05, the null
conclusion that “there is a significant hypothesis (H0) is rejected and alternative
influence of listening song toward hypothesis (H1) is accepted.
students’ pronunciation ability at the
second year of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 In teaching listening through songs,
Metro” students can hear the sound of native
speaker and they can listen how the word
DISCUSSION is pronounced correctly by the native
On the basis of research finding and the speaker. It will give positive effect for
result of computation of the students’ students’ pronunciation ability. To know
pronunciation ability taught using song for how a word pronounced correctly, we
the experimental group and without song need to listen it is pronounced. This is
for control group, the researcher proposes relevant with the statement by O’Cornor
some important parts as follows: (1980: 1), “Language start with the ear”. It
means that learning language is start by
The beginning conditions of students’ listening. In addition, Harmer (1998:98)
pronunciation ability both of experiment stated that listening to appropriate tapes
and control groups are relatively in the provides such exposure and students get
same condition. They are shown by the vital information not only about grammar
result of pre tests of them. The mean score and vocabulary but also about
of two groups are 55.21 for experiment pronunciation, rhythm, intonation, pitch
group and 55.50 for control group. It and stress. In other words, the purpose of
mean that there is no significant different teaching listening is making the students
both two groups. to be able to pronounce words and
recognize words through the sound and
Based on the result of the data analyses on pattern. In short, we can build students’
post tests, it is found that there is a pronunciation by listening activities. From
significant difference in pronunciation listening activities the students will hear
ability between students taught using the sound of native speaker and they will
songs and without using song. The mean listen how the word is pronounced
score of the pronunciation ability in the correctly by the native speaker. It will

ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013 202

give positive effect for students’ subconscious act. We hear song on the
pronunciation. radio, on television and CDs, and by
listening to them, we learn the word. Song
A song is one of the appropriate media to often repeats the sounds at the end of
teach pronunciation. The teacher uses certain lines so that the words are
songs to make the students’ be interested rhythmical. “Song are memorable and we
so that they love learning English. The use don’t forget them very easily and song
of songs is regarded to be the effective helps improving students’ pronunciation”
way in teaching pronunciation because it (Stannard in The most
will be easier to memorize the new words. important, beside listening song, the
It is relevant to the theory stated by Lynch students tried to sing a song. It made
(in who says that a student trained their pronunciation based
variety of new vocabulary and grammar on the song. They can practice to sing the
can be introduced to students through song whenever and wherever they are.
song. In addition, song can increase the
students’ interest in learning English since
song helps the students relax and keeps CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, AND
their interest alive. Songs are so identical SUGGESTION
with the teenager’s life. It has been the
teenager’s part of life. When a teacher Based on the result of the research, the
plays song in the Mp3 player, it means data analysis, the observation during
that he/she has fulfilled the students’ students’ activities and discussion, the
interest. The students are more serious in conclusion can be drawn as follows:
paying attention on the teacher when
he/she starts to sing a song. There is a significant influence of teaching
listening through song toward students’
There are some reasons using song in the pronunciation ability. It can be seen from
language learning, students can learn the result of the hypothesis testing. It
pronunciation, grammar, intonation and shows that t obtained is 6.236 and t table
other thing from songs. In addition Lynch is 2.042 at the significant level 0.05. It
(in said that many means that t obtained is lower than t table.
reasons song are useful in the language That is why, the null hypothesis (H0) is
learning classroom, “They contain rejected and the alternative hypothesis
authentic language, are easily obtainable, (H1) is accepted at the significant level of
provide grammar and cultural aspects and 0.05.
are fun for students, they provide
enjoyable speaking, listening, vocabulary Based on the experiences in
and language practice both in and out of carrying out the research, the researcher
the classroom. suggests:

In teaching pronunciation through song, 1. An English teacher, in teaching

there are some aspects of pronunciation pronunciation must be more creative
that can be focused on through songs. in using techniques applied in the
“Using songs to focus on sound, using classroom activities. Avoid using
songs to focus on word and using songs to monotonous technique, since it will
focus on connected speech”(Ebong & make the students bored. Use more
Marta in People than one technique so as to make the
often remember the words to sing, in fact, activities done in the classroom not
this particular learning process in almost a monotonous.

203 ISSN 2089 -3345 – Vol. 2 No. 2, Oktober 2013

2. The teacher should more pay attention Activities. Kongju National
to their own pronunciation, the Univeristy
mistakes or errors made by the teacher Johnson, Burke and Christensen, Larry.
are so dangerous. It is because the (2000). Educational Research.
students will make the same errors as Quantitative and Qualitative
the teacher does. Using digital and Approach. New York: A Pearson
oxford dictionaries is important to Education Company
correct the students’ mistake in Lynch, Larry. 2009. Teaching Children
pronouncing words. English using Song. Retrieved on
3. For further researchers, conducting Juny 14th, 2010 from
more comprehensive study is
necessary for the sake of developing __________y. Three Principal Song
an effective teaching technique to Selection Criteria.
teach pronunciation. Retrieved on
July 3rd, 2010
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