Literary Devices

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Literary devices

1) Hyperbole:  A figure of speech which uses extreme exaggeration.

2) Foreshadow: be a warning or indication of (a future event).
3) Metaphor: a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that
isn't literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison
4) Symbolism: that uses symbols, be they words, people, marks, locations, or
abstract ideas to represent something beyond the literal meaning
5) Repetition:  when a single word or phrase is used multiple times in short
succession for effect
6) Alliteration: The repetition of initial sounds in words within a line or verse of
7) Juxtaposition: the fact of two things being seen or placed close together
with contrasting effect.
8) Oxymoron: A device where seemingly opposite words are placed together for
9) Onomatopoeia: The use of words which suggest their meaning when
pronounced. (e.g. cuckoo, sizzle ).
10) Assonance: is the repetition of the vowel sound across words within the
lines of the poem creating internal rhymes.
11) Consonance: is a literary device that occurs when two words have the same
consonant sound following different vowel sounds.
12) Imagery: The mental impression summoned up by a word, phrase or
sentence. It suggests to the reader what to think and feel.
13) Personification: When an inanimate object or abstract image is given
human qualities or abilities.
14)  Irony: as a literary device is a situation in which there is a contrast between
expectation and reality. It is associated with both tragedy and humor.
15) Paradox: apparently self-contradictory statement, the underlying meaning
of which is revealed only by careful scrutiny
16) Anaphora: repetition of a word or expression at the beginning of successive
phrases, clauses, sentences, or verses especially for rhetorical or poetic effect
17) Enjambment: is the continuation of a sentence or clause across a line break.
18) Simile : A figure of speech that compares two things by using “like” or “as.”
19) Pun: A play on words
20) Refrain: A line or group of lines which are repeated in the course of a poem
(usually at the end of each stanza)
21) Rhyme: Two words which end with identical sounds (rhyme depends on
sound, not spelling)
22) Stanza: A group of lines which form a division of a poem
23) Couplet: A stanza of two lines
24) Quatrain: A stanza of four lines

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