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Category Indicator

Climate Change policies, plans, and programs SDG 11.b.2 Proportion

development of local governments
are mainstreamed that
in (a) national adopt and
education im
policies; (b) curr
Climate Change policies, plans, and programs and (d) student assessment
Climate Change policies, plans, and programs SDG 13.a.1 Amounts provided and mobilized in United States
Infrastructure Municipal waste collected per capita
Infrastructure SDG 1.5.2 Direct economic loss attributed to disasters in re
Infrastructure SDG 11.5.3 (a) Damage to critical infrastructure and (b) number of disrupti
Infrastructure SDG 11.6.2 Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (e
Infrastructure Total energy supply (TES)
Natural resources and environment Livestock production index (2014-2016 = 100)
Natural resources and environment Mean surface air temperature
Natural resources and environment SDG 15.1.1 Forest area as a proportion of total land area
Natural resources and environment SDG 15.5.1 Red List Index
Natural resources and environment SDG 6.3.2 Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient
Population Vulnerability SDG 1.1.1 Proportion of the population living below the int
Population Vulnerability SDG 1.3.1 Proportion of population covered by social protec
Population Vulnerability SDG 1.5.1 Number of deaths, missing persons and directly af
Population Vulnerability SDG 2.1.1 Prevalence of undernourishment
Population Vulnerability SDG 6.1.1 Proportion of population using safely managed dr
Population Vulnerability Urban population (percent of total population)
Possible Substitute indicators Required disaggregations
Number of local governments with disaster risk reduction stSubnational unit
Systematized information on national and subnational efforNone
External amounts received to fight climate change | Domes None
SDG 14.1.1 (a) Index of coastal eutrophication; and (b) plastNone
Direct economic loss attributed to disasters in official stud None
Official estimates of damage to critical infrastructure or servNone
Annual average density of major air pollutants Pollutant Type
Energy production Energy Commodity
The quantity of agricultural commodities produced by a coun Commodity Type
Temperature None
SDG 15.1.2 Proportion of important sites for terrestrial an None
Estimates on species prevalence Species
SDG 15.1.2 Proportion of important sites for terrestrial and Environmental Zones
SDG 1.2.1 Proportion of population living below the nationalNone
Enrolment in social services or social benefit program None
Death rate |Number of people who died per any number ofSex i
Percentage of population consuming food with less than a cSex
Percentage or number of population with access to improved None
Population projections | Population structure (not presenteSex
Possible Local Data Sources Possible Local Data Collection Methods
NSO,Local Government AuthoritieAdministrative Records
Ministries of Education Direct reporting
Disaster Management Agencies Administrative Records
Local Government Authorities Administrative Records,Surveys,Census
National Climate Change AuthoritiRemote Sensing and Thematic Mapping
Special-purpose agencies Administrative Records
National Climate Change AuthoritiRemote Sensing and Thematic Mapping
Ministry of Energy Administrative Records,Surveys
Ministry of Agriculture and Livest Agricultural Census
Ministry of Environment,Ministry Monitoring Systems,Remote Sensing and Th
Forestry Department,Ministry of AInventories,Remote Sensing and Thematic M
Ministry of Natural Resources Monitoring Systems
Ministry of Natural Resources,Me Monitoring Systems
Disaster Management Agencies,LoSurveys,Census
Disaster Management Agencies,LoSurveys
Line ministries Administrative records
Ministry of Health,NSO Administrative Records,Surveys
Disaster Management Agencies,MiRemote Sensing and Thematic Mapping,Surve
NSO Census,Surveys,Population Registers
Indicator International Source Indicator Intern Indicator International Links
SDG Database - UNDRR, Sendai Target E Focal
reportspoints will copied
are also
to NGOs in official partners
SDG Database - UNESCO Commissioner for
Human Rights (OHCHR).
SDG Database - UN Climate Change (UNFCCC Secretariat) - Biennial reports oBiennial reports
UNSD Environmental Indicators - surveys or administrative records of wasteStatistics on wat
SDG Database - Sendai Framework Monitoring System Target C - Line ministrData provider at
SDG Database - United Nations Office for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) - Fro The official coun
SDG Database - WHO - Special studies Sources of data
IEA - World Energy Statistics and Balances NA (Behind paywa
World Bank Data - FAO This level of data
Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) - Berkeley Earth - Meteorological oNational focal po
SDG Global Database - FAO - Global Forest Resources Assessment All data are prov
SDG Database - IUCN https://www.iucn
SDG Database - UNEP and its Global Environment Monitoring System for W At the national
SDG Database - World Bank and ILO World Bank: The
SDG Database - ILO and World Bank ILO: Data is coll
SDG Database - United Nations Office for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) - Fro Data provider at
SDG Global Database - FAO - Household surveys To inform its est
SDG Database - WHO,UNICEF The JMP team cond
World Bank - United Nations Population Division The data are col
ator International Links
Open Climate Data Template scoring
Welcome to the Open Climate Data Template. This scoring template has been developed by Open Data Watch (ODW) to apply
aspects of the Open Data Inventory (ODIN) methodology to climate change and adaptation indicators. Please consult the
accompanying brief for more background on this initiative.

The sheet "Scoring" contains each indicator and fields for the three availability and three openness criteria for which each
indicator is scored.
For each indicator, retrieve the data series from a nationally maintained and publicly available database or publication that mo
closely matches the name of the indicator. In case the exact indicator cannot be found, please consult the column "Possible
Substitute Indicators". In the sheet "Scoring" please use the "Reference" and "Location" column to indicate the exact name an
location (web url or title of publication or database as applicable) of the data series that was used in the assessment.

Each column marked "Score" has a dropdown selection of allowable scores for each indicator and each scoring criterion. Use t
selected data series to score the indicator
The scoring criteria are listed below. Based on these, mark the appropriate score for the data series from the nationally
maintained, publicly availably database or publication

Availability of at least one datapoint with all required disaggregations (such as age or sex, specific to each indicator)
0: No data published
0.5: Data published but without any or all disaggregations (Only applicable for indicators with a required disaggregation select
the sheet "Indicators")
1: Data published with all disaggregations (For indicators without required disaggregations, having at least one datapoint will
satisfy this requirement

Availability of data in the last five years: 

0: No data published
0.5: One datapoint published in the last five years
1: Two or more datapoints published in the last five years

Availability in the first administrative geographic level:

0: No data published beyond national level
1: Availability of at least one datapoint for first administrative geographic level below national level (states, provinces, or relev
ecological zone as applicable to country context)

Availability of data in machine-readable formats (XLS, XLSX, CSV, Stata, SAS, SPSS, JSON, CDF, RDF, XML, and TXT files are class
as machine readable. PDFs, HTML, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX are common formats that are not machine readable.):
0: data not published in machine-readable formats
0.5: data published with one machine-readable format
1: data published with two or more machine-readable formats

Availability of reference metadata:

1. Definition of the indicator, or definition of key terms used in the indicator description (as applicable), or how the
indicator was calculated.
2. Specific date the dataset was uploaded to a website or when a dataset was last updated. The date must include
day, month, and year.
3. Name of responsible agency for the dataset.
0: No data for this indicator are published with any of the 3 components of reference metadata.
0.5: Data for this indicator are published with at least a definition of the indicator.
1: Data for this indicator are published with all 3 components of reference metadata.

Availability of an open data license or open terms of use:

0: Available data for this indicator are published under a terms-of-use or license categorized as “Not Open,” or no terms-of-us
license could be found.
0.5: Available data for this indicator are published under an open terms-of-use or license or a terms-of-use or license categoriz
as having “some restrictions” (see below).
1: Available data for this indicator are published under an open terms-of-use or license.

Terms of use (TOU) are classified the following ways: 

1. Not Available: No TOU or data license that refers to how users can or cannot use data is published on or linked fr
the website where data are published.
2. Not Open: A TOU or data license is published, but it either explicitly prohibits commercial use, requires prior
permission for commercial use, or it has 2 or more requirements of users not considered acceptable under the Ope
Definition (see below).
3. Some Restrictions: A TOU or data license is published, but has one requirement of users not considered acceptab
under the Open Definition (see below) or is too vague to be considered open. 
4. Open: A TOU or data license is published that states that data may be used, reused, and adapted for commercial
noncommercial use with, at most, an obligation to attribute data to the original source. 

After filling out the "Score" columns, sub-scores for each type of indicator and across availability and openness elements will b
automatically calculated. These overall scores (including for all indicators and across all dimensions) can be used to discuss the
overall results of the assessment and can provide direction of where further capacity building is needed.
Data Watch (ODW) to apply
tors. Please consult the

s criteria for which each

abase or publication that most

sult the column "Possible
o indicate the exact name and
in the assessment.

each scoring criterion. Use the

es from the nationally

to each indicator)

quired disaggregation selected in

at least one datapoint will

el (states, provinces, or relevant

XML, and TXT files are classified

ne readable.):

n (as applicable), or how the

ted. The date must include the

ot Open,” or no terms-of-use or

ms-of-use or license categorized

a is published on or linked from

ercial use, requires prior

ed acceptable under the Open
ers not considered acceptable

and adapted for commercial and


nd openness elements will be

s) can be used to discuss the
Category Climate Indicator

SDG 11.b.2 Proportion of local governments that adopt and implement local
Climate Change policies, plan disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national disaster risk reduction

SDG 13.3.1: Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education
for sustainable
Climate Change policies, plan development are mainstreamed in (a) national education policies; (b) curricula;
(c) teacher education;
and (d) student assessment
SDG 13.a.1 Amounts provided and mobilized in United States dollars per year
Climate Change policies, plan in relation to the continued existing collective mobilization goal of the $100
billion commitment through to 2025
Climate Change policies, plan AVERAGE
Infrastructure Municipal waste collected per capita

SDG 1.5.2 Direct economic loss attributed to disasters in relation to global

gross domestic product (GDP)

SDG 11.5.3 (a) Damage to critical infrastructure and (b) number of disruptions

to basic services, attributed to disasters
SDG 11.6.2 Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (e.g. PM2.5 and
PM10) in cities (population weighted)

Infrastructure Total energy supply (TES)

Infrastructure AVERAGE

Natural resources and enviro Livestock production index (2014-2016 = 100)

Natural resources and enviro Mean surface air temperature

Natural resources and enviro SDG 15.1.1 Forest area as a proportion of total land area
Natural resources and enviro SDG 15.5.1 Red List Index

Natural resources and enviro SDG 6.3.2 Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality
Natural resources and enviro AVERAGE

Population Vulnerability SDG 1.1.1 Proportion of the population living below the international poverty
line by sex, age, employment status and geographic location (urban/rural)

SDG 1.3.1 Proportion of population covered by social protection

floors/systems, by sex, distinguishing children, unemployed persons, older
Population Vulnerability
persons, persons with disabilities, pregnant women, newborns, work-injury
victims and the poor and the vulnerable

SDG 1.5.1 Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons
Population Vulnerability
attributed to disasters per 100,000 population
Population Vulnerability SDG 2.1.1 Prevalence of undernourishment

SDG 6.1.1 Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water

Population Vulnerability

Population Vulnerability Urban population (percent of total population)

Population Vulnerability AVERAGE

All Indicators AVERAGE
Country Name for Indicator if found (look at substitute indicators in column D
of sheet "Indicators" for ideas of what to look fo)

Mauritania Data

Mauritania Data
Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in cities (population Mauritania Data
weighted) Portal

Mauritania Total Primary Energy Production, Consumption, Energy Intensity Mauritania Data
1980-2011  Portal

Mauritania Data
Agriculture and livestock

Forest area as a proportion of total land area. Age group Total. Sex Total. Mauritania Data
Location Total Portal
Mauritania Data

Red List Index

Proportion of population below the international poverty line of US$1.90 per Mauritania Data
day. Age group Total. Sex Total. Location Total Portal

Proportion of the population covered by social assistance programs. Age

group Total. Sex Total. Location Total/ Proportion of the population covered
by social assistance programs. Age group Total. Sex Total. Location Total/ Mauritania Data
Proportion of the population covered by social insurance programs. Age Portal
group Total. Sex Total. Location Total/ Proportion of the population covered
by social insurance programs. Age group Total. Sex Total. Location Total
Mauritania Data
Prevalence of undernourishment. Age group Total. Sex Total. Location Total

Proportion of population using improved drinking water sources by (Urban, Mauritania Data
Rural, Portal

Mauritania Data
Total population (males per 100 females)
Availability of at least one datapoint

URL Navigation Score Disaggregations

The link goes

directly to
Mauratina Data
Portal, then click
on SDG, Goal 11, No data available 0
click on 11.b you
find indicator
11.b.2 browse

No data available 0

No data available 0


The link goes

directly to
Mauratina Data
https:// Portal, then click
on SDG, Goal 11, No data available 0
jmsmobe# click on 11.b you
find indicator
11.b.2 browse

No data available 0
The link goes
directly to
Mauratina Data
https:// Portal, then click
mauritania.opend on SDG, Goal 11, Data only available
0.5 click on 11.6 you for 2000, and 2011
jmsmobe# find indicator
11.6.2 browse
data and

The link goes

directly to
Mauritania Data
Portal, then click
mauritania.opend on Gallerie, then Data available By Energy
1 from 1980 to 2010 Commodity
choose energy,
you will find the
indicator with all
The link goes
directly to
Mauritania Data 0.3
Portal, then click
on Data
https:// Catalouge, then
mauritania.opend type the indicator
Data available on search bar , 0.5 Commodity Type
from 2011 to 2021
vmfkhce/credit- then select
by-sector livestock and
agriculture, then
export the data,
you will find the No data available 0
indicator with all
The link goes
directly to
Mauritania Data
mauritania.opend Portal, then click Data available only on SDG, Goal 15, for 1993, 1995, 1
vmfkhce/credit- click on 15.1 you 2000, 2004, 2008
find indicator
15.1.1 browse
data and
The link goes
directly to
Mauritania Data
Portal, then click
on SDG, Goal 15, Data available only lower bound, 1
click on 15.5 you from 2008 Upper bound
find indicator
15.5.1 browse
data and

No data available 0

The link goes

directly to
https:// Mauritania Data
mauritania.opend Portal, then click Data available only on SDG, Goal 1, for, 1993, 1995, 1
vmfkhce/credit- click on 1.1 you 2000, 2004, 2008
by-sector find indicator 1.1.1
browse data and

The link goes

directly to
Mauritania Data
Portal, then click
on Data
Catalouge, then
type the indicator
on search bar , Data available only 1
then select Goal 1, for 2008
then the tardget
1.3, then indicator
1.3.1, then export
the data, you will
find the indicator
with all

No data available 0
The link goes
directly to
Mauritania Data
Portal, then click
on Data
Catalouge, then
type the indicator
on search bar , Data available Not available by 0.5
then select Goal 2, from 2001-2016 sex
then the tardget
2.1, then indicator
2.1.1, then export
the data, you will
find the indicator
with all

The link goes

directly to
Mauritania Data
Portal, then click
on Data
Catalouge, then
type the indicator
mauritania.opend Data available only on search bar , from 2000, 2002, 1
then select Goal 6,
vmfkhce/credit- 2004,
then the tardget
6.1, then indicator
6.1.1, then export
the data, you will
find the indicator
with all

The link goes

directly to
https:// Mauritania Data
mauritania.opend Portal, then click
Data available on Gallary, then 1 Available by sex
from 2010-2024
vmfkhce/credit- export the data,
by-sector you will find the
indicator with all

lity of at least one datapoint Availability of data in the last five years Availability in the first admin

Notes Score Years Notes Score

No available data for the

0 0
last five years

NA 0 0

NA 0 0

0 0
NA 0 0

NA 0 0

NA 0 0
Not available by required No available data for last
0 1
disaggregation five years

Data available by required No available data for last

0 0
disaggregation five years

0 0.2

Data not available by available Data available for last five
1 0
required disaggregation from 2017 to years

NA 0 0

Theres no required
No available data for last
disaggregation for this 0 0
five years
No available data for last
0 0
five years

NA 0 0
0.2 0

Theres no required
disaggregation for this 0 No available data for last 0
indicator five years

Theres no required
No available data for last
disaggregation for this 0 0
five years

0 0
Not available by required No available data for last
0 0
disaggregation five years

Theres no required
No available data for last
disaggregation for this 0 1
five years

1 Available for 2017-2024 1

0.166666667 0.333333333
0.091666667 0.133333333
Availability in the first administrative level AVAILABILITY
Openness of formats

Administrative level Notes AVERAGE Score Formats

0 No data 0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0
Data published beyond
National level 0.5 0.5 XLSX
national level (by district)

No data published beyond

National level 0.333333333333333 0.5 XLSX
national level

0.166666666666667 0.2

No data published beyond

National level 0.5 XLSX
national level

0 0

No data published beyond

National level 0.333333333333333 0.5 XLSX
national level
No data published beyond
National level 0.333333333333333 0.5 XLSX
national level

0 0
0.233333333333333 0.3

No data published beyond 0.333333333333333 0.5 XLSX

national level

No data published beyond

0.333333333333333 0.5 XLSX
national level

0 0
No data published beyond
0.166666666666667 0.5 XLSX
national level

available by region Total/Urban/Rural 0.666666666666667 0.5 XLSX

Data published beyond

By Region 1 0.5 XLSX
national level

0.416666666666667 0.416666667
0.204166666666667 0.229166667
Openness of metadata
Openness of formats Openness of license or terms o

Metadata Data License

Notes Score Notes Score
components example

They have
0 only the 0
metadata for
this indicator

0 0

0 0

0 0
0 0

They have
0 only the 0
metadata for
this indicator

0 0
Data for this
indicator are
published All the 3 components of
Data published with one
1 with all 3 refrence metadata are 0
machine-readable format
components documented
of reference

There is no metatdata, they

Data published with one have just uploaded the
0 0
machine-readable format table for this data without
the defenition

0.2 0

There is no metatdata, they

Data published with one have just uploaded the
0 0
machine-readable format table for this data without
the defenition

0 0

Data for this

indicator are The source is not that clear,
published there is just the author (The
Data published with one
0.5 with at least name of the responsible 0
machine-readable format
a definition agency for the dataset is
of the not documented)
Data for this
indicator are The source is not that clear,
published there is just the author (The
Data published with one
0.5 with at least name of the responsible 0
machine-readable format
a definition agency for the dataset is
of the not documented)

0 0
0.2 0

Data published with one 0 There is no metadata 0

machine-readable format

They didnt
Data published with one
0 upload the 0
machine-readable format

They have uploaded only

0 the metadata for this 0
Data published with one They didnt upload the
0 0
machine-readable format metadata

Data published with one They didnt upload the

0.5 0
machine-readable format metadata

Data published with one They didnt upload the

0 0
machine-readable format metadata

0.083333333 0
0.120833333 0
OPENNESS Total Indicator score
ess of license or terms of use


There is no Term of Useres

0 0
on their website

0 0

0 0

0 0
0 0

There is no Term of Useres

on their website

There is no Term of Useres

0 0
on their website
There is no Term of Useres
0.5 0.5
on their website

There is no Term of Useres

0.166666666666667 0.25
on their website

0.133333333333333 0.15

There is no Term of Useres

on their website

0 0

There is no Term of Useres

0.333333333333333 0.333333333333333
on their website
There is no Term of Useres
0.333333333333333 0.333333333333333
on their website

0 0
0.166666666666667 0.2

There is no Term of Useres 0.166666666666667 0.25

on their website

There is no Term of Useres

0.166666666666667 0.25
on their website

0 0
There is no Term of Useres
0.166666666666667 0.166666666666667
on their website

There is no Term of Useres

0.333333333333333 0.5
on their website

There is no Term of Useres

0.166666666666667 0.583333333333333
on their website

0.166666666666667 0.291666666666667
0.116666666666667 0.160416666666667

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