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Aquarius 2022: Britain. WEF. Telepathy-Technology.

Mercury Retro. Canada Convoy. Joe Rogan. USA Pluto
Return. Thich Nhat Hanh.

Aquarius Keynote
“Water of life am I, poured forth for those who thirst.”
(Full Moon Feb.16, 2022. 16.56 UT.)

The Aquarian Age

“The coming in of the Aquarian Age, Christ foresaw and reduced to pictorial
form for us, thus preserving for us—down the centuries—a prophetic
episode, the interpretation of which is possible of demonstration only in our
time and age.

Astronomically, we are not yet functioning fully within the influence of

Aquarius; we are only just emerging from the Piscean influence, and the full
impact of the energies which Aquarius will set loose has not yet been felt.

Nevertheless, each year carries us closer to the centre of power, the major effect of which will be to induce
recognition of man’s essential unity, of the processes of sharing and of cooperation and of the emergence of that new
world religion whose keynote will be universality and initiation.

If the word “initiation” signifies the processes of “entering into,” then it is indeed true today that humanity is
undergoing a true initiation as it enters into the new age of Aquarius; it will then be subjected to those energies and
forces which will break down the barriers of separation, and which will blend and fuse the consciousness of all men into
that unity which is distinctive of the Christ consciousness.”1

Sun in Aquarius, Mercury Retro, Britain Drops Rules

World Economic Forum: A Double Aquarian
___The Shadow of the Aquarian Age
___Klaus Schwab Revisited
___WEF’s Young Global Leaders
___Jacinda Ardern’s Folly
___Next Stages on the WEF Agenda
___The Merger of 1984 with Brave New World
___WEF’s 2022 Conference
___WEF Transits 2022
Telepathy and Technology
___The Etheric Body
___Mind-Reading Tech
Mercury Retro in Aquarius: Airlines 5G Concerns
Mercury Retro: Canada and the Great Global Convoy
___Capital and Labour
___Canada Taurus Soul, Libra Personality
___Canada’s Horoscope Transits
The Aquarian Age Has Begun!
___Big Sleep, Great Awakening
Donations to Esoteric Astrologer Newsletter
Aquarius and the Fifth Rootrace
Joe Rogan: Earth In Aquarius
___Neil Young’s Transits
USA’s Pluto Return and Russia: Two Aquarian Souls
___ USA, UK and Russia: Triangle for the Aquarian Age
___Geneva: Healing from the Planetary Heart Centre
Thích Nhất Hạnh: A Lord of Compassion…
Aquarius Full Moon Webinar

Sun in Aquarius, Mercury Retro, Britain Drops Rules

No sooner had the Sun entered Aquarius on Jan.20, 2022, Boris Johnson announced
the end of all Covid measures introduced to combat the Omicron variant, enforceable
by Jan.27:

– Immediate lifting of mandatory mask rules.

– No need to show a certificate proving vaccination or a recent negative Covid test.
– Immediate end for pupils to wear masks at secondary schools.
– End of work-from-home rules.

And a week later, many other European nations followed suit. At the same time in
France, a nation that knows a thing or two about Uranian revolution, protestors ditched their expensive big-screen
television sets, publicly burnt vaccine passports, denounced Emmanuel Macron, whilst journalists walked out of state
press conferences.

Uranus-ruled Aquarius is the sign of the revolutionary who seeks to overturn the
crystallised status quo, represented by the previous sign Capricorn – at least, in its
lower Saturnian/Draconian expression.

All of a sudden, Covid ceased to exist?! The sudden decision was partly a classic
Mercury retrograde scenario that might chop and change in the ensuing weeks – as
Mercury heads from Aquarius to Capricorn and re-enters Aquarius right on the full
moon, Feb.16.

The decision appears to be a desperate bid by Boris Johnson

fighting his own party to keep his job, in the light of recent
revelations – such as politicians’ Christmas parties that flouted the rules set for the rest of
the nation. Johnson was caught out lying time after time and transiting Mars in Sagittarius at
the time had Johnson’s Sun-Venus in Gemini under siege.

With such huge news in Britain, it was strangely absent from headlines on CNN, BBC, ABC
Australia etc, most likely because a lot of nations were caught on the back foot with the
narrative U-turn, scrambling to review their policies, to find their way out of a contradictory
situation that Britain created. The contradiction is especially in nations like Austria, Canada, Australia and New
Zealand, where strict restrictions are still in place.

Perhaps Britain’s political leadership began to see the whole Covid narrative falling
apart – with record numbers of hospitalisations from vaccine side effects, massive
street protests in London (criminally unreported in the MSM), a high incidence of
deaths including children and fit, healthy sportsmen – plus legal notices officially
served against various companies, politicians and individuals.

Or the government were simply battle-weary from lying to the public for so long!
Either way, the sum total of these factors may have prompted directives from
higher up – the powerful governing world body that has been dictating the narrative
for the past two years – the WEF; they may have the next part of their world plan
ready to send down the pipeline.


At the Jan.20 announcement, Britain’s Jupiter in Leo was opposed by transiting Sun in Aquarius, with retrograde
Mercury opposing Jupiter by Jan.24 and again Feb.16. Jupiter is the ruler of the second ray of love-wisdom, Britain’s
soul ray.

Here is a great opportunity for the soul of the nation to receive a

massive stimulation, to get back on track with right principles. The
several weeks of Jan./Feb. might bring a bumpy ride, as pockets of
resistance protest this new stimulation of the nation’s soul force.

Despite selfish reasons of politicians clinging to power, there is an

aspect of benevolence and healing balm in this Jupiter in Leo
activation that has potential to finally turn the tide.

As London is the planetary throat chakra (mental body), decisions

made in that city – for better or worse, always have an impact upon
the rest of the world. And as stated earlier, many nations are now
appearing to be following suit.

At the time of writing, the following countries had announced the

cancellation of all quarantine procedures, Corona tests, and
compulsory vaccination, considering Corona just a seasonal flu:
Turkey, Brazil, Britain, Sweden, Spain, Czech Republic, Mexico, El Salvador, Japan, Singapore, Portugal,

World Economic Forum: A Double Aquarian

“As many of the world’s wealthiest people wrap up virtual talks today at the World Economic Forum based in Davos,
Switzerland, Oxfam reports the incomes of 99% of the world’s population dropped during the pandemic while the
world’s 10 richest men saw their wealth double.

Meanwhile, vaccine profits have minted at least nine new billionaires at Moderna,
BioNTech and China’s CanSino, amassing a combined new wealth of over $19
billion …

This glittering gathering of the most powerful, wealthy people on Earth — these
are the people who have rigged our system so that most of the wealth flows in
their direction, at the direct expense everyone else.””2

The date of the previous UK Gov announcement came during the WEF annual
conference (The Davos Agenda – Jan.17-21), finishing a few days before its 51st
birthday on Jan.24. Each year during Aquarius, the author has discussed this
Aquarian entity, in order to penetrate more deeply into the understanding of its
World Economic Forum
psyche, including its founder Klaus Schwab. Chairman and founder Klaus
The WEF is a good example of the cultivation of global community, group work,
co-operation and interaction – bringing together thousands of well-intended and
diverse people, so characteristic of the sign of Aquarius – the Sun and rising sign of WEF.

WEF: World Economic Forum

Group work and co-operation is fine when it is truly co-operative, but the WEF has become such a powerful juggernaut
that it has over-stepped itself, dictating to WHO and world governments a “vision” – that has created turmoil – yet
bought into focus clearly some of the issues with which Humanity is faced.

A brief recap of WEF’s natal chart: Aquarian sun and rising – through its
rulership by Uranus – the planet of exoteric science, predisposes WEF to
the widespread use of innovative technology and science.

The Big Tech oligarchies’ selfish use of Aquarian science finds a natural
alignment with the WEF’s adoption of technologies such as AI, micro-
chip implants – under the guise of human betterment and philanthropy.
As stated in an earlier analysis, WEF, Klaus Schwab and The Great Reset
Part III:

“The WEF has a powerful stellium in Sagittarius – six placements: Mars,

Jupiter, Neptune, Venus, Moon and the midheaven! This is a good
combination for striving to reach high ideals and making new
orientations toward the future, using principles and ethics to guide the
way. But it can also breed intense fanaticism, especially with Mars and
the Moon (the unconscious) in this sign.

Mars in Sagittarius expresses as an intense emotional attachment to philosophies or

ideas, that can breed a rigid fundamentalism and fanaticism in religion, politics or the
sciences. Mars and the Moon are the “bookends” to this Sagittarius stellium; the moon
as the shadow – blind idealism, with a tendency to be evangelical or jihadist.

The Moon closely squares Pluto in Virgo, a challenging aspect for the right use of the
power of the mind, to discriminate, discern or embroider philosophical ideas. This aspect
can be very dominating – to which Schwab is prone with his Sun and several planets in
Mars-ruled Aries. Moon square Pluto can be destructive, emotionally intense, controlling,
ruthless, obsessive, compulsive and manipulative.

Furthermore, to complicate some of these traits, WEF’s Sagittarius moon squares Schwab’s Pisces moon,
compounding the possibility of emotional distortions and deceptions. Schwab’s moon is opposite WEF’s Pluto, hence a
T-square between the two charts.

All these factors can contribute to the development of a very forceful and
dominating scientific fundamentalism (scientism) – in Schwab and the entity he
created, the WEF. It is not unreasonable therefore, to entertain a healthy
scepticism and concern – about the motives of Schwab and WEF, as outlined in
parts 1 & 2 of WEF, Klaus Schwab and The Great Reset.

Some might generously say that their motives are not “evil”, but appear to be at
least philosophically misguided – through an over-reliance on technology and
trans-humanism (AI, robots etc), at the expense of the human factor.”3

The Shadow of the Aquarian Age

Here is the shadow of the Aquarian Age – experienced at its dawn. The lower
aspect of any zodiac sign is always the point of least resistance. WEF has
helped to implement the Rockefeller Lockstep Plan – devised over ten years
ago, has cultivated its “billionaire club” status, has many associations,
influences and compromised relations with big business, particularly Big

“For the billionaires, participation in Schwab’s charade may be proffered as

evidence that they adhere to the ubiquitous slogan of the Forum itself:
Committed to Improving the State of the World.

In truth, Davos Man has pillaged the

global economy, exploiting workers,
plundering housing and health care, and dismantling government programs
while transferring the bounty to his personal bank accounts tucked in
jurisdictions beyond the reach of any pain-in-the-ass tax collector.

The resulting inequality constitutes a potent threat to peace, a source of mass

grievance that has helped propel anti-democratic populists to prominence
around much of the globe. Like the people he gathers annually in the Alps—or
at least virtually during the pandemic—Schwab is an exemplar of the force of
pious words as prophylactic against the consequences of unsavory deeds.”4

When considering billionaire

bad behaviour, the only conclusion that one can draw is that besides
a deep-seated selfishness, entitlement and arrogance – many of them
actually despise humanity.

Misanthropic might be a description of many

billionaires, given their obsession with tax
avoidance, disingenuous posturing and faux
philanthropy. A misanthrope has a “general
hatred, dislike, distrust or contempt of the
human species, human behavior or human
Misanthropy is the antonym of philanthropy,
George Soros. one of the higher themes of Aquarius, hence
misanthropy is another example of the
Aquarian shadow’s duplicity: Pretending to embrace philanthropy whilst rooted in misanthropic

Klaus Schwab Revisited

The WEF is driven by a dictatorial Klaus Schwab who, through his Aries stellium,
aggressively pushes his personal vision (since 1971) – persuading many world leaders to
fall into “lockstep”.

“Schwab’s greatest accomplishment is decidedly entrepreneurial. He has developed the

[WEF] Forum from an earnest meeting of policy wonks into a glittering assembly of the
world’s richest people. He has achieved this by ingratiating himself with those who wield
power, and especially the billionaire class—a tribe known as Davos Man.

Schwab has constructed a refuge for the outlandishly wealthy, an exclusive zone where they are free to pursue deals
and sundry shenanigans while enjoying the cover of participating in a virtuous undertaking. Their mere presence in
Davos at the Forum signals their empathy and sensitivity.”5

Klaus Schwab (Speculative Leo rising, not properly rectified.)

As stated earlier, philanthropy is one of the higher themes of Aquarius, especially through its soul ruler Jupiter, which
Schwab has in this sign – in synastry with WEF’s north node in Aquarius.

Does Schwab really have the capacity to fully express his Jupiter in Aquarius
– or only a “token philanthropy” that many of the rich and powerful
practice? There is a facet of Aquarius that is quite superficial, not unlike
another air sign Gemini:

“The average man in Aquarius puts all his wares into the window, and often
in the room behind the window there is little to be found. Esoterically, the
developed Aquarian puts all he has into his water pot, storing it there for
service and giving it freely on demand to meet a need.” Esoteric Astrology,
Alice A. Bailey. p.136.))

Schwab could not be considered an “average man”, but nonetheless is still

capable of giving the appearance of generosity – and certainly grandiosity!
The way Schwab “butters up” participants in power at the WEF conference –
people like Xi Jinping and Urusula van der Leyen, is somewhat sickening and sycophantic!

It was recently revealed by a family member and employees that Schwab has floated the possibility of receiving a
Nobel Prize, as well as some questionable business practices that could not be construed as an ethic possessed by a
true philanthropist.

“Schwab is an exemplar of the force of pious words as prophylactic against the

consequences of unsavory deeds.” This statement is another example of the
superficiality of Aquarius, blended with Schwab’s pious Pisces moon. The square of
the Pisces moon to Chiron in Gemini, would be considered by some astrologers as
“the con man” who cloaks his intent with kind words, unabashed flattery and
dazzling techno ideas.

Some people may be excited by the WEF’s ideas, but their plans all bypass
consensus with the world’s democracies, dictating to Humanity a skewed version of
an Aquarian utopia. Reflect upon this theme of dictatorship for a moment – through
Schwab, WEF and their cronies, the world has been forced into a medical
Schwab and wife Hilde.
dictatorship/apartheid in the past two years. The first phase of WEF plans has turned
out to be a dystopian horror.

In this video interview Schwab discusses chip implants in the human brain by 2026.

“Schwab gleefully states, “that it is now far easier to manipulate with

precision the human genome within viable embryos means that we are likely
to see the advent of in the future who possess particular traits or who are
resistant to specific diseases … According to Mr. Schwab, “the pandemic will
certainly heighten our focus on hygiene.

A new obsession with cleanliness will particularly entail the creation of new
forms of packaging. We will be encouraged not to touch the products we
buy. Simple pleasures like smelling a melon or squeezing a fruit will be
frowned upon and may even become a thing of the past.” [huh?]6

Computer chips in the brain or body might enhance some extra “intelligence”,
but will only facilitate greater control of those individuals by the state or Big
Tech. Much more needed – metaphorically speaking, is a “compassion gene”.
The author has regularly noted (and a little repetition does not hurt!), the similarity of Schwab’s expression of lower
Aquarius – in this quote about another infamous German, who was also a big fan of eugenics:

“In this present cycle (the ante-chamber of the New Age) you have the
pronounced attitude of these dictators—an attitude which is so often ignored
but which has real racial value. It is the attitude which leads to a synthesis of
the national life, aims and intentions.

A typical instance of this attitude is that of Hitler. No matter what may be our
personal opinion of him, there is no question that he has unified, produced
fusion and blended together the various elements in the German race. This
activity is Aquarian in nature but in its lowest and most undesirable aspect.

It is also of the nature of Leo, for the people

who can produce these results have
necessarily to be intensely self-aware. This is
the major characteristic of the Leo person. What part Leo may play In the personal
horoscope of Hitler I do not know, for I have not investigated it, but it plays a very
prominent part in the horoscope of his soul.”7

Schwab’s time of birth is unknown, but it is possible that he has Leo rising, given
the fact that he is a leader of leaders. One speculative chart would place Jupiter in
Aquarius angular – opposite the ascendant, with Aquarius ruler Uranus dominating
the midheaven from Taurus, a sign of money and dictators. Schwab is in the middle
From the popular TV series
of his Uranus return right now, and if the midheaven is accurate – it reflects his
Dr. Who, his arch enemy
prominence in the world.
Davros – a genius mastering
many areas of science, a
Jupiter in Leo polar opposite Aquarius, the esoteric ruler of this sign, is very
megalomaniac who believes
powerful and magnetic. Schwab comes across as a kindly motivated person, a
that through his creations he
“reasonable” grandfatherly sort of figure, maybe blinded by his technocratic idealism can become the supreme
and even lacking some compassion – that would be the kind and inoffensive being and ruler of the
assessment. Universe. Do we have a new
version of Davros – from
But many have asked if Schwab is actually a wolf in sheep’s clothing (a “Dr. Evil” Davos?
stereotype) – presiding over a pack of wolves that appear “reasonable” and
sophisticated, but have been influenced to adopt a hardline agenda – where the
“collatoral damage” is worth it for the “greater good”.

WEF’s Young Global Leaders

The following video reveals Schwab boasting of how proud he was in“penetrating the cabinets”, that “half of
Trudeau’s cabinet” is from the WEF program, similarly in Argentina and France. Really? Is this what is driving Trudeau
in his current hard line denial of the legitimate claims of the Canadian truckers? (The video is then followed by a
panorama of personalities from the WEF program – sound is bit off.)

The first five minutes of the video hereo shows Schwab introducing Trudeau as one of his star “graduates”, at the
2016 WEF conference – and of Trudeau’s utter devotion to fulfilling their plan. This is why Canada is currently in such
a precarious position because many of the WEF’s hopes rest upon this nation. If Canada “falls” then the WEF global
agenda will be severely undermined. As noted in a recent missive, the WEF has influenced/“programmed” many
business and political world leaders:

“Macron served his apprenticeship in the Rothschild banking system and is also a “graduate” of Klaus Schwab’s WEF
“finishing school” for young global leaders – “class of 2017” – along with other devotees, going back to 1992:

EU Commissioner Ursula van der Leyen, Nicolas Sarkozy, Tony Blair, Vladimir
Putin, Viktor Orbán PM of Hungary, Jean-Claude Juncker, Justin Trudeau
(Capricorn sun), Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Chelsea Clinton, Jeff Bezos
(Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars in Capricorn), NZ PM Jacinda Adhern (Capricorn
moon), Gavin Newsom, Peter Buttigieg and former German chancellor,
Angela Merkel, Prince Charles, Vice-President Al Gore. Several prominent
Australian politicians, including PM Scott Morrison.8

… Sergey Brin and Larry Page (Capricorn moon) – co-founders of Google.

Nathaniel Rothschild, heir apparent of Jacob Rothschild. Jimmy Wales co-
founder of propaganda control agent, Wikipedia. Peter Thiel (Capricorn
moon), billionaire member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee. Mark
Zuckerberg. Nikki Haley, former US rep. for the UN. Xi Jinping, Ivanka Trump,
Greta Thunberg (Capricorn moon), Leonardo Di Caprio, Anderson Cooper,
Sadhguru (Capricorn moon).9

In other words, all these leaders march to the mantra of the World Economic Forum and its
virtual global dictatorship. The devotees of this skewed “new world order”, appear to
dispatch their duties with a disturbing zeal – [e.g. Ardern and Trudeau] relishing their
dictates from on high and applying them in a way that appears to border on obsession.”
(See also, Hidden Alliance of former WEF Young Global Leaders working in Lockstep to
enforce the Great Reset.)

As mentioned in an earlier missive, there is some extraordinary synastry on the theme of

zeal, between WEF and some leaders:
(Aptly named?) Larry
Fink, the CEO of
“The WEF’s current Board of Trustees includes such luminaries as Christine Lagarde, former
Blackrock, the
Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund and current President of the
ubiquitous company
that owns just about European Central Bank; Queen Rania of Jordan – ranked by Forbes as one of the 100 most
everything! powerful women in the world; and Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the largest investment
management corporation internationally and which handles approximately $9 trillion
annually …”10

The behaviour of Ardern, Trudeau, Newsome, Blair, Gates and Bezos – all convinced of the rightness of their actions,
has been misguided, fanatical and despicable in many cases. Note the following remarks by Bezos (without a trace of
irony), after he returned from a space trip, conducted whilst everyone was in lockdown – quite symbolic of his
disconnect and sense of entitlement, thanking Amazon workers and customers for making his mission possible.

Jacinda Ardern’s Folly

The author found the following article My cowed fellow Kiwis will call me a traitor but Prime Minister Ardern’s crazy
Covid-zero policy …, the day after writing the article below, both authors saying the same thing essentially.

As a faithful soldier of Klaus Schwab’s WEF, NZ PM Jacinda Ardern has succumbed once again to fanatical and
unnecessary restrictions for New Zealanders, with the harshest lockdowns ever – for a few cases of the mild Omicron
virus that could be equated with the common cold. Here is the insanity of an ongoing mass hypnosis, enforced by
Ardern, replicated by Trudeau in Canada and others around the world. Ardern is most likely Sagittarius rising, which
falls in the middle of the WEF stellium in Sagittarius.

NZ has a Virgo personality, and what the world has witnessed is its worst
expression – obsession with health, germs etc., a national hypochondria if
you will. This is further exacerbated by Ardern’s progressed Sun in Virgo,
and her progressed Mercury conjoining progressed Saturn – pedantic and

Saturn is the ruler of Ardern’s Capricorn “Nazi” moon – no stranger to

draconian measures, harsh and austere; this is complimented by Ardern’s
Leo sun which has transitioned from being “Queen of NZ” or “St. Jacinda”
– to dictator.

And all of these policies hold in New Zealand and Australia, despite the
fact that Britain and other nations are easing restrictions. The
contradiction is obvious and Kiwis are standing up and voicing their
dissent, characterised however, like the Canadian truckers as “fringe” or “Big daddy” with some of his designer
“violent”. The rest of New Zealand appears to have utterly succumbed to babies: Trudeau, Ardern, Macron.
the mass hypnosis, like the majority of Australians.

Next Stages on the WEF Agenda

When the current crisis finishes (it appears to be going through an
engineered wind-down now), it is most likely that the next WEF-driven
agenda will be an attempted radical change in the monetary system
and/or promoting the bogeyman of climate change.

WEF may well try to employ many of the tactics of the past two years –
lockdowns in fuel and transport, food production and supply chains,
cybersecurity, “stakeholder capitalism”, carbon credit schemes and a
host of other initiatives – “for our own good”.

All of these tactics under the guise of “clean and green”, but again,
WEF’s hitherto stated purposes appear to be co-ordinating control of
the money system, digital tracking of the global population and the
creation of a subservient society – where “you will own nothing and be
happy”; the goal of Artificial Intelligence merging with human biology will
be the order of the day, stated regularly by Schwab in videos and articles.

The Merger of 1984 with Brave New World

American writer Walter Kirn characterises the current world crisis as a mixture of the
George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. The Orwellian narrative has
Big Brother ruling by fear, propaganda, threats and surveillance.

The Huxleyian approach is crowd control via drugs – legal (soma) and illegal, endless
distractions of entertainment, social media, emphasising the trivial and peripheral. Anything
that prevents critical and independent thinking – a soft, cushy prison. Kirn eloquently
states in this excellent interview:

“Between the stick of Orwell and the drugged carrot of Huxley – complacent, malleable, manipulable – those who
govern and exploit us now, have used a combination of these age-old tools. Much more Huxleyian to be locked up in
your house, because its pleasant to play video games [and eat/drink/drug more].”11

WEF’s 2022 Conference

The following link provides a summation of all the speakers and topics at the
WEF 2022 conference – worth watching, studying and evaluating: What we
learned at the Davos Agenda – a podcast and transcript round-up from Radio

Not surprisingly, all of the talks support the WEF’s vision and the status quo
of nations. Hence, the contradiction of seeking or pretending to be looking for
creative solutions, yet working within a hopelessly crystallised, corrupted and
controlled system – with particular values and biases.

Ursula van der Leyen (a leading Leo Moon scout in WEF’s “wolfpack”), talked
about trust and democracy, which rang hollow in the face of WEF’s hardline
dictatorship. (One wonders what planet some of these people live on!). Van
der Leyen also talked about how climate change targets are “not just an ambition”, but a “legal obligation” – 55%
emissions reduction by 2030 – stay tuned for more drastic measures and climate scare-mongering!

Van der Leyen raised the subject of the Russian “threat” and the
Ukraine, affirming as EU Commission director, her solidarity with NATO
and the USA, threatening “massive financial restrictions”; she mentioned
Russia’s “control and coercian”, oblivious of the irony of her role as EU
commissioner pushing the Big Pharma narrative on behalf of WEF for the
past two years.

Van der Leyen espoused the “freedom of speech and ideas in

democracy”, also conveniently forgetting that global democracies have
been severely diminished as a result of her EU role and WEF’s policies. In
other words, most of what she said in her speech was deeply
hypocritical, the “for your good” façade behind which many of these
people work.

Van der Leyen also shamelessly discussed, without a hint of irony (à la

Bezos), how they would bring into Africa mRNA technology and establish vaccine businesses there. Her husband
Heiko, is the CEO of Orgenesis, a company that specialises in cell and gene “therapy” based in the USA. (Other
commentaries on WEF and Klaus Schwab here.)

How a historian nailed billionaires for their greed at Davos.

WEF Transits 2022

This transit and progressions multi-wheel has been set up for the date and time of WEF’s 2022 solar return/birthday.
In order of long term importance and potency, the following planets influence:

WEF transits and progressions, next few years.

1. Progressed Sun in Pisces – opposite Pluto in Virgo, square Moon in Sag.

A long term approach – in orb of influence already, with an exact square to the Moon in Sag. in 3.5 years (Jul.2025),
and opposition to Pluto one year later (Jul.2026).

In other words, the natal Moon square Pluto aspect is in process of activation, in this 51 year-old entity. This natal
square pattern is about the right use of the power (Pluto) of the mind to develop discrimination (Virgo), with a
tendency to indulge in speculative ideas (Sag.) – and be dominating and ruthless in meticulously applying them (Pluto
in Virgo).

Moon in Sag. can be the fundamentalist and fanatic – in the espousal of ideas.
WEF’s Sag. moon also squares Schwab’s Pisces moon, compounding the possibility
of emotional distortions – or deliberate deceptions.

WEF’s Mars in Sag. has a similar fanaticism as the Moon in Sag. – and it must not
be forgotten that there is a five-placement stellium in this sign! Plus, at this year’s
WEF solar return, transiting Mars sits at the exact degree of Moon in Sag. (See
diagram above.)

All these factors contribute to the development of a very forceful and dominating
scientific fundamentalism – in Schwab and within the entity he created, the WEF.
Therefore, this progressed Sun in Pisces, creating this T-square to WEF’s Moon
square Pluto, can have two major effects.

a. Increase the degree of fanaticism, distortion and deception that puts the WEF in a greater position of power
imposing its ideas upon the world.

b. Increase the degree of fanaticism, distortion and deception – to the point of becoming completely unhinged and
lacking credibility – the result of which would be WEF’s demise and death.

2. Transiting Uranus in Taurus opposite prog. Moon in Scorpio – T-square to

transiting Saturn in Aquarius and prog. Venus.
Here is embodied the long term “square-dance” between Uranus and Saturn
in the heavens. As the WEF is a double Aquarian, it will always be responsive
to Uranus transits and its predilection for innovative technology.

As Saturn is passing through Uranus-ruled Aquarius, this tendency is further

accentuated, powered by the emotional energy of moon in Scorpio.
Progressed Venus in Aquarius is in a place of great power, as it is the ruler
of the fifth ray of Science, the only ray to pass through Aquarius.

Yet the challenge of this square is to let go of the tendency for Saturnian
control and allow some of the higher principles of Aquarius to come forth,
regarding the true principle of human sharing, service and community.
Perhaps Jupiter, the esoteric ruler of Aquarius, now transiting through Pisces, may help to stimulate in this regard.

3. Transiting Jupiter in Pisces square the Sagittarius stellium. Jupiter is the esoteric ruler
of WEF’s Aquarian soul purpose. During 2021, transiting Jupiter squared natal Mars,
Jupiter and Neptune in Sagittarius, amplifying the inherent zeal and enthusiasm inherent
in this conjunction – especially with regard to WEF’s fanatical tendencies to influence
some of its young standard bearers – such as Trudeau, Macron, Newsom and Ardern.

Jupiter square MC-Venus In the first two weeks of March 2022, transiting Jupiter will
square the WEF midheaven (public, career, work) and Venus in Sag. This will give a
strong desire to expand existing plans but could also express as overconfidence and
taking on more than it can handle.

This transit can also reinforce the biblical zeal and blind belief in WEF’s set goals, coming across as arrogant and self-
righteous – especially dealing with leaders or governments in positions of authority.

Jupiter square Moon in Sag. Then, perhaps more importantly, transiting Jupiter squares
WEF’s Moon in Sag. in the last week of April, 2022, and again in the last week of
Oct.2022 through to the last weeks of Dec.2022.

During that last 8-week period, Jupiter will be stationing from retrograde to direct
motion, exactly squaring WEF’s Moon in Sag., considerably highlighting the T-square
mentioned in point#1.

If ever there was a challenge to “curb your enthusiasm” and the fanatical shadow factors
of Moon in Sag., this would be the time! The potential here is great for the WEF to reach
a point of overblown expression and undermine its credibility.

4. Mercury-Sun conjunct Prog. MC in Aquarius. This was the position at WEF’s recent solar return, so will impact the
horoscope for the next year. WEF will still have a large and perhaps even greater public profile in 2022, in terms of
promoting its own agendas, but also more people examining its motives.

5. Transiting Saturn conjunct Moon’s Node in Aquarius. (Apr.-Dec. 2022.)

Typically, this kind of transit brings Saturnian limitations and delay,
affording the opportunity to reevaluate life priorities – through being
blocked in seeing purpose.

At the same time, Schwab’s Jupiter in Aquarius (that sits on WEF’s

Aquarius node), will also be stimulated, it will be his seventh Jupiter return
– 12 x 7 = 84, hence also his Uranus return. Uranus sits on the midheaven
of the (hypothetical) Leo rising chart, hence the influence of both Jupiter
and Uranus may elevate him to even greater infamy!

6. Transiting Saturn conjunct Aquarius Ascendant. During the previous

transit of Saturn to the Aquarius node, it comes very close to the
ascendant but will pass over exactly in the first week of Feb.2023.

Whenever this planet of karma passes over the ascendant, esoterically it

represents a deepening of soul purpose. One must pose the question, is
the WEF capable of such development, which would be a greater
inclusiveness, as opposed to its current exclusiveness?

This transit marks the beginning of a new cycle of deeper maturity and
new opportunities, accompanied by insecurities, self-doubt, self-criticism
etc. The opposite 7th house cusp of relationships will be activated, that
can bring up conflict with other WEF partners or “soldiers” in the WEF
army. Hence partnerships that have outlived their purpose could see an
end at that time.

Telepathy and Technology

“The need for telepathic sensitivity in every group, composed of disciples,
is based upon three necessities …

1. The cultivation of an inter-relation of a telepathic nature upon the

mental plane is essential. This has always been an established fact or
condition in the case of a Master and His disciple and between the senior
disciples in any group of accepted disciples. The time has now come when
this group quality must—for the sake of a needy world—be developed by
disciples of lesser attainment in the group.

2. This telepathic unfoldment will lead to a greater sensitivity to others.

This is the secret of a Master’s work and the factor which enables Him to
work through His disciples, using them as outposts of His consciousness.
To do this with exactitude, He must be able to know their condition
(mental, psychical and physical) when He chooses so to know.

He can thus discover whether they are available or not for any specific
service, whether they can be safely used or not and whether their
sensitivity is such and their interpretation of what they sense is of
sufficient accuracy so that they will respond intelligently to the need.
Have I not had to study all of you this way? Think this out and ponder
upon the implications.

3. This telepathic sensitivity will also lead to the new science of inter-
communication which, in the New Age, will reach general use and
comprehension. Of this condition, the radio is the outer physical

The development of telepathy will be a major theme of the impending

Aquarian Age – where Humanity will be, “steadily growing in intelligence
and increasingly focussed upon mental levels. This telepathic rapport
will be a common and ordinary phenomenon of which modern
spiritualism is the guarantee.”13

All telepathy is related to an understanding of the etheric body, the medium whereby impressions are conveyed from
the intuitional plane, the mental body or astral body to physical brain consciousness.

The Etheric Body

There are three main modes of telepathy: Instinctual, mental and intuitional,
working at different levels of consciousness. As the “double” of the physical body,
the etheric body is a medium of reception and transmission:

“The etheric or energy body, therefore, of every human being is an integral part of
the etheric body of the planet itself and consequently of the solar system.
Through this medium, every human being is basically related to every other
expression of the Divine Life, minute or great.

The function of the etheric body is to receive energy impulses and to be swept
into activity by these impulses, or streams of force, emanating from some
originating source or other. The etheric body is in reality naught but energy. It is composed of myriads of threads of
force or tiny streams of energy, held in relation to the emotional and mental bodies and to the soul by their
coordinating effect.

These streams of energy, in their turn, have an effect on the physical body and swing it into activity of some kind or
another, according to the nature and power of whatever type of energy may be dominating the etheric body at any
particular time.”14

This universal etheric energy is indeed, the “waters” or magnetic “plasma” that the Aquarian holds in an urn upon the

“Aquarius—is eventually connected with the physical permanent atom which is, as you know, upon the etheric level. It
is this individual web which is the medium of relationship to the whole. The universal consciousness of Aquarius
becomes expressive just in so far as the individual etheric body is in conscious relation with the etheric body of
humanity, the solar system and—of course—the planet.”15

It is said that etheric consciousness is the next step ahead for

Humanity, where it will be able to see etherically and understand
etheric matter. Medical practitioners will recognise the etheric body as
a fact of nature and that most diseases have their origin in the etheric

“The secret of safe and sane clairvoyance and clairaudience depends

upon the purification of the etheric vehicle. The etheric emanations of
people can be great contaminators. In the purification, therefore, of
this body lies the secret of a sweeter and saner humanity.16

The correspondences to modern technology are very interesting,
especially as in the past century, the telegraph, telephone and radio
have been vastly developed into other technologies:

All of these technologies have been developed during the 500-year cusp of the
Pisces-Aquarius cycle which spans from around the discovery of Aquarius ruler
Uranus in 1781 – to about 2300 CE. The “optical telegraph” was developed in
the late 18th century, whilst the electrical telegraph came soon after in the
1840’s – when Neptune was in Aquarius and Uranus in Pisces – in mutual

The earliest form of telephone was developed in 1796 and the Bell telephone 80
years later in 1876. The first radio by Marconi came in the late 1890’s, after
much investigation of electro-magnetic waves by various scientists for several
decades before:

“Telepathy and the allied powers will only be understood when the nature of First telephone that was also
force, of emanations and radiations, and of energy currents, is better grasped. used as an earwax syphon and
pineal gland probe!
This is rapidly coming about as science penetrates more deeply into the arcana
of energies and begins to work—as does the occultist—in the world of

Mind-Reading Tech
An extension or next progression from radio, TV and internet is being
investigated by Facebook, Google and other Big Tech companies:
Facebook is working on technology to read your thoughts. Very
interesting but a big concern if it is used selfishly or not, i.e. more data
harvesting – Facebook has a shocking track record in this regard.

“The slowly manifesting powers of the radio and the sensitive workings
of the perfecting radio mechanisms and of television are but the
response in physical matter of the perfected telepathic powers and
television of the minds of the Masters of the Wisdom.”18

Mercury Retro in Aquarius: Airlines 5G Concerns

A perfect storm for Mercury retrograde in Aquarius,, the sign of
aviation. The fear among airlines is that the new 5G network could
interfere with vital aircraft instruments that are on a similar
wavelength, such as altimeter readings:

“American mobile phone firms are switching on around 90% of their

new 5G network despite fears the masts are dangerous to planes,
causing dozens of flights to be cancelled by spooked airlines.

The CEOs of major US carriers earlier warned of an impending

‘catastrophic’ crisis if AT&T and Verizon were to finally deploy their
new 5G services from the early hours, with hundreds of flights
potentially called off.”19

Whilst Mercury was retrograde in Aquarius (and will return to

Aquarius on Feb.15), airlines were voicing their concerns about 5G
technology causing potential problems. Hello? So 5G is suddenly not a “conspiracy theory” after all, because
mainstream companies are voicing their concerns?

The rabid MSM media never called out any of the airline companies for “spreading false and misleading information”
about 5G – yet when activists discuss 5G in relation to general health or vaccines, it is “lies”. 5G is at the heart of
many new technologies related to AI, telephones, satellites etc. – all strongly promoted by Big Tech and bodies like
the WEF.

“The world is bathed in a sea of electronic frequencies, all of which

have an effect upon the subtle bodies. First and foremost there are
the planetary, ray and zodiacal forces. Then there are many sources
of EMF (electro-magnetic frequencies) such as TV and radio signals,
cellphones, radar, x-rays, computers, power lines, store lighting,
smart meters, micro-waves, wi-fi, high frequency emissions such as
HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) etc.

Many people “cope” with these disruptions to their “normal state”

unconsciously – the body works harder, the adrenal glands are taxed,
the quality of sleep is affected etc. Most do not notice the effects or
are able pinpoint the causes, whilst the very sensitive can become
quite debilitated.

The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 30% of

the population in industrial economies suffer from Electromagnetic
Hypersensitivity.”20 For further reading, the author covered this
topic in depth a few years ago – 5 G, Gemini, the Etheric Body and Telepathy.


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Mercury Retro: Canada and the Great Global Convoy

Whilst Mercury was retrograde in Aquarius, the Canadian trucker convoy
began, protesting their nation’s imposed measures for vaccinations.

Aquarius ruler Uranus is the planet of rebellion and freedom – and was
square to Mercury in Aquarius around Jan.23, 2022. Uranus is passing
through Taurus, the soul sign of Canada, and this appears to be a soul
awakening of the nation that has the potential to lead the way for other

Then Mercury recently passed back into Capricorn – representing the

status quo, the state, law etc., as truckers descended upon the political
capital Ottawa – saying they will not budge for months if necessary, until
Trudeau’s mandates are lifted. Thousands of trucks have been involved and
millions of people have come out to peacefully support them – in the
depths of bitterly cold Canadian winter. And yet most of the mainstream media did not initially report this
extraordinary, history-making event – or did so only grudgingly.

When the event started to be reported on MSM in the USA and Britain, the news items
were extraordinarily biased against the truckers, using outrageous, lying propaganda. Falling
into line with one another, this lockstep media policy on vaccinations was and still is,
relentless as the past two years.

Justin Trudeau himself was at the forefront of denial and lies, slamming “fringe” truckers
for allegedly spewing “hateful rhetoric” during their “Freedom Convoy” protest; an
hypocritical reversal of a statement in the early days of Covid:

“While many of us are working from home, there are others who aren’t able to do that – like the truck drivers who are
working day and night to make sure our shelves are stocked. So when you can, please #ThankATrucker for everything
they’re doing and help them however you can,” Trudeau tweeted on March 31, 2020.”21

Trudeau is of course under enormous (invisible) pressure from “Big Daddy”

Schwab and the WEF (who have “penetrated” half the Canadian cabinet),
because if Canada buckles, then the victory will resound aroundin the world.

Mercury retrograde typically rules strikes and transport problems and this is
probably the biggest strike the world has seen, setting an inspiring fire to
other trucker convoys globally. There has been a huge shift energetically and
idealogically – that will now gain greater momentum.

Capital and Labour

This dispute has highlighted the age-old problem of capital and labour, workers
rights, unions etc. The workers are primarily part of Earth Chain humanity, and
capital – Moon Chain humanity:
Canada has lit a fuse that is now
burning worldwide. “The problem of labor and capital has its roots in the subjective distinction
between “equipped and unequipped” Egos [souls], between those units of the
human family on earth who have passed out of the Hall of Ignorance, and those who are yet groping in its dark and
gloomy corridors; between those Egos who are only “bud” Egos, and those who have organised the outer circle of
[knowledge] petals, and whose petals are ready to open up.”22

The entire “plannedemic” situation in the past couple of years, can be seen as the capital/labour problem brought to a
head. The potential for resolution is possible during this next Aquarian 2,160 year cycle, when the One who currently
holds the Office of the Christ – and who is from the Earth chain, will take over the responsibilities of the Buddha, who
is from the Moon chain.

“… the problem of the relationship between capital and labour awaiting

solution; the conflict is fierce but a compromise will eventually be worked
out if capital concedes certain arrogant powers, recognises the rights of
other human beings and demonstrates less selfish greed, and if labour
will work with less selfishness, prove less exacting and evince a more
understanding spirit. The bridge between these two great groups must
and will be built.”23

Providing they are not hijacked by other group agendas, the trucker
blockades have the potential to create a huge seismic shift and empower
Earth Chain humanity, who have been long subjected to slavery from the
Moon Chainers.

This has been particularly so in the past two years, where Earth and
Moon chainers have been coerced, cajoled, ridiculed and hounded into
Downtown Ottawa and the “fringe
submission by the false narrative from the advanced minds who run Big minority”.
Pharma, Media and Tech.

Canada Taurus Soul, Libra Personality

“World decisions must therefore, in the future, be based upon a steady determination to
further right human relations and to prevent selfish control, financial or ecclesiastical, by
any group of men, anywhere, in any country. We believe the determination of Great
Britain, the United States, and Canada, who are in possession of the secrets, is along
these lines.”24

Can we speculate that the massive convoy event represents the awakening of Canada’s
Taurus soul? And that it has great potential to influence the USA and Great Britain?
Uranus, the planet of revolution and rebellion, is currently transiting through Taurus –
and was square to retrograde Mercury on Jan.23 when the convoy began.

Taurus the Bull is a sign of great strength and perseverance, slow to anger, but once aroused, can be an indomitable
force – the charging bull heading toward the proverbial red flag, so symbolic of Mars in Sag.

But the truckers might also be the stubborn bull that digs its hooves in, refusing to move from their “parked paddock”
on Parliament Hill in Ottawa – until the law is changed. Some speculate that the military may be brought in. Currently,
the police are blocking fuel supplies (Feb.7) and the biggest bridge that borders Canada and the USA is blocked with
trucks. (Feb.10.)

Taurus is the “British bulldog” a major symbol of that nation’s Taurean

personality. The bulldog is also the emblem proudly mounted on the bonnet of
Mack trucks. Vulcan is the soul ruler of Taurus, the divine smithy who shapes
metals upon his forge – even a fashioner of big rigs! Vulcan is the ruler of the
first ray of will or power and the will of the Canadian people has been aroused.

There is only one other nation that has Taurus ruling at the soul level – and
that is China. Bear in mind that Taurus spawns dictators such as Hitler, from
the perspective of lower will – China is currently attempting to control and
dictate to the rest of the world; its voracious appetite for resources and
extraordinary prowess in manufacturing, is the lower material expression of

These two nations have a Taurus soul link and China has had undue influence upon Canada – via Trudeau and Xi
Jinping’s association through the WEF. This has occurred in several different ways – business and military, the latter a
quite disturbing trend that one can find several articles about.

Much of the activity is around Vancouver (or Hongcouver as locals call it), where
money laundering is conducted through casinos and organised crime. Observers
speculate on other reasons for the Chinese presence which can be found in
articles online:

“Justin Trudeau, signed a Treaty with China in late 2019. In January, 2020, the
Canadian Independent Press Review reported it as follows: ‘Under the terms of
the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA), a bi-lateral treaty ratified with
China by the Trudeau government in 2019, Chinese security forces can be
stationed on Canadian soil to protect vital Chinese investments, without the
knowledge or consent of local authorities.’ – Canadian Independent Press Review,
January 15, 2020.”25

Hence, in view of the trucker convoy situation as a Western counterbalance to the rising Eastern ambitions of China –
perhaps Canada is stepping into a deeper soul purpose – resisting China’s imposition working through Trudeau’s
government, totally in line with WEF plans and their “embedded politicians”. Also bear in mind that Canada is part of
the British Empire, though extinct externally, there is still a strong subjective connection:

“… a study will be made of London, Sydney, Johannesburg, Toronto and Vancouver with subsidiary studies of
Calcutta, Delhi, Singapore, Jamaica and Madras which are all subjectively related in a manner unforeseen by students
at present.”26 “London is the heart centre for Britain and Ottawa the throat centre, whilst Sydney is the solar plexus

Speculative assignment of centres for Canada.

Yet Ottawa is the proposed head centre of Canada – the political capital, in very close proximity (just across the
border) – to Washington DC, the political capital of the USA. Hence, what is happening in Canada will have a profound
effect upon the USA, notwithstanding the thousands of trucks that pass in and out of those nations everyday, plus
the USA’s own developing truckers convoy.

“A fast-growing Facebook group called “Convoy to DC 2022” is calling upon American truckers to amass a convoy to
head to Washington, DC to protest Joe Biden’s restrictive COVID measures.

Inspired by the massive 50,000-strong convoy of Canadian

truckers surrounding Parliament Hill in Ottawa, the U.S. Freedom
Convoy group, which has over 131,000 members as of writing,
will reportedly start in California and traverse all the way to the
nation’s capital.”28

Note in the map here, the proximity of so many major centres to

one another – Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, the hypothetical
throat, head and heart centres of Canada. Chicago, New York and
Washington – the solar plexus, throat and head centres of the

Hence, this revolutionary fire started by transiting Uranus in

Taurus, the soul sign of Canada, which also rules the New Group
of World Servers – is bound to spread into the USA and have
profound effects there. As Mercury went direct, back toward its
conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn (as of writing Feb.10.) – and
whilst the moon was passing through obstinate Taurus: Arrests
in Ottawa as Canadian truckers block main bridge to US.

When considering the current astro-cartography for the West

coast of North America, the Uranus/descendant line is
prominent. Bearing in mind that the following passage can be
interpreted in terms of a much larger entity, rather than any
individual – the exoteric interpretation for this line runs thus:

“Your marriage, unless it is a very unusual marital arrangement,

will suffer sudden upheavals along this line. This is because you
have such an urge for freedom in your personal relationships. If
you are conservative then you will experience these unsettling
sensations more strongly than if you are unorthodox.

Nevertheless you are unlikely to feel settled in your marriage or

business partnerships, unless they give you plenty of freedom.
Moving along this line is more likely to encourage you to break
free of the bonds of marriage and business partnerships … You
can follow this line if you are seeking a non-traditional
relationship that breaks the bonds of convention.”29

The Libran personality of Canada is also strongly expressing through peaceful protest and friendliness, highlighting this
sign’s theme of right relations and goodwill. But now Canadians are dropping the Libran facade as its Taurus soul
makes an impression, driven by reforming Uranus.

Canada’s Horoscope Transits

The most commonly used chart is Jul 1, 1867.
Canada’s transits and progressions 2022.

What were the major transits at the beginning of the truckers convoy on Jan. 23, 2022?

1. Transiting Sun-Mercury in Aquarius opposite Mercury in Leo. Mercury retrograde, always prominent in strikes,
transport delays etc. – opposing itself from Aquarius, the sign of rebellion and reform of the status quo. Natal Mercury
in Leo is also aroused to speak with authority and “assert the fact”, seen in the Canadian parliament, particularly by
some women – Raquel Dancho and Candice Bergen.

2. Transiting Mars in Sagittarius opposite Moon in Gemini. Militant Mars in Sag. conjunct. prog. Venus, creating a tight
T-square to Trudeau’s slippery and deceitful Mars in Pisces. Sagittarius the sign of spiritual philosophy and high ideals,
at odds with tricky Gemini moon, the nation’s dweller.

3. Transiting Saturn in Aquarius square Saturn in Scorpio (SA Venus) and Pluto in Leo. Saturn squaring itself is always
a major transit accompanied by delays, obstacles and an intense need to question direction.

With Pluto involved there is a wrestling for power between the people
and the state. This transit will be exact on the Aquarius-Leo full moon
Feb.16. Saturn in Aquarius is the state in many ways – and is passing
through the 11th house:

“The self-consciousness aspect of the human being is being steadily

expanded under this major interplay and through the forces transmitted
by Uranus, via the eleventh house, and will ultimately give place to group
consciousness and group relationships and group work.

Hence the trend towards amalgamation today, towards federation,

spheres of action and the many groups which distinguish increasingly
human intercourse. The group spirit and the forms through which it will
express itself are being increasingly demonstrated and this constitutes a
veritable initiation for the race.”30
Saturn and Pluto.
4. Transiting Uranus conjunct Pluto opposite
Saturn in Scorpio. Here we see the long term tussle between Uranus and Saturn squaring
one another, hence as Saturn creates a T-square to this opposition (briefly on the full
moon), transiting Uranus takes over for a much longer term cycle.

In Aug/Sep/ 2021, Uranus came close to its first activation of the Pluto-Saturn opposition,
but starts exactly in late May-June 2022 – all the way through to April 2023. Uranus the
reformer will be attempting to shake Saturn in Scorpio to its core, a great tug of war
between what has been and what will be.

As Saturn rules the midheaven of the chart, the government will be deeply affected during this transit, possibly
thrown out of office.

The Aquarian Age Has Begun!

Even though the world is still technically in the cusp of the ages, the past two
years has stimulated a true beginning of the Aquarian Age. Globalists and
entities such as WEF, WHO etc. have forced much of Humanity to create like-
minded groups who are resisting the impositions of the exploitive billionaire

There are thousands, if not millions, of support/discussion groups, non-state

health care groups, community money systems of barter and exchange,
survival and sustainability strategies, protest groups, self-sufficiency in food,
power and fuel. In short, millions wish to opt out of the present unworkable
system, do not want to be dependent upon the state or government, do not
want directives imposed upon their right of choice.

Big Sleep, Great Awakening

The acceleration of learning for many in the past two years has been
unprecedented – initially for many, through intuitive perceptions of the truth that
has been followed up by research on many subjects hitherto unfamiliar, eventually
confirming original intuitions.

The world has been on a steep learning curve, absorbing enormous amounts of
information via videos and articles on the internet, trying to make sense of the
world situation, weighing in the balance with the judicial mind or falling foul of
propaganda. Through analysis, correlation and synthesis, thought power has been
developed, allowing a fusion of intellect and intuition.

This complementary marriage of intuition (direct knowledge) and mind (learned knowledge), has passed through all
social stratas, though not yet in the majority. Most have chosen not to dig a little deeper, adhering to the relentless,
hypnotic mainstream narrative, only researching enough to confirm original biases.

And hence the Big Sleep (or mass hypnosis) persists, in the face of an
awakening to what is going on in the world – a most poignant contradiction.
This global awakening is at once the cause and effect of taking the first
initiation – with a realisation of the eternal soul and its connection to all
other souls.

All these events precede the 2025 conclave, and is what the watching
Hierarchy were no doubt hoping for. Yet, a large proportion of Humanity
still have the opportunity to wake up from their culturally induced comas,
including a large proportion of the spiritual community that has weakened
itself, dumbed-down by emotive propaganda and biased science,
masquerading as truth:

“Illusion is the mode whereby limited understanding and material knowledge

interpret truth, veiling and hiding it behind a cloud of thoughtforms …
[creating] … a barrier between himself and that which is and, until he has exhausted the resources of his intellect or
has deliberately refused to utilise it, his divine intuition cannot function. It is the intuition which reveals true Being and
which induces a state of spiritual perception.”31


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Aquarius and the Fifth Rootrace

At various times in history, there has been an eight-sign zodiac in Lemuria, a ten sign zodiac in Atlantis, and a twelve-
sign zodiac in this Fifth Rootrace. The zodiac signs are living entities, through whose influence Humanity evolves
consciousness. Hence, various signs of the zodiac have been “activated” by the Guides of the Race, when they have
deemed that Humanity is ready for the next step.

“In Atlantean days, man had become so responsive to the planetary and solar influence that the door of initiation into
hierarchical experience was opened and two more signs were added. These two signs were the higher
correspondences of Leo and Virgo and were the polar opposites of these two: Aquarius and Pisces.

Their influence became active and effective and thus they formed part of the zodiacal wheel because man began to
respond to their potencies. It then became possible for the Fixed Cross to function esoterically in the life of humanity,
and the first reversals of the wheel in the life of the advanced men of the period took place.

War in Heaven (Gustave Dore)

It was this reversal which was the true cause of the great contest or battle between the Lords of the Dark Face (as
they are called in The Secret Doctrine) and the Lords of Light—a contest which is today persisting. Certain men then
reached the stage of discipleship wherein they could consciously mount the Fixed Cross and be prepared for a major
initiation. This the Forces of Materiality and of Obstruction (as they are sometimes
called) fought and the battle was fought out and conditioned in the sign Scorpio.”32

The phrase, “two more signs were added” refers to the zodiac signs’ “activation”. The
more or less dormant groups of angelic beings who constitute the zodiac signs, were
stimulated into activity, so that their influence could be exerted upon Humanity and
vice versa.

In the author’s book, Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles, it is
demonstrated that the ten Biblical patriarchs are the subraces and rootraces, whose
archetypes are embodied in the Manus of the Hindu tradition. The fifth subrace of
Atlantis (4.5) was the seed for the Fifth Rootrace, 5 being the number of mind or manas. The patriarch Lamech was
the Manu of 4.5 – about to birth the Fifth Rootrace for which the patriarch Noah was the father – also known as
Vaivasvata Manu.

Hence Lamech correspondences to the activation of the sign

Aquarius, whilst Noah corresponds appropriately to the water
sign Pisces and the Atlantean deluge that purged the
previous civilisation. Noah rescued the remnants of that
civilisation in his ark:

“Symbolically speaking, the inhabitants of the ark and their

descendants … stand for the salvaged remnant of humanity
—salvaged in spite of themselves and in face of stupendous
difficulties by the Great White Lodge.”33

The point here is that the “creative angelic hierarchy” known

as Aquarius, has come almost full circle from its original
inception almost four million years ago, at the beginning of
the Fifth Rootrace – and the greatly expanded development
of manas/mind. The fifth ray of science or knowledge is the
only ray to pour through Aquarius and is ruled by Earth’s
sister planet Venus.

Now that the 2,160-year precession cycle of Aquarius is coming around again,
Humanity is an unique situation to experience the full flowering of manas. This
has occurred already because a critical mass has been reached in this fifth
branchrace of the fifth subrace of the fifth rootrace – or 5.5.5, quint-essential

Yet this lesser Aquarian cycle is accompanied by a greater cycle of Aquarius –

about to occur for the seventh time in the long history of the Fifth Rootrace,
three million years of which were in gestation, whilst the last million years it
came into manifestation:

“… the readiness of humanity for revelation and for certain unexpected

development, will condition the cycle into which we are now entering. This is,
therefore, the most amazing period in the history of humanity …

… we are entering another greater round of the Zodiac, and this coincides with the lesser zodiacal activity because
Aquarius governs the greater immediate cycle of 25,000 years and is also the sign into which the sun is now moving
for a period of 2300 years—a most amazing happening and full of import in our planetary history …

… It is a cycle also wherein, for the first time, the three major planetary
centres—Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity—are in direct and unimpeded
relation, for today the alignment is correct and adjusted for the first time in
planetary history.”34

In other words, during the next shorter cycle of Aquarius, the principles of
sharing and community will supervene, there will be undreamt of scientific
advances, the Externalisation of the Hierarchy will take place, along with
the re-establishment of the ancient Mystery Schools for initiation.

All of the those achievements in this imminent lesser cycle, will be the seed
within the greater Aquarian cylce of 25,000 years – or 25,920 to be
precise: 12 zodiac signs x 2,160 = 25,920. Hence, the manasic
development of Humanity will have run its course during this longer cycle –
as a prelude to the Sixth Rootrace, slated to begin in 25,000 years in
South America, around the area now known as Brazil. The evolving understanding of intellect will merge into intuition.

With the foundation of manas relatively completed by that time, the next phase of consciousness development will
begin – the cultivation of the intuition proper, direct knowledge or “buddhi” – divine reason. Because there are many
stages of consciousness unfoldment, only a critical mass of Humanity will reach the manasic development hosted by
the longer Aquarian cycle.

Even today in 5.5.5 where the apotheosis of lower mind has been
developed, it is only held by a minority of mentally advanced
Humanity. Yet development of the different levels of intuition is not
linear – all humans have the capacity to be intuitive, developed in
parallel with the expansion of manas/mind:

“… intuition lies on the other side of reason to instinct. We have,

therefore … instinct, intellect and intuition — with instinct lying below
the threshold of consciousness, so to speak, with the intellect holding
the first place in the recognition of man, as human, and with the
intuition lying beyond both of them, and only occasionally making its
presence felt in the sudden illuminations and apprehensions of truth
which are the gift of our greatest thinkers.”35

Joe Rogan: Earth In Aquarius

Joe Rogan has been in the news lately due to his “controversial” interviews. Rogan is a Leo
sun with Taurus rising and Moon in Libra. His sun in Leo has a close conjunction with Jupiter,
giving him a lot of charisma and generosity of spirit.

Polar opposites are very important in esoteric astrology, as those signs provide a balancing
factor, in Rogan’s case, his Earth is in Aquarius in the 10th house of career, the most
elevated point in the horoscope.

If Rogan’s Leo sun is the actor and comedian at centre stage, then Aquarius is the receiving audience – and the water-
bearer who pours forth for those who thirst. Indeed, that’s about 10 million plus listeners on his podcast, which far
outstrips CNN and other decrepit news outlets. No wonder the “woke left” media are calling for his blood! Currently,
transiting Saturn (authority, the establishment), opposes his Leo sun, attempting to put a damper upon his fiery Sun-

Joe Rogan

Taurus rising is the bull, and Rogan does have a resemblance to a stocky, tough pitbull, complimenting his warrior Mars
in Scorpio and martial arts training. Taurus also rules the organs of speech, a sign that precedes the more well known
sign of communication, Gemini.

Gemini ruler Mercury is also in Leo, giving him some authority and focus
in communication, trine to Chiron in Pisces – arguably his skill for comedy
(not my cup of tea!), and perhaps more importantly – the art of listening
as an interviewer.

Mercury is also trine to Saturn in Aries, hence his interest in leading edge
new ideas. Rogan’s Libra moon is one of his great assets, he comes
across as fair and balanced, an outgoing friendly “regular” guy a “Joe
public” – having a broad appeal. (Libra is also a sign related to comedy.)
But what is looming on the horizon is more about censorship and the
further diminishment of free speech.

Rogan may well be made a scapegoat, another victim of the “cancel

culture” driven by media forces that seek to influence or shutdown his
output – especially if his narrative on vaccinations runs counter to the
Joe Rogan’s controversial interview with
MSM. For now, Rogan is in a powerful position, though tussling with
mRNA expert Dr. Robert Malone.
powerful people, even being offered other gigs, as transiting Pluto trines
his Taurus ascendant until Oct. 2022.

“The top owner of Spotify is also the top owner of Moderna” pharmaceuticals. Dr. Robert Malone on Fox’s Tucker
Carlson. Is this why @Spotify CEO Daniel Eks won’t approve my episode with @JoeRogan, the ONLY one to remain

Neil Young’s Transits

The comments that sparked the latest Rogan controversy were from triple
Scorpio, Neil Young – who asked Spotify to remove his music due to Rogan’s
“disinformation” on vaccine themes. Never has Young’s song from the 70’s, “I
have seen the needle and the damage done”, been so strangely appropriate – in
the different context of the multi-jabbed in 2022.

Young has been experiencing in depth the tensions of the Saturn-Uranus square
dance in 2021. Saturn stationed on his Aquarius moon (opposite Pluto) 2021 –
creating a rugged T-square to his Scorpio ascendant – with its last hit in mid

That combination can bring about a fear of death and a tendency for a
conservative view. Young’s actions today are strongly contradictory to his plaintive railings against the establishment
in the 1970’s, taking as gospel the mainstream narrative still being forced upon everyone. Likewise, other stars like
Joni Mitchell jumped on the bandwagon.

Neil Young

Similarly, transiting Uranus opposed his Scorpio ascendant a few times in 2021, with its last hit in May 2022 – a tough
tug of war. Perhaps more importantly, is Saturn’s square to Young’s Scorpio Sun coming up in the first week of March,
second hit first week of Sept. – the start of a three-month station that finishes in early Dec.2022.

Neil Young transits and progressions.

This is a well known transit for needing to be careful about heart health, not to get too stressed out, as it can literally
take you out, due to the restraining influence of Saturn upon the vitality of the Sun – which has a close association
with the physical heart. Psychologically,

“Circumstances can frustrate you and can cause you to resist the demands of
the time, as situations often appear stuck or interminably slow to develop.
One lesson of this period is patience, as certain areas of your life sometimes
become obstructed where no amount of pressure can remove the obstacles.

Generally, it is ineffective to force issues, but you usually accomplish more by

accepting the inevitable reality of the moment and biding your time until the
blockages become free … This period can cause you to doubt yourself and all
that you express. Humility often plays a defining role now.”36

One of Neil Young’s timeless classics: “I want to live, I want to give, I’ve been a miner for a heart of gold …”

USA’s Pluto Return and Russia: Two Aquarian Souls

The much anticipated Pluto return for the USA will coincide with the
2022 Aquarius full moon period – most appropriately because the USA is
an Aquarian soul, whose destiny is to lead the world into the Aquarian
Age. Notwithstanding being ambushed, undermined and subverted by
the forces of “materialism and obstruction” along the way!

The Pluto return has already been influencing for the past couple of
years, breaking down all that needs regenerating in this nation – culture,
tradition, politics, economy, arts, sciences etc.

Just a few days after the full moon of Feb.16, the first exact hit of the
Pluto return will occur on Feb.20, with the final two on Jul.11 and
Dec.28, 2022. Hence this full moon period will set and magnify the
pattern for the Pluto return – whose major focus will be within the
bounds of 2022; it will be an intense year for this nation, internal and external conflicts and power struggles may
prevail, before some sanity prevails.

The full moon of Aquarius-Leo falls on the Aquarius moon of USA’s 1776 exoteric horoscope. The moon is the
shadow/dweller, paradoxically as the USA is esoterically an Aquarian soul.

United States of America

The full moon period will amplify the shadow aspect of the Aquarian moon, particularly in terms of Aquarian modern
technologies and science, so abused in recent years – hindering and obstructing USA’s and the world’s spiritual
progress. Hence, coming to successful terms with the nation’s shadow will lead to greater alignment with its Aquarian
soul. Additionally, USA’s ninth progressed lunar return (27 year cycle) in Aquarius approaches in the next nine months,
by Sept. 2022.

Here follows one brief overview of the situation between
USA, Russia and Ukraine, affirmed as fairly accurate by
Russian wisdom co-workers:

“The U.S. is pulling all the hybrid warfare schemes out of the
tool box. For months they claimed that Russian troops were
massed on the border, ready to invade. They have engaged
in diplomacy but only to try and get their way.

Russia has held firm on a guarantee of no further NATO

encroachment and the removal of missiles from their border.
The French and Germans are feckless and do what
Washington wants. They should be pressuring Ukraine to live
up to the Minsk II Agreement which requires talks with the
breakaway Donbass region.

None of this information is conveyed to the American people

who live in ignorance orchestrated by republicans,
democrats, and their friends in corporate media. Republican senators who want to run for president outdo one another
with nonsense about stopping the Nord Stream II gas pipeline that Germany, a U.S. ally, asked the Russians to build.
Winter is coming, quite literally, and Europe needs Russia’s gas. But unless they stop following Uncle Sam’s bullying
they will end up with nothing.

… The Russians dig in their heels and make clear that their days
of being pushovers are in the past. The most committed puppet
states like the U.K. go along with whatever Washington wants.
They can be counted on to repeat an unsourced story of a
Russian plan to overthrow the Ukrainian government or something
else equally nonsensical.

The people most likely to use a false flag event to justify going to
war, instead claim that the other side will do so. The result is a
situation that could go badly over the slightest provocation or
even a perceived provocation.”37

A lot of the recent fuss made by the USA and UK is designed to

create a smokescreen and other distractions from the ongoing
pandemic crisis, as well as possible financial market disturbances.

USA, UK and Russia Triangle for the Aquarian Age

As discussed regularly, Russia is an Aquarian soul – the USA and
The Netherlands the only other nations to have this influence at the soul level. Russia is part of a triangle with the USA
and Britain that will see them as leaders in the Aquarian Age:

“There are three great fusing energies or vital centres present upon our

1. Russia, fusing and blending eastern Europe and western and northern Asia.

2. The United States (and later South America), fusing and blending central
and western Europe and the entire western hemisphere.

3. The British Empire, fusing and blending races and men throughout the
entire world.

In the hands of these nations lies the destiny of the planet. These
are the three major world blocs, from the consciousness angle and from the
angle of world synthesis.”38

As mentioned in a 2021 analysis of the problem, forces within Britain and the USA have been extraordinarily
antagonistic toward Russia, as the latest sabre-rattling and non-stop propaganda about Ukraine has demonstrated.

The current crisis is a complicated situation, almost intractable, which

lends itself to subjective healing upon the mental plane – directed by like-
minded groups of meditators, such as discussed in the 2021 link above.

Geneva: Healing from the Planetary Heart Centre

Geneva is the heart centre of the five planetary centres and has a first
ray soul (politics) with a second ray personality (Love-Wisdom) – the
latter force urgently needed to evoke the second ray souls of Britain and
the USA – to counter the “panic narrative” and move from fear-based
global politics to love-wisdom and true Aquarian sharing. (See a longer
essay on the five planetary centres here.)

“These five points of spiritual influx are:

1. London For the British Empire.

2. New York For the Western Hemisphere.
3. Geneva For Europe, including the U.S.S.R.
4. Tokyo For the Far East.
5. Darjeeling For India and the greater part of Asia.”39

Note Geneva’s connection to Russia and its influence in the maps below,

As a second ray personality, Geneva’s motto is: “I seek to fuse, to blend and serve”. Geneva is ruled by Leo the
lionheart, polar opposite of Aquarius, the personality sign of Switzerland:

“The force which the centre at Geneva is expressing … is that of the

second Ray of Love-Wisdom, with its major emphasis at this time upon
the quality of inclusiveness. It is concerned with the “binding together in
brotherly love” and with the expression of the nature of service.

This planetary centre, which conditions the little country of Switzerland

has had a most potent effect upon that country and a study of these
effects will demonstrate future possibility for the world.”40

Hence, what better planetary centre (Geneva – Leo) and nation

(Switzerland – Aquarius), with an historical reputation of neutrality – to
“bind together in brotherly love”, two second ray souls (UK-USA) and
two Aquarian souls (Russia-USA). Aquarius, ruled by Uranus – the ruler of
the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic or Order, also links to the seventh
soul ray of Russia.

Therefore, to simmer the antagonism emanating from the UK-USA war-hawks, it is suggested for meditating groups to
conduct a very simple but potent visualisation – using the triangle of USA, Britain and Russia – with Geneva placed at
the centre:

1. Visualise indigo blue, second ray love-wisdom forces – pouring

down into Geneva and pumping back up through its great vertical
stream of water, like an Aquarian water-bearer – distributing to
those nations who “thirst” within the triangle.

2. Then visualise those forces harmoniously circulating around the

triangle, lighting up each nation in turn, bringing peace, harmony
and stability – fostering an atmosphere for good dialogue and right

3. Holding that visualisation, sound the Great Invocation, and/or

the original Great Invocation that summon up the Lords of

4. Know that directed visualisation of these steps will have a

definite effect.

5. Rinse and repeat as regularly as needed!

Thích Nhất Hạnh

Hạnh:: A Lord of Compassion …
“This body is not me; I am not caught in this body, I am life without
boundaries, I have never been born and I have never died. Over there,
the wide ocean and the sky with many galaxies all manifests from the
basis of consciousness.

Since beginningless time I have always been free. Birth and death are
only a door through which we go in and out. Birth and death are only a
game of hide-and-seek. So smile to me and take my hand and wave
good-bye. Tomorrow we shall meet again or even before. We shall
always be meeting again at the true source. Always meeting again on
the myriad paths of life.” (Thích Nhất Hạnh)41

On Jan.22, 2022 a giant in the spiritual world left us. Thích Nhất Hạnh
had the Sun in Libra, epitomising his famous saying, “Peace in every
step” and “present moment, wonderful moment”. Desmond Tutu, also
recently departed, shared this Libran quality and was a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. (See the author’s astrological
profile of Tutu here.)

Thích Nhất Hạnh picked an interesting date on which to make his transition – so many 2’s, signfiying the Love-Wisdom
ray of which he was an undoubted exponent. Five 2’s added = 10, the number of perfection and completion. 5 x 2
mind/heart integration/perfection.

“Born Nguyen Xuan Bao in 1926, Thich Nhat Hanh was ordained as a monk as
Vietnam’s revolutionary leader Ho Chi Minh was beginning efforts to liberate
the south-east Asian country from its French colonial rulers.

Thích Nhất Hạnh, who spoke seven languages, lectured at Princeton and
Columbia universities in the United States in the early 1960s. He returned to
Vietnam in 1963 to join a growing Buddhist opposition to the US-Vietnam war,
demonstrated by self-immolation protests by several monks.

“I saw communists and anti-communists killing and destroying each other

because each side believed they had a monopoly on the truth,” he wrote in
1975.”42" class="broken_link">

In the 1960’s, Thich Naht Hank Hmmm, how true that last sentence
made a huge impression on Martin rings today! When Thích Nhất Hạnh
Luther King.
passed, there was an extraordinary
response on social media with hundreds
of dedications, articles and videos posted. Many thousands who had come in
contact in some way with his teachings, experienced profound emotion and

Indeed, it felt like this Zen master’s lotus had fully unfolded, releasing the
perfume of his remarkable life, permeating and enriching the entire planetary
aura. Many people regarded him as a Master and relatively speaking, that may
have been true. The science of initiation is a sub-science of Esoteric Astrology:

“Strictly speaking those adepts who have achieved non-attachment but who have chosen to sacrifice themselves and
abide with the sons of men in order to serve and help them are not technically Nirvanis. They are Lords of Compassion
pledged to “suffer” with, and to be governed by, certain conditions analogous to (though not identical with) the
conditions governing men who are still attached to the world of form.”

Because the senior initiates, from the Christ down to initiates of the fourth degree, are
conscious in varying ways (according to ray) of the Eternal Now, and can work free
from the compulsion of time, They can see the impressed Purpose as a more complete
whole than can initiates of lesser degree and development.”43

Whether Thích Nhất Hạnh had reached the stage of an Arhat/4th degree, or Lord of
Compassion is unknown, but quite possibly; he was certainly adept at expressing the
Love-Wisdom ray. Neither is his birth time known, but it is possible he had Taurus

The author’s conclusion came about through dialogues with Vietnamese students of
esoteric astrology who posited Aries, Taurus and Pisces rising. The latter speculation of Pisces is covered in this
extensive in-depth analysis by Hoang Quoc Khanh.)

To really do justice to this great soul, a lifetime rectification needs to be made, using the plentiful dates that marked
the milestones in his life – such as his stroke on 11-11, 2014, or the founding of the Institute of Higher Buddhist
Studies on March 13, 1964 – to name a few.

Thích Nhất Hạnh (Speculative rising sign for Taurus.)

For this hypothetical chart, the author has used early Taurus rising, that makes Mercury in Scorpio angular, such a
powerful planet as will be explored later. Taurus is the sign that the Buddha incarnated in, gained enlightenment under,
and transitioned during.

Another Vietnamese student of the wisdom has proposed latter degrees of Taurus rising, and this is also an attractive
chart, as it puts 2nd ray love-wisdom ruler Jupiter on the midheaven – in Aquarius, the sign of its esoteric rulership.
(Facebook friends can see the author’s dialogue with these two students, in the post about Thích Nhất Hạnh on

Taurus rules the organs of speech and with the god of speech Mercury opposite in
Scorpio, makes a compelling argument for Taurus rising. Taurus is of course the sign
preceding the more well-known sign of communication, Mercury-ruled Gemini. There might
even be an argument for Gemini rising, given the fact that Thích Nhất spoke seven
languages (!) and had published over 130 books – more than 100 in English, selling over
five million copies worldwide.

The books range from spiritual guides and Buddhist texts, teachings on mindfulness,
poetry, story collections, and scholarly essays on Zen practice, have been translated into
more than 40 languages.44" class="broken_link"> But the publishing
theme is more the province of Sagittarius – where Thích Nhất’s moon is placed.

If latter degrees of a Taurus rising chart are used, it places Sagittarius ruler Jupiter in the late ninth house of
publishing, conjunct the midheaven – dominating the chart, and reflecting the abundant expression of his broad

Jupiter in Aquarius is very much the world server/water-bearer pouring forth from the urn that he carried upon his
shoulders. Here is an interesting difference between how Klaus Schwab uses his Jupiter in Aquarius, through its
exoteric ruler Uranus – science, technology etc.

Similarly, the position of Jupiter in Aquarius in the horoscope of Lady Diana, who said she wished to be a “Queen of
hearts” – and that so many people needed love. Thích Nhất’s expression is much more about Jupiter in its soul
rulership of Aquarius – and its rulership of the 2nd ray of love-wisdom.

A latter degrees Taurus rising – around 29°, would be conjunct the fixed star
Alcyone in the Pleiades, the central point around which our universe of fixed
stars revolves, known as the “star of the individual” or the “star of intelligence”
– “energies from Alcyone impregnated the substance of the universe with the
quality of mind.”

This position of Alcyone recalls the opening passage by Thích Nhất Hạnh, “I am
life without boundaries … the wide ocean and the sky with many galaxies …”.
Regardless of a possible Gemini rising, as the polar opposite sign of his
Sagittarius moon, Gemini would be powerfully invoked in spoken and written

Alcyone amongst the Pleiades. As a possible Taurus rising “mini Buddha”, Thích Nhất Hạnh made great
contributions to both Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism, bringing Buddhism
and Western psychology together:

“Nhất Hạnh combined a variety of teachings of Early Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhist traditions of Yogācāra and Zen,
and ideas from Western psychology to teach mindfulness of breathing and the four foundations of mindfulness,
offering a modern perspective on meditation practice.”45" class="broken_link">

Plum Village Monastery was established in France in 1982 and he travelled extensively in Western nations, holding
retreats and giving talks:

“The Taurian upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the method of directed
and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature in order.”46

Time and space does not permit a thorough analysis of Nhất Hạnh’s horoscope, but it is
worth examining Mercury in Scorpio’s esoteric meaning:

“Mercury, as it relates Gemini to Scorpio and to our planet, has a mass or general effect,
for it is the hierarchical ruler of Scorpio and its effect is of a planetary nature far more
than is usually the case, and is, therefore, far more difficult to trace at our present point
of planetary development and human consciousness.

Its true significance will not be understood until the consciousness of individual man is also planetary in its scope and
grasp, which is never the case until after the third initiation.”47


Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat in Portugal

Note also our new look website, now also phone and tablet compatible.

Following the announcement of this project in late 2021, and as a reminder of the AWCR’s ongoing service activities,
Phillip Lindsay is offering regular astrology newsletter commentaries and other talks/discussions – via the Go to
Meeting webinar platform. There will also be ongoing monthly full moon meditations at dates and times to be

Go to Meeting for Aquarius 2022 will be Tuesday, Feb.15 at 19.00 UT.

Visit the Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat website. (Scroll down to register.)

At the link above, add your email to the mailing list – and/or, make an optional donation to AWCR’s activities.

Phillip Lindsay © 2022.

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Books by Phillip Lindsay

The Shamballa Impacts Masters of the Seven Soul Cycles of the Soul Cycles of the Soul Cycles of the
Rays Seven Rays I Seven Rays II Seven Rays III

Soul Cycles of the Destiny of the Races & Destiny of the Races & Destiny of the Races & The Hidden History of
Seven Rays IV Nations I Nations II Nations III Humanity I

The Initiations of Songs to Varuna Unveiling Genesis



Esoteric Astrology Hidden History of Humanity

1. The Reappearance of the Christ, Alice A. Bailey. p.82. [ ]

2. [ ]
3. [ ]
4. [ ]
5. [ ]
6. [ ]
7. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.285. [ ]
8. [ ]
9. [ ]
10. [ ]
11. [ ]
12. Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.63. [ ]
13. Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.395. [ ]
14. Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Alice A. Bailey. p.2. [ ]
15. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.303. [ ]
16. A Treatise on White Magic, Alice A. Bailey. p.373. [ ]
17. Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Alice A. Bailey. p.12. [ ]
18. Discipleship in the New Age I, Alice A. Bailey. p.24. [ ]
19. [ ]
20. [ ]
21. [ ]
22. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.825-6. [ ]
23. The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.633. [ ]
24. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.499. [ ]
25. China Amassing “Tens-of-Thousands” of Troops in Canada. [ ]
26. Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.104. [ ]
27. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.85. [ ]
28. [ ]
29. Solar Maps software by Esoteric Technologies P/L. [ ]
30. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.541. [ ]
31. Glamour: A World Problem, Alice A. Bailey. p.240. [ ]
32. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.160. [ ]
33. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.124. [ ]
34. The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.567. [ ]
35. From Intellect to Intuition, Alice A. Bailey. p.27. [ ]
36. [ ]
37. [ ]
38. Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.104. [ ]
39. Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.92. [ ]
40. Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey. p.96. [ ]
41. No Death, No Fear, Thích Nhất Hạnh. [ ]
42. ]
43. The Light of the Soul, Alice A. Bailey. p.31. [ ]
44. ]
45. ]
46. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.397. [ ]
47. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.359. [ ]

1 Comment

One Response to Aquarius 2022: Britain. WEF. Telepathy-Technology. Mercury Retro. Canada
Convoy. Joe Rogan. USA Pluto Return. Thich Nhat Hanh.

Vicki L Naas says:

February 10, 2022 at 8:26 pm

Dear Phillip,

Your biographical sketch needs to be amended to include the description “iconoclast, one who has a very necessary
Plutonian function, clearing debris before the rebuilding and beautiful transformation under Venus. The myth of
Persephone’s kidnapping by Hades illustrates what is meant.”

Regarding “Big Sleep, Great Awakening”, Helena Roerich writes in Fiery World III, page 239, “Already long ago was it
said that the better people will become especially sensitive, while the rubbish of Kali Yuga will grow deaf and dumb
before the great events. But for a long time not many will apprehend to what an extent everything is changed around
them.” She is referencing
Vedavyasa’s predictions written 5000 years ago in the Bhagavata Purana.

Fellow students may be interested in a new astrological documentary based on astrologer Richard Tarnas’ book,
“Cosmos & Psyche”. It is a nine-part series premiering February 22nd and deals with the correlation of historical
events with the outer planets, particularly Uranus. It is beautifully produced and represents a 10-year effort. Its free
to all. For more information go to the website:

I very much appreciate your thoughts on the crises with Russia and Poland. It is a deep pain point for the entire world.
I am going to use your meditation beginning this afternoon. I think I will superimpose Venus, Earth’s alter-ego, over
the triangle, since Venus is also the ruler of Libra, the peacemaker.

All good wishes,


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