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Assignment: 1

In how many ways a contract can be terminated or
breached? with examples

1. Mutual Termination: Both parties agree to end the agreement

before the scheduled termination date. For example, a
homeowner may need to negotiate a mutually suitable
termination plan if they decide to cancel a contract with a
landscaping business before the project's scheduled
completion date.

2. Termination by one party due to the other party's breach of the

agreement: If one party doesn't fulfill their end of the bargain,
the other party has the right to end the contract. For instance,
if a supplier doesn't deliver items by the deadline set forth in
the contract, the buyer may end the agreement and claim
compensation for any losses suffered.

3. Termination due to frustration of purpose: A contract may

become impossible to perform due to unforeseen
circumstances that were not anticipated at the time of
agreement. For example, if a venue is destroyed by fire before
an event takes place, the contract may be terminated due to
frustration of purpose.
4. Termination due to impossibility of performance: If a party is
unable to perform their obligations due to reasons beyond
their control, the contract may be terminated. For example, if a
performer falls ill and is unable to perform at a scheduled
event, the contract may be terminated.
5. Termination due to illegality of the contract: If the subject
matter of the contract becomes illegal, the contract may be
terminated. For example, if a contract is entered into for the
sale of illegal drugs, the contract would be void and
6. Termination due to bankruptcy or insolvency of one of the
parties: If one of the parties becomes bankrupt or insolvent,
the contract may be terminated. For example, if a supplier goes
bankrupt, they may not be able to fulfill their obligations under
the contract, and the contract may be terminated as a result.
7. Breach of contract: When one party fails to perform their
obligations under the terms of the contract, this constitutes a
breach of contract. This can include failure to deliver goods or
services as specified, failure to make payments as agreed, or
failure to perform duties in a timely and professional manner.
Breach of contract can lead to legal action, such as seeking
damages or termination of the contract.

A contract can be terminated or breached in several ways, depending on

the terms and conditions of the agreement. Some of the common ways are:

1. Performance: A contract can be terminated by performance when both

parties fulfill their obligations as per the terms of the agreement. For
example, if a contract is made between a buyer and a seller for the delivery
of a specific product, and the seller delivers the product as per the agreed-
upon terms, the contract is terminated by performance.
2. Mutual agreement: A contract can be terminated by mutual agreement
between both parties. For example, if two parties have entered into a
contract for the provision of services, but circumstances have changed, and
both parties agree to terminate the contract, it can be done by mutual
3. Breach of contract: A contract can be terminated by a breach of contract by
one of the parties. For example, if a contractor fails to deliver a project
within the agreed-upon timeline, the contract can be terminated due to the
contractor's breach of the contract.

4. Frustration of purpose: A contract can be terminated due to the frustration

of the purpose for which it was made. For example, if a contract is made for
the hire of a venue for a wedding, but the venue is destroyed due to a
natural disaster, the contract can be terminated due to the frustration of
the purpose.

5. Impossibility: A contract can be terminated due to impossibility of

performance. For example, if a contract is made for the sale of a specific
item, but the item is destroyed, the contract can be terminated due to
impossibility of performance.

In conclusion, a contract can be terminated or breached in several ways,

and it is important to understand the terms and conditions of the
agreement and the circumstances under which it can be terminated.


Explain the Digital and Ecommerce laws followed

in Pakistan?
Pakistan has several laws related to digital and ecommerce activities to regulate and
ensure the security of online transactions. Some of the prominent laws are:
1. Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) 2016: It deals with offenses related to
cybercrimes, including unauthorized access to data, hacking, cyber terrorism, and
online harassment.

2. Electronic Transactions Ordinance 2002: It provides a legal framework for electronic

transactions, including digital signatures, electronic contracts, and electronic funds

3. Payment Systems and Electronic Fund Transfers Act 2007: It regulates payment
systems and electronic fund transfers in Pakistan and provides guidelines for the
operation of such systems.

4. Data Protection Bill 2020: It aims to protect the personal data of individuals and
regulate its processing, storage, and transmission.

5. Consumer Protection (E-commerce) Rules 2020: It provides guidelines for e-

commerce businesses to ensure consumer protection, including requirements for
providing clear and accurate information about products, return policies, and dispute
resolution mechanisms.

These laws are essential to safeguard the interests of consumers and businesses in
the digital space, prevent cybercrimes, and promote a secure and reliable
ecommerce environment in Pakistan.


Explain the employment laws followed in PakPakistan has several laws

related to digital and ecommerce activities to regulate and ensure the
security of online transactions. Some of the prominent laws are:

1. Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) 2016: It deals with offenses

related to cybercrimes, including unauthorized access to data, hacking,
cyber terrorism, and online harassment.
2. Electronic Transactions Ordinance 2002: It provides a legal framework for
electronic transactions, including digital signatures, electronic contracts,
and electronic funds transfers.
3. Payment Systems and Electronic Fund Transfers Act 2007: It regulates
payment systems and electronic fund transfers in Pakistan and provides
guidelines for the operation of such systems.
4. Data Protection Bill 2020: It aims to protect the personal data of individuals
and regulate its processing, storage, and transmission.
5. Consumer Protection (E-commerce) Rules 2020: It provides guidelines for
ecommerce businesses to ensure consumer protection, including
requirements for providing clear and accurate information about products,
return policies, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

These laws are essential to safeguard the interests of consumers and

businesses in the digital space, prevent cybercrimes, and promote a secure
and reliable e-commer environment in Pakistan.


Explain briefly the employment laws followed in Pakistan?

Pakistan has several laws related to employment that govern the

relationship between employers and employees. Some of the prominent
laws are:

1. The Industrial Relations Act 2012: It provides a framework for the

settlement of industrial disputes between employers and employees,
including collective bargaining and strikes.
2. The Employees' Old-Age Benefits Act 1976: It requires employers to
contribute to a social security fund for their employees to provide
retirement, disability, and survivor benefits.
3. The Minimum Wages Ordinance 1961: It sets the minimum wage rates for
various industries and sectors to ensure fair wages for workers.
4. The Workmen's Compensation Act 1923: It provides compensation to
workers in case of injury or death while on the job.
5. The Payment of Wages Act 1936: It regulates the payment of wages to
employees, including the timing, mode of payment, and deductions.

These laws are essential to protect the rights and interests of employees
and ensure a fair and safe work environment in Pakistan. Employers are
required to comply with these laws to avoid legal action and maintain a
positive work culture.

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