8th Computer

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First Periodic Exam – May, 2021 D.O.E- 27/05/2021

Subject: Computer Science
Class: 8th
Time:-1 hr M.M-30

A. Multiple Choice Questions: - 6*1=6

1. Characters user interface is also known as ___ interface.
a. Single user b. Command line c. Multi user
2. A computer interprets the instruction given by a user with the help of
a. Operating System b. Device driver c. Utility
3. ________ requires more RAM to run.
a. GUI b. CUI c. CLI
4. Which function finds the largest number in a range?
a. AVERAGE () b. COUNT () c. MAX()
5. Which function is used to count the number of numeric values in a range?
6. Which key combination is used to get the sum of the values of adjacent
a. Shift + S b. Ctrl + ‘ c. Alt + =
B. Fill in the blanks: - 6*1=6
1. _______ are input to function, which accept values as number or
2. Formulas are used to perform______.
3. The cell address in a formula is also called ____________.
4. ______ Software is a set of programs designed to perform specific
type of job.
5. __________refers to the physical parts of a computer that you can
see and touch.
6. A ______________ is a space on the display screen in which
commands are typed in by the user.
C. True/False: - 6*1=6
1. Computers work with an interaction of hardware and software.
2. Operating system acts as a central coordinator between the user
and the software.
3. CUI requires the user to type commands in order to interact with
the computer system.
4. Formulas must begin with the Question mark (?).
5. A range can be used in a formula.
6. The error # VALUE occurs if the number is divided by a zero.
D. Short Answer Question:- 4*3= 12
1. What are the advantages of GUI over CUI?
2. What do you mean by a function? Name some of the function.
3. Define hardware and software.
4. What is a formula? Explain with the help of an example.

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