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hey little me
I wish you had written down a couple of a questions
for me to answer today. it is hard to think what you
would have wanted me to talk about specifically. since i
am you and not. at the same time my last resource is
guessing. i am not sure if you ever desired advice from
an older self in older to take desicions. so even though
you did not wish for them, here is a couple of bits of
to the one i was 7 years ago, failing math is not the
end of the world friends and the family will be there to
help you get up. taking baby steps toward independent
will be exiciting, but take mental notes. please take a
moment and try to take it all in. you are on the right
track regarding what you want to do in the future.
today you are looking quite different. both inside and
out. you probably did not expect to turn out this way:
you would be surprised but proud at the same time.
iknow i owe you many wishes and promises you made to
yourself along the way. iknow i still have to take you
places you have not been before. i promise i will
continue moving forward but without forgetting
about you cheers to you past,present and future


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