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(The Host will read inquiry-based phrases and sentences to the crowd which will determine who
will take their seats once they are the ones being identified; until there will be only one who
remains standing and will be announced as the winner.)

Note: Please fill in the blanks accordingly.

1. The Wedding Ceremony was conducted today at ____________________________. If you did

not attend the church ceremony, please sit down.
2. Zodiac Signs, our bride is a ____________ while our groom is a ____________, if you are
among those signs, please sit down.
3. Our groom is ____________ among his siblings, if you are the eldest among your siblings,
please settle down.
4. Our bride is ____________ among her siblings, if you are the youngest among your siblings,
please settle down.
5. Our groom’s birthday is on ____________, if you were born within the same month as the
groom, please take your seat.
6. Our bride’s birthday is on ___________, if you were also born within the month as the bride,
please take your seat.
7. Let’s talk about age… Our Groom is ____ years old, while the Bride is _____ years old. Let’s
sum it up. It’s a total of _____... If your age is the same as the total and above, you may now take
your seat.
8. Our Groom is from Bauang, while our Bride is from Bacnotan. If you are also coming from the
mentioned municipalities, you may now take your seats.
9. Our newly weds have been to _________________ (please specify one tourist destination you
have visited together in the past.) Anyone who have also have the chance to visit that place can
now take their seats.
10. Our couple has planned to go to __________ for their honeymoon. If you have been to the same
place, please sit down.
11. The groom’s waistline is ____ inches, if yours is the same as the groom and above it, please sit
12. The bride is ___________ in height, if your height is below that, please sit down.
13. This year is among those years listed as the Year of Rabbit. If you were born also among the past
years of the Rabbit, please settle down. 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927…
14. We started our Wedding Reception Programme at exactly ________ (the Host will determine the
time.) If you came in 5 minutes after the said time means you are late, and you may now settle
15. If you have 3 and above children of your own, please take your seat.
16. If you are an immediate or direct family member of our couple, you may now take your seat.
17. The bride and the groom will be residing at ____________________________________ after
their wedding, after today… If you are residing at the same barangay/municipality at present,
please sit down.

Note: When there will be 2 or 3 remaining guest standing after the last question, they will be
invited in front to do a dare which is singing. Best Singer will be determined by audience impact
and the one with the loudest cheer will be the grand winner.

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