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Performance Task 3 Week 4

Stanlee V. Matro Grade 8-Hertz

From my own perspective, family planning is necessary for the safety and happiness of
families. To begin with, it avoids an unwanted birth because it helps the parents plan how many
children they want. Second, it can reduce pregnancy complications. For example, it protects
women from any health risks that may occur before, during, or after childbirth. Another reason
is that women who bear more than four children are at an increased risk of maternal mortality,
so they need to plan accordingly. Also, by reducing unintended pregnancies, family planning
also removes the option of unsafe abortion. Next, infant mortality rates can be cut down. For
instance, when a pregnancy is unplanned, ill-timed, or too closely spaced, it affects the
mother's health, which, in turn, affects the health and safety of her unborn child. That's why I
would say that an infant will have a greater risk of death and poor health if the mother dies
while giving birth. Additionally, it ensures better chance of survival at birth and promote better
childhood nutrition. Another reason is that sexually-transmitted infections can be prevented.
Specifically, family planning tells us that the proper and consistent use of male and female
condoms protects an individual both from unplanned pregnancies as well as sexually
transmitted infections including HIV, AIDS, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. Next, it allows father to
keep a constant balance between their physical, mental, social well-being and increase father
sense of respect because he is able to provide the type of education and home environment.
One last reason is that people will become educated and empowered by family planning.
Additionally, when a couple or an individual is aware of their rights and knows what their
options are, they can make sound decisions in life. To sum it up, a couple or an individual can
use family planning to choose what is best for their sexual and reproductive health and can
create financial security by strategically spacing pregnancies, allowing them to raise a family
that they can properly care for. It helps the family to enjoy a better quality of life. 

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