B 1

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Lesson 1

1. Mary wants to engage in an activity that will contribute to her physical, mental, and emotional growth.
Which subject is best suited for her goal?

a) Science
b) Mathematics
c) Physical Education
d) History

Answer: c) Physical Education

2. John is interested in learning skills that he can use throughout his life to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Which subject can provide him with these skills?

a) Music
b) Art
c) Physical Education
d) Literature

Answer: c) Physical Education

3. The school is organizing a sports day where students will participate in various physical activities.
Which subject is directly related to preparing students for such events?

a) Geography
b) Physical Education
c) Economics
d) Computer Science

Answer: b) Physical Education

4. Emily wants to learn how to care for her body, including understanding basic hygiene practices and
staying physically active. Which subject should she focus on?

a) Home Economics
b) Physical Education
c) Foreign Language
d) Chemistry

Answer: b) Physical Education

5. The school curriculum includes activities like sports, games, gymnastics, and dance to help students
achieve educational goals through movement. Which subject emphasizes these activities?

a) Mathematics
b) Literature
c) Physical Education
d) Social Studies
Answer: c) Physical Education

6. The dictionary definition of this subject includes teaching students about developing their bodies,
maintaining hygiene, and participating in various physical activities. What subject is being described?

a) Physical Education
b) History
c) Music
d) Art

Answer: a) Physical Education

7. The school believes in the importance of physical, mental, and emotional well-being for students.
Which subject aligns with this philosophy by promoting holistic growth?

a) Physics
b) Physical Education
c) Geography
d) Economics

Answer: b) Physical Education

8. The local community center offers classes in various sports, dance, and exercise programs. These
classes aim to improve participants' overall health and well-being. Which subject shares a similar goal?

a) Physical Education
b) Literature
c) Chemistry
d) Computer Science

Answer: a) Physical Education

9. A school wants to enhance its students' teamwork, communication, and leadership skills through
activities like team sports and group exercises. Which subject supports the development of such skills?

a) Mathematics
b) Physical Education
c) History
d) Art

Answer: b) Physical Education

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