Town Holds Information Meeting For Debated Access Road - LoudounTimes

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Town holds information meeting for debated access road

Tuesday, Sep. 20 by Laura Peters | 27 comments | Email this story

Courtesy Photo/Town of Leesburg

Linden Hill and Leesburg Country Club residents gathered to learn about the prospect of their new neighbor the Town of Leesburg. During an information meeting on Sept. 20 with town employees and residents of both subdivisions, more than 40 people came to question the town about the road and the purchase of 1 County Club Drive. The Linden Hill access road project, which would be an addition to the South King Street widening project, is set to start in the spring of 2012, and would add a one-way road between the the two subdivisions. A set-back for the access road would decrease the amount of land on the lot at 1 Country Club Drive and give no parking in front of the home. Council is set to bid on the house on Sept. 23 at the Loudoun County Courthouse in order to obtain the property for the road, then attempt to resell the home. Who do you think is going to buy that house when you put a street through it? John Rzewnicki, a Country Club resident asked. The 36-house development of Linden Hill has had its residents petition council numerous times in the past to get the access road approved and set up for design and construction. The problem Linden Hill residents are facing is that if the widening project is completed without the access road, they will have to turn right on South King Street, then make a U-turn if they want to go into the Town of Leesburg. Residents of County Club, many who have lived there for more than 30 years, say the road is going to significantly impact the neighborhoods safety, traffic congestion and real estate value. Were being impacted more negatively, a resident of Country Club said about the influx of more traffic with the proposed road. We pay a lot of taxes, we are a larger community and were paying for this smaller community to impact us greatly. The proposed access road would be a one-way road with a 16-foot width and it would be 70 feet from South King Street. The sign located at the front of Country Club where the road would be placed behind would stay in place. The project would also give a second left-hand turn lane out on Country Club Drive.
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on Country Club Drive. Youve allowed Woodlea to come in through Bradfield and they zoom on through, youve allowed Greenway to come through, and now you want Linden Hill too? Stephanie Lalumiere, a resident of Country Club said. I thought you guys voted this down. I thought this was a done deal. Make up your minds. Marla Decriscio ,who lives at 2 Country Club Drive, asked if the project could cost to the upwards of $1 million and the town said it could be a possibility. Decriscio said that not only will she be impacted by the road but neighbors farther down from 1 Country Club Drive would lose parking as well. Some Country Club residents think with the addition of the road there will be more traffic congestion at the intersection of South King Street and Country Club Drive. I think youre setting yourself up for a major safety issue, Rzewnicki said. Ive seen the number of 15 cars line up with one [traffic light] cycle on Country Club Drive. The project requires funding of $835,000 for the purchase of the house and the construction of the road which would be paid through a General Obligation Bond that the town has borrowed. During the meeting, different scenarios where placed on boards for residents to see. One idea that some residents of both Linden Hill and Country Club could see as an alternative would be to place a traffic light at the entrance of Linden Hill. According to the towns traffic study performed for the South King Street Widening project, a signal would have a negative impact on traffic operations and would increase the potential for collisions. The traffic signal would cost between $200,000 and $250,000. Through our engineering analysis we found that it did not meet standards, it is too close in proximity to the other traffic light, Tom Brandon of Capital Projects for the town said of the proposed traffic light at Linden Hill Way. Drivers do not expect to see two signals so close together and there would be an increase of traffic collisions. Other scenarios the town had considered involved a break in the median on South King Street, relocating Linden Hills entrance to a midway location in Country Club and Greenway drives or roundabouts. They also studied an access road to the south that would connect Linden Hill Way to Wing Tip Court in Greenway Farms or relocating the entrance of Linden Hill altogether. According to the town, all scenarios were not acceptable cost or safety wise and for traffic operations reasons. Right now we have two intersections that are too close together. There is no way that we can fit another intersection in between Country Club and Greenway Farms, Brandon added. Many Country Club residents felt that they didnt have a chance to inform the town if they were against the road or for it. I think the reason we are here is that the flow of information hasnt reached us. Some of us didnt even know about this. Getting information to residents is something that needs to be improved on, Timothy Schott, a resident of Country Club said. The town has been holding public meetings since October 2009. Country Club residents were also informed of two meetings on July 20, 2010, and July 27, 2010, that asked for public input and different scenario options. Many residents of Country Club said they did not receive any notifications for meetings, and the Sept. 20 meeting was one of the first notifications they received. Town officials said only parts of Country Club were informed for certain meetings There have been newspaper articles and pictures for two years, where have you guys been all this time? Sandy Camp, a resident of Linden Hill asked. Linden Hill has asked for your help. This was not something we wanted this was something that was forced on us, we wanted a trip light so traffic could stop and we could get out. We asked for a flashing light, thats it. This is sort of our last option. Im frustrated that you guys havent been here with us. We needed you two years ago. If council gets the final bid of the house on Sept. 23 they will decide what to do during their closed work session on Sept. 26 and they have an option of backing out of the settlement. Town staff also informed residents that council could back out of this at any time before the auction on Sept. 23 if they call an emergency meeting. What Id like to know is whether the mayor or town council is hearing our voices, Rick Jackson, a resident of Country Club asked. If they go back in their secret session and hear us and say no to the access road and yes to the U-turn, I think its that simple. I mean with 400 of us inconvenienced, majority rule and [council] is that majority. Mayor Kristen Umstattd and Council members Katie Hammler and Dave Butler attended the meeting. The South King Street Widening Phase 1 is slated to start in spring 2012 and be completed in fall
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The South King Street Widening Phase 1 is slated to start in spring 2012 and be completed in fall 2013. The Linden Hill access road is to start in spring 2012 and be finished by fall 2012. Other improvements for the South King Street Improvements include Virts Corner Intersection to begin spring or summer 2012 and Battlefield Parkway connection to King Street in spring 2013.

Courtesy Photo/Town of Leesburg

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Mon, Sep 26 at 08:21 PM by @ Rick | Report this comment

Laugh never does make any sense.

Mon, Sep 26 at 05:07 PM by Rick Santana | Report this comment

This laugh person makes no sense.

Sun, Sep 25 at 02:37 PM by Greater Good | Report this comment

Actually, it sounds like a lot of people will gain respect for this council if they close this mess down. You and your self-entitled Linden Hill neighbors seem to be the only people confused as to why this project shouldnt go forward.
Sun, Sep 25 at 10:03 AM by Laugh | Report this comment

This is, of course, a continuation of the poster of 99% names here, who lives in Country Club, and who hates his fellow man, and woman, and wants no one to be helped, except that one person with the 99% names. Pathetic, no? But, it does add to the fun. So, bottom line: Katie Hammler, keep your promise. Ken Reid,keep your promise. Dave Butler, keep your promise. Tom Dunn, keep your promise. Marty Martinez, keep your promise. Otherwise, no one will have any repect for you. And everyone can justifiably say, you cannot be trusted. And to little Laugh, top of the morning to you!
Fri, Sep 23 at 11:28 AM by waste-of-money | Report this comment

For years Linden Hillers swooned over the fact they were not connected to their neighborsthey had their own little enclave and the privacy that goes with it and did not want any connections with adjoining neighborhoods. Agree with watch who you blame man (who knows the planning history of LH) they should be happy in getting 3 out of the 4 movements, which includes a dedicated

should be happy in getting 3 out of the 4 movements, which includes a dedicated u turn signal for safety.
Fri, Sep 23 at 10:38 AM by watch who you blame man | Report this comment

the county planners who continue to approve sub-par projects? You have no idea how it works as far as approving site development plans, do you? Go ahead, cite where in the county regulations, in place at the time Linden Hill was proposed, that said it had to have any other means of access than what it has today. Our County has minimum standards that must be met, not ultimate or ideal or better than the minimum - minimum. Thats all were allowed to require. With the 15 widening project, they will have more than minimum still, but the LHers want full=way access. This is the fault of the LH developer, or more precisely, the owner of the land that LH sits on, for not selling his property to either of the neighborhing communities when they were built, thus leaving this finger of land between the two. The other two did not have to have connectivity, as they apparently did not plan their neighbhorhood beyond the minimums either. So its really a matter of bare minimum development that led, decades later, to this situation. LH should be happy they are getting 3 out of 4 movements, Id rather they only have right in/out.
Thu, Sep 22 at 10:43 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

My name is Laugh. I like to Laugh. I like to make people Laugh. I like to Laugh until I cry. I like to Laugh until I poop my pants. I like to Laugh until I vomit. I like to Laugh at others when they Laugh. Thats me my name is Laugh
Thu, Sep 22 at 08:52 PM by Linden Hill... | Report this comment

I think she can learn. But judging by the name I doubt it

Thu, Sep 22 at 08:45 PM by Deal with it | Report this comment

But they promised!!! And Sally Camp cant make a u-turn! She just cant. She needs our help!
Thu, Sep 22 at 08:38 PM by Linden Hill... | Report this comment

Again, this is a waste of all of our money. This nation spends more time appeasing the needs of the minority while not caring what the majority thinks. If Linden Hill wants to pay for it and Country Club votes and decides to allow it I am all for it. My local tax dollars have better things to do than build this stupid access road. Or at least I thinkThis situation continues to be a waste of all our time.
Thu, Sep 22 at 11:09 AM by the end | Report this comment

This whole thing is one costly mistake.when will the council learn to say no to stuff like this? Will the residents of Linden Hill plow their special road in the winter? Nope, well get to pick up that tab as well.
Wed, Sep 21 at 10:09 PM by ronald mcd | Report this comment

I think the vote is to rezone the house as a fast food restaurant or bank. The access road will double as the drive through lane. Much better resale potential.
Wed, Sep 21 at 08:00 PM by Speak up! | Report this comment

Ive emailed a few council members directly who I think are most likely to vote no to voice my opinion. Im not sure what the more effective method is, but well see. The point is, make yourself heard!

Wed, Sep 21 at 07:05 PM by Dennis.D | Report this comment

Make your postings heard: There is a notice up on the Towns web site with a bit more information. I just sent an e-mail to council ( and told I do not support this project, and to drop it.
Wed, Sep 21 at 06:21 PM by Gary-Ashburn | Report this comment

I live in Ashburn Village and a similar access road was placed in our neighborhood and its proved to be a problem. A right hand turn only out of the Linden Hill Development is completely appropriate. Think of it as living in a city. Commuting in the city involves driving around the block to arrive at your destination and it also involves taking longer routes to leave, and at times, forces one way which causes you to drive a longer distance. The right hand turn is the easiest solution. Why should the residents of Country Club be impacted by poor developer planning of Linden Hill and by the county planners who continue to approve sub-par projects? Right hand turn, Clyde.
Wed, Sep 21 at 04:29 PM by l.resident | Report this comment

Town has announced that they are holding an emergency session on Friday at 12:15pm.
Wed, Sep 21 at 04:24 PM by Fiscally Responsible | Report this comment

Anyone see someone mumbling at the meeting about Ken Reid and Tom Dunn and talking about broken promises? Youd think someone so passionate about a project would show up in support of it. Maybe Laugh is this Sally Camp who says Linden Hill needs your help and is shocked anyone would oppose this project. It is too expensive Sally. Maybe Linden Hill should help themselves. The Country Club guy is right. Who the heck is going to buy that house? I sure wouldnt. Go sit by the pool and have all of Linden Hills traffic roll by 50 feet from you all day. When all the traffic backs up at that light, you might not be able to get out of your own driveway. Oh boy. What a dream house! Maybe Sally Camp should buy it so she can help Linden Hill.
Wed, Sep 21 at 02:31 PM by Laugh Camp | Report this comment

Oh, by the way, build me my access road! Someone said something I took as a promise from the town to build it, so dont break this promise Im imagining and build the access road. Country Club has three exits - one through Woodlea that leads to a traffic light, one at Governors Drive that has a traffic light and one at Country Club that has a traffic light. Block off the Country Club entrance and dedicate it to Linden Hill. That will leave Country Club with two perfectly usable entrances and exits, and give us in Linden Hill our own dedicated entrance and exit with a traffic light. Ken Reid ... blah blah blah Tom Dunn ... blah blah blah Katie ... blah blah blah
Wed, Sep 21 at 01:57 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

I guess Little Laugh was bored. Posted as Laugh and Truth Detector, then when I (the realy Laugh) didnt comment, Little Laugh posted as Laugh calling out Little Laugh. Quite entertaining. But on to more important things Ken Reid ... blah blah blah Tom Dunn ... blah blah blah Katie ... blah blah blah Anyone reading this should be VERY GLAD that Im posting on here. If you heard me in person your eardrums would explode, any nearby dogs would start

heard me in person your eardrums would explode, any nearby dogs would start howling, and all other animals would scatter. It should be obvious from my postings that I am the worlds biggest whiner and I have quite the whiner voice to go with it! I put Wendy Whiner to shame! Just imagine being married to me!!!
Wed, Sep 21 at 01:53 PM by Laugh | " class="blue2">Report this comment

Oh, by the way, why is it that there are only two posters here, with all those made up names? Because little L"augh is at it again, he being of the 99% of all poster guys. Sorry about this second post, but I had to catch up.
Wed, Sep 21 at 01:50 PM by Laugh | Report this comment

Love it! Little Laugh got here first. Truth be told, I have a new one: Katie That really is air passing through my ears Hammler. Now, to little Laugh: Love It! But, you missed a whole lot of other names. I think you should be using EVERY name used by ANYONE for the past TWO YEARS, otherwise people will think you are a loser. And Tom Dunn is a funny money guy, and Ken Reid is a danger on the highway. Have a great day!
Wed, Sep 21 at 09:34 AM by you are not fooling anyone | Report this comment

LOL I knew it!!! I knew Truth Detector and Laugh were the same person.
Wed, Sep 21 at 08:56 AM by Laugh | Report this comment

The fact that neither of them attended is irrelevant. Im totally fixated on them and must post about them constantly. Ken Reid ... blah ... blah blah Tom Dunn ... blah ... blah blah
Wed, Sep 21 at 08:49 AM by l.resident | Report this comment

Neither one of them attended.

Wed, Sep 21 at 08:48 AM by Alex Postallian | Report this comment

The road into Balls Bluff needs repaving badly,you need a half-track to drive in.See if we can honor our history.I will donate $50.00.Maybe the middle-class affluent members should pass the hat?????????????
Wed, Sep 21 at 08:30 AM by Truth Detector | Report this comment

Ken Reid ... blah ... blah blah Tom Dunn ... blah ... blah blah
Wed, Sep 21 at 08:28 AM by Laugh | Report this comment

Ken Reid ... blah ... blah blah Tom Dunn ... blah ... blah blah

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