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False hazardous materials alarm creates gridlock in Leesburg

Friday, Sep. 23 by Laura Peters | 27 comments | Email this story

The Route 7 Bypass in Leesburg was closed for more than two hours the evening of Sept. 22 while Loudoun County Fire, Rescue and Emergency Management officials investigated a suspicious barrel along that road that could have contained hazardous materials. The call came in around 5:30 p.m. from an area near the Childrens Center Road bridge on the Bypass. Fire-Rescue officials began working with the Leesburg Police Department, the Loudoun County Sheriffs Office, the Virginia State Police and the Virginia Department of Transportation to identify the liquid contained in the barrel. According to fire and rescue officials, their protocol for dealing with potential hazardous materials is to secure a 300-foot safe zone to isolate the material, so they did so around the Bypass. The incident caused major traffic delays throughout town. According to a news release, the hazardous materials team, along with VDOT, were able to identify the barrel as belong to a contractor working on the bridge. The contractor informed authorities of the barrels contents and said it was there because of protocol to seal the container at the end of a shift, then abandon it in the median for it to be picked up by another company, which then disposes of it. The barrel, which did not have identifying markings, was called in to 911 by a driver prior to it being picked up for the day. The substance was identified as a water-based product that is used to collect runoff and debris from cleaning and sandblasting the bridge. The Bypass reopened after no hazardous materials were found.
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I was hoping for the body of Hoffaoh well

Sat, Sep 24 at 11:41 PM by U.C. It | Report this comment

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It could have been full of monkeys. How much fun would that be? Imagine!
Sat, Sep 24 at 10:56 PM by Aardvark | Report this comment Follow Us on Twitter News | Sports

So, if a terrorist wants to place a barrel in plain site and have it left alone, he should make sure to buy a laser printer and put a really nice, official-looking

should make sure to buy a laser printer and put a really nice, official-looking label on it. That way, it really coulnt possibly be anything hostile! While this is a bit tongue-in-cheek, the question is realhow does anyone REALLY know what is in any container? With todays technology, it is pretty easy to make something look innocent and proper Theres no easy answer here. There are judgement calls that have to be made. Some of you disagree with the call that was made last week, but it can easily be argued that erring on the side of safety is the way to go.
Sat, Sep 24 at 09:36 PM by jul | Report this comment

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I, too, sat in traffic and guess what? no big deal. I got home safely and kudos to our town for being careful. Are things like this mildly inconvenient? Yes.welconme to life!
Sat, Sep 24 at 07:20 PM by the end | Report this comment

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Acumen.seriously your hindsight is perfect, unfortunately some decisions have to be made with the information available at the time. The contractor should have labeled the barrelwould have made the whole situation completely different. However, the contractor did notsomeone was alert (you apparently are not) to their surroundings and called it in. The first person I thought of when I heard it was a barrel was Timothy McVeighyou know the guy who used barrels of fertilizer to blow-out a government building Sorry people were inconvenienced, but better safe than sorry.
The Loudoun Times-Mirror Sat, Sep 24 at 12:53 PM by Just Passing | Report this comment

The contractor should have labeled the barrel as to the contents. Thats just good practice and an OSHA regulation.
Sat, Sep 24 at 11:06 AM by me | Report this comment

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@ acumen - perhaps youre in the wrong line of work, pal. Perhaps your amazing esp skills can be used to direct the FD and PD on how better to do their job. Yes, it was a barrel put in median. But I dont put anything past anybody anymore. Look at how inconceivable (at the time) it seemed for a bunch of lowlifes to hijack planes with simple box cutters - because no one had ever seen that before, and thus didnt react like they would today. Past hijacking practices were to give the hijacker what he wanted. He could lie and still kill everyone with relative ease. But that wont happen today, because now if any $#@$ hole tries to hijack, theyre gonna get a hot pot of coffee thrown on their crotch. Just because a barrel hasnt blown up, doesnt mean it wont happen in the future. I applaud the folks who risk their lives to protect all of useven the ungrateful ones.
Sat, Sep 24 at 09:28 AM by Acumen | Report this comment

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Just out of curiosity, before someone called 911 how many of you would have driven right past the barrel and not given it more than a glance? I know I would have. Its all in the power of suggestion. Once called on, and treated in the manner in which it was, it went from a lone barrel to a HAZMAT situation & possible terrorist threat. The line was crossed and now those who defend the reaction of the town to the barrel look at it as vigilance. Until then, it was just a barrel, and Im sure hundreds of citizens made the right call to drive past it without a second thought. If it was upright, someone put it there in plain sight of several motorists, none of which thought there was anything suspicious at the time it was placed or by who placed it there. Why on earth would a terrorist leave a dirty bomb that far from a major population? I can think of hundreds of locations to hide such a device near Leesburg or Purcellville where it would have much more destructive capabilities.
Sat, Sep 24 at 09:03 AM by Doug | Report this comment

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Chris is correct about 1 point. Rt7 Bypass needs to be 6 lanes in Leesburg. Rt.7 should be 6 lanes from 267 to Rt. 9. Plenty of room to add a lane build the lane in the median. Rt7 has traffic from Rt.9, Rt.7, Rt.15 and traffic from 267 on it. increase it to 6 lanes before 2 hour delays become the norm every day.

lanes before 2 hour delays become the norm every day.

Fri, Sep 23 at 10:44 PM by Leesburg | Report this comment

Some of you idiots should be ashamed of yourself to call out the Police and Fire for doing their job. The barrel had the potential of being dangerous. Have you ever thought about dirty bombs? or just any bomb how much damage to property and the loss of life. I cant believe that people are bitching about the road being shut down, the road was shut down to protect you idiots and keep you out of potential harms way. You should be thanking every single person from the one who shut down the lanes to the person who walked up to the barrel with the unknown substance. If you find the need to bitch about it again just think that a lot of these people have a wife or husband and kids and they never even think twice about going into harms way so that you dont have to. I am proud of my fellow brothers and sisters! Thin Blue Line!!
Fri, Sep 23 at 09:14 PM by Biff Tootaloos | Report this comment

Aww Chuck, was that you in the FORD pickup truck cursing and waving your middle finger at me? Yep, that was I, the one in the baby blue Beemer convertible who reached out and flicked my booger on your windshield. Good aim, eh? And that NRA bumper sticker didnt daunt me in the least, it just made me laugh and send another $500 to the Democratic party when I got home an hour before you did. All that braun of a truck and no brains. Pity you!
Fri, Sep 23 at 09:13 PM by It's All About Me | Report this comment

Unfortunately the attitude of some of these people is common in Northern Virginia. They feel the world revolves around them. At least they were able to use their blackberrys while stuck in traffic and sitting still. They usually use them while either tailgating someone while going 65, or in the left lane while doing 35.
Fri, Sep 23 at 09:13 PM by Lanes Merge | Report this comment

People who know their value and importance dont have time to whine about value and importance in traffic. Maybe take your corporate jet next time? I am very happy to hear that it was not what many of us feared - a fatal accident in town. Thank you to all the men and women who came to help at the time, regardless of the outcome. As for the barrel, I for one and glad this was checked out. 9/11 was never going to be a target with so much security. Its the days ahead we all need to be watchful of. If you really mean never forget - then say something if you see something.
Fri, Sep 23 at 07:26 PM by to the morons | Report this comment

Hey Ericnews flash againwe block lanes of travel because of idiots like you that dont slow down and move over to a safe speed(which aside from common sense is actually the law that few comply with). We handle calls like accidents, traffic stops, and the like every day. I for one would like to go home at the end of the night to kiss my kids goodnight. Again, people like you are self righteous a$$sholes who only consider how important you think you are. If we have to block lanes of travel to make it home at night then so be ityou are not that important. REMEMBER EVERYONESLOW DOWN AND MOVE OVER IS A RECKLESS DRIVING VIOLATION IF NOT DONEPlease, for the lives of your officers and fire personnel, slow and move over at a safe speedthat does not mean going the speed limit in a 55 zoneCheck the line of duty deaths this year for police officers(several struck by vehicles).
Fri, Sep 23 at 07:16 PM by Chuck Hunt | Report this comment

Why do some idiots think it is okay to drive down the median to get a few cars ahead of everyone else? Do that next to me while being pi$$ed off taking 2 hours to get home and I will ram you and really lock up traffic.
Fri, Sep 23 at 06:58 PM by Darryl | If you needed to get home early, then deal with the situation and figure out a way around it. Complaining about it online obviously wont fix it. But thats probably the extent of your imagination anyway.

around it. Complaining about it online obviously wont fix it.

But thats probably the extent of your imagination anyway.

And yes, the blizzard was way worse. That turned 15 minute commutes into 3 hours no matter which route you took. Oh well. Thats life. Put on your big boy/girl pants and deal with it. If you cant, dont endanger my life by putting yourself behind the wheel of a car. " class="blue2">Report this comment

I look forward to everyone complaining about the response to this incident being told the next time theyre injured in a car accident that theyre going to have to get out and push their car out of the roadway, then wait until after rush hour for treatment. Complain about fire/rescue/police shutting down roadways then, why dont you? And if you were stuck in the traffic and needed to get home THAT badly, use your brain and think of a different route. I was able to make it from east of Leesburg to west of Leesburg when I usually take the bypass the entire way and it only added an extra 10 minutes. And I didnt *need* to get home sooner. I just enjoyed the adventure. If you needed to get home early, then deal with the situation and figure out a way around it. Complaining about it online obviously wont fix it. But thats probably the extent of your imagination anyway. And yes, the blizzard was way worse. That turned 15 minute commutes into 3 hours no matter which route you took. Oh well. Thats life. Put on your big boy/girl pants and deal with it. If you cant, dont endanger my life by putting yourself behind the wheel of a car.
Fri, Sep 23 at 06:47 PM by Eric | Report this comment

These are the same heroes who block all lanes of a 6 lane divided highway for a one car accident. Go back to watching movies and clear the roadway.
Fri, Sep 23 at 06:14 PM by Kat | Report this comment

I was caught in the middle of the traffic delay after a long day of work as well. Yes, it was inconvenient, but rather SAFE than SORRY. If the barrel had contained something hazardous and dangerous, Im sure every response would revolve around the words Thank You and not the whining Im reading in these comments. Being from Southern California, I have an idea of real traffic, and last night was a walk in the park.Thank you to the Police Officers and Fire Department for keeping us all safe during real danger and perceived danger.
Fri, Sep 23 at 04:45 PM by to the morons | Report this comment

For all of you self righteous clowns who think you are so important as to comment on your delay home, shut it. Had this been a serious threat, or issue,and your hero police and fire personnel had dismissed it causing injury or loss of life, you would be calling for their heads. You should be thanking the men and women who respond to these types of incidents without even hardly considering their safety. Sorry one commute in your entitled life was interrupted by this incident. Get a clue.IDIOTS
Fri, Sep 23 at 04:21 PM by Billy Bob Brubaker | Report this comment

Oh give me a brake, you arm-chair quarterback slackers ! Remember the NYC bombing attempt a few years back, that was averted by an alert citizen ? Or the D.C Sniper ? This is no different in this day and age. The FD / Police did this by the book, and youre complaining ? I cannot believe the stupidity of some of the comments here.
Fri, Sep 23 at 02:58 PM by The One | Report this comment

Typical overreaction by fire and police creating an incident to justify needing more personnel and equipment AMEN!!! Also, thank you fear mongering citizen who called in the suspicious barrel. Nice to see the Wal-Mart suspicious activity phenomenon is in effect full force.
Fri, Sep 23 at 01:41 PM by Oracle on High | Report this comment

@Chris, apparently you werent driving home during the blizzard last winter

@Chris, apparently you werent driving home during the blizzard last winter that was the worst traffic Ive ever seen through Leesburg; far worse than yesterday. Good news for you, thoughthere is a project underway to add a single lane from West Market Street to Route 9 on westbound Route 7. Soil samples were taken over the summer and engineering is underway right now I believe. So, a little relief coming your way.
Fri, Sep 23 at 01:38 PM by swleesburg | Report this comment

The contractor informed authorities of the barrels contents and said it was there because of protocol to seal the container at the end of a shift, then abandon it in the median for it to be picked up by another company, which then disposes of it. The barrel, which did not have identifying markings, was called in to 911 by a driver prior to it being picked up for the day. Outrageous! How much did the necessary, resulting response cost the taxpayers of Leesburg and Loudoun County? Sounds like the protocol with this contract needs to be reviewed and amended ASAP!
Fri, Sep 23 at 01:30 PM by Roger | Report this comment

Typical overreaction by fire and police creating an incident to justify needing more personnel and equipment
Fri, Sep 23 at 01:29 PM by Chris | Report this comment

This created the single worse traffic disaster I have experienced in my 20 years of commuting into DC. It practically gridlocked the entire county. While I understand it was a potentially hazardous situation, it was poorly handled in my opinion given what appears to have been a blatant disregard for how it was impacting traffic. Why was no one redirecting traffic or manning traffic signals for better flow during this 2 hour period? While I am on the topic of a blatant disregard for the impact on traffic, whose bright idea was it to build a super highway (The Greenway) and dump it out onto a major highway (Route 7 bypass) without giving any consideration to improving the infrastructure of the latter? Is anyone in Loudoun County or Leesburg even discussing adding another lane between the Greenway and Route 9 north? Its WORSE THAN DC TRAFFIC, if thats even possible.
Fri, Sep 23 at 01:04 PM by john hansen | Report this comment

I heard about this on WTOP from Bob Marlboro on my way home last night after 6PM or so. He said it was a police investigation and nothing much else about. I heard the delays were on the Greenway as well. I bailed out on the RT 28 exit on the Dulles Toll Road then took 7W to my exit near Lansdowne. I didnt hit any delays except for few on 495, but that had nothing to do with this issue.
Fri, Sep 23 at 12:59 PM by Investigation? | Report this comment

So Leesburg and/or Loudoun county hired a contractor to do the work and did not know of this protocol? Did they read the specifics of the contract and think to question a container sitting in the middle of the most heaviest traveled road in the county? So millions of dollars was sent to Loudoun (911 funds) to train officials with situations like this. In return. we have hours of gridlock because of pure stupidity. How much did the response cost tax payers? If it is company protocol to leave something like this in the highway, it does not make it legal. So either Leesburg allowed this and failed to notify the emergency depts. or the contractor screwed up. However, it is nice to know this was just a stupid mistake and did not place our responders in harms way...Gotta thank the alert passer by as well!

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