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NAME:_______________________________________ DATE:__________________________________

SECTION:_____________________________________ SCORE:________________________________


MELC:Applying Appropriate Tools in Oral Communication Situations
Direction: Choose the correct answer.
1.It is a symbol system composed of sounds that can stir up meanings in people who use it.
A. language B. sound C. speech D. stance
2. This refers to the way you stand or sit properly.
A. eye contact B. facial expression C. gesture D. posture
3. It is a purposive movement of the fingers, hands, legs, shoulders, or trunk, to give meaning or emphasis.
A. eye contact B. facial expression C. gesture D. posture
4. The following are types of bodily actions except one:
A. gesture B. language C. movement D. posture
5. A characteristic of oral language that uses simple words to convey meaning.
A. clarity B. directness C. impressiveness D. vividness

Direction: Read the statements about bodily gestures carefully. Write YES if you agree to the statement and NO if you disagree.
_____6. Bodily gestures occur naturally if you know what you want to say.
_____7. Crossing your arms makes you look defensive.
_____8. Face your audience with your hands on the side with your chin up.
_____9. Shrugging your shoulders suggests that you know something.
_____10.Putting your hands on your hips makes you seem aggressive.

MELC:Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment, or other factors

I. Directions: Read the text below taken from short stories. Identify how the author’s human situations and experiences are moving him
to write such lines. Tell whether these could be influenced by culture, history, environment or economic factors. Below is the pool or
group of influences to choose from. Write the letter only.

A. culture B. history C. economic D. environment

11. Now, this rich man’s servants were always frying and cooking something good, and the aroma of the food wafted down to us from
the windows of the big house.

12. Dodong thought to himself he would tell his father about Teang when he got home, after he had unhitched the carabao from the
plow, and let it to its shed and fed it. He was hesitant about saying it, but he wanted his father to know. What he had to say was of
serious import as it would mark a climacteric in his life.

13.When the Americans recaptured the Philippines, they built an air base a few miles from our barrio. Yankee soldiers became a very
common sight. (Source: We Filipino are Mild Drinkers,

14. "I am afraid. He may not like me." "Does that worry you still, Maria?" my brother Leon said. "From the way you talk, he might be
an ogre, for all the world. Except when his leg that was wounded in the Revolution is troubling him, Father is the mildest-tempered,
gentlest man I know."

15. The sight of the Señora’s flaccidly plump figure, swathed in a loose waist-less housedress that came down to her ankles, and the
faint scent of agua de colonia blended with kitchen spice, seemed to her the essence of the comfortable world, and she sighed thinking
of the long walk home through the mud, the baby’s legs straddled to her waist, and Inggo, her husband, waiting for her, his body
stinking of tuba and sweat, squatting on the floor, clad only in his foul undergarments.

MELC:Express one’s beliefs/convictions based on a material viewed

16. An acceptance that the statement is true or that something exists is called
A. belief B. conviction C. knowledge D. opinion
17. It is a firmly held and stable, long-term belief
A. belief B. conviction C. knowledge D. opinion
18. It is a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge
A. belief B. conviction C. decision D. opinion
19. I think it will rain today. This is an example of
A. belief B. conviction C. fact D. opinion
20. The sun rises and sets every single day. It is an example of
A. belief B. conviction C. fact D. opinion
21. Which of the following statements does not belong to the group?
A. Avoid getting a wound or injury on Good Friday because it will never heal.
B. Singing while cooking will make you single for the rest of your life.
C. Combing your hair at night will bring bad luck.
D. What you do to others will come back to you.
22. Which one below is a statement of conviction
A. Dogs are the best pets among all animals.
B. God has created everything that is present in this entire world.
C. I believe that Jesus Christ is our Savior
D. The cellphones being manufactured by IOS are way better than those produced by Android.
23. Which is not a factual statement?
A. Boracay, Albay, Siargao are some of the beautiful places in the Philippines.
B. Spirituality is the most important thing in the world.
C. The eyes, ears and nose are parts of the human body.
D. The planet in the solar system that is closest to the sun is Mercury.
24. Which statement below correctly states the difference between a fact and opinion?
A. A fact is something that has actual existence while an opinion is a judgement based on facts.
B. A fact is a judgement based on opinion while an opinion is something that has actual existence.
C. A fact is something that has actual existence while opinion is a judgement not based on facts.
D. There is no difference between a fact and an opinion.
25. Which statement correctly differentiates the difference between a belief and a conviction?
A. A belief can stretch and adapt to new situations while a conviction is firm and stable.
B. A belief is firm and stable while a conviction can stretch and adapt to new situations.
C. A belief is long-term while a conviction is short-term.
D. None of the above.

MELC:Cite evidence to support a general statement

DIRECTIONS:Read and understand each passage. Choose the letter of the best answer.

26. Which sentence from the text above best supports the statement? “The Philippines is the hardest-working country in the world.”

A. Shops and markets are already open.

B. The wheels of industry are already grinding.
C. By six or seven in the morning we are already up and on our way to work.
D. Shops, markets, bus terminals and other public institutions are already open.

27. Which sentence from the text best supports the statement - Foreigners are astonished with Filipinos.?

A. Filipinos buy a piece of cigarette.

B. Filipinos buy cartons of milk products.
C. Filipinos buy a dozen of eggs and dairy products.
D. Filipinos buy economy sizes of assorted products.

28. Which pair of sentences from the text best supports the idea that the mother wanted her children to get a college degree?
1. She was good at knitting.
2. My mother brought us up single-handedly.
3. Her job tided us over until the eldest got a diploma of teaching.
4. Then she put up a sari-sari store to send the other children to college.
5. It was an extraordinary task for a woman so frail-dealing with three adolescent children.

A. 1&2 B. 2&3 C. 3&4 D. 4&5

29. Which evidence from the text best shows that the mother has a special skill?
A. She was good at knitting.
B. She did not finish high school.
C. My mother brought us up single-handedly.
D. Then she put up a sari-sari store to send the other children to college.

30. Which evidence from the text best shows that the task of knitting was just too much for the mother?

A. My heart went out to her.

B. Mother could hardly refuse.
C. The task was just too much.
D. Her fingers had lost their flexibility.

MELC :React to what is asserted or expressed in a text

Directions: Read and analyze the given assertions. React by writing the word AGREE or DISAGREE on your notebook.
31. Assertion is used to let the readers feel that they should agree to what they read or hear.
32. Reaction is an action taken in response to something.
33. When you react to an assertion, you should gather facts from any source to support your reaction.
34. Your reaction should not be stated clearly.
35. Exclude the supporting details in making a reaction.
36. You can react without reading the text.
37. Reacting to what is asserted in a text is an important skill.
38. Facts are needed to support your reaction.
39. Reaction should focus to what is asserted by the author.
40. Making reactions allow readers to oppose the author’s idea.

MELC :Raise sensible, challenging thought provoking questions in public forums/panel discussions, etc.
41. This involved a group of people gathered to discuss a topic in front of an audience, typically at scientific business or academic
conferences, fan, conventions and on television shows.
A. debate B. panel discussion C. symposium D. public Forum
42. He/She presents views and opinions regarding the issue or topic for a set amount of time.
A. instructor B. leader C. moderator D. panelist
43. He/She keeps the discussion on the theme and encourages interaction among members.
A. debater B. instructor C. leader D. panelist
44. He/She plays the most important role in the panel discussion.
A. instructor C. moderator B. leader D. panelist
45. He/She discusses the issue or topic with the other members by asking questions or reacting to the views and opinions of other panel
A. instructor C. moderator B. leader D. panelist

Directions: Write YES if the question is a thought-provoking question and NO if it is not.

_____46. How can we help each other in this moment of crisis?
_____47. Why do you think experts and government are not prepared of the threat of COVID -19?
_____48. What do you think is the effective way of avoiding the Corona virus?
_____ 49. Is there anything you can do to help minimize the spread of COVID-19?
_____50. What is Covid-19?

Prepared by:
TLE Teacher


Principal II

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