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The evulotion of traditional to new media

How media evolve from traditional to new media??

Over time, traditional media has slowly evolved into new media. This is because businesses naturally
wanted a way to better target consumers. New media has adapted to meet the needs of businesses in an
increasingly technological society.

A.Prehistoric age

Prehistoric Art as the Earliest Form of Traditional Media Petroglyphs • can be carvings or engravings in
rocks or caves. Pictographs • represent words or phrases through symbols. Used to refer to sketches or
paintings that usually depict nature, early people’s way of life.

B.Industrial age

Pre-Industrial Age (Before 1700s)

Cave paintings (35,000 BC) Clay tablets in Mesopotamia (2400 BC) Papyrus in Egypt (2500 BC) Acta
Diurna in Rome (130 BC)

C.Electronic age

The primary electronic media sources familiar to the general public are video recordings, audio
recordings, multimedia presentations, slide presentations, CD-ROM and online content. Most new media
are in the form of digital media.


The New Media Institute defines new media as “a catchall term used to define all that is related to the
internet and the interplay between technology, images and sound.” That’s in contrast to “old media,”
which PCMag defines as all forms of communication that came before digital technology, including
“radio and TV”

Information literacy

What is information literacy??

Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize when information is needed
and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.”
Types of media

A.Print is one of the best ways to get information out to people. When someone receives a flyer, for
example, they are able to read the information at their own pace and as many times as they wish. They
can keep the flyer to consult later at their own leisure.


And otherprinted material)


What is broadcasting??

The transmission of programs or information by radio or television.

It is a form of mass communication that reaches a vast and diverse audience with the help of specialized
technology. Broadcasting plays an essential role in the dissemination of information, entertainment, and
education to the masses.

C.New media

What is new media??

Means of mass communication using digital technologies such as the internet.

The rise of new media has increased communication between people all over the world and the
Internet. It has allowed people to express themselves through blogs, websites, videos, pictures, and
other user-generated media. Terry Flew stated that as new technologies develop, the world becomes
more globalized.


May be defined as forms of media expression conceptualized, produced, and circulated by indigenous
peoples around the globe as vehicles for communication.

Indigenous media varies from one place to another. The teacher may look for local examples of how
communication is passed on within local communities. Key to this is identifying the source of information
and the key authorities in a community. Local meetings such as kapihan, balitaktakan, and kwentong
barber are some examples of how news and stories are passed on within a community.

Popular media cannot reach some rural areas. While print, broadcast, and new media have a wide reach,
there are still areas that these forms of media have not reached.
Indigenous media and information are highly credible because they are near the source and are seldom
circulated for profit.

Indigenous media are channels for change, education, and development because of its direct access to
local channels.

Ignoring indigenous media and information can result in development and education programs that are
irrelevant and ineffective.


Original information created by a local group of people. This also refers to content about indigenous
peoples that may be distributed through dominant forms of media or through forms of communication
unique to their people group.







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