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Exhult 2023: St. Xavier's College and Hult Prize

engage in Business Ideas Showdown

Hult Prize and St. Xavier's College (Autonomous) in Calcutta recently saw a business ideas
battle amongst over 300 participants mostly college freshers in the "Exhult: Explore the
Extraordinary" competition. This event was organized in partnership with The Telegraph and
spanned two days on the college campus.

The competition began with a business quiz followed by an auction.

In the auction, the students placed hypothetical bids on real companies. The winners of this
round were made to come up with a final presentation of business ideas on the companies
they ‘bought’.
Displaying her remarkable entrepreneurial mind Suyasha Singh( Honours) emerged
victorious with her brand Coca-Cola.
Her winning strategy revolved around Coca-Cola acquiring a health drink brand and
rebranding the product following which its relaunch would lead to higher yields.

The Hult Prize at St. Xavier's College founded in 2020 is an integral part of the global Hult
Prize organization, which encourages young individuals to leverage social entrepreneurship
in order to address societal challenges.
Ex-hult was stepping stone for its winners to the Hult Prize OnCampus Programme, 2024
and several subsequent stages.

The event also included 3 workshops which were followed by an online quiz. Father Dominic
Savio, the college’s principal inaugurated the event with a warm welcome where he praised
Hult Prize for its role in fostering social entrepreneurship.

Suyash Saraf,the co-founder and CEO of Dot and Key led a workshop on "Prototyping and
MVP," emphasizing the importance of prototypes in assessing the feasibility of ideas and
introducing minimum viable products (MVPs) to the market.

Secondly, Sanjay Kumar Shristav, CFO of Tata Steel Long Products Ltd., discussed the
prospective trajectory of digital currency in India from traditional coins to cryptocurrencies
like Bitcoin.

The event concluded with an engaging workshop by Mr. Sunil Chandra Saha, CEO and
Co-founder of Blue Tea, focused on honing pitching and presentation skills.
Finance Task–

Budget estimate for intra-college event:

1. Refreshments and Catering: 7000
Water bottles= 300x5
Guest Refeshments= 125x4
2. Stationary and Supplies: 6,000
Inclusive of watermarked paper, notepads, pens, folders, etc.
3. Guest Speakers’ Honorarium:4,000
4. Prizes and Awards: 6,000
Inclusive of printed awards, medals and a Cash prize Rs.5000 awarded to the
5. Marketing and Promotion: 2000
This include posters, hoardings and displays to attract higher participation

Since this is an intra-college event estimates have been made keeping in mind
that the venue is rent free, photography is done by students free of cost and
no hardware equipment needed rent.

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