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Revitalizing BlackBerry: Embracing Innovation While Honoring Tradition

In order to reinstate Blackberry’s brand image and regain the consumers’ attention, a marketing

campaign that leverages the company's strengths and embraces innovation will be needed. The

key pointers of the campaign include the following:

1) To reposition Blackberry as a New-Age brand with cutting-edge technology. We will

leverage the company’s historical strength of high security and workplace productivity

and integrate them to create a product that will be complete with the most modern

features and will appeal to the younger audience.

2) Making use of a high-tech keypad that rises up from flat touchscreens that pay homage

to the original infamous Blackberry keypads will attract several nostalgic customers. This

can be made possible with the use of microfluidics which will make physical keys bubble

up when typing is required and then subsequently disappear.

3) In today’s world, it is unlikely that Blackberry will be able to disrupt the mass market

immediately where its competitors like Apple and Samsung already have a very strong

presence. This barrier can be overcome by capitalizing on Blackberry’s robust and

unmatched security features which not only protect the user’s data but also allow them

to monitor its use.

4) A fierce marketing campaign that places Blackberry phones as a new-age status symbol

with new-gen technology in the modern smartphone landscape will be of paramount

importance. Juxtaposing this legacy brand with 21st-century technology will create a

captivating campaign. Collaboration with relevant influencers will expand the horizons of

the advertisements.

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