Math5 (1st Term)

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1) Write the numbers in expanded form :-- 2X2=4

(a) 859960 (b) 479046

2) Use the following digits and write smallest number and greatest number :-- 2X2=4
Smallest Greatest

(a) 3 , 5 , 7 , 0 , 9 , 8 =>

(b) 2 , 1 , 0 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 4 , 8 =>

3) Write the place value of the underline numbers :-- 2X2=4

Number Place Value

(a) 7,50,926 =>

(b) 3,45,432 =>

4) Write the following numbers in Roman numerals :-- 2X2=4

(a) 792 =>

(b) 2350 =>

5) By how much is 89714000 is greater than 58848450 ? 3

6) Add the followings :-- 2+3=5

(a) 3704895 + 2889764 (b) 23875642 + 1587610 + 7859741

7) Subtract the following :-- 2




8) Find the product :-- 3

456891 X 183

9) Simplify the followings :-- 2+4=6

(a) 9 ÷ (15 −7−5) + 6 (b) 6 + { 3 + 5 X 6 −¿( 69 ÷ 3−¿ 3 X 6 ) }

10) Mr. Roy earns ₹ 18610 per month . He saves half of this amount .If he saves the same amount for 8 years,
how much money would he save ?

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