2c2ir Lecture

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The 2c-21I-1R @ Pedagogical Approaches Development of the, ~SECTION 5 (e) Phe curriculum shall R.A. 10533 pedagogical approaches an act known as that are CONSTRUCTIVIST, “Enhanced Basic INQUIRY-BASED, REFLECTIVE, Education Act of COLLABORATIVE and 2013” INTEGRATIVE; CONSTRUCTIVISM constTRucTIvIsT APPROACH shows learners to be active in the process of constructing meaning and knowledge rather than passively receiving _information. CONSTRUCTIVIST APPROAC Learners are It fosters critical thinking and provides learners with a the makers of learning environment that helps them make é connections with thei meaning and knowledge. é CONSTRUCTIVISM STRATEGIES 1. THINKING SKILLS Features: Strives to improve achievement by consciously developing learners ability to: - consider ideas Analyzes perspectives - solves problems and makes @ decisions on their own CONSTRUCTIVISM STRATEGIES CONSTRUCTIVISM STRATEGIES 1. THINKING SKILLS Suggested Activity: The RMFD vity - Recall (Past Experiences) - Model (follow Procedures/steps) - Familiarize (Repeat the performance /scaffolding) = Decide (form a conclusion) @ CONSTRUCTIVISM STRATEGIES 1. THINKING SKILLS Suggested Form of ASSESSMENT: - OBP (Outcomes-Based Performance) - Rubrics 2. Activity Based Features: Engages learners in jual or group experiential learning opportunities such as purposeful conversation, project planning, hands on inquiry, analysis and product creation. CONSTRUCTIVISM STRATEGIE 2. Activity Based Suggested Activity: The 3 A's Activity - Act (Giving simple workshops/coaching) - Analyze (Compare and Abstract) - Apply (Use and implement) CONSTRUCTIVISM STRATEGIES 3. DIRECT INSTRUCTION Features: Guides / models the learning in a quickest way CONSTRUCTIVISM STRATEGIES 2. Activity Based Suggested Form of ASSESSMENT: - Paper presentation - Power point presentation - Project exhibits - Activities that will demonstrate the CONSTRUCTIVISM STRATEGIES 3. DIRECT INSTRUCTION Suggested Activity: itate the process) - Act (Apply the concept) CONSTRUCTIVISM STRATEGIES 3. DIRECT INSTRUCTION Suggested Form of ASSESSMENT: - Laboratory experiment results - Template completion Framework creation/interpretation requires learners to work together 4. ONLINE COLLABORATIVE towards a common goal. This type of Pisataciea Saricaenenes ‘eatures: Prepares learners to be responsible individuals in a ing, learning communities, peer teaching, peer learning technologically advanced or team learning; Learners engage in a society. common task in which each individual Projects and activities given by depends on and is accountable @ the teachers shall reflect students / to each other, current and future needs eo aeie sericea 41. ONLINE COLLABORATIVE Suggested Activity: 1) The CPFM Activity - Create Transparency of Expectations Provide Clear instructions ‘Form Small Groups - Monitor and Support 2) Integration of Inform: in the lessons 2. JIGSAW METHOD Features: Is a cooperative learning technique in which learners work in small groups. It can be used in a variety of ways for a variety of goals that allows for an efficient way for learners to learn content, develop their listening, engagement and ‘empathy skills aside from allowing them ¢ to interact among each other and work independently leo ease ceed 1. ONLINE COLLABORATIVE Suggested Form of ASSESSMENT: - Project Presentation - Paper presentation - Action Research (SHS) - Formal Essay (SHS) é 2, JIGSAW METHOD Suggested Activity: The TDAR Activity - Think (Analysis of the problem) - Discuss (Share ideas on how to solve the problem) - Act (Act collaboratively) - Reflect (Introspect on the results made by the group) = 2. JIGSAW METHOD - Group paper introspection re: experiences / feeling during the group discussion Product of the group (in line h the rubrics provided by the teacher) 4 3. THINK - PAIR - SHARE ‘The 2D-2M Activity = Decide (Upon the problem/issue to be solved) - Describe (The purpose of the strategy and provide guidelines for discussions) = Model (ensure that students understand how to use the strategy) = Monitor (Support students as they work) 3. THINK - PAIR - SHARE Is a strategy in which students work together to solve a problem or answer a question. Students think through questions using three distinct steps: TPS (Think, Pair, and Share) 3. THINK — PAIR - SHARE - Group power point presentation Paper Reflection (Self assessment) - Observation Checklist to monitor the desirable attitudes of the learners duri collaborative work a (ed ECS 4. Integrative Process Approach / Project Management Features: A highly collaborative activity for it requires the whole team to think of the entire project and all of its systems together! emphasize connections and improve communication among students and stakeholders throughout the life of project. eo eres ee] 4, Integrative Process Approach / Project Management Suggested Form of ASSESSMENT: - Paper presentation - Project Presentation - Exhibit - Gase studies presentation cy - Debates results q - Demonstration = Collaborative writing Collaborative Strategies = Work together as a team from the beginning. “Conduct assessment (e.g. threat, risk analysis) to hel - Develop tallored solutions that yl ‘meeting requirements and goals “Evaluate Solutions 7 Eneure requirements and goats are met = Emphasize the integrated process ee aestcreel eo 5. Peer Teaching Features: involves learners tal a teaching role in the school setting. This strategy can be: reciprocal teaching, peer tutoring and cooperative learning, 5. Peer Teaching The AFA Activity - Assign and Design the Lesson. - Facilitate the Lesson. - Assess their Peers 5. Peer Teaching - Paper presentation - Power Point presentation - Group reports is a learning theory that describes a movement toward integrated lessons helping students make connections across curricula; making connections with a major, between curriculum, co- curriculum, or between academic knowledge and practice. 1. Scaffold-Knowledge Integration Feature: 1.Scaffold-Knowledge Integration = Makes thinking visible Models scientific thinking; : scaffolds students to make their thinking visible, Suggested Activity: provides multiple The 4 As Activity “Helps students learn from others Encourages - Activity (Build on students ideas) designs discussions; - Analysis (Make thinking visi - Abstraction (Encourage listening to others) - Application(Promote autonomy / lifelong 1.Scaffold-Knowledge ee Integration Suggested Form of Assessment: Group work presentation Projects exhibit 2. Content Based Instruction (CBD) Suggested Activity: 2. Content Based Instruction (CBD) The 4As Activity (Same as above) Suggested Form of Assessment: Activity Power point presentation Analysis Abstraction 4 Paper Application Action research (SHS Bg 3. Thematic Teaching & Learning By Design Suggested Activity: The AACE Activity (Kalanrzis 2007) - Apply (Being Creativity) - Analyze (Being Critical) - Conceptualize (Design Theory) - Experience (New concept with celebratiqgh 3. Thematic Teaching & Learning By Design Suggested Form of Assessment - One wav to check if the teacher is using thematic approach is the bulletin board display where lessons in different learning areas are Inquiry ‘an approach of acquiring or obtaining information thru investigation carried out by the learners who are eager to know the phenomenon in question. It is used to engage learners of all ages to learn by exploration and iscovery. As learners investigate. they build their understanding and create meaning and new knowledge on a certain content! topic. The prot of inquiry begins with gathering information any through seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling. @ o y 4. Cyclic Inquiry Model and the Practical inquiry Mode Features: ; Demonstrates an activity or a process of a given content! topic. Post the topic as a statement starter or a question on small board = Communicates through writing with markers, 4. Cyclic Inquiry Model and the Practical inquiry Mode Discuss (To give arguments) [Reflect (To introspect) (Idealconcept formulated) { (Application of the concept) 12 on the usability of theconcept) 2. Knowledge - Building Community Model Features: - Collects/processes the results at the end to use as data for later activities based on the community of earner's participation. This can be tweaked by allowing them to review these results. “a 4. Cyclic inquiry Model and the Practical inquiry Mode ‘Suggested Form of ASSESSMENT - Formal and informal observations - Discussions /conforences = Tasks done in groups - Demonstrations /Performances Projects [Portfolios - Peer and Self Assessment - Self - Reflections 2. Knowledge - Building Community Model Suggested Activity: E! - Experience (setting up the concept) - Inform (Gather and analyze information) uild knowledge (Processing and a Abstraction) - Understand (Decision making) 3. Experiment Features: - An activity of doing investigation = Encourages learners interest to manipulate objects, tost hypothesis and work together to solve or prove something exciting « =n the process, learners a better thereby contributing to a thorough understanding of concepts. = collects Information about what goes on inside tho classroom 3. Experiment Suggested Form of ASSESSMENT - Standardized tests, quizzes and homework/assignments + Open ended questions that allow learnersiteachers to reflect on thei experience and give an idea of what they did and did not get from the experiment, < - Exhibits - Study/Research Presentation able to see or relate concepts 3. Experiment ‘Suggested Activity Introduce the activity. Ask the learners to state the problem in the form of a ‘question. This will lead them to formulate their hypothesis “allow them to do research and gather information on the Problem ‘Guide thom to form a hypothesis = Ask them to do the experiment to test the hypothesis LAllow them to collect, record and analyze data from 4 ‘experiment, Let thom present their findings for others ‘Comment of react to their findings. [State a conclusion based on the results Reflective Teaching Learning Approach means looking at what the teacher and learners do in classroom, thinking about why they do it, and analyzing about it if it works. This is a process of self- evaluation cum self-observation. Cy y - ? 4. Self Evaluation and Self Reflection Suggested Activity: The TTRA Activity ‘Think (Analyze patterns occurring during the teaching and ning process) k (Self-talk or group talk done by the teacher or learner-source of reflection) = Read (finding out or making affirmations regarding behavioral patterns) - Ask (Post questions to got ideas or opportunities on an area that interest you to improve/develop), 1. Self Evaluation and Self Reflection Feature: - collects information about what goes on side the classroom. - Analyzes/evaluates the obtained information by teacher and learner - Engenders improvements in teaching) towards effective lear 4. Self Evaluation and Self Reflection Suggested Form of Assessment: ry Presentation - Paper writing - Reports - Journals

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