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We the members of Elevation Church Kasoa, do establish for ourselves a welfare Scheme with
the aim of supporting and promoting our social well-being through measures stipulated in this
Determined to being each other’s keeper, do hereby craft and chronicle this scheme guide for
the church’s operations.
By consensus we the members of the Elevation Church hereby establish for ourselves a policy to
be known as the Elevation Headquarters Welfare Scheme.
The aim/objectives of the scheme shall be to:
1. Augment the welfare needs of its members.
2. To promote solidarity and mutual corporation among members
3. To assist and support members in the following situations:
A) Bereavement
B) Marriage
C) Naming of child
D) Illness and hospitalization
E) Death
F) Graduation
G) Essential needs (any other need considered to be crucial or necessary and or
indispensable by the Welfare Committee)
Membership of the Scheme shall comprise of all active contributing members who have
contributed six (6) months of their monthly dues.
A person shall cease to be a member of the scheme in the following events:
1. Death
2. Electing to exit/leave the scheme.
3. Welfare committee will meet with the defaulter and discuss the defaulting issue. If the
defaulter subsequently defaults for 3 months after the discussion, he or she shall be de-

A member who defaults for a period of at least three months shall be deemed a
defaulter and shall suffer the following penalties:

1. Fifty (50) percent of the total amount yet to be redeemed in dues shall be paid in
addition to the amount owed.
2. A defaulted member who is due for any benefit and quickly settles all financial
obligations shall have access to his or her benefits after settling (1)
3. However, a member who is unable to meet his / her financial obligations for
whatever reason shall write to the Committee at least a month before assuming the
status of a defaulter. The Committee together with the Pastors shall investigate the
4. A defaulter shall be invited by the committee to look into the matter and he or she
shall be advised if he or she is not considered by the committee as part of (3) above.
5. The defaulter after five months shall be invited to meet the pastors together with the
committee to discuss the default.
6. After six months the member shall cease to be a member of the welfare scheme.
The welfare Scheme shall be funded via
Monthly dues of ten Ghana Cedis (GHC 10) per each member. This is open to
adjustment as the years go by.
1) Quarterly fund raising for the scheme.
2) All interest on investments
3) Any other source agreed by members.

The monies of the Scheme shall be deposited in a separate bank account and or
investment portfolio as determined by the Committee. Signatories to the bank account
shall be always.
1) A pastor
2) The welfare Chairman
3) Welfare Treasurer or Financial Secretary, any two to sign


The fund shall also bear all the cost and expenses incurred in the administration and
management of the welfare Scheme.
Bi- annually the financial secretary shall read the financial statements of the scheme to
the members.
The welfare committee shall comprise of
1) The Chairman
2) Financial and General Secretary
3) Organizer
4) PRO
The tenure of the officers shall be four (4) years subject to re-appointment for another
term. Their duties shall include but not be limited to:
a) Ensuring members contribute to the scheme.
b) Recommend investment projects/ portfolio.
c) Policy formulation on members welfare issues
d) Periodic review of scheme to meet current challenges.
e) Representing members at functions that are related to the scheme.
f) Verifying all request related to welfare benefits and make recommendations for
payments accordingly.
g) Educating members on issues relating to the scheme
h) Visiting members who are in distress to have firsthand information on issues.
i) Organizing/ facilitating preparation towards programs related to members welfare.
j) Organizing members attendance to functions such as funerals, naming ceremony,
graduation etc
1. A member shall qualify for benefits after contributing for a period of six (6) months
on a consistent basis.
2. The welfare Chairman or any other member of the Committee shall be notified
immediately when a member is in distress for the appropriate action to be taken
3. In relation to all request the Committee shall be notified formally for verification and
recommendation shall be made thereafter.
4. Committee members will sit on cases involving new members who contributes
consistently but does not fall under the benefit (1) and take a decision.
All members shall attend the marriage ceremony to support member.
A dues paying member of a church group (women ministry, youth ministry, men
ministry) shall receive a cash donation from his/her group (amount to be decided by
group members)
a) The church will contribute via love offering during the ceremony for the member.
a) All members of the scheme shall attend funerals (parents, spouse, child) of bereaved
members unless the funeral is being held outside the following regions:
1) Greater Accra
2) Central
b) Cost of transportation shall be borne fully by the members to the above locations.
c) A member who fails to attend shall be made to pay the fare involved in attending the
d) Every member shall make it their topmost priority to attend the funeral of the death
of a member’s child or parents or spouse.
e) In the event the location of the funeral is outside the above-mentioned regions, a
delegation may attend to represent the church. The fare shall, however, be
subsidized by the scheme.
f) Without prejudice to the above, the bereaved member may decide on the number
of delegation he/she wishes to have attended the funeral.
g) A member who is bereaved shall be entitled to an amount of Ghc 500 as donation to
the bereaved from its coffers.
a) Members must be legally married to receive this benefit.
b) All members shall attend the naming ceremony of other qualified member’s children.
c) A due paying member of a church group (women ministry, youth ministry, men ministry) shall
receive a cash/gift donation from his/her group, (to be decided by group members).
d) The church will contribute via love offering during the ceremony for the member
All members shall attend the graduation ceremony of graduating individuals.
A consistent dues paying member of a church group (women ministry, youth ministry, men
ministry) shall receive a cash donation from his/her group (amount to be decided by group
members) .
Love offering shall be done through envelope distribution and fund raising during the ceremony.
a. A member who suffers any misfortune or natural disaster shall be entitled to a donation
of between Ghc 300 to Ghc 500 from the Welfare.
b. The benefit shall be decided after the welfare committee has verified and satisfied itself
with evidence to warrant same.
c. For avoidance of doubt, a misfortune for this scheme shall be any of the following.
1) Robbery
2) Fire
3) Domestic Accident
4) Vehicular accident
5) Every member shall be a beneficiary of this once every 12 months.


1) A member who is ill or hospitalized for a period of at least two (2) weeks shall inform the
welfare Committee or depending on the severity of the condition as so determine by
committee. Verification shall be made by the welfare committee, and they shall
recommend for appropriate action to be taken.
2) A member does not qualify for benefits automatically for being ill or hospitalized for that
period from the scheme. Depending on the assessment of the member’s condition, a
donation of Ghc 300 to Ghc 500 cedis may be made to the member upon the
recommendation of the welfare committee.
A member who transfers from one branch to another shall have 50% of his/her funds
transferred to current branch.
Members who exit the scheme for no reason shall benefit nothing from the scheme.
Members who relocate can continue to be members of the scheme by paying their dues
religiously. This qualifies them to benefit from the scheme on any given occasion.
In the event of the death of a member, the family of the late member shall be entitled to a
benefit of about Ghc 1,000.
This constitution shall be subject to a review or amendment every two years.

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