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Article 1226 – Obligation with a Penal Clause - When the penalty takes the place of

1. Principal Obligation
b. Punitive
- One which can stand by itself and does not
- When the penalty is imposed
depend for its validity and existence upon
merely as punishment of breach.
another obligation. It is an independent
2. Accessory Obligation
a. Subsidiary or alternative
- One which is attached to a principal obligation
- When only the penalty can be
therefore can not stand alone.
An obligation with a penal clause b. Joint or cumulative
- When both the principal obligation
- Is one which contains an accessory
and the penal clause can be
undertaking to pay a previously stipulated
indemnity in case of breach of principal
prestation, intended primarily to induce its *As a GENERAL RULE, in an obligation with a
fulfillment. penal clause, the penalty takes the place of the
indemnity for damages and the payment of interest
Penal Clause
in case of non-compliance. PROOF of actual
- An accessory undertaking attached to the damages suffered by the CREDITOR is not
obligation to assume greater liability in case of necessary in order that the penalty maybe enforced.
breach. The CREDITOR has only to prove that there is
Purposes of PENAL CLAUSE:
(Reparation and Punishment)
1. To insure their performance by creating an
effective deterrent against breach, making 1. When stipulated by the parties;
the consequences of such breach as onerous 2. When the OBLIGOR refuses to pay the
as it may be possible. This is the general penalty, in which case the CREDITOR may
purpose of a penal clause. recover LEGAL INTEREST thereon;
2. To substitute a penalty for the indemnity for 3. When the OBLIGOR is guilty of FRAUD in
damages and the payment of interest in case the fulfillment of the obligation, in which
of non-compliance; or to punish the debtor case the CREDITOR may recover damages
for the non-fulfillment or violation of his caused by such fraud.
obligation. *The penalty as a stipulation in a contract is
*In the first case, the purpose is reparation and the demandable only if there is breach of the obligation
second case, it is punishment. and it is not contrary to law, morals, good customs,
public order or public policy. Thus if the obligation
KINDS of PENAL CLAUSE: cannot be fulfilled due to fortuitous event, the
1. As to ORIGIN: penalty is NOT DEMANDABLE.
a. Legal
- When it is provided by law.
b. Conventional
- When it is provided for by stipulation
of the parties.
2. As to PURPOSE:
a. Compensatory
Article 1227 – As a GENERAL RULE, the debtor Article 1230 – The nullity of the penal clause foes
cannot just pay the penalty instead of performing not carry with it that of the principal obligation. The
the obligation. Precisely, the PURPOSE of the nullity of the principal obligation carries with it that
penalty is to SECURE COMPLIANCE with his of the penal clause.
obligation. If the debtor is allowed to pay the
penalty, this would in effect make the obligation
ACCESSORY follows the PRINCIPAL and not
vice versa.
*The debtor can exempt himself from the non-
*If only the PENAL CLAUSE IS VOID, the
fulfillment of his obligation only when this right has
principal obligation remains valid and demandable.
been expressly reserved to him.
The penal clause is just DISREGARDED. The
*As a GENERAL RULE, the creditor CANNOT injured party may recover indemnity for damages in
demand the fulfillment of the obligation and the case of non-performance of the obligation as if no
satisfaction of the penalty at the SAME TIME. penalty has been stipulated
(Exception: when this right has been clearly granted *If the PRINCIPAL OBLIGATION IS VOID, the
the creditor) penal clause likewise is void. But if the nullity of
the principal obligation is due to the fault of the
*GENERAL RULE: a penal clause is
debtor, who acted in bad faith, by reason of which
SUBSIDIARY and NOT JOINT. Where there is no
the creditor suffered damages, on equitable grounds,
performance, the creditor may ask for penalty OR
the penalty may be enforced.
require specific performance. These remedies are
ALTERNATIVE and NOT CUMULATIVE NOT Article 1231 – Obligations are extinguished by:
SUCCESSIVE, subject to the exception that penalty
1. Payment or performance
maybe enforced it after the creditor has decided to
2. Loss of the thing due
require fulfillment, the same should become
3. Condonation or remission of the debt
impossible without his fault. If there is FRAUD in
4. Confusion or merger of the rights of the
the part of the debtor, the creditor may recover the
creditor and debtor
penalty as well as damages for non-fulfillment.
5. Compensation
REMEMBER: 6. Novation
7. Other causes of extinguishment of
1. The DEBTOR has the right to pay the
obligations (annulment, rescission,
penalty instead of performing his obligation
fulfillment of a resolutory condition and
only when this right has been EXPRESSLY
RESERVED to him.
2. With respect to the creditor, he has the right OTHER CAUSES:
to demand performance and payment jointly
1. Death of a party in case the obligation is a
when this right has been CLEARLY
personal one.
GRANTED to him.
2. Mutual desistance or withdrawal
Article 1229 – Penalty may be reduced by the 3. Arrival of a resolutory period
courts: 4. Compromise
5. Impossibility of fulfillment
1. When there is partial or irregular
6. Happening of fortuitous event
2. When the penalty agreed upon is iniquitous Article 1232 – Payment means not only the delivery
or unconscionable. of money but also the performance in any manner
on an obligation.
*Payment consists not only in the delivery of 1. Debtor
money but also giving of a thing (other than 2. Any person who has interest in the
money), the doing of an act or not doing an act. obligation
When the debtor pays damages or penalty in lieu of 3. A third person who has no interest in the
the fulfillment of an obligation, there is also obligation where there is a stipulation that he
payment. can make payment.
Article 1233 – When DEBT is considered paid: EFFECT OF PAYMENT BY A THIRD PERSON:
(2nd article of Art 1236) - payment or performance
1. Integrity of prestation
made by any person not incapacitated, even without
2. Identity of prestation
the knowledge or against the will of the debtor and
although he has absolutely no interest in the
Article 1234 – EXCEPTION in Art. 1233:
substantial compliance or performance in good faith 1. If made without the knowledge or against
by the obligor, he can recover as though there had the will of the debtor, the payer can recover
been a strict and complete fulfillment less damages from the debtor only insofar the payment has
suffered by the oblige. been beneficial to the latter


1. There must be substantial compliance; A owes B P1,000.C, a stranger paid the obligation
2. The obligor must be in good faith. without the knowledge or against the will of A. C
can ask reimbursement for the P1,000 from A. But
if P400 has already been paid by A, then C is
Article 1235 – When the obligee accepts entitled to be reimburse to the amount of P600
performance knowing that it is incomplete or because it is only to that amount that A has been
irregular and the obligee did not express any protest benefitted. C can recover P400 from B who should
or objection, the obligation is deemed fully not have accepted it. If B acted in bad faith, he is
complied with. This is founded on the principle of liable for interest in lieu of damages.
estoppel. 2. If made with knowledge of the debtor, the
REQUISITES: payer shall have the rights of reimbursement
and subrogation, that is to recover what he
1. The oblige knows that the performance is has paid and to acquire all rights (mortgage,
incomplete or irregular; guaranty, penalty) of the creditor.
2. He accepts the performance without
expressing any protest or objection. Example:

Article 1236 – The creditor is not bound to accept In the given example, if payment was made by C
payment or performance by a third person who has with the knowledge of A, C can recover P1,000
no interest in the fulfillment of the obligation, with all the rights of subrogation to the accessory
unless there is a stipulation on the contrary. obligations such as mortgage, guaranty, or penalty.
Whoever pays for another may demand from the Article 1237 – Whoever pays on behalf of the
debtor what he has paid, except that f he paid debtor is entitled to subrogation, if the payment is
without knowledge or against the will of the debtor, with consent of the latter. If without the consent of
he can recover only insofar as the payment has been the debtor the third person cannot compel the
beneficial to the debtor. creditor to subrogate him in the latter’s accessory
PERSONS FROM WHOM THE CREDITOR rights of mortgage, guaranty or penalty.
MUST ACCEPT PAYMENT: Subrogation versus Reimbursement:
Subrogation case, A is not liable to C and his obligation is
extinguished. But if A did not consent to the
- The person who pays for the debtor is put into
donation, C may recover from A since there has
the shoes of the creditor and the person who been no donation, although originally C did not
pays for the debtor acquires not only the rights intend to be reimbursed. Nevertheless, the
to be reimbursed for what he has paid but also obligation of A to B is extinguished because the
other rights which the creditor could have payment is valid as to B who accepted it.
exercised pertaining to the credit, either
against the debtor or against third persons. In Article 1239 – In obligations to give, payment by
subrogation, however, there is no real one who does not have the free disposal of the thing
extinction of the obligation but change of due and capacity to alienate it shall not be valid
creditor. (GENERAL RULE)
Reimbursement Free disposal of the thing due and Capacity to
- The third person entitled by reason of payment
has merely the bare right to be refunded to the Free disposal of the thing due
extent provided in the second paragraph of Art
- That the thing to be delivered must not be
1236 without the right to the guarantees or
subject to any claim or lien or encumbrance of
securities of the original obligation.
a third person
Capacity to alienate
A borrowed from B P20,000. C is the guarantor.
- That the person is not incapacitated to enter
Without the knowledge or consent of A, D paid
into contract and for that matter to make a
P20,000.In this case, D can claim reimbursement
disposition of the thing due.
from A for the whole amount since A was
benefitted up to that amount. If A cannot pay D, D Example:
cannot proceed against C, the guarantor because
having paid without the consent of A, D is not A agreed to give a diamond ring to B. If the ring
entitled to subrogation. But if the payment was delivered by A belongs to C, the same can be
made with the express or tacit approval of A, D is recovered by C because the payment is not valid. A
entitled not merely to full reimbursement but also to does not have free disposal of the ring. The same
subrogation. Suppose the obligation of A is secured right of recovery exists although the ring belongs to
by a mortgage of a land owned by A, payment by D D, a minor and therefore he has no capacity to
without the knowledge or against the will of A alienate it.
cannot give D the right to subrogation. D can Article 1240 – Person to who payment shall be
recover only insofar as the payment has been made:
beneficial to A.
1. Creditor or oblige
Article 1238 – Payment made by a third person who 2. His successors-in-interest (heirs)
does not intend to be reimbursed by the debtor is 3. Any person authorized to receive it – not
deemed to be a donation, which requires the only a person authorized by the creditor but
debtor’s consent. But the payment is in any case also a person authorized by law to receive
valid as to the creditor who has accepted it. payment. (administrators, executors, and
Example: guardian)

A borrowed from B P20,000. Without the intention Article 1241 – Payment to a person who is
of being reimbursed, C paid A’s obligation. A has incapacitated to administer his property shall be
previously accepted the generosity of C. In this valid if he has kept the thing delivered or insofar as
the payment has been beneficial to him.
- Payment made to a third person shall also be Example:
valid insofar as it has redounded to the benefit
A owes B P20,000. C in turn owes A P20,000.In an
of the creditor. Such benefit to the creditor
action filed by B against A, C, upon the petition of
need to be proved in case there is subrogation
B, maybe ordered by the court not to pay A and to
by the creditor or there is estoppel on the part
retain the debt in the meantime. In this case, the
of the creditor such that the creditor’s conduct
debt of C is said to be garnished or subjected to
had led to believe that the third person had
payment to B. Any payment made by C to A in
authority to receive payment. (2nd paragraph)
violation of the judicial order is considered invalid.
Example: In other words, B may still hold C liable for the
debt. Should C be made to pay B, a quasi-
A delivers P20,000 to B, a minor under contractual obligation on the part of A is created,
guardianship in payment of debt. B loses P5,000 of which is to return the amount he has received from
money in nightclubbing. In this case, payment C. The payment by C to shall extinguish the
should considered as made only to the extent of obligation of A to C.
P15,000.On the other hand, if B kept the money
paid or spent it for purposes useful to him, the Article 1244 – The debtor of a thing cannot compel
payment shall be valid; otherwise, B would be the creditor to receive a different one, although the
unduly enrich himself at the expenses of A. latter may be of the same value as, or more valuable
than that which is due.
Article 1242 – Payment made in good faith to any
person in possession of the credit shall be release *In obligation to do or not to do, any act or
the debtor. forbearance cannot be substituted by another act or
forbearance against the obligee’s will.
*This is another situation when there is valid
payment to a third person. Example:
*Possession of the credit and not merely the A obliged himself to deliver a specific car to B. A
document or instrument evidencing the credit. cannot require B to accept another car although it
Furthermore, the payer must act in good faith that is commands a higher price, neither can B require A to
in the honest belief that he si making a valid deliver another car belonging to A although it can
payment and the payee is the owner of the credit. be sold only at a lower price.
Example: *EXCEPTIONS: Substitution can be made if the
oblige consent. In facultative obligation, the debtor
A owes B in the amount of P20,000. A issued is given the right to render another prestation in
promissory note as an evidence of the obligation. B substitution. In case of waiver by the creditor or
lost the promissory note and was found by C who substitution is allowed by stipulation with the
now demanded payment from A. Here, payment to consent of the creditor.
C is not valid because C is just a possessor of the
promissory note and not the credit itself. Article 1245 – Dation in payment is the conveyance
of ownership of a thing as an accepted equivalent of
Now, if for example the same note was indorsed by performance.
B to D, under a private agreement that D will not
collect from A. Payment by A in good faith to D *It is a special form of payment because its is not
will extinguish the obligation. The right of B will be the ordinary way of extinguishing an obligation. An
against D. existing debt in money is satisfied not by payment
of money but by alienation of the property.
Article 1243 – Payment made to the creditor by the
debtor after the latter has been judicially ordered to *The law on sales governs because dation in
retain the debt shall not be valid. payment may be considered a specie of sale in
which the amount of money debt becomes the price Article 1247 – Extrajudicial expenses shall be borne
of the thing alienated. by the DEBTOR, unless otherwise stipulated by the
Special forms of payment:
*Does not apply to expenses incurred by the
1. Dation in payment
creditor in going to the debtor’s domicile to collect.
2. Application of payments
3. Payment by cession *JUDICIAL COSTS are the statutory amounts
4. Tender of payment allowed to a party in action for the expenses
incurred in the action. It shall be paid by the losing
A owes B P20,000. To fulfill the obligation, A with
Article 1248 – Unless there is and express
the consent of B delivers a narra set. If the narra set
stipulation to that effect, the creditor cannot be
is however less than P20,000, the conveyance must
compelled partially to receive the prestations in
be deemed to extinguished the obligation to the
which the obligation consists. Neither may the
extent only of the value agreed upon unless, the
debtor be required to make partial payments.
parties by their agreement have considered the narra
set as full payment in which case the obligation is - However, when the debt is in part liquidated
totally extinguished. and in part unliquidated, the creditor may
demand and the debtor may effect the payment
Article 1246 – When the obligation consists in the
of the former without waiting the liquidation
delivery of an indeterminate or generic things,
of the latter.
whose quality and circumstances have not been
stated, the creditor cannot demand a thing of *There is only one debtor and one creditor
superior quality. Neither can the debtor deliver a
*There should be complete prestation in order that
thing of inferior quality. The purpose of the
the obligation is extinguished neither the debtor can
obligation and other circumstances shall be taken
be compelled to make partial payments if he does
into consideration.
not wish to do since he has the duty to comply with
Example: the whole obligation, subject to certain exceptions:
A binds himself to deliver a horse. B cannot compel a. Express stipulation
A to deliver a price winning race horse. Neither can b. Debt is in part liquidated and in part
A require B to accept an old sickly horse. unliquidated.
a. If B owns a stable race horses and horse
A owes B P20,000 plus the share of
racing is his main diversion in life, in which
B from a profit of the business which
fact is known to A, and the price agreed
however, is not yet determined, B
upon is the reasonable price of a racehorse,
may demand and A may effect of the
then A must deliver a race horse.
payment of P20,000, which is
b. If B happens to be a calesa driver and B
already known.
agreed to pay A for the horse an amount
c. When the different prestations in
which is the reasonable price of a horse for
which the obligation consists are
calesa, then that kind of horse maybe
subject to different terms or
conditions which affect some of
c. If B is a veterinary doctor and his only
purpose in buying a horse is to examine its
organs in connection with his work, this and
A owes B P20,000, P10,000 of
other relevant circumstances that the old
which is due today and P10,000 due
sickly horse was intended by the parties to
be delivered.
tomorrow. The obligation can be creditor must cash the instrument that he can
complied partially. bring an action for non-payment of debt.
2. Payment by means of mercantile document
Article 1249 – The payment of debts in money shall
does not extinguish the obligation:
be made in the currency stipulated and if not
a) Until they have been cashed;
possible to deliver such currency, then in the
b) Unless they have been impaired
currency which is the legal tender in the Philippines.
through the fault of the creditor (as
Legal Tender and Legal Tender power of Currency when he has delayed in presenting
the check of payment for
Legal Tender unreasonable length of time and the
- That currency which a debtor can legally check lost its value by reason of the
compel a creditor to accept in payment of debt insolvency of the bank.
in money when tendered by the debtor in the
right amount.
Legal Tender Power of Currency
- Means that when a currency is offered for
payment of a debt, public or private, the same
must be accepted.
Debts in money shall be paid in the currency
stipulated. If it is not possible such currency, then
payment shall be made in the currency which is the
legal tender in the Philippines.
*Philippine currency notes have no limit to their
legal tender power.
- Per BSP Circular No. 537 series of 2006,
- 1 piso, 5 piso, and 10 piso- they shall be legal
tender in the amount not exceeding P1,000.
- 1,5,10,and 25 centimo shall be legal tender in
the amount not exceeding P100.
OF CREDITS (mercantile documents)
1. A creditor has the right to refuse or accept
promissory notes, checks, bills of exchange
and other commercial documents since they
are not considered legal tender. The creditor
may accept them if he chooses without the
acceptance producing the effect of payment.
In the meantime, the demandability of the
original obligation is suspended. The

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