LAW (Article 1250 - 1270)

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Article 1250 – In case of extraordinary inflation or 3.

If there is no stipulation and the thing to be

deflation of the current stipulated should intervene, delivered is generic, the place of payment
the value of the currency at the time of the shall be the domicile of the debtor. In this
establishment of the obligation shall be the basis of case, the creditor bears the expenses in
payment, unless there is an agreement to the going to the debtor’s place to accept
contrary. payment.
INFLATION *The order enumerated is successive and
- Sharp sudden increase of money or credit or
both without a corresponding increase in VENUE
business transactions. Inflation causes a drop
- Place where a court suit or action must be
in the value of money, resulting in the rise of
filed or instituted.
the general price level.
- The place of a person’s habitual residence;
- Reduction in volume and circulation of the
the place where he has his true fixed
available money or credit, resulting in a
permanent home and to which place he,
decline of the general price level. It is the
whenever he is absent, has the intention of
opposite of inflation.
returning. It requires bodily presence in the
*Under Art. 1250, the purchasing value of the place and also an intention to make it one’s
currency at the time of the establishment of the domicile.
obligation shall be the basis of the payment, in case
of extraordinary increase or decrease in the
purchasing power of the currency which parties - Only an element of domicile. It simply
could not have reasonably foreseen subject to the requires bodily presence as an inhabitant in a
agreement of the parties to the contrary. given place.
A borrowed P5,000 from B payable after five years. Article 1252 – APPLICATION OF
On the maturity of the obligation, the value of PAYMENTS
P5,000 dropped to P2,500 because of inflation (or
increased to P10,000 because of deflation). In this - It is the designation of the debt to which
case (assuming there is extraordinary inflation) the should be applied the payment made by a
basis of the payment shall be equivalent value of the debtor who has various debts of the same
currency today to that five years ago. Hence, A is kind in favour of one and the same creditor.
liable to pay B P2,500 (P10,000), unless there is an REQUISITES:
agreement to the contrary.
1. There must be one debtor and one creditor.
Article 1251 –Place where obligation shall be paid. 2. There must be two or more debts.
RULES: 3. The debts must be of the same kind.
4. The debts to which payment made by the
1. If there is stipulation, the payment shall be debtor has been applied must be due.
made in the place designated. EXCEPTION: if there is a stipulation that
2. If there is no stipulation and the thin to be the debtor may apply or it is made by the
delivered is specific, the payment shall be creditor or debtor, as the case maybe, for
made at the place where the thing was, at the whose benefit the period has been
perfection of the contract. constituted.
5. The payment made must not be sufficient to If A paid only P1,000, he cannot choose to
cover all the debts. apply his payment to debt (1) because B cannot
be compelled to receive partial payment. A
cannot also apply his payment to debt (3)
1. The debtor has the first choice and when because it is not of the same kind. He cannot
making his choice, he must indicate at the also apply to debt(4) because it is not yet due
time of making payment and not afterwards unless there is stipulation to the contrary or he
which particular debt is being paid. has the benefit of the period.
2. The right of making the application of
If A does not make a choice, B can make the
payment once exercise cannot be revoked by
designation in the receipt with the consent of A.
the debtor unless the creditor consents to the
A can change the application made by B.
3. If the debtor does not apply payment, the Article 1253 - If the debt produces interest,
creditor may make the designation by payment of the principal shall not be deemed to
specifying in the receipt which debt is being have been made until the interest have been
paid with the consent of the debtor. covered.
4. If the creditor has not made the application
*The rule is mandatory. The debtor cannot
or if the application is not valid, the debt
choose to credit his payment to the principal
which is most onerous to the debtor among
before the interest is paid. The payment must be
those due shall be deemed to have satisfied.
applied first to the interest and whatever balance
Article 1254 – like an interest bearing debt
is left can be credited to the principal.
is more onerous than a non-interest bearing
debt even if the latter is an older one; a debt Example:
as a sole debtor is more onerous than that as
a solidary debtor; a debt secured by a A owes B P1,000 with 5%interest monthly. If A
mortgage or by pledge are more onerous paid P1,000, it will first be applied to the
than that of unsecured debt; of low interest interest earned by the debt. Then the balance of
bearing debts, the one with a higher rate is P950 will be credited to the amount. Therefore
more onerous, an obligation with a penalty A will still owe B P50 of the principal.
is more burdensome than one without Article 1255 – PAYMENT BY CESSION
penalty clause.
5. If debts due are of the same nature and - It is the assignment or abandonment of all
burden, the payment shall be applied to all the properties of the debtor for the benefit of
of them proportionately. his creditors in order that the latter may sell
the same and apply the proceeds thereof to
Example: the satisfaction of their credits.
A owes B as follows: REQUISITES:
1. P1,500 payable on September 5 1. There must be two or more creditors;
2. P1,200 payable on September 20 2. The debtor must be (partially) insolvent;
3. A specific radio worth P2,000 to be 3. The assignment must involve the properties
delivered on September 20 and of the debtor;
4. P1,000 payable on October 15 4. The cession must be accepted by the
On September 20, A paid B P1,500. A may creditors.
apply the P1,500 to debt(1) or to debt (1) and if EFFECTS OF PAYMENT BY CESSION:
B does not object to a portion of debt (1).
Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, the
assignment does not make the creditors owners of
the property of the debtor and the debtor is released the purpose of which is to give the creditor a
from his obligation only up to the net proceeds of chance to reflect on his previous refusal to
the sale of the property assigned. In other words, the accept payment considering that the
debtor is still liable if there is balance. expenses of consignation shall be charged
against him and in case of loss of the thing
consigned, he shall bear the risk thereof.
A owes B, C, D, and E the amount of P500,000. His 4. Consignation of the thing or sum due;
assets are insufficient to pay all his debts. With the 5. Subsequent notice of consignation made to
consent of the creditors, A may assign his property interested parties, the purpose of which is to
to them to be sold to satisfy their credit. If the net enable the creditor to withdraw the thing or
proceeds of the sale amounts only to P100,000, A is sum deposited in case he accepts the
still liable to pay P400,000, unless there is consignation.
stipulation that the assignment shall be in full
satisfaction of all the debts.
1. When the creditor is absent or unknown or
does not appear at the place of payment ;
- The act on the part of the debtor of offering 2. When incapacitated to receive the payment
to the creditor the thing or amount due. It is at the time it is due;
considered extrajudicial. 3. When without just case he refuses to give a
CONSIGNATION 4. When two or more persons claim the right to
- The act of depositing the thing or amount collect;
due with the proper court when the creditor 5. When the title of the obligation has been
does not desire or cannot receive it after lost.
complying with the formalities required by
Article 1259 – the expenses of consignation when
law. It is always judicial and requires a prior
properly made shall be charged against the creditor.
tender of payment.
Article 1260 - once the consignation has been duly
*Tender of payment must precede consignation and
made, the debtor may ask the judge or to order the
must be proven by the debtor in the proper case.
cancellation of the obligation. Before the creditor
REQUISITES FOR A VALID TENDER OF has accepted the consignation, or before a judicial
PAYMENT: declaration that the consignation has been properly
made, the debtor may withdraw the thing or sum
1. It must comply with the rules on payment deposited allowing the obligation to remain in force.
and therefore the payment should be made in
legal tender; *The observance of all the requisites of
2. It must be unconditional and for the whole consignation operated as a valid payment hence, the
amount; debtor can move for the cancellation of the
3. It must be actually made. obligation by the court. The debtor however may
withdraw as a matter of right the thing or sum
1. Existence of a valid debt which is due; 1. Before the creditor has accepted the consignation;
2. Tender of payment by the debtor and refusal or
without justifiable reason by the creditor to
accept it; 2. Before a juridical declaration that the
3. Previous notice of consignation to persons consignation has been properly made as he is still
interested in the fulfilment of the obligation, the owner of the same. In such a case, the obligation
shall continue to remain in force and all expenses equivalent of difficulty of performance in obligation
are paid by the creditor. to do.
Article 1262 – LOSS OF THE THING DUE Example:
- A thing is lost when it perishes or goes out A is obliged to deliver a specific horse to B. The
commerce or disappears in such a way that horse met an accident and it suffered a broken leg.
its existence is unknown or it cannot be The injury is permanent. Partial loss is so important
recovered. as to extinguish the obligation.
REQUISITES: IN ORDER THAT AN If the loss is due to the fault of A, he shall be
OBLIGATION TO GIVE WILL EXTINGUISH obliged to pay the value of the horse with indemnity
AN OBLIGATION: for damages.
1. Obligation is to deliver a specific thing; If the horse to be delivered is to be slaughtered by
2. The loss of the thing occurs without the fault B, the injury is clearly not important. Even if there
of the debtor; was fault on the part of A, he can still deliver the
3. The debtor is not guilty of delay. horse with liability for damages, if any, suffered by
OF THE SPECIFIC THING EVEN WITHOUT Article 1265 – Disputable presumption of fault
THE FAULT OR DELAY ON THE PART OF TH whenever the thing to be delivered is lost in the
DETOR WILL NOT EXEMPT HIM FROM possession of the debtor.
LIABILITY, thus he can still be held liable for
- There is presumption since the debtor has
1. When the law so provides
the custody and care of the thing and he can
2. When the stipulation so provides
easily explain the circumstances of the loss.
3. When the nature of the obligation requires
the assumption of risk EXCEPTION:
4. When the obligation to deliver a specific
thing arises from a crime - In case of natural calamities, lack of fault of
the debtor is more likely, so it is unjust to
Article 1263 – In an obligation to deliver a generic presume negligence on his part.
thing, the loss or destruction of a thing of the same
kind does not extinguish the obligation *in Art.1165, the obligor who is not at fault is still
liable in case he is guilty of delay or promised to
*This is based on the principle GENUM deliver the same thing to two or more persons who
NUNQUAM PERIT and the debtor can still be do not have the same interest.
compelled to deliver a thing of the same kind.
However, the creditor cannot demand a thing of Example:
superior quality neither can the debtor deliver a A borrowed the cell phone of B. On due date of the
thing of inferior quality. obligation, to return the cell phone, A told B that the
Article 1264 – speaks of partial loss where the court cell phone was stolen and that he was not at fault.
is given the discretion in case the parties disagree That is not enough to extinguish A’s obligation.
whether partial loss is equivalent to a complete or There was a presumption that it was A’s fault why
total loss. the cell phone is lost and therefore he is liable,
unless he proves the contrary.
*There is partial loss when only a portion of the
thing is lost or destroyed or when it suffers Suppose the house of A was gutted by fire and
depreciation or deterioration. Partial loss is accidental origin and that the cell phone was at his
house at the time of fire. Here, A is not liable unless *Condonation or remission is the gratuitous
B proves fault on the part of A. abandonment by the creditor of his right against
the debtor and thus a form of donation.
Article 1266 – If the obligation becomes legally or
physically impossible without the debtor’s fault, the REQUISITES:
obligation is extinguished.
1. It must be gratuitous;
KIND OF IMPOSSIBILITY: 2. It must be accepted by the obligor;
3. The parties must have capacity;
1. Physical impossibility
4. Must not be inofficious;
- In purely personal obligations, when the
5. If made expressly, it must comply with the
personal qualifications of the obligor are
forms of donation.
2. Legal impossibility
- Obligation cannot be performed because it is
rendered impossible by provision of the law.
Article 1267 - When the service has become so
difficult as to be manifestly beyond the
contemplation of the parties, the obligor may also
be released therefrom, in whole or in part.
*the impossibility of the performance releases the
obligor in whole or in part.
Article 1268 – Another instance when a fortuitous
event does not exempt the debtor from liability, that
is where the obligation proceeds from a criminal
offense except when the creditor refused to accept
the thing without justification, after it has been
offered to him.
Article 1269 – The creditor is given the right to
proceed against the third person responsible for the
loss. There is no need for assignment by the debtor.
A is obliged to deliver B a specific horse. The horse
is lost because of the fault of C. The obligation of A
is extinguished and he is not liable to B. Such being
the case, A would not be interested in going after C.
The law however protects B by giving him the right
to bring an action against C to recover the price of
the horse with damages.
- Speaks of condonation or remission as a way
of extinguishing an obligation.

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