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At the age range of 3-5 years old, what are the things that they should and should not learn?

2. What are the various learning styles or approaches employed by children?

3. How can the attention of children be obtained and maintained during the learning process?

4. What are the recommended strategies for effectively managing challenging behaviors in young


5. How can emotional, social, and cognitive development be cultivated in children?

6. What do the different colors symbolize?

7. What are your suggestions for the color of a mobile app that would be eye-catching for children

8. What insights can you provide about play-based learning

9. In the current era characterized by the widespread integration of technology into various aspects

of life, in your viewpoint, would the learning progress of children in terms of their essential

education be more positively impacted by the utilization of mobile learning applications, or is the

conventional traditional teaching methodology still the more preferable approach?

10. Can you provide guidance on setting appropriate screen time limits for young children engaging

with mobile learning applications for educational purposes?

11. From your perspective, do you believe that mobile learning applications can cater both typical and

unusually exceptional young students?

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