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ESC 6 – Edukasyong Pantahanan

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Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan
with Entrepreneurship

Chapter 2

Agricultural Arts:
LESSON 1: Basic Agricultural Knowledge and Skills

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A griculture plays an important role in the economic development of a country. It provides food, raw
material, and employment opportunities to a bigger percentage of the population
Agriculture employs many people improving the national income level and standard of living of
families. The continuous development in the agricultural sector offers progressive outlook and increased
motivation for growth. Overall, we can assume that the economic development of the country relies on
agricultural growth rate.
An established agricultural sector ensures food security, which is the primary requirement of the
developed country. Food security prevents malnourishment which has traditionally been believed to be one
of the major problems that confronts a developing country. Many countries rely on agricultural produces as
their main source of income (

Specific Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

• discuss the basic land preparation methods in planting;

• name the different hand tools and equipment for small scale farming;
• explain the functions of tools and equipment for vegetable gardening; and
• demonstrate ability to control insect pests and diseases.


Chapter 2: Basic Agricultural Knowledge and Skills = 3 hours

(2 hours discussion; 1-hour

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Before farmers plant vegetables and other crops in their fields, they first prepare the soil. This
initial activity requires knowledge of the three basic land preparations: clearing, plowing, and harrowing.
1. Clearing. This is the first step in land preparation. Weeds, grasses, and other possible obstacles to
the second step should be removed. This is done two weeks before panting.
2. Plowing. This is the first tillage operation in land preparation. Tillage is defined as the cultivation
of soil for raising crops. It provides a more favorable condition for seeds to germinate and enable
the young plant to grow. Plowing is an effective means of controlling weeds, insects, diseases, and
nematodes. It is used to pulverized, aerate, and enable the soil to retain moisture.
3. Harrowing. Harrowing makes the plowed or cultivated soil fine and compact. It also destroys the
seeds of weeds, weed seedling, and grasses. It also levels the soil.


Farming needs tools and equipment to prepare the soil for planting vegetables and other crops.
Familiarize yourself with these tools and their uses.

1. Ax. This is a tool with a long handle and a bladed

head. It is used for chopping woods and big
trunks of trees.

2. Cutlass or machete. This is a short-curved bolo-

like tool that is used for cutting grasses, shrubs, and
some woody plants.

3. Hand trowel. This is a small, pointed, scoop-like tool used to

loosen soil, digging holes, and transplanting seedling in the

4. Hoe. This is a tool used for weeding and

loosening soil. It has a thin blade set across the end of
its handle. There are two kinds: the long handled and
short handled hoe.

5. Manure drags. This is a flat-bladed tool used for

gathering and carrying animal manure.

6. Mattock. The tool looks like a pickax but it has at least

one flat blade for loosening the soil and digging up big rocks.

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7. Pickax. This is a heavy tool with a wooden handle.
It is pointed at one end and it is used for digging and
breaking the soil.

8. Rake. This is a tool with a long handle

and with teeth at one end. It is used for
gathering hay and leaves. It is also used to
smooth out broken soil.

9. Secateurs. This is a tool that looks like scissors. It is

used for pruning plants.

10. Shears. This is a large scissors used for

cutting or trimming hedges.

11. Shovel. This is a tool with broad scoop and with long handles. It is
used for lifting and moving loose materials.

12. Spade. This is a

flat-bladed, long handled, and spade-shaped tool used
for digging.

13. Sprinkler. It is used for watering plants especially seedlings.

Water passes through a spout with tiny holes.

14. Plow. It is a tool that is used for initial

cultivation of soil which loosens or turns the
soil in preparation for sowing seeds or
planting seedlings. It is used in big farms and
drawn by tractor or working animals such as:
carabao, horse, and cattle.
(Please see sources of photos under References)

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Controlling Plant Pest and Diseases
Whether in your school vegetable garden, at your backyard, or at agricultural farms, controlling
insect pests and diseases depend so much on the use of chemicals. This method usually eliminates both
harmful and beneficial insects. In addition, you also expose yourself to hazardous chemicals which have
bad effects on your health. The natural way of controlling insect pests and diseases is safer to use for the
environment, to beneficial insects, and to your health.
To be able to effectively control insect pest infestation the natural way, you should know the two
types of insects: beneficial and harmful insects.

Beneficial Insects
1. Honeybees. These insects suck nectar from the flowers and convert it to a natural form of sugar
more popularly known as honey. They also help in the pollination of flowers.
2. Silkworm (from moth) turn into cocoons that produce fibers which are woven into silk cloth.
3. Butterflies and bees. They are pollinated flowers and make them form into fruits.

Honeybee Silkworm Butterfly Bumble bee

Please see sources of photos under References

Harmful Insects
Harmful insects are also known as insects’ pests.
They cause harm to humans and animals in many ways.
For example, insects such as locusts can form huge swarms
that can destroy whole crops in minutes. Some insects
carry fatal diseases such as malaria and encephalitis. Many
insect pests affect farm produce in several ways.
1. They feed on leaves and leave holes on them.
2. They pierce a plant leaf or stem and suck out plant
juices leaving the plant to curl, wilt, and die.
3. They eat the flowers and fruits of the plants.
4. They transfer virus-causing organisms from one plant
to another.

Insect Pests and Diseases

Insect pests and diseases attack crops from the roots to the leaves. These pests and diseases must
be controlled to improve the yield and quality of crops. There are four types of plant enemies: chewing
insects, sucking insects, fungus diseases, and nematodes.

1. Chewing Insects
Chewing insects attack by chewing parts of the plant especially the young leaves and
stems. Examples of chewing worms are cabbage worm, tomato hornworm, cut worm, and bean
pod borer. These worms are controlled by spraying the plants with appropriate insecticide.
Application of insecticide must be done at the first sign of attack.

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Cabbage worm Tomato Hornworm Cutworm Bean Pod Borer

Please see sources of photos under References

2. Sucking Insects
Sucking insects have tube-like sucking mouth. It inserts its mouth into the tissue of the
leaf or stem and suck the plant juice for their food. They are destroyed by spraying insecticides
that comes in contact to their bodies. Examples of sucking insects are leaf hopper, mealy bug,
squash bug, and onion thrips.

Leaf Hopper Mealy Bug Squash Bug Onion Thrips

Please see sources of photos under References

3. Fungus Diseases
Fungi are simple non-green plants. They lack chlorophyll
that makes the plants green. Fungi are parasites and they feed on
living plants and animals. Fungi can grow in plants in temperature
and moisture which favor their germination. Fungus diseases can be
controlled by spraying or dusting the plant with fungicide.

4. Nematodes
Nematodes are the hidden pests that attach the roots of the
crops. In severe cases, nematodes can destroy the crops and reduce the
yield up to 50%. If the plants are not growing well even with the
proper cultivation, adequate and proper application of fertilizers, and
control of weeds, they might be attacked by nematodes.

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Methods of Controlling Pests Biologically
There are several ways in which insect pests are prevented from attacking vegetable gardens and
destroying your plants. Here are some ways:
1. Choose only plant varieties that are resistant to insect pests.
These resistant varieties contain toxic substances or hard tissues that
fight the attack of insect pests.

2. Weed out your garden.

Weeds that grow along with the plants serve as homes for insect

3. Flood your gardens/ plots before and after planting to drive away
insects that are living in the soil.

4. Destroy (bury or burn) old plants which serve as homes to insect

5. Put dried leaves over your plots and burn them to kill the insect
pests that are living in the soil.
6. Apply organic pesticides.

Organic Pesticides
Organic pesticides are preparations from various plants. Here is a list of
plants which have been successfully used as pesticide:

1. Luya-luyanan. This is effective for treating insect pests that attack and
destroy rice plant.

2. Sili (red pepper), tanglad (lemon grass) and manunggal

(agdao). Extract of these plants are effective rice pesticides.

Extract five 95) tablespoons of juice from
the leaves of the three plants. Mix in four liters of
water, stir thoroughly before spraying.

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3. Tobacco. Extract from the tobacco stem is an effective treatment
against vegetable pests.
Cut tobacco stems into small pieces. Add this to a
boiling water (enough to cover) the pieces. Let it cool. Mix
one-part solution to four parts of water.

4. Neem tree. This is a plant which originated from India. It is

deep-rooted, straight trunk, widely spread branches, and
evergreen crown. The bark is moderately thick and gray with a
durable heartwood. It has flowers like tiny stars, pale leaves
tinted with rust. The fruits are small, oblong, and measures less
than 2 cm. long. Its leaves and seeds have strong insecticidal/
pesticidal properties and are also excellent sources of fertilizer
substrates and pharmaceutical substances.

Organic Pest Control Preparations

When making natural pesticide, be sure to use only natural products that are available in your
house. Garden pests are prevented or destroyed using safe and natural products. Here are few natural
insect repellent recipes you can follow (Source:

Recipe #1
1 head of garlic
1 tablespoon dish soap (Note: do not use a dish soap that contains bleach)
2 tablespoons mineral or vegetable oil
2 cups water
Peel the garlic cloves and puree the cloves along with the oil and water. Allow to sit overnight
and then strain the mixture. add the soap and mix thoroughly. pour into a spray bottle and use
on pest infected plants.

Recipe #2
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 tablespoons baking soda
1 teaspoon dish soap or Murphy Oil (Note: do not use a dish soap that contains bleach)
Combine ingredients and pour into a spray bottle. use this organic bug spray for plants on
your affected plants.

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Recipe #3
½ cups chopped hot peppers (the hotter the better)
2 cups water
2 tablespoons dish soap (Note: do not use a dish soap that contains bleach)
Puree peppers and water. let it sit overnight. strain carefully (this will burn your skin) and
mix in dish soap. Pour into a spray bottle and spray this organic bug spray for plants on your
buggy plants.


Food security is very important to a country. It is the primary requirement of a developed country.
Food security prevents malnourishment which has traditionally been believed to be one of the major
problems that confronts a developing country. Many developing countries rely on agricultural produce as
their main source of income (, including the
There are three important basic land preparations that should be accomplished before farmers plant
vegetables and other crops in their fields like clearing, plowing, and harrowing. These land preparation and
other farm activities needs tools and equipment. It is important that you familiarize yourself with these tools
and their uses such as: ax, cutlass or machete, hand trowel, hoe, manure drag, mattock, pickax, rake,
secateurs, shears, shovel, spade, sprinkler and plow.
Controlling insect pests and diseases is important to get a good harvest. However, the use of
chemical pesticides eliminates both harmful and beneficial insects and you also expose yourself to
hazardous chemicals which have bad effects on your health. the natural way of controlling insect pests and
diseases is safer to use for the environment, to beneficial insects, and to your health. to be able to effectively
control insect pest manifestation the natural way, you should know the two types of insects: beneficial and
harmful insects.
Insects pests and diseases attack crops from the roots to the leaves. they must be controlled to
improve the yield and quality of crops. there are four types of plant enemies: chewing insects, sucking
insects, fungus diseases, and nematodes. There are also organic pesticide recipes which you can prepare to
destroy and prevent the attack of insect pests.

ESC 6 - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan with Entrepreneurship 10 | P a g e

K to 12 Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan and Technology and
Livelihood Education Curriculum Guide May 2016 Learning Materials

DE Guzman, Ines Alcantara, Living, Loving and Learning: A Text-workbook: Home

Economics and Livelihood Education 5

ESC 6 - Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan with Entrepreneurship 11 | P a g e


Name: ______________________Course/Year/Section: ___________ Score: _________

Below are six (6) words from this lesson that might have challenged your understanding. Look
for the meaning of each and write it opposite the word.
Word Meaning

1. Hazardous

2. Infestation

3. Organic

4. Pest

5. Pesticide

6. Pollination

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Name: ______________________Course/Year/Section: ___________ Score: _________

A. Identification Type. Below are picture of farming tools and equipment. List down its name
and uses opposite the picture.
Tools/ Equipment Name Use/s






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Let us put into action what you have learned in this lesson, especially on controlling insect pests
and diseases.

Directions: Create a short video presentation regarding the instruction listed below. Share
the video to your classmates through any of your social media account and ask for some
comments and suggestions. (Facebook page – Private)

A. With the help of one of your family members, choose one from the three organic pesticide
recipes. Prepare per instruction. Take precautionary measures by using face mask or cover
your nose with a clean handkerchief to prevent you from inhaling the mixture and by using
an apron to protect your clothes from the mixture.
Spray the pesticide on your plants that are attacked by harmful insects like aphids, ants or
fungi. Use face mask or handkerchief to cover your nose while spraying.

B. Observing Skills
Observe the sprayed plants and check if the pest were eradicated or destroyed. write your
observation on the space below. Be ready to share your observation in class.

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Activity 1&2. Each question will be graded based on this five (5) point rubric.

Well written and very organized.
Clear and concise statements.
5 - Outstanding
Excellent effort and presentation with detail.
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.
Writes fairly clear.
4 - Good Good presentation and organization.
Sufficient effort and detail.
Minimal effort.
3 - Fair Fair presentation.
Few supporting details
Somewhat unclear.
Shows little effort.
2 - Poor
Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
No organization of thoughts.
Very unclear.
1 - Very Poor Does not address topic.
Limited attempt.

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