ESC-8-MODULE-Chapter 5

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ESC 8 - Teaching Science

in the Elementary Grades
(Chemistry & Biology)

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First Edition, 2021

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Borrowed materials included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders.
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Learning Module Development Team

Assigned Title Author/s

Chapter 1 Introduction Teresa V. Apagalang,

Chapter 2 The Process of Science MAED Lea F. Dollete,

Chapter 3 Basic Concepts and MAED
Principles for the
Elementary Science
Marilou Marave, MAED
Education Program: Chemistry

Chapter 4 Basic Concepts and Yesha M. Paje, LPT

Principles for the
Mae Joyce R. Velarde, LPT
Elementary Science
Education Program: Biology

Chapter 5 Science Teaching Strategies

Chapter 6 Instructional Materials

Development for
Elementary Science
Education and
Technology in Elementary
Science Education

Chapter 7 Assessing and Evaluating

Science Learning
Chapter 8 Concept Mapping in
Elementary Science for
Lesson Planning, Instruction

Chapter 9 Synthesis and Application

of Key Concepts and
Principles (Chemistry and

(First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name), Position
(First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name), Position
(First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name), Position

Course Overview

ESC 8 – Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades (Chemistry & Biology) is a three – unit
course, which includes understanding of spiraling basic science concepts and application of
science inquiry in Chemistry and Biology and the use of teaching strategies in elementary
science, development of instructional materials and assessment. Content topics in Chemistry
include Properties and Structure of Matter and Changes that Matter Undergo. In Biology
content topics include Parts and Functions of Animals and Plants, Heredity: Inheritance and
Variation, Biodiversity and Evolution and Ecosystems. (CMO 74 s. 2017)

Course General Objectives

By the end of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Describe the science framework in K to 12 Curriculum;
2. Explain the spiraling progression and mastered the basic science concepts in Chemistry
and Biology for the elementary level;
3. Gain pedagogical knowledge and utilized variety of effective strategies for teaching
and learning science;
4. Develop skills in making of appropriate instructional support materials; 5. Utilize
technology to promote creativity and innovations in elementary science; 6. Assess learning
through the use of appropriate tools/techniques; and 7. Practice scientific inquiry, positive
attitudes and values in teaching science in the elementary grades. (CMO No. 74 s. 2017)
Course Details:

Course Code: ESC 8

Course Title: Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades No. of Units: 3 units
Classification: Lecture-Demonstration
Pre-requisite / Co-Requisite: None
Semester and Academic Year: 1 st Semester 2021-2022
Name of Faculty:
Contact Details
Contact No.:
FB Account:

Learning Management System

The University LMS will be used for asynchronous learning and assessment. The link and
class code for LMS will be provided at the start of class through the class official Facebook
Group. ∙ Edmodo

∙ Google Classroom
∙ University LMS

Assessment with Rubrics

Students will be assessed in a regular basis thru quizzes, long/unit/chapter tests,

individual/group outputs using synchronous and/or asynchronous modalities or submission of
SLM exercises. Rubrics are also provided for evaluation of individual/group outputs.

Major examinations will be given as scheduled. The scope and coverage of the examination
will be based on the lessons/topics as plotted in the course syllabus.

Module Overview

This module introduces you to the K to 12 Science curriculum guide, the

understanding of the spiraling of basic science concepts and the Key Stage Standards, Grade -
Level standards for science learning areas for K-3, and 4-6. It also includes the sequence of
domains or strands per quarter from grades 3 to 6 in Biology and Chemistry areas.

It also deals with foundations of science teaching and learning, which will help you to
become an equipped science teacher, focuses on basic teaching approaches and strategies. It
emphasizes on how a science concept can be learned by a student effectively through hands on
activity and content mastery. It also presents the Learning Cycle and the 5E’s Instructional
Model. It also focuses on planning and implementing a sequence of meaningful learning
activities. This lesson will help you to demonstrate and apply the science concepts and
strategies in teaching Biology and Chemistry. (If possible, using video or via Zoom or any
possible means)

This lesson discusses the essential parts of the learning cycle which will enable you to
plan and develop your own functional daily/detailed/semi-detailed lesson log with an
appropriate format

An application of the lesson will be utilized in your micro-demo as a part of the

subject’s requirement.

Teaching Science in the

Elementary Grades (Chemistry &

Chapter 5

Science Teaching

The most challenging for a teacher is determining how to teach science lessons
effectively. If these teaching-learning activities are effective, students will be able to achieve
their life goals through the acquisition of scientific knowledge, skills, and values.

Teaching strategies are methods and techniques that a teacher will use to support
students in their learning process. A teacher will select the teaching strategy that is most suited
to the topic being studied, the learners’ level of expertise, and the stage in their learning

For better understanding, constructivist science teaching approaches and its principles,
inquiry: learning how to do science rather than learning about, and other teaching strategies
for successful science activities are discussed thoroughly in this module. Varies activities are
also provided at the end of the lesson.

Specific Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Examine the constructivist view of learning;
2. Synthesize information about scientific principles; and
3. Identify practical suggestions pertaining to implementing a constructivist, process
oriented, inquiry science program in the elementary classroom.

Chapter 5: Science Teaching Strategies science rather than learning about science
Lesson 1 Constructivist Science Teaching Lesson 3 Other Teaching Strategies for
Approaches and its Principles Successful Science Activities
Lesson 2 Inquiry: Learning how to do 6 hours

Constructivist Science Teaching Approach
and Its Principles
Constructivist teaching is based on the fundamental belief that learning happens when
people participate actively in meaning-making and knowledge-construction processes.
According to Dewey's idea of transformative education, education should encourage learners
to acquire critical thinking skills via reflection, environmental investigation, and hands-on
experiences. Piaget's contribution to constructivist teaching emphasizes the fact that we learn
through expanding our knowledge through experiences. From infancy through adulthood,
these experiences are generated through playing which is essential for learning.

In the constructivist classroom, the teacher’s role is to prompt and facilitate

meaningful exchange of ideas and learning. The teacher’s main focus is guiding the students
by asking questions that will lead them to develop their own insights and conclusions on the
subject. Constructivist teaching is governed by the following principles:
1. Teachers Seek and Value Students' Points of View

In contrast to traditional education, in which students are expected to give the one right
answer that the teacher is looking for, students in a constructivist classroom are encouraged to
expound on their ideas and use evidence to support their opinions. Thorough asking helpful
questions, teachers can get students to explain what they're thinking.

2. Classroom Activities Challenge Student Assumptions

Students are encouraged to explore an aspect of something they have never

experienced or thought about before through constructivism. Constructivist teaching is all
about challenging and broadening students' perspectives.

3. Teachers Pose Problems of Relevance

Constructivism is concerned with exploring complex, real-world problems that allow

students to interact with the material. Tying learning to ideas or problems that are relevant to
the students' lives and interests can help to boost their motivation to learn and deepen their
understanding of material.

4. Teachers Build Lessons Around Big Ideas

There are certain important concepts that students need to learn, such as understanding
the cause and effect, critically analyzing documents, or inquiry-based exploration. Lessons in
constructivist classrooms are designed to promote mastery of these important concepts or big

5. Teachers Assess Learning in the Context of Daily Teaching

Traditionally, teachers give information for a certain amount of time before

administering a test to determine if students learned the content. In constructivist teaching,
assessment is about spending time every day focusing on what still needs to happen for
student success. Assessments are often authentic and in-the-moment, such as discussion
questions or collaborative projects.

References/Additional Resources/Readings

Alata, E. & Alata, E. (2020). A Course Module for Teaching Strategies for Elementary
Science (Physics, Earth and Space Science) Rex Book Store, Inc.
Boyd, N. & Chapel L. (2020). Constructivist teaching: principles & explanation. K to 12
Curriculum Guide Science Grade 3 to 10

Online Resources

Learner’s Feedback Form

Name of Student: _______________________________________________________

Program: _______________________________________________________ Year
Level: _____________________________ Section: ________________ Faculty:
_______________________________________________________ Schedule:

Learning Module: ________ Number: _______ Title: _______________________

How do you feel about the topic or concept presented?

□I completely get it. □ I’m struggling.
□I’ve almost got it. □ I’m lost.

In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?

Did you raise your concern to you instructor? □ Yes □ No

If Yes, what did he/she do to help you?


If No, state your reason?


To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?

How do you want it to be enhanced?


NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
teacher (within the 1st week of the class).


Inquiry Learning how to do science rather than
learning about science
Inquiry-based science adopts an investigative approach to teaching and learning where
students are provided with opportunities to investigate a problem, search for possible
solutions, make observations, ask questions, test out ideas, and think creatively and use their
intuition. In this sense, inquiry-based science involves students doing science where they have
opportunities to explore possible solutions, develop explanations for the phenomena under
investigation, elaborate on concepts and processes, and evaluate or assess their
understandings in the light of available evidence.

This approach to teaching relies on teachers recognizing the importance of presenting

problems to students that will challenge their current conceptual understandings so they are
forced to reconcile anomalous thinking and construct new understandings.

Inquiry-Based Learning

Inquiry-based instruction is “a teaching method that combines the curiosity of students

and the scientific method to enhance the development of critical thinking skills.”

Inquiry-based learning promotes engagement, curiosity, and experimentation. Rather

than being ‘instructed to,’ students are empowered to explore subjects by asking questions and
finding or creating solutions. It’s more a philosophy and general approach to education than a
strict set of rules and guidelines.

The Basic Elements of Inquiry Method

All inquiry methods are predicated on specific assumptions about both learning and
learners. Inquiry teaching require a high degree of interaction among the learner, the teacher,
the materials, the content and the environment. The most challenging part is that it allows both
the learner and the teacher to become persistent seekers, interrogators, questioners and
ponderers. The end result is whenever the learners possess the question every Nobel Prize
winner has asked: “I wonder what would happen if…?” It is through inquiry that new
knowledge is discovered. It is by becoming involved in the process that the learners become
historians, economist, scientists, engineers, poets, businessperson, artist, writers, researchers
even only for an hour or two in class.

Basic Tenets of Inquiry Teaching (Orlich et al., 2007)

∙ Inquiry methods require the learners to develop various process associated with inquiry. ∙
The teachers and the principals must support the concept of inquiry teaching and learn
how to adapt their own teaching and administrative styles to the concept.


∙ The students at all ages and levels have genuine interest in discovering something new
or in providing solutions or alternative to unsolved questions or problems. ∙ The solutions,
alternatives or responses provided by the learners are not fund in the textbooks. The
students use reference to conduct their work.
∙ The objective of inquiry teaching is often a process. In many instances, the end product
of an inquiry activity is relatively unimportant to compared to the process used to
create it.
∙ All conclusions must be considered relative or tentative, not final. The students must
learn to modify their conclusion as new data are discovered.
∙ Inquiry learning cannot be gauged by the clock. In the real world, when people think to
create it is not usually done in fifty-minute increments.
∙ The learners are responsible for planning, conducting and evaluating their own effort. It
is essential that the teacher plays only a supportive role, not an active one (that is the
teacher should not do the work for the students).
∙ The students have to be taught the processes associated with inquiry learning in
systematic manner. Every time “teachable moment” arrives, the teacher should
capitalize on it to further
∙ Inquiry learning complicates and expands the teacher’s work owing to the many
interactions that may emanate from inquiry teaching and learning.

Basic Inquiry Process

Listed below are the basic inquiry processes in order of complexity (Orlich et al., 2007).

1. Observing
2. Classifying
3. Inferring
4. Using numbers
5. Measuring
6. Using space-time relationships
7. Communicating
8. Predicting
9. Making operational definitions
10. Formulating hypotheses
11. Interpreting data
12. Controlling variables
13. Experimenting

Each inquiry process requires progressive intellectual development, and that as this
development takes place for one process, it spurs development on other processes.
Development of observing, classifying and measuring skills, for example, speeds development
of inferring skills.
This process is found in every learning episode that involves inquiry. Inquiry is not
simply asking questions; it is a process of conducting a thorough investigation, and as such, it
applies to all domain of knowledge.


Each inquiry process must carefully develop and systematically practiced. So, you
must decide how much of each to mastering processes.
Here are some strategies that are influenced by inquiry-based science.

∙ 5 E’s Model in Science Teaching - which focuses on allowing students to understand a

concept over time through a series of established steps, or phases.
⮚ E – engage – the hook, Motivation, trigger question
⮚ E – explore – science activities of learners as guided by teacher
⮚ E – explain – learners provide explanation of what they have done
⮚ E – elaborate – further explanation is made
⮚ E – evaluate – feedback or assessment plus reflection
∙ Q-M-S Strategy
⮚ Q – question of problem
⮚ M – means or how the plan will be carried about
⮚ S – solution

∙ 3E-P – Exciting Examples of Everyday Phenomena

∙ 4As in Science Teaching

⮚ ASK question
⮚ Conduct ACTIVITY
⮚ ANALYZE the data
⮚ APPLY the science concepts in similar/related situations

∙ Use of Discrepant Event (POE-E)

⮚ Prediction – what do you think will happen?
⮚ Observe – what did you observe
⮚ Explore – find solution to the problem
⮚ Explain – describe what you think happened in words and pictures

References/Additional Resources/Readings

Bulba, D. (n.d). What is inquiry-based science? Smithsonian Science Education Center.
Instructional Design Toolbox. Lima,
C. (2005). Teaching science by experimentation: hands-on method.
on%E2%80%9DLima/a70f74c66fb7330c0866f16bcd9ded538aa27f6e?p2df. Northern, S.
(2019). The 5 E’s of inquiry-based learning. Knowledge Quest.

Online Resources


Learner’s Feedback Form

Name of Student: _______________________________________________________

Program: _______________________________________________________ Year
Level: _____________________________ Section: ________________ Faculty:
_______________________________________________________ Schedule:
Learning Module: ________ Number: _______ Title: _______________________

How do you feel about the topic or concept presented?

□I completely get it. □ I’m struggling.
□I’ve almost got it. □ I’m lost.

In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?

Did you raise your concern to you instructor? □ Yes □ No

If Yes, what did he/she do to help you?


If No, state your reason?


To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?

How do you want it to be enhanced?


NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
teacher (within the 1st week of the class).


Other Teaching Strategies for Successful
Science Activities
The power of Observation
I. What is Observation?

“People’s mind is change through observation and not through argument.”

-Will Rogers

“Reason. Observation, and Experiment; The Holy Trinity of Science.”

Robert Green Ingersoll

Of all the inquiry processes, observation maybe the most important to scientist and
other experts. Without observation, very few question would be asked. Observation is one of
the core, foundation, principle, and rationale for the existence of science. Moreover, it is
driven by curiosity and the need to find pattern and answer to questions. Inquiry depends
upon observation to provide data for processes such as predicting, hypothesizing, and
inferring. Unexplained events and occurrences are constructed through inquiry processes. The
unexplained become reality by creating conclusions, theories, principles and laws. Without
special attention to observations, there would be little advancement in science.

A. Definition of Observation

For some people, observing could be describe using the song “For Your Eye Only” But
observation is much more than the use of eyes to see. It involves the use of all senses: seeing,
tasting, hearing, touching and smelling. The sense of sight is often predominant so that we
become aware of the natural world, but a better understanding of ourselves and our
surrounding is possible as a result of the interaction of or different senses.

Technically, observation is defined as an act of recognizing and noting a fact or

occurrence often involving measurement with instrument (Meriam-Webster). It involves not
only one skill but actually two or more skills.

Basic science concepts such as classification, ordering, and seriation are learned
through sight and touch but some cases can be learned with the use of other senses as well.
Science ideas such as energy, black, holes, and ecology are based more on mental abstraction
than observable data. These ideas are made concrete through symbols, models, diagram and

Basic knowledge is learned through sense observation. Observing is not unique to

scientist, every human being uses observations, consciously or unconsciously, on a daily basis
to make decision. Bronowski (1981) says:


Science is not only rational; it is also empirical, Science is experiment, that is orderly
and reasoned activity It does not watch the world, it tackles it. (p. 104)

People other than scientist are less likely to understand the significance of observation
for decision-making. Scientist are consciously engaged in using observations through formal
B. Teaching and Learning Through Observation

Consciously using observation is just as important to teachers as it to scientists and

other professionals. Observing helps construct reality and make sense of the classroom
environment. Watching children and listening to them while they are engage in science
activities provide a wealth of data about what they are learning. Instructional strategies,
curriculum content, and assessment techniques can be revised or deleted according to the set
of facts collected during observations of the children. (Foster, 1999). Gathering from actual
teaching experiences is much more effective than exclusively trusting curriculum guides to
inform the teachers about the best practices. Curriculum guides typically express general view
points of teaching, while may have little relevance to individual classroom situations.

Learning to observe is a significant inquiry process for children to consciously use

while they are engaged in science activities. Children of all ages are continuously collecting
data about the world around them, but they may not be consciously aware of their actions. By
using their senses, children consciously learn to construct reality by exploring objects in the
real world around them, which also includes interactions with peers and adults. Teachers can
help children learn to trust their own observation, which will provide them with experiences in
becoming good problem solver and independent thinker.

II. What is the Importance of Observation?

A. The development of Facts from Observations

Why are observations important to scientist? Usually, they are attempt to find answer
to questions by looking for patterns in nature, numbers, or controlled experiments. These
patterns are detected in data collected through the use of senses data. (Foster, 1999). Patterns
are interpretations made by the observer of the collected data.

B. The Development of Concepts from observational Facts

A new view of education is taking shape that reflects science as the understanding
relationship between system and their parts. The emphasis is on process rather than products,
and through processes, relationship among facts (products) become apparent and meaningful.
The contemporary view of science is based on understanding patterns and relationship among
organized ideas, which are called concepts.


C. Indirect Observations

Most of the time we collect data through direct observation. In other science
disciplines including biology, chemistry and physics, there are instances wherein we rely on
indirect observations. Scientist cannot intricate the process within the human body, the
motion and structures of molecules or galaxies, or the other layers of the earth. Microscope,
telescope, computers, radar, and sonar are examples of technologies that help increase the
ability to observe. The knowledge created through indirect observation is referred to as
inferences. (Foster, 1999). In other words, conclusions are deducted from indirect data.
Knowledge bases in biology, chemistry and physics began with direct observation, but the
desire to know more has taken the knowledge to levels that must rely on technology for
collecting data.

III. Sample Lesson Plan

Topic: Homogenous and Heterogenous Mixtures

Grade Level: Grade 3

Learning Competences:

The learners should be able to:

1. Demonstrate understanding of different types of mixture and their characteristics;

2. Prepare beneficial and useful mixtures such as drinks, food and herbal medicine; 3.
Describe the appearance and uses of uniform and non-uniform mixtures; and
4. Describe homogenous and heterogenous mixtures and their uses.


Let the students read the following words. (matter, solid, liquid, gas, plasma, elements,

Take my hat and name it!
Let someone wears hat with a word written on it. Someone will guess the word by asking his
classmates any information about the mystery word placed on his hat. Whoever can guess the

mystery word will be the next person to wear the hat. Change the word on the after someone
guess it.

Look at this orange powder and water. What do you think will happen if we will mix them?
What about this sand and pebbles?

Now, watch this video. Observe properly the appearance of the different mixtures. Identify
what kind of mixtures is shown.
Pupils will be grouped into four. Each group will be given a task to perform. It will have a
leader, a reporter and a recorder. It will be given an Activity Card.
Ask the pupils to enumerate the standards for the group activity.
Activity proper: Activity sheet sample


Group Reporting:

Each group will present its work. It will be given 3-5 minutes only. It will use the activity sheet
given to it.

What happens to the mixtures in bottle 1? Describe its appearance. What kind if mixture is it?
What about in bottle 2? Describe its appearance. What j=kind of mixture is it? What are the uses
of these mixture?



What have you learned today? Make a paragraph about it.

Group activity: tell the pupils to form a big circle and let them sing any song in school. Give them
a pen and a crayon and tell to pass it around. Face on the blackboard and without a clue tap the
table to signal the pupils to stop singing. The one holding the pen will ask a question about the
days lesson and the one holding a crayon will be made to answer the question.

Prices will be given to the pair who did the question and answer correctly.


A. Write Ho if the description tells about homogeneous mixtures and write He if description
tells about heterogeneous mixtures.
1. Has a component that are not uniform.

2. The components are evenly distributed throughout the sample.

3. Has uniform composition.
4. Shows only one phase.

5. Shows two or more phases with different boundaries

B. Write 2 uses of mixtures.

List down more examples of uniform and non-uniform mixtures.

Other Direct Observation Activities (adapted from foster, 1999).

∙ Observe an ice cube as it melts.

∙ Identify your own apple when its place in a bowl of other apples. Other fruits such as
lemons, limes and oranges can be used instead of apples.


∙ Give every one green leaf from the same kind of tree. Identify your leaf after it has
placed in a pile with everyone else leaves.

Although primary children may focus a few attributes, older children ca work a variety
of attributes. For example, primary children may focus only on the shape of the leaf while
upper-grade children can focus on its shape, edges and veins. Measurements that are either
nonstandard or standard can be used to make precise observations.

The following are examples of other long- term observations activities can be done at
various grade levels.
1. Plants seeds and keep track of the growth plants.
2. Observe changes in butterfly chrysalises from caterpillars to adult butterflies.
3. Raise mealworms to watch the changes in beetle’s life cycle.
4. Observe changes in terraria and aquaria with different ecosystems.
5. Observe changes in weather condition.
6. Observe changes in the color of leaves in the autumn.
7. Start a mold culture and observe changes over a given length of time.


I. What is experiment?

Experiments are the teacher’s another way of introducing a new idea to the students to
stimulate their engagement in class. The use of experiments allows the teacher to transform
the class into an active and learning environment that fosters involvement of the students and
stimulates their mental, affective, and physical activities. The traditional way of using chalk
and board can be improved by facilitating experiments in class so they can better understand
and appreciate the principles involved in various scientific processes.

The teacher can use experiment instead of, or in addition to more, traditional
approaches for the following reasons (SERC 2019):
∙ Experiment can be used to introduce new ideas or to clarify puzzling aspects of topics
with which the students typically struggle.
∙ If the result of an experiment is surprising yet convincing, the students are position to
build ownership of the new idea and used it to scaffold learning.
∙ In, addition to checking that the conceptual focus of the experiment has been understood
correctly, pest experiment or to extend the concept to another application.

Classroom experiments keep the learners active in number of ways depending on the
nature of the particular experiment. During experiments:
∙ The students are active in generating data or behavioral observations. ∙
The students analyze data, examples, or models.
∙ The students answer leading questions posed by the instructor and compare their
answers with those of other students.
∙ The students work together in groups to solve problems, devise strategies, or understand
class concepts.
∙ The students predict how changing the experiment will change the outcomes.


∙ The students compare experimental results to classroom theories and use them to
confirm or critique the theories.

II. How to Use Experimentation as a Teaching Strategy

The Experimental approach requires the teacher to explain the following steps and
guide the students during the entire experiment. The goal is for the students to be able to
understand the steps and develop their own experiment. The following steps are adapted from
SERC (2019):

a. Identify/Select a problem

To be worthy of investigation, the problem must be for the students as well. It is a

product of their observation from the classroom, the environment, their homes, or the

b. Formulate a hypothesis

Hypothesis is an educated guess; a supposition or proposed explanation made on the

basis pf limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

c. Test the hypothesis

d. Control variables
e. Make operational definitions
f. Perform the experiment
g. Record interpret data
h. Draw conclusion

Conducting a classroom experiment entails several significant steps. Among these is

the preparation of the teacher and the students before the experiment, the roles of both parties
during the experiment, and the post- experiment tasks (SERC 2019).


a. Teachers’ preparation

The teacher should be mindful of the following before conducting the experiment in
∙ Decide how to best incorporate experiments into class content
∙ Designate an appropriate amount of timer for the experiment. Some experiments may
require more than one meeting while take only a few minutes
∙ Match the experiment to the class level, course atmosphere and the personalities and
learning styles of the students
∙ Use appropriate strategy when dealing with the classroom environment: room layout,
number or students, groupings, etc.

b. Students’ Preparation


It’s a great help for the students if they will initially prepare for and get acquainted
with the flow of the experiment so they will have s successful learning experience. Let the
students do the following before starting the experiment:
∙ Carefully read and study instruction that explain the experiment and the role of the
∙ Prepare all the materials, apparatus, glass wares, chemicals, and equipment needed for
the experiment
∙ Think of the possible outcomes of the experiment


While doing the experiment, take note of the following:

a. Teacher’s role
∙ Monitor the whole class. Check if all the students are participating or doing their
assigned tasks.
∙ Assess the students’ performance. Correct those who may not be doing the
instructions strictly.
∙ Check the time or duration of the experiment. Sometimes, the students are too busy
that they aren’t mindful of the time left for them to finish the experiment. ∙ Observe if
the materials and equipment used are still properly working or are properly used by
the students

b. Students’ role
∙ Make sure the students follow the instructions properly. Ask them to approach the
teacher if there are concerns/questions.
∙ Ask the students to be a keen observer and take note of all observations and results
of the experiment. Document the experiment bay taking pictures of the results and
of the students while performing the procedures.


The experience during the actual experiment isn’t just that moment in class. It can be
used as a shared experience that emphasis material that is covered later in the course.
Moreover, it can help the students to start thinking beyond the course material.

a. Teacher’s role
∙ Guide the students in analyzing the data collected data
∙ Assess the student’s achievement in learning goals by using standard test, quizzes
about the experiment itself and open-ended questions that allow the students to
reflect on what they did and did not get from the experiment. There is useful for
clarifying facts and concepts that the students might not have understood before
and during the experiment.

b. Students’ role
∙ Analyze and interpret the data collected
∙ Identify scientific principles that can be learned from the experiment ∙ Think of
ways on how to apply the learned scientific principles practically in life



Teachers often have fears of conducting experiments especially if things go wrong, the
materials are not available, the machine isn’t functioning well, the students aren’t following
instructions, the class may be cancelled due to weather conditions, etc. It is always necessary
to have backup plan so that the class procced with the experiment. Here are some suggestions:

∙ Improvise if you can. Discuss the outcome of the expected materials are used as well as
the alternative materials.
∙ Bring your set of lecture notes with you in class. You can always conduct normal class if
there is no remedy for the unavailability of materials or some other uncontrollable
∙ Bring results from a related or similar experiment from a published research experiment
or data from a previously conducted classroom experiment with you to class. You can
have discussion about what the students expect to happen from the experiment.

Inductive Guided Inquiry

I. What is Inductive Guide Inquiry?

Induction is a thought process wherein the individual observes selected events,

processes, or objects and then construct a particular pattern of concepts or relationships based
on these limited experiences. Inductive inquiry is a teaching method in which the teachers ask
the students to infer the conclusion, generalization, or pattern of relationships from a set of
data or facts. There are two approaches of inductive inquiry: guided and unguided. If you
provide the specifics-that is, the data or facts-but want the students to make generalizations,
then you are conducting a guided inductive inquiry (Tamir, 1995). On the other hand, if you
allow the students to discover the specifics themselves before they make generalizations, the
process is unguided inductive inquiry. In this particular lesson, we will focus on inductive
guided inquiry.

Inductive inquiry is actually applicable for all levels of instruction (from grade school
to university graduated schools). At any level, the processes of observing, making inferences,
classifying, formulating hypotheses, and predicting are all sharpened (or reinforced) by the
students’ experiences.

II. How to Use Guided Inductive Inquiry as a Teaching Strategy?

In guided inductive inquiry, the use of pictures is usually the easiest way to introduce
this concept. For young children, show different pictures of the same scene to the class. Ask
the children to tell what they see in the pictures and to describe patterns they observe. Have
them state these patterns as generalizations. Ask questions that require the students to do some
generalizing themselves, such as “What could cause this type of track in the snow?” or
“Where have we seen this before?” (Orlich et al., 2007).
You need to distinguish clearly between statements based on observations and those based on
inferences. Begin the lesson by explaining and demonstrating the differences between
observations and inferences.


The process of inductive reasoning is developed gradually. As the lesson progresses,

prepare a simple chart or list on the blackboard of the students’ observations and inferences.
The students understanding of each process will gradually develop from studying these

Time Requirements

When you plan to use any type of inquiry activity in class, spend at least twice as much
class time on each lesson as you normally would. This is spent on in-depth analyses of the
content by the students. Inquiry methods demand greater interaction between the learner and
the learning materials, as well as greater interaction between the teacher and the students
(Orlich et al., 2007).

In the same way, be prepared to reduce the amount of content you will cover because
you will use more time developing process skills. You cannot maximize thinking skills and
simultaneously maximize content coverage.

Characteristics of Guided Inductive Inquiry Model (Orlich et al., 2007)

1. The learners progress from specific observations to inferences or generalizations. 2. The

objective is to learn (or reinforce) the process of examining events or objects and then
arriving at an appropriate generalization from the observations.
3. The teachers control the specific of the lesson (the events, data, materials, or objects)
and thus acts as the class leader.
4. Each student acts to the specifics and attempts to structures a meaningful pattern on his
or her observations and those of others in the class.
5. The classroom is to be considered a learning laboratory.
6. Usually, a fix number of generalizations will be elicited from the learners. 7. The
teacher encourages each student to communicate his or her generalizations to the class so
that others may benefit from them.

A General Model Inquiry (Orlich et al., 2007)

Identify a problem
∙ Being aware of something

Preparing of a
statement of ∙ Proposing testable


Conducting an experiment ∙
research objectives Surveying a sample


∙ Gathering evidences ∙
∙ Make meaningful statements supported
by data ∙ Testing hypotheses

∙ Establishing relationships or patterns ∙
tentative Specifying generalizations
∙ Obtaining new data
∙ Revising original conclusions


This model can be adapted to other inquiry models, such as problem-solving. These
steps from the basis of what we know as the scientific method. The students can surely
develop the different process skills as they utilize this model effectively.

The Role or Questioning Within Guided Inductive Inquiry

It has been observed that the teacher’s questioning plays an important role in inquiry
methods because the purpose of inquiry is to pursue an investigation. The teacher thus
becomes a question asker, not the one who is answering the question/s. Teachers who are
masters of guide induction inquiry state that they spend their time interacting with the
students but provide very few answers (Phillips and German, 2002).

What kinds of questions should a teacher ask? The following list show some
questions that the teacher can pose in the class to have a more inquiry-oriented classroom
environment (based on Orlich & Migaki, 1981). Again, note that these prompting questions
help the students to examine all kinds of interrelationships-one of the desired goals of inquiry
teaching and constructivism.

Question Stems: Dynamic Subjects

∙ What is happening?
∙ What has happened?


∙ What do you think will happen now?

∙ How did this happen?
∙ What took place before this happened?
∙ Where have you seen something like this happen?
∙ How can you make this happen?
∙ How does this compare with what you saw or did?
∙ How can you do this more easily?
∙ How can you do this more quickly?

Question Stems: Static Subjects

∙ What kind of object is it?
∙ What is called?
∙ What is found?
∙ What does it look like?
∙ Have you ever seen anything like it? Where? When?
∙ How is it like other thing?
∙ How can you recognize or identify it?
∙ How did it get its name?
∙ What can you do with it?
∙ What is it made of?
∙ How was it made?
∙ What is it purpose?
∙ How does it work or operate?
∙ What other names does it have?
∙ How is it different from other things?
III. Sample Lesson Plan

Topic: Soils and Its Types

Grade Level: Grade 4
Learning Competency
The learners should be able to Compare and contrast the characteristics of different types of soil.
Grade Level: Grade 6

Show picture of different types of soil, or if actual samples are available, bring them and show the


Ask the students:

1. What are the components of soil?

2. What are the different types of soil?

3. In what ways are they similar or different? 4.

Which type of soil absorbs and keeps water?



Discuss the components of soil, different types of soil and their distinguishing characteristics.

Let the students ponder o the following questions. Give them time to share their ideas in class.
1. What is the significance of each type of soil? Give their specific use.
2. If you are going to plant seeds, what type of soil will you use and why?
3. What is soil pollution? What are the factors that contribute to soil pollution?


Ask the students to conduct library research on areas where soil or land has been polluted/minded
and list down the implication of such event. They can present the output in active manner (poster, video
presentation, etc.) to be submitted and shown in class the following meeting.

References/Additional Resources/Readings

A Course Module for Teaching Strategies for Elementary Science (Physics, Earth, and Space
Science) by Ellen Joy Pastor Alata
Bilbao, P. P., et. al. (2019). Teaching science in the elementary grades (volume 1: chemistry
and biology). Quezon City, Metro Manila: LORIMAR PUBLISHING, INC. Bulba, D. (n.d).
What is inquiry-based science?. Smithsonian Science Education Center.
Instructional Design Toolbox. Lima,
C. (2005). Teaching science by experimentation: hands-on method.
. K to 12 Curriculum Guide Science Grade 3 to 10

Online Resources


Learner’s Feedback Form

Name of Student: _______________________________________________________

Program: _______________________________________________________ Year
Level: _____________________________ Section: ________________ Faculty:
_______________________________________________________ Schedule:

Learning Module: ________ Number: _______ Title: _______________________

How do you feel about the topic or concept presented?

□I completely get it. □ I’m struggling.
□I’ve almost got it. □ I’m lost.

In what particular portion of this learning packet, you feel that you are struggling or lost?

Did you raise your concern to you instructor? □ Yes □ No

If Yes, what did he/she do to help you?


If No, state your reason?


To further improve this learning packet, what part do you think should be enhanced?

How do you want it to be enhanced?


NOTE: This is an essential part of course module. This must be submitted to the subject
teacher (within the 1st week of the class).

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