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Save trees use e-Question Paper DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT ‘ 1s compuboil ra dager ines on hs ening a Any reveling of dentifeation,epea to evahinter al requtns writen og. 42"8~ Inpevtd Nebo 1_ Onrpg yer BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS SCHEME ah iscs§ h Semester B.E. Degree Examination, July/August 2022 Database Management System Hime: 3 brs MarfMiarksqjoo Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each ule Module-1 1a, Discuss the advantages of using the DEMS approach W006 stark b. Explain three-schema architecture with a neat diagram. Why do ping, between schema levels? (06 Marks) c.Explain the component modules of DBMS and thei interactiggspt or 2. Define the following terms G) Weak emity Gi) DEMS catalog —_ (if gpshor Civ) Vahue sets (9) Cardinalty ratio Dae ofa relationship (06 Marks b, Explain the different categories of data models (06 Marks) c. Write the ER diagram for an employes databasggsThe comnts are as follows: G) Amomployss works for a department Every department is headed by a mx An employee works on one oF mo An employee has dependents A department controls the projggts (8 Marks) 3a What is meant by Integrity Col Rplain the importance of referential intesrity constraint, How referential int is implemented in SQL. (8 Marks) '. Write the relational alge 10 perform the following queries: (Retrieve the name Js of all employces who Work for the “Accounts” department (ii) Reteiove the Find the na oyees who work on all the projects controlled by department number 2 (06 Marks) ¢. Explain the re operations from Set theory, with examples. (06 Marks) 4a Explain wm with suitable example for each step {0 Marks) b. Write tha fos forthe following database sch su NAME, BRANCH, PERCENTAGE) 5 NAME, DEPARTMENT, DESIGNATION, SALARY) e (CID. CNAME, FID) ID, USN. GRADE) ieve the names of all students enrolled for the course “CS_$4° List all the departments having an average salary of the faculties above Rs, 10,000. List the names of the students enrolled for the course"CS_51° and having B" grads (06 Marks) P plain with examples in SQL: (i) INSERT command (ii) UPDATE command (4 Marks) Tof2 A Vturesource Go Green initiative Go green Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 18: Modul 5 a. Tow are assertions and triggers defined in SOT? Explain with examples. 0% '. Explain stored procedures in SQL with an example. « List out and explain the different types of JDBC drivers. or 6 4 What is a three-tir architecture? What advantages it offer over single tidGhand tu tier architectures? Give a short overview of the functionality at each ofthe three-t8 hs) iow to create views in SQL? Explain with an example. arks) ©. What is SQLI? How it is differen rom JDBC? iene Modute-4 7 a. Explain an informal design guidelines for relational hema design (08 Marks) What isthe need for normalization? E: 1h 3 es 8 Marks) What do you understand by attribute elosuro? Give an exam (4 Marks) or 8 4. What is functional dependency? Explain the inferences for Hunctional dependency with proof (08 Marks) Define 4NF. When it is violated? Why is it useful? (06 Marks) © Consider two sets of functional dependency Fags > QNIC + D, E> AD, E> 11} and G= {A> CD, E> AH), Are they equivalent” (06 Marks) b, Discuss the UNDO and REDO opexgiigns fecovery techniques that use each. (06 Marks) © Explain the ACID properties ofa wnsaction. (04 Marks) 10a, Discuss Two-Phase Locki . for concurrency control 10 Marks) When deadlock and star obfn occur? Explain how these problems ean be resolved, “a0 Marks) « 2of2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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