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Daily Practice Problems

Q.1 Complete the cross word by filling either left to right or vertically the unit of appropriate physical quantity

1 2

3 1. Pressure
2. Temperature
3. Across : Energy
4 5 down : Heat
6 7 4. Power
5. Frequency
6. Charge
7. Current
9 10
8. Potential difference
9. Resistance
10. Length
11. Absolute temperature
12 13
12. Time
13. Force
14. Weight
15. Mass

Q.2 Force F and density d are related as F  then find the dimensions of  and .
 d
[Ans: M3/2L–½T–2, M½, L–3/2]
Q.3 In the following equations, the distance x is in metres, the time t in seconds and the velocity v in
metres/second. What are the SI units of the constants C1 and C2?
(a) v2 = 2C1x (b) x = C1 cosC2t (c) v  C1e  C 2 t [Ans: (a) m/s2, (b) m, /sec, (c) m/s, /sec]

Q.4 In the formula p  e . Find the dimensions of a and b where p=pressure,n=no. of moles,
T=temperature, V=volume and R=universal gas constant. [Ans : [a] = ML5T-2mol-1, [b] = L3]

Q.5 The value of Stefan's constant in CGS system is  = 5.67 × 105 erg s1 cm2 K4. Its value in SI units
is ____________. [ Ans. : 5.67×108 J s1m1k4]

Q.6 A particle of mass m is attached to the end of a light string of length l. The other end of the string is
attached to a fixed point on a smooth table. The particle is travelling in a horizontal circle on the table with
angular velocity rad/sec. Assuming that the force in the string depends only upon m, l &  find an
expression for this force. [Ans.F = km2l ]
Daily Practice Problems
Q.1 A uniform wire of length L and mass M is stretched between two fixed points, keeping a tension F. A
sound of frequency  is impressed on it. Then the maximum vibrational energy is existing in the wire
when =
1 ML FL FM 1 F
(A) (B) (C) 2 (D*)
2 F M L 2 ML

Q.2 Which of the following physical quantities represents the dimensional formula [M1L–2 T–2].
(A) Energy/Area (B) Pressure (C) Force × length (D*) Pressure per unit length

Q.3 In a particular system of unit, if the unit of mass becomes twice & that of time becomes half, then 8 Joules
will be written as _______ units of work
(A) 16 (B*) 1 (C) 4 (D) 64

Q.4 Which of the following equations can be dimensionally incorrect.( Symbol have their usual notations.)
 lv 2 

(D*) a =  
ml 2 F ml
(A) t = 2 (B)l =
m (f12  f 22 )
(C) t =
6F sin  
E  Gm 

Q.5 The dimensional formula for which of the following pair is not the same
(A) impulse and momentum (B) torque and work
(C) stress and pressure (D*) momentum and angular momentum

Q.6 The displacement of air particle in a flute is given by x = a sin (t) cos (kx) where  is a quantity which
depends on the length of the flute (L), gas constant (R), temperature of air (T) and mass per unit mole of
the air (). Find an expression for  in terms of all these quantities [Use PV = nRT]
k RT

[Ans.w = ]

Q.7 Show that energy, density and power form a fundamental system of units. Find the dimensional formula
of universal gravitational constant (G) in this system. [Ans. E–2D–1P2 ]

Q.8 A problem in I. E. Irodov's book is given as below:

"A particle of mass m is located in a region where its potential energy [U(x)] depends on the

position x as Potential Energy [U(x)] = 2  here a & b are positive constants ..."
a b
x x
(i) Write dimensional formula of a & b
(ii) If the time period of oscillation which is calculated from above formula is stated by a student as
T = 4a , check whether his answer is dimensionally correct.
[Ans.(i) [a] = [Ux2] = ML2T–2L2 = ML4T–2 ; [b] = [Ux] = ML2T–2L = ML3T–2
ma ma3
(ii) T = 4a = 4
b2 b2
 ma 3 
 4   M M 3L12T 6
 b 2  M 2 L6T 4
Dimenison of RHS = =

So, his answer is dimensionally incorrect. ]

Q.9 Porous rock through which groundwater can move is called an aquifer. The volume V of water that, in
time t, moves through a cross section of area A of the aquifer is given by
V/t = KAH/L,
where H is the vertical height of the aquifer over the horizontal distance L. This relation is called Darcy's
law. The quantity K is the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer. What are the SI units of K?
V KAt V L3 L
[Ans. = ; K= K= 2 = ; SI units = m/s ]
t L tA tL t

Q.10 Match the following :

(a) Latent heat constant (i) M0 L0 T0
(b) Reynold number (ii) M L2
(c) coefficient of friction (iii) M L0 T–3
(d) Avogadro constant (iv) L2 T-2
(e) Intensity of wave (v) M0 L0 T0
(f) Moment of inertia (vi) mol–1
[Ans: (a)–(iv) L2 T–2 (b)–(i) M0 L0 T0 (c)–(v) M0 L0 T0 (d)–(vi) mol–1 (e)–(iii) M L0 T–3 (f)–(ii) M L2]

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