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A Position Paper Presented to

Irene Cariño

Tanauan School of Craftsmanship and Home Industries

Tanauan, Leyte

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the

Reading and Writing Class


Robbie Gilbert C. Natividad

Anime, a distinctive form of animation originating in Japan, has captivated the hearts
and minds of individuals worldwide, transcending cultural boundaries and becoming a global
phenomenon. Its rise to popularity has sparked an ongoing debate concerning its impact on
individuals and society. Anime is not merely a form of entertainment, but rather, it is a rich art
form that displays exceptional creativity and artistry, weaving together compelling narratives
with visually stunning aesthetics. From its intricate character designs to its vividly rendered
landscapes, anime offers a unique and immersive visual experience that enthralls audiences of
all ages. Its attention to detail, vibrant color palettes, and expressive animation techniques
contribute to the creation of dynamic and emotionally engaging storytelling.

The artistic value of anime extends beyond its visual appeal. It often incorporates a
variety of artistic styles, ranging from traditional hand-drawn animation to innovative digital
techniques, pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling. Anime showcases a diverse range of
artistic expression, encompassing genres such as fantasy, science fiction, romance, and slice
of life, offering something for every viewer's taste. The blend of captivating narratives and
visually striking imagery serves as a testament to the skill and creativity of anime creators,
who craft imaginative worlds that resonate with audiences on a profound level.

Moreover, anime is not limited to its artistic merits alone. It serves as a powerful
platform for cultural appreciation, enabling viewers to explore and engage with various
aspects of Japanese culture. Anime incorporates elements of Japanese history, mythology, and
social issues, providing a window into the country's rich heritage.

In this position paper, I firmly assert that anime holds significant cultural, artistic, and
entertainment value, positioning itself as an influential and positive force in modern society.
By examining its unique blend of creativity, artistry, and cultural exploration, it becomes
evident that anime has the potential to foster empathy, inspire creativity, and promote
understanding among individuals. Furthermore, anime's popularity has contributed to social
cohesion and economic growth, with dedicated fan communities and a thriving industry that
generates revenue and employment opportunities. As we delve deeper into the multifaceted
impact of anime, it becomes clear that it deserves recognition as a cherished art form and a
valuable cultural phenomenon.
Cultural Appreciation and Diversity:

Anime encompasses a vast array of themes, narratives, and visual styles, reflecting the
diversity of Japanese culture. With the help of animation culture, Japan has also become the
first cultural exporter in Asia (Cmj, 2020). Through its vivid storytelling and distinct visual
aesthetics, anime invites individuals to immerse themselves in narratives that go beyond their
own cultural experiences. It offers viewers a unique opportunity to explore and appreciate
different cultural perspectives, societal norms, and traditions. This exposure promotes global
understanding, tolerance, and empathy, bridging gaps and forging connections among
individuals of diverse backgrounds.

Artistic Expression and Creativity:

At its core, anime is a distinct and influential art form. It is renowned for its breathtaking
visuals, intricate storytelling, and unparalleled creativity. Through its imaginative narratives
and visually captivating animation, anime pushes the boundaries of traditional animation,
allowing for unique and thought-provoking expressions. This visual feast ignites the
imagination and inspires viewers to explore new horizons of creativity thanks to the visually
arresting art styles, vibrant aesthetics, and intricate detailing (Navarro, 2023). Anime
sometimes makes it feel more like a filmed show with zooming, distance shots, and panning,
making up for the lack of time spent on movement by focusing on the art style and detail
(Simmerman, 2021). It tackles a wide range of themes, delving into complex emotions, social
issues, and philosophical concepts. By combining captivating visuals with engaging
storytelling, anime has the power to evoke profound emotions, inspire critical thinking, and
nurture creativity among its viewers.

Positive Psychological Effects:

We have faced many challenges throughout history as a species, including war, financial
hardship, division, discrimination, uncertainty, and anything else you can think of. In this
time of such great tension throughout the world, healing anime is one source of wellness that
we can turn to as needed (Antonio, 2023). Anime offers a much-needed respite and a source
of entertainment and relaxation. Its wide range of genres, from heartwarming slice-of-life
stories to thrilling fantasy and science fiction adventures, caters to diverse tastes and
preferences. Anime provides an avenue for escapism, transporting viewers to vibrant and
immersive worlds. It could uplift spirits, alleviate stress, and contribute to improved mental
well-being. Some anime series or films also feature storylines and settings that resonate with
the audience due to similarities with their personal experiences, it may help them cope or
handle issues and build character. It usually showcases motifs such as friendship or familial
bonds or character traits such as open-mindedness, respect, diligence, and the like, people can
then adopt socially accepted and moral behaviors which can help them as persons (Editor,
2018). Additionally, anime's diverse content allows individuals to find solace, form
communities, and connect with like-minded individuals, promoting a sense of belonging and
emotional support. For some people, anime characters can serve as symbols, and because
there are so many different kinds of characters in the show, it's simple to find one with whom
you can identify (Mann, 2010).

Social Impact and Influence:

Anime serves as a powerful catalyst for social interaction, community building, and cultural
exchange. Anime fans are drawn into an immersive utopia, surrounded by like-minded
individuals, thanks to the abundance of booths and events dedicated to anime (Kosasih &
Kosasih, 2022). For instance, anime conventions like Anime Expo and Otakon, where fans
dress up as their favorite characters and even go above and beyond to make their own
costumes by hand, first appeared in the early 1990s (Timetoast, 1910). It brings together
people who share a common passion and fosters a sense of belonging within fandoms.
Conventions, fan events, and online communities provide platforms for anime enthusiasts to
connect, exchange ideas, and celebrate their shared interests. These communities promote
social interaction, facilitate cross-cultural friendships, and encourage collaborative projects,
ultimately fostering unity and camaraderie among fans worldwide. Anime's influence
transcends the screen, inspiring fan art, cosplay, and even academic discourse, highlighting its
significant impact on contemporary society.

Economic Contribution:

The widespread popularity of anime has led to substantial economic growth, both
domestically in Japan and internationally. The success of anime stimulates tourism, with fans
traveling to Japan and other locations associated with their favorite series, thereby promoting
cultural exchange and boosting local economies. The industry generates significant revenue
through merchandise sales, licensing agreements, streaming services, and theatrical releases.
This economic contribution supports the livelihoods of many individuals involved in the
creation and distribution of anime, from animators and voice actors to directors and
production staff. Furthermore, in 2017, the country's 255 anime production companies were
surveyed by Teikoku Databank, which discovered that their total revenues increased by 8.2%
from the previous year to 203.72 billion. This was the industry's seventh consecutive year of
revenue growth since 2011 (Anime Industry Revenues Top ¥200 Billion, 2020). In addition,
the size of the global anime market, which was estimated to be worth US$ 22.6 billion in
2020, is expected to increase to US$ 48.3 billion by 2030, with a notable compound annual
growth rate of 7.9% from 2021 to 2030 (Patil, 2022).

In conclusion, anime holds immense value and impact in modern society. Its
significance extends beyond mere entertainment, as it serves as a powerful medium for
cultural appreciation and cross-cultural understanding. Anime often showcases rich and
diverse cultural aspects, from traditional customs and festivals to contemporary social issues,
allowing viewers to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures around
the world. By presenting relatable characters and thought-provoking storylines, anime
encourages empathy and broadens perspectives, fostering a more inclusive and
interconnected global community.

Recognizing the numerous positive contributions of anime, it becomes evident that it

is not merely a form of entertainment but an essential and cherished part of our contemporary
world. By promoting cultural appreciation, fostering artistic expression, and providing
emotional well-being, anime enriches lives, bridges cultural gaps, and stimulates creativity.
Its influence continues to grow as it reaches audiences globally, making it an enduring and
influential force in shaping the fabric of modern society.

Simmerman, A. (2021). Anime brings style and creativity to the screen. The Lance.


Mann, J. M. (2010). The Japanification of Children’s Popular Culture: From Godzilla to

Miyazaki(review). The Lion and the Unicorn, 34(1), 119–123.

Anime Industry Revenues Top ¥200 Billion. (2020, May 30).

Kosasih, V., & Kosasih, V. (2022). Japanese Anime Culture - TokyoTreat Blog. TokyoTreat:

Japanese Candy & Snacks Subscription Boxes.


Cmj. (2020, November 18). The Cultural Characteristics and Cultural Output of Japanese



Antonio. (2023). Psychological Effects of Anime. Michigan Counseling and Referral



Editor. (2018, May 22). Japanese Animation. Spoken Vision |.


Patil, A. (2022, July 3). The Economics Of Anime - AYMAN PATIL - Medium. Medium.
Timetoast. (1910). Anime as an Artistic Cultural Expression timeline. Timetoast Timelines.



Navarro, J. R. V. (2023, June 3). Exploring the Enchanting World of Anime: Benefits of

Watching Anime.




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