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The Most popular Sports in the United

States of America are AF, Basketball,
United States of America – the land of

recognisable sports!

dreams and some of the worlds most

Sports are an essential part of American

culture, and nothing confirms this more
than the passion and devotion of
American fans.
Favorite sports of America

American Football – 74.5% Basketball- 56.6% Baseball- 50.5%

American football is rooted deep in American

Players must also perfect the art of doing
culture, as it is widely played everywhere, Research shows that 26% of
the right thing in a super-pressurised
from high school to college to international surveyed people between
arenas. environment – which is something the
the ages of 18 and 64 who
Many outsiders may confuse American American crowd likes to worship and
live in the US enjoy playing
football with rugby. Although they are admire.
a good game of basketball
similar, they are two completely different It’s no surprise that baseball is so popular!
and they play regularly.
sports with different rules of play, different However, in recent years the popularity of
Basketball is a popular
sizes and different looks of the field.
this sport in the US has decreased.
Both of these sports also use different balls, sport in the rest of the
In the past, it was possibly the 2nd, if not
with a different number of players on each world too. It is considered
the most popular sport, but currently, it
team, as well as different pieces of equipment the 10th most-followed
and game time! proudly comes in at 3rd place.
sport in the world.

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