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SECTION B ITEMS 8-11 are based on the scenario below. ‘The English Curriculum Officer within your school districthas noticed adecline in lower school students’ end of term results in the area of English Literature. He aims to determine the factors that have contributed to this development. He has decided to conduct research by sitting in on English classes for a three week period. 8, The data collection being used by the Curriculum Officer is: a. Focus Groups b. Interview c. Questionnaire d. Direct Observation ‘The most appropriate population for this study is: ‘The teachers at your school ‘The Literature students at your school ‘The Literature students of Forms 1-3 at your school ‘The students’ report cards 9. aoe in. One weakness of conducting a questionnaire for this study is: a, _ Ease of delivery to the sample b. Low rate of return from the sample c. Allows large collection of data d. Susceptible to the ‘halo effect” 11, The nature of the data required here is: a Categorical b Discrete © Continuous a Bio-statistical ITEMS 12-15 are based on the following scenario: APHD candidate in the area of Sociology is preparing his dissertation based on the culture of fishermen in a rural area of his country. In order to collect data forhis research, he has taken on a job as part of the crew of a fishing vessel in that area for several months. 12, The data collection method being used is: a Direct observation b. Participant observation ©. Scientific experiment 4. Interviews 3. The research study being conducted can be classified as: a. Document research b Survey ©. Ethnographic study 4 Case study 14, The researcher has decided to use participant observation as a method of + data collection. One strength of this method is: a. Itallows for detailed description of behaviour b. _ Data may be based on the interests of the observer ¢_Informants may be biased 4. Population may alter their behavior 15, If research is collected only on one day of each week, the collection of data would be impacted due to: I. Compromised validity I. Limited time spent on the field IIL. Constrained access to data a Tonly b — Honly « TandIonly a 1, and Il ITEMS 31-33 are based on the scenario below: 10 her father: Sarah-Lee sent the SMS message before t 2 What can account for the breakdown in communication illustrated above 31. a. The message is indecipherable b. The receiver lacks the knowledge to decode the message sent c _ The generation gap between the sender and the receiver Stereotyping on the part of the receiver 32, What can facilitate effective communication of this message between the sender and the receiver in the situation above? a. The message can be encoded in a different manner b. The receiver can send positive feedback to the sender <. _ The sender can re-conceptualize the message 4. Thereceiver can become educated on the language used in the message 33. Which of the following highlights the manner in which text messaging has altered language use? 1. The creation of new abbreviations I. The omission of acronyms Hi New spelling structures in informal contexts a Tonly b. Land I c — Tanditt d. I, Mand Il TEMS 34-36 are based on the comic strip below: wich you re addressing me, 34. The register used by the boy is: a Casual b Formal c Static 4 Intimate 35. The context of communication here can be considered: a. Intrapersonal b. Interpersonal Public d. Academic 36, The teacher's response to the student could be attributed to all of the following reasons EXCEPT: a. Thestudent has selected the incorrect register b. The language variety being used is too informal c _ Hehasa negative attitude towards the language variety the boy uses 4. Hehasa negative attitude towards the student ITEMS 37-42 are based on the following conversation: What's wrong Steve? I'm nervous because I’ve been asked to deliver a motivational presentation to the graduating class at my former Primary Well, you're a great public speaker. Just bring it down to their You mean speak using English Creole? Certainly not! One non-verbal way in which the audience at the graduation may realise His speech may be fast paced He makes sustained eye contact He smiles at the audience He uses strategic pauses The teacher’s suggestion that Steve “Just bring it down to their level” is a ‘The language variety he selects ‘The register he selects The lexicon he selects ‘The height from which he speaks to them ‘The phase of communication that Steve is currently at is: Conceptualization Encoding Medium and Channel Feedback Teacher: Steve: school. ‘Teacher: level ok? Steve: Teacher: 37. that Steve is nervous is: a b « 4 38. reference to: a b. © 4 39. a b. © a 40. One reason that English Creole use may be inappropriate is: a b © a. ‘The context is formal Itis not a proper language It will not be understood by the students. ‘The parents may not be able to decode the message 1. While delivering his specch, Steve realizes that the audience is not paying attention. One communicative behavior members of the audience may use that may tell him this is: a. Yawning frequently b. Nodding c. Leaning forward 4. Uncrossed hands 42, One audio-visual aid that may enhance the audience’ interest in his speech is: a. Colourful posters byes < Video Clip 4d Song Your best friend has moved to another country. 48. One digital channel that you could use to communicate with each other is: @ Youtube b. Pinterest < Skype 4 Google 44. You have decided to use social media in order to advertise your business. All of the following are forms of social media that can be used EXCEPT: a Twitter b. Facebook < Youtube 4 Firefox 45. In which of the following ways has the invention of the Internet impacted on the business world? 1, Globalization I. Quicker decision making TI. — More competition a lonly b. Land Il only «Mand IIfonly dL, Mand 1

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