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Invoice: 1332237

The Philadelphia Parking Authority Date: 07/12/2023

701 Market Street, Suite 5400 Client:
Philadelphia, PA 19106 Matter:

Matter Name: Contract No. K-23-0023


Total Fees: $ 3,442.50

Total Due This Invoice: $ 3,442.50
The Philadelphia Parking Authority July 12, 2023 Page 2
Matter Name: Contract No. K-23-0023
Client: Matter:
Invoice: 1332237

FOR LEGAL SERVICES RENDERED in connection with the above matter.


Name Initials Rate Hours Amount

Joseph C. Rudolf JCR $285.00 0.50 142.50
Shauna Duggan SD $220.00 15.00 3,300.00

Total 15.50 $ 3,442.50


Date Initials Description Hours

06/30/23 SD Plan and prepare to review documents in response to right to know 6.00
request; Coordinate with internal E-discovery team for review of
documents in response to right to know request.

Total 15.50
Invoice: 1332235
The Philadelphia Parking Authority Date: 07/12/2023 Recv'd 7/26/23

701 Market Street, Suite 5400 Client:

Philadelphia, PA 19106 Matter:

Matter Name: General Counseling Client Reference No. K-18-0023


Total Fees: $ 4,860.00

Total Due This Invoice: $ 4,860.00
The Philadelphia Parking Authority July 12, 2023 Page 2
Matter Name: General Counseling Client
Reference No. K-18-0023
Client: Matter:
Invoice: 1332235

FOR LEGAL SERVICES RENDERED in connection with the above matter.


Name Initials Rate Hours Amount

Joseph C. Rudolf JCR $250.00 19.00 4,750.00
Shauna Duggan SD $220.00 0.50 110.00

Total 19.50 $ 4,860.00


Date Initials Description Hours

06/29/23 JCR Emails and calls regarding , RTKL request and other 1.40
matters; review documents regarding same; follow up on RTKL request.
The Philadelphia Parking Authority July 12, 2023 Page 3
Matter Name: General Counseling Client
Reference No. K-18-0023
Client: Matter:
Invoice: 1332235

06/29/23 SD Multiple conferences with J. Rudolf regarding right to know request. 0.50

Total 19.50
Invoice: 1340063
The Philadelphia Parking Authority Date: 08/07/2023
701 Market Street, Suite 5400 Client:
Philadelphia, PA 19106 Matter:

Matter Name: Right to Know Law


Total Fees: $ 16,975.00

Total Expenses: 745.50
Total Due This Invoice: $ 17,720.50
The Philadelphia Parking Authority August 7, 2023 Page 2
Matter Name: Right to Know Law
Client: Matter:
Invoice: 1340063

FOR LEGAL SERVICES RENDERED in connection with the above matter.


Name Initials Rate Hours Amount

Joseph C. Rudolf JCR $250.00 9.20 2,300.00
Andrew P. Carroll APC $250.00 7.50 1,875.00
Shauna Duggan SD $220.00 44.30 9,746.00
Mikaila John MJ $220.00 1.70 374.00
Jackie Scoboria JS $250.00 4.30 1,075.00
Kenneth West KW $250.00 2.50 625.00
Sean Romero SR $245.00 4.00 980.00

Total 73.50 $ 16,975.00


Date Initials Description Hours

06/30/23 JCR Calls and emails regarding review of documents. 0.70

07/02/23 JCR Emails regarding costs for storage and related matters. 0.50

07/03/23 KW Create new database and security groups and coordinate and validate 1.75
data ingestion into review database per request of S. Duggan.

07/03/23 SD Coordinate with e-discovery project manager to upload and organize 5.80
documents for review; Conference with J. Rudolf regarding anticipated
completion of document review; Coordinate with e-discovery project
manager to develop strategy for document review including compilation
of document review team; Review and analysis of voluminous documents
for statutory exemption and privilege in response to right to know

07/04/23 SD Review and analysis of voluminous documents for statutory exemption 2.00
and privilege in response to right to know request.

07/05/23 APC Telephone conference with J. Rudolf and S. Duggan regarding size of 0.30
production and potential narrowing of the request.
The Philadelphia Parking Authority August 7, 2023 Page 3
Matter Name: Right to Know Law
Client: Matter:
Invoice: 1340063

07/05/23 APC Correspondence to J. Rudolf regarding anticipated time commitment for 0.20
completing RTKL review.

07/05/23 APC Zoom conference with PPA to discuss strategy to reduce total documents 0.30
for review in RTKL response.

07/05/23 APC Conduct sampling of 30,000 documents to determine whether a 0.90

narrowing of the review materials can be performed to increase

07/05/23 APC Prepare list of search terms and instructions for ediscovery team to 0.20
greatly reduce volume of materials needing review.

07/05/23 APC Zoom meeting with internal document review team to discuss potential 0.30
limiting searches and total volume when applied.

07/05/23 JCR Address issues with scope of RTKL request; calls and emails regarding 2.80
same; follow up regarding same.

07/05/23 KW Work with A. Carroll and S. Duggan in order to narrow review universe 0.75
and preparation of same for review.

07/05/23 SD Conference with J. Rudolf and A. Carroll to develop strategy for review 6.10
and response to request; Conference with Open Records Office regarding
rolling compliance; Conference with J. Rudolf, A. Carroll, Gianna Lorusso
and Alanna Buchanan regarding ability to narrow document search terms
Multiple conferences with A. Carroll to narrow volume of documents in
response to request; Review and analysis of documents for statutory
exemption and privilege; Coordinate with e-discovery project manager to
eliminate unresponsive documents through the use of search terms.

07/06/23 JCR Assisting in doc review; calls and emails re same. 1.50

07/06/23 JS Participate in document review for S. Duggan and A. Carroll. 4.30

07/06/23 MJ Meeting with S. Duggan to discuss strategy for conducting document 0.50
search in Relativity.

07/06/23 MJ Begin document review to determine which documents are responsive 0.20
and whether they fit an exception under the Right to Know law.
The Philadelphia Parking Authority August 7, 2023 Page 4
Matter Name: Right to Know Law
Client: Matter:
Invoice: 1340063

07/06/23 SD Conference with A. Carroll to develop strategy for review of documents; 8.30
Conference with M. John and J. Scoboria regarding same; Continue
review and analysis of voluminous documents to determine
responsiveness in response to right to know request.

07/07/23 MJ Conduct document review to determine whether the documents are 1.00
responsive and if so, whether they fit an exception under the Right to
Know law

07/07/23 SD Continue review and analysis of voluminous documents to determine 1.60

responsiveness in response to right to know request; Conference with A.
Carroll regarding response to right to know request.

07/10/23 APC Analyze over 200 documents on second level review to determine 3.20
responsiveness and need for redaction or removal based on RTKL

07/10/23 JCR Calls and emails regarding status of review; follow up regarding same. 1.30

07/10/23 SD Continue review and analysis of voluminous documents to determine 5.10

responsiveness in response to right to know request; Multiple
conferences with A. Carroll regarding review of responsive documents;
Correspondence to internal e-discovery team to finalize responsive
document production; Review and analysis of documents provided;
Conference with A. Carroll regarding finalizing document production;
Multiple correspondences to e-discovery team regarding review,
redaction, and production of documents.

07/10/23 SR Build and validate searches for review by S. Duggan. 0.75

07/10/23 SR Build and validate searches to create review batches and instruct review 1.00
team per request of S. Duggan.

07/11/23 APC Multiple Zoom conferences and correspondence with document review 0.60
team regarding proper redactions based on our review.

07/11/23 JCR Calls and emails regarding status of review. 0.70

07/11/23 SR Prepare for and participate in call with A. Carroll regarding document 0.50
reviewer training.

07/12/23 APC Analyze draft document production to identify any additional areas 0.90
requiring redaction.
The Philadelphia Parking Authority August 7, 2023 Page 5
Matter Name: Right to Know Law
Client: Matter:
Invoice: 1340063

07/12/23 APC Conference with S. Duggan regarding final production. 0.20

07/12/23 JCR Emails and calls regarding status of review. 0.60

07/12/23 SD Conference with A. Carroll regarding redactions in documents under 7.90

statutory exemption; Multiple correspondences to internal e-discovery
team regarding production of documents; Finalize document production;
Conference with J. Rudolf regarding status of document production;
Conference with A. Carroll regarding redaction of documents; Multiple
correspondences to client providing document production and
information regarding documents produced and withheld under statutory

07/12/23 SR Prepare, finalize, run and validate client production per request of S. 1.00

07/12/23 SR Prepare production searches and run validation steps in advance of 0.75
production per request of S. Duggan.

07/13/23 JCR Emails and calls regarding status of production. 0.20

07/25/23 APC Analyze output from RTKL exemptions from which we based our 0.40
redactions to determine clearest method for communicating same.

07/25/23 JCR Calls and emails regarding follow up questions on document production. 0.40

07/25/23 SD Review and analysis of client correspondence regarding documents 3.40

withheld and redacted under statutory exceptions; Conference with J.
Rudolf regarding same; Conference with e-discovery team regarding
statistics for documents withheld under statutory exemptions; Plan and
prepare to produce unredacted documents for client review; withheld
under statutory exemptions; Correspondence to client providing
unredacted documents.

07/26/23 JCR Calls and emails regarding new request to remove redaction; follow up 0.50
regarding same.

07/26/23 SD Research legal issues regarding statutory exemptions. 1.40

07/27/23 SD Conference with Alanna Buchanan regarding redaction of documents 2.30

pursuant statutory document production; Conference with J. Rudolf
regarding redactions under statutory exemptions; Conference with
Alanna Buchanan regarding redaction of documents pursuant statutory
document production; Develop strategy for additional review of
document production.
The Philadelphia Parking Authority August 7, 2023 Page 6
Matter Name: Right to Know Law
Client: Matter:
Invoice: 1340063

07/28/23 SD Review and analysis of correspondence from Alanna Buchanan to 0.20

requestor providing overview of agreement regarding production of
revised and/or unredacted documents.

07/31/23 SD Correspondence to e-discovery team preserving Relativity database and 0.20

confirming additional document production is necessary.

Total 73.50


Description Amount
EDiscovery Processing Services - per GB 463.50
EDiscovery Hosting Services - per GB 282.00

Total $ 745.50


Date Description Quantity Amount

07/30/23 EDiscovery Processing Services - per GB 10.30 463.50
07/30/23 EDiscovery Hosting Services - per GB 18.80 282.00

Total $ $745.50

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