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Subject: Application for the leave due to urgent visa renewal

Dear Principal,

I hope this application finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to inform you about an
urgent matter that requires my son Muhammed Usman Adil, to be absent on 31 st May 2023 . We
have recently received notice that our family's visa for international travel is due for renewal, and it
requires immediate attention.

Due to the time-sensitive nature of this process, it is necessary for us to complete the visa renewal
within a day as they will be traveling to home country on very next day. As a result, we will need
Muhammed Usman Adil to accompany us during the appointment and subsequent proceedings at
the immigration office.

I understand the importance of his final exam of Arabic on the same day of absence but I would like
to request the kind management for average. However, this visa renewal is a critical matter that
cannot be postponed. I kindly request your understanding and cooperation in granting him leave for
the aforementioned period 31 st May 2023

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I sincerely appreciate your understanding and
support in granting Muhammed Usman Adil the leave he needs

Yours Sincerely,

Muhammed Usman Adil

Class IV D | Roll# 29
Pakistan School Muscat

Zulnurain Adil (Father)

Date 30/05/2023

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