PolyWorksPlug-in (Ai) Faro Laser Line Probe

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Using a Faro Laser Line Probe

in PolyWorks
 IMAlign™
 PolyWorks|Inspector™

Complement to the IMAlign

and PolyWorks|Inspector
Reference Guides
© 2010–2020 InnovMetric Software Inc. All rights reserved. PolyWorks® is a registered
trademark of InnovMetric Software Inc. InnovMetric, PolyWorks|Inspector,
PolyWorks|Modeler, PolyWorks|Talisman, PolyWorks|Reviewer, IMAlign, IMMerge,
PolyWorks|DataLoop, PolyWorks|PMI+Loop, PolyWorks|AR, PolyWorks|ReportLoop, "The
Universal 3D Metrology Software Platform", "The Smart 3D Metrology Digital Ecosystem",
and "Interconnecting Hardware, Software and People" are trademarks of InnovMetric
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Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks

PolyWorks® Metrology Suite 2020

4 Introduction

5 1. Requirements
5 1.1 Hardware and software components
6 1.2 Drivers

7 2. Line Scanning
7 2.1 Selecting and connecting to a device
7 2.2 Setting device-specific options
7 2.2.1 Scan dialog box
9 2.2.2 Line Scan Options dialog box
11 2.3 Scanning in PolyWorks

13 3. Scripting and Additional Functionalities

13 3.1 Introduction to scripting
16 3.2 Functionalities only available by scripting

Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks 2020 3


The PolyWorks® Metrology Suite is a complete reverse-engineering and inspection

solution for high-density point clouds. It offers a wide choice of plug-ins that allow the
capture of 3D coordinate points by way of line scanning devices.

This document explains how to configure the Faro Laser Line Probe for the PolyWorks
Metrology Suite and describes device-specific parameters. For any questions or issues
related to the Faro Laser Line Probe or its setup, contact a Faro representative.

Related documentation

Each PolyWorks Metrology Suite module has its own complete reference guide in the
PDF format. It can be accessed by pressing the ? symbol in the title bar of any open
module dialog box, or by looking under a module’s Help menu. The following
documents are closely related to the current one:


Contains a complete description of the Workspace Manager and
explains how to customize the user interface.

Explains the different functionalities in the IMAlign module of the

PolyWorks Metrology Suite. More specifically, it contains a chapter on
IMAlign how to use the line scanning plug-in in IMAlign (see the “Plug-ins for
Reference Scanning Objects” chapter). The content of this chapter is generic.
For information on line scanning with the device described in this
document, see the Line Scanning chapter in the present document.

Explains the different functionalities in the PolyWorks|Inspector

module of the PolyWorks Metrology Suite. More specifically, it
PolyWorks| contains a chapter on how to use the line scanning plug-in in
Inspector PolyWorks|Inspector (see the “Plug-ins for Scanning Objects”
Reference chapter). The content of the chapter is generic.
For information on line scanning with the device currently used, see
the Line Scanning chapter in the present document.

Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks 2020 4

1. Requirements
This chapter describes the requirements when scanning with the Faro Laser Line Probe
in the PolyWorks Metrology Suite.

1.1 Hardware and software components

Before scanning, the following requirements must be met:

 The PolyWorks Metrology Suite 2020 with the latest intermediate release must be
installed to ensure having the most up-to-date plug-ins (available from the Technical
Support Zone of InnovMetric’s Web site).

For the Faro Laser Line Probe, the FaroProbeAndScanner.dll file is installed in the
Plugins subfolder of the PolyWorks Metrology Suite installation folder.

 Faro Arm and Laser Line Probe must be selected on the Plug-ins page of the
Workspace Manager Options dialog box. This dialog box is displayed the first time
that the PolyWorks Metrology Suite is opened. It is also available at any time by
clicking the Workspace Manager Options button in the Workspace Manager,
shown to the right.

For information about the different options available in the previously mentioned
dialog box, see the “Setting PolyWorks options” section of the PolyWorks Reference

 Use compatible Faro drivers (see Section 1.2 Drivers).

Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks 2020 5

Requirements Drivers

1.2 Drivers
FaroArmUSBdriver5 is required. Drivers for the FaroArm are available at the following


Only arms that use a USB connection are supported (e.g., Platinum, Titanium,

Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks 2020 6

2. Line Scanning
This chapter describes the Faro Laser Line Probe plug-in parameters that are device
specific. The generic options are described in the Scanning Objects chapter of the
PolyWorks|Inspector Reference Guide, or the same chapter of the IMAlign Reference

2.1 Selecting and connecting to a device

Scanning in the PolyWorks|Inspector or IMAlign module is supported through plug-ins.
To start the plug-in in either module, choose Laser Line Probe on the Tools > Plug-ins >
Faro submenu, or choose Faro Laser Line Probe on the menu offered by the Scan split
button located on the Devices toolbar in PolyWorks|Inspector and the Processes
toolbar in IMAlign, and then click the button icon. The button is shown to the right.

2.2 Setting device-specific options

This section describes the device-specific options offered by the PolyWorks plug-in that
is available in the IMAlign and PolyWorks|Inspector modules.

2.2.1 Scan dialog box

When the line scanning plug-in is opened, a Scan dialog box is displayed in the Dialog
Zone. This dialog box is shown in Figure 2.1 for both modules. It contains the
parameters used most often. The other parameters, that are usually specified once, are
offered in the Line Scan Options dialog box that is presented in Section 2.2.2 Line Scan
Options dialog box.

The Scan dialog box contains the Faro software section, which provides access to
native Faro dialog boxes that control the Laser Line Probe. For complete information on
Faro dialog boxes, contact a Faro representative. The following items are offered in this

A list box that allows choosing a different device to use from a list of connected
devices. Each device is identified by its serial number. The list is automatically
updated when a device is connected to or disconnected from the computer.

On connection, the plug-in automatically connects to the device last used, or, if it
is not currently connected, to the first device in the list.

Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks 2020 7

Line Scanning Setting device-specific options

Figure 2.1 The Scan dialog box in (a) IMAlign and (b) PolyWorks|Inspector. Device-specific
options are located in the Faro software section.

(a) (b)

If more than one device is used within the same PolyWorks|Inspector project, then
the user should make sure each device is assigned its own device position,
creating new ones as needed. Then, in PolyWorks|Inspector and IMAlign, if the
devices are fixed, it is possible to use all the devices to acquire points, each in their
respective device position, such that all the points are in the same global
coordinate system and can be independently aligned. For more information on
device positions, see the “Device Positions” chapter of the PolyWorks|Inspector
Reference Guide.

Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks 2020 8

Line Scanning Setting device-specific options

Min line-to-line distance

A text box that allows specifying a minimal distance between consecutive scan
lines, which controls the quantity of data points transmitted by the device.

Valid values are greater than or equal to 0.0 mm. A value of 0 means all the scan
lines are transmitted by the device, as there is no line-to-line distance restriction.
In IMAlign, the default value is 0.170 mm. In PolyWorks|Inspector, the default value
depends on the scanning profile selected, as shown in the table below.

Coarse Standard Fine Extra Fine Large

Resolution Resolution Resolution Resolution Standoff

0.27 mm 0.17 mm 0.10 mm 0.03 mm 0.27 mm

As a general rule, the value corresponds to two thirds of the Sampling step
parameter (Surface Scan > Real-Time Quality Meshing page of the Line Scan
Options dialog box) to ensure there are at least two scan lines within a Sampling

For more information on scanning profiles, see the “Scan dialog box for line-
scanning plug-ins” section of the PolyWorks|Inspector Reference Guide.

Select Probe
A button that displays a native Faro dialog box used to select and calibrate a probe.

Scanner Control
A button that displays a native Faro dialog box used to configure a Laser Line
Probe (e.g., power, range).

Hardware Config
A button that displays a native Faro dialog box to access parameters that relate to
the probe arm, such as “sensitivity to physical stress”.

A button that displays a native Faro dialog box used to diagnose problems.
Information such as the temperature and the actual state of the arm articulations
is displayed.

2.2.2 Line Scan Options dialog box

The Options button displays the Line Scan Options dialog box that offers options for
the line scanning plug-in. It is shown in Figure 2.2 for PolyWorks|Inspector. This dialog
box is unavailable during a scan session.

The General page of the Line Scan Options dialog box offers several options. The
Utilities section offers device-specific options:

Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks 2020 9

Line Scanning Setting device-specific options

Figure 2.2 The device-specific parameters in the Line Scan Options dialog box are shown
enclosed in a red rectangle.

Use device as mouse

A check box that enables users to control the mouse pointer position with the
device. By default, the check box is cleared.

Audio feedback
A check box that enables specifying that an audible sound is made on receiving a
scan line. By default, the check box is selected.

Green button usage

A list box that offers two choices regarding the use of the Green button with
respect to starting and stopping a scan pass:

 Press to Start, Press to Stop – Specifies pressing the Green button to start
the pass and pressing the Green button again to stop the pass.

 Hold to Start, Release to Stop – Specifies pressing and holding the Green
button for the duration of the pass, and releasing the Green button to end
the pass.

Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks 2020 10

Line Scanning Scanning in PolyWorks

2.3 Scanning in PolyWorks

Scanning in PolyWorks involves performing a scanning session using the appropriate
device controls. The bullets that follow define terms used in this section. They are
followed by the procedure for performing a scan session in PolyWorks.

 A scan line is the set of aligned points captured in a common plane of light by the
Laser Line Probe scanner at regular intervals.

 A pass is all the scan lines acquired after pushing the Green button and before
pushing the Green button a second time; the plug-in dialog box also offers a hold
and release approach to capturing passes. Each pass acquired in the IMAlign module
is used to create an individual 3D image; a file is also created in the host workspace.
Passes acquired in PolyWorks|Inspector are combined into one same point cloud
Data object.

 A session involves scanning one or more passes with the same parameters.

A scanning session is performed as shown in Figure 2.3.

Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks 2020 11

Line Scanning Scanning in PolyWorks

Figure 2.3 Surface scanning with the Faro Laser Line Probe.

Once the Green button

is pushed once, start a
pass. Push again to end Push the Red
the pass. Or, use the button once to
“hold and release” end the current
approach to capturing session.

To start a session, push the Start

Scan button in the PolyWorks plug-
in or push and release the Green
button on the device.

Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks 2020 12

3. Scripting and Additional Functionalities
PolyWorks offers full scripting possibilities which allow automating tasks in part or
entirely, depending on the nature of the task to perform. Basic scripts contain
application commands that allow performing operations identical to those performed
directly using the GUI of an application, such as PolyWorks|Inspector (e.g., menu items,
toolbar buttons). Enhanced scripts include elements of the Macro Script Control
Language (MSCL) such as variables, IF/WHILE commands, dialog boxes to query users,
and commands to write to and read from text files.

Most application commands are easy to find. For each action performed through the
GUI of an application, the corresponding application command can be seen in the
Command History pane. However, some application commands may not be offered in
the GUI, as they offer functionalities to address only specific needs.

This chapter presents a short introduction to scripting and explains how to quickly find
the application commands for your device that are mapped to the GUI. Then, the
functionalities that are only available through application commands, if any, are

3.1 Introduction to scripting

Actions performed using the GUI of an application have a corresponding application
command that can be viewed in the Command History pane. These commands can be
pasted into the Macro Script Editor of the application, saved to a file, and then be
recalled and executed in the Macro Script Editor. For an example, see Figure 3.1.

For each command, a description of the command, the command syntax, and a
description of each command argument (e.g., type) is provided. An example of the
command help that is available for this plug-in is shown in Figure 3.2. The editor offers
help in HTML format for all the MSCL commands, as well as application commands that
are found in the specific application/module. To access the HTML help file, choose the
Help > Commands menu item in the Macro Script Editor.

The Macro Script Editor is offered in the main PolyWorks Metrology Suite modules, such
as PolyWorks|Inspector™. Scripts must be executed in the Macro Script Editor. The
editor offers automatic indentation and an intelligent color scheme to, for example,
differentiate between MSCL and application commands. In addition, blocks of
commands can be quickly commented in and out. Finally, several script execution
modes are offered. Scripts can be executed step by step, or to user-specified break
points, which is useful when debugging a script.

The MSCL commands include common programming structures, such as IF and WHILE
for the conditional execution of commands. Variables are offered to store information,
including array variables. There are also commands to query the user and to get
information from a project (e.g., the number of objects under a given branch). These
commands provide just a sample of the possibilities available through scripting.

Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks 2020 13

Scripting and Additional Functionalities Introduction to scripting

Figure 3.1 The Command History pane shows the application commands that result from user
actions performed through the GUI. Here, a probing device was selected and the
Connect to Device button was pressed. In (a), the arrow shows the corresponding
commands that appear in the Command History pane. In (b), the commands were
copied and pasted into a new script in the Macro Script Editor.



Complete information on scripting in PolyWorks is provided in the Macro Script

Reference Guide in PDF format, available from the editor’s Help menu.

Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks 2020 14

Scripting and Additional Functionalities Introduction to scripting

Figure 3.2 The list of application commands for the plug-in in the HTML command help.

Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks 2020 15

Scripting and Additional Functionalities Functionalities only available by scripting

3.2 Functionalities only available by scripting

The table that follows provides a brief description of application commands that offer
functionalities that are only available through scripting. For complete command
information, including command syntax, arguments, and notes, see the HTML help file.

Command Description

DIGITIZE DEVICE FARO LASER_LINE_PROBE Starts the specified scanner

SCAN CALIBRATE calibration procedure.

DIGITIZE DEVICE FARO LASER_LINE_PROBE Gets the date of the last scanner

DIGITIZE DEVICE FARO LASER_LINE_PROBE Gets the results of the last scanner

DIGITIZE DEVICE FARO LASER_LINE_PROBE Gets the calibration status of the


DIGITIZE DEVICE FARO LASER_LINE_PROBE Gets the time of the last scanner

Using a Faro Laser Line Probe in PolyWorks 2020 16

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