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Grammar 3 Put the verbs in brackels into the corred foun;

present simple or wilT + infinitive.
1 An advertise.ment fOI a health spa made these a) As soon as he leaves (lea ve) lile
promises. Insert will in an appropriate place in h eal th spa, he'll have a cigarette.
each promise. b) His wife vvilJ be happy when he _comes _ _ _ __
(come) horneo

After only two weeks J e) lf she asks, he

will say (s ay) th¡¡ t he

with us ... d) When his fr iends see him, they _ _will

__ _
wlll (think) he is ill.

al you lose al least five kilos e) He reall y will be ill if he doesn´t eat (not
will ea t) more.
b) you be relaxed and positive about life f) Wh€ l lhe eats (eat) normally aga in,
el you llave muc h more energy he'U feel much better.
will g) If his w ife asks (ask) hirn to go to the
d) relationships wilh your frie nds be happier
health spa again, he'Jl say no.
e) your general fitness get better
will 4 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:
f) you U,ink differently about lood
present simple or will + in6.nitive.
g) you r friends tell you you look great a) When we ({el (gel) to Havana, a
friend wl/I meel (meet) us at fue airport.
b) lihe is not (not be) there, we

2 Aman is going lo the health spa for two weeks.

will take (take) a taxi.

e) When we get (getl to lhe hotel,

~. (ask) thern to bring a bottle
will ask
IifALT¡¡ ~4b .. of champagne.
'~ "UI
is Olltl,..~dr d) As soon aswe are (be) rea dy, we
6 o'Qllless'
will look (look) for a restaurant.
e) We will go (go) to an expensive
restaillant if you want (want).
f) H it is not (not be) too late after that,
we will find (find ) a good nightclub.

Do you think the spa wilI keep its promises? g) will (telJ) you where J got the
Olange four sentences in Exercise 1 to show what tell get (get) horneo
you think wiU happen by
• inseeting probably
and I or
• making the sentences negative

He pr'obab/it ¡Von '/ lose al Icasl flve julos.

He peobably won´t relax positevely.

He probably won´t have much energy.
He probably won´t think different about food.

58 UIoI1T 1m Lifestyle
5 Correct lhe grammalical mistakes in the sentences. 7 Write five sentences with used fo I didn'fuse to +
Tick (,/) tbe correct sentence. infinitive comparing city life now and dty (ife
a) I didn't ~ to Ji ke spinach, bu t 1 love it now. one hundred yeaTS ago. You can use the photos
to help you.
I didn '¡ /Ase lo !¡ke spil1ach bul 1 !ovt;: ,1 fJOW .

b) Díd your parents use ta ke you to sehoo!?

Did your parents use to take you to
e) Where you Llsed to go fo r your summe.r


where did you use to go for your summer

d ) My b ro ther and 1 used to havin rows al!

the time.

My brother and I used to have rows all time.

e) We are used to share a room until [ was 11.

we used to share a room until I was 11.

f) Our parents didn 't use to have much money.

g) Oid you use t spent a lo t of time with

your grandparents?

Did you use to spend a lot of time with

your grandparents?
h) Were you use to be very untidy?
Did you use to be very untidy?

6 In fue sentences below, replace tbe past simple

with f/Sed fo + iniinitive wl/ere it ;5 possible.
a) As d ül d 1 eyd ed to 5ehool every day.
As a eh/Id, 1 I~~ed lo cl/ele fO scllool ever/j day.

b) The road were qu íet and afeo

The roads used to be quiet and safe. E:mmp les

e) My parents gave me the bicycle for my tenth
There Ljsed lo be {eWCl' people
b irthday.
People didlll Hse lo dl'lve lo work
The place didn´t use to be polluted.
d) r d eaned it t'very day.
People didn´t use to go out a lot.
I used to clean it every day. In the past they use to travel by horse.
e) My bcsl friend was a boy called Tom.
People use to eat in their houses.
My best friend used to be a boy called Tom. The city used to be safer.
f) One day, 1 lent him my bicycle.

g) He was not a very reliable friend o

He didn´t to be a very reliable friend.

h ) He gave it back to me a week later.

i) One wheel was broken and it was a11 dirty.

One wheel was broken and it used to be all dirty.

lifestyle 59
Vocabulary 3 Match the words in the box witb the photos.

1 Underline tbe correct word. beans cauliflower d 1erries lemeR

mushroom nut sardine tomato

a) temon e) nut

b) cauliflower f) cherries
Sue leads 11 very hea 1thy (1) diet / lile and she likes
to keep (2) alone / fit. She goes for a (3) brisk / large
waJk every morning and in fue evening she
(4) does / goes martiaJ alts. She has a strong
(5) network / serving of friends ll nd a Large
(6) extended / natural family. She's never in 11
(7) beach / hurry and she's happiest of all when
she's wa tchin g the (8) IHestyle I sunset.

2 Answer the questions with words from the boJ(.

e) tomatoe g) beans
aubergine carrot chieken eueumber
garlie ~rape Lettuce reaffi pepper
prawn sa usage trout

a) Which is a fruit that grows on trees? .
b) Wh.ich is used to makc wine? _grape
__ __
e) Which i5 a river fish? _ trout
_ _ __
d) Which lives in the sea, but is not a fish?
e) Whkh it. a vegeLable that can be red or green? d) mushroom h) sardine
f) garlic
Which looks li ke a sm all orlion? _ _ __ _ 4 Match the verbs on fue left (a-g) with fue phrases
on fue right (1- 7).
g) Which is an orange vegetable that grows
underground? _ _ carrot
__ _ a) baked 1 in batter
b) boiled 2 in half
h) Which is purple on the outside and whjte
e) chopped 3 in fu e oven
inside? _ aurbergine
_ _ __
d ) eaten 4 in a litre of water
i) Which is dark green on the outside and ligh t e) fried 5 mto small pieees
green mside? cucumber f) gdlJed 6 on a barbeeue
j) Whieh is a green lea! fuat is usually used g) sJiced 7 raw
in saJads? _lettuce
_ __ _
k) WLlich is a bird ? _ chicken
_ __ _ a b e d e f g
1) Which is made of chopped meat? _sausage
_ _ __ 3 4
17 1 6 2

60 ..• - U ~J I T 1m Lifestyle
5 Complete tbe sentences with the words in the box. 7 Match the questions and statements (a-e) lo the
responses (1- 5).

bonnet boot 8umper engin

a) Did you enjoy your lligh t?

gear handbrake plate steering

b) Díd you know lhat they are sisters?

suruoof lyTe Wll"ldso'een

e) Did you pass the exam ?

d) Do you wan t to join m y martiaJ arts dass?

a ) Caes have a bWI1/JeI' at the front and he e) I imagine tbey were very tired after a long day

back fo r prote tion in an accidento like that.

b) A dri er has to take one hand off the 1 o, not at a11. They were J'ull of beans.
_ _ _ _ _ wheel to change _gear
steering _ _ __ 2 Rea Uy? They're like chalk and chees .
e) tyre
Many cars havc an e tra _ _ __ _ in the 3 o thanks . n's notmy ClIP f t a .
boot 4 'D s, T d í really well. Jt was a piece of cake.
5 ! We were packed in Jike sardínes.
d) When it's raining, you need to switch on th
__ _ _ wipers.
b c d e
e) most cars, the
Ú1 engine is under the
_ _ __ at the front f the cal', 2 4 3
t) lt'~ a good idea t put the _handbrake
_ _ _ _ on
when you park.
g) A_sunroof
_ __ great when the weather
is gaod.
1 Which word in each group has a different vowel
h) A businessman bought the number sound?
_ _ __ CEO 1 for more than .fl50,OOO.
a) brisk b lú lt ~ high orªnge
6 Complete the missing words. b) frlgnd g,y,ess head b~lthy n~

e) chQP Qnion au ge s trQng wilsh

d ook fyll gQ.Qd s1!gar yncle
Tap excuses far being late
44 Listen and check.
I 9 _ot_ tuck in a traffic Jam.

roke down on the w ay to work.

The (l r b ____ 2 Look at the words in the box. Is the underLined
sound Itl, lel, 101 or lu/? Put the words in the correct
I had to give my grandmoth er a I ift
___ to column.
~ cxtQnded frg h ~
I' m afra id anout of petro l and I
my car r __
couldn 't find a garage that was open . hnt knQck l~th e.r ,Ufficer pill
sh.-..Wd spinach s~stem tQQk

__ hour an d there w as a lot of
It was th e r _ush

vertaking_ __ a bus and I had an

I was o ______
vggetable wi,nd screen w uld
accident -
aclivc ~x¡e l'lde tl
pill fresh
Tick (.1) the excuses that you have heard oc used spinach heavy
y ourself. system leather
windscreen vegetable

lo/ lul
L­ -
I ___ .....:b""o:..:.:I'Ic..:'l""el'----_ __ good
hot pull
knock should
officer took
watch would

45 Listen and check. Repeat the words.

Lifestyle UNir 1m 61
Listening Speilker 1: I've always wanted one of t hose, what do
you call t hern, cam ping car things. You know,
1 "46 Cover the listening script and listen to three li ke a carava n, but it's part of the caro r d like to
people talking about their dream cars. Match the have fou r beds, one for me an d Harry and two
speakers with the cars. for t ha grandchildren. They've got little kitchens
Speaker 1: car b and a dining tab le, and t he expensive ones have
Speaker 2: cal' c got a toilet , too. And the children watch a lot
a of television, sO a TV's a good idea, as well. Oh,
Speaker 3: car and I'd like to have 11 thing on t he roof where
yo u tan put all t he luggage. We cou ld take t he
grandchildren to Ireland with us in the su mmer
and they cou ld visit all the fa mily.

Speaker 2: My dream car is a huge white stretch limo.

You know, one of those really, rea lly long ones,
t he size of a bus. It has to be white, with blac k
wi ndows that no one can see th rou gh , And 1 want
a driver, of ( ourse - in uniform o1 don't wanl to
dnve it myself. Hmm, yes, I'll have Orlando Bloom

as the driver Or Orlando's brothe r if thay Look the
same. Inside t here's room for all my friends, with
a cocktai l bar and a widescreen TV and t hi ngs like
that . And a su nroof, beca use we'U drive rou nd
Hollywood and everyone willlook at us and wa nt
to know who we are. Erm , no, they won't be able
to see liS with t he dark windows. Oh we ll, we'tl
Leave tha win dows open ...

Speaker 3: I've always wa nte d a leally fast sports caro

There's a Ferra ri Formula 1 and tt can do more
than 300 ki lometres an hour. I'd like that. Yeah.
A brand hew. brig ht red Ferrari with the world's
most powerfu l ca r stereo and 1 could listen to all
my favourite musi( - 50 Cent , Kanye West, siuff
li ke t l1 at. Can you imagine driving a thing like
2 Listen again and tick (.1) the topies tl1at each that? Top speed around tbe streéts of Monte Carla.
speaker talks aboul 1t is Monte Carlo where t hey do t hat 24-hour
race, isn't ii? Anyway, yea h, Monte Carlo's cool.
Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Christlna Aguilera in the passenger seat and the
Wl,at colour mUS1C on fJLl volume. But not Christi na Aguilera's
is it? mliSic. 1 can't stan d that.
What <¡pecial
feahJJ'es has ./ 3 Listen again and write short note-forro answers to
i t gOl? lhe questions in the tableo

How tast does

Speakerl Speaker 2 Speaker 3
l it go?
Whal colour white
Where would red
is it?
you like to go in
your car? Wha t speciaI beds black windows
-~ car stereo
fea tures has
Who would you
it got?
like to take
with you ?
I How fast d oes
it go?
300 kilometres
an hour

Where would
you like to go in Irleand Hollywood Monte Carlo

your car?
Who would you Friends Cristina
like to take grandchildren and Aguilera

62 UtllT 11m Lifestyle

with you?
Li nking words with while, during
Writing a narrative
1 Look at the example sentences a-d and underline
the correet aJtematives in the box.
a) One day, dUrltlg rus holidays, Toby saw that he
was less fit than many of the other meno
b) One day, u,J¡íle he was on holiday, Toby saw
How much did Toby weigh when h arrived'
that he w s 1 ss fit than rnany of th other men o
Tobl! wei{jhed 95 kilos ¡,,"eh he <,'rived

e) During lhe llight horne, he de ided to do

omething ab out it. Who did he me t during his fir t morning at the spa?

d) Wllile he was fl ying home, he decided to do What d id she say to him?

omething abou t it.

Linking words
To ta lJ< abou t a peri d of tim e or ne point

in a period of time we use

rful'ing + noun I phrase (subject + v erb)

while + noun I phrase (subject + verb)

What did Toby h ve for lunch .

How clid he feel?

What did he thi nk abou t whUe he was looking

at h is plate?

2 Complete the sentences with durillg or while.

a) He liS d to go to the p ub dur'/ITa his
lunch hour.
WI o did Toby telephone during the evening?

b) He always ate paza _ __ _ he was

What did he order?

watehing TV

Where did he eat his d inner?

e) He moked cigarettes he waited for

the bus to work. How did he feel?
d) he was working he u ed to drink
lots of sweet tea.
e) He lik d to rel x in his garden _ __ _
thc sunun er.
f) At U1€ ein ma, h always ate popcom

_ _ _ _ a film.

g) He never w orried abou t his fitness

- - --
he was rnarried.

3 Look at the pictures opposite and write the story

of Toby's visi t to a health spa. Use the questions to Di:t Toby lose wcighl whil he was at the health spa?
help you. How did bis trainer feel? Why?

Lifestyle U N I T 63

d) [ndian ne wspapers have reported lhe dea th of a

Grammar tortoise. It lived to the ap:e of 255.
1 Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun Indian newspapers have reported the death
(tullo or that). Onty use tl/flt when wllO is not of a tortoise that lived to the age of 255.
possible. e) Animal righ ts protestars changed their mind c;
(1) The pl:!ople I"ho Live in the Serbian town whcn lhey saw the anima l. They wa n ted lo free
of Odzaci were amazed when it began rai ning a tiger from a eircus.
frogs one day in 2005. Animal rights protesters who wanted to free a tiger
b) An English woman who lost her mobile from a circus changed their minds when they saw
phone caUed the n umber élnd heard it ringing ther animal.
¡n side her d og's stomach. 3 Complete the questions with the corred form of
e) Scien tists have found that chickens _ __ the verb in brackets.
watch TV lay more eggs. a) If ya u salv (see) an in ju red
d ) A New York man wen t to .bis bathroom and bird in the street, w ould you heJp it?
found a baby alJiga tor that w as swimming b) lf there was él m osq uito in yOU! bedroom,
in his toilet. _would
__ _ _ try_ _ _ (you try) to kili it?
e) Bcars in the Yosemite National Park often steal e) If a ea t came (come) into yOU!
foad that people have left in their ca rs. house, would you give it som etbing ta eat?
f) Pengu ins aften faD over when they try to wa tch d) ti you found a spider in the bath, what

aeroplanes that are Oying aboye their head!>. _ _would

_ __you_do
_ _ _ (you d o)?

~ e) If a friend asked (ask) yOtl to

look after their d og for two weeks, what woul d
you say?
f) lf the gO\7ernment closed all the zoas in yaur
eountry, how would you feel (you feel)?

Write true answers to the questions.

a) Ves, 1 WO¿¡1d. I'd lake il lo a Ilel.

4 Insert tllat in the corred place in the numbered

lines of the conversation.
' I

A: These are grea t photos. l na.

1 Wh at kind of arumal iS A?
2 B: ls galago. lt's al50
2 Combine the sentences with relative clauses.
called a bush baby.
a) A Chinese man says that he has a duck . lt drinks that
beer and can unders tand him. 3 A: b a sort of monkey?
,ti ehinesemal1 sau..5 ¡/lal ¡le has ti duck IAIII 4 B: Yes,that
is right.
dl'inks beer and cal, ul1dersJal1d Ni/n A: And in lhe next photo,
b) A group of dolphins has saved a mano He was 5 what's in its mouth?
swimming near a great white shark.
B: lt's a baby. They're
A group of dolphins has saved a man who was 6 animalsthat
carry lheir
swimming near a great white shark. babies in their mou ths.
e) Shoppers in Virginia were surprised to sc€ a 7 A: ls reaJly strange!
deer. lt was in the supermarket. that
Animal rights protesters who wanted to free 47 Listen and check.
a tiger from a circus changed their minds when
they saw the animal.
64 - - 1I .~.1'T,: a Animals
Vocabulary 4 Complete the conversations with words in the box.

ai raid ~ mind never

1 Find 15 animals in the word square and write them

in the correct column. Look -+ and .a.. probLem sorry th ink wonderfuJ

wondering worry

Ce o e K R o A e H)
a) A: Scott, (1) cOldd yOl! look after my
H B E E e A T F E
cat this weekend)
I A N T J U P L N B: I'm (2) sorry , bu t l' m allergic to
e A L F o A L Y o worry
A: OK don ' t (3) . I'll ask s meone
K M o S Q U I T o else.
W o K I T T E N G
b) A: Sorry, Pete, would you (4)
B U T T E R F L Y driving a bit more slowly?

B: OK, no (5)
P U P P y W A S P
A:. Thanks.

Insects Babyanimals Otllers

c) A: Jenny, do you (6) think yOll cauld

calf cat
hen take my dog fo' a walk?
be foal
ant kitten dog B: I'm (7) afarid J can't. J'm bl.1Sy
mosquito puppy today
butterfly chick _ __ _ m ind.
A: OK,(8) _ never
wasp d) A: Petra, 1 w s (9) _ __ _ _ if yOLl couId
make me a coffee.
B: Of course.
2 Complete the sentences with a preposition. A: That's (10) _ wonderful
_ _ _ _ . Thanks.
a) Are you afraid ---2i.-. snakes?
48 Listen and check
b) Are yO ll allergk _ to_ anything?
c) Are you fond _of
_ fluffy toys?
in_ the theory of evolu tion?
d) Are yOl! interest d _
e) Ar you keen _on
_ harse racing? 1 • 49 Listen and tick (,/) the words that you hear.
f) Are y u terruied _of_ anyone? a) bear .1 beer
b) dare d er
Write true answers to the questions. c) aiI ear
d) hair here
3 Underline the correct word. e) where we' re
a) Steve often has to go away at I in I Q!1 business.
b) T'll get in I on I to touch with you next week. 2 Look at the words in the box. Is the underlined
sound le~1 or 1m/? Put the words in the corred
c) You 'll never guess who turned
around I down I up here yes terday!
d) Can yo u ke p an eye for / on I out my garden car~ cill:fful chSlir
when I'm away?
e) Don' t forg t to key in I through / up your name

and password .
Why d id he walk at I off I to like that?
g) PIease p ulJ about I by I up o er there and turn
off your ngine.



@ 50 Listen and check. Repeat the words.

Animals UN i r Iil 65
1 Label the magical animals with the words in the box, Magical unicorns

dragan phoenix u nicorn m

FVf'rybody belicved thal t1111(OnlS l'YJ.SteJ but very few
unicorn peor1e SdW thelll JllliLlS C¿¡esar Sclid Illal (hf' dllillWI
)m(l tlw l1efld of a cleer t he rt:'rt of un L'lerhall1 ¿¡mI a
L)l1e l11eLre-long 110m 011 its fOJ'eheélct, MarcCl Polu. whü
HlOlIght !le :;i!W a lIniCOfl¡ In 1I1dia, agreed that it hñd
elephatlls feet rlnd el hont, but :>aid lt )wt! ,) plgs head
- he was dlmost (crtdlllly describil1g él I"lJinocem<;1
By lhe ~lxt('ellLh ccntury, when books c1bout dt1 illl,lls
were becoming very potJu lar, t'vf'ryone ngl"eed that tlle
b) _dragon
__ _ Ul1icorn looked Ilkr él whlte l10rse w!lh ,1 hom,

r\fter wdlUng tlll'OUgh Lhe tl11l n JI, IlldllV ... tral1~(f'
thing.,> Ilélppeneu w A!lC(' Olle day, ::.he I11l:'t ,1 L1I1ICOrn
What 15 tl115 stl'illlge creaturc?' (he unicom ClSked it~
phoenix ¡,
frictld T h<1t iS glrJ. rcplied thi'! hiend, Ah said tllC
ul1lcorn.1 thollglll llmt girls wel"!' l1lagical dllirtlals I
did Ilot kllm".' tllallheywen: reill'f\llce t !len spoke.A.t ld
2 Read the article about unicorns and put the 11 hOllght thélt l.micol'ns were Illagiúllt sllL' Sdld Wel!, If
paragraphs in the correct order, m
.vOL! lJt'lll've 111 me. believe JI1yOlt said the lmico\1l,

1 2 3 4

_---1 J

.' 51 Listen and check,

3 Find these words in lhe article and underline the

best definition.

a) existed (paragrnph 11 )

were real / were not fea 1

b) creature (para~mplz B)

human I animal

myth (Iwragraplz e)

a true story / an untrue story DI

d ) diseases (pnrngmph D ) Fit'ty year<; ]wfore LeWls Can'ol! vvrotl' his sLories
medicines / illnesses dl"lOut ¡\l!ce. mc1l1y pt'ople stT1l bl'heved 111 the myth of
ll/lICOI'l1S, DragoJ1s and phoenixes weJ"(' aJso ver)' real
4 Read the article again and answer the questions. 111 somo peorJes l11intl.." BW in LIle (~flrly nineteenlh
a) When did Slrange things happen to Alice? ('en! ury. L1 rn'llc¡' $cienllst , B,lrClIl CLNier Wf1Cl ::;tw:üeu
After walking trought the mirror. tlinosaurs. showed lhllt UniCOl'tb otlly existt'd 111 lile
lmagini1lI01l. For 11 Lll1urccb of vpars before rhl)t, thil1g-;
b) Why was the unieom sw-prised lo see Allce?
"vere very difterem
Because it thought that girls were magical.
e) Whe.n did people stop believing in unicoms?
In the nineteenth century.
Ul1 iCO\"1l 110m W<lo; cXITrlllely expensive. Ver)' rirh
d ) In what way were the descriptions of Caesar people had élt IPost OI1P horn 111 thelr homes ami
and Polo dj fferent? do([or.;; pUl it ill medicines Pt'ople IhOlI, It cCHlld
They didn´t agree about the head. (llre mosl- dlseases, Tflf'se l10ms were pl'('Jbably the
horn~ of d Ildf1lvhal. d Imgc :)~d il1l1111i11 thflt looks bke
e) Which animal did Marco Pajo really see? a whale wlLh a 110m Stories about Llllicorns were
A rhinoceros. also popLllar 111 t1wny oi tJ,es(' <:tories, Lhe unicorn is el
f) How did people use to use unicom hom? dangerm.¡s f111imal that berOll1e.¡ cfllm wl1l'1l it is wlth
<111 W1t11fltTied gi rL
They used it in medicines.

66 :-- _ ÚN .-¡ '111 Animals

Linking: giving examptes
Givíng opinions
1 Look at the web posting below and choose the best pet for Bitl from the photos opposite.

I am a retired ma nager. I am 74 years o ld,

but I am in very good health. I have been
a littl e lonely since my w ife died and I am
sometimes frightened in the house on my
own . I live in th e country and enJoy going for
walks. I don't like cats but I love a ll other
an ima ls. What pet do you recommend?
8ill Bowell

2 Now read the reply be]ow. Ooes the writer agree

with you? Do you both have the same opiuions?

In my opinion , the best pet for Bi ll is a dogo Many

5 Complete the first sentence so that iI is lrue for
you. Then use your imaginatíon to complete the
dogs make very good friends and Sill wil l feel less
other sentence .
lonely. I also th ink that there are other good reasons
tor getting a dog oFor ínstance , 8111cou ld take it <1) In my apinion, cats are / are not very good pets.
with him when he goes for a walk , and a dog could b) It seems to me that _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __
protect hlm In his home.
It seems to me that a dog Is really the on ly
e) 1 also Lhink lhat _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _
possibllity. Cats are out of the question beca use
Bi l! doesn't liI~e them . Ani mals like goldfish and
tortolses don't rea lly communi cate, and I don't t hink d) 1 don't think that _ __ __ __ _ _ __
they wil! improve his life. In my view, a dog is the
best ch oice. It will solve Bill's prob lems and make
him a happier mano
e Inmyvjew, _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _

6 Read the web posting below and choose the best

3 Filld words in the reply aboye lo replace the words pet for Zoe.
in italics.
a) 1 can ' t understand sorne pe ple's choice oI pets. Help me choose a pet
My brother-i.n-Iaw, for I!. amplc, ha él .a ke. I am twe lve years old and I share a room with
b) ame film stars hnve strang peta, ~/ld l as pigs my brother, Arthur. Arlh ur has got a pet mouse
and Ugers and I want a pet, too . I want some lhing cute
and fluffy. We live in a tweI ftl'¡ floor tlat In central
4 lnsert Ule word in brackets in the corred place Manchester. My parents have agreed that l ea n
and rewrite the sentences. have a pet, but they have told me that l must
a) Som ani.mals are vely heap to loak afte.r. A laok after it. They don't like anima l s and it must
goldlish e sts almo t nothing. (for xample) stay in my room.

b) Young ehildren love baby animals puppies and Zoe Houseman

kittens. (like)
el Have you thought of getting something origina t 111

a11 iguana? ( uch a )

d) Sorne people are allergic to cats. My father can't Write a short reply and explain which pel you
g0 near them. (far in tance) thlnk is best. Give your rea 0115.

Animals 67

Grarnmar 3 Underline the corred verb fonn.

a) The best .films are made / make in Lhe USA
1 Read the sentences.ln each case, tick (.1') whlch b) The most frjen dly people in the world
happened fusl, a) or b ). are found / find in Med iterranean countries.
1 II WI/S ll/te when 1 got home becaL/se 1had worked e) French restaurants are cooked / rook the
la te at the offiee . wOf ld 's best food.
a) 1 go t horneo b) 1 worked late at the office. ,/
d) The fas test cars are usually driven / usua1Jy
2 When J had had a qllick IIIm/, 1 watched 1/ seary film drive by meno
0/1 the TV
e) The m ost important political changes
a) 1 ha d a meal. b) 1 watched a film.
happened / were happe.ned in th.e 1990s.
3 I went 1'0 bed as SOO1) as the film lUld finislred.
f) The world 's best paintings were done / do in
a) I went to bed . b) The film finis hed.
the nineteenth century.
4 1 smu a yellow light at my wimiow after / had
got into bed. Tick (,/) the sentences that you agree with.
a) 1 saw a yellow light. b) 1 got .mto bed,
5 When the light had gone muay, 1 heard a
4 Pul the verbs in brackets into tbe past simple
strange voice.
tense. In each sentence, one verb is active and the
a) The light went away. b) 1 heard a voice. other is passive.
6 1felt very frightened after the voice had spoken. a) My shoes weI'e made (make) in Portugal,
a) 1 felt fri ghtened. b) The voiee spoke. but r bought (buy) them in Italy.
b) D Ie English played (play) very well
2 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or
past perfecto but the ga me was won (w in) by Brazil.
In 1887, Lucy Dodson (1) was (be) in bed e) read (read) the book in E.11glish, but
when she (2) heard (hear) a voice call her it was written (write) in Italian.
name. She (3) realised (realise) that it was d) The cheetah was caught (eatch) only when
the voice of her mother who (4) _ _ _died
had _ __ it stopped (stop) for a rest.
(dje) 16 years before. She (5) looked (look)
e) She was given (give) a fur hat for her
up and (6) saw (see) tha t her moth er had
birthday, bu t she didn´t like (not like) ü.
two small children in her arms. The ghost
(7) asked (ask) Luey to look after the 5 Underline tbe correct altemative.
children beca use they (8) had lost (lose) their Line a lS yoUI heart line. WiU1 a very long Line, you
rnother. Lucy (9) took (take) the children (1) might / will probably have
a happy lave life wi th one
ín to her bed. The nexl moming, the bed was ernpty
persono With a broken line,
and the ehildren (10) had gone (go). Two days you (2) definitely / might
later, Lucy learnt that her sister-iJl-law have more than one partner.
(11) had died (die) that same night, leavin g Line b is your head line.
two small children. She later (12) _learned
__ _ __ Wi th a long, strong line, you
(3) will / won't definitely
(leam) tha t her mother 's ghost (13) _ had
__ visited
_ _ _
have no prob lems w ith your
(visit) her just two hOUIS a rter her s.ister-in-Iaw's studies. With a shor t line, you
death. probably (4) might / won't do
very well al school.

52 Listen and check. Line c is your Ufe lineoWith a strong line, you

definitely (5) wiU / won't have any health prob lems.

With a broken line, there (6) mighl / probably be

many big changes in yOW' li fe.

68 UNIT I!I Incredi ble

4 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in
Exercise 3.
1 Complete the sentences with the woros in the box. a) CharUe C haplin's films a re absolu te1y _ hilarious
- 1can n ever top laughing.
do get go have make take b) 1 find physies very difficult to tand.
e) I love chocolate cake - it's absolute ly _ _ __
a) first l'll do rny homework, and then
d) l often ha ve an bsolutely _enormous
_ _ _ d inner on
1'U have a rest. SW1days - and then feel very full!
go have strange sport.
b) 1 decided to - - - for a drink and a e) J lhink that r ugby is a very _____
good time with my mends. f) t' m ah ays absolu tely _exhausted
_ _ _ after 1 d o the
take a lot of photos when m y housework.
e) 1 want to
get g) pretty
My tovvn looks very _ _ __ in lhe winter
friends m arried.
when it snows.
d) Twill take responsibili ty 1f w e
h) Sorne students in my cJ ass are ab olutely
_ _ _ at sp aking English.
e) ['ll do the shopping and then go for
Tick (.1) tbe sentences that ar true for you.
a walk.

f) 1'm going to
do sorne research so 1 d on/t Pronundation
__ _ an)' m i ' take .
1 Match the words in the box with the
g) I'm tryi1l.g to _ _ _ <1 living as an artist, but 1
make phonemic symbols.
don' l makemuch money.
h) 1 know r sh ould take m re risks in rn)' life art dear dun fog four

and have a go at doing something differ nt. guest how ice made

2 Underline the correct words i.n this weather

I ma t h
sn w work

a) / als / ice g) / hao/
Tomorra w ill start dry and (1) sun I sunny, but it
b) / gest/
guest h) /d1;:) /
w iU become (2) cloudy I fog later in the morning.
e) / sn <lu/ i) /m Id /
T h afternoon wiU be (3) duJI I storm and

d) / m<elf/ match j) / fog/
(4) wind I windy, with a possibil ity of (5) rain I four
rainy in the evening. Tuesday morning \'\fÍll be e) /o:t/ art k) /ro:/

(6) fog I foggy at firs t, with (7) freezing I snow f) / dAI / dull 1) / w3:k/
temperahrre of minus 1 or 2. In the afternoon,
(8) storms I stormy are possible in the south of the 2 Write the words in nonnalleHers.
country. Later in the week, there will be more a) /sto:m /
(9) rainjng I wet weather and some regions will
have (10) snow I snowing.
b) / rem /
e) /wart /
53 Listen and check. d) / sreú/
e) narf/
3 Put the adjectives in the box next lo the adjectives

f) /w3:ld /
with similar meanings.

g) / bjlt /
brillian t deLicious enflml OUS exhausted ) / br.¡uk;:m /

gorgeoLls hilarious impossible inered ible i) /I AV/

j) /faundl

a) big enormous

b) diffic ult
impossible 54 Listen and check.
e) funn y
d) good
e) p retty
f) strange
g) tasty
h ) tir d

Incredible UNir mi 69
Listening Anne: Have you seen tnís? lt says nere in t he
newspaper that four milliol1 Americans have
1 It ~
55 Cover the listening seript. Listen to the ad sorne kin d of experience wit h aliens from
eonversation and put the pictures in the order in another planet.
which they are mentioned.
James: Four million? 1 oon't beLieve it.
Anne: We ll , actually, it says that four milLion peopte
ti¡ink t hey've communicated with aliens.
It's not exact1y the same thing.
James: Oh well. rn aybe, but 1 still dan't beheve it.
What did they do? Did t hey speak to four
milhon people and ask them?
Anne: 1 don't know. It doesn't say, Bul a lot of
peop le believe some very strange things.
James: Ves, ti ke ¡¡ lLthose peo pLe who think that the
Egyptia n Pyramids were built by aliens.
Anne: Oh , yeso 1 read ¡¡ book abo ut that. Il said that
humans didn't have t he technology thousands
of years ago to bUlld the m.
James: 1 don't t.hink the archaealogists agree with
that. But 1 guess sorne people just beLieve
what they want to believe.
Anne: What do you mean?
James: We ll, like alt those people who believe in
Anne: Oh. that's just a bit of fu n. 1 like readi ng
my horoscope fro m time to time.
J ames: Yes, but yo u don't do what lt says! 1 read an
amele about a survey in Britai" whit:h says
thal more than half lhe people in the country
believe in their horoscopes!
Anne: No! No one rea lly belíe\les in it. It's just fun.
James: 11's expenSlve fun. The artiele said that so me
of lhose horoscope websites make milLions of
pbunds every year
Anne: Wow !
2 Listen again and match the topies in Exercise 1 James: U's incredible, ;sn't it? And t hen , there are all
(a- e) to the phrases below those people who be lieve in magic. Especi.llly
1 four million Americans ~) si nce the Horry Potter films.
2 humans didn't have the technology Anne: No one believes in that!
3 Ws a religíon James: I'm not say¡ng that people believe that
r~ Harry Potter is rea l. But it seems that more
4 millions of pOlmds cvery year

and more people believe in magic and are

5 more than ha lf thc people in Britain
becomi ng witches. It's a relig ion.
6 not exactly the same lhing
Anne.· You're pulLing my leg!
7 absolutely ridiculous
James: Anyway, you know what the..strangest
since thc HlTrry Potler film belief is?
Anne: What'~ that?
3 Find the following phrases in the script
James: 1 read that t here are people who don't believe
and explain what it refers too
in globa l warming. They think it's alt untrue.
a) 1 don't believe it.
Anne: Now, Lhat's absoLute ly ridiculQus!
Tit e rae' 'Ital (our millíoh Ameríc411s hCltle had
somt! k.il1d oi al/el! expcl'ience
b) It said that humans didn'[ have the teclmology. d) It's incredible, isn' t it?

e) U's jus t fun. el n,ey think it's aU unlrue.

70 UNI' liI lncredible

Writing 2 The sentences below come from descriptions of
other bnildings. Use the paragraph plan from
Organising a text Exercise 1 and decide if they come froro paTagraph
1,2 or 3.
Using prepositionaL phrases
a) lt's a built on a hill overlooking Athens.
Describing a building
b) TI1e entranee is in a glas pyramid in a
1 Read the description of Rila Monaste.ry and put entral sguare.
the topics in the corred order in the paragraph e) The walls are made of glass and metal and shine
plan below. in the sun.
d) The pala e was designed by Palladio in the
hístory inside location outside seventeenth cen tury.
e) The m ost in teres ting room is fuli oi hW1dreds
PnJ'{lgrnplz 1 of rnirrors.
a) f) The castle is sUrTounded b ,dark forest
3 Read the description of Rila Monaste.ry again.
Pnmgmph 2 Find pIaces to insert the adjectives in the box .
attraetive fabulous gorgeolls
Pnrngra ph 3
ineredible interesting

R.lla MOfTaslerH 1:; OI1e a{ Ihe It!osl bealAliful blAildÚIBS

R LA Mo ASTE y 1/1 Ihe !I/hole (J{ Bull/a,·la. lJ is :;{/lIaled il1 Ihe

[abolioas R.ila MOlll1lalns 1/1 ¡IJe ¡ves' (Ji' ¡he cOlAfl/ry.

Rila Mona ery i. onc of mt: mo ·t b uilding
in lhe whol uf Bulgaria. Ir i situ ated in rhe Ril a
4 Thin.k of an interesting bu.ilding that you know
Moun!ains in me w~sr 01' rhe cou lltry. Ir was built in ch e
and complete the sentences beIow.
founcenth centul')', bu t was de troycd in a fire . It was
latel' rebuilt it is now a museum. a) 1t 15 si tuated in ...
Tht! roaJ ro lh~ m o nastery follows a p retty valley b) TI1e road to ... follows ...
th rough the lorest. Afte r parking me car in the car park,
e) Around .. . is .. .
you go t.hrough two large doors II1to the mooastcry.
M ost people are nor prepared for t he beau ry o f wh at d) In the centre oi ... is ..
they see i nside. e) Behind ... you ean see ...
i n the centre of rJ1C mo nastery is rhe churcl1. Its
walls are covt![cd with beautiful pain tings t har how 5 Write a description of a building that you know.
n:.ligious .cenes. Bthind tb is y() U can fi no d shop that
Use Ule paragraph plan in Exercise 1 and try to
selLE souverü . r und rhe churcb 00 aH four sides
indude the words and phra es in Exercises 2-4.
hu ild ings wh ere rhe m on.ks u ed to are black
and white, and in one comer, you CHn vi~it a mo nk's

Incredible U ,N 1 T 71

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