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ICTM II1, 2005/2006
Project proponent: Africa online

Company: Africa online(T) Ltd

Duration of the project: 3 month

Total cost: $ 10557.

Project starting date:2rd October 2006




STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM…………………………………………………….1.1

RESEARCH QUESTIONS ……………………………………………………..1.2

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ……………………………………………………...1.3

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY …………………………………………………….1.4

THE SCOPE OF THE STUDY …………………………………………………….1.5

LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY ……………………………………………………..1.6


LITERATURE REVIEW ………………………………………………………..2.0




RESEARCH METHODOLOGY …………………………………………..3.0

DATA COLLECTION METHODS ………………………………………….3.1

TYPE OF DATA………………………………………………………………………..3.2

The Government of Tanzania try to encourages the growth of information technology
through increase number of student pursuing IT and computer in higher learning, Also
the Government cancel the computer importations tax as necessary process to enable the
country to keep fast changes in technology, economy and development. Use of computer
network is not only basic tool on this new technology but it has to be well performed and
managed hence the term network management rise.

The term Network management means different things to different people. In some
cases, it involves a solitary network consultant monitoring network activity with an
outdated protocol analyzer. In other cases, network management involves a distributed
database, auto polling of network devices, and high-end workstations generating real-
time graphical views of network topology changes and traffic. In general, network
management is a service that employs a variety of tools, applications, and devices to
assist human network managers in monitoring and maintaining networks.


The early 1980s saw tremendous expansion in the area of network deployment. As
companies realized the cost benefits and productivity gains created by network
technology, they began to add networks and expand existing networks almost as rapidly
as new network technologies and products were introduced. By the mid-1980s, certain
companies were experiencing growing pains from deploying many different (and
sometimes incompatible) network technologies.

In the third world countries network technology invented in the 1990s, the technology
thus still a lagging phenomenon to the majority of the African countries’ companies,
institutions and organizations with Tanzania being the case and thus lacking clear
management and performance.

Although, some few Tanzanian companies have started to gain the success on this new
technology. But the question now comes on the benefit ail performance and secure
management of this technology to the Tanzanian companies and organizations. Since data
and information on a networks are vulnerable to many risks, and more than 80% of all
problems confronting the world on this “era of science and technology” computers are
associated in large percent with computer networks. As written by Duck & Read (2003)

“No system is totally secure. Even a local, isolated system is prone to some insecurity.”

A network technology being a major factor towards organisation’s goals attainment,

many tanzania organisations fails to achive their goals though may have the computer
network. the barriers to this failure is practically the lack of effective network
performance and management to control and secure data and information within the
tanzania organisations

Despite of the importance of the network management and performance Tanzania

organizations performance and accountability theirs number of problems affecting the
network management and performance these mainly concern the network failure, illegal
access of networked shared files and resources, on-transfer data loss, misuse of
networked resources and services to virus transmission.

Some of common problems encountered here are ,Lack of knowledge since majority of
Tanzanians are still reluctant with this era of science and technology including the
network technology, Poverty which inhibit the ability of buying equipments, software’s
and even importing experts.

Also, Network performance in Tanzania organizations is still not at the expected level.
these usually led by, Low bandwidth like the University of Dar es salaam has low
bandwidth compared to number to the number of users. Inefficiency service (e.g.
uninsurable internet service) provided by many INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS
(ISP) like CATS and RAHA.COM hinder networks communication. Poor transmission
media like cables, switch hubs and routers.

As Networks have become more complex as businesses adopt new applications and
technologies for sustaining competitive advantage, Managing application and network
performance is daunting.. Often each technological addition requires a new tool to
manage its performance. This can produce a confusing collection of disparate data
sources and management tools, each solving only a piece of the network management
puzzle. Chaotic situations like this can impede IT access to meaningful information and
result in an unacceptable cost of network ownership to many organization.

The proposed network Performance Solution here, has to cuts through network
complexities and lowers the total cost of ownership by giving a cohesive view into the
multitude of applications and technologies that comprise the business services traversing
today’s enterprise networks. Key performance management disciplines, application and
network monitoring, capacity planning, troubleshooting, fault prevention, and service
level management, are to be fully integrated into a single management application,
Performance Manager, providing a total network view and empowering IT departments
to deliver more efficient network performance to the organizations.

Basically this study aims at solving the following research questions as the computer
network management and performance concerned: -

 How will the company or organization benefit from the network technology? It
has at hand?
 Is it well managed? And/or manageable?
 Is it performing as required?

 What are the objectives of network management to control complex data in the

 What are the problems that are facing network administrators in particular and the
general staff in managing the network?

 How will the network administrator provide good data security?

 What and how are the network management tools used by the systems
administrators in ensuring effective performance of a network?
And to what extent are these tools effective in managing and administering the

 Does the company or organization have any network policy?

 How do these rules and procedures used to improve and maintain the
network management and performance?


The study concern to the following objectives: -

 To examine the effectiveness, capabilities and need of the clear network

management in improving company's or organization's performance.

 To find out whether systems or network administrators have been able to achieve
their intended objective of ensuring that networks are protected against all forms
of risks such as network failure, data loss, virus transmission and infection,
misuse and illegal access of organization’s sensitive data, resources and services,
power problems etc.

 To understand the capabilities of Tanzania organization. in managing and

performance computer network used in the organization and give advice where
 To explore, encourage and suggest the use of network technology for improving
production of an organization.
 To identify common problems and risks affecting computer networks
management and performance,
 Identify their impacts to the organization.
 To discover the best solutions to these problems
 Training staff member’s ways of avoiding these.


The significance of the study is: -

 The study will enable the researcher to meet the partial requirement of the
successful award in Information Technology at the Mzumbe University

 The findings are also expected to benefit companies and organizations of

appertaining using network technology through enabling to rectify and make
adjustment to the areas of weakness in the whole system of the network and
provide a clear picture on how it can improve its network management and

 It will enable the researcher to have practical experience through comparison

between theoretical aspects and actual practice in the network field.

 This also assist to identify problems affects management and performance the of
computer network and suggest best ways to deal with them.

 .It will generate new knowledge to the world of network technology and stimulate
other interested researchers to conduct further studies and provide them the
potential knowledge about the area of his study.


The study will focus on management and performance of computer network used in the
organisation. Also it will explain in little other type of network technology associated to
management and performance as put forward by the Open System Interconnection (OSI)
these are network security, configuration, accounting and fault management.

The study will concentrate on answering research objectives in the organization which
will be used as a case study.


I n the research work researcher may face the following limitations.

Time constrain.
The time given for fieldwork is limited to seventeen weeks; this is not enough to collect
all data required for the study
Confidentiality and accessibility of Data
Confidentiality of data to be provided may also limit the study because some data will not
be found .Also some companies restrict outsiders from accessing their computer network
and database as well. Therefore leads to lack of enough and relevant data for the study.

Financial support
The funds provide for the study is very meager. As the researcher is going to undertake a
critical survey it will be cost full as compared to the fund available to conduct such
This Financial constraints associated with collection of data such as food,
accommodation, transport, stationary and preparation of research report is highly limit
the researcher to do as he/she wish.

Uncooperative Respondents

Poor cooperation from respondents because they:-

: Lack the ability to respond.
: Refuse to respond.
: Are not at the required place.
: Are in accessible
Distance factor
The big distance supervisor and the student is another limitation to the study, this hinder
deliver of immediate assistance and close supervision and advice from supervisor when
need arises.

Lack of experience

Ever since the researcher will be newly to the field he or she may not be in a position to
perform his or her task comfortably as compared to those with experience.

A network known as a collection of computers and devices connected together via

communications devices and media. Networks allows to share resources, such as
hardware, software, data and information. it can be relatively small or large.

Relatively, Pulschen et al, (1991, p. 278) defines network as a system that sends and
receives data and messages enabling two or more computers to communicate each other.
A computer network is created when data communication channels link several
computers and other devices, such as printers and secondary storage devices.

The network is divided into three major types: Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area
Network (WAN) and Metropolitan Area Network (WAN)

A local area network (LAN) is a network that connects computers in limited geographic
area such as a school computer laboratory ,an office ,or a group of closely positioned
 Each computer or device on the network is called a node
 The nodes are connected to the LAN via cables
 A wireless LAN (WAN) is a LAN that uses no physical wires ,but wireless media
such as radio waves.
 A network operating system is the system software that organizes and coordinates
the activities on a LAN.
 The two kinds of LAN are peer-to-peer network and client/server network.

A wide area network (WAN) is a network that covers a large geographic area such as one
that connects the district offices of an enterprise across the country or across several
countries in the world.

 Computers are often connected to a WAN via public networks such as the
telephone system or by desiccated lines or satellites.
 A WAN can be one large network or can be made up of two or more LANs
connected together.
 The internet is the world’s largest WAN. In other word it’s the network of
networks. millions of computers all over the world are connected through the
The use of computer network has several advantages and disadvantages as well, Some
Advantage of using the computer network are:-
 Facilitates communications because people can communicate efficiently and
easily via e-mail, instant messaging, chat-rooms, telephony and video
 Reduce cost by sharing hardware (i.e. A printer) and software (e.g. using a
network version or site license of a programs)
 Sharing data and information stored on other computers on the network.
 Allow tight control over who has access to what data.

Some disadvantages of using computer network are:-

 The hardware, software and expertise required to set up a network can be

 Networks are vulnerable to security problems like hacking of information and
viruses attack.
 .if the server fails to work the computer network may also fail to work.

The process of controlling network to perform well for improving efficiency and
productivity of an organization is known as Network management. This term is more
than just controlling the network ,it requires planning, allocating, deploying, coordinating
and monitoring the network resources as explained by different authors. in different ways
but both lie on same meaning.

According to Caelli, J. et-al (2000) says, “.. Network management is the process of
controlling complex data so as to improve efficiency and productivity, once the problem
occurs try to find the source of problem to recover the problem at hand ….“

Also, the British author, Duck & Read (2003) put that: -

“ management system must include the monitoring of network’s performance,

handling failures when they occur and reconfiguring the network as a response to such

More over, Stalling W. (2001) explains that :-

“ Management station will have to do the following ensuring complex data are
(i) Set of management application for data analysis and fault recovery
(ii) An interface by which the network manager may monitor and control the
(iii) The capability of translating he network manager’s requirements into
actual Monitoring and control of remote elements in network


The Open System Interconnection (OSI) has contributed a great deal to network
standardization ,which specified the overall network management framework for the OSI
model and gave general introduction and understanding to network management systems.
The model consists of five conceptual areas, as discussed below.

2.2 Configuration Management

The goal of OSI configuration management concern monitoring of network and system
configuration of information so that the effects on network operation of various versions
of hardware and software elements can be tracked and managed. . Also deals with
improving or enhancing the network in terms of its functions or adding new features in
the system.

Configuration management involves the following steps:-

(i) The collection of data concerning the current configuration of network

(ii) Use this information to modify your network.
(iii) Keep this information for future use and/or references.

Each network device has a variety of version information associated with it. An
engineering workstation, for example, may be configured as follows:
 Operating system, Version 3.2

 Ethernet interface, Version 5.4

 TCP/IP software, Version 2.0
 NetWare software, Version 4.1
 NFS software, Version 5.1
 Serial communications controller, Version 1.1
 X.25 software, Version 1.0
 SNMP software, Version 3.1
Configuration management subsystems store this information in a database for easy
access. When a problem occurs, this database can be searched for clues that may help
solve the problem.

Fault Management

Fault management is important feature of any network management for detection of

faults, log, notify users and automatically fix network problems, repair and restoration of
the system. to keep the network performance effectively. Fault management is the most
widely implemented of the ISO network management elements, Because faults can cause
downtime or unacceptable network degradation.

Fault management involves the following steps:-

(i) Detection of faults symptoms, isolating the problem. and passing on of error
In this first step in fault management, faults is detected and an alarm is set to
indicate the presence of fault. A good indicator alerts a problem before it gets too big
and helps recognition of ways to fix the problem. Then affected part is isolated to
prevent prolong effects to the whole system
(ii) The problem is fixed and the solution is tested on all-important
After problem detection and isolation the system restored to its normal operating
condition. This involves two processes:-

(a) Fall back switching which involves the replacement/fixing of a failed device by
an immediately available back-up
(b) Testing the fixed equipment step by step on all-important subsystems
to check whether it functions in its proper way.

(iii) Updating and documentation.

Lastly, after successful first steps of detection, isolation, fixing of problem and testing
for proper performance the network should be updated to effect the changes.
Documentation also is very important to be done for future reference.

2.2 Performance management

Performance is an aspect of network management concerned with the monitoring of the

network for optimal functioning. It deals with the monitoring and collection of data
concerning the current performance of network resources in an open system and
generation of performance error reports.
Performance management deals with measuring and making available various aspects of
network performance so that internet work performance can be maintained at an
acceptable level.

Performance management involves three main steps

(a) Monitoring the throughput

First, the amount of data that can be transmitted per unit time is gathered on variables of
interest to network administrators

(b) Data analyses and Response time

On this data is analyzed to determine normal (baseline) levels and measure of the speed
of operation of the system. It can be defined as the time between an operator (user)
sending a request and receiving the feedback of the request.

(c) Availability

The appropriate performance thresholds are determined for each important variable so
that exceeding these thresholds indicates a network problem worthy of attention. In most
networks, system availability is the important measure of the amount of time that a
system is available for use and can be accessed by users.

Each of described step is part of the process to set up a reactive system. When
performance becomes unacceptable because of an exceeded user-defined threshold, the
system reacts by sending a message. Performance management also permits proactive
methods: For example, network simulation can be used to project how network growth
will affect performance metrics. Such simulation can alert administrators to impending
problems so that counteractive measures can be taken.

Accounting Management

The goal of accounting management is to measure network utilization parameters so that

individual or group uses on the network can be regulated appropriately. Such regulation
minimizes network problems (because network resources can be apportioned based on
resource capacities) and maximizes the fairness of network access across all users.
Security Management

As pointed out in Microsoft (2004) that :- …‘Networks are subject to hacking or illegal
access, so shared files and resources must be protected..’…..This implies that network
management has to be implanted to control access to network resources according to
local guidelines so that the network cannot be intentionally or unintentionally sabotaged.
Also sensitive information can be accessed with appropriate authorization only

Duck & Read (2003) also explain about the network management by saying that.
” No systems are totally secure. Even a local isolated system is prone to some insecurity
and such problems are multiplied as the size of the network increases. An open system is
therefore is particularly vulnerable in this respect. ”

According to Douglas I.J and P.J. Olson (1986), the control and security of the network is
vital as threats may be present due to the geographical areas in which parts of the network
are located.

Under these geographical areas, we’ve three most essential security aspects namely:-

(i)Physical Security:

This largely refers to the controlling access to computer systems and data by restricting
access to the computer room.

(ii)Logical Security:

This refers to the introduction of logical access security systems to protect

communication networks against physical threat. Doyle, S makes an emphasis under this
aspect in the sense that logical security access control ensure that access through
computers and terminals to an organization’s data, programs and information is
controlled in some way so that only authorized access is allowed (2000, p. 214).

(iii)Network Security:

Most organizations make use of computer networks. This raises many additional security
problems such as hacking and tapping.
Accounting management

Accounting management aims to measure network utilization parameters so that

individual or group users on the network can be regulated appropriately. The regulation
minimizes network problems, hence network resources can be apportioned based on
resource capacities it also maximizes the fairness of network access across all users.
Accounting management is useful in assigning with the planning of future network
development and expansion, Helping users to make more efficient use of network. And
Detection of inappropriately users in network.


This chapter aims at explaining the tools and procedures of collecting data research
design, sampling techniques, method of data collection and research techniques will be

Research Design

To accomplish the study, the survey study research design will be adopted in data
collection process through questionnaires, interviews and observation because the
validity of the findings will be relevant to the study.

Research Techniques

This study will use both quantitative and qualitative research techniques, while
quantitative technique will produce numerical data, qualitative will result in information
that can best be narrated in words. This is so because the nature of the study and the
information to be collected require both two types of techniques


The target population will be based on the selected case study in conducting this
research. The findings will be reflected or applied to all other organizations of the same
nature. It is therefore the expectations of the researcher that the findings generated from
this study will be used for generalization purposes.


Random sampling and judgmental procedure will be used, The sample will be drawn
from IT department and other staff members associated to use computer network in the

The arrangement to be used will depend on size of the sample, here the non probabilistic
sampling technique will be used. Like Quota Sampling,where an individuals representing
their respective groups will be selected In this type of sampling items will be selected on
purpose according to their appropriateness in relation to the study

. sample size
The targeted sample will depend on number of staff performed in the area of study
mainly those who are working in IT department.


This will involve the following;

This method will be used to collect primary data by asking questions from respondents.
This will be a semi-structured interview using open-ended questions. The method will be
used to a limited number of respondent’s in particular key staff.
The researcher will conduct interviews within the organisation itself as well as to a
small group of selected customers. This will enable getting respondent’s opinions
relevant to the research

The reason as to why the researcher plans to use this method is that: -

. Flexibility
The researcher can repeat or refine the question when the response indicates that the
respondents misunderstood it and the fact that people who are unable to read and
write can still answer questions in an interview.

. Non-verbal behaviors
The interviewer is present to observe non-verbal behaviors. This will assist him or
her to assess the validity of respondent’s answers.

Control over the environment

An interviewer can standardize the interview environment by ensuring that the
interview is conducted in a private, non-noisy place, and last but not least

No cheating
The required respondent gives answers, and no body answers on behalf, hence no

The reseacher will also use a schedule of questionnaires as a tool of gathering data and
information in his study. A prepared set of closed and open-ended questions will be
administered by the researcher to respondents, who would be required to fill in answers..

This is the primary technique for collecting data on non-verbal behaviors.It will involve
going through and working with staff in various sections dealing with the network
technology. The information will be collected relating to attitudes, behaviors and
awareness of respondents in the difficulty area .Also this will be an opportunity to gain a
deeper understanding on what is happening in the organization associated to network
management and performance.
This involve the collection of data through organization’s documents such as reports ,
letters, memos,journals and other documents like organisation’s website.


In conducting the research the researcher will collect both primary and secondary data.

Primary Data
These are fresh data from the survey collected by researcher through observation,
questionnaires and interview. These data will be more emphasized as it increases the
validity and reliability of data to be collected.

Secondary Data
These are data which will be used by researcher but have been collected by others. This
will include magazines, newspaper, IT manuals, reports , websites and internet searching.


The data to be collected will be well analyzed, coded and tabulated by

using both qualitative and quantitative methods in order to come with the
logical results..

1. Duck M and R.Richard (2003)

Data Communications and Computer networks for Scientists and
Engineers, (2nd edition), Prentice-Hall of India private Limited, New Delhi.
2. Kenneth, C. and Jane, P. (2002): Using Information System, (7th Edition),
New Delhi: Mohan Makhijan Publisher
3. Stalling, W. (2000): Data and Computer Communications, (6th Edition),
New Delhi: Pearson Education, Inc
4. Caelli, W.J. (1998): Computer Security In The Age Of Information, New
York: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V..
5. Hofstettter, T.F (1998), Internet and computer networking , Mc-Graw-Hill,
New York
6. Nell, P. Windows 98 Accelerated MSCE study guide, Mc-Graw-Hill,
New York.
7. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia CD (2004)

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