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Table Of Contents

introduction 1

ready to ascend 4

Intention and Awareness 13

who we really are 25

self-love 35

Healing with energy 44

Boost your vibration 61

Changing Your Mindset 69

stand in your full power 76

heartfelt words 81
You are really blessed to have been picked to take
part in a fascinating divine experiment in the realm
of creation. You should be grateful. Ascension into
the fifth dimension on this planet has never occurred
before, and it will never occur again in the future. In
third-dimensional conscious consciousness, you can
see, feel, hear, taste, and touch the things that are
physically present in your physical-material reality.
Our planet is transitioning out of this state.

The journey will take you through the fourth and fifth
dimensions of conscious awareness, where even your
three-dimensional body will begin to evolve into a
lighter, faster, stronger, more powerful, and more
beautiful version of yourself.

DNA Awakening Youtube Channel wishes to express

their gratitude to the over 240,000 subscribers who
have seen their videos by providing you with a free e-
book edition.

Having this gift will truly prove to you how much

your DNA Awakening Youtube Channel appreciates
those of you who listen to their divinely directed
efforts to support humanity in ascending into the
fifth dimension in God's perfectly divine timeline.

You will become fully equipped with fifth-

dimensional conscious awareness in 12 months or
less if you continue to watch the DNA Awakening
Youtube Channel on a daily basis. You will exist in a
state of love and never fear again for the remainder
of your current 3D reality if you continue to watch
the channel on a daily basis.

By subscribing to the DNA Awakening YouTube

channel and allowing me to assist you in ascending
from 3D to 5D consciousness, you will be able to live
your life with infinite abundance and prosperity
thanks to the divine guidance from within that you
will receive in the 5th dimension.means that when
you climb to the 5th dimension, you will be able to
manifest the life of your dreams with ease.

As you prepare for this session, remove any
distractions from your environment because we will
be going deep within your body, mind, and soul so
that we can tap into the God who resides within your
heart center and is waiting for you to ask God your

ready to ascend

The ability to "ascend" is encoded inside our genetic
makeup. Because we have lived many lives, our
monad has the skills and information necessary to
ascend. A copy of this akashic record has been stored
dormant in our DNA for thousands of years. An
unclouded and healed body of light is required in
order to access this information, which in turn needs
a comprehensive set of instructions in order to be

This is the contradiction, the most extreme

manifestation of duality in this lifetime: we need
knowledge in order to locate the user's manual for
knowledge, and vice versa. Although the situation
seems bleak, there is still hope since each of us has a
unique key that opens the door of knowledge, which
includes our own particular ascension instruction

We made a decision in this game we call "life" that

when we incarnated into this physical form, we
would forget where we had hidden the key to
uncovering the truth from the beginning.

That we would love this tiresome game of hide and
seek, where we had to hunt beneath every yellow
brick that made up the route of life, must have been
utterly out of our thoughts, since we were absolutely
wrong. While preparing for this incarnation, we came
to the conclusion that we would have to provide
ourselves with a hint.

In order to do this, we determined that we would

reach a point in our lives when we would get
exhausted from lifting bricks and peering beneath
them, and that we would then take a seat and rest
under a great shade tree. Our hands and feet would
be aching from sitting beneath that shade tree, and
we would worry about how we would be able to
continue along this road of discovery.

Our thoughts of defeat would be interrupted by a

faint light emanating from the center of our chests
and lungs. With each successive downward gaze at
the lower chest region, we would see how the area
would begin to get brighter and brighter the more
we gazed at it.

With each passing second that we spent staring at it,
we started to forget about everything else that was
going on around us, even the fact that it had begun
to storm all around us, bringing rain, thunder, and
strong winds. It didn't matter how hard it rained; the
more we huddled together in the fetal position, the
brighter our light shone from our hearts as we curled
up into ourselves for shelter. In some ways, it's
similar to the "dark night of the soul."

The tighter we embraced ourselves, the less we were

impacted by anything else that was going on in our
environment. By keeping our heads in our chests, we
would be encompassed by the light emitted by the
beating of our hearts, and we would start to feel as if
we were floating on a cloud of light.

Music would flood our ears, and we would be filled

with a sense of wonder and happiness. In this state of
joy, we would forget everything that had occurred to
us up to this point, and we would desire nothing
more than to remain in this state of pleasure

After some reflection, we recognized that we had just
fallen asleep beneath the tree, lost in a dream, with
our heads bowed into our chests, and not really
fallen asleep. We would awaken to the realization
that it was late and that we hadn't eaten in a long
time, and our animal instincts for survival would take
over and we would perish.

We would no longer be preoccupied with stooping

down to see under bricks, but instead gaze ahead
along the curving route in quest of home and a hot
lunch instead. We managed to emerge from the
storm a little bit stronger, ready to face the
challenges of the next day.

The truth is pleasant to see, it is stable, and it is

comforting to be with it. We all have a cloud of light
within our hearts, and our heart chakra is the key
that opens the door of knowledge, which will teach
us how to recollect the route that goes back home.
That cloud of light, which has been termed "home," is
located inside each of us.

Ascension has been described in a variety of ways,
and it may mean various things to different
individuals. So, what exactly does ascension imply?
We are divine, cosmic, and uniquely human
manifestations of our Creator.

Our Creator needs to extend himself and experience

in order to come to terms with himself. The energy
field that is the Creator is so vast that it is unable to
travel across the universe, so the Creator sent out
particles of itself that had to be scaled down in size,
resulting in the formation of numerous monad
creator beings (monads are a kind of creator being).

Then those creative entities sent out particles of

themselves into souls, and the souls in turn sent out
a component of themselves into a physical body, and
the process continued. The experience of being
human is conveyed to and reflected back to the
Creator through the universe. When you follow the
thread of awareness that links you, the human, to the
entirety of who you are as a spark of the Creator, you
will accomplish ascension.

You will do this by bringing more of these particles
into your physical body, which will intentionally
increase your brightness. It is possible that portions
of the creator constructed our bodies so that we may
have this experience, but we must first uncover the
user's handbook for the human body.

It is behind the doorway inside our hearts that we

find the thread of awareness that ties us to our souls,
monads, and the Creator. Once the door is opened,
the human body serves as a vehicle for us to go
anywhere we wish to go with the support of our
higher selves. Once the door is closed.

Because of the alignment of the planets and stars,

every individual who has ever lived on this planet has
a unique chance to connect with the stream of light
that is now available to us at this moment. Upon
realizing what we have been put here to achieve and
rising from the ashes like a phoenix, the majority of
us want to get on with it and pick where we want to
go next.

Many stargates and wormholes may be opened by
our ascended light bodies, which will allow us to
return to familiar places to see old friends and soul
family, or to act as ambassadors to other worlds that
may benefit from our experiences in order to
progress on their own journey back to the Creator.
The possibilities are only limited by our ability to
imagine them.

It is possible to get knowledge about how to ascend

by reading a collection of secrets found in the
traditions of spiritual, occult, and metaphysical
activities. There are several methods and techniques
of ascension, and certain practices are more effective
than others for particular individuals. While this
series on how to ascend is not intended to be an all-
inclusive guide, nor is it intended to be the only
method to ascend, it does include some useful

It is symbolic of turning on the light in the corridor

of doors in order for you to locate your key when you
are locked out.


There is no race to the top, and the only constraints

that must be overcome are those that must be
overcome by the individual. Everyone will complete
the tasks they came here to do on their own
timetable, and we will gravitate toward people who
are vibrating at the same frequency as we are in
order to connect and migrate with them.

When it comes to ascension, how much "work" you

put in dictates the timing and development of your
ascension, which is also correlated with the increase
in the vibration of the planet, since we are made of
the same essence as she is as well.

Intention and Awareness

There are several twists, dips, potholes, and barriers
on the path to ascension. It is essential that you have
the aim of guiding your car with knowledge of the
risks and other routes in order to navigate this road
with the least amount of damage.

Everyone who has ever incarnated on Earth at this

time has already made up their minds about whether
or not they wanted to ascend before they were even
born.In fact, there are certain people who have made
the conscious decision not to ascend during their
current existence.

In addition to the many causes that our human

brains are unable to grasp at the moment, the
following are some examples:

• They were well aware that they would not be able

to complete the lessons or karma balancing required
for ascension, so they offered themselves in service
as unpleasant people in our lives in order for us to
overcome our karma associated with them.


• They agreed to take on the role of the dark for the

duration of the creator's investigation. Neither our
solar system, nor galaxy, nor universe, nor cosmos
belong to us.

As a spectator, it is possible that they have only had

a few previous lives. Since the ascension of the globe
and its life forms affects all life on earth, they are
here purely to aid people and the world in their
ascension. A major event like the September 11th
attacks or the Fukushima nuclear disaster provided
them with the opportunity to experience life as a
human being for whatever cause they chose.

Every single person who dies in one of these

calamities is claimed to have signed up for it prior to
their current physical incarnation; there are no
accidents. It is anticipated that these individuals will
remain on the planet until their missions are
completed, after which they will depart by the usual
method of dying—by lifting themselves out of their
human bodies.

Then there are others who have made the decision to
rise but have not yet done so. We also cannot pass
judgment on these individuals since there may be
valid reasons for their actions. A small number of
people may have decided to awaken at the very last
second in order to get the most out of their
experience in a free-willed, third-dimensional world.

Then there are some unfortunate individuals who

just knew that they would awaken at the hour that
they had set for themselves, but who did not
anticipate that the evil forces would be as effective in
their programming powers as they were.

Given the fact that you are reading this essay, there
is a good possibility that you have awakened and are
looking for the How to Ascend instruction manual.
Getting your task started requires first
communicating with the Universe and informing it
that you are ready to get started. This is done with
the best of intentions, and it should be supercharged
with emotion (energy in action) to ensure that it is as
successful as possible.

Once you have put your goal into action, it will be
critical for you to be aware of what is taking place all
around you. It is possible to speak your objectives out
loud and have them heard by all those who are ready
and eager to assist you via the use of the Laws of
Attraction, Manifestation, Vibrational Attainment,
and Gratitude.

Despite the fact that we are capable of achieving

many of our goals on our own, we always intended to
have help in our ascension. There are numerous
beings here to aid us, but they can only help us if we
ask them to. Until then, they are unable to help us.
Even though they are bound by universal rules, they
will do all in their ability to help you in any manner
they can.

In popular culture, they are referred to as our

guardians and angels. Regardless of what you name
them, it's perfectly OK. There are also numerous
space brothers and sisters of light who are either in
secret spacecraft orbiting the planet, in apparent
spaceships orbiting it, on the inner Earth.

The fact that we're being watched isn't a cause for
alarm; most people have a good amount of respect
for our privacy and can't see us going to the
bathroom or doing other potentially embarrassing

Your "prayer" should be written with care and

attention to detail; it should be unique to you and
your situation. In order to effectively communicate
your goals to the Universe, it's best to do it when in a
peaceful, semi-meditative state, with your heart
center open and ready to receive your intentions.

It is recommended that you mention the following

topics in your purpose manifestation speech:

1. Ask your guardian angels, spirit guides, and/or

space brothers and sisters of the light for white light
protection, and ask them to prepare to assist you in
any way they can.

2. Create a connection with your higher self, soul,

and monad.

3. Thank your Creator for the opportunity to serve as
a part of the Creator during this time on planet

4. Begin by asking for guidance in remembering how

to boost your vibration, as well as assistance with all
of your bodies (physical, emotional, spiritual, mental).

5. Request aid in adjusting the body in order to

extend more of the light of your soul into your pillar
of light.

6. Seek aid in gaining access to your own akashic

records, which include all of your tools and
experiences from all of your former and future

7. Ask for the ability to be graceful, compassionate,

joyful, loving, and anything else you want to manifest
in your daily life.

8. Intend or "command" that the DNA strands in your

body become active.

9. Request that your body be repaired and cleaned, as
well as that all of your extrasensory senses, including
your third eye, be awakened (pineal gland).

10. In your search for the truth, pray for wisdom.

11. Ask for confirmation and synchronicity to guide

you along your journey's journey.

Add whatever additional you feel compelled to

manifest, even acceleration, but only if you believe
you are up to the task of accelerated manifestation.
In order to remain on the road of ascension, we must
be conscious of our actions and our surrounding

The presence of clues and signals in our lives has

always been there for us, and some of us have taken
note of them, but we may have dismissed them as
mere coincidence. Once you begin to practice the
Law of Attraction and materialize your desires, it will
be critical for you to become more conscious than
ever of synchronicities.

Attend to what you are doing, what you are thinking,
and what you are feeling when a synchronistic
occurrence occurs. You may be surprised by what
you discover. If you are unable to limit your
reasoning down, don't get overly overwhelmed by
left brain thinking; instead, recognize that you have
asked for evidence that you are not alone on this
path and that you will receive it.

Every connection, no matter how painful, is a gift to

us in some way. Being in a relationship gives us the
opportunity to reflect on our own flaws as well as
those of our partner, which can be a good learning
experience for both of us. In order to progress, you
must learn to approach your life as if it were a stage
production. Make yourself comfortable on the
balcony and pay attention to your play.

How well can you notice patterns of recurrence in

your own behavior, activities, or programming?
These may very well be the issues that you need to
address, and the procedures for doing so will be
addressed in more detail later in this series.

Every second of every day, the earth is assaulted with
discordant frequencies in an effort to keep us numb
and dumbed down. As a precaution, you must turn
off as many transmitters of these very low
frequencies as possible until you have been cleaned
of these waves, healed, and safeguarded from further
harm from them. They exist in the form of television,
radio, wi-fi, and mobile phones, to mention a few of
the mediums over which we have some power.

Basically, you'll want to "unplug" and learn to live

with the least amount of interruption possible while
you move through the earliest stages of
consciousness and manifestation that precede the
actualization of your ascension.

However, you should do study to see how you may

reduce your susceptibility to continual
bombardment. The internet has become virtually a
requirement in our lives since it allows us to get
solutions to nearly any question with the simple
press of a search button.

Ideally, you should switch off the wi-fi and hard plug
yourself in, but as always, use your best judgment to
determine what feels appropriate for you.

Prepare yourself to listen to your inner direction

about what to do or where to go. Perhaps you'll be
drawn to a certain book at the bookshop, or you'll
have a strong urge to visit a powerful vortex in
Sedona, Arizona, as a result of your dreams. Watch
for hints and signals, then follow your heart's wishes
wherever it may take you.

There are several instances in which our existing

connections begin to crumble and new individuals
enter our lives.

No one, including yourself, had predicted that this

would be a simple task before you arrived. Simply
said, you must be devoted and prepared to do
everything it takes to complete your ascension
objective. We only have one chance to go out on a
high note in this Age of Aquarius, and we want to do
it like rockstars.


A life assessment without these items would not be

considered acceptable to us. Don't let spiritual
laziness cause you to fail yourself. There is no one
else who can help you with this.

There are a lot of individuals going through the same

thing you are, and the internet is a fantastic tool for
connecting with these people.

the Universe gives us rules that allow us to

materialize our wishes via the application of
intention by following these laws. For it to be
effective, purpose should be combined with real
feelings of thankfulness. Learning to see your life as a
play at the school of hard knocks might be beneficial
in identifying the issues that need your attention in
order to keep you on the right road. It is critical that
you do so.

Make a commitment to yourself throughout this time

of your awakening, and be prepared to undergo
adjustments. Continue to go forward by placing one
foot in front of the other.

who we really are

One of the most terrifying

things that some
individuals have to deal with is recognizing
themselves for who they really are.

It is our fear of losing our sense of self if we do not

have the titles that have been placed upon us by our
employers, or if we do not hold the titles of father or
child of someone about whom we are concerned.

Throughout our lives, we have been instructed to

"grow up and be someone," mostly as a result of
television shows and educational programs.

People who have not yet realized their own identity

will go to any extent to keep their thoughts occupied
and diverted until they do find their true identity.
Most of the time, these people will fill their calendars
with practically too many activities for them to
handle until they pass out at night, just to get up the
next morning and continue the process all over

When a person realizes that they are a spirit

experiencing a human experience, concerns about

the true purpose of existence begin to surface in
their minds. Eventually, the thoughts "Who am I?"
and "What is my life's purpose?"

arise in the mind of every person. In order to get to

the heart of who you are, you must first quiet your
ego-driven mind and block out some time in your
schedule to be alone with yourself.

going inside means being with yourself and your

higher self, and feeling yourself by relaxing the mind
and eliminating the clutter, which allows more room
for your higher ideas to enter your being.

Going inside is often accomplished via some type of

meditation. There are many different types of
meditation accessible to you, each with a different
set of goals in mind. In fact, there are so many that it
may be daunting and perplexing to test them all out
and figure out which one is the best fit for your

However, the best recommendation

is to just start
from scratch and design your own. The act of going
inside simply means hearing your real self—your
actual thoughts—as opposed to the banal chatter of
what you still have to accomplish on your to-do list
for the day or what you will eat for dinner that

Have you ever found yourself daydreaming? If so,

you're not alone. While driving, you may have noticed
that you were lost in contemplation and were not
paying full attention to the road in front of you. You
are perplexed as to how you have managed to drive
for the last several minutes without paying complete

Some people find that doing the tedious work of

washing dishes lulls them into a state of still
contemplation, and they fantasize about going on a
vacation somewhere they won't have to worry about
cleaning up after themselves. While awake, this kind
of meditation is known as "waking meditation."

That condition of being peaceful is a terrific method
of listening in on your own thoughts, but it isn't deep
enough to get to the point we're looking for in our
conversation right now.

Although it may seem counterintuitive, being able to

direct your thoughts to a state of self-acceptance
requires concentration. The importance of having a
quiet, uncluttered space to reflect on life cannot be
overstated. Nature or a quiet place in the house are
two options for those who want to relax in a peaceful
environment. It's possible to let your family and
friends know that you're taking some time off to
relax, and perhaps even post a notice on the door to
let them know you'd prefer to be left alone.

To begin meditating, follow these four steps:

choose a comfortable posture, close your eyes,

breathe deeply, and ground yourself. Sitting in a
lotus position isn't required for meditation, but it
might be helpful if you're looking to get deeper
within yourself without dozing off.


It is possible to sit on a chair or lie down on the bed

or the floor if you can't get into the pretzel posture.
Perhaps you might experiment with all three and
determine which one feels the most comfortable for
you. You may fall asleep if you lie down, which is OK.
However, if this happens often, you might want to try
sitting up.

Take a few deep breaths in through your nose and

out of your mouth as soon as you've settled in. To
sustain our bodies, we need to breathe. In order to
provide our brains with more oxygen, we need to
widen our lungs and breathe deeper. Clearing the
mind and calming the body are both made easier by
deep, deliberate breathing. For many, sighing is a
frequent occurrence. You're most in need of mental
clarity and tranquility at this point in time.

To regain your footing, you can use whatever

strategy you choose. Even if you're already in nature,
it doesn't hurt to ground yourself a little more. With
your legs and feet, you may think of yourself as a
tree, with your branches extending into the earth.

All of us are comprised of the earth's elements, so we
might visualize ourselves blending into them. We'll
be able to better explore ourselves if we're able to
keep our feet firmly on the ground.

Allow yourself to decompress and find your center of

gravity. Then sit back and enjoy the sensation of
being alive. Make adjustments to any part of your
body that feels tense or uncomfortable, and you'll be
able to relax. Afterwards, concentrate on what you
are thinking and feeling. When we allow certain
thoughts into our minds and then let them go as
quickly as they came in, we begin the process of
redirecting our minds.

This is the next phase in the process of going deeper

within. You'll have to shift your focus to your upper
chest. "Little me" is resting in your heart. Therefore,
think of yourself as that "little me." Observe and
experience what it's like to be one with your heart.
When you're done here, you'll finally know who you
are. Imagination can help you find a place of
tranquility inside yourself.

Some people have visions of sitting in a room they've
designed themselves. Make yourself at ease in your
sacred space and see what occurs. Allow yourself a
few deep breaths to bring yourself back into the
world as you slowly open your eyes. Nothing else
needs to be said. You've just experienced the delight
of delving within!

While you shouldn't expect anything new to come to

light as a result of your exploration, you shouldn't be
shocked if something interesting does. A tranquil,
loving experience may be all that some individuals
get from meditation.

Seeing colors and patterns, hearing voices

(sometimes your own), seeing your guides, and even
seeing pictures on a television-like screen are just
some of the experiences that are conceivable. As a
beginner, the biggest mistake you can make is
attempting to make one of these things happen.
There are no two experiences like this, and yours will
be unique as well. You can't let a lack of progress
derail your efforts, so keep your spirits up.

More practice will lead to quicker access to the still
waters of your heart's core. Assuming that your ideas
originate from within is the key to successful
meditation. As you spend time in your sacred space,
you will learn more about yourself. When it comes to
your own house, how comfortable are you there?
First and foremost, you must first love yourself in
order to be able to love others.

For a more in-depth experience, you can try

techniques like deep breathing, hand mudras,
chanting, or even ohming as well. Also, you can ask
your angels and guides for help. In a future episode,
we'll cover some of these topics in greater detail. For
now, let's get started!

In order to ascend, it is necessary to construct and

implement the steps according to your own
knowledge and intuition, rather than a
predetermined sequence. Having faith in your
intuition and following your gut feelings is the best
guidance you can have.

Finding a pattern that works best for you and letting
go of all the other thoughts that may be blocking you
from hearing your actual self speak or feeling your
feelings is the only way to meditate. There is no right
or wrong method for meditating. If you keep trying,
you'll succeed.


The moment you know that you are a spirit being
having a human experience and that you have the
ability to delve within and sense the presence of your
soul, you will also recognize that you are a spark
from the Source of "All that Is." In essence, you are a
part of the totality of existence, and you are
connected to it.

The Creator has a very high frequency of love

vibrating through him, and this is reflected in his
creation. The conclusion is that you are the very
definition of love. When we ascend, we must first
reconnect with our Creator in order to realize that
we are a part of the boundless love that exists.

Every one of us is connected to our creator by way of

a pillar of light that stretches vertically through each
of our chakras and unites us with him. In the same
way that our crown chakra connects us to our soul,
this chakra connects us to our monad, and eventually
to our creator (and perhaps even beyond that!).

Energy flowing through our hara line and down
through our bodies makes it possible for us to feel
connected to the Earth. However, despite the fact
that the labels "upward" and "downward" are linear
phrases that we use to describe things visually, this
relationship is primarily internal and all-

With the knowledge that your body was meant to

serve as an interdimensional vehicle and that you are
always connected to source, it's impossible not to
enjoy your physical manifestation. Is it possible that
you've recently looked in the mirror and been happy
with what you saw?

Every one of us has at least one part of ourselves

that we would like to improve, if not several aspects
of our lives. If you feel that you are anything less than
faultless, it is only because of your pre-programmed
assumptions. The summit of perfection is found in
love.Making one's own health a priority may be as
unique as the person performing the care.

When it comes to those of us who need a little push
in the direction of self-acceptance, staring in the
mirror is an excellent place to begin.

At first, this approach may cause you to have other

thoughts or images pop into your head, and you may
even become aware of parts of yourself that you
were previously ignorant of. But after a while, this
technique will become second nature to you.

Grinning at oneself in the mirror may instantly

transform negative thoughts about oneself into a
higher vibration of love, no matter how long one is
staring at oneself in the mirror. Despite the fact that
glancing in the mirror appears to be a simple action,
it may be one of our largest sources of anxiety, and it
may take some time to overcome the mental training
that has been associated with it through time.

You may also show yourself love by being

compassionate toward yourself. Consider the
following scenario:

Because you have a strong sense that you need to
lose weight, you decide to embark on a dieting
regimen. Following that, you treated yourself to a
couple of slices of chocolate cake as a reward for
your efforts.

If you don't forgive yourself for your behavior at the

time of the occurrence, that energy will follow you
around forever. Non-forgiveness is a form of energy
that may cause blockages and prevent the flow of our
divine presence, which is the essence of who we
actually are. In time, this develops into an
unbreakable pattern of behavior that acts as the
foundation for our detachment from our actual

Making oneself joyful is a great way to show yourself

love. It boosts your body's vibrational frequency to
that of your true nature. Being your own frequency
will help you attract the resources you need to
recognize and alter anything impeding your ability to

The ability to experience synchronization exists
when you are operating at the frequency of self-
acceptance and love. As a result, not only does it
serve to confirm that you are in the vibration of your
true self, but it also opens the door to an infinite
number of scenarios that thrill you on a consistent

As a result, you have successfully transmuted the old

pattern of erroneous belief into a new pattern of love
in your DNA, thus reprogramming your genetic code.
After some time has passed, these old procedures
will begin to look irrational. The ability to recognize
and let go of previous patterns allows for the
alteration of our DNA, which is a necessary
component of the ascension process.

By perceiving your body as a temple, eating healthy

and organic foods is an excellent way to revere your
temple and treat it as such. If you have a long history
of poor eating habits, it will take some time for you to
break your bad habits.

When it comes to nutrition, it is one of the most
difficult things to attain success with in today's
climate of fast food corporatism. The good news is
that you are worth it, and as you begin to make tiny
adjustments one at a time, you will not only notice
that you are physically feeling better, but you will
also realize that the mental fog is receding, which
will motivate you to continue making healthier food

Receiving a massage or any type of energy therapy to

bring your system back into balance, such as
acupuncture, would be another fantastic way to
demonstrate your affection for yourself.

Exercise also sends a message to your body, letting it

know that you value it and want to see it continue on
the proper path. What matters is that no matter what
physical state you find yourself in, there is always a
core activity that you can engage in to make yourself
feel better overall.

The illusion that surrounds you should be taken into
consideration while you are attempting to learn to
accept and appreciate yourself. You will begin to see
synchronicities and miracles, which will serve as
confirmation that you are on the right path.

Doing things that excite you will raise your vibration

even higher, and as a consequence of your actions,
new opportunities will begin to manifest, seemingly
out of nowhere as a result of your actions. When you
love yourself, the Universe effectively grants you
permission to offer you the abilities and resources
necessary for ascension to the next level of

Being in tune with your true frequency also allows

you to have more self-assurance and trust in your
abilities. As a result, you may place your trust in the
knowledge you get when you go within, helping you
to break free from the indoctrination that society has
placed upon you. As a result of breaking free from
society's indoctrination, you are able to delve deeper
within yourself in order to seek the truth.

If you love yourself, you may create a whole new
pattern of oneness in your life. This is a fantastic
example of the process of reprogramming one's
genetic material. Because we can only begin to love
others when we first learn to love ourselves, the
more our ability to love others grows as our self-love

If we want to make a change in the world, we must

all take personal responsibility for loving ourselves
first. In light of the fact that we are all interrelated,
loving oneself involves opening the door for others to
experience love as well.

Healing with energy

All of the things and people in our surroundings are
composed of energy, and they all resonate at the
same frequency as we do. The first step in repairing
this energy is to bring it back into a state of balanced
harmonic resonance with the surrounding

It is necessary for ascension that you spin your

merkaba field in order to resonate with the high
vibrating frequency of your creator in order to
ascend.If you have blocked energy or find yourself in
circumstances where tension or negative emotions
arise on a frequent basis, it will be difficult for you to
increase your vibrational frequencies to a higher

Self-diagnosis and self-awareness are critical initial

stages in the healing process. In this session, you will
learn about fundamental healing practices like
meditation, self-love, chakra balancing and clearing,
as well as how to clean and build your aura, among
other things.

Even when the underlying cause of an aberration in
the body has been established, the underlying cause
may not be readily apparent as the root cause. If
attempts to repair a specific place with blocked
energy prove futile, an energy worker may be
necessary to aid in the flow of imprisoned energy.

Perhaps the energy of being stabbed in the back with

a sword in an earlier incarnation has been trapped in
your emotional body and is now manifesting itself in
your physical body as back discomfort. In most cases,
however, once you have cleared one traumatic event,
it is usually feasible to clear another, provided that
you have addressed all aspects of the previous
traumatic event.

Any spiritual healing journey should be accompanied

by a specialist. It also helps increase blood flow to
the brain and energy flow, allowing you to exert
greater effort due to its benefits. Everyone, especially
energy healers, needs some TLC. The ability to keep
one's own pure energy is crucial for healers who
work with others' energy.

Distance energy healing:
Energy healing may also be accomplished by the
empathic healer by aligning with the realm of no
time-the "now," where the energies can be
transmitted into the subject's body.

Solitude healers have the capacity to instinctively

sense where lower frequency energy may be present
in a person's body or aura, and some may even "see"
the energy as a black cloud within the person's body
or aura through the third eye.

A very useful skill that has not been highlighted in

the mainstream understanding of healing is the
ability of the healer to guide healing energies into the
patient's body. Consider the possibilities that would
open up if more individuals learned how to distance
cure others all across the planet.

A specialist may do a variety of different sorts of
energy work on you, including:

In alternative medicine, Reiki is a holistic method of
hands-on (or hands-over-body) energy therapy that
is commonly referred to as hands-on (or hands-
over-body) healing. Allowing the Universal power to
pass through the practitioner's hands and into the
patient's body allows the sufferer to be healed.

The practitioner will have gotten an attunement or

established an intention to enable these healing
energies to begin to flow through her or his body
before beginning to work with the healing energies.
Reiki mastery may be attained via a variety of levels
of training as well as by the use of symbolic
representations of purpose and direction in the
practice. Reiki may be used to balance the aura and
chakras, as well as to release stored energy in the
body, all of which are feasible.

Massage is another type of hands-on energy
treatment that enables the movement of energy
through the body in areas where there may be some
sluggishness. The manipulation of these regions by
advanced massage therapists can result in increased
energy and blood flow.

Massages have been marketed to the point that they

are now considered a pampering item that is
obtained in a spa, and the recipients sometimes
receive more than they paid for since they leave with
part of the massager's energy clinging to them

When it comes to healing, it is ideal to seek the

services of a holistic massage practitioner who has
the greatest of intentions when it comes to moving
energy and blood flow. The consequence might be a
feeling of relaxation as well as a reduction in stress,
discomfort, and muscular tension. This can allow for
a higher vibration to occur within the body, which is

Acupuncture is a means of stimulating the energy
centers or meridians in the body with extremely thin
needles put just below the skin throughout the body,
depending on where the energy may be stopped.
Directing the chi, or energy, via these locations can
help to unblock energies that may be causing
discomfort as well as promote blood flow to the
areas that are being targeted.

Despite the fact that it appears to be painful in and

of itself, just the initial little prick of the pin causes a
slight annoyance, and after that, you really don't feel
it sticking in you any more. Once the acupuncturist
has placed the needles in the strategic locations that
connect the meridians, the energy may begin to flow
once more from meridian to meridian, as it did

What steps should I take to begin healing myself?

Calling on the spirits who are constantly with you on
the other side of the veil for guidance and assistance
with any type of spiritual activity is always a good
idea. They are ready and eager to go into action, and
all they need is for you to give them the signal.
Invoke the healing angels, or whatever name you
choose to give them, or anyone you want to utilize to
assist you in your healing. Make your objectives clear
to them, and be sure to express your gratitude to
them thereafter.

Meditation has the ability to cure almost everything.

We can achieve anything by looking within ourselves
because we already possess all of the answers we
want. Going within, on the other hand, is not that
simple if you have certain issues that need to be
addressed. In the course of your healing journey, you
will be able to delve deeper into yourself and
investigate any questions that may come to you in
the course of your waking and ascension process.

For our discussion, we will touch on a few important

areas of healing.

1. Heal your auric shield:
Your auric shield is a depiction of your
electromagnetic energy field that surrounds you,, it
is possible for this energy field to grow or shrink, and
it is also possible for it to be injured if your frequency
is low.

An example of how bad or unwanted energy might

enter our bodies is through a crack, hole, or tear in
the protective barrier of energy around our bodies,
which is known as the aura.

Many variables can lead to the establishment of these

entryways, including persistent negative emotions
like anger or anxiety, stress, jetlag, and the
consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal
narcotics, among other things.

It is possible to picture your aura using Kirlian

photography to show the numerous colors that make
up your aura, each of which corresponds to the
amount of energy that is flowing through your body
at any given time.

Typical associations of the color red include rage or
terror, whereas the color white is associated with the
greatest vibration of spirituality. While in meditation,
imagine your aura as a solid, dazzling golden egg
enclosing your body and surrounding you from all
sides. It should be opaque, dazzling, and healthy in
terms of aspirational beauty.

2. You should clean out your chakras:
Chakras, or energy wheels, span the length of the
body along the hara line, also known as the life force
line. A blockage in the flow of energy might result in
physical symptoms of pain or sickness, or emotional
manifestations of the same, if there is an obstacle
between them.

The chakras are energy centers that connect the

mind, the body, and the spirit, as well as the physical
body, and they are located throughout the body.
They are the ones who keep our entire existence
together and functioning properly. The principal
chakras are not the only ones that require attention;
there are over 2,000 secondary chakras that might
use some compassion and care as well.

This can be done through energy work such as the

type described above, as well as through the use of
intention and meditation to cleanse and re-energize
the chakra wheels, among other methods. Once your
chakras begin to spin, it is important that they do so
in a smooth and uniform motion.

3. Identifying and repairing your inner child:
Some people downplay the significance of childhood
in the healing process, but this is a mistake.The
majority of people who follow a spiritual path are
likely to have endured sexual, physical, mental, and
emotional abuse at some point in their lives, which
implies that we most likely set it up to cleanse
something from a past life. There's no denying that
this lifetime functions in an unusual and
unpredictable manner.

A fearful or hurt "mini me" may be lurking in the

corner, rather than expressing themselves in joy and
excitement as they should. Our inner kid remains
with us throughout our lives. Speaking with your
inner child can be a useful strategy for determining
whether or not your inner child has been

In order to comprehend the value of nurturing your

inner child if you have had a terrible childhood, it
goes without saying that you have had a rough

Enter into meditation in a quiet, comfortable location
in your heart core, and call on your inner child self to
aid you in your endeavors. Consider the following
scenario: You are a young person who comes face to-
face with yourself as an elderly person.

Please embrace that child and explain that you want

to undertake the healing work necessary to
transmute the feelings that he or she is carrying, and
that you are committed to making your temple a safe
and enjoyable place for him or her to play without
fear of being hurt or killed. You may even invite your
inner child to come and sit on your lap if that's what
you want. Remind your inner child that you
appreciate and care about him or her.

Perhaps you might enable the child to discuss the

instances that were the most painful for him or her
and tell him or her that they will never happen again
and that you will wipe away the sensations
connected with those experiences from his or her

One of the reasons you are in a position to do so is
because you have acknowledged that the event had
to take place in order for the energy linked to it,
which may have been tied to a former incarnation, to
be cleared away. Bring your child into the "now" by
just listening and feeling what they are saying and
then letting it go.

Nothing more than hearing and feeling will suffice to

accomplish this purpose of conversion on your part.
Consider the expression on the child's face as he or
she smiles and laughs once more. Continue to
include this topic in subsequent mediations until you
feel whole and complete once more.

Even though the imaginary playtime conversation

you are having may appear to be simple, do not
underestimate the significance of this key stage in
your ascension journey.

4. Recovering from a previous or parallel existence:
the purposes of this discussion, assume that all
lifetimes occur in the NOW, outside of no time, and
that your soul has the same experience of them.
Prior lives were effectively parallel lives that took
place at the same "time" as the current one as a
consequence. There are imprints of all of the events
we have had in prior lifetimes in our akashic records,
which are preserved inside our DNA.

These energies must manifest themselves in order to

be acknowledged by the body in order to be healed.
Invite your healing angels to aid you in discovering
and returning to any parts of yourself that have
anything to do with the pain, action, reaction, or
occurrence that you feel may need to be resolved.

Simply recognize it as the energy that needs to be

cleaned away if you are unaware of what occurrence
is causing it to occur. They specify that they are to
properly clean, repair, and cure all of those
components, and then that they be completely
integrated into your body as a cohesive whole.

Those parts and portions of you are responsible for
the development of addictions, the dissemination of
misleading information, as well as negative emotions
such as wrath, revenge, and judgment, all of which
may be traced back to any number of previous
incarnations lived on this planet. First and first, they
must be harmonized and balanced with the ambient
light in order to be digested.

5. Pineal gland stimulationThis stage:
also known as the third eye, is extremely important
in the ascension process and should not be
disregarded in any way. During your ascension
journey, the pineal gland is responsible for the
development of your sixth sense, which is crucial to
your survival. It was necessary to "turn off" our pineal
gland before those in charge of mind control could
begin training us.

This was achieved by injecting chemicals into our

water (fluoride) and our food (aluminum chloride)
(GMOs, processed foods). The use of pure spring
water or unadulterated well water, the consumption
of organic, unprocessed meals, and the practice of
meditation with a good mentality can all help to
delay or stop this process. If you want to cleanse
your pineal gland during your meditation practice,
place your awareness or imagination at the center of
your forehead and imagine the region between your
awareness or imagination and your brain being filled
with light as part of your meditation practice.

Allow yourself to consider the prospect of your third
eye being wide open and dazzling brilliantly at all
times. According to research, melatonin has also
been found to be useful in emptying the pineal gland.

Although there may be further healing needs that

need to be addressed, repairing the areas listed
above will surely open the doors to any additional
healing needs that may arise, and you will be able to
welcome these more swiftly than if you had remained
in your unhealed state.

Boost your vibration

Life's music, vibration, is the force that pushes atoms
into patterns of structure. Everyone and everything
is made of energy. Everything is alive and in motion,
and the planet upon which we exist is an aware,
sentient creature vibrating to the beat of a particular

The Earth is undergoing a transition in the frequency

of her vibrational resonance, and she intends to bring
all living things with her. The increase of one's
vibration will cause the awareness or reality that one
perceives to be altered or altered.

The mineral kingdom vibrates at a slower rate than

the plant kingdom, and the animal kingdom vibrates
at a slower rate than the human kingdom. In order to
ascend to the level of consciousness represented by
your light body and beyond, you must raise your
vibrational frequency. It is your soul body, oversoul,
and angels, archangels, and ascended masters who
are above your light body.

They are the leaders of the spiritual hierarchy, global
gods, and everything emanates from their source
(and perhaps beyond into infinity). Raising your
vibration involves being in tune with the frequency
that corresponds to your actual nature. The Earth is
moving away from a dense region where there hasn't
been much room between the particles to a more
open region.

As the earth's vibration rises, greater space between

the particles allows for an expansion of the
vibrational field to be created. For individuals who
want to vibrate at a higher frequency, this simply
results in the expansion of additional light for those
who do so. Unlike any other time in our universe's
history, the majority of us arrived to ride the
ascension wave with the planet in all of our bodies—
emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental.

A list of methods for raising your vibration is

provided here. There are several free and simple
methods for raising our energy vibrations. Here are a
few examples:

1. Meditate-Many people who claim they don't have
time to meditate will find time to sit in front of the
2. Get outside and enjoy nature—whether it's taking
a stroll or creating a garden or flower bed!

3. Put down the television and start meditating

(Alternatively, you may simply do something else that
provides you with a positive return on energy).

4. Have fun with your dogs! Our pets teach us the

importance of unconditional love, which constantly
boosts our vibrations.

5. Observe youngsters at play and try to recall the

excitement of discovering something for the first
time or the innocence of childhood.

6. Exercise: Take a walk in nature if you are

physically able to do so and you will reap the benefits
of both!

7. Forgive yourself and others. None of us are
flawless, and there are individuals who have either
injured us or who have been wounded by us in the
past. Forgive them, but don't forget to forgive
yourself as well.

8. Express gratitude—be glad for the beauty that

surrounds you, even if it's only a little tree in the
heart of a vast metropolis. You should express
gratitude for the meal you are going to have and for
any other blessings that have been granted to you in
your life, even some of the terrible experiences that
have turned out to be excellent life lessons that have
helped you to grow spiritually.

9. Face your concerns and see them as an

opportunity to spiritually progress. Fearing
anything always evokes a negative emotional
response in the person who fears it. There are a
variety of reasons why these anxieties continue to
plague us. In yet another one of life's lessons, we
learn that when we face our fears, the anxieties
vanish completely.

10. Buy organic food and give thanks before eating
it.Organic food contains more nutrition than
genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and this
alone will increase your physical energy, which will in
turn increase your spiritual vibrations, especially if
you bless or express gratitude before eating your

11. Do activities or surround yourself with people

that make you laugh—laughter has a very high
vibratory energy, even if we're laughing at ourselves!

12. Ask your spirit guides and guardian angels for

advice, assistance, protection, and guidance
throughout the day. Your spirit guides and guardian
angels are anxiously awaiting your call for assistance,
so ask them for guidance, assistance, protection, and
direction throughout the day!

Consciously boosting your vibratory level requires
that you recognize what is going on in your life and
be aware of how you are feeling at any given point in
time. Life is analogous to a computer program, a
hologram that we are all participating in the creation
of. When it comes to lower vibratory frequencies,
fear is the number one cause, and the entities that
require this emotional energy cannot survive without
snatching it away from people.

Simply put, eradicating fear from the world will

result in the extinction of those who dominate and
exercise control over it. In order for humanity to
ascend in large numbers across the globe, it is
necessary to recognize what has happened to
humanity since the fall of Atlantis and to transmute
this fear.

In many cases, the material offered in articles and

videos is layered and encoded with a vibration that
will be received by the audience member who most
needs to hear it. Some of the material will just not
ring true with other individuals.

In order to continuously increase your own vibration,
it is often necessary to use your judgment about
what feels right. This is often verified by
synchronicity, and it may be felt when the truth is
affirmed via your body with "chills," both inside and
outside. Pay attention to your body so that you can
determine what to consume and what requires
greater attention.

To the contrary, attempting to manage your

ascension will result in less growth and awareness.
Instead, feel the techniques as you read them and let
your higher self bring you to the place that you need
to be rather than being overly concerned with them.
Trust your inner nudges and thoughts above
everything else, and keep going forward on the basis
of those nudges.

Changing Your Mindset

Have you ever been taught that you can be anything
or anything that you set your mind to being? Have
you completed all of the tasks that you set out to
complete? Your life's goal may be readily achieved if
you are cognizant of your thoughts, words, and
actions. You can do this simply by focusing on your

When preparing for the ascension into a fifth-

dimensional frequency, we must comprehend the
significance of how our thoughts and beliefs affect
the way we see our world. It is possible that anything
we envision will become a reality practically
instantaneously in the fifth dimension.

Thoughts comprise energy, and the Universe always

supplies what you seek in exchange for your
thoughts. It is necessary to learn how to adjust your
ideas before you can learn how to alter your reality.
This may be accomplished by becoming aware of
your feelings.

As part of understanding how everything is
connected to everything else in accordance with the
Law of Divine Oneness, you should also know that
you have the ability to change your views.

It is critical to remember that everything we say,

think, and do has an impact on others who are in our
immediate vicinity. Holding yourself and others
accountable for your words and actions is vital in
helping the planet change to a higher frequency,
which in turn supports mankind in changing as well.

If you were to constantly monitor your thoughts, you

may find yourself losing your mind, which is a
terrifying prospect. The number of ideas that pass
through our minds on a daily basis is staggering.
Because our reality is a mirror of our thoughts, being
attentive to how we are feeling and what our bodies
are telling us can be an accurate indicator of whether
we need to adjust our thought process. When we are
experiencing negative emotions such as fury or
jealousy, we are more likely than not to be thinking
from a place of fear.

To raise the frequency of our own vibration and, as a
result, lift ourselves into the high frequency of love
and joy, we must think kind and pleasant thoughts
about ourselves. The simplicity of this is what makes
it so effective, but it is also what is preventing
mankind from progressing forward at this point in

Many people are focusing their attention right now

on the issues that the world is facing. Suggestive
programming and mind control techniques were
employed in the development of television in order
to modify our perceptions by teaching us what to

They were blissfully unaware that there was anything

nasty to be concerned about in the news as they sat
in front of the television set. Faked incidents are
intended to draw us away from peace and love and
closer to conflict and fear than we would otherwise
be if the truth were known.

As long as you keep your focus on those who are
striving to control and govern the world, you are
devoting your energy and thoughts to the
manifestation experience on their behalf.

It has been proposed that we concentrate on the

parts and sections of what is happening so that we
may peacefully protest and do something about it in
order to bring about a change in the world, rather
than on the whole situation.

Eventually, as we approach closer and closer to

instant manifestation of fifth dimensional frequency,
it will be necessary for us to make the transition from
focusing only on what we want to putting the notions
of what we don't want out of our minds' grasp for a
period of time.

Even if you break a fingernail, spill coffee on your tie,

or trip over your dog's toy on your way out the door
to work, the feeling of having a bad day can persist in
your mind until you are able to shift the vibration of
what is happening.

Because your vibration is a direct reflection of your
thoughts, increasing your frequency may be
beneficial in helping you overcome this feeling.

It is possible that listening to beautiful music,

singing, or thinking about anything hilarious could
transform a previously negative concept into
something more pleasant. Try to block out anything
else in your thoughts except for the song or
entertaining thought you're thinking about.

It's amazing to feel the difference it makes in your

body—you genuinely "lighten up" as a consequence of
this procedure! Having fun with your pet and
providing it with attention can encourage it to
reciprocate the gesture.

The fact that this concept looks so easy does not

detract from the reality that it has been used against
us for thousands of years in order to take away our
power and make money from our negative emotions.
All of this boils down to the fact that, in order to
manifest your desires.

you must relinquish control over how they will
manifest, you must believe in the power of your
thoughts, and you must make the necessary efforts
to bring yourself into alignment with the Universe in
order to receive what you have manifested.

stand in your full power

We must now develop greater confidence in our
ability to impose our authority. For some of us, it may
be essential to walk into the power of the light and
then step back into the doorway for a few seconds to
gather our collective breath before continuing on our

I think it's rather fantastic, but it does take some

getting used to at first. Oftentimes, when it comes to
finding work, individuals merely put one foot in the
door and cling to jobs that are out of sync with their
actual selves "in order to pay the bills." Despite
overwhelming evidence to the contrary, many people
continue to adhere to the banking system and vote
for the lesser of two evils when it comes to elections.

Standing in your full power gives you the ability to

materialize new situations in order to maintain your
alignment with the Universe, secure in the
knowledge that you will be taken care of no matter
what happens to you.

Many individuals still feel that this is a ludicrous pipe
dream, while others are successfully running their
holistic healthcare practices and doing psychic
readings for a living, and doing rather well at it.
When you make the decision to take the risk of doing
what you love, you will not be able to fail if you
remain true to your principles throughout the
process. It will appear that everything you come into
contact with will turn to gold.

Once you have stepped into the light of your I Am

presence, you will learn how to sustain a high
frequency throughout all four of your bodies—
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual—for as long
as you like, regardless of your circumstances.

If you are able to separate yourself from the illusion

and see things from a higher perspective, you will be
able to do this. You are standing in a place that you
have created, and it is in this space that your four
bodies vibrate and grow in tune with the harmonic
resonance of your higher self and soul, creating a
state of balance and harmony.

Only your personal perception of being threatened
comes between you and reclaiming your space from
others. The illusion is tightly packed with
components of power, control, and deception, as
well as elements of belief systems, which makes it
difficult to see through.

Because of the efforts of those who have gone before

you, some of those obstacles have been overcome,
making it that much easier for you to stand in the
light for a longer period of time with each passing
day. As you work to strengthen the etheric bridge
that connects one area to another, you will
experience sensations of thankfulness and boldness

Life on Earth was intended to be admired as a master

lesson by those who inhabit it, and this is how it was
intended to be appreciated. It seemed like there
were a million souls who wanted to sign up for this
master class because it would help them get one step
closer to the frequency of "home."

A plethora of information concerning ascension
might be confusing and overwhelming for some
people at times. Dealing with this challenge can be
approached from a different perspective. Set aside all
you've learnt or heard thus far and instead look
within yourself for answers. Allow everything to go
and lighten up!

Involvement in the collective agreement to co-exist

and co-create a reality is what you experience when
you engage with it. Because we are all
interconnected and interdependent, we may change
the reality of the mass consensus by changing
ourselves and by encouraging others to do the same.
It is a given that everything you send out into the
universe will return to you in some form. Keep your
expectations high and work hard to make them a

heartfelt words

Finally, I'd like to tell you about another law of the
Universe that has a significant impact on the lives of
individuals. The Law of Cause and Effect, which
states that life never punishes people for anything
they do in their lives.

All of the difficulties in your life occur because you,

via your thoughts, emotions, and actions, drew them
to you. It's as if all of the pleasant and wonderful
happenings in your life are a reward for the righteous
acts you have taken from the depths of your heart
and filled with Love. It's like everything good that
happens to you is a reward for doing what's right.

And last, I'd like to share something with you.

Always keep in mind that the laws of the Universe are

interconnected with one another and flow from one
to the next. That is why it is difficult to have a happy
and peaceful life by following only one of these rules
and completely disregarding the others in the

However, if living in the energies of love can become
a normal condition of your soul, you will no longer be
required to consider which rule you are obeying and
how, what is flowing from what, and what sort of
consequence will result.

God is Love, which implies that you will build your

reality in accordance with the laws of the Universe
without even thinking about them. You would attain
your divinity because God is Love.

If one lives in the energies of Love all of the time, one

is incapable of breaking any of the rules of the
universe because his awareness has already
transcended the confines of the dense world and has
taken up residence in the more elevated realms.

We want to tell you to stay balanced, and stay

positive, because the future is 5th dimensional
conscious awareness for everyone around you.
Everyone around you, will finally get you.

understand you, and know that everything you have
been saying, that yes, might sound a little bit weird,
or too far out there, is actually your 5th dimensional
higher self speaking through you, who knows the
truth about this game we call life.

And I am grateful that many of you have already

reached this point, and all that remains is for you to
take the final step necessary to pass over into the
fifth dimension with your lovely planet.

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Thank you for being here with us.
It warms our hearts!

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