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Goal Setting with WOOP Method

Output 6.2
1. Copy the goals you have set for each category from the previous assignment.
2. For each goal, identify the wish, outcome, obstacle, and plan (WOOP method).
My Goals WOOP Method
Category (from the OUTCOME OBSTACLE
previous (possible PLAN
assignment) (S.M.A.R.T.)
(Example: ( Example: ( Example: (Example: (Example:
My goal is to By the end of By achieving I think the I plan to talk to
have an August, I wish to this goal, my obstacle would my family about
organized and achieve a mess- family be the lack of this by first week
harmonious free and organized particularly me cabinets where of August. I also
home by house where will have a very we can arrange plan to buy or
decluttering our everything has its comfortable and store items. build cabinets
house.) own space.) house to live. I At present, our and storage
think a very house looks boxes for all
Family organized house messy because kinds of items
will help me of many things- on the second
become more books, toys, week. By the
productive and etc.) last week of
be more focused August, I should
with my ta sks.) have finished
decluttering and
organizing our
My goal is to I wish we are By achieving I think the
have trust in still friends this goals, I obstacles
my friends even though and my would be the
were not in the friends will communicatio
same school definitely be n
good friends
My goal is to I wish is to By achieving I think the
finish school pursue my this goals, illobstacles
dreams and be a would be the
have a better professional difficulties in
life or business my course
woman and also
someday financial
Spirituality My goal is to I wish to give By achieving I think the
have peace peace in this goals, obstacles
in life people everyone is in would be the
peace, no
more war and

just love
To have a My wish is to Tby achi this
healthy body have a healthy goals I can
Body body be healthier
and have
longer life
To have I wish that by achieving
Mental peace everyone is to this goals,
Health have peace everyone will
be in peace
3. Lastly, answer the follow-up questions.

Follow-up questions:
1. Was it difficult or easy setting your goals using the WOOP method? What made it difficult or

2. How did the discussion on Goal Setting helped improve your goal setting skills?

3. Do you see yourself practice goal setting using the WOOP method for a long time? Why or
why not?

4. What are your realizations?


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