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has the friendship between gon and killua been completely broken? ever since the chimera ant arc
they seem to be so much more distant ;-;
Gone completely? No, I don’t think I’d go that far. But the unhealthy progression it has taken since
around day one has reached a climactic point and there are heavy and present issues that can’t just
be forgotten about so easily. 

Since the start of the Chimera Ant Arc there’s been a focus on the decline of Killua and Gon’s
friendship, but it wasn’t fixed on stable ground to be begin with.  

Killua’s obsessive dependence, doing essentially anything for Gon, physically and mentally took its
toll to the point of him having a breakdown right in the midst of their mission. And Gon takes full
advantage of this, over and over again, maybe not maliciously, but nevertheless he does so. He
knows Killua will bend to his will and he has no real qualms using it. And perhaps it’s unintentional,
you could argue that, but I think Gon knows exactly what he’s doing. 

Remember these quotes?:

 It’s my job to say crazy stuff. Your job is to stay cool and stop me.
 I already knew Killua’s hands were messed up… I need Kilua to hold the ball. He’s the only one who
can do it. If Bisky or Hisoka held it, I probably couldn’t use my full strength. The only reason I can
focus wholly on hitting the ball, is because Killua’s holding it for me. 
 But if I insist on having my way it’ll be fine. Killua won’t like it, but he’ll give in.

Then you have Killua (scenes this time)

 When he was against the Ortho sibling and losing too much blood, his last thought was of Gon and
how sorry he was that he couldn’t be of more help
 The end of episode 116
 Feeling the need to protect Gon completely on his own while Gon didn’t have nen. Facing Rammot
alone and going through that mental ordeal then after all that pretending nothing had happened.
 Always accommodating Gon for everything, letting him have his way and then trying to fix it
afterwards, putting a bunch of pressure on himself

You can write a lot of these moments off as heartwarming or fun because of the way they’re written
and the context, but they’re really just signs of how uneven and unhealthy the friendship is.  

I’m not saying that their relationship doesn’t have positives, as it does, but the way it is now, it’s
doing more harm than good. They need more communication and apologies and to become equals
with each other before they can move forward in the best way.

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