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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Palawan


At the end of the topic, students should be able to:
1. Define nail art,
2. Arrange the steps in applying nail art stickers on finger nails,
3. Apply nail stickers in finger nails and
4. Relate nail art to life.
Nail Art (Using Nail Stickers)
a. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 8-9
2.Learner’s Materials pages 121-122
3. Textbook pages 144-147
b. Other Learning Resources
Visual Aids and Nail Care Tools, Materials and Equipment realia.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routinary Activities

Everybody stand up, who wants to lead us (Student will lead the prayer)
in prayer.

Good afternoon class

Good afternoon Ma’am
Before you take your seats please arrange
your chairs and pick up pieces of papers.

Who are absent today? None Ma’am

Very good class!

First of all, I would like to remind you

about our rules:

1. Do not answer in chorus, just raise your


2. Always participate in our activities

3. put your phone in silent mode.

Yes ma’am
Is that okay to you?

B. Reviewing previous lesson or

Presenting the new lesson
Our past lesson was all about basic nail
Class, what was our previous lesson? designs.

Very good! What are the basic nail plain, Half moon, Half moon with tip,
designs? French and Elephant tusk.

Our First activity is called:


I have here pictures of the 5 basic nail

(the students will match the items)
Directions: On the pictures are different
examples of various nail art design. Identify
what type of nail art is being shown in the
picture. Match the picture to its description.

(the teacher will call students to match

the items)
Elephant tusk


Half Moon

Half Moon with Tip


Do you have any other questions

regarding topic yesterday?

Are you ready for our next adventure in None ma’am

the world of nail care?

C. Establish a Purpose for the

Lesson Yes ma’am

Before anything else please read our

objectives of our lesson, everybody read

At the end of the lesson students are

expected to:

1. Define nail art,

2. Arrange the steps in applying nail art

stickers on finger nails,

3. Apply nail stickers in finger nails and

Did you bring the coloring materials I told
you to bring yesterday? 4. Relate nail art to life.

Well done because you’ll need those for

our next activity. Yes ma’am

Ms. Arianna please read the instructions

Directions: Students will be grouped into

three. Each group will be given a picture
of a set of fingernails they could draw on.
They can draw whatever design they
Thank you miss. You need to be creative might want.
and make sure to beautify the nails on the

You will be given 5 minutes for the

activity. You may use ballpeen, pencil and
other coloring materials to perform the (the students will draw on these pictures)

You have 5 minutes for this activity.

Your timer starts now.
Times up, please post your work on the

The teacher will let the students describe

the style of nail art they used.

On our activity I let you use your

imagination and draw any designs on the
nails. Did you enjoy it?

What do you think is our lesson for (the students will describe their group’s
today? output)

D. Presenting examples/Instances
of the new lesson Yes ma’am
Class, for you what is nail art?
Our lesson for today is all about nail art.
Very good, and in addition to that this is
another definition of nail art, Marites
please read.

Nail art is the practice of painting

decorative designs on nails.
Do you believe that nail art is a form of an
art? It is a type of artwork that can be done on
fingernails and toenails, usually after
Very good, almost everything you see is a manicure or pedicure.
form of an art. Can you state some?

Very good, but you are forgetting Yes ma’am

something. You. You are an art too.
Knowing and embracing that is
empowering. Clothes, Classroom, notebooks

Do you always color your nails? Specially


While watching your nail gain its color

have you ever wondered when does this
practice originated?
yes ma’am
Do you think our ancestors also color
their nails before?
yes ma’am

What do you think their nails look like?

To answer that question, please read this no ma’am

full of dirt

5000 BC
Although the exact origin of nail
treatments is murky, many sources say it
began in India as women dyed their nail
with henna. A practice that still continues
to this day.
3000 BC
The Chinese formulated a complex
lacquer of gum Arabic, gelatin, beeswax,
Base on the timeline of nail treatments: vegetable dyes and egg whites. Crushed
orchid and rose petals helped to produce
1. Where does this practice originated? shades from pink to red. But the solution
had to be applied to the nail for hours,
2. What does Indian women use to dye sometimes overnight, to produce a
their nails? properly pigmented effect.
3. What is the composition of the mixture
that the Chinese apply to their nails?

4. How long do they have to apply the India

As the world emerge, nail art also develop
into what we see today. gum Arabic, gelatin, beeswax, vegetable
dyes and egg whites
Nail art also includes nail stickers. Have
you seen a nail sticker? sometimes overnight

Very good!

Can you describe what you are seeing?

These are examples of nail stickers

Today, we are going to use nail stickers to
design our finger nails.

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills

Do you watch nail art videos on Youtube? Nail stickers with beautiful designs.

Do you think you can also do it?

Don’t get too excited. We will get to that

part where you can design fingernails. For
now we will have an activity.


Yes ma’am
I will divide you into 2 groups.
Yes ma’am
Group 1 please read your task.

Group 2 please read yours.

Directions: Group 1 will receive an
envelope with tools, materials. You need
to identify the tools, material that is
essential in nail art/ applying nail
stickers. State each of their function.
Each group will present their work at the
front of the class.
The other group will grade your work Directions: Group 2 will be given an
using this criteria envelope with the steps on how to apply
Content-----------------40% nail stickers. You need to arrange the
Delivery-----------------30% steps chronologically.
Time Management----15% And answer why is it important to follow
Teamwork--------------15% these steps.
Total --------------------100%

I will give you 5 minutes for this activity.

Is that clear?

Are you ready?

Yes ma’am

Yes ma’am
(Group 1 task: tools, materials and

- Base coat- a clear layer of polish

applied to the nail plate before the
application of the colored polish to
smoothen surface for color and
promote healthier nails.
- Nail polish- a lacquer applied on
fingernails and toenails to decorate
and protect the nail plate.
- Top coat- a clear nail polish
applied to the nails after the
colored polish to protect it from
scratches and chips.
- Nail art stickers- a type of
sticker with design and different
color on the other side and sticky
on the other side.
- Tweezers- usually for plucking
hairs from eyebrows or underarm
but also used to place nail stickers
on the nail.
- Nail file- a implement used to
shape the free edges of the nail
with the coarse side.
- Cuticle nail pushers-a tool used
to push back and loosen the
- Cuticle remover- liquid used to
soften nail cuticles and prepare
them to be cut.
- Nail cutter- is a hand tool made
of metal used to trim fingernails
and toenails.

(Group 2 task: Arrange the steps on how

to apply nail stickers on finger nails)

1. Remove the old polish.

Times up. 2. Clean and dry nails.
3. Apply base coat.
Group 1, what is the score of group 2? 4. Apply colored nail polish.
5. Choose nail stickers that are suitable or
Group 2, what is the score of group? your nails.
6. place the nail sticker on the center of
(After the activity the teacher will give the nail using tweezers.
additional information on the proper 7. Press the nail stickers to the nail cuticle
steps of applying nail stickers.) and smooth it out to the end.
8. Apply top coat.
F. Developing Mastery 9. Repeat the steps to the rest of the nails.

In this table are the things we need in Following these steps is crucial in making
applying nail stickers on the fingernails. sure your client is satisfied with what
you’ve done.
(the teacher will show each tools,
equipment and products and the students
will identify their name)
Before working we have to wear Apron.
What is the use of Apron?

This time you are going to perform nail

art using nail stickers. I will roam
around to evaluate and check your
Note: do the left fingernails only of your
partner and make sure your partner is
your neighbor

I will give you 30 minutes to do the To prevent dirt from messing up our
activity. So each of you have 15 minutes to clothes.

This will be the criteria of grading your


(Teacher will post the Criteria.)

Criteria Points


- color
combination of 35%
nail polish are
- nail design are
artistically applied

- Nail polish
and nail
stickers are
- Neatness in 35%
work are


- Finished on
the 20%


- Work area 10%

is clean

TOTAL 100%

Times up
Class did you enjoy the activity?

What values have you learned from your (the students will do the activity)

What techniques did you learned?

G. Finding practical application of

concepts Yes ma’am

That was quite a work out let us first relax I learned how to be patient in doing task.
and take a deep breath before proceeding to
Being patient and artistic.
our next activity.

(The teacher will show a picture)

Dry the base coat first before applying

Ms. Abby please read the poem.

What do you observe?

This is an example if Haiku

When you hear the word Haiku what
comes to your mind?

Have you read any Haiku before?

What can you say about it?

Moon and stars wonder
Who has a Dictionary app on their Where have all the people gone
phone? Raise your hand. Alone in hiding

I want you to open your Dictionary app

and search for the meaning of Haiku. It short
It’s about nature
Ms. ______ please read aloud the
meaning of Haiku.
A Japanese poem
Yes ma’am

Because Haiku originated from Japan It’s inspiring

Haiku usually uses nature as their
subject. (Students will raise their hand)

For our next activity called HAIK ME UP, The students will open their phone and
you will construct a Haiku but the subject search for the word.
will be Nail Art and or what we have
learned today. An unrhymed verse form of Japanese
You will be divided into three groups. origin having Three lines containing
The group one’s theme will be usually five, seven and five Syllables
“benefits of knowing nail art” respectively.
Group 2: - Mirriam-Webster Dictionary
“nail art for mental health”
Group three:
“nail art and its aesthetic purposes”

I will grade your work using this criteria

Time Management----15%
Total --------------------100%

You have 5 minutes to construct a haiku.

After that present your work at the front.
Is that clear?

Those are all impressive, well done.

Give yourselves 3 claps.

H. Making Generalizations and

Abstraction about the lesson
Before we proceed to our quiz, I have
prepared here a concept map.
The main idea is Nail Art. You have to
write words that is connected to nail art
on the diagram posted on the board.

(The teacher will call students to write

their answers and ask why they wrote it)
Yes ma’am

(The students will present their work)

The students will write words on the

concept map.
I. Evaluating Learning
Directions A: listed below are the steps in doing nail art. Arrange the following
___1. Remove the old polish.
___2. Clean and dry nails.
___3. Apply base coat.
___4. Choose nail stickers that are suitable or your nails.
___5. place the nail sticker on the center of the nail using tweezers.
___6. Press the nail stickers to the nail cuticle and smooth it out to the end.
___ 7. Fold the remaining excess sticker beyond the free edge of the nail.
___8. Apply top coat.
___9. Repeat the steps to the rest of the nails.
Directions B: Write the correct answer on the space provided.
___1. Which of the following is the benefits of knowing nail art?
a. can be a source of income b. nail art is a stress reliever
c. a and b c. nail art have no benefits
___2. When should we put the nail stickers on to the nail?
a. when the base coat is dry b. right after cleaning the cuticle
c. after applying top coat d. none of the above
Directions C: Write 2 to 3 sentence essay about the following subject:
1. State your own definition of nail art. (10 points)
2. Relate nail art to your life. (10 points)
Content- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -5 points
Relevance to the topic- - - - -5 points
Total- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -10 points

J. Additional activities for application of remediation.

Instructions: perform nail art to the right fingernails of your partner.

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