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Course Agenda

High Voltage Equipments & their Safety Guidelines

Purpose: Introduction to various high voltage equipments and their safety guidelines for carrying-out
safe operations on-board.
Objectives: The participants will gain an insight that why it is preferred to generate and distribute
power at high voltages on
board What kind of dangers are associated with different kind of electrical
equipments and how ABB's seven step are implemented while working on various HV equipments.
Some technical details of equipments are also covered in this section.
Duration: 2 hrs.
Learning Methods: Interactive Lecture & Videos

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 1
Why HV Systems are Preferred?

ƒ With higher voltages, lower currents are handled, so dimensions of

the cables will be reduced
ƒ Lower losses in distribuution systems
ƒ LV rated equipments do not have ampacity ratings to meet higher
power requirements
i t

V lt CB Max.
M R ti
Rating S
Source or Load
L d % IIncrease Vs.
(kV) (kA) (MW) 480 V

0 480
0.480 4 27
2.7 -

4.16 3 17.3 6.5X

6.6 3 27 4
27.4 10 3X

13.8 3 57.4 21.6X

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 2
Possible Alternatives for Distribution Systems

Using IEC voltage levels, following alternatives are most

common selected:

ƒ 11 kV: Medium voltage generation and distribution. Should be used

when total installed generator capacity exceeds 20 MW.
MW Should be
used for motors from 400 kW and above.
ƒ 6.6 kV: Medium voltage
g g generation and distribution. Should be
used when total installed generator capacity is between 4-20 MW.
Should be used for motors from 300 kW and above.
ƒ 690 V
V: Low
L voltage
lt generation
ti andd di
t ib ti Sh
ld b
be used
when total installed generator capacity is below 4 MW. Should be
used for consumers below 400 kW and as primary voltage for
converters for drilling motors.
ƒ For utility distribution lower voltage is used, e.g. 400/230 V.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 3
ABB Electric Power and Propulsion System


MV and LV
Transformers Switchboards



© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 4
Cargo Pump Drives/Motors
Dual Fuel Electric Propulsion

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 5
Electrical Propulsion Systems

ƒ The electrical propulsion system on a ship can be:

ƒ Traditional shaft drive system
ƒ Motor added to a standard propulsion thruster
ƒ Fullyy podded
p p
p system
ƒ The traditional shaft-driven system contains in addition to the shaft,
a propeller, and an electrical motor running the shaft. The propeller
is of the fixed or variable pitch type
ƒ Electric propulsion is often built in connection to standard,
commercial, propulsion thrusters.This is done by co-operation or by
i d
d tddelivery
ƒ An electrical propulsion system is usually the largest consumer of
electrical p
power on the ship

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 6
Conventional vs. Podded Propulsion

A direct diesel
driven system
with shaft line

Electrical system
with Azipod®

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 7
RoPax Ferry – 3 Versions Source: Deltamarin

Propulsion motors

15 % More capacity
on lower deck

Main engines & Generators

25 % More capacity
on lower deck

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 8
A High Degree of Redundancy gives High Safety
and Availability

Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel

Electric Electric Electric Electric
Generator Generator Generator Generator

Electric Electric
Power Power
Distribution Distribution

Electric Electric
Propulsion Propulsion
System System

Shaft Line

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 9
Benefits of Electric Propulsion

ƒBuilding Cost
ƒ Better utilization of space - more efficient ship
ƒ Competitiveness in electric propulsion – single
source supply in steam turbine
ƒ Fuel efficient,
efficient >40% for electric propulsion vs
<30% for steam propulsion
ƒ Lack
L k off crew for
f steam
t turbines,
t bi LNG carriers
i are
today the only commercial vessel type where this
concept is used
© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 10
Benefits Electric Propulsion

ƒIncreased Safety
ƒ Safety,
S f redundancy
d d and
d availability
il bili iis iincreased
ƒ No SOx
ƒ Minimizing NOx
ƒ Clean combustion – reduced particle emission
and maintenance

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 11
Typical Layout

Integrated Control and Monitoring System

Dynamic Positioning
Bridge Operator
Stations Plant Network Information Management
Remote Diagnostics

Control Network


Fieldbus Network

Local Engine Control

Power Generation
Power Distribution Propulsion

Propulsion Drives

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 12
Electrical Propulsion Systems

Electrical system of a ship with Azipod® propulsion units

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 13
Components of Electrical Propulsion System

ƒ Combustion engines, often diesel engines or

gas motors,
t function
f ti as the
th primary
i sources off
ƒ These run the generators. Depending on the
required p
power,, engines
g can be turned off and
generators detached from the network.
ƒ The
Th generators
t are connected
t d to
t the
th electrical
l ti l
system’s main bus bar, which is the main
it hb d

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 14
Components of Electrical Propulsion System

ƒ There are busbar breakers in the main

switchboard so that generators,
generators motors
transformers or damaged sections of the
network can be detached from the network
ƒ The main switchboard is divided into two or more
sections to make the system redundant.
ƒA frequency converter between the main
switchboard and the propulsion motor
ƒ Transformer between the main switchboard and
the frequency converter.
© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 15
Typical Overall Single-Line Diagram

Example for Ice Breaker Supply Vessel

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 16
Typical Main Switch Board Fault Currents

Normal operation Circuit breaker Switchboard

Voltage Description Max Max Min Ik2 Break /make STW / Peak
Iac Ip
[V] [kA] [kA] [kA] [kA] [kA]

6600 6.6 kV Main Switchboard * 13.1 33.7 1.05 25 / 80 31.5 / 80

1650 Propulsion Drive. 11.2 27.9 5.5 NA NA

720 Bow
o Thr. Drive
e 9.8 24.6 6.8 56 / 440 NA
(normal operation)

690 Bow Thr. Drive 0.083 0.117 0.08 2) NA

ti )
440 Main LV Switchboard 39.2 88.4 18.3 1) 1)

1) Not part of ABB delivery, information not available

2) Circuit must be protected by feeder in 440V Switchboard
* For the main switchboard minimum fault current equals the short-circuit capacity of one
generator, guaranteed value is 3 times nominal current.

© ABB Group
Example for Ice Breaker Supply Vessel
February 26, 2010 | Slide 17
List of High Voltage Equipments On-board

ƒ Generators
ƒ Motors, Pumps
ƒ Transformers
ƒ Distribution switchboards
ƒ Auxiliaryy and Emergency
g y swgr.
ƒ Circuit breakers, contactors
ƒ Protection relays
ƒ Motor Drives (cyclo-converter, frequency converter)
ƒ Azipod®

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 18
High Voltage Equipments On-board

ƒ Generators
ƒ Motors, Pumps
ƒ Transformers
ƒ Distribution switchboards
ƒ Auxiliaryy and Emergency
g y swgr.
ƒ Circuit breakers, contactors
ƒ Protection relays
ƒ Motor Drives
ƒ Azipod®

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 19
Generators and Motors

ƒ Today’s High Voltage generators are

d tto produce
d allll off th
the electrical
l ti l
energy on a ship.
ƒ In general on a ship there are four to
six large machines that function as
generators, usually driven by diesel

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 20
Electrical Power Plant

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 21
Main Components AMG
Transformers Neutral Point Line Terminals
Stator Core

Air Filters
Stator Windings

End Shield

D-end Bearing


Rotor Poles

Diode Bridge Rotor Windings

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February 26, 2010 | Slide 22
ƒ The stator line terminals and neutral terminals are situated in the top box
on the top of the generator
ƒ Excitation transformers are installed in the terminal box
ƒ The terminals for excitation and control equipment are in auxiliary terminal

Voltage Transformer Neutral Point

Main Terminals

Current Transformer Short Circuit Current
for Parallel Operation Transformers
© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 23
General Safety Instructions
f Hi
for High
h Voltage
V lt Machines
M hi

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 24
Electric Machines – Standards Requirements

ƒ Where a risk assessment is required, this is

performed using risk factor tables provided in the
ƒ Depending on the risk factors identified in the
assessment, the motor may have to be equipped
ith a space heater,
h t and d / or special
i l measures
may be required.
ƒ Special measures typically involve the provision
of pre start ventilation.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 25
General Safety Instructions – Machines

Electric machines have dangerous live and rotating

parts and may have hot surfaces. All operations
serving transport, storage, installation,
connection,, commissioning,g, operation
p and
maintenance shall be carried out by
responsible skilled persons

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 26
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Additional Safety Instructions for Permanent
Magnet Synchronous Machines

ƒ Only qualified personnel familiar with the

relevant safety requirements are allowed
to open and maintain permanent magnet
synchronous machines.
ƒ It is not allowed to remove the rotor of a
permanent magnet synchronous machine
without the special tools designed for this

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 27
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Electrical Connections - Safety Rules

B f
Before starting
t ti work
The following safety rules must be strictly applied:
ƒ D
i !
ƒ Provide safeguard against reclosing!
ƒ Verify safe isolation from supply!
ƒ Connect to earth and short!
ƒ Cover or pprovide barriers against
g neighbouring
g g live
ƒ De-energize auxiliary circuits
(f example,
(for l anti-condensation
ti d ti h heating)!
ti )!

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 28
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Electrical Connections - Safety Rules

ƒ Note rating plate markings and connection

diagram in the terminal box.
ƒ The connection must be made in a way that
the permanent safe electrical connection is
ƒ Use appropriate cable terminals.
ƒ Establish and maintain safe equipotential

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 29
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Electrical Connections - Safety Rules

ƒ The clearances between High Voltage

i l t d lilive parts
t anddb
t such
parts and earth must not be below the
l off appropriate
i t standards
t d d and d values
given in manufacturer's documentation.
ƒ No presence of foreign bodies, dirt or
moisture is allowed in the terminal box.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 30
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Electrical Connections - Safety Rules

ƒ Close unused cable entrance holes and the

b ititself
box lf iin a d dust-
t and
d watertight
t ti ht manner.
ƒ Lock the key when the machine is run
ith t

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 31
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Operation - Safety Rules

ƒ In case of deviations from normal operation -

for example, elevated temperature, noises,
vibrations - disconnect machine
machine, if in doubt
ƒ Establish cause and consult manufacturer, if
ƒ Do not defeat protective devices, not even in
trial run.
run In case of heavy dirt deposits
deposits, clean
cooling system at regular intervals.
ƒ Open blocked condensate drain holes from
time to time.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 32
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Additional Safety Instructions for Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Machines

ƒ When the machine shaft is rotating, a

permanent magnet synchronous machine
induces voltage to the terminals.
ƒ The
Th induced
i d d voltage
l iis proportional
i l to the
rotational speed, and can be hazardous
even at low
l speeds.d
ƒ Prevent any rotation of the shaft before
i th the tterminal
i lb box and/or
d/ working
ki att
the unprotected terminals.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 33
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Additional Safety Instructions for Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Machines

ƒ The terminals of a machine with frequency

converter supply may be energized even
when the machine is at a standstill.
ƒ Beware of reverse-power
reverse power when working at
the supply system.
ƒ Do not exceed the maximum allowed
speed of the machine.
ƒ See product specific manuals.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 34
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Additional Safety Instructions for Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Machines

ƒ Magnetic stray fields

fields, caused by an open
or disassembled permanent magnet
synchronous machine or by a separate
rotor of such a machine, may disturb or
damage other electrical or
electromagnetic equipment and
components such as cardiac
pacemakers, credit cards and equivalent.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 35
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Additional Safety Instructions for Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Machines

ƒ Loose metallic parts and waste must be

prevented from entering the interior of the
permanent magnet synchronous machine
as well as getting into contact with the
ƒ Before closing an opened permanent
magnet synchronous machine, waste and
any parts not belonging to the machine
must be removed.
© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 36
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Additional Safety Instructions for Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Machines

Beware of magnetic stray fields and possible

g when rotating
induced voltages g the separate
rotor of a permanent magnet synchronous
machine as theyy mayy cause damage
g to
surrounding equipment.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 37
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Rules During any Operations

Disconnect and lock out before

working on the machine
or the driven equipment.

Ensure no explosive atmosphere is present

while the work is in progress.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 38
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Rules During any Operations

Starting and Re-starting

ƒ The maximum number of the sequential
starts has been declared in machine’s
technical documents.
ƒ The new starting sequence is allowed after
the machine has cooled to the ambient
temperature (-> cold starts) or to operating
temperature (-> warm starts)

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 39
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Rules During any Operations

Earthing and Equipotentialing

ƒ Check before starting that all earthing and
equipotentialing cables are effectively
ƒ Do not remove any earthing or
equipotentialing cables
cables, which has been
assembled by the manufacturer.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 40
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Rules During any Operations

Clearances, creepage distances and

ƒ Do not make any removal or adjustment in
terminal boxes
boxes, which could decrease
clearances or creepage distances between
any parts.
ƒ Do not install any new equipment to
terminal boxes without asking for advises
from the manufacturer of the original
© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 41
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Rules During any Operations
Clearances,, creepage
p g distances and
ƒ Be sure that air gap between rotor and stator is
measured after any maintenance for the rotor or
bearings The air gap shall be the same in any
point between stator and rotor.
ƒ Centralize the fan to the centre of the fan hood or
the air guide after any maintenance. The
clearance shall be at least 1% of the maximum
diameter of the fan and in accordance with

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 42
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Rules During any Operations

ti iin terminal
t i l boxes
b (Ex
(E motors)
t )
ƒ All connections in main terminal boxes must
be made with Ex-approved connectors,
c a
which are
e de
e ed with
t tthe
e machine
ac e by tthe e
ƒ All co
ec o s, in auxiliary
au a y terminal
e a bo
as marked intrinsically safe circuits (Ex i or
EEx i)) must be connected to p proper
p safety y

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 43
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Rules During any Operations

Space heaters
ƒ If an anti-condensation heater
heater, without self-
regulation, is turned on immediately after the
motor is shut down,
down take suitable measures
to control the inside motor housing
ƒ The anti-condensation heaters can only
operate within a temperature controlled

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 44
General Safety Instructions – Machines
Rules During any Operations

t t ventilation
til ti
ƒ Ex nA / EEx nA and Ex e / EEx e machines
may, or in some cases, have to be equipped
with a provision for pre-start ventilation.
ƒ Before starting, check the need to purge the
machine enclosure to make sure that the
enclosure is free
f off flammable
f gases. Based
on the risk assessment, make the decision,
hether there is a need to use se the pre
ventilation or not.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 45
High Voltage Equipments On-board

ƒ Generators
ƒ Motors, Pumps
ƒ Transformers
ƒ Distribution switchboards
ƒ Auxiliaryy and Emergency
g y swgr.
ƒ Circuit breakers, contactors
ƒ Protection relays
ƒ Motor Drives
ƒ Azipod®

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 46
Transformers – Function

ƒ Transformers are mainly used to transform voltage

ƒ Other functions of transformers are galvanic isolation
of different voltage levels and establishing the phase
ƒ Transformers that bring about the phase shift can be
used to feed a frequency converter, in order to
remove the largest harmonic currents.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 47
Transformer Types

“W t” & “D
“Wet” “Dry”

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 48
Dry Transformers – Enclosures
IP-classification - Enclosures
A dry transformer is normally used for indoor operation with IP00
protection BUT additional IP protection can be supplied

IP31 IP44

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 49

Transformer Safety
d i

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 50
Transformers – Symbols of Danger
Symbols of danger can be found on the Transformer

g Prohibition:
Danger - High Voltage Do Not Touch
Surface Area is Live

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 51
Transformers – Safety

Work on the transformer is only permitted

in voltage-free and earthed condition

Transformer windings can be normally

insulated on the outer surface by means of an
epoxy resin layer. This insulation does not,
however make them shockproof in terms of
the valid standards.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 52
Transformers – Safety

ƒ Every transformer radiates a magnetic field when

in operation.
ƒ The magnetic field is not significantly reduced by a
ƒ Any persons with a cardiac pacemaker or metal
implants should avoid the area within a radius of 3
metres (10 ft
ƒ Housing or housing parts must not be
disassembled during operation

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 53
Transformers – Safety

ƒ Verify
y that anyy inductor is de-energized
g before
testing for continuity or resistance
ƒ Uncontrolled release of energy may result if the
inductor's current is suddenly interrupted
ƒ Electromagnets and superconductive magnets
may produce large external force field that may
affect the proper operation of the protective
instrumentation and controls

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 54
Transformers – Safety

ƒ By de
energizing a magnet suddenly can
produce large eddy currents in adjacent
conductive materials that may
y cause excessive
heating and hazardous voltages.
ƒ A magnetic field could attract nearby magnetic
material, including tools, that could cause injury
or damage on impact

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 55
Transformers – Safety

Protection against
g touch
Transformers supplied as only IP00 must be
l k d away under
locked d use, guaranteeingt i when h
energised they can never be touched.
Th transformer
The t f castt resin
i coilil surface
f is
NOT touch safe. Accidental touch protection
co ld be pro
could provided
ided thro
gh the installation of
safety barriers, gates or similar.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 56
Transformers – Safety

Earth Connections
ƒ The joint
Th j i t resistance
i t off the
th protective
t ti earthing
must be dimensioned in such a way that
protective systems (e(e.g.
g fusible cut
overload switch, breaker, etc.) are in
operation at all times and trigger as the case
may be.
ƒ The cross section of the earthing connections
must comply with the regulations and on-site
diti - mustt be
b maintained
i t i dd during
repair/maintenance operations.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 57
Transformers – Safety
Electrical and Mechanical Connections
ƒ The minimum distance (see table supplied by
manufacturer) between live parts as well as between
live p
parts and earthed pparts must not be fallen short of.
This relates to the distances between cables and high
voltage windings in particular.
ƒ All retaining elements of the screw connections are to
be checked and replaced as the case may be before re-
ƒ All connections must fit tightly and be mechanically
secure The bolts for the electrical connections are to be
tightened using a torque wrench.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 58
Transformers – Safety
Min. Distance/Space Requirements
ƒ The transformers outline drawing g can best be used for
dimensions of the units. The installation cell should be
designed so that the rating plate and all monitoring
equipment can be read without entering the cell.
ƒ Minimum distances must be maintained between all live
t and
db between
t live
li parts
t tto earth.
ƒ To ensure non-restricted circulation of air on all sides of
th transformer,
the t f a 0.3
0 3 m minimum
i i distance
di t tto any wallll
must be maintained and in addition, distance must be
allowed for installation and maintenance requirements
requirements. A
distance greater than 0.5 m must be maintained
between two transformers.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 59
High Voltage Equipments On-board

ƒ Generators
ƒ Motors, Pumps
ƒ Transformers
ƒ Distribution switchboards
ƒ Auxiliaryy and Emergency
g y swgr.
ƒ Circuit breakers, contactors
ƒ Protection relays
ƒ Motor Drives
ƒ Azipod®

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 60
Types of Switchboards

ƒ Unimotor

ƒ UniSwitch

ƒ UniSafe
U iS f
ƒ UniGear

ƒ SafePlus

ƒ SafeRing

ƒ etc.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 61
Switchboard Functions

e e t types o
of cub
c es
ƒ Protection

ƒ Distribution

ƒ Generation
G ti
ƒ Measuring
ƒ etc

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 62
Metal Clad Design
Pressure relief
„ Circuit breaker 12 kV,
kV 25 kA
„ Air insulated
„ A Busbar compartment
„ B Breaker compartment
„ C Cable compartment
„ D Control compartment

„ 1 Busbars
„ 2 Tulip
p contacts
„ 3 Vacuum circuit breaker
„ 4 Earthing switch
„ 5 C
t ttransformer
„ 6 Voltage transformer
„ 7 Control unit

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 63
Metal Enclosed Design

Byy H/1600 = 400 mm (12 kkV)
Byy H/1850 = 650 mm (24 K
Pressure relief


© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 64
LV Switchgear

UniMotor - Motor Control Center

ƒ Arc Proof Insulated MCC

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 65
HV Switchgear

ƒ For primary voltage distribution

ƒ Metal-clad
ƒ Arc-proof tested
ƒ Pre-galvanized steel sheets

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 66
High Voltage (Main) Switchboard

ƒ Voltage supply centre of the ship. All consumers

of electricity on-board get their electricity either
directly from
f the main switchboard or through
ƒ Two or more sections to make the system
redundant, which means that the ship will
i t i itits capacity
it tto function
f ti ini a fault
f lt

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 67
HV Switchgear

ƒ Frequency:
y 50 Hz or 60 Hz. 60 Hz is a more
common frequency in ship networks
ƒ Higher
Hi h ffrequency Æ smaller
ll transformers
t f
and generators
ƒ Typical voltage levels: 440V, 690V, 3300V,
and 6600V
ƒ Larger
g Vessels: 11 kV

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 68
Compartments in Metal-Clad Switchgear

1 Circuit breaker
2 Busbar
3 Cable
4 Auxiliary
n 5 Interconnection
ii d ductt
p 6 Voltage transformers

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 69
Operation and Protection – Components

Main features:
„ Protection
„ Measurement
„ Control
„ Signaling
„ Interlock
„ Automation
„ Communication

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 70
Internal Arc Safety
Arc-proof tested
Tested according to IEC 298 standards, appendix AA, class A,
criteria 1 to 6.
1 Correctly secured doors
doors, covers do
Testiing setup

not open.
2 Parts which may cause a hazard do
not fly off.
3 No holes in the freely accessible
external parts of the enclosure.
4 Vertically arranged indicators do not


5 Horizontal arranged indicators do not

6 Earthing connections are still
© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 71
Early Detection of Internal Arc Faults
Different solutions for internal
arc detection and quenching,
based on various technologies:

Fast Recovery Device - based

on pressure sensors

Arc Guard
G - fiber
f optic light

REA - Arc Protection Relays

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 72
Before Opening the Door

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 73
Check for Position Indication

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 74
Checking for Energized Busbars
Voltage Indicators

The capacitive dividers for voltage signalling are

integrated in the CTs. They are connected to a device
t i i ththe signalling
i lli llamps andd th
the b
hi ffor
checking phase concordance.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 75
Safety Interlocks

UniSafe mechanical and electrical locks are fitted with

micro-switches for circuit supply or interruption.
Th mechanical
The h i l llocksk are:
– force locks;
– prevention locks;
– electromechanical locks;
– safety locks (padlocks/keys)

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 76
Safety Locks

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 77
Safety Locks

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 78
UniSafe – Safety


© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 79
High Voltage Equipments On-board

ƒ Generators
ƒ Motors, Pumps
ƒ Transformers
ƒ Distribution switchboards
ƒ Auxiliaryy and Emergency
g y swgr.
ƒ Circuit breakers & contactors
ƒ Protection relays
ƒ Motor Drives
ƒ Azipod®

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 80
Power System Protection

ƒ To increase safety
ƒ To
T avoid
id bl
k t
ƒ To prevent machinery damage
ƒ To detect and minimize further damage

The extent
Th t t off the
th protection
t ti system
t depends
d d on
what is to be protected
© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 81
High Voltage Disconnecting Equipments

ƒ Circuit Breaker
ƒ Disconnector

ƒ Switch

ƒ Fuse

ƒ Contactor

ƒ etc.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 82
Circuit Breakers

ƒCritical factors in switching off: thermal recovery,

dielectric recovery and duration of recovery
M i ttypes:
ƒ Air insulated
ƒ Oil circuit
ƒ Air-blast
ƒ SF6 ((Sulphurhexa
p Fluoride Gas))
ƒ Vacuum

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 83
Circuit Breakers

ƒ Short-circuit currents
ƒ Manual/Automatic operation
ƒ Local/Remote
L l/R t C
t l

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 84
High Voltage Equipments On-board

ƒ Generators
ƒ Motors, Pumps
ƒ Transformers
ƒ Distribution switchboards
ƒ Auxiliaryy and Emergency
g y swgr.
ƒ Circuit breakers, contactors
ƒ Protection relays
ƒ Motor Drives
ƒ Azipod®

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 85
Protection Relays

ƒ A relay is an electrical switch that opens and

l automatically
t ti ll underd th the command d off
another electrical circuit. It allows a low power to
control a higher one
ƒ A small current energizes the relay, which closes a
gate, allowing a large current to flow through.
ƒ The modern relays are based on micro-processor,
micro processor,
also called Numeric or Digital relays.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 86
Relays Installed On-board

ƒ REM 54_, used for protection of Machines

ƒ REF 54_, used for protection of Feeders
ƒ RET 54
54_, used for protection of Transformers
ƒ REA 10_, used for detecting arc-faults

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 87
Relays – Machine Protection

ƒ The REM 545 machine

i l are used d as th
main protection system of
generator and generator
transformer units in small and
medium power diesel,
hydroelectric and steam
power p
p plants.
ƒ The protection for large
and/or important MV
synchronous and
asynchronous motors used
© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 88
Relays – Machine Protection

ƒ The REM 545 terminal measures phase

currents phase
currents, phase-to-phase
to phase or phase
to earth
voltages, neutral current, residual voltage,
frequency and power factors.
ƒ Active and reactive power is calculated from
measured currents and voltages.
ƒ Energy can be calculated on the basis of the
measured power

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 89
Relays – Machine Protection
REM 543/545 Machine Terminal

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 90
Relays – Feeder Protection

ƒ The REF 541, REF 543 and REF 545

feeder terminals are designed to be used
for protection, control, measurement and
supervision of medium voltage networks.
ƒ They can be used with different kinds of
switchgear including single busbar, double
busbar and duplex systems

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 91
Relays – Feeder Protection
REF 54_ – Feeder Terminal

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 92
Relays – Feeder Protection
REF 54_ – Feeder Terminal

- multi protections
- control
- measurement
- condition
- supervision
i i
- communication

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 93
Relays – Feeder Protection
REF 54_ – Feeder Terminal Front Panel

ƒ Big graphical display 128x160 pixels

– 20 rows, 16 characters
– Automatic backlight

ƒ 8 freely programmable alarm LEDs

by configuration green, yellow, red


ƒ Freely programmable push button

ƒ Power supply connected (Uaux)

ƒ Protection start and trip indication

ƒ Optically isolated RS 232 port

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 94
Relays – Feeder Protection
REF 54_ – Feeder Terminal Front Panel

Pushbuttons for local control

Control position indication


Remote / local / disabled / logic

push button

Navigation / menu handling

push buttons

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 95
Relays – Feeder Protection
REF 54_ – Feeder Terminal Rear Plate

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 96
Relays – Feeder Protection
Conventional CT´s and VT´s or/and sensors

X7.1 X6.1 X5.1 X4.1 X3.1 X1.1

X2 1
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5
5 X2.2 24
6 6 6 6 1
7 7 7 7
7 2
8 8
9 9
8 8
9 9
10 10 10 10
11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12
13 X2.3 20
13 13 13 13
14 14 14 14
14 1 19
15 15 15 15 2
18 18 18 18
18 18
17 17 17 17
X2.4 17
18 18 18 18

Current sensor 2 16
X7.2 X6.2 X5.2 X4.2 X3.2 14
X2.5 13
Current transformer
1 1 1
1 1
2 2 2 2 12
3 3
3 3
4 4 4 X2.6 11
5 5
X3.3 1 10
6 6 2
7 7 7 9
8 8 8
9 9 9 8
10 10 10
11 11 11 7
12 12 12 X2.7
13 13 13
14 14
14 14 2
15 15 15 5
X2.8 4
18 18 1

Voltage sensor

Voltage transformer

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 97
High Voltage Equipments On-board

ƒ Generators
ƒ Motors, Pumps
ƒ Transformers
ƒ Distribution switchboards
ƒ Auxiliaryy and Emergency
g y swgr.
ƒ Circuit breakers, contactors
ƒ Protection relays
ƒ Motor Drives
ƒ Azipod®

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 98
Motor Drives

ƒ Modern frequency converters can control the

rotational speed and the torque of AC motors very
ƒ Drive has become a general name for a power
electronics appliance, made up of one or several
ƒ Function depends on the converter type
type. Drives
often use energy storage elements e.g., capacitor

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 99

ƒ Max. continuous current up to 4500A

ƒ Nominal speed of delivered motors 30…220rpm
ƒ Max.
Max speed 720rpm (motor supply frequency 24
Hz, network frequency 60 Hz and 4 pole motor)

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 100
Frequency Converter

Low speed and high power

frequency converter
ƒ Runs always synchronous
motor (AC motor with DC
ƒ Power up to 27 MW
ƒ Motor
nominal voltage
1350 V... 1570 V

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 101
AC Drive – Applications
i Positioning
P iti i off Floating
Fl ti Vessels
V l

Distributed Concept
ƒ This dynamically positioned
offshore drilling rig is
equipped with four ACS 6000
single drives.
ƒ Power generation and
propulsion can be separated
and distributed to the most
convenient locations resulting
in cost-effective construction.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 102
AC Drive – Applications
Main Propulsion with Thrusters

Transformerless Multi-Motor-
Drive Concept
ƒ This service vessel with two
main propulsion Azimuth
thrusters is assisted by two
smaller (tunnel) thrusters.
This type of configuration is
used for smaller power
ƒ The mostt economic
Th i solution
l ti
is an arrangement with two
ACS 6000 multi-drives and
li reactances
line t iinstead
t d off

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 103
© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 104
ACS6000sd – Danger Zones

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 105
Thyristor Power Converters (DC Drives)
S f
Safety S
b l

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 106
Thyristor Power Converters (DC Drives)

y Instructions
ƒ All electrical installation and maintenance
work on the thyristor power converter must be
carried out by properly qualified staff who
have been thoroughly
g y trained in electrical
ƒ The thyristor power converter and its adjacent
units must be properly earthed by qualified

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 107
Thyristor Power Converters (DC Drives)

y Instructions
ƒ You must NEVER perform any work on the
thyristor power converter while it is still
switched on.
ƒ Always,
Always first switch the unit off and use a
measuring instrument to make absolutely sure
that the power converter has really been de- de
energized, and only then you may start with
the work concerned.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 108
Thyristor Power Converters (DC Drives)

Safety Instructions
ƒ Due to external control circuits, there may be
dangerously y high
g voltages
g p present at the
thyristor power converter even after the line
voltage has been switched off.
ƒ Always work at the unit with appropriate
ƒ Non-compliance with these instructions may
result in injury (or even death!).

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 109
Thyristor Power Converters (DC Drives)

y Instructions
ƒ When thyristor power converters are in use,
the electric motors, power transmission
elements and the driven machines are
working in an extended operating range,
hi h means they
h h have to cope with
relatively high loading.
ƒ You should have made sure that all units,
devices and appliances used are actually
it bl for
f this
thi higher
hi h lloading.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 110
Thyristor Power Converters (DC Drives)

y Instructions
ƒ For insulation testing, you must disconnect
all cables from the thyristor power
ƒ You should avoid operating your unit at
values other than the rated data.
ƒ Non-compliance with these instructions
may cause lasting damage to the thyristor
power converter.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 111
Thyristor Power Converters (DC Drives)

Safety Instructions
ƒ The
Th thyristor
h i power converter possesses a
number of automatic reset functions.
ƒ When these functions are executed, the
unit will be reset after an error and will then
resume operation.
ƒ These functions should not be used if other
units and devices are not suitable for an
operating mode of this kind,
kind or if their use
might entail dangerous situations.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 112
Thyristor Power Converters (DC Drives)

Emergency Stop Buttons

ƒ EMERGENCY STOP buttons must be
installed at each control desk and at all other
t l panelsl requiring
i i an emergency stop t
ƒ Pressing the STOP button on the CDP 31x
control panel of the thyristor power converter
will neither cause an emergency y motor stop,
nor will the drive be disconnected from any
dangerous potential.
© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 113
High Voltage Equipments On-board

ƒ Generators
ƒ Motors, Pumps
ƒ Transformers
ƒ Distribution switchboards
ƒ Auxiliaryy and Emergency
g y swgr.
ƒ Circuit breakers, contactors
ƒ Protection relays
ƒ Motor Drives
ƒ Azipod®

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 114
Azipod® – A Fully Podded Propulsion System
ƒ The Azipod® is a podded propulsion system, azimuthing through 360° about its
steering axis. The structure of Azipod® unit itself is shown below.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 115
Azipod® – A Fully Podded Propulsion System

ƒ The Azipod® contains an electric single or

double-wound AC motor mounted directly on
the extremely short propeller shaft
ƒ The motor drives a fixed-pitch propeller.
ƒ The propeller motor is controlled by a
frequency converter.
converter The converter
produces full nominal torque, available in
either direction over the entire speed range

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 116
Azipod® – A Fully Podded Propulsion System

ƒ Propeller rpm can be freely optimised

according to varying hydrodynamics of each
ƒ The Azipod® propulsion system consists not
only the Azipod® unit itself, but also
converters transformers
converters, transformers, switchboards
generators, etc.

© ABB Group
February 26, 2010 | Slide 117

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