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Que. No. Que. Text Correct Ans Wrong Ans.

1 What are the benefits of concentrating the food? reduces weight and Volume Darkning of colou

What are the major changes causes to food if it is exposed

to 100°C or higher temperatures for prolonged period both c and d only d
during concentration process?

For concentrating Salt Solution which method is suitable? Solar Concentration open cattles

Determine the correctness of following assertion and

reason both (i)and (ii) are corr
Both (i) and (ii) are correct and
i. Assertion: Conventional deep fried foods are (ii) is not correct explan
(ii) is correct explanation of (i)
coated with milk and flour, batter or pastry (i)
ii. Correctness: To protect the surface of the
4 food from intense heat
5 Match the following
i. pan frying a. Deep fry
b. use
of oiI just to lubricate pan i-b, ii-c, iii-a i-c, ii- b, iii-a
ii. Shallow frying cooking in small quantity of
iii. Scotch eggs pre- heated oil
What does 'Rudura' symbol indicates? Irradiated food Fortified food

7 Match the following


a. create heat under moist

I. Ionizing radiation condition
ii. X rays b. Use to sterilize food for
iii. Non- NASA astronotous
i-c, ii-d, iii-a, iv-b i-a, ii-d, iii- c, iv-
ionizing radiation c. resuts in production of
iv. Radiation charged partices
sterilization d. beam of electron is directed
at a thin plate of gold

In radiation unit 1 Gray is equals to how much rad? 1

100 10
Gy=___?_ rads
What are the application of Irradiation?
a. replacing chemical fumigation of food all of the above only b, c, d
b. radiation sterilization
c. radiation pasturization
d. Enhancing food quality
What are the application of Irradiation?
a. replacing chemical fumigation of food all of the above only b, c, d
b. radiation sterilization
c. radiation pasturization
d. Enhancing food quality
What are the effect of irradiation on foods like onion,
Inhibits sprouting delays ripening
ginger, carrots?

It is used for high steam It is used for relativel
Which of the following is not true about fire tube boiler ?
demand and pressure steam capacitie
Boilers producing steam at a pressure of ______ and
80 kgf/cm 70kgf/cm
above called as high pressure boiler.

Match the type of boiler in coloumn A with example of

13 correct type of boiler in coloumn B
i) Position ofA hot air and B

ii) Firing method

1) High pressure boiler
2) Externally fired boiler
i - 4, ii- 2, iii-1, iv- 3 ¡ - 3, ii - 2, iii- 1, iv
3) Portable boiler
iii) Pressure of steam 4) Water tube boiler

iv) Nature of service to be

14 performed
Steam is an invisible gas that's generated by heating water
Boiling point Freezing point
to a temperature that brings it to __________.

In which type of boiler, combustion efficiency is enhanced
Water tube boiler Fire tube boiler
by induced draft provision ?

_______ penetrate inside processing equipment and
Penetrating sensor Offline sensor
come into contact with material being processed

Which of the following is not objective of control systems To increase manpower for To ensure process and
in food processing ? processing safety

penetrating sensors pe
inside processing equi
Choose the false statement among following : No penetrating sensors comes and comes in direct c
in direct contact with with
material being processed in material being proce
Flow rate sensor, Temperature Temperature sensor, fl
________ is online and ________ inline sensors in food sensor sensor
pH sensor is _________ . Penetrating and Inline Penetrating and On

In a food processing plant, heating and cooling of foods in
Heat Exchanger Boiler
conducted in equipment called ___________.
In a food processing plant, heating and cooling of foods in
Heat Exchanger Boiler
conducted in equipment called ___________.

22 Shell and tube, steam i

Plate, tubular, scraped surface,
Select correct set of non contact type heat exchangers : scraped surface, ste
shell and tube
23 Two fluid streams flow in
Which of the following is not true about plate heat
annular space and in inner pipe Used for low viscosity
exchanger :
Which of the following is not used to achieve cooling in
Steam Chilled water
cooling systems :

The initial freezing point of a solution can be calculated by Henderson - Hasselb
Clausius - Clapeyron Equation
___________. equation

For a __________ , the ice content can be determined by
Dilute solution Viscous solution
a simple method based on Raoults Law.

_____________ of food can be predicted dosing Clausius - Ice Content Sugar Content
Clapeyron relationship and Raoult's Law.

28 If physical properties are grouped, the energy transport in

a food material Laplace Equation Clausius - Clapeyron Eq
can be described by the well known ____________.
Which of the following is not direct contact freezing Scraped surface continuous Air blast system
system ? system

30 Which of the following is/are important to accurately

predict the freezing time of food ? All of the above Quality

Which of the following factors influence freezing time ;

1) Thermal Conductivity of Frozen food
2) Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient
All of the above 1 and 3 only
3) Area for heat transfer
4) Temperature of freezing medium
5) Size of product defined as thickness
Which of the following gives highest convective heat
Rapidly circulating brine Air Blast
transfer coefficients during freezing ?

_____ is accepted as a safe storage temperature for
Negative 18°c Negative 10°c
extended shelf life of a frozen food.

As a temperature continues to _________, the percentage
decreases, increases increases, increas
of water in frozen food state __________ .

Which of the following equation helps to calculate time
Plank's Equation Laplace Equation
required by freezing of product ?
Which of the following equation helps to calculate time
Plank's Equation Laplace Equation
required by freezing of product ?

The most critical factor is maintaining an ____________
temperature during storage to avoid the Uniform Fluctuating
negative impacts on product quality.

Individual piece of food
Concept involves expo
Which of the following is false about Individual Quick product exposed to low
individual pieces of
Freezing (IQF) ? temperature for relatively
product to low tempe
long period of time

What is air tempareture in slow freezer? Minus 20 to Minus 30 Minus 30 to Minus

What is freezing rate for slow freezer? 3 - 72 hrs 2 -75 hrs

To increase heat transfer To decrease heat tra
For what purpose fans are used in cold storage?
coefficient coefficient

To reducde the rat
Why we chill foods? All of the above
bochemical activi

Which is example of climacteric foods? Mango Grape

Which is mechanical property of food? Elasticity Shape

Bananas become brown when stored below___? 13°c 15°c

What are main Contaminants of food? All of the above Soil, Sand, Stone

Name the method which involves removal of ferrous
Magnetic cleaning Electrosatic cleani
metal using electromagnet

Pickling is also known as …………………. Corning or Brining Smashing or crush

Pickling is the process of preserving food by …………………..
Anaerobic fermentation Aerobic fermenta
in brine to produce lactic acid.

The process of food preservation by marination or storing
Pickling Canning
it in an acid solution is called …………..

Distinguishing characteristic in pickling is a pH of
Less than 4.6 Less than 3
………………., which is sufficient to kill most bacteria.
Distinguishing characteristic in pickling is a pH of
Less than 4.6 Less than 3
………………., which is sufficient to kill most bacteria.

……………………. dominates when both salt concentration
Leuconostoc mesenteroids Lactobacillus
and temperature are low in pickling process.

In pickling at higher temperatures, ………………………..
Lactobacillus plantarum Carnobacterium
dominates which primarily produces lactic acid.

The biochemical process of extraction of energy from
Fermentation Smoke drying
sugar without use of oxygen is ………………..

54 Heat is created by ……………………. when dipolar molecules

rotate forth and back aligning themselves with electric Molecular friction Repulsion
If the oven is low power oven, cooking time must be
15% 10%
increased by …………………

Microwave is comprised of electric and magnetic fields Perpendicularly Parallely
oriented …………………..

………………………….. play a primary role in heating by Electric field Magnetic field
promoting rotation of polar molecules.

The depth to which microwave energy reaches until it is Depth of penetration Depth of radiatio
37% of its value is …………………………

Presence of air within product makes the product a good Dielectric constant Dielectric loss
insulator but also reduces the …………………

Which is the Most Precise method of sorting? Weight Size
Wrong Ans.1 Wrong Ans .2 Wrong Ans 3

Darkning of colour none both a and b

only d heat induced reaction gelation of proteinaceous food

open cattles flash evaporators reverse osmosis

both (i)and (ii) are correct but

(ii) is not correct explanation of (i)is correct and (ii) is false (i) is false (ii) is correct

i-c, ii- b, iii-a i-b, ii-a, iii-c i-a, ii-c, iii-b

Fortified food Vegan food Gluten-free food

i-a, ii-d, iii- c, iv- b i-b, ii- c, iii- a, iv- d i- b, ii- a, iii- d, iv- c

10 1000 10000

only b, c, d only b and c only a and d

only b, c, d only b and c only a and d

delays ripening destroys pathogenic organism reduces rehydration time

It is used for relatively small It operates with oil, gas and

Low to medium steam pressure
steam capacities solid fuels

70kgf/cm 60kgf/cm 50kgf/cm

¡ - 3, ii - 2, iii- 1, iv- 4 i - 1, ii- 2, iii- 4, iv- 3 i- 4, ii- 2, iii- 3, iv- 1

Freezing point Melting point Condensation point

Fire tube boiler Packaged boiler Pulverized fuel boiler

Offline sensor Non penetrating sensor Sampling sensor

To achieve more consistent

To ensure process and product production and maximize the
To optimize energy efficiency

penetrating sensors penetrate

inside processing equipment Values measured by inline Values measured by offline
and comes in direct contact sensors are directly used for sensors are not directly used
with process control for process control
material being processed

Temperature sensor, flow rate Pressure sensor, Material level

pH sensor, Temperature sensor
sensor in container sensor

Penetrating and Online Non penetrating and Offline Sample and Offline

Boiler Freezer Evaporator

Boiler Freezer Evaporator

Shell and tube, steam infusion,

Steam infusion, tubular, steam Shell and tube, scrapped
scraped surface, steam
injection, plate type surface, plate, steam infusion

Used for low viscosity fluids More compact Cheapest option

Chilled water Brine Glycerol

Henderson - Hasselbalch
Fourier Law Fick's Law

Viscous solution Concentrated solution Supersaturated solution

Sugar Content Protein Content Moisture Content

Clausius - Clapeyron Equation Raoult's Law Fick's Law

Air blast system Continuous fluidized bed Continuous cryogenic freezing

system system

Quality Processing Requirements Economical aspects of food


1 and 3 only 1, 3 and 5 only 1, 2 and 3 only

Air Blast Plate contact freezer Slowly circulating brine

Negative 10°c Negative 40°c Negative 70°c

increases, increases increases, decreases decreases, decreases

Henderson - Hasselbalch
Laplace Equation Clausius - Clapeyron Equation
Henderson - Hasselbalch
Laplace Equation Clausius - Clapeyron Equation

Initially increasing and then Initially decreasing and then

decreasing increasing

Rate of freezing is increased by

IQF is achieved by using very
Concept involves exposure of promoting more intimate
low temperature cryogenic
individual pieces of food contact
product to low temperature between product piece and
as a freezing medium.
cold refrigerant

Minus 30 to Minus 40 Minus 10 to Minus 20 Minus 40 to Minus 50

2 -75 hrs 10 -80 hrs 5 - 70 hrs

To decrease heat transfer To maintain heat transfer

None of the above
coefficient coefficient

To reducde the rate of To reduce the rate of microbial To preserve Sensory And
bochemical activity activity nutritional Value of foods

Grape Fig Lemon

Shape Size Color

15°c 10°c 12°c

Soil, Sand, Stone Pesticides and Fertilizers Mineral oil

Electrosatic cleaning Wet cleaning Aspration cleaning

Smashing or crushing Preserving Canning

Aerobic fermentation Caproate fermentation Propionic acid fermentation

Canning Irradiation Dehydrating

Less than 3 Greater than 4.6 Greater than 3

Less than 3 Greater than 4.6 Greater than 3

Lactobacillus Enterococcus Lactococcus

Carnobacterium Leuconostoc Streptococcus

Smoke drying Dehydrating Oxidation

Repulsion Molecular attraction Molecular migration

10% 20% 5%

Parallely Horizontally Diagonally

Magnetic field Gravitational field Both a and b

Depth of radiation Depth of reflection Depth of absorption

Dielectric loss Tangenial loss Depth of penetration

Size Shape None of the above

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