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Practice Questions 2

Total Points 100

1. Find the LU factorization of the matrix:

Using the LU decomposition find the solution to the system

2. Consider two points P(4,5) and Q(7,6). Find

a. Vector equation of the line L that passes through the points.
b. Does the line go through the origin? Justify your answer.
c. Consider the point R(8, 8). Find the projection of the vector PR on the line L.
d. Find the distance of R to the line.

3. Suppose u1 and u2 are unit vectors in the direction of a1 and a2. What is the relation between
cosine(a1 , a2.) and cosine(u1 , u2)?

4-8 VLMS Exercises: 3.4, 3.9, 3.21, 3.23, 3.24

9. Consider the 3 x 3 matrix Data that contains 3 datapoints. Assume, the first two columns
represent values for features x1 and x2 and the last column contains the target output y.

[ ]
2 −2 5
Data= 1 − 1 4
0 2 2

(i) Find the normal equations for the least square regression problem for this data.
(ii) Solve the normal equations using Gaussian Elimination.

10. Consider the data of 5 students. We would like to predict the marks obtained in the final
exam from the other variables. How would you set up the least square regression equation?
Write down the normal equation.

Student ID Level of Assignments (a) Midterm Exam Final Exam (f)

preparation (p) (m)
101 bad 70 40 40
201 medium 90 90 80
301 good 60 80 60
401 good 80 60 60
501 bad 50 70 50

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