A2 CSE307 Summer 1921993 1910020 1920137 1930403 1930188

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CSE 307: System Analysis and Design

Assignment 2
Statement of Work

Project Name: Event Management Web App

App Name: Eventify

Submitted By

Serial No. Name ID Section

1 Tanmoy Bhowmick 1921993 1

2 Mahib Sadman 1910020 3

3 Bonni Basak 1920137 3

4 Md. Farhan Soberin 1930403 2

5 Sourav Kumar Saha 1930188 1

6 Ashoat Hossain Shoumik 1931179 1

7 Soumik Dutta 1930170 1

8 Sadia Islam Semi 1930127 1

9 Fatema Tuj Johora 1930353 1

Information Gathering Methods
For gathering essential project information, we employed a combination of three information
gathering methods:

Surveys and Questionnaires:

 Developed a set of structured questions to gather feedback and insights from potential
users, event planners, and vendors.
 Distributed the surveys online and collected responses to understand pain points,
requirements, and preferences in event planning.

 Conducted in-depth interviews with experienced event planners and professionals in
the event management industry.
 Discussed challenges they face, common practices, and their vision of an ideal event
management tool.

Competitor Analysis:
 Researched and analyzed existing event planning apps to identify their strengths,
weaknesses, and unique features.
 Studied user reviews and feedback to understand user expectations and areas for

Use Case Diagram

Normal Scenario for 6 Use Cases
Use Case 1: Create Event
 User logs in to Eventify.
 User selects "Create New Event" from the dashboard.
 User provides event details (name, date, location, etc.).
 User adds budget, selects a theme, and specifies event type.
 User saves the event, and the system generates an event ID.

Use Case 2: Manage Guest List

 User accesses the event dashboard.
 User selects "Guest List" from the menu.
 User adds or imports guest names and contact information.
 User sends invitations via email or SMS.
 User receives RSVPs and updates the guest list.

Use Case 3: Manage Budget

 User navigates to the event dashboard.
 User selects "Budget Management" from the menu.
 User adds estimated expenses, assigns categories, and sets budget limits.
 User saves the budget details, and the system calculates totals.
 User receives alerts if expenses approach or exceed budget limits.

Use Case 4: Find Vendors

 User accesses the event dashboard.
 User selects "Vendor Directory" from the menu.
 User searches for vendors based on services, location, or ratings.
 User views vendor profiles, reviews, and ratings.
 User selects a vendor, sends inquiries, and receives responses.

Use Case 5: Communication with Guests

 User navigates to the event dashboard.
 User selects "Communication" from the menu.
 User composes and sends messages, notifications, or updates to guests.
 User specifies the recipients and the message content.
 User sends the communication, and guests receive the messages.

Use Case 6: Automation and Reminders

 User accesses the event dashboard.
 User selects "Automation and Reminders" from the menu.
 User sets up automated reminders for tasks, deadlines, and milestones.
 User specifies the timing and details of each reminder.
 System sends automated reminders to the user at the scheduled times.

Alternative Scenarios for 6 Use Cases

Use Case 1: Create Event

Alternative Scenario: Incomplete Event Details

 User logs in to Eventify.

 User selects "Create New Event" from the dashboard.
 User provides incomplete event details (missing date and location).
 System displays an error message and prompts the user to complete all required fields.
 User completes the missing information and proceeds with creating the event.

Use Case 2: Manage Guest List

Alternative Scenario: Technical Issues with Sending Invitations

 User accesses the event dashboard.

 User selects "Guest List" from the menu.
 User experiences technical issues while sending invitations.
 System displays an error message and provides guidance on troubleshooting.
 User attempts to resend invitations or manually updates RSVPs.
Use Case 3: Manage Budget

Alternative Scenario: Technical Issue with Entering Expense Details

 User navigates to the event dashboard.

 User selects "Budget Management" from the menu.
 User encounters a technical issue while entering expense details.
 System displays an error message and suggests refreshing the page.
 User reloads the page and re-enters the expense information.

Use Case 4: Find Vendors

Alternative Scenario: Slow Loading of Vendor Profiles

 User accesses the event dashboard.

 User selects "Vendor Directory" from the menu.
 User encounters slow loading of vendor profiles due to network issues.
 System displays a loading indicator and informs the user to check their internet
 User waits for the profiles to load or tries again later.

Use Case 5: Communication with Guests

Alternative Scenario: Issue with Sending Messages

 User navigates to the event dashboard.

 User selects "Communication" from the menu.
 User encounters an issue while sending messages.
 System displays an error message and suggests checking the recipients' contact
 User revises the recipients or message content and resends the communication.
Use Case 6: Automation and Reminders

Alternative Scenario: Difficulty Configuring Automated Reminders

 User accesses the event dashboard.

 User selects "Automation and Reminders" from the menu.
 User experiences difficulty configuring automated reminders.
 System displays an error message and provides troubleshooting tips.
 User follows the troubleshooting steps or seeks help from customer support.

These alternative scenarios highlight potential challenges users may face while interacting with
the Eventify app and the corresponding steps to resolve the issues. Addressing these scenarios
during the app's design and development phase will help ensure a smoother and more reliable
user experience.

Functional Requirements
 User Registration and Login: Users should be able to create accounts and log in securely.

 Event Creation: Users can create and customize events with details, themes, and types.

 Budget Management: Users can set budgets, track expenses, and receive overspending

 Vendor Selection: Users can search for vendors, view reviews, and make vendor

 Guest List Management: Users can add, import, and manage guest lists, and send

 Communication: Users can send messages, notifications, and updates to guests and

 Automation: The system automates reminders, notifications, and task scheduling.

 Inspiration Gallery: Users can browse and select event themes, ideas, and inspirations.
 Reports and Analytics: Users can generate reports and analyze event-related data.

Non-Functional Requirements
 Performance: The app should handle a large number of users and events without

 Security: User data, including personal and financial information, must be securely

 Usability: The app should have an intuitive and user-friendly interface for users of all

 Reliability: The app should have minimal downtime and handle errors gracefully.

 Scalability: The app's architecture should allow for easy scaling as user numbers grow.

These requirements, gathered through various methods, will guide the development of
Eventify, ensuring a robust and user-centered event management web app.

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