What Every New & or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know - Beginner Questions - BabyPips - Com Forum

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What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader...

Still Wants
To Know

system #1 June 1, 2017, 12:17am

Hey Babypipsters!

Please allow me to introduce myself… my name is Michael J. Huddleston. I know exactly what you’re
wondering right now. Yes, in fact, most have wondered the very same things and many Forex Traders
find themselves pondering precisely the same thought…

What do I need to do to build wealth in Forex Trading?

I’ve read and met so many individuals in my 18+ years trading experience and heard the wildest and
quite ridiculous expectations from some of the most charming and sincere folks… and what have they
gone on to do? They joined the grave yard of the quick and the dead.

So you want to be wealthy, eh? Well this has to be individualized for it to matter to you personally. What
is wealthy to you? One million? Ten million? 50k consistant profits monthly? What ever you determine
for your personal taste or definition… it needs to be personal. Many times new traders try to force
themselves into molds they never were intended to be. You have to be a free thinker… determine your
own goals and risk parameters. This is not a team sport, nor should it be a “hobby”. This is a risky
business and the grave yard for fools and the lazy has an ever increasing appetite for the next one in

So with the gloomy side already touched on, let’s discuss how one might go about building his/her bank
roll into “that wealth milestone”.

First let’s be honest:

If you are going to gamble and not put in the time this business requires to understand it and yourself,
save yourself the time and misery… flush your money in the toilet right now… or better yet, give it to a
worthy charity. I say this because you can overleverage a demo account and build a fantasy about how
big you could (and in your own mind will) start a real account with five thousand or ten thousand dollars
and suddenly own the world.

Real money brings on a whole new level of emotional attachment to trades. If you think not… refer back
to this post after the first trade execution when and if you decide to go to real money.

Demo 50k yourself into a pipedream:

If you have a demo account and most offer a balance of $50,000 to play with… do not use this as a
means of building your expectations. Only leverage what you actually have to risk in real dollar terms.
Brokers want you to get used to spending hours at your day jobs on the boss’s timecard spending
monopoly money in Forex… when you get lucky and hit it big on a demo trade, this will trigger all kinds
of warm and fuzzy fantasy chemicals into your blood stream. Once you open a real account… your
frustration and haste to leave the rat race will have you programmed to overleverage your real account
and like 90% of new traders… blow the account in the first 30-90 days from depositing the initial capital.
Hello??? My gut tells me you probably have already been there and done that…

Alright already… So what do you need to build wealth?

You might think ten thousand is a good start or perhaps twenty-five thousand or maybe only the real big
dogs only make it big starting with fifty thousand as a starting account? Well if you are new to this
business and you open with balances like these… you again are joining the ranks of the quick and the
dead. You will most definitely lose a large percentage of that large beginning balance… and you will
without a doubt allow emotions to enter the trading.

You will overtrade (trade too frequent, with no real reason to be in the trade) in a mad dash just to get
back to “even”. Afterall, you are perfect and this was your only mistake right? Getting back to “even” you
will show your friends at work and family how smart you are… but you will not accept losses. You will
abondon all control and you will click on the entry button over and over with hopes of finding that lottery
win in trading to get your losses back. Your trades will enter the Panic Zone, where every pip fluctuation
will appear as the beginning of the next 100 pip swing and you simply must be on board to earn it all
back, and earn it back immediately. This will compound the losses and your account will pull a hat trick
and go… Poof! Leaving you feeling busted and disgusted.

The Shoestring Secret…

You can develop proper risk control and trade management with as little as one hundred dollars. It
matters not how much you earn in the first stages of your trading… it’s your consistency that is what is
golden. Do you trade with real technicals or on a gut feeling or desire to be in the action? Resist the
“gambler’s” approach or you will see your account erode and your dreams melt away.

A trade is a trade and it is the same outcome whether you leverage one dollar, fifty cents or one
thousand per pip. If you don’t know what you are doing… whatever you choose to bank roll your live
account with… it will disappear no matter what you begin with. So start small and on a shoe string. One
hundred dollars is nothing, most could probably find things around the house to sell to get this money
together and fund the account. Try doing that for twenty five to fifty thousand account funding!

You want the majority of your trades made on equity earned in the market… there is less emotional
attachment to this versus your hard earned starting equity. So begin small, grow it steady and slow if
need be. It is far easier to except a loss on realized profits than from out of pocket funds. When you
begin live trading this will make more sense to you… trust me.

Oh bull… I can’t get rich on a hundred dollars…

Actually, you can build any amount to a fortune if the proper conditions are met. The magic of compound
interest is remarkable. If you have day dreamed at your desk job or stared blankly into the TV at night,
pondering what it must be like for the big dogs who trade huge lots and harvest 500 pip trades and
thought you were never going to get to that level… think again.

Imagine what patience and proper trading can do over time as you develop yourself as the Forex Trader
you aspire to be? Consistant gains on a monthly basis is your goal; as long as you focus there and
control risk… money will deposit into your account.

So easy a caveman can do it…

Okay, we all have read their posts or talked to them in a chat room… some hot shot 20 year old still wet
behind the ears who has mastered the fine art of demo trading and thinks they have discovered the keys
to Solomon’s mine because of it… I have a reality check for you; see the first portion of this post. Their
grave stone is being prepared already.

Remember demo trading is precisely that… demonstration only. You can’t take yourself to dinner on
Demo profits and further more, try buying your spouse that new piece of jewlery on that last Euro/Dollar
demo win!

I don’t understand, don’t I need 2000 pips per minute to get rich?
This unfortunately is the biggest barrier to new traders and forces many to throw in the towel long before
they ever really understand how this all works. You do not need unrealistic pip wins, nor do you need to
over leverage your live account to get wealth from trading.

Think about this…

Forget trying to double your account every 30 days! If you could get six percent… yes a measly 6%
monthly on your account, over the course of a calendar year you would more than double the beginning

Imagine doubling the account over 5-7 years annually… it can grow to millions and it never needs to
assume radical risks per trade!

What do you need to do to make 6% a month?

Well if you could find one trade per week… yes one trade, not thirty four from Sunday night to Friday
afternoon… just a single solid trade netting a measly 20 pips. Your risk would be limited to 2% on the
trade and that’s it.

Even an overtime desk jockey could find a twenty pipper between Sunday to Friday if they were looking
for it. The best part of it is you can lock in the twenty pips in proper trade management and allow it to run
and still follow your wealth plan.

Overtime - Percentage Returns:

Eventually you will learn the flows and mechanics in the Forex markets and your trading will permit more
risk tolerance… and this will allow greater returns in percentage.

Imagine growing an account to one million dollars and still making 6% a month then! Who’s a big dog

It is not a race, remember that. It’s your trading journey, pace yourself and enjoy the walk.

Hundred dollars seems too small but short on capital? For the new traders that are willing to deliver
pizza if need be:

Fund yourself a $1000 account and trade it properly and this might happen to you…

Year 1: 1000 turns 2000

Year 2: 2000 turns 4000
Year 3: 4000 turns 8000
Year 4: 8000 turns 16000
Year 5: 16000 turns 32000
Year 6: 32000 turns 64000
Year 7: 64000 turns 128000
Year 8: 128000 turns 256000
Year 9: 256000 turns 512000
Year 10: 512000 turns 1,024,000 <= Big Dog Status! :33:

All from a shoestring account, one trade a week profiting on twenty pips at 2% or less risk. It is simple
and that’s precisely why most don’t follow it. It doesn’t answer the get rich quick for everyone… and that
is why the losers carry the title. Ask yourself this… where are you after the first twelve months, if you’re
not finding success, revisit this post.

There is hope for the new trader and his/her path need not be unfruitful. Looking at the outline above, at
what point would you feel the desire to go professional… assuming you were consistantly profitable? It
can be exciting can’t it?

You have no excuse now. You are armed with a simple wealth plan. It covers all the majors and the
minors are timing trades. I will highlight trades and methods in this thread to show you don’t need a lot of
pips or leverage to make it big in this game.

Inner Circle Trader’s Introduction Video Series:

[B]I Know Exactly What You Are Looking For[/B]

[B]Forex Risk Management[/B]
[B]Contending With Trade Psychology[/B]
[B]The Excellence Of Execution[/B]
[B]Trading Support & Resistance[/B]
[B]Inner Circle Trader’s Core Concepts Introduction[/B]
[B]Handling Losses & Inevitable Drawdowns[/B]
[B]Trade Forex Like The Insiders - Secrets To The COT Report[/B]
[B]Major Market Analysis[/B]
[B]The Search & Destroy Market Profile[/B]
[B]The Reversal Market Profile[/B]
[B]Correlation Concepts - Inner Circle Trader’s Smart Money Concepts[/B]
[B]Optimal Trade Entry - Inner Circle Trader’s OTE Pattern[/B]
[B]Fibonacci Concepts In Forex[/B]
[B]Trading The Figure[/B]
[B]How Professionals Use Indicators[/B]
[B]Trading The Key Swing Points[/B]
[B]Exploring The Asian Range[/B]
[B]Trading The Asian Session[/B]
[B]Trading The New York Session[/B]
[B]The London Close Tactic[/B]
[B]The Power Of Three - Accumulation - Profit Release - Distribution[/B]
[B]The Judas Swing - Inner Circle Trader’s Exclusive Market Maker Swing[/B]
[B]Short Term Trading - Inner Circle Trader’s Short Term Trading Model[/B]
[B]The Trader’s Trinity - Inner Circle Trader’s Exclusive Overbought - Oversold & S&R
[B]High Probability Price Patterns - Inner Circle Trader’s Collection[/B]
[B]Scalping 20 pips Per Day - Inner Circle Trader’s Method[/B]
[B]Inner Circle Trader’s How To Capture Explosive Forex Profits[/B]
ICT Tools & Resources:

* For a complete list of tools seen in this thread consider this Zip file: [ICT MT4 Collection]

Instructions: Download the zip file, Extract to MT4 platform of your choice under the Experts\Indicator
folder. Restart MT4 find tools in Custom Indicator drop down tab. Enjoy!

Thank You Babypips for making us the first thread to hit 1,000,000 views! I wish to thank you all for
allowing me the extreme pleasure to share with you my life’s work. I do not know how many thousands
of hours I have spent in developing these concepts and ferreting out those concepts that produce
consistently. There is one thing I know for sure and it is this… complete Babypips School for a primer
and then graduate to this thread. In my opinion, you won’t find a better starting point than right here. The
tools and concepts are geared specifically in mind to get your trading in sync with the “Smart Money”. I
will be eagerly awaiting those who find this material and their stories as a result of my contribution to the
history pages of Forex. I am closing this chapter but the story is far from over… continue the education
& journey in my new Babypips forum thread :

[B]ICT’s Millionaire Traders Guild[/B]

Inner Circle Trader’s Babypips Bio ::Click Here::

Please share your success stories with ICT: InnerCircleTrader@gmail.com

I Sincerely Wish You Good Luck & Good Trading! :57:


The Inner Circle Trader Videos

ICT Videos

Why the hate for ICT?

This Week's Question: What Do You Think is the Biggest Reason Why Traders Have Huge

Clint #2 May 24, 2017, 11:03am

Welcome back, Michael.

I’ve looked in on your blog, from time to time, over the past 5 or 6 months.
And, even though much of it is still “under construction” (as you say), I have found your blog to be very

I recommend Michael’s blog to members of this forum. You’ll find it here — The Inner Circle Trader™

wrtm_19 #5 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm

Hey ICT, it’s good to have you here, welcome back!.


cubanpip #8 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm

I just want to say that I am really glad to see ICT sharing once again here with newbies.

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]


Sweet_Pip #9 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

Glad you decided to come back ICT I find it too time consuming keeping up with threads on other
forums and I find this forum quick loading and easy to navigate so it’s where I spend the most time.

I expect putting everything in one post will make for one long post…lol… but I agree with the reason.

Looking forward to your contributions

1 Like

Letseethepips #12 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm

I look forward ICT to further my knowledge of Forex.

system #13 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm


Glad you decided to come back ICT I find it too time consuming keeping up with threads on other
forums and I find this forum quick loading and easy to navigate so it’s where I spend the most time.

I expect putting everything in one post will make for one long post…lol… but I agree with the reason.

Looking forward to your contributions

love the eyelash bit lol…

As for the post being too long, the installments will be in video format linking to my Youtube channel
since the charts can be seen more effectively and allow me to zero in on what I will cover at that specific

I might appear to like typing… however that is far from true… lol.

I appreciate the defense and welcome backs… but no need to fill the thread with that sort of thing. Did
we expect anything less after all? :rolleyes:

As for the new readers not aware of who I am, just take what is presented as my gift and you judge it’s
effectiveness or “credibility” by it’s own weight.



johnnykanoo #14 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

ICT Im glad your back. Honestly you have helped transform my trading and I am very greatful. I look
forward to your thread updates

Aarnog #15 May 25, 2017, 12:35am

Can I take this as an indication that the videos are all complete and are just waiting to be uploaded?

bradu75 #17 May 24, 2017, 1:11pm

very good introduction with that youtube video.

looking forward for new videos

NeedyPips #18 May 24, 2017, 1:12pm

I see lot’s of positive comment about your returm; I guess there’s some history from before my time.
Saw the video - no doubt that stuff bears repeating for these young skulls full of mush. Looking forward
to the ongong developments.

johnnykanoo #19 May 24, 2017, 3:34pm

ICT great start. We will all learn so much from you. I like how you tell it like it is keep it up!!!

jebuskrust #20 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm

thanks for the video, keep them coming

Letseethepips #21 May 24, 2017, 7:41pm

I saw you posted on Thursday Oct 13th.Nice presentation look forward to more video,s on your process
of pulling the trigger on your trades.

system #22 May 24, 2017, 1:11pm

Just a quick example of the types of trades I will be sharing with you the readers in this Trading
Method… See ICT Trade Examples Using This Method

Remember to visit the first post in this thread this weekend for new video installments.


system #23 May 24, 2017, 11:03am

New video link is active on the first post in this thread.

GLGT folks.
jebuskrust #24 May 24, 2017, 1:11pm

thanks a lot, keep the coming

Spinal #25 May 24, 2017, 3:33pm

Excellent stuff! - looking forward to the next lot of videos. I’m enjoying your writing style and love the
convenience of having all the material in one concise post.

poca #26 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm

awesome videos

klrman #27 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

Great videos and a big thanks for sharing them with us Can’t wait to learn more.

system #29 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm

My pleasure… I will have a new video up tonight at 9pm EST - [I][B]Consistency - The Excellence of

Here is a real time example of the methods in action as well:

YouTube - cable_11_02_10.avi


system #30 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

New Video posted and if it is blurry or doesn’t load right away… please give Youtube servers time to
process the video and permit the HD version to format.

klrman #31 May 25, 2017, 2:09am


New Video posted and if it is blurry or doesn’t load right away… please give Youtube servers time to
process the video and permit the HD version to format.


Another great one, thanks again for taking the time to make this all happen for us. Took your advice and
just started collecting today instead of hoping for a big one, and it really paid off. Those little dollars ad
up faster than I would have ever thought!

Sweet_Pip #32 May 25, 2017, 2:09am


About your daily routine exercise, you stated to trade [U]areas of support and resistance[/U] at the
daily/weekly highs/lows…would that include the pivot points too, or a top down analysis of S&R areas
where price reacted in the past? I’ll be documenting my progress with this on my thread.


system #33 May 25, 2017, 7:17am



About your daily routine exercise, you stated to trade [U]areas of support and resistance[/U] at the
daily/weekly highs/lows…would that include the pivot points too, or a top down analysis of S&R
areas where price reacted in the past? I’ll be documenting my progress with this on my thread.


Hey Sweetpip…

I haven’t covered Pivots, Top Down Analysis in the material yet. The focus I wanted the readers and
viewers to note was the impact merely focusing on the effectiveness and simplicity of daily and weekly
highs and lows.
Traders just starting out or finding failure as their only form of consistency… can be encouraged by
Demo Trading the levels formed by previous highs and lows.

It will illustrate the naked approach without indicators and gimmicks and this can be very powerful on its
own… when you follow this for a few weeks… it will train you to anticipate PRICE action and not
divergence, overbought, oversold “readings” on indicators. I’m not against these tools… but the new
Trader needs to depend and rely on his or her ability to read PRICE and not depend or trust indicators
alone or place too much emphasis on their use in trading.

So the simple answer to your question is no… just note the previous day’s high and low. When price
trades to the Previous day’s high, demo short it… take 20 pips and risk 20 pips. If price trades down to
previous days low buy it in a Demo account risking 20 pips for 20 pips gain.

The same applies to weekly highs and lows. This will be rather illuminating for the new trader to see the
consistent setups nearly daily that repeat over and over. It will build a foundation in their hunt for a basic
approach and stage to wait for setups to form versus just clicking on any ole’ pattern or indicators signal.

Hope That answers it for ya Sweet!

1 Like

hellogoodbye4201 #34 May 25, 2017, 8:24am


Hey Sweetpip…

I haven’t covered Pivots, Top Down Analysis in the material yet. The focus I wanted the readers and
viewers to note was the impact merely focusing on the effectiveness and simplicity of daily and
weekly highs and lows.

Traders just starting out or finding failure as their only form of consistency… can be encouraged by
Demo Trading the levels formed by previous highs and lows.

It will illustrate the naked approach without indicators and gimmicks and this can be very powerful on
its own… when you follow this for a few weeks… it will train you to anticipate PRICE action and not
divergence, overbought, oversold “readings” on indicators. I’m not against these tools… but the new
Trader needs to depend and rely on his or her ability to read PRICE and not depend or trust
indicators alone or place too much emphasis on their use in trading.

So the simple answer to your question is no… just note the previous day’s high and low. When price
trades to the Previous day’s high, demo short it… take 20 pips and risk 20 pips. If price trades down
to previous days low buy it in a Demo account risking 20 pips for 20 pips gain.

The same applies to weekly highs and lows. This will be rather illuminating for the new trader to see
the consistent setups nearly daily that repeat over and over. It will build a foundation in their hunt for
a basic approach and stage to wait for setups to form versus just clicking on any ole’ pattern or
indicators signal.

Hope That answers it for ya Sweet!


I used to do that, trade the daily high and lows that is. However, I would just set pending orders, 20 pip
target, 20 pip stop, right at the high and low of the previous day. Didnt work that well for me but I’m
gonna try what you said and see what happens

Sweet_Pip #35 May 25, 2017, 8:24am


Hey Sweetpip…
Hope That answers it for ya Sweet!

Yes it does…I will strip (my chart) down and trade naked…

Thanks again

erikskenne #36 May 25, 2017, 8:24am

Thanks ICT I shall clean my chart and follow yr advice, I really like to watch yr video and hope it will
come a lot more.
Thanks for sharing yr knowledge.

robrawks #38 May 25, 2017, 9:22am

ICT, I’ve spent the last month reading different strategies about trying to profitable trade on the forex
market. I’ve seen many different indicators, books, seminars, programs, and the list goes on.

Even with all of those scams and useless information that lurks on the internet, I honestly have to admit
that your videos have helped me the most. I found that you explain the other aspects of trading that
many other tend to gloss over. Which is the money management and the right mindset to trade. Please
keep up the good work!
poca #39 May 25, 2017, 9:22am


I used to do that, trade the daily high and lows that is. However, I would just set pending orders, 20
pip target, 20 pip stop, right at the high and low of the previous day. Didnt work that well for me but
I’m gonna try what you said and see what happens

I am wondering what is the difference is? I dont see it.

mozdef #40 May 25, 2017, 10:15am


Hey ICT, great thread. I’m learning a lot from it already. Regarding your simple daily routine plan I’ve
attached some pictures below and if you could please look at them and see if I’m drawing the high/lows
the proper way…

This is a H1 EURUSD chart for previous week (denoted between the 2 solid vertical pink lines). Each
day is separated by dotted vertical pink lines. The weekly high/low is the think horizontal red lines while
the daily high/low for past three days (wed, thurs, fri) are the dotted horizontal red lines.

This is the m15 chart for today (to the right of the green line)
Is this better ICT? I guess there’s not much action today and the price is just ranging between the
bottom 2 red lines.

hellogoodbye4201 #41 May 25, 2017, 11:04am

Good thread and videos Michael, looking forward to more videos:D

klrman #42 May 25, 2017, 11:50am

To feel confident with a system, would 100 trades with 75% of them making a profit be good enough to
say the system works or are more than 100 trades needed to determine this?

Sweet_Pip #43 May 25, 2017, 7:18am


Hope That answers it for ya Sweet!


Ok, one more question. Can we place pending orders at these levels in case we’re not around when
price gets there? Or is that cheating…lol

TalonD #44 May 25, 2017, 9:22am


Yes it does…I will strip (my chart) down and trade naked…

Thanks again

oh CHARTS! ok

system #45 May 25, 2017, 9:22am

[B]HelloGoodbye4201[/B] said “ [I]I used to do that, trade the daily high and lows that is. However, I
would just set pending orders, 20 pip target, 20 pip stop, right at the high and low of the previous day.
Didnt work that well for me but I’m gonna try what you said and see what happens [/I]“

The importance is on the retest of these previous price levels that (for reasons unknown, nor do we care
as Technicians) stopped dropping or rallying up. We will illuminate the “hot zones” where the Banks
monitor for daily flows and the secret to consistent setups. ;)___________

[B]Sweet Pip[/B] said “ [I]Yes it does…I will strip (my chart) down and trade naked.…[/I]”

LoL cute… I’m sure the men would ask you not to place a stop on that one…__________

[B]ErikScenne [/B]said “[I]Drowning in indicators : Thanks ICT I shall clean my chart and follow…”[/I]

Very encouraging to see you move towards the study of Price and refrain from Indicatoritis… you will
thank yourself in a few weeks. Trust me.

[B]RobRawks [/B]said “[I]ICT, I’ve spent the last month reading different strategies about trying to
profitable trade on the forex market. I’ve seen many different indicators, books, seminars, programs, and
the list goes on.

Even with all of those scams and useless information that lurks on the internet, I honestly have to admit
that your videos have helped me the most. I found that you explain the other aspects of trading that
many other tend to gloss over. Which is the money management and the right mindset to trade. Please
keep up the good work!”[/I]

Thank you sir, and it is my pleasure. Nothing pleases me more and assures my time and efforts are not
wasted, as when I see these encouraging remarks. I wish you GLGT!_________

[B]Mozdef [/B]said “[I]Hey ICT, great thread. I’m learning a lot from it already. Regarding your simple
daily routine plan I’ve attached some pictures below and if you could please look at them and see if I’m
drawing S/R in a proper way…”[/I]

Mozdef please edit your charts on the same post and only note an hourly and 15 minute chart with the
Euro Daily Highs and Lows for the last three days… the Previous Week’s High and Low levels noted as

Do not highlight [U]any other levels[/U] and when you do this I will highlight what you should be noticing.
Do not, [U]for the sake of this exercise[/U], add more Support and or Resistance levels on your charts
for now. Remember, change your charts and just edit the same post you made and change the
comments respectively. This way the Thread stays clean and focused on what’s being presented as we
go along. I’ll respond when you make the changes.

[B]HelloGoodbye4201 [/B]said “[I]Good thread and videos Michael, looking forward to more videos…”[/I]

Thank you and look for another one tomorrow morning. It will be on Risk Management.

[B]Klrman [/B]said “[I]To feel confident with a system, would 100 trades with 75% of them making a profit
be good enough to say the system works or are more than 100 trades needed to determine this?”[/I]

I can’t answer this for you or anyone else for that matter. Your comfort level will be determined by your
own experiences and time and efforts put into it. However, my advise is to relax and don’t place time
limits on your learning. You will know when you are comfortable and don’t confuse that with “a hurry to
put it into practice with money”.

A month of doing the same approach with consistency and comfort as it relates to expectations and fear
and greed… I’d say this should be a minimum._________

[B]Sweet Pip [/B]said “[I]Ok, one more question. Can we place pending orders at these levels in case
we’re not around when price gets there? Or is that cheating…lol “[/I]

Sure… as long as you are keying off the S&R levels noted by Previous days highs and lows and Weekly
Highs and Lows. [U][I][B]Remember this is an exercise, not a Trading system[/B][/I][/U]. It is to develop a
routine, a discipline to follow a specific list of rules. It will provide the foundation to the later topics and
lessons you will learn in future videos and examples. Not to mention illustrate how hard it is for new
Traders to do the necessary things to be consistent.

It’s a sobering thing to see yourself having to do the same thing over and over and not make a penny on
it all… which is precisely what successful Trading is all about. Doing the same thing in the Market with
an edge and not caring whether it makes a profit or not. Thereby removing all emotions and developing
objective Professional habits which ultimately will lead you to consistency and hopefully profitability.


allmix10 #46 May 24, 2017, 11:03am

ICT really enjoying this thread and very excited to see what you have in store for us later.

klrman #47 May 25, 2017, 11:05am


[B]Klrman [/B]said “[I]To feel confident with a system, would 100 trades with 75% of them making a
profit be good enough to say the system works or are more than 100 trades needed to determine

I can’t answer this for you or anyone else for that matter. Your comfort level will be determined by
your own experiences and time and efforts put into it. However, my advise is to relax and don’t place
time limits on your learning. You will know when you are comfortable and don’t confuse that with “a
hurry to put it into practice with money”.

Thanks for that good advice. I can see that the more I study the markets, the more I am getting a feel of
how to play them. There is a lot more opportunity out there than I had first realized stepping into Forex
but you’re right, I need to develop patience and I’ll know when the time is right.

mozdef #48 May 25, 2017, 11:04am


Mozdef please edit your charts on the same post and only note an hourly and 15 minute chart with
the Euro Daily Highs and Lows for the last three days… the Previous Week’s High and Low levels
noted as well.

Do not highlight [U]any other levels[/U] and when you do this I will highlight what you should be
noticing. Do not, [U]for the sake of this exercise[/U], add more Support and or Resistance levels on
your charts for now. Remember, change your charts and just edit the same post you made and
change the comments respectively. This way the Thread stays clean and focused on what’s being
presented as we go along. I’ll respond when you make the changes.

Just a quick question, by last three days do you mean last week’s (Nov. 1-5) wednesday, thursday and
friday? And then previous week’s high/low levels would be last week (Nov. 1-5) or the week before that
(Oct. 25-29)?

Would appreciate your reply and edit my last post accordingly.

thanks :o

Sweet_Pip #49 May 25, 2017, 11:50am

Just a quick question, by last three days do you mean last week’s (Nov. 1-5) wednesday, thursday
and friday? And then previous week’s high/low levels would be last week (Nov. 1-5) or the week
before that (Oct. 25-29)?

Would appreciate your reply and edit my last post accordingly.

thanks :o

Hi mozdef…this is what I did…I’m using the highs & lows on Friday (Nov 5th) as my “previous day”
highs and lows from which to trade today…Monday Nov 11. I ignore Saturday & Sunday. The double
vertical line divides last week from this new week.

I also marked the daily highs & lows of last week (Nov 2-5), as well as the overall high low of last week. I
did this last night so if we only needed the last 3 days, I have extra…lol

Hope that helps

Sweet_Pip #50 May 25, 2017, 12:34pm


I also marked the daily highs & lows of last week (Nov 2-5), as well as the overall high low of last
week. I did this last night so if we only needed the last 3 days, I have extra…lol

Now that I’ve said that, the weekly low I’m using of 80.23 doesn’t make sense anymore…that low
probably belongs to the week before last, so I’ll be changing my low to 80.31 as per the low of last
Monday…Nov 2…hope that didn’t cause too much confusion :o

mozdef #51 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm


Now that I’ve said that, the weekly low I’m using of 80.23 doesn’t make sense anymore…that low
probably belongs to the week before last, so I’ll be changing my low to 80.31 as per the low of last
Monday…Nov 2…hope that didn’t cause too much confusion :o

yea I was wondering about that as well but thanks for your reply I’ve also edited my original post as
per ICT’s request.

azadali #53 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm

[/QUOTE]So the simple answer to your question is no… just note the previous day’s high and low.
When price trades to the Previous day’s high, demo short it… take 20 pips and risk 20 pips. If price
trades down to previous days low buy it in a Demo account risking 20 pips for 20 pips gain.

The same applies to weekly highs and lows. This will be rather illuminating for the new trader to see
the consistent setups nearly daily that repeat over and over. It will build a foundation in their hunt for
a basic approach and stage to wait for setups to form versus just clicking on any ole’ pattern or
indicators signal.[QUOTE]

Hi Im a newbie. Loving the videos and looking forward to the others.

I have a question regarding the above quote. do we use the the daily charts to note down the daily highs
and lows and weekly charts to note the weekly highs/lows or can we use the H4 charts to mark them?

azadali #55 May 25, 2017, 8:24am


Hey Sweetpip…

So the simple answer to your question is no… just note the previous day’s high and low. When price
trades to the Previous day’s high, demo short it… take 20 pips and risk 20 pips. If price trades down
to previous days low buy it in a Demo account risking 20 pips for 20 pips gain.

The same applies to weekly highs and lows. This will be rather illuminating for the new trader to see
the consistent setups nearly daily that repeat over and over. It will build a foundation in their hunt for
a basic approach and stage to wait for setups to form versus just clicking on any ole’ pattern or
indicators signal.
Hope That answers it for ya Sweet!

Hi Im a newbie. Loving the videos and looking forward to the others.

I have a question regarding the above quote. do we use the the daily charts to note down the daily highs
and lows and weekly charts to note the weekly highs/lows or can we use the H4 charts to mark them?

TalonD #56 May 25, 2017, 8:24am


Hi Im a newbie. Loving the videos and looking forward to the others.

I have a question regarding the above quote. do we use the the daily charts to note down the daily
highs and lows and weekly charts to note the weekly highs/lows or can we use the H4 charts to mark

I like to use one hour charts in metatrader. You can turn on period sepperators and it automatically
draws a vertical line to show the days. That makes it easy to see the highs and lows.

Sweet_Pip #57 May 25, 2017, 8:24am


Hi Im a newbie. Loving the videos and looking forward to the others.

I have a question regarding the above quote. do we use the the daily charts to note down the daily
highs and lows and weekly charts to note the weekly highs/lows or can we use the H4 charts to mark

As per InnerCircleTrader…

Originally Posted by InnerCircleTrader

Mozdef please edit your charts on the same post and [B]only note an hourly and 15 minute chart
[/B]with the Euro Daily Highs and Lows for the last three days… the Previous Week’s High and Low
levels noted as well.

Sweet_Pip #58 May 25, 2017, 8:24am

I know this exercise is to build discipline to consistently follow a routine, and then wait for price to do it’s
thing and reach one of those areas before opening a trade. Do we keep trading each time price reaches
those areas, or do we stop after trading one of them?


After re-reviewing your video, it seems I glossed over the part about writing our own simple system
which is to include those key areas to trade from and 1:1 money management of 20 pips… :o

Therefore, I’ll just answer myself and say I will take one trade per day based on one of those areas
triggering…and maybe a few other added rules which I’ll post on my thread.


erikskenne #59 May 25, 2017, 8:24am


anyone know how to upload image here?:o

Sweet_Pip #60 May 25, 2017, 10:15am



anyone know how to upload image here?:o

Try this… 301 Moved Permanently

MCAWally #61 May 25, 2017, 10:15am

Seeing this exercise is about good habits, I’m journaling these trades.

This is something I am so slack in doing and needs correcting.

cashDemoN #62 May 25, 2017, 11:04am


Try this… 301 Moved Permanently

hi sweet pip…what happened with your trading stile about harmonics-gartleys,butterflys and all…/30
pips a day thread/just qurious…cheers

system #63 May 25, 2017, 11:50am



Hey ICT, great thread. I’m learning a lot from it already. Regarding your simple daily routine plan I’ve
attached some pictures below and if you could please look at them and see if I’m drawing the
high/lows the proper way…

This is a H1 EURUSD chart for previous week (denoted between the 2 solid vertical pink lines). Each
day is separated by dotted vertical pink lines. The weekly high/low is the think horizontal red lines
while the daily high/low for past three days (wed, thurs, fri) are the dotted horizontal red lines.

This is the m15 chart for today (to the right of the green line)

Is this better ICT? I guess there’s not much action today and the price is just ranging between the
bottom 2 red lines.


The point in noting these levels is to highlight price levels that will have a high odds of providing Key
Support and or Resistance in the short term. I like to review the previous three days worth of Daily Highs
and Lows but it’s not limited to the previous three trading days alone… these levels can and most often
provide S&R at future times.

The reason I like the three day period of Daily Highs and Lows is basically due to the structure of Swing
Points and they are seen as a Classic Three Candle Formation. A swing point is a high or low that
records precise levels when PRICE was forced to turn direction and create a Support or Resistance.

Since Daily Highs and Lows are static and very easy to determine this is your beginning point for noting
Key S&R levels. There is nothing subjective about “where they are”… afterall the levels are “known” and
easily referenced by anyone’s chart.

What you want to study is when Price trades up to a Previous Day’s High, expect the Price to present a
bounce at the Previous Day’s High in the form of Resistance. The same can be expected should Price
trade up to the Previous Day’s Low… expect the Previous Day’s Low to present Resistance.

Conversely, you can expect Price to Bounce in the form of Support should Price trade down to the
Previous Day’s Low and or Previous Day’s High.

It is typical for the Daily High and Low to present outstanding S&R levels on levels seen two days ago…
this in my opinion, is due to the nature Swing Highs and Lows form. You have an example of this in your
posted charts… note when and where the Previous Day’s High and or Low presented a turn in Price that
offered atleast 20 pips in movement. Note when and where it presented more pips and how Price
reacted to these levels over a consecutive three day period.

The premise of Techincal Analysis is to find and focus on times when the Price of the market is
positioned to move in an anticipated direction. The stumbling block or most Traders is not having a firm
understanding on how to zero in on areas to “expect or anticipate” a Trade to form well in advance of
Price actually trading there. Thus providing the knowledgable trader the opportunity to relax and
patiently sit on his/her hands while the setup comes to them.

I will refrain from saying anymore here but study the action of Price in your charts like this for a few
weeks and note how many handsome set ups form on the basis of this insight.

Relax if this went over your head… it’s all covered in the S&R videos.


Sweet_Pip #64 May 25, 2017, 11:05am


hi sweet pip…what happened with your trading stile about harmonics-gartleys,butterflys and all…/30
pips a day thread/just qurious…cheers

Hi cashdemon,
Oh I’m still trading with the gartleys and butterflys, just not by themselves anymore. I keep watch for
them…actually the “Zup” indicator does… and when price is at a key support or resistance level and a
harmonic pattern takes shape, I take it as extra reinforcement to trade that area. Of course there could
be other factors that converge at a key S&R level too or instead of, like pivots, fibs, etc, which gives me
more opportunities to trade than just the harmonics would due to my limited time to trade.

Clint #65 May 25, 2017, 11:04am

Nice avatar, Sweet Pip!

Sweet_Pip #66 May 25, 2017, 12:34pm


Nice avatar, Sweet Pip!

Thanks Clint :)…I think the other one kinda looked like I was holding a deck of cards, plus it wasn’t the
most flattering look for me either …lol.

mozdef #67 May 25, 2017, 12:34pm

thanks ICT for that informative reply. I’m also studying Nison’s candlesticks and he also repeatedly
hammers in the fact that candlestick reversal patterns are only really significant at key S/R lines which
underscores their importance in trading.

Clint #68 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm


Thanks Clint :)…I think the other one kinda looked like I was holding a deck of cards…

When I first arrived here on Babypips, I thought you were holding a bridge hand.

I was about to post a bid of [B]1 - No trump[/B], — then, I realized you were holding cold cash.

system #69 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm


thanks ICT for that informative reply. I’m also studying Nison’s candlesticks and he also repeatedly
hammers in the fact that candlestick reversal patterns are only really significant at key S/R lines
which underscores their importance in trading.

If one would study any significant trade setups regardless of indicator or method… its all only significant
at Key S&R levels…
azadali #70 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm

Thanks guys for the reply to my previous question.

I’ve been drawing the lines on the charts over the last couple of days and although I’m not in front of the
laptop all the time I can see the bounces off those s/r lines on a regular bases!!
I did open 2 trades with this system and one trade I closed at 18 pips profit. I was away from the laptop
for a while after I opened the other trade it went up over 20 pips in the right direction but went straight
down the other way and hit the stop loss!!

So simple, yet so effective!!

mozdef #71 May 24, 2017, 11:03am

hey ICT any idea when we get to see the next set of videos?

hellogoodbye4201 #72 May 24, 2017, 1:11pm

ICT do you use daily or weekly fibs?

system #73 May 24, 2017, 3:33pm


hey ICT any idea when we get to see the next set of videos?

Risk Management online

system #74 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm


ICT do you use daily or weekly fibs?

I do among other time periods as well

ukdave #75 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm

Hi Michael

Firstly, can I add my thanks for these highly instructive, insightful and eye-opening videos. You certainly
have a knack for getting your points across powerfully and memorably. I’ve really enjoyed working
through each one (repeatedly!) and I’m definitely looking forward to the rest.

Your descriptions of ‘how not to do it’ resonated powerfully. Luckily I’ve only recently begun demo trading
and so the bad habits haven’t become ingrained. Needless to say, I’ve stopped all demo trading (bar
your daily EURUSD exercise). Stripping everything away from the chart does make it possible to ‘see
the wood for the trees’ as you say yourself.

Incidentally, I wanted to research the Kelly Principle as mentioned in the Risk Management video. I
found some useful results by Googling ‘Kelly Criterion’. Might be worth knowing for others who want to
look more closely at this - and I certainly think it’s worthwhile.

Thanks again and GLGT


hellogoodbye4201 #76 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm


I do among other time periods as well

Another good video, looking forward to the next.

o990l6mh #77 May 24, 2017, 7:41pm

I agree, very good video ICT.

fxvoilaaa #78 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm

Cool video, nice to see.

mozdef #79 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

great video ICT. I’m also going through james16 thread and although it seems quite good some people
have doubted the credibility of that guy. Do you think it’s worthwhile to go through that 5000+ page
thread as it could take weeks and I wouldnt want to waste that much time when I could be reading other
useful information

klrman #80 May 24, 2017, 11:04pm

Another great video ICT, thanks again!

You mentioned before about corrections, so on the page "Account Risk"

the line that starts with “[B]Risk per Trade is[/B]” shouldn’t 5,000 be in braces instead of 500?

eg: you have $100USD([B]500[/B]x0.02)

system #81 May 25, 2017, 2:09am


Another great video ICT, thanks again!

You mentioned before about corrections, so on the page "Account Risk"

the line that starts with “[B]Risk per Trade is[/B]” shouldn’t 5,000 be in braces instead of 500?

eg: you have $100USD([B]500[/B]x0.02)

yes thank you for bringing that to my attention. I read it in my own words and my mind fills in the
voids and errors… I have a few others in this video and the previous I am doctoring up… when I have I
will post the next video on Support & Resistance… this topic has multiple videos and will require time
and foundation, as I intend to cover it as completely or in the best of my ability, let’s just say that lol.

vosterfxandy #82 May 25, 2017, 12:35am


great video ICT. I’m also going through james16 thread and although it seems quite good some
people have doubted the credibility of that guy. Do you think it’s worthwhile to go through that 5000+
page thread as it could take weeks and I wouldnt want to waste that much time when I could be
reading other useful information
I wouldn’t call James16 a scam.

1geniuz #83 May 24, 2017, 1:11pm

this website is famous.

o990l6mh #84 May 25, 2017, 2:09am


great video ICT. I’m also going through james16 thread and although it seems quite good some
people have doubted the credibility of that guy. Do you think it’s worthwhile to go through that 5000+
page thread as it could take weeks and I wouldnt want to waste that much time when I could be
reading other useful information

It is a good thread although James himself is a mysterious and secluded person.

There’s a lot of good information there though and there’s no need to join the private forum, the free
public thread is enough.

Pay attention especially to the most skilled posters like mbqb11, raczekfx and a bunch of others.

Also, you don’t need to go through the entire thread, maybe the first 10-15000 posts or so and you’ll
have a good idea of what it’s about.

mozdef #85 May 25, 2017, 5:47am


I wouldn’t call James16 a scam.

I didn’t call him a scam, just was in two minds about it because of another thread at FF


It is a good thread although James himself is a mysterious and secluded person.

There’s a lot of good information there though and there’s no need to join the private forum, the free
public thread is enough.

Pay attention especially to the most skilled posters like mbqb11, raczekfx and a bunch of others.
Also, you don’t need to go through the entire thread, maybe the first 10-15000 posts or so and you’ll
have a good idea of what it’s about.

thanks that makes it slightly more bearable

klrman #86 May 25, 2017, 5:47am


yes thank you for bringing that to my attention. I read it in my own words and my mind fills in the
voids and errors… I have a few others in this video and the previous I am doctoring up… when I
have I will post the next video on Support & Resistance… this topic has multiple videos and will
require time and foundation, as I intend to cover it as completely or in the best of my ability, let’s just
say that lol.

Anytime Everybody including myself knew exactly what you meant still. Can’t thank you enough for
all the time and hard work you put into all those videos.

TalonD #87 May 25, 2017, 5:47am

hey ICT what happened to your forum site? I haven’t been there in a while and just noticed it isn’t there.
Or else I just can’t get to it for some reason.

dpaterso #89 May 25, 2017, 8:24am


this website is famous.

No ‘sh1t’!!!

What kind of post was THAT??? LOL!!!


chizzenpips #90 May 25, 2017, 9:22am

A ‘my-first-post-ever’ post, lol!

This might just be the best thread that ever happened in BP. Great work ICT.

dpaterso #91 May 25, 2017, 10:16am

Geez!!! Another ‘blast from the past’!!! Hey chizzenpips!!! How ARE you and where the ‘f*ck’ have you



TalonD #92 May 25, 2017, 10:15am



No ‘sh1t’!!!

What kind of post was THAT??? LOL!!!



This website is famous LOL I was wondering about that post myself WTF was that?

chizzenpips #93 May 25, 2017, 10:15am

Been puppin’ trying to squeeze pipjuice outta my hardware, dusting my speakers and hustling @ the
street corner trading zizgagrizla!!! How tha F**k is you doing?

Happy trading y’all (<-insert GLGT and keep tha course longhorn)

system #94 May 25, 2017, 11:04am

Hello Traders here is a video highlighting the tools and applications in action on two swing trades I was
in today.

Hope this is helpful and inspiring for the aspiring


ICT Swing Trade Video Review

hellogoodbye4201 #95 May 25, 2017, 12:34pm


Hello Traders here is a video highlighting the tools and applications in action on two swing trades I
was in today.

Hope this is helpful and inspiring for the aspiring


ICT Swing Trade Video Review

I might have missed it but how did you figure your profit targets?

system #96 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm


I might have missed it but how did you figure your profit targets?

I use a number of methods that hopefully agree or come very close to the same targets. I use Time &
Price Theory, Fibs, Day Range, Price Projections, all of which will be covered in the Targets video


system #97 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm

Folks, return to the first post of this thread and view it…

Clint #98 May 25, 2017, 1:57pm

Hello, Michael

Thanks for the great video.

I took the same GU trade that you did (early Tuesday), and I’m pumped! — because my analysis of that
short opportunity matched yours so closely (S/R level, bear-flag, etc.).

My entry and exit were not as good as yours: you entered short at 1.5918. I entered too early, got
stopped out in the chopping and churning that occurred between 4:30am and 8:30am, and got back in
too late; so, my final entry was short at 1.5876.

Like you, I exited manually, when I saw that my downside target wasn’t going to be hit. You covered at
I covered at 1.5816.

I know I can improve my entries and exits. That doesn’t even worry me. What has me pumped is your
confirmation that I had the trade analyzed correctly. Thanks, again.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

system #99 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm


Hello, Michael

Thanks for the great video.

I took the same GU trade that you did (early Tuesday), and I’m pumped! — because my analysis of
that short opportunity matched yours so closely (S/R level, bear-flag, etc.).

My entry and exit were not as good as yours: you entered short at 1.5918. I entered too early, got
stopped out in the chopping and churning that occurred between 4:30am and 8:30am, and got back
in too late; so, my final entry was short at 1.5876.

Like you, I exited manually, when I saw that my downside target wasn’t going to be hit. You covered
at 1.5805.
I covered at 1.5816.

I know I can improve my entries and exits. That doesn’t even worry me. What has me pumped is
your confirmation that I had the trade analyzed correctly. Thanks, again.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


I love reading these… kudos and thank you as well.


hellogoodbye4201 #100 May 25, 2017, 2:38pm


Folks, return to the first post of this thread and view it…


Another great video, happy Thanksgiving!

mozdef #101 May 25, 2017, 2:38pm

great video ICT, I feel so lucky to have found an opportunity to learn from an experienced forex pro such
as yourself right at the beginning of my forex journey. Hopefully, this may mean that I might be able to
cut down on the usual learning curve by avoiding the indicator crazy phase altogether.

I did have a question from your latest video…you say:

“On the long side, when a market falls down to a prior low it is more significant than when the market
falls down to a prior high” and the reverse for shorts. Can you please elaborate I didn’t quite understand.

EricTheTrader #102 May 25, 2017, 2:38pm

Thanks ICT for the videos!

Just like all other beginners out there I’ve lost $200. Still on the game though. I’m currently with a new
broker now, Lucrorfx New Zealand broker… Have you heard of them? They’re on MT4 platform. I just
have one question though is a 5 minute TF fine for a beginner?

Sweet_Pip #103 May 25, 2017, 3:51pm


I did have a question from your latest video…you say:

“On the long side, when a market falls down to a prior low it is more significant than when the market
falls down to a prior high” and the reverse for shorts. Can you please elaborate I didn’t quite

Sorry I don’t really get what part you don’t understand …the scenario being described, or what the
significance between them is…or both…lol. I don’t really understand the signficance yet either, so can’t
help you there, but I can explain the scenarios…pls disregard tho if you do as others may not.

When price falls down to a prior low (support), that means it’s testing the strength of that support and a
good place to go long…when price falls down to a prior high, it means price broke up through a previous
high (resistance) and is falling back down (pullback) to test whether that prior high resistance will now
turn into support, and is now a good place to go long.

The reverse is true for short orders when price is rising to test a prior high (resistance) or rising
(pullback) to test a broken support as new resistance.

The only reason I can think of for the significance would be when prior highs and lows hold it might
indicate a range market condition, where testing broken support/resistance as new resistance/support
could indicate a trend condition

Aarnog #104 May 25, 2017, 3:51pm


great video ICT, I feel so lucky to have found an opportunity to learn from an experienced forex pro
such as yourself right at the beginning of my forex journey. Hopefully, this may mean that I might be
able to cut down on the usual learning curve by avoiding the indicator crazy phase altogether.

I did have a question from your latest video…you say:

“On the long side, when a market falls down to a prior low it is more significant than when the market
falls down to a prior high” and the reverse for shorts. Can you please elaborate I didn’t quite

Basically what ICT is saying, is that if your are looking for a long, previous support levels are MORE
significant than the previous resistance levels - that is, previous support levels act better as support
levels than they do resistance levels, while previous resistance levels act better as resistance than

So, when price is trading down to a level previously tested as support (basically a swing low in price, or
a low with 2 higher highs on either side of it), it is a better indication to go long, than if price is trading
down to a level previously tested as resistance (or a swing high, which is a high with 2 higher highs on
either side).

Inversely, when price is trading up to a level previously tested as resistance, it is a better indication to
go short, than if price is trading up to a level previously tested as support

does this clear things up? If not I can always throw together a diagram in paint or something.

Also - to answer the question of WHY it’s significant:

Markets spend 75% or more of their time range-bound (that is, they aren’t making significantly higher
highs, or lower lows). The reason that previous support levels are MORE significant than previous
resistance levels when going long, is that once the support level is reached, the market will tend to move
back into its range, as opposed to continuing downward with a breakout, whereas if price is testing a
previously established high, it means price has already broken out, and it is more likely to retrace
downwards back into its range, than it is to continue upwards with the breakout.

Again, I hope this makes sense - I’ve been chipping away at my mountain of coursework all day and my
brain is starting to turn off.

Sweet_Pip #105 May 25, 2017, 4:24pm


Basically what ICT is saying, is that if your are looking for a long, previous support levels are MORE
significant than the previous resistance levels - that is, previous support levels act better as support
levels than they do resistance levels, while previous resistance levels act better as resistance than

So, when price is trading down to a level previously tested as support (basically a swing low in
price, or a low with 2 higher highs on either side of it), it is a better indication to go long, than if price
is trading down to a level previously tested as resistance (or a swing high, which is a high with 2
higher highs on either side).

Inversely, when price is trading up to a level previously tested as resistance, it is a better indication
to go short, than if price is trading up to a level previously tested as support

does this clear things up? If not I can always throw together a diagram in paint or something.

So could it be said then that it is the difference between a proven and an unproven level…prior S&R is
proven and perhaps more reliable, but when it reverses and becomes the other, it is unproven and less
reliable…as in riskier?

Aarnog #106 May 25, 2017, 4:24pm

Check the edit in my previous post Sweet Pip - I think (hope) I explained it fairly well there. If not, I’ll
throw something together in paint.

Sweet_Pip #107 May 25, 2017, 5:36pm


Check the edit in my previous post Sweet Pip - I think (hope) I explained it fairly well there. If not, I’ll
throw something together in paint.

Ok, good…sounds like my thoughts are in line with yours

I missed ya in chat cause I was watching the videos and I guess it kicked me out…now it won’t let me
back in :(…just as well as it’s bedtime and I spent the last couple of nights in there a little later than I
should have and I’m sooooo tired plus I have to get up super early to take the car to the shop before
work for repairs. Will try again tomorrow night instead…good night

Aarnog #108 May 25, 2017, 5:36pm

No worries - the chatroom has been known to die on occasion, it’s happening to me as well.

Anyway, great work on the video ICT - I’m glad we’re getting into the nitty gritty now!

mozdef #109 May 28, 2017, 7:47am


Sorry I don’t really get what part you don’t understand …the scenario being described, or what the
significance between them is…or both…lol. I don’t really understand the signficance yet either, so
can’t help you there, but I can explain the scenarios…pls disregard tho if you do as others may not.

When price falls down to a prior low (support), that means it’s testing the strength of that support and
a good place to go long…when price falls down to a prior high, it means price broke up through a
previous high (resistance) and is falling back down (pullback) to test whether that prior high
resistance will now turn into support, and is now a good place to go long.

The reverse is true for short orders when price is rising to test a prior high (resistance) or rising
(pullback) to test a broken support as new resistance.
The only reason I can think of for the significance would be when prior highs and lows hold it might
indicate a range market condition, where testing broken support/resistance as new
resistance/support could indicate a trend condition

I think I understand what you are saying. Basically say a breakout occurs towards long and as it retraces
back it is more likely to bounce at the previous support than the resistance it just broke. can you looked
at the attached pic?


Basically what ICT is saying, is that if your are looking for a long, previous support levels are MORE
significant than the previous resistance levels - that is, previous support levels act better as support
levels than they do resistance levels, while previous resistance levels act better as resistance than

So, when price is trading down to a level previously tested as support (basically a swing low in
price, or a low with 2 higher highs on either side of it), it is a better indication to go long, than if price
is trading down to a level previously tested as resistance (or a swing high, which is a high with 2
higher highs on either side).

Inversely, when price is trading up to a level previously tested as resistance, it is a better indication
to go short, than if price is trading up to a level previously tested as support

does this clear things up? If not I can always throw together a diagram in paint or something.

Also - to answer the question of WHY it’s significant:

Markets spend 75% or more of their time range-bound (that is, they aren’t making significantly higher
highs, or lower lows). The reason that previous support levels are MORE significant than previous
resistance levels when going long, is that once the support level is reached, the market will tend to
move back into its range, as opposed to continuing downward with a breakout, whereas if price is
testing a previously established high, it means price has already broken out, and it is more likely to
retrace downwards back into its range, than it is to continue upwards with the breakout.

Again, I hope this makes sense - I’ve been chipping away at my mountain of coursework all day and
my brain is starting to turn off.

Thanks, this clears it up :). Do you agree with the attached pic?
system #110 May 25, 2017, 3:51pm


Thanks ICT for the videos!

Just like all other beginners out there I’ve lost $200. Still on the game though. I’m currently with a
new broker now, Lucrorfx New Zealand broker… Have you heard of them? They’re on MT4 platform.
I just have one question though is a 5 minute TF fine for a beginner?

Hello Eric:

You are quite welcome… it’s my pleasure to share.

I have not heard of the broker you mentioned in your post… I do not recommend brokers so this is
something you will have to research and determine on your own which to trade through.

I would advise you to stay away from the short term charts under 60 minutes if you are new to trading.
The lore of 5 minute charts attract new traders as my videos illustrate and unfortunately this leads to
losing money and losing it fast. If you are not sure what you are doing and as new to trading as you
say… what makes you think the answers lie in the 5 minute charts? There is a lot of noise, that can
throw a Trader off, if they are not focused on Key Long Term Support and Resistance levels… then 5
minute charts become valuable… much like any timeframe would… with the proper perspective.

Hope that helps…

system #111 May 25, 2017, 4:24pm


Basically what ICT is saying, is that if your are looking for a long, previous support levels are MORE
significant than the previous resistance levels - that is, previous support levels act better as support
levels than they do resistance levels, while previous resistance levels act better as resistance than

So, when price is trading down to a level previously tested as support (basically a swing low in
price, or a low with 2 higher [U][B]LOWS[/B][/U] on either side of it), it is a better indication to go
long, than if price is trading down to a level previously tested as resistance (or a swing high, which
is a high with 2 [U][B]lower[/B][/U] highs on either side).

Inversely, when price is trading up to a level previously tested as resistance, it is a better indication
to go short, than if price is trading up to a level previously tested as support

does this clear things up? If not I can always throw together a diagram in paint or something.

Also - to answer the question of WHY it’s significant:

Markets spend 75% or more of their time range-bound (that is, they aren’t making significantly higher
highs, or lower lows). The reason that previous support levels are MORE significant than previous
resistance levels when going long, is that once the support level is reached, the market will tend to
move back into its range, as opposed to continuing downward with a breakout, whereas if price is
testing a previously established high, it means price has already broken out, and it is more likely to
retrace downwards back into its range, than it is to continue upwards with the breakout.

I edited two errors in the description of the Swing Highs and Lows in your response to Mozdef inquiry…
aside from that… I am in agreement with this explaination… WTG.

system #112 May 25, 2017, 4:59pm


I think I understand what you are saying. Basically say a breakout occurs towards long and as it
retraces back it is more likely to bounce at the previous support than the resistance it just broke. can
you looked at the attached pic?

Thanks, this clears it up :). Do you agree with the attached pic?

As an example that would correct.

Sweet_Pip #113 May 24, 2017, 1:12pm

For me, I didn’t think of support & resistance as too basic or boring… I just plain didn’t “get” them? I
mean I understood the diagrams in the school section and that support is below and resistance is above
and price breaks through them or bouces off them. However, figuring out how far back to go, or what
timeframe to use, and what if price wasn’t trending, to determine where to draw them and what levels
were significant or not, just seemed a mystery to me. Then to be told they weren’t too exact and more
like “zones”, which could span a chunk of price, just made them seem too vague for my lack of

So it wasn’t until you reintroduced them to me…prior to your video too … that they are finally starting to
make sense, and now I’m seeing them clearer on the charts and able to use them in trading. I even
dreamed about them last night…lol.

So I thank you for that ICT

ukdave #114 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm


For me, I didn’t think of support & resistance as too basic or boring… I just plain didn’t “get” them? I
mean I understood the diagrams in the school section and that support is below and resistance is
above and price breaks through them or bouces off them. However, figuring out how far back to go,
or what timeframe to use, and what if price wasn’t trending, to determine where to draw them and
what levels were significant or not, just seemed a mystery to me. Then to be told they weren’t too
exact and more like “zones”, which could span a chunk of price, just made them seem too vague for
my lack of experience.

Yes, this was pretty much my experience too. Plus, the impression I had was that the price might
bounce or it might break through and nobody could have the foggiest idea which it’ll do. Hmm, didn’t
seem a particularly good basis for a trading plan! Also I felt that indicators were a much more important
tool, perhaps because they were given more explanation and left until later in the school. By the way,
this is no criticism of the school which I think is excellent - just what I personally came away thinking.

Anyway yes ICT, thanks for another top-notch video. Excellent stuff again. It is falling into place nicely.
The four-week exercise is definitely proving worthwhile too; it’s been useful to track what happens to
those trades each day and try to figure out why.

Incidentally I’ve been having a play around with demo trading just using support/resistance over the last
couple of days while taking a break from the day job. No trading plan… not taking it seriously and even
considering whether I’ll win or lose… just seeing what will happen.

Yesterday 107 pip gain. Today 38 pip gain. (Yeah OK, I was under orders to put up a shelving unit today
). I know it could just be luck and really means nothing at all, but those kind of returns were out of the
picture completely when I was demoing with indicator-based systems. Oh, and trailing the stop-loss to
lock in profit proved useful too. In terms of learning experience, I’m sure having six losses on the trot
would be more beneficial - and I’m sure that day will come very soon. :o

Haven’t dreamed about them yet, but guess that will come in time!

Thanks again.

wrtm_19 #115 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm

Thanks ICT!

I deeply appreciate the work and time you have put on this material. I’m sure others feel the same way.

Support and Resistance explained easily and in a precise useful way, nothing vague or left to second

As always a GREAT video.

P.S. When do you usually stop by your chatroom?

wrtm_19 #116 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

Ok I have a question regarding different sessions’ highs/lows.

I don’t quite get when to use them. For instance, as far as I understand, Asia session levels will work for
London session, London’s levels for New York, and so on, am I right?

If so, when London ends, New York is already halfway through and more than likely experiences range
bound price action. So in this case London levels wouldn’t be of much usefulness for New York session.

Is my logic right here? Or how do we apply each session levels? ICT, I’m also confused with the
allowance you talked about after calculating this levels. :rolleyes:

Thanks in advance.

mozdef #117 May 28, 2017, 7:47am


As an example that would correct.

good to know, thanks!

as a practical example, EURUSD just fell to the high of august today as seen in the pic however it a
previous broken resistance but untested support. did you or would you trade long on that basis alone or
would you have to consider many other factors as well?

thank you again

system #118 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm


Ok I have a question regarding different sessions’ highs/lows.

I don’t quite get when to use them. For instance, as far as I understand, Asia session levels will work
for London session, London’s levels for New York, and so on, am I right?

If so, when London ends, New York is already halfway through and more than likely experiences
range bound price action. So in this case London levels wouldn’t be of much usefulness for New
York session.

Is my logic right here? Or how do we apply each session levels? ICT, I’m also confused with the
allowance you talked about after calculating this levels. :rolleyes:

Thanks in advance.

The Session Highs and Lows are to be monitored across all sessions in the event they are tested as
respective Support and or Resistance. By noting these levels daily as each session begins and ends
you will start to see how they “nest” and some levels might not be tested until the following day or two…
they are hard or “firm” levels that for whatever reason fundamentally… they produced a short term
change in trend.

The point you should come away with thus far is when to look for these levels based on time and trading
session. Your answers will come in future material and moreover with you noting these levels on the left
side of your charts for now. You need to be comfortable seeing them, then you can anticipate them going
forward. I will present examples real time in video format detailing how we use them.
I realize as material is presented it plants new seeds of inquiry… but chew the material in bite sizes…
you want to work with the tools and concepts to grow a personal comfort and for a lack of a better
description… “feel” and trust that they repeat daily. This is the experience factor, I nor anyone, can
teach… it simply has to be put in via time and chart work.

The reason I allow one hour before and after the standard accepted Session opens and closes…
permits room for news event driven action, daylight savings and mostly because there is no “exchange”
therefore, these times are generalized and not set in stone… so I am flexible and permit the likelihood of
a higher high or lower low to form 60 minutes after or before what we all come to understand as Session
Openings and Closings.

The majority of the money made is trading the Opens and Closes and while I might see 70% of my
London setups form right at 3:00am EST… doesn’t mean I wont take a setup at 2:00am or 4:00am. If I
was restricted to simply accepting the rules as 3:00am London, I’d miss the boat on setups at 2:00am
and or 4:00am which do form regularly.

I hope this helps or atleast satisfies for now.


system #119 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm


good to know, thanks!

as a practical example, EURUSD just fell to the high of august today as seen in the pic however it a
previous broken resistance but untested support. did you or would you trade long on that basis alone
or would you have to consider many other factors as well?

thank you again

I do not trade anything solely on one criteria alone. I demand a confluence of events to materialize at a
respective Support or Resistance level. This is the concept of Support & Resistance at it’s true
essence… they provide a means of establishing a location in price to anticipate a setup to unfold… by
that I mean if other confirming charateristics line up with this level… it validates trade action and you are
free to go forward in the Trading Plan to execute a trade.

So to answer your question… it depends on a multitude of factors we will cover as more material is
presented. I do trade old resistance as support… and I trade old support as resistance if that is your

system #120 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm


For me, I didn’t think of support & resistance as too basic or boring… I just plain didn’t “get” them? I
mean I understood the diagrams in the school section and that support is below and resistance is
above and price breaks through them or bouces off them. However, figuring out how far back to go,
or what timeframe to use, and what if price wasn’t trending, to determine where to draw them and
what levels were significant or not, just seemed a mystery to me. Then to be told they weren’t too
exact and more like “zones”, which could span a chunk of price, just made them seem too vague for
my lack of experience.

So it wasn’t until you reintroduced them to me…prior to your video too … that they are finally starting
to make sense, and now I’m seeing them clearer on the charts and able to use them in trading. I
even dreamed about them last night…lol.

So I thank you for that ICT

Dreaming about them might be a sign of compulsive behaviour lol

system #121 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm

[/QUOTE]Anyway yes ICT, thanks for another top-notch video. Excellent stuff again. It is falling into
place nicely. The four-week exercise is definitely proving worthwhile too; it’s been useful to track what
happens to those trades each day and try to figure out why.

Incidentally I’ve been having a play around with demo trading just using support/resistance over the last
couple of days while taking a break from the day job. No trading plan… not taking it seriously and even
considering whether I’ll win or lose… just seeing what will happen.

Yesterday 107 pip gain. Today 38 pip gain. (Yeah OK, I was under orders to put up a shelving unit today
). I know it could just be luck and really means nothing at all, but those kind of returns were out of the
picture completely when I was demoing with indicator-based systems. Oh, and trailing the stop-loss to
lock in profit proved useful too. In terms of learning experience, I’m sure having six losses on the trot
would be more beneficial - and I’m sure that day will come very soon. :o

Haven’t dreamed about them yet, but guess that will come in time!

Thanks again.[/QUOTE]

Simple sometimes delivers much more than expected huh?

mozdef #122 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm


For me, I didn’t think of support & resistance as too basic or boring… I just plain didn’t “get” them? I
mean I understood the diagrams in the school section and that support is below and resistance is
above and price breaks through them or bouces off them. However, figuring out how far back to go,
or what timeframe to use, and what if price wasn’t trending, to determine where to draw them and
what levels were significant or not, just seemed a mystery to me. Then to be told they weren’t too
exact and more like “zones”, which could span a chunk of price, just made them seem too vague for
my lack of experience.

So it wasn’t until you reintroduced them to me…prior to your video too … that they are finally starting
to make sense, and now I’m seeing them clearer on the charts and able to use them in trading. I
even dreamed about them last night…lol.

So I thank you for that ICT

I wish I could analyze forex in my dreams. It would certainly free up time in my awake state
unfortunately, med school and its stresses have ceased my ability to dream anymore one of the best
things about childhood were the endless vivid dreams and nightmares (can’t have one without the other
:p)…ahhh to be young again

Sweet_Pip #123 May 24, 2017, 7:43pm


Dreaming about them might be a sign of compulsive behaviour lol

Compulsive behaviour…“the behaviour of performing an act persistently and repetitively without it

leading to reward or pleasure”…isn’t that what the exercise is all about…the way I should be behaving
when it comes to trading …I guess it’s starting to take effect

wrtm_19 #124 May 25, 2017, 12:35am


I hope this helps or atleast satisfies for now.


It did, it cleared things up.

Thank you.

Clint #125 May 24, 2017, 7:44pm


…support & resistance…I even dreamed about them last night…


…Haven’t dreamed about them yet, but guess that will come in time!


Dreaming about them might be a sign of compulsive behaviour…


I wish I could analyze forex in my dreams…


wrtm_19 #126 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm


301 Moved Permanently

Lol, you could dream about spending your forex profits with Megan Fox, that’d be a way to mix things

mozdef #127 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm


Lol, you could dream about spending your forex profits with Megan Fox, that’d be a way to mix
things up.
I don’t know bout Megan Fox personally, but nothing gets a woman more hot and bothered than “I trade
forex, baby”

Clint #128 May 25, 2017, 12:35am


…“I trade forex, baby”

Thanks, mozdef. I’ll try that line on Megan.

mozdef #129 May 25, 2017, 2:09am


Thanks, mozdef. I’ll try that line on Megan.

cool let me know how it goes

i myself have not used that line yet because for me it would be more accurate to say “I trade forex, baby.
But at the moment my drawdown is too large to be profitable…” :(:o

dpaterso #130 May 25, 2017, 12:36am


‘I trade stocks, bonds, and commodities, baby’ seems to work though!!!





Of course you NEVER mention how BADLY it’s going (that’s a ‘golden rule’) and when it’s going WELL
you ‘capitalise’ on it (no pun intended)!!! LOL!!!

Edit 2:
Of course it always helps to ‘pepper’ the conversation with words of phrases like ‘New York Stock
Exchange’, ‘Chicago Merc’, ‘Stock Broker’, you get the ‘drift’!!!

Edit 3:

And never forget to ‘blame’ the ‘transitional period’ you’re going through (aka being ‘broke’) on sub-prime
and the credit-crunch!!!

purplepatchforex #131 May 25, 2017, 5:47am


Edit 2:

Of course it always helps to ‘pepper’ the conversation with words of phrases like ‘New York Stock
Exchange’, ‘Chicago Merc’, ‘Stock Broker’, you get the ‘drift’!!!

Not forgetting the highly lucrative Nigerian market :rolleyes:

Clint #132 May 25, 2017, 5:47am


…Of course it always helps to ‘pepper’ the conversation with words or phrases like ‘New York Stock
Exchange’, ‘Chicago Merc’, ‘Stock Broker’, you get the ‘drift’!!!..

You’re right. She won’t have a clue what any of that means — so, it oughta work like a charm!

Thanks, Dale.

Sweet_Pip #133 May 25, 2017, 7:17am


You’re right. She won’t have a clue what any of that means — so, it oughta work like a charm!

Thanks, Dale.

In your dreams guys…in your dreams

Clint #134 May 25, 2017, 7:17am


In your dreams guys…in your dreams

Well, it beats dreaming about support and resistance!

wrtm_19 #135 May 25, 2017, 7:18am


In your dreams guys…in your dreams

Well, you started it

TalonD #136 May 25, 2017, 9:22am


The forum site isn’t here?

The Inner Circle Trader (Get free forums, guestbooks, shorturls, calendars and web statistics
at motigo.

That’s it, now I can get to it. For some reason the site wouldn’t come up for me for a while.

hellogoodbye4201 #137 May 28, 2017, 7:47am

Thanks again ICT

P.S. I’ll try to get a bigger picture so you can see it better
hellogoodbye4201 #139 May 25, 2017, 11:04am

Thanks for that lol, I was on my way out the door when I posted that.

hellogoodbye4201 #141 May 25, 2017, 12:34pm

Another successful trade, short GBPUSD @ 1.55700 thanks ICT.

Now some questions.

You mentioned you take partial profits at around +30, move stop to BE, and continue aiming for the
ultimate profit objective. Is the +30 variable, or is it always at +30?

Also, which pairs do you trade? I see you trade GBPUSD often and I also saw that you’ve trade
USDJPY. Are there any others you like to trade?

system #142 May 25, 2017, 1:58pm


Another successful trade, short GBPUSD @ 1.55700 thanks ICT.

Now some questions.

You mentioned you take partial profits at around +30, move stop to BE, and continue aiming for the
ultimate profit objective. Is the +30 variable, or is it always at +30?

Also, which pairs do you trade? I see you trade GBPUSD often and I also saw that you’ve trade
USDJPY. Are there any others you like to trade?

Kudos on your posted trade results… way to go! How did you select the trades?
The Cable [GBP/USD] is my personal focus pair… I monitor the Fiber as well [EUR/USD]… I have been
known to trade any pair with solid swing setups… but I mainly stick to my eurozone pairs… helps narrow
the focus and I’m very comfortable with the characteristics these two exhibit.

I look to take something at +30 pips always… what % is subjective and there is no real cut and dry way
of explaining that… but I atleast take 30% minimum off at +30 pips… then breakeven stop when its
prudent… I might take +30 off in percentage of the total position… but still have a negative stop on the
remaining position… its all going to be explained in the later videos… I know that phrase again. lol


hellogoodbye4201 #143 May 25, 2017, 2:38pm


Kudos on your posted trade results… way to go! How did you select the trades?

The Cable [GBP/USD] is my personal focus pair… I monitor the Fiber as well [EUR/USD]… I have
been known to trade any pair with solid swing setups… but I mainly stick to my eurozone pairs…
helps narrow the focus and I’m very comfortable with the characteristics these two exhibit.

I look to take something at +30 pips always… what % is subjective and there is no real cut and dry
way of explaining that… but I atleast take 30% minimum off at +30 pips… then breakeven stop when
its prudent… I might take +30 off in percentage of the total position… but still have a negative stop
on the remaining position… its all going to be explained in the later videos… I know that phrase
again. lol


Most of the trades are taken near the daily pivot combined with a daily fib drawn from the high to low.
Yesterdays trade I believe was taken at the convergence of the previous months low, daily pivot, and the
.382 fib. retracement drawn from high to low of the previous day. The last few days I’ve seen
convergence of the daily fibs and the daily pivot point so I’ve been taken shorts from those areas.

system #144 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm


Most of the trades are taken near the daily pivot combined with a daily fib drawn from the high to low.
Yesterdays trade I believe was taken at the convergence of the previous months low, daily pivot, and
the .382 fib. retracement drawn from high to low of the previous day. The last few days I’ve seen
convergence of the daily fibs and the daily pivot point so I’ve been taken shorts from those areas.
outstanding… Total pips gained in those trades?


hellogoodbye4201 #145 May 25, 2017, 3:51pm


outstanding… Total pips gained in those trades?


254.4 pips combined including last night/today’s trade

system #146 May 25, 2017, 4:24pm


254.4 pips combined including last night/today’s trade

How does this compare to your routine pip returns? Is this an average or below or higher than your
normal trade results?

Was using the tools and methods difficult for you and did it require much time to determine what signals
you will take… more importantly did you see it setting up before, thus allowing you to “anticipate” the

Very, very good trading again I’m stoked!


hellogoodbye4201 #147 May 25, 2017, 4:59pm


How does this compare to your routine pip returns? Is this an average or below or higher than your
normal trade results?

Was using the tools and methods difficult for you and did it require much time to determine what
signals you will take… more importantly did you see it setting up before, thus allowing you to
“anticipate” the setups?
Very, very good trading again I’m stoked!


This is above aver pip returns and definitely better trade results.
The tools/methods are really easy to use and each trade was set with a pending order :p. Once the new
pivots/fibs were calculated I was able to set pending orders. Can’t get much easier than that, just
finished setting my pending order on GU again. A little iffy about this trade as it is a pending long in a
recent downtrend.

Buy limit was missed by literally a pip or 2 lol. Would’ve been close to taking partial profits already too.
Maybe it will retest the area and trigger my order?

mozdef #148 May 25, 2017, 5:36pm


This is above aver pip returns and definitely better trade results.
The tools/methods are really easy to use and each trade was set with a pending order :p. Once the
new pivots/fibs were calculated I was able to set pending orders. Can’t get much easier than that,
just finished setting my pending order on GU again. A little iffy about this trade as it is a pending long
in a recent downtrend.

Buy limit was missed by literally a pip or 2 lol. Would’ve been close to taking partial profits already
too. Maybe it will retest the area and trigger my order?

do you think that’s a head and shoulders pattern formed on the H1 chart and that GU might potentially

hellogoodbye4201 #149 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm


do you think that’s a head and shoulders pattern formed on the H1 chart and that GU might
potentially reverse?

Nope, havnt even touched that 1h. Using the 5m,15m and daily. The risk is under 1% so not like I’m
losing much if the trade doesn’t go as planned and it is a valid set up. We’ll see what happens.

Trade wasn’t triggered but would have hit +30 and stop moved to BE so I’m just canceling the order.
Next time I’ll remember to add an extra pip lol.
Was right about retesting the support but had already deleted the buy limit. Looks like it would have hit
+30, close out half, and been stopped out at BE before hitting the ultimate profit objective. Oh well, more
trades coming up today/tomorrow:D

ukdave #150 May 25, 2017, 6:35pm


…Oh well, more trades coming up today/tomorrow:D

Bagged a couple today (01/12) on GBPUSD.

Short @ 1.5646 (10.20 GMT). Previous high (two days ago) + near institutional 1.5650. Wasn’t too sure
about this one as no other s/r indications. Closed at 40 pip gain when price started bouncing around
previous day’s high.

Then a beaut… Long @ 1.55520 (15:30 GMT). Convergence of: daily pivot + Fib 38.2 off yesterday’s
low to high + institutional level. Bounced to a 70 pip gain.

Like you, I set the trades up with a pending order once the s/r levels were set on the chart and I could
see the price moving towards the anticipated level.

Many thanks for posting your trade info. It’s really helped me focus on looking for areas of confluence.

And thanks again ICT

hellogoodbye4201 #151 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm


Bagged a couple today (01/12) on GBPUSD.

Short @ 1.5646 (10.20 GMT). Previous high (two days ago) + near institutional 1.5650. Wasn’t too
sure about this one as no other s/r indications. Closed at 40 pip gain when price started bouncing
around previous day’s high.

Then a beaut… Long @ 1.55520 (15:30 GMT). Convergence of: daily pivot + Fib 38.2 off yesterday’s
low to high + institutional level. Bounced to a 70 pip gain.

Like you, I set the trades up with a pending order once the s/r levels were set on the chart and I
could see the price moving towards the anticipated level.

Many thanks for posting your trade info. It’s really helped me focus on looking for areas of
And thanks again ICT

Ha, you took the exact same long I was looking to take only mine was missed by nearly a pip… at least
some one got it:p


What did you set your buy limit at? Mine was at 1.55538 and was untriggered due to the spread

ukdave #152 May 25, 2017, 7:30pm


Ha, you took the exact same long I was looking to take only mine was missed by nearly a pip… at
least some one got it:p


What did you set your buy limit at? Mine was at 1.55538 and was untriggered due to the spread

Oooh had that happen. Had a trade on last week missed t/p by 0.2 pips, retraced and hit s/l. I was away
from the damn PC at the time.

My buy limit was actually set at 1.55520, triggered at 15:33 GMT by a low of 1.55497. Lucky. Guess you
set your order after this?

wrtm_19 #153 May 25, 2017, 7:29pm


Ha, you took the exact same long I was looking to take only mine was missed by nearly a pip… at
least some one got it:p


What did you set your buy limit at? Mine was at 1.55538 and was untriggered due to the spread

Same long here :), it’s great to see we’re starting to have similar views on the pair with ICT concepts. I
don’t have the nerve to set pending orders yet though. :rolleyes:

hellogoodbye4201 #154 May 25, 2017, 7:55pm


Oooh had that happen. Had a trade on last week missed t/p by 0.2 pips, retraced and hit s/l. I was
away from the damn PC at the time.

My buy limit was actually set at 1.55520, triggered at 15:33 GMT by a low of 1.55497. Lucky. Guess
you set your order after this?

Nah, once I saw price racing away from my entry I just canceled the order. It retested my entry 2 times
throughout the day but I had already canceled the order. Now I know to move my entry about 1 pip more

system #155 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm


Bagged a couple today (01/12) on GBPUSD.

Short @ 1.5646 (10.20 GMT). Previous high (two days ago) + near institutional 1.5650. Wasn’t too
sure about this one as no other s/r indications. Closed at 40 pip gain when price started bouncing
around previous day’s high.

Then a beaut… Long @ 1.55520 (15:30 GMT). Convergence of: daily pivot + Fib 38.2 off yesterday’s
low to high + institutional level. Bounced to a 70 pip gain.

Like you, I set the trades up with a pending order once the s/r levels were set on the chart and I
could see the price moving towards the anticipated level.

Many thanks for posting your trade info. It’s really helped me focus on looking for areas of

And thanks again ICT

That is awesome!!! This is really encouraging to see you making it your own. Very nice trading.


system #156 May 25, 2017, 7:55pm


Same long here :), it’s great to see we’re starting to have similar views on the pair with ICT concepts.
I don’t have the nerve to set pending orders yet though. :rolleyes:

this is how you develop trust in the tools… keep at it!!!

I am so very pleased to see the fruits starting to show. So cool!


hellogoodbye4201 #157 May 25, 2017, 7:56pm

Anyone else looking to go short?

My short kicked in under the .786 retracement from the previous day’s high to low. I dont think the trade
will go past the .886.

Short at 1.56207

ukdave #158 May 25, 2017, 8:48pm


Anyone else looking to go short?

My short kicked in under the .786 retracement from the previous day’s high to low. I dont think the
trade will go past the .886.

Short at 1.56207

Nope… fast asleep at that point!

Very volatile today… stayed out of it pretty much. Right from London opening, it was flying up and down
like a tart’s knickers. Did get one 30 pip win early on with gbpusd, then a loss. Looked at a couple of
other pairs, took a couple more losses and got out for the day. Felt I was starting to chase trades. Been
spending a lot of time looking at charts this week so time for a break I think!

hellogoodbye4201 #159 May 25, 2017, 9:14pm


Nope… fast asleep at that point!

Very volatile today… stayed out of it pretty much. Right from London opening, it was flying up and
down like a tart’s knickers. Did get one 30 pip win early on with gbpusd, then a loss. Looked at a
couple of other pairs, took a couple more losses and got out for the day. Felt I was starting to chase
trades. Been spending a lot of time looking at charts this week so time for a break I think!

Ya I know what you mean. My short hit +30 and I closed 1/3 and set the stop to BE+1 which ended up
getting hit. Still profit is profit and more importantly not a loss lol

hellogoodbye4201 #160 May 25, 2017, 9:14pm

ICT do you avoid trading on fridays or during major news?

hellogoodbye4201 #162 May 25, 2017, 10:05pm

That is pretty cool lol, making money is fun:cool:

system #164 May 25, 2017, 10:05pm


ICT do you avoid trading on fridays or during major news?

I rarely trade Fridays and I do not trade on NFP days. My trades are so generic I have the patience to sit
on my hands and wait for the setups to unfold, no reason to get all worked up feeling like I missed the

I do not look to trade every day. I do not look to chase every possible opportunity. I stop trading if I meet
or hopefully exceed my “goal” for the week or month. It’s really that simple… and it translates into
something very special.

PS: New video uploads Sunday evening.


mozdef #165 May 25, 2017, 10:30pm

PS: New video uploads Sunday evening.


Can’t wait!

samys #166 May 25, 2017, 10:30pm

Where’s the new vid Mr. ICT??

mozdef #167 May 25, 2017, 11:12pm


Where’s the new vid Mr. ICT??

He has posted a schedule for his video releases on his blog: The Inner Circle Trader™

samys #168 May 25, 2017, 11:32pm


He has posted a schedule for his video releases on his blog: The Inner Circle Trader™

Thanks mate.

akeakamai #169 May 25, 2017, 11:33pm

A release schedule, is this for real??? This is starting to feel like a university class with a really good
prof, except instead of paying 1000s of dollars, you’re making 1000s of dollars

Sweet_Pip #170 May 26, 2017, 12:09am

A release schedule, is this for real??? This is starting to feel like a university class with a really good
prof, except instead of paying 1000s of dollars, you’re making 1000s of dollars

As Martha Stewart would say…“It’s a good thing”…

TalonD #171 May 26, 2017, 12:08am

didn’t she spend time in jail for insider trading ? LOL

PipBandit #172 May 26, 2017, 12:26am

Yup, what she should have done was use an “expert network” and pay them large sums of money. They
then would’ve provided her with all sorts of great information that she could have legally made a pile of
money of. These expert networks in no way deal in inside information at all. No siree. Clean as a
whistle. Just another example of the running joke the stock markets currently are.

erikskenne #174 May 26, 2017, 1:00am

Thanks for all shared valuable info, I have now spent 4 weeks looking at s/r lines (areas) no trade just
make studie. It feels great, looking forward to the next lesson.
Have a nice weekend and a less stressful x-mas.

Happy trading

vonner #175 May 26, 2017, 1:17am

Hi Guys,

I’m so happy to have found this thread at the beginning of my forex journey. I think this will help
accelerate my learning and I love all the lessons here.

I just have one stupid question. I was watching ICT’s demo trade on the Cable (YouTube -
cable_11_02_10.avi) and I saw some lines marked M1, M2, etc. I understand the S/R lines coming from
pivot lines but I was wondering where the M lines came from? Are these coming from previous week
highs/lows and previous day high/lows? I’m so sorry for the stupid question. Total newbie here.

cubanpip #176 May 28, 2017, 7:47am


I was watching ICT’s demo trade on the Cable (YouTube - cable_11_02_10.avi) and I saw some
lines marked M1, M2, etc. I understand the S/R lines coming from pivot lines but I was wondering
where the M lines came from? Are these coming from previous week highs/lows and previous day

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

vonner #177 May 26, 2017, 1:48am

I see! Now it makes more sense. Thanks!

EricTheTrader #178 May 26, 2017, 2:02am

I’m looking forward to read your blog… Thanks…

mozdef #179 May 26, 2017, 2:17am

ahhh come on ICT you’re killing us

I would think a big shot trader like yourself would have some kind of 100mbps fiber optic connection

NorwegianBlue #180 May 26, 2017, 2:30am

Perhaps this is a lesson of patience. “Let the ICT come to you…”

erikskenne #181 May 26, 2017, 2:43am

Patience is the word, I have been looking at s/r lines and supply/demand for a couple of weeks without
any trade and it feels great, it seem to give at least some deeper understanding of the shadow of this
market. Looking forward to next lesson.

system #185 May 26, 2017, 2:56am

Okay folks… I just finished uploading the latest video. I have been struggling to fit what I had hoped to
upload to youtube, but the files are just too long to post there. So I have to edit and splice and
compress… oh well… it’s just slower than I hoped for.

If you like it and the thread… vote on the Babypips thread rate option for this thread… I’d like the
feedback and it’s private too. :rolleyes:

Anyways… GLGT!

system #186 May 26, 2017, 3:09am

Just uploaded:

[B]The Forex Projection Calculator[/B]


[B]The Ultimate Trader Worksheet[/B].

Enjoy and as always… GLGT!

system #187 May 26, 2017, 3:22am

more great material !! thanks!

mozdef #188 May 26, 2017, 3:33am

Great video again ICT, lots of information to digest over the weekend. Those excel files are really good
too, they can take some time to make but you did all the hard work for us. Thanks!

mozdef #189 May 26, 2017, 3:44am

One question though, where can we find the 2, 5 and 10-year note yields in line chart format?

MCAWally #190 May 26, 2017, 3:56am

I knew about bond yields and currencies relationship but looking for divergence between them is
bordering on genius :eek:

Another priceless tool from ICT, along with “Market Flow” and the Dollar Index

"[I]One question though, where can we find the 2, 5 and 10-year note yields in line chart format?[/I] "

The US Tresury website has a comparision of 2 bonds at a time chart, if thats any help?

Thanks ICT.

mozdef #191 May 26, 2017, 4:17am


I knew about bond yields and currencies relationship but looking for divergence between them is
bordering on genius :eek:

Another priceless tool from ICT, along with “Market Flow” and the Dollar Index

"[I]One question though, where can we find the 2, 5 and 10-year note yields in line chart format?[/I] "

The US Tresury website has a comparision of 2 bonds at a time chart, if thats any help?
Thanks ICT.

could you post the exact link, I couldn’t find it on their website :o

Jaroon #192 May 26, 2017, 4:18am

I’m on board and loving it. After completing pipsology I’ve been looking for some structured education as
opposed to googling random forex sites, trying out more indicators on silly t/fs and blowing my demo roll,
just like ITC said I would, spooky:)

Thanks ITC really looking forward to next week now the indicators have gone, provisional S/R levels are
drawn and the need to enter a trade within twenty minutes of sitting down is abaiting.

erikskenne #193 May 26, 2017, 4:27am

Thanks a lot again ICT, anyone know were to find this Yields chart?

Have a peaceful X-mas and a happy new year.

mozdef #194 May 26, 2017, 4:38am

Also how to we “guess” where the US dollar index is poised to go? If we were able to discern it’s future
direction with any reasonable certainty then why not just trade the dollar index instead? would
appreciate a bit of clarification ICT or anyone else…thanks

MCAWally #195 May 26, 2017, 4:48am

Patience Mozdef, I’m sure all will be explained in the fullness of time.

Here’s that treasury link US Department of the Treasury where you can compare 2 bonds at a time.
If anyone finds a better source can they post it for all of our benefit. Thanks.


tingtong #196 May 26, 2017, 4:57am


Also how to we “guess” where the US dollar index is poised to go? If we were able to discern it’s
future direction with any reasonable certainty then why not just trade the dollar index instead? would
appreciate a bit of clarification ICT or anyone else…thanks

possible one thing: do you have the chance to trade US dollar index with any position size, even as little
as 1 pip/tick being only as little as 1 cent?
i dont think so.
if you know that if A happens, then usually B follows, like in the US dollar index case, you might just
choose to trade it with the vehicle that gives you the most flexibility in your circumstances, which might
be via forex. the least capital needed, a fair comission system, and the greatest flexibility to pick your
position size i think.

mozdef #197 May 26, 2017, 5:07am


Patience Mozdef, I’m sure all will be explained in the fullness of time.

hehe…you’re right. I got a bit too excited


Here’s that treasury link US Department of the Treasury where you can compare 2 bonds at a
If anyone finds a better source can they post it for all of our benefit. Thanks.


thanks for that!

mozdef #198 May 26, 2017, 5:07am


possible one thing: do you have the chance to trade US dollar index with any position size, even as
little as 1 pip/tick being only as little as 1 cent?
i dont think so.
if you know that if A happens, then usually B follows, like in the US dollar index case, you might just
choose to trade it with the vehicle that gives you the most flexibility in your circumstances, which
might be via forex. the least capital needed, a fair comission system, and the greatest flexibility to
pick your position size i think.

hah you’re right we can’t trade the US dollar index :o i guess what my point was how would it be any
easier trying to determine the possible future direction of the index vs. a currency pair. Or maybe we’re
just looking at it generally to determine the market flow using fractals or some such? Or maybe I should
just wait for subsequent lessons and stop asking so many questions…

Master_Tang #199 May 26, 2017, 5:16am


hah you’re right we can’t trade the US dollar index :o i guess what my point was how would it be any
easier trying to determine the possible future direction of the index vs. a currency pair. Or maybe
we’re just looking at it generally to determine the market flow using fractals or some such? Or maybe
I should just wait for subsequent lessons and stop asking so many questions…

Futures accounts let you trade the DX, and it’s $5.00 a pip.

PFG is the only one I’ve seen it on.

They don’t have it on their MT4, it only shows up on their Best Direct 8 platform.

That platform also has the 5 and 10 year bonds.

You can get the 10 and 30 year bonds on MT4 at GCI Financial.

system #200 May 26, 2017, 5:16am

[B]Interest Rate Overlay Tutorial [/B]Video posted on the thread’s first post.

Thanks for the ratings and votes on the thread’s poll. I’m sure some regular spotlight seekers will use it
to vent… but that’s okay. I’m only interested in the overall viewpoint of the readers.

As a future feature of this thread… a weekly trade example on the tools in action and they will post as an
archive on the first thread as well. This will be one weekly video not daily so it will highlight the
effectiveness of chasing down the ideal prey and letting the little one’s pass us by.

Hope the tutorial helps… and as always folks… GLGT!

mozdef #201 May 26, 2017, 5:26am

Awesome video. Thanks for explaining how to get those charts.

hellogoodbye4201 #202 May 26, 2017, 5:35am


[B]Interest Rate Overlay Tutorial [/B]Video posted on the thread’s first post.

Thanks for the ratings and votes on the thread’s poll. I’m sure some regular spotlight seekers will use
it to vent… but that’s okay. I’m only interested in the overall viewpoint of the readers.

As a future feature of this thread… a weekly trade example on the tools in action and they will post
as an archive on the first thread as well. This will be one weekly video not daily so it will highlight the
effectiveness of chasing down the ideal prey and letting the little one’s pass us by.

Hope the tutorial helps… and as always folks… GLGT!

So, for long GPBUSD we want falling US2,5,10,30Y, USD Index, and net long commercial > net short
commercial on the COT report? Along with Daily, 4h, and 1h bullish on GU. Opposite for short? Does
that sound right?

mozdef #203 May 26, 2017, 5:43am


So, for long GPBUSD we want falling US2,5,10,30Y, USD Index, and net long commercial > net
short commercial on the COT report? Along with Daily, 4h, and 1h bullish on GU. Opposite for short?
Does that sound right?

I think you would look at the non-commercials as they represent the speculators.

mozdef #204 May 26, 2017, 5:43am

Looking at the yields for the 2,5 and 10 yr bonds at PerfCharts - StockCharts.com - Free Charts

i noticed that on december 17th (last friday), the 5 and 10 yrs made higher lows while the 2 yr yield
failed to make a higher low (same low as last time). This would indicate a bearish divergence in interest
rates? in that case we should have been looking for longs on eur/usd today right? am i reading and
interpreting this correctly?
thanks in advance

vonner #205 May 26, 2017, 5:44am


Along with Daily, 4h, and 1h bullish on GU.

Sorry for the newbie question but what does GU stand for? :o

From what I understand, long on GBP/USD would be everything you mentioned and then wait for the
price to find support at a S/R line right? Then you would go long. That way you maximize the R:R ratio.
At least that’s what I understood so far…

hellogoodbye4201 #206 May 26, 2017, 5:53am


Sorry for the newbie question but what does GU stand for? :o

From what I understand, long on GBP/USD would be everything you mentioned and then wait for the
price to find support at a S/R line right? Then you would go long. That way you maximize the R:R
ratio. At least that’s what I understood so far…

GU means GBPUSD, EU would mean EURUSD and GJ would mean GBPJPY and yes I believe you
would wait for price to find support then enter long there

vonner #207 May 26, 2017, 5:53am

Thanks for the clarification

At least now I know that I understand what ICT has been telling us.

MCAWally #208 May 26, 2017, 6:02am


Looking at the yields for the 2,5 and 10 yr bonds at PerfCharts - StockCharts.com - Free Charts
i noticed that on december 17th (last friday), the 5 and 10 yrs made higher lows while the 2 yr yield
failed to make a higher low (same low as last time). This would indicate a bearish divergence in
interest rates? in that case we should have been looking for longs on eur/usd today right? am i
reading and interpreting this correctly?

thanks in advance

The way I see it: 2yrs making a lower low, the 5, 10, 30yrs aren’t or higher lows = bullish US$.

I don’t know about a EURUSD trade though because this is showing a divergance on the US dollar, you
would need something else showing strength or weakness on the Euro before considering a trade, thats
how I look at it anyway.


wrtm_19 #209 May 26, 2017, 6:02am


Looking at the yields for the 2,5 and 10 yr bonds at PerfCharts - StockCharts.com - Free Charts

i noticed that on december 17th (last friday), the 5 and 10 yrs made higher lows while the 2 yr yield
failed to make a higher low (same low as last time). This would indicate a bearish divergence in
interest rates? in that case we should have been looking for longs on eur/usd today right? am i
reading and interpreting this correctly?

thanks in advance

As McWally posted before, I also see a bullish divergence, plus COT report shows net long positions on
the dollar matching the long bias on the Dollar index, and along with this, we’ve been watching selling
pressure on the Cable and Euro.

But I’m saying this after the fact. Let’s see what happens next

wrtm_19 #210 May 26, 2017, 6:02am

Hello ICT and everyone,

I have a question regarding the COT report.

Current COT report show net long positions on Dollar, Canadian Dollar and Swiss Franc among others

How do we use this information when deciding directional bias when for instance in USD/CAD, both
currencies have long positions?
Thank you.

mozdef #211 May 26, 2017, 6:11am


The way I see it: 2yrs making a lower low, the 5, 10, 30yrs aren’t or higher lows = bullish US$.

I don’t know about a EURUSD trade though because this is showing a divergance on the US dollar,
you would need something else showing strength or weakness on the Euro before considering a
trade, thats how I look at it anyway.


You’re right, it’s bullish divergence. I’m still unsure of this stuff sometimes lol :o

I guess with euro being net short on the COT, it did pan out with the euro continuing to make lower low’s
so far this week. Anything else I’m missing regarding euro’s weakness?

mozdef #212 May 26, 2017, 6:10am


As McWally posted before, I also see a bullish divergence, plus COT report shows net long positions
on the dollar matching the long bias on the Dollar index, and along with this, we’ve been watching
selling pressure on the Cable and Euro.

But I’m saying this after the fact. Let’s see what happens next

Thanks, on second look I do see it as bullish divergence now

Sweet_Pip #214 May 26, 2017, 6:28am


I just wanted to post a warm Merry Christmas wish to everyone and a properous New Year!!!


I’d like to wish you and everyone a Merry Christmas & a profitably Happy New Year too!
vonner #216 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

Hi Guys,

Got a question on the COT.

Taking a look at the COT as of Dec 14, 2010, the figures for GBP are below (I’ve also attached the


EXCHANGE Code-096742
--------------------------------------------------------------| NONREPORTABLE
12,205 20,391 0 37,905 28,386 50,110 48,777 17,710 19,043


-2,037 -6,771 -1,716 -14,238 -7,876 -17,991 -16,363 -458 -2,086


18.0 30.1 0.0 55.9 41.9 73.9 71.9 26.1 28.1


11 20 0 18 23 29 43

You’ll notice that under the COMMERCIAL traders, we have a higher LONG commitment than SHORT
commitment overall. But, if you look at the change in open interest, you will notice that the LONG
positions fell considerably more than the SHORT positions (-14,238 vs -7,876). How would you read this
in terms of the position the “smart money” is gonna take? Do you say, “yes they are going long because
there are more LONG positions” or do you say, “no they are going short because many more have
dropped their LONG positions from the previous week”?

Just as a note, the GBP/USD fell after this by quite a bit. Not sure if it could have been due to other
external factors too though.
Jaroon #217 May 26, 2017, 6:44am

Is there a source where I can find a simple graphical presentation of the C.O.T.

I’d like it free along with next weeks lottery numbers, either or will suffice.


o990l6mh #218 May 26, 2017, 7:00am


Is there a source where I can find a simple graphical presentation of the C.O.T.

I’d like it free along with next weeks lottery numbers, either or will suffice.


Try Commodity Futures & FOREX Price Charts

or FutureSource.com | Futures, Forex & Commodities Quotes, Charts, News & Analysis
Jaroon #219 May 26, 2017, 7:00am

No lottery numbers ay. Thanks mate that’s spot on.

I’m really gonna have to sort my bookmarks out, they’re out of control:)

Romyo1984 #220 May 24, 2017, 1:11pm

thx for you dear

Jaroon #221 May 24, 2017, 3:34pm

Another quick chart quiery Sirs.

The usd index charts I’m looking at have (EOD) in the title, is this the correct chart and what’s EOD. I’ve
looked on wiki and else where but am joyless:(

ukdave #222 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm


Another quick chart quiery Sirs.

The usd index charts I’m looking at have (EOD) in the title, is this the correct chart and what’s EOD.
I’ve looked on wiki and else where but am joyless:(

Found this:

EOD = End of Day. End of Day chart shows the daily movement of price. It generally shows the open,
high, low and close price of complete day. It does not show how price has moved during the day
between 9.00 am to 3.30 pm but just summarises the info in just 4 price point. It also show the total
volume traded in the whole day.

I’ve been using US Dollar Index Realtime Chart | USD Index Real Time Chart. Be interested to know
if there’s anything better out there?

o990l6mh #223 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm


Another quick chart quiery Sirs.

The usd index charts I’m looking at have (EOD) in the title, is this the correct chart and what’s EOD.
I’ve looked on wiki and else where but am joyless:(

EOD = End Of Day data, that is, the charts show the closing price of the trading day on the futures
exchange in question.

Jaroon #224 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm


EOD = End Of Day data, that is, the charts show the closing price of the trading day on the futures
exchange in question.

Thanks chap.

All the best for the new year.

system #225 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm

Visit the first post of this thread for a new video intro and trade review…


PS: I find it interesting the naysayers in the poll have voted on the thread prior to seeing it’s
completion… :rolleyes: lol

vonner #226 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

Thanks ICT! Been looking forward to your next installment!

mozdef #227 May 25, 2017, 12:35am

Great job once again ICT. Was patiently waiting for the new videos hope to see more videos this
week…thanks again
hellogoodbye4201 #228 May 25, 2017, 12:35am


Visit the first post of this thread for a new video intro and trade review…


PS: I find it interesting the naysayers in the poll have voted on the thread prior to seeing it’s
completion… :rolleyes: lol

Did you happen to go long GU @ 1.54508? I ended up taking partial profit @ +30 and the rest just south
of 1.55151, about 4 pips south because I enjoy overpaying for spread :). Which reminds me I need to
switch brokers, 3.6-4 pip spread is hard to pay on GU, especially when I remember seeing another MT4
broker offering 2.8.

DoubleEcho #229 May 25, 2017, 12:35am


PS: I find it interesting the naysayers in the poll have voted on the thread prior to seeing it’s
completion… :rolleyes: lol

Surely the same could be said for those who ticked the other 2 boxes?

You’re only a third of the way through the content therefore you haven’t yet delivered.
If you’re silly enough to include an option that quite clearly reflects the current scenario then don’t be
surprised when folks take you up on it.

It would have made more sense to complete your assignment first to allow those interested parties to
fully process the information before asking for feedback on the content.

system #230 May 25, 2017, 2:09am


Surely the same could be said for those who ticked the other 2 boxes?

You’re only a third of the way through the content therefore you haven’t yet delivered.
If you’re silly enough to include an option that quite clearly reflects the current scenario then don’t be
surprised when folks take you up on it.

It would have made more sense to complete your assignment first to allow those interested parties to
fully process the information before asking for feedback on the content.

I’ll respond to this simply on the basis it reflects the contrary to “common sense”. I added the poll to
measure what the readers have received at this point… I could stop here and it has delivered more than
any other thread on Babypips… as it deals with the major pitfalls most encounter… not for Technical
Analysis or Trading Concepts alone.

Your comment has the tone that suggests if I were giving the daily lottery numbers and they were
winners you would have something negative to say regarding that as well. Suggesting anything I have
done on here as silly reflects ignorance as nothing I have done on here is closely resident to silly nor
would or should it be received as such.

What is silly is for you to defend a mute point and suggest it is wise or admirable to vote negatively on a
matter not completely presented… this alone shows ignorance on either range of it’s definition… either
you are ignorant in the sense that you are not following along… or you simply are ignorant in it’s rudest
sense… either can be corrected.

I am quite content with readers not agreeing that the material I present is insightful or benefit to their
development. I expect it… much like I expect to see the same old faces come in a try to detract for
detracting sake. The poll is there to allow me and others to measure what others have gleaned thus
far… it’s not a final “report card”… so I’m not offended in the least… nor should anyone for that matter.

So to respond to your question in your post… no the same could not be said for the other two options.
Everything I do is methodical and planned with a expected intent and purpose. The option for those to
flame is there to illustrate how there will always be those who want to be contrary and even when there
is no contrary position to be had… and your comments further solidifies this truth.

Those that responded with it is helpful as a newbie merely are sounding off they received something
they didn’t receive elsewhere. Those like myself who have been trading for some time simply gave a
“nod” towards the intended purpose and content of this thread… and then the others that fall outside this
range can chime in… I allowed for the contrarian at heart.

So… it is silly for anyone to answer it has not delivered before it’s made it’s final presentation… not the
other way around. Secondly, [U]it would made sense for you[/U] to have responded after the
presentation was completed… your logic is warped. The attempt of defending such a mindset is foolish
and bordering on adolescent. I would understand if I were spamming or selling an angle, … but I do this
out of my own time, effort and generosity. I don’t expect anything in response or return… but I do find it
interesting how some could be so predictable and do the very things I see repeated over and over… so I
assure you I’m not in the least bit “surprised”. :rolleyes:

Proverbs 18:13 comes to mind :o

However, I’m a realist… and when the final post makes its way to this thread and I have finished my
work… if this thread fails to tickle your fancy… by all means sound off… but if I helped one guy or gal in
their struggle as a newbie… it will have been worth it. I will have received my reward.

purplepatchforex #231 May 25, 2017, 2:09am

1/3 of the way through, only two trimester to go in this elephant pregnancy then, I hope the baby is not
D.O.D. :rolleyes:

system #232 May 25, 2017, 2:10am


Did you happen to go long GU @ 1.54508? I ended up taking partial profit @ +30 and the rest just
south of 1.55151, about 4 pips south because I enjoy overpaying for spread :). Which reminds me I
need to switch brokers, 3.6-4 pip spread is hard to pay on GU, especially when I remember seeing
another MT4 broker offering 2.8.

WTG!!! I traded what the videos have detailed thus far… working on material though, lol

TalonD #233 May 25, 2017, 2:09am

I was wondering why the 4 people voted negative what their reasons were. You both make a good point.
An exit poll might have been better but you want to guage current opinion also. This thread along with
the technical templates threads was recently recommended to a noobie who asked how best to study
forex. From what I’ve heard about the TT threads that puts you in pretty good company. What I like
about Michael is he speaks plain English where the other threads have some strange dialect that makes
them hard to follow.

keep up the good work Michael and don’t let the nay sayers run you off.

"illigitium non carborundum"

that’s not real Latin by the way, but I always liked the phrase.

system #235 May 25, 2017, 8:24am

Yeah get over it already. So one or two folks don’t see things from your angle, big deal – grow
another skin. It’s a trading forum for gods sake, you’re not in the floor supervisors office looking for a
pay rise.

If you’d grown that skin early last year instead of flouncing off in a huff taking your bat & ball home,
this Lonesome Dove epic would be all done & dusted & they’d be fanning your ego from here to

You don’t follow along well or you simply are too wrapped up in your own trolling to realize I don’t mind
an opposing view… in fact that’s how I make money.

I’m afraid I don’t know what a Lonesome Dove epic is but I clearly see shades of Green in your flame…
enjoy yourself.

system #236 May 25, 2017, 7:18am


I was wondering why the 4 people voted negative what their reasons were. You both make a good
point. An exit poll might have been better but you want to guage current opinion also. This thread
along with the technical templates threads was recently recommended to a noobie who asked how
best to study forex. From what I’ve heard about the TT threads that puts you in pretty good company.
What I like about Michael is he speaks plain English where the other threads have some strange
dialect that makes them hard to follow.

keep up the good work Michael and don’t let the nay sayers run you off.

"illigitium non carborundum"

that’s not real Latin by the way, but I always liked the phrase.

Nobody’s running anyone off… I have this thread structured more organized and was prepared for the
goobers to come piling in… I’m frankly surprised they waited this long though. lol

They just want to be seen and spoken to… seeing nobody else gives two shakes about their other
posts. Let them have their fun… it keeps the thread active and provides comedic relief while I record
new videos… lol

Now where’s that icepack… this ego of mine is hurting…

TalonD #237 May 25, 2017, 8:24am


Yeah get over it already. So one or two folks don’t see things from your angle, big deal – grow
another skin. It’s a trading forum for gods sake, you’re not in the floor supervisors office looking for a
pay rise.

If you’d grown that skin early last year instead of flouncing off in a huff taking your bat & ball home,
this Lonesome Dove epic would be all done & dusted & they’d be fanning your ego from here to

Interesting comment considering you’re one of the four who voted that the thread doesn’t deliver. Does
that mean you think the ICT method of trading isn’t good? To me (still consider myself a noob) it seems
good because he focuses on support / resistance and not much in the way of indicators which we all
know indicators aren’t much good for the most part.

Just wondering, are you British? I only wonder because ‘pay rise’ looks like the phonetic spelling of the
British pronunciation of ‘pay raise’ or maybe it’s just a typo.

system #239 May 25, 2017, 7:18am


1/3 of the way through, only two trimester to go in this elephant pregnancy then, I hope the baby is
not D.O.D. :rolleyes:

A man that moves mountains begins carrying away small stones…

ukdave #240 May 25, 2017, 8:24am

Owwwwkay, if we could all just calm down for a moment, I have a question.

ICT, on your latest video (Fibs Pivots Intro, which is great by the way), you mention that your swing
trades are broken down into trend trades and pivot zone trades; the one you describe obviously being a
pivot zone trade.

Now, in trading this system, do we still follow the guideline in your Top Down Analysis Checklist: ‘We try
to trade in line with the long term directional bias and when the 4-hour market flow is in sync’?

In other words, we’re looking for the price to drop into the buy zone when directional bias indicates a
long trade? Vice-versa for short obviously.

Or is pivot zone trading equally suitable to trading retracements off trend direction? Or for trading in a
ranging market?
Many thanks for all of your videos so far. They ARE making a huge difference to me and I am sure many
other new traders. I for one couldn’t give a rat’s whatsit what anyone else thinks!

Mind you, it is difficult to forgive your strangulation of the English language in your poll question

Rounder #241 May 25, 2017, 9:22am

I’m going to TRY and avoid a long “my background” type post because I want to get to my question. But
for what it’s worth…
I’m familiar with trading concepts from the learning I did for the “stock market”.

Charting, Candlesticks,Technical analysis, support, resistance, RSI, OBV, Bollinger bands,

overbought/sold, Doji, etc…
I get all of these.

But I am struggling with nuances specific to the forex game.

I’ve gone through nearly all of the “school” here at babypips.com and I’m starting to get it. (I admit to
only lightly skimming the topics dedicated to the “known” items listed above.)

So Pips, lots, etc … ok I get those now.

And several other great forex “tutorials” have really brought home the concepts of leverage/margin/risk
much better than any of my previous stock education attempts.

So it’s getting better.

It’s getting better - it’s getting better (repeat mantra)

Unfortently there are few things that SEEM basic yet I’m just not wrapping my head around them.

For example - in the GREAT resources provided by this thread - the Risk management video gives the
following example:

[li]2% equity risk
[/li][li]25 pip average stop
[/li][li]$5k account equity
[/li][li]$5k x 2% = $100
[/li][li]$100/25 = $4 per pip (USD 4 minis or 40k position sizing)
And I just can’t wrap my head around the list item.
I understand (hopefully) that the $4/pip is helping to determine position size


If we have a $5k account and will only risk 2% of it that means we’ve got $100 to spend on the trade
It seems that would pretty much determine position size, no?
… unless this formula indicates we’re ok with leveraging things up to the 4 minis, but that didn’t seem
right to me. If that is the intent - wouldn’t doing so add enough leverage that we would expose ourselves
to more than the 2% we declared as our approved level of risk?

I went so far as to email Michael and he VERY GRACIOUSLY provided the following answer:

“Since the example is assuming the trading account is $5000 USD… we do not want to expose our
account to more than 2% maximum risk… 2% of $5000 is $100 USD. Since we have a total of $100
USD risk and the trade setup is valid using a 25 pip stop… $100 / 25 pips gives us a factor of 4…
this means $4 per pip… on a mini lot each pip is valued at approx. $1 USD per pip… to arrive at the
leverage of $4 USD per pip… we trade 4 mini lots for this trade example.”

which I know SHOULD make things clear - and to a more seasoned Forex student is probably more
than enough - and I know I’m probably just over thinking it - but I’m still unclear.

So I’d like to solicit some knowledge from the group.

Thanks again for the help!

This site is remarkably supportive and I truly appreciate the time.

Just to be clear I’ll restate my question:

The Risk management video gives the following example:

[li]2% equity risk
[/li][li]25 pip average stop
[/li][li]$5k account equity
[/li][li]$5k x 2% = $100
[/li][li]$100/25 = $4 per pip (USD 4 minis or 40k position sizing)

I understand (hopefully) that the $4/pip is helping to determine position size but…

If we have a $5k account and will only risk 2% of it that means we’ve got $100 to spend on the trade
It seems that would pretty much determine position size, no?

… unless this formula indicates we’re ok with leveraging things up to the 4 minis, but that didn’t seem
right to me. If that is the intent - wouldn’t doing so add enough leverage to that we would expose
ourselves to more than the 2% we declared as our approved level of risk?

wow… much longer thread than I had hoped! :eek:

Thanks all!

Sweet_Pip #242 May 25, 2017, 11:05am


I’m going to TRY and avoid a long “my background” type post because I want to get to my question.
But for what it’s worth…
I’m familiar with trading concepts from the learning I did for the “stock market”.

Charting, Candlesticks,Technical analysis, support, resistance, RSI, OBV, Bollinger bands,

overbought/sold, Doji, etc…
I get all of these.

But I am struggling with nuances specific to the forex game.

I’ve gone through nearly all of the “school” here at babypips.com and I’m starting to get it. (I admit
to only lightly skimming the topics dedicated to the “known” items listed above.)

So Pips, lots, etc … ok I get those now.

And several other great forex “tutorials” have really brought home the concepts of
leverage/margin/risk much better than any of my previous stock education attempts.

So it’s getting better.

It’s getting better - it’s getting better (repeat mantra)

Unfortently there are few things that SEEM basic yet I’m just not wrapping my head around them.

For example - in the GREAT resources provided by this thread - the Risk management video gives
the following example:

[li]2% equity risk
[/li][li]25 pip average stop
[/li][li]$5k account equity
[/li][li]$5k x 2% = $100
[/li][li]$100/25 = $4 per pip (USD 4 minis or 40k position sizing)
And I just can’t wrap my head around the list item.
I understand (hopefully) that the $4/pip is helping to determine position size


If we have a $5k account and will only risk 2% of it that means we’ve got $100 to spend on the trade
It seems that would pretty much determine position size, no?

… unless this formula indicates we’re ok with leveraging things up to the 4 minis, but that didn’t
seem right to me. If that is the intent - wouldn’t doing so add enough leverage that we would expose
ourselves to more than the 2% we declared as our approved level of risk?

I went so far as to email Michael and he VERY GRACIOUSLY provided the following answer:
which I know SHOULD make things clear - and to a more seasoned Forex student is probably more
than enough - and I know I’m probably just over thinking it - but I’m still unclear.

So I’d like to solicit some knowledge from the group.

Thanks again for the help!

This site is remarkably supportive and I truly appreciate the time.

Just to be clear I’ll restate my question:

The Risk management video gives the following example:

[li]2% equity risk
[/li][li]25 pip average stop
[/li][li]$5k account equity
[/li][li]$5k x 2% = $100
[/li][li]$100/25 = $4 per pip (USD 4 minis or 40k position sizing)

I understand (hopefully) that the $4/pip is helping to determine position size but…

If we have a $5k account and will only risk 2% of it that means we’ve got $100 to spend on the trade
It seems that would pretty much determine position size, no?

… unless this formula indicates we’re ok with leveraging things up to the 4 minis, but that didn’t
seem right to me. If that is the intent - wouldn’t doing so add enough leverage to that we would
expose ourselves to more than the 2% we declared as our approved level of risk?

wow… much longer thread than I had hoped! :eek:

Thanks all!


Yes…a long way around asking a question of which I’m not entirely sure of. :o

Are you concerned that the margin required to open a trade based on 4 mini lots somehow affects your

cubanpip #243 May 28, 2017, 7:48am


[li]2% equity risk
[/li][li]25 pip average stop
[/li][li]$5k account equity
[/li][li]$5k x 2% = $100
[/li][li]$100/25 = $4 per pip (USD 4 minis or 40k position sizing)

I understand (hopefully) that the $4/pip is helping to determine position size but…

If we have a $5k account and will only risk 2% of it that means we’ve got $100 to spend on the
trade right?

What I understand is not that you need to spend $100 on the trade, just that you will use a 25 pips SL
that if you lose, then, the result of this PARTICULAR trade will be -$100 or - 2% of your account equity.

Best regards

“Me quedaré, me quedaré, siempre cubano me quedaré…”

ukdave #244 May 25, 2017, 11:04am


… unless this formula indicates we’re ok with leveraging things up to the 4 minis, but that didn’t
seem right to me. If that is the intent - wouldn’t doing so add enough leverage that we would expose
ourselves to more than the 2% we declared as our approved level of risk?
Are you assuming that using margin from your account equity to create leverage adds risk, exposing
your account to more than the 2% level?

Not so, unless you put yourself at risk of a margin call. Which you won’t be, since you’ll place a stop loss
at 25 pips ($100 loss). The only way that more of your account could be at risk is if you failed to place a
stop loss and your account hit a margin call.

Once the trade is closed, win or lose, the margin used to create the leverage will return to your account.

So the maximum you can lose - your risk - is $100 or 2%, as detailed in the previous post.

At least, think that’s right! But I’m sure someone will correct any inaccuracies soon.

Rounder #245 May 25, 2017, 11:04am

Ah Ha!!!

So even though you put up $1879.09 which is about 37.6% of your capital…
You only risk losing $100 if you set a 25 pip SL with a lot size of 40k.

Wow I’m not sure how I didn’t get that.

Thanks So much cubanpip2010 !!

I really appreciate it.

I know that was a pretty remedial question.


TalonD #246 May 25, 2017, 11:05am

How much you risk is determined by your stop loss in pips times the value of each pip.

If you have a 25 pip stop loss in place then that is the most you can loose on the trade.

So assuming your stop loss gets hit and you loose 25 pips, then how much does each pip have to be
worth for that 25 pips to add up to $100 (2% of 5k)?

Each pip has to equal $4 ($4 times 25pips = $100).

In order for each pip to be worth $4 your trade size has to be what? 4 mini lots.
Clint #247 May 25, 2017, 12:34pm


How much you risk is determined by your stop loss in pips times the value of each pip…

In order for each pip to be worth $4 your trade size has to be what? 4 mini lots.

Good explanation, Mike.


…“illigitium non carborundum”…

If my translation of your Latin is correct, you are saying “bastards are not carburetors”.

Then again, my Latin is not rusty. My Latin is non-existent.

TalonD #248 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm


Good explanation, Mike.

If my translation of your Latin is correct, you are saying “bastards are not carburetors”.

Then again, my Latin is not rusty. My Latin is non-existent.

don’t let the bastards wear you down

Illegitimi non carborundum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it’s not official Latin

system #249 May 25, 2017, 10:15am


Owwwwkay, if we could all just calm down for a moment, I have a question.

ICT, on your latest video (Fibs Pivots Intro, which is great by the way), you mention that your swing
trades are broken down into trend trades and pivot zone trades; the one you describe obviously
being a pivot zone trade.

Now, in trading this system, do we still follow the guideline in your Top Down Analysis Checklist: ‘We
try to trade in line with the long term directional bias and when the 4-hour market flow is in sync’?

In other words, we’re looking for the price to drop into the buy zone when directional bias indicates a
long trade? Vice-versa for short obviously.

Or is pivot zone trading equally suitable to trading retracements off trend direction? Or for trading in
a ranging market?

Many thanks for all of your videos so far. They ARE making a huge difference to me and I am sure
many other new traders. I for one couldn’t give a rat’s whatsit what anyone else thinks!

Mind you, it is difficult to forgive your strangulation of the English language in your poll question

Good questions… and the Top Down Analysis outline will filter out many false setups as the video
explained… this is where and how you should start as a newbie… slow trades and less frequent
executions. Remember, you are new and inexperience will most definitely take it toll on your Demo or
worse… real account. Plan for this and allow time for yourself to learn your reactions to trading the
setups and give yourself permission to take time in development. I realize this is hard… and that’s why
most self-destruct… lack of patience and time to find their personal approach without chasing every

After you understand how the Top Down Analysis approach works and filters false signals… you will see
a number of setups every week and if you must… even daily. I am presenting this to keep the impatient
newbies from day trading and trying to run their 100 or 500 accounts on every “would be scalp”. If you
understand where the major direction is headed… it is fairly easy to find setups in that direction on any
timeframe to trade and trade quite frequently. So don’t worry we will cover scalping and all that. Get
yourself planted on a firm foundation of Market Structure and Top Down Analysis to put the odds in your

My style of trading is multi-dimensional… I can apply my concepts to any timeframe and direction. I,
however, am experienced and wouldn’t expect a newbie to attempt this as it is the experience factor you
have to learn which I can’t teach… and to safely arrive there… you need time and patience.

I can countertrend trade against the 4 hour trend or Market Flow as you will learn… but it requires
specific parameters to be in place. I know it is a killer wanting to know when to buy and sell and ride
swings up and down. Resist this as we learn and cover the material.

It might not seem like it now… but the framework for any possible style of trading is being laid out here…
as it begins to further come to light, you will see many setups and much like a musician reads music
notes… the charts will come alive and you will read the rhythm of the markets. I promise… it will be
explained… I know exactly what you’re feeling. :o

Master_Tang #250 May 25, 2017, 1:58pm


it’s not official Latin

Igpay atinlay?

Sweet_Pip #251 May 25, 2017, 2:38pm


Igpay atinlay?

Or in Canadian version of that…Igpeh atinleh…:p:D

vonner #252 May 25, 2017, 11:50am

Hi Everyone,

Newbie question here. Where can I get the most recent COT report? I tried accessing the report the way
it’s taught in the School of Pipsology but it seems the report there is always delayed.

For instance, if you check it now, the report available is dated 12/28/2010. Shouldn’t the first report for
January 2011 already be available (since it’s weekly)?

This is the link I’m looking at: CFTC Commitments of Traders Short Report - CBT (Futures Only)

Thanks for the help!

Sweet_Pip #253 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm


Hi Everyone,

Newbie question here. Where can I get the most recent COT report? I tried accessing the report the
way it’s taught in the School of Pipsology but it seems the report there is always delayed.
For instance, if you check it now, the report available is dated 12/28/2010. Shouldn’t the first report
for January 2011 already be available (since it’s weekly)?

This is the link I’m looking at: CFTC Commitments of Traders Short Report - CBT (Futures Only)

Thanks for the help!

The Commitments of Traders reports are released at 3:30 p.m. Eastern time. The Futures Only reports
and Futures and Options Combined reports are usually released on [B]Friday[/B]. The release usually
includes [B]data from the previous Tuesday[/B]. Federal holidays may delay release by one day.

Sweet_Pip #254 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

Ok, what is this telling us? Is this the section of the chart where we would measure any divergences? If
so, would we say the highs are diverging a little? If a little, is that enough to consider a future downward
directional bias for the USD?

Sweet_Pip #255 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

Here is the US Dollar Index…so we would say the the Index is falling?
1 Like

vonner #256 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm


The release usually includes [B]data from the previous Tuesday[/B]…

Ohhh…so it’s always delayed by a week. I thought they would release data as of that Tuesday. My bad

Thanks for clarifying!

Clint #257 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm

Check out the negative correlation between the US dollar index and the EUR/USD
1 Like

mozdef #258 May 25, 2017, 1:57pm

Sweet Pips, you’re bonds chart is only showing data up to November 29th? Shouldn’t you be looking at
more recent data?

Sweet_Pip #259 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm


Sweet Pips, you’re bonds chart is only showing data up to November 29th? Shouldn’t you be looking
at more recent data?

Hmmm…you’re right…I don’t see where to change the dates but redoing it seems to have grabbed the
most recent data…go figure :o

I’ll re-post the chart shortly…and it appears I don’t have to change my text

Clint #260 May 25, 2017, 3:52pm

…I don’t see where to change the dates…

Little arrows at either end of the “200 day” line let you scroll backward or forward.

mozdef #261 May 25, 2017, 4:24pm


Little arrows at either end of the “200 day” line let you scroll backward or forward.

yep but if you’ve been on that page for more than a day you also have to refresh everyday to get the
newest data…this is only for people like me who don’t turn their computer off…ever

ukdave #262 May 25, 2017, 11:05am


Good questions… and the Top Down Analysis outline will filter out many false setups as the video

It might not seem like it now… but the framework for any possible style of trading is being laid out
here… as it begins to further come to light, you will see many setups and much like a musician reads
music notes… the charts will come alive and you will read the rhythm of the markets. I promise… it
will be explained… I know exactly what you’re feeling. :o

Thanks v much for that answer ICT… all makes perfect sense. For the moment yes, it’s a case of taking
things slowly and carefully. Ensuring that each trading decision is backed up by a solid rationale built
around sound market understanding. That makes sense. I’m currently applying that thinking in demo
trade only, and as mentioned previously, it’s making as huge difference. Far fewer trades. Far better
results. Thanks again for your comprehensive response.

Sweet_Pip #263 May 25, 2017, 4:24pm


Little arrows at either end of the “200 day” line let you scroll backward or forward.

Ah…I see. Thanks

PipBandit #264 May 25, 2017, 2:39pm


Here is the US Dollar Index…so we would say the the Index is falling?

It certainly has been. Traders have been pushing USD weakness and higher commodities for quite a
while now due to the ongoing QE2 programme. But recent positive US economic numbers combined
with the effect of QE2 on bonds is pushing DXY up. Also, the failure of QE2 to bring lower rates (rates
are actually creeping higher) to the US is also having an upward effect on USD. Even the monster
German factory orders today wasn’t enough to send USD down at all as it had no effect on EUR -
though NFPs tomorrow might have something to do with that. The recent Fed minutes showed that
although they intend to keep QE2 going for the full amount due to employment problems there was
some optimism about the economic recovery. I’m pretty sure that market participants have been pricing
in QE3 to infinity into the continued USD weakness but if QE3 appears less likely this might buttress
USD in the short to medium term as they reduce these positions.

In short though I can see DXY strengthening some over the next while as traders pare their bets on
continued USD weakness so long as there’s no dire US economic numbers. However given the obvious
desire of the US to weaken the dollar to reduce the debt and improve exports all it’ll take for The
Bernank to hammer the dollar again is to start laying out plans for QE3 which is most likely what the US
will have to do if it wants to avoid a large stock market plunge once QE2 ends.

PipBandit #265 May 25, 2017, 2:38pm

Interesting divergence between EUR/USD (black) and GBP/USD (green) after NFPs:
GBP a bit of an out-performer there it seems when compared to all of the other majors. Don’t particularly
see why either given the weak data for GBP during the week. Potential short if you think the USD recent
run has legs perhaps.

PipBandit #266 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm

Perhaps people are using this already but I came across a handy MT4 custom indicator that
automatically populates your chart with a line showing the daily, weekly and monthly high / low as well
as previous daily, weekly, monthly highs / lows. Posted a screenshot below of how it looks - it’s a 1H
EUR/USD chart with each day divided up using the period function.
The high / low for the day is shown in green. The previous day’s high / low is shown by the two blue
lines in Jan. 7th section. The daily high / low for 2 days ago is shown by the two blue lines in Jan. 6th
section and so on. Does the same for weekly / monthly current and previous highs / lows.

I’ll post the MT4 file it up here with a h/t to the source if people would like to use it. I find it saves me
quite a bit of time anyway.

TalonD #267 May 25, 2017, 3:51pm

hey Pipbandit I would like to use that indicator if you don’t mind posting it. Thanks!

PipBandit #268 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

No probs - here you go. With thanks to amenlo9 from the FF forum where I found it. The placement of
the text boxes can be a little haphazard or on top of each other but you can move them around easy
enough - the colour coding makes it an easy enough read anyway.

###Daily-Weekly-Monthly Hi-Low.zip (3.55 KB)

TalonD #269 May 25, 2017, 4:24pm

No probs - here you go. With thanks to amenlo9 from the FF forum where I found it. The placement of
the text boxes can be a little haphazard or on top of each other but you can move them around easy
enough - the colour coding makes it an easy enough read anyway.


ukdave #270 May 25, 2017, 4:59pm

Very useful PipBandit… thanks for posting!

system #271 May 25, 2017, 5:37pm

Online shortly… processing the playback then enjoy… link is found on the first post of this thread.

Thanks for sharing that Pipbandit.

Only Three More Installments and we’re going live with daily examples and analysis using the concepts


system #272 May 25, 2017, 6:07pm

I realize I have mispelled, ommitted or misrepresented figures in these videos and when I am
complete… I will go back over and touch them up and re-record them all in HD quality… however
between the emails I answer and work in presenting the material… I would be that much longer in
completing them lol. :o

If you see something I might not have seen or noticed, please let me know… so I can have the videos
accurate and crisp when it’s all said and done.

On the Pivot calculation formula slide I ommitted the lowest low determination in the instruction but I’m
sure this didn’t get by most of you as the formula is right next to the instructions.


samys #273 May 25, 2017, 6:35pm

Great video as usual mate.

ClarkFX #274 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

Please critique my analysis of GBP/USD:

Attached is a daily chart of the GBP/USD pair that I was recently trying to analyse using ICT’s method’s
and price action. Any comments, corrections or advice would be welcomed! =)

On the daily chart, I labelled a few more noticeable swing highs and lows (green arrows), although I’m
not sure if they are intermediate highs or lows or short-term.
Price broke through the swing low boxed in light purple, so bearish sentiment is apparent. I drew fibs on
the two more current swing high and swing low, as well as pivots and saw confluence just below the
1.5570 level. Since price is above central pivot, it is adviced to short. I then scroll back to historical
prices and realized that it was a strong S&R level (blue line). As I zoomed in my time frame to M30, I
realized price was not able to close about the resistance level.

Favouring a bearish trend, I believe the smartest choice would be to go short. But at the same time, I
also see a pin bar indicating bullish strength.

That’s about as far as my analysis goes, I believe a short would be the best decision. 3 levels of
confluences outweighs the candlestick pattern, as pretty as that pin bar seems, the doji before it
indicates indecision…

Critique away! That’s about as much as I can remember now.


vonner #275 May 25, 2017, 7:30pm


I was wondering…how does Price Action trading and news go together? Do you consider news items
when you trade?

As a newbie, I have gotten into lots of situations where news has led me to paralysis. Take the Irish debt
crisis for instance. It seemed like everyday the news would sway my decisions. Sometimes it would be
favorable for the EURO and then the next day it would be bad. Because of this, I ended up not trading
all together.

Was just wondering how news fits into Price Action. I took a look at Nial Fuller’s site and he says he
doesn’t consider news at all. But I’m not sure if that’s also a good idea.

Thanks for the time and the videos!


purplepatchforex #276 May 25, 2017, 7:55pm

It’s simple don’t trade near news announcements, and don’t listen to the news.

PipBandit #277 May 25, 2017, 7:55pm


Critique away! That’s about as much as I can remember now.

Using the Top-Down Analysis from a previous video:

1. USD Dollar Index - rising but seems to be stalling out before Nov high of 81.45. Might mean that
DXY is rangebound at the moment. If it can’t push past the 81.50 level in a meaningful way this
could be potentially bullish for GBP/USD in the short-term as DXY drops back into it’s range
starting from Nov 30.

2. COT Report - we’re not at extremes of difference between Non-Commercial and Commercial
traders like we were back in the first half of 2010. So I’d say we’re still following the Non-
Commercial bear trend for now given that 64.39% of Non-Commercial traders are short. This is an
increase from 63.20% in Dec 28 COT and 60.16% in Dec 21 COT.

3. Treasury Yields - the 2-yr and 5-yr notes have put in some new short-term lows but the 10-yr and
30-yr haven’t done so yet. If they exhibit a failure swing this could be bullish for DXY and lead it to
push above the 81.50 level if I understand it right?

4. Looking at the S&R it looks like to me that there’s some decent resistance in that whole 1.5565 -
1.5600 area. Yesterday’s high was 1.5600. 2 day’s ago high was 1.5578. 3 days ago high was
1.5565. If it can push past those I’m looking at 1.5645 as last week’s high. There’s also a pivot at
just over 1.56 (on my charts anyway) and we’re running into midpoint resistance at the moment
around the 1.5575 area.
5. Market Flow - appears to me that we’re putting in a series of lower Swing Highs since the start of
the year. Would have be favouring the short side.

So, I think I’d look for a little strength to show in DXY and enter short around the 1.56 level or look for
more weakness in DXY, wait for 1.56 to be broken and target 1.5645. Overall I prefer the short side in
this trade though but we might end up seeing GBP/USD kind of rangebound this week until Thurs / Fri
and some major news events.

Alishijo #278 May 25, 2017, 7:55pm

Thanks for taking the time to write up your analysis PipBandit. It is comforting to know we have the
same figures on the COT report, the same analysis of the US Treasuries, and the same S&R levels. I
have also been monitoring the difference between UK and US 5yr notes and have noticed the gap
narrowing since the start of November (and presumably QE2). US rates have been rising faster than UK
rates (hence the narrowing of the differential), but this has reversed since the end of Dec. The UK rates
continue to rise slightly, while the US rates have come off. This could potentially signal strength above

PipBandit #279 May 25, 2017, 8:22pm

The 5-yr, 10-yr and 30-yr all started ticking up again today and DXY seemed to have found support at
80.80 which corresponds with Dec 21 - 23 resistance highs and Jan 7 support (roughly). Led me to take
a demo short at 1.56 (yesterday’s daily high) with 20 pip stop and 40 pip target. Worked out nicely which
is something I can’t say about many of my GBP/USD trades in a while.

EUR/USD would’ve worked out equally well using more or less the same setup - the previous weekly
low of 1.2970 has been holding pretty well so far this week bar the quick pop up during the Asian
session this morning.

Thanks ICT for pointing out and linking these extra tools - finding it helpful so far to add some structure
to trading overall.

forexhood #280 May 25, 2017, 8:22pm


Using the Top-Down Analysis from a previous video:

1. USD Dollar Index - rising but seems to be stalling out before Nov high of 81.45. Might mean
that DXY is rangebound at the moment. If it can’t push past the 81.50 level in a meaningful
way this could be potentially bullish for GBP/USD in the short-term as DXY drops back into it’s
range starting from Nov 30.

2. COT Report - we’re not at extremes of difference between Non-Commercial and Commercial
traders like we were back in the first half of 2010. So I’d say we’re still following the Non-
Commercial bear trend for now given that 64.39% of Non-Commercial traders are short. This
is an increase from 63.20% in Dec 28 COT and 60.16% in Dec 21 COT.

3. Treasury Yields - the 2-yr and 5-yr notes have put in some new short-term lows but the 10-yr
and 30-yr haven’t done so yet. If they exhibit a failure swing this could be bullish for DXY and
lead it to push above the 81.50 level if I understand it right?

4. Looking at the S&R it looks like to me that there’s some decent resistance in that whole 1.5565
- 1.5600 area. Yesterday’s high was 1.5600. 2 day’s ago high was 1.5578. 3 days ago high
was 1.5565. If it can push past those I’m looking at 1.5645 as last week’s high. There’s also a
pivot at just over 1.56 (on my charts anyway) and we’re running into midpoint resistance at the
moment around the 1.5575 area.

5. Market Flow - appears to me that we’re putting in a series of lower Swing Highs since the start
of the year. Would have be favouring the short side.

So, I think I’d look for a little strength to show in DXY and enter short around the 1.56 level or look for
more weakness in DXY, wait for 1.56 to be broken and target 1.5645. Overall I prefer the short side
in this trade though but we might end up seeing GBP/USD kind of rangebound this week until Thurs /
Fri and some major news events.

Fundamental analysis is somewhat helpful but technicals puts money in my bank!

PipBandit #281 May 25, 2017, 8:22pm

I think calling it looking at a variety of TA to try and get an overall picture would be more accurate for the
most part. I kind of like the whole looking across different areas approach as I find it all pretty interesting
and they are all connected. Ultimately I’d like to do forex full-time but looking solely at a couple of charts
all day feels like it might get a bit stale pretty quickly. Looking at TA as well as market fundamentals
helps keeps things interesting for me. But if your approach works for you then have at it

purplepatchforex #282 May 25, 2017, 8:48pm


technicals puts money in my bank!

And that’s what counts.

system #283 May 25, 2017, 8:48pm


Fundamental analysis is somewhat helpful but technicals puts money in my bank!

Everything listed above [U]is[/U] Technical… not Fundamental and it puts plenty in the bank… at times…
an absurd amount at that. :o

system #284 May 25, 2017, 9:14pm


The 5-yr, 10-yr and 30-yr all started ticking up again today and DXY seemed to have found support
at 80.80 which corresponds with Dec 21 - 23 resistance highs and Jan 7 support (roughly). Led me
to take a demo short at 1.56 (yesterday’s daily high) with 20 pip stop and 40 pip target. Worked out
nicely which is something I can’t say about many of my GBP/USD trades in a while.

EUR/USD would’ve worked out equally well using more or less the same setup - the previous weekly
low of 1.2970 has been holding pretty well so far this week bar the quick pop up during the Asian
session this morning.

Thanks ICT for pointing out and linking these extra tools - finding it helpful so far to add some
structure to trading overall.

My pleasure… as always.

Although as we are trading right now… I’m in scalping mode… as I want to see more movement to get
us out of the choppy conditions were seeing for Cable.

I was about to bank 80 pips long on the Cable… but it was tough for me today.


system #285 May 25, 2017, 8:22pm



I was wondering…how does Price Action trading and news go together? Do you consider news
items when you trade?
As a newbie, I have gotten into lots of situations where news has led me to paralysis. Take the Irish
debt crisis for instance. It seemed like everyday the news would sway my decisions. Sometimes it
would be favorable for the EURO and then the next day it would be bad. Because of this, I ended up
not trading all together.

Was just wondering how news fits into Price Action. I took a look at Nial Fuller’s site and he says he
doesn’t consider news at all. But I’m not sure if that’s also a good idea.

Thanks for the time and the videos!


you’re welcome

I was including this in the forthcoming video… but basically I shy away from trading NonFarm Payroll…
and critical Speechs. Otherwise, news is nothing to fear.

In a nutshell, you want to know the concesus or expectation on a report or number due out… then look
for deviations from the expected release… if it is far off expectation… this can really give wings to the
market and provide volatility.

Otherwise, the news could provide a rather mute response… but there is nothing to fear.

system #286 May 25, 2017, 7:55pm


Please critique my analysis of GBP/USD:

Attached is a daily chart of the GBP/USD pair that I was recently trying to analyse using ICT’s
method’s and price action. Any comments, corrections or advice would be welcomed! =)

On the daily chart, I labelled a few more noticeable swing highs and lows (green arrows), although
I’m not sure if they are intermediate highs or lows or short-term.
Price broke through the swing low boxed in light purple, so bearish sentiment is apparent. I drew fibs
on the two more current swing high and swing low, as well as pivots and saw confluence just below
the 1.5570 level. Since price is above central pivot, it is adviced to short. I then scroll back to
historical prices and realized that it was a strong S&R level (blue line). As I zoomed in my time frame
to M30, I realized price was not able to close about the resistance level.

Favouring a bearish trend, I believe the smartest choice would be to go short. But at the same time, I
also see a pin bar indicating bullish strength.

That’s about as far as my analysis goes, I believe a short would be the best decision. 3 levels of
confluences outweighs the candlestick pattern, as pretty as that pin bar seems, the doji before it
indicates indecision…
Critique away! That’s about as much as I can remember now.


It is stuck in the mud intermediate term… unless youre scalping… the market is being rather fickle in
here. Keep your powder dry as we haven’t set a stage for solid technicals to line up. We’re still coming
out of the Holiday rut… give it a few days and allow the big boys to push it out of the mud and provide us
tech traders to work our magic.

Keep plugging away… GLGT

forexhood #287 May 25, 2017, 9:15pm


Everything listed above [U]is[/U] Technical… not Fundamental and it puts plenty in the bank… at
times… an absurd amount at that. :o

COT data is kind of tricky to apply just because it takes time to kick in.

vonner #288 May 25, 2017, 9:14pm

Thanks for the answers

@ICT - Thanks for the inputs and sorry for preempting the topic for the next video I look forward to
the next mind-blowing installment!

hellogoodbye4201 #289 May 25, 2017, 9:41pm


My pleasure… as always.

Although as we are trading right now… I’m in scalping mode… as I want to see more movement to
get us out of the choppy conditions were seeing for Cable.

I was about to bank 80 pips long on the Cable… but it was tough for me today.


I wonder if we took the same long…

So, did you enter long at the .618 retracement of 1.55113-1.56019? I took profit just south (about 4 pips)
of the 1.272 extension of the previous day (high to low)

forexhood #290 May 25, 2017, 10:06pm


I wonder if we took the same long…

So, did you enter long at the .618 retracement of 1.55113-1.56019? I took profit just south (about 4
pips) of the 1.272 extension of the previous day (high to low)

I’m shorting this pair around 1.57 there’s a fib cluster(38&61) around that area.

hellogoodbye4201 #291 May 25, 2017, 10:31pm


I’m shorting this pair around 1.57 there’s a fib cluster(38&61) around that area.

Yep, that may well be a good short :p. I see exactly what you see lol

After looking at that more closely im short at about the same area with a target around 1.55597, I see
lots of fibs around that area, +/- 10 pips

forexhood #292 May 25, 2017, 10:52pm


Yep, that may well be a good short :p. I see exactly what you see lol

After looking at that more closely im short at about the same area with a target around 1.55597, I
see lots of fibs around that area, +/- 10 pips

It should pause around that area and break 1.5343 to head lower but this will take time.

ukdave #293 May 25, 2017, 10:52pm

Interesting stuff yesterday, looking at the shorter time frame charts.

Rapid climb from 1.5545 to 1.5638 (1500 to 1645 GMT) peaked at bang on the 162% fib level of
previous swing high to swing low (15m chart).

Went long at 50% fib level, currently at 50 pip profit. Protective S/L in place and like you guys, looking for
retracement around the 1.57.

EDIT: out at 1.5680… got a 38 fib level sitting there.

Fractals on 4hr chart showing clear upward momentum.

anon10665397 #294 May 25, 2017, 10:06pm


I wonder if we took the same long…

So, did you enter long at the .618 retracement of 1.55113-1.56019? I took profit just south (about 4
pips) of the 1.272 extension of the previous day (high to low)

almost…I went long at 1.5550 to 1.5600,just after your move as price was falling back down to essential
pivot and the .618 retracement …should have let profits run though as the move ended just above R1 at
1.5639. Anybody else catch this full move?



Interesting stuff yesterday, looking at the shorter time frame charts.

Rapid climb from 1.5545 to 1.5638 (1500 to 1645 GMT) peaked at bang on the 162% fib level of
previous swing high to swing low (15m chart).

Went long at 50% fib level, currently at 50 pip profit. Protective S/L in place and like you guys,
looking for retracement around the 1.57.

EDIT: out at 1.5680… got a 38 fib level sitting there.

Fractals on 4hr chart showing clear upward momentum.

there we go,theres 1.nicley spotted Dave

Was also on the 15 min chart,was a bit worried about a break through the essential pivot but looking
back i saw the 1.5550 level had held very well throughout the day except for the ±30 pip break half way
through the day where [B]hellogoodbye4201[/B] went long.
ukdave #295 May 25, 2017, 10:06pm

Yeah all I need to do now is learn how to repeat that consistently! (‘all I need to do’ said with more
than a hint of irony!)

Seriously though, I’m making plenty of losses too (on a demo account). Perhaps you can actually learn
more from the losses though. I always analyse each one to try and work out what I did wrong. Usually, in
my case, it’s seeing things in the charts that aren’t really there or just overtrading. Those two seem to be
closely connected, as they both come from that newbie desire to be trading as much as possible.

It’s really interesting and useful to see how others are using the tools that ICT is giving us to work out
trading opportunities. Please keep posting. Also useful to know that others have been struggling to get a
foothold on this pair over the last few days. It wasn’t just me then!

Ooh, it’s just tested 5680 again.

forexhood #296 May 25, 2017, 11:33pm


Interesting stuff yesterday, looking at the shorter time frame charts.

Rapid climb from 1.5545 to 1.5638 (1500 to 1645 GMT) peaked at bang on the 162% fib level of
previous swing high to swing low (15m chart).

Went long at 50% fib level, currently at 50 pip profit. Protective S/L in place and like you guys,
looking for retracement around the 1.57.

EDIT: out at 1.5680… got a 38 fib level sitting there.

Fractals on 4hr chart showing clear upward momentum.

1.57 is a simple play for a good probability short. More often I find my profits are much larger when I go
against the momentum which makes up for my small loses : )

Short @ 1.57095

anon10665397 #297 May 25, 2017, 11:51pm

1.57 is a simple play for a good probability short. More often I find my profits are much larger when I
go against the momentum which makes up for my small loses : )

Short @ 1.57095

And back in SA we would say, round about now “you deep in the KaK” with price at 1.5760

forexhood #298 May 26, 2017, 12:09am


And back in SA we would say, round about now “you deep in the KaK” with price at 1.5760

Yea I took a hit on that one but re-entered @1.5765/1.5779 and short euro @ 1.31 I don’t worry about
the losses only the winners : )

system #299 May 25, 2017, 11:51pm

Tonights video review will bring many of the concepts together and introduce a few new ones. Cable
really paid out handsomely today.


system #300 May 26, 2017, 12:09am

Video posted on first post of this thread… it’s a long one… give youtube time to process it and give you
a crisp playback. I think you will be pleased with this installment


hellogoodbye4201 #301 May 26, 2017, 12:43am


Video posted on first post of this thread… it’s a long one… give youtube time to process it and give
you a crisp playback. I think you will be pleased with this installment

Definitely a lot to crasp in that video, gonna have to watch it a few more times lol.

ClarkFX #302 May 26, 2017, 12:43am

Very good video ICT! Going to be watching that a couple more times.
I was using headphones, and at 27:00 mark, there was a loud click. Scared the s*** out of me. Haha,
anyways, very insightful!


Sweet_Pip #303 May 26, 2017, 1:17am


Very good video ICT! Going to be watching that a couple more times.
I was using headphones, and at 27:00 mark, there was a loud click. Scared the s*** out of me.


Thanks for the warning…

system #304 May 26, 2017, 12:26am

great new video!

hellogoodbye4201 #305 May 26, 2017, 12:43am

Has anyone else gotten in on the action on GU tonight? Lots of movement! Complete sarcasm in
case anyone thought I was serious lol.

system #306 May 26, 2017, 1:17am

Very good video ICT! Going to be watching that a couple more times.
I was using headphones, and at 27:00 mark, there was a loud click. Scared the s*** out of me. Haha,
anyways, very insightful!



that’s the patent pending ICT alarm for those falling asleep in class.

forexhood #307 May 28, 2017, 7:48am


Has anyone else gotten in on the action on GU tonight? Lots of movement! Complete sarcasm in
case anyone thought I was serious lol.

Bearish gartley on the 4hr that should cover for the losses I took yesterday!
hellogoodbye4201 #308 May 26, 2017, 1:33am


Bearish gartley on the 4hr that should cover for the losses I took yesterday!

Haha, I saw something else but was thinking of going short as well should price reach a certain point

For ICT, do you think a check list would be possible once all the material has been presented? That
would make finding trades much easier I believe.

ClarkFX #309 May 26, 2017, 1:34am



that’s the patent pending ICT alarm for those falling asleep in class.

Not for the faint hearted… Lol…

And I agree with hellogoodbye, a checklist would be very beneficial afterwards. I have been trying to
make myself an ICT Checklist, but always afraid that I’m missing something…

forexhood #310 May 26, 2017, 1:49am


Haha, I saw something else but was thinking of going short as well should price reach a certain point

For ICT, do you think a check list would be possible once all the material has been presented? That
would make finding trades much easier I believe.

Sorry! I don’t even follow this thread.

system #311 May 26, 2017, 1:48am


Not for the faint hearted… Lol…

And I agree with hellogoodbye, a checklist would be very beneficial afterwards. I have been trying to
make myself an ICT Checklist, but always afraid that I’m missing something…

That’s what the Trade Journal link is going to be on the first post… I promised a complete nuts to bolts
plan… You will have a complete flight plan to go along with your “Top Gun” training.

Hang in there we’re almost there. Remember we have to go through the boring stuff first.

hellogoodbye4201 #312 May 26, 2017, 2:03am


That’s what the Trade Journal link is going to be on the first post… I promised a complete nuts to
bolts plan… You will have a complete fight plan to go along with your “Top Gun” training.

Hang in there we’re almost there. Remember we have to go through the boring stuff first.

Awesome! And I enjoy learning so I havn’t come across anything boring yet

forexhood #313 May 26, 2017, 2:02am


That’s what the Trade Journal link is going to be on the first post… I promised a complete nuts to
bolts plan… You will have a complete fight plan to go along with your “Top Gun” training.

Hang in there we’re almost there. Remember we have to go through the boring stuff first.

Anyways, ICT I think your doing a great job putting something like this for new traders. I already learned
the basics and more so I don’t need to be here. Good luck to all! It’s a grueling journey to profitability!

slowman #314 May 26, 2017, 2:02am

Just watched the latest vidio BRILLIANT thankyou

mozdef #315 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

great video ICT. just have one question regarding the pic…the second dip in open interest if you trace up
seems to correspond to the dip in price rather than the rally that you point out in your video. Can you
please clarify?

thank you

system #316 May 24, 2017, 3:34pm

Mozdef… There are three periods where in the video the audio and visual dont line up as I intended.
The second OI decline is respective of the most recent trading range we moved up from and I didnt
illustrate it well enough to get your understanding as such. Sorry about that… Also I misquoted closing
price on Jun Contract … Oops. :o

To answer it more directly… the drop in OI at the time the price dropped a bit is not the indication… the
price decline is minor in the scheme of the consolidation price was in… you have the chart highlighting
the precise point… but it is the event of OI dropping that sets the stage for price rallying up… it can
occur immediately… or wait for a session or two before making the move. It provides the conditions for
traders to hunt the set up… hope that helps.

system #317 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm

Can’t fight the big boys… All the tools showed the way.

Alishijo #318 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

ICT…You said in the video that key resistance trumps market flow when it comes in on the higher time
frames. Yesterday we had what seemed like key resistance on the daily chart in the form of the down
channel that has been playing out since the start of Nov. I’m interested to know how this entered into
your considerations while taking the trade?

Also, I can see quite easily how the first part of the COT is analyzed (i.e. market extremes and the
WilliamsR) and how price reacted, but I am a little lost on Open Interest. If I take the OI from the Friday
COT report, I can see that on Jan 12th this year, OI spiked up, and price declined by 900 pips over the
following 6 weeks. Acceptable anaylsis? But I don’t think you were looking at the Friday report as you
mentioned a day’s lag, and looking at Monday future’s reports. I presume your analysis is only for

Best regards

mozdef #319 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm


Mozdef… There are three periods where in the video the audio and visual dont line up as I intended.
The second OI decline is respective of the most recent trading range we moved up from and I didnt
illustrate it well enough to get your understanding as such. Sorry about that… Also I misquoted
closing price on Jun Contract … Oops. :o

To answer it more directly… the drop in OI at the time the price dropped a bit is not the indication…
the price decline is minor in the scheme of the consolidation price was in… you have the chart
highlighting the precise point… but it is the event of OI dropping that sets the stage for price rallying
up… it can occur immediately… or wait for a session or two before making the move. It provides the
conditions for traders to hunt the set up… hope that helps.


thanks…so would you say the 2nd drop in OI may correspond to the rally in price that occurred a week
qwertymyfx #320 May 24, 2017, 1:11pm

Innercircle trader, what do you think of bats and butterflys?

qwertymyfx #321 May 26, 2017, 2:03am


Sorry! I don’t even follow this thread.

despite the nuggets of gold?

Jaroon #322 May 26, 2017, 2:03am

Great stuff ICT, I’m just managing to keep up. I shouldn’t watch your vids before bed they don’t help me
sleep at all:)

Can someone point me towards a source for FX futures charts please?

Nearly wrote FX future charts, now that would be handy:)

system #323 May 24, 2017, 11:04pm


ICT…You said in the video that key resistance trumps market flow when it comes in on the higher
time frames. Yesterday we had what seemed like key resistance on the daily chart in the form of the
down channel that has been playing out since the start of Nov. I’m interested to know how this
entered into your considerations while taking the trade?

Also, I can see quite easily how the first part of the COT is analyzed (i.e. market extremes and the
WilliamsR) and how price reacted, but I am a little lost on Open Interest. If I take the OI from the
Friday COT report, I can see that on Jan 12th this year, OI spiked up, and price declined by 900 pips
over the following 6 weeks. Acceptable anaylsis? But I don’t think you were looking at the Friday
report as you mentioned a day’s lag, and looking at Monday future’s reports. I presume your analysis
is only for subscribers?
Best regards

When I refer to Open Interest I am strictly speaking of the Open Interest on the nearby futures contract
of the currency. As in the case of the Cable… I would refer to this as the Open Interest on the March
2011 contract at the time of this post. I’m not referring to COT OI… this won’t accurately depict the
insight I’m highlighting in the material released last night.

My analysis is open to all who read this thread and my blog which is open to anyone. However, I will
post concepts and approaches in my forum that are not geared for this threads trading approach… that
doesnt mean it’s any less effective… it’s merely an organization attempt on my part.

Hope this answers you inquiry.


system #324 May 24, 2017, 9:28pm


thanks…so would you say the 2nd drop in OI may correspond to the rally in price that occurred a
week later?

It would correspond to the action up to today… as shorts were lessened… the gate was opened and the
dogs were let loose, so to speak.

system #325 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm


Innercircle trader, what do you think of bats and butterflys?

I like them… however, with the number of emails and questions on the material I have presented thus
far… I’m holding off on these as they aren’t easy to teach… I’m speaking personally that is. Very good
patterns to trade.


system #326 May 26, 2017, 2:17am

despite the nuggets of gold?

Thanks for that comment… and I was wondering about that “not following this thread” remark but posts
were being made here to suggest otherwise.

To each his or her own… :o

system #327 May 26, 2017, 2:30am


Great stuff ICT, I’m just managing to keep up. I shouldn’t watch your vids before bed they don’t help
me sleep at all:)

Can someone point me towards a source for FX futures charts please?

Nearly wrote FX future charts, now that would be handy:)

lol that’s funny… sleep is over-rated I’ve learned.

Pricecharts.com is the source for the charts I used in the video last night for COT and Sentiment. They
offer a free two week subscription… I like them but I am not selling you on them. I want to highlight their
charting style as it is to me the best for commodity charts. It’s an excellent source for daily Open Interest
in my opinion.

Hope that helps.


Alishijo #328 May 25, 2017, 12:36am


My analysis is open to all who read this thread and my blog which is open to anyone.

I think we have our wires crossed! What I meant was, I presume the Futures contracts that you were
analyzing in your video are only accessable to people who pay a monthly subscription to special data
providing services. We can’t get the Futures contracts data for June without subscribing to a service,

anon10665397 #329 May 26, 2017, 2:30am

Just checking…
Are your pivots for today(Friday 14th) as follows:

R1: 1.59059

Yes No?

system #330 May 25, 2017, 2:09am


I think we have our wires crossed! What I meant was, I presume the Futures contracts that you were
analyzing in your video are only accessable to people who pay a monthly subscription to special
data providing services. We can’t get the Futures contracts data for June without subscribing to a
service, right?


The charts I used in the video are a subscription service yes… but you are not limited to these… I just
like the “look and feel” of their format. I’ve used them for 15 years… old habits any all.

You can access the same daily Open Interest charts for all active futures contract months at
Commoditycharts.com 100% Free

Hope That Helps!


system #331 May 26, 2017, 2:57am


Just checking…
Are your pivots for today(Friday 14th) as follows:

R1: 1.59059
Yes No?

You must run Pivots on your own feed… my data feed might vary on the high and lows a few pips and
cause your numbers to be off a bit. That’s why it’s critical for you to run your own numbers… it’s trading
on your data not mine that matters.

Off to sleep… GLGT

Alishijo #332 May 25, 2017, 2:09am

That is fantastic, thanks.

anon10665397 #333 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

ITC with regards to Contango and Backwardation.

In your video when you use the example with the Pound March and June Future contracts the market is
backwardated as [B]Futures Prices<Spot Prices/B.
Now i understand that the current spot prices could be bigger than the futures price because of eg:
limited supply,currently there is limited supply but in the future there will be a harvest and therefore
increased supply.
(Im continuing with your example of wheat)

So as a result this premium or “convinience yield” is a direct result of limited supply therefore increased
demand and increased prices.

So my train of thought is that if these commodity producers(commercial traders) reduce their net short
positions it must mean that they ABSOLUTLEY expect a increase in prices because by reducing their
short position it reduces their hedge of their commodity they are hedging and therefore are at a much
higher risk.

so…When open interest declines,commercial traders are reducing their net shorts because they are
expecting prices to rise.You can also see this on the COT report by a decrease in short positions.
My first question: Is there a lag?(please refer to attachment open interest)
Does the drop in OI between the 2 horizontal lines refer to a increase in prices at point 1 or 2? As far as
im concerned it must relate to point 2(the current rally we are seeing now in the cable) and there must
be a lag.

Now i can understand this for a commodity like wheat,sugar,etc but i cant bridge the link with how it
relates to currencies. To be more specific the demand and supply side of things.In your video with
regards to your pound example,How is the pound “limited in supply at spot” and how will there be an
"increased supply"in the future??Maybe one or 2 examples will help.
system #334 May 26, 2017, 3:22am


ITC with regards to Contango and Backwardation.

In your video when you use the example with the Pound March and June Future contracts the
market is backwardated as [B]Futures Prices<Spot Prices/B.
Now i understand that the current spot prices could be bigger than the futures price because of eg:
limited supply,currently there is limited supply but in the future there will be a harvest and therefore
increased supply.
(Im continuing with your example of wheat)

So as a result this premium or “convinience yield” is a direct result of limited supply therefore
increased demand and increased prices.

So my train of thought is that if these commodity producers(commercial traders) reduce their net
short positions it must mean that they ABSOLUTLEY expect a increase in prices because by
reducing their short position it reduces their hedge of their commodity they are hedging and therefore
are at a much higher risk.

so…When open interest declines,commercial traders are reducing their net shorts because they are
expecting prices to rise.You can also see this on the COT report by a decrease in short positions.
My first question: Is there a lag?(please refer to attachment open interest)
Does the drop in OI between the 2 horizontal lines refer to a increase in prices at point 1 or 2? As far
as im concerned it must relate to point 2(the current rally we are seeing now in the cable) and there
must be a lag.

Now i can understand this for a commodity like wheat,sugar,etc but i cant bridge the link with how it
relates to currencies. To be more specific the demand and supply side of things.In your video with
regards to your pound example,How is the pound “limited in supply at spot” and how will there be an
"increased supply"in the future??Maybe one or 2 examples will help.

I haven’t presented everything as it relates to the COT methods… but to answer your inquiry… you want
to see a drop in OI by 20% or more… this will indicate Commercials have adjusted postitions to
compensate for higher prices in the near future. This sets the stage for the significant price rally higher.
So in terms of the “signal” it can lag yes… there is no “lag” in the information derived from the OI vs.
CFTC COT Report weekly releases. That was my point.

As it relates to SUPPLY & DEMAND for currencies… while it is true we won’t see a actual supply
deminish of a currency so to speak… we can see the demand for the underlying currency as it relates to
fundamental factors.

At the most fundamental level, a currency price will change because there is more or less demand for it.
More demand means the currency pair will experience a higher price. Less demand means the currency
pair price will fall. An example of increased demand for a currency is economic data suggesting a strong
economy while demand for a currency could decline if the central bank lowers interest rates. True price
movement is based on the demand for the currency. In fact, currencies rally when demand increases.

Basic economic principle of supply shows that the value of a currency will change as the levels of supply
rise and fall. A larger supply of a currency will diminish its value and price. A lower supply of a currency
will increase its value and price. While the supply side is important, look to the demand factor as the
primary moving force behind a currency’s value and price.

For example if the Central Bank Of Japan dumped a large amount of Euros in the market… what would
this do to the Supply / Demand for Euro’s? It would provide increased Supply… which offsets demand…
as a result… lower Euro in Forex this would reasonably translate to a Lower Eur/Usd price or Shorting

Hope this makes it a little clearer…


MCAWally #335 May 25, 2017, 5:47am


The charts I used in the video are a subscription service yes… but you are not limited to these… I
just like the “look and feel” of their format. I’ve used them for 15 years… old habits any all.

You can access the same daily Open Interest charts for all active futures contract months at
Commoditycharts.com 100% Free

Hope That Helps!

This one is also free and has the current and next contracts on the same page so you can compare
them just like ICT showed in his video.

anon10665397 #336 May 26, 2017, 3:34am


I haven’t presented everything as it relates to the COT methods… but to answer your inquiry… you
want to see a drop in OI by 20% or more… this will indicate Commercials have adjusted postitions to
compensate for higher prices in the near future. This sets the stage for the significant price rally
higher. So in terms of the “signal” it can lag yes…

Ok great thanks, and then i presume this would fit in with your Top Down analysis for the day?

And if i might add i think this is a brilliant way of "looking at ground zero"and getting a real idea of what
the big boys are thinking when looking at open interest.Thanks for this little bit of insight ITC his could be
very handy.Quite brilliant


As it relates to SUPPLY & DEMAND for currencies… while it is true we won’t see a actual supply
deminish of a currency so to speak… we can see the demand for the underlying currency as it
relates to fundamental factors.

At the most fundamental level, a currency price will change because there is more or less
[U]demand[/U] for it. More demand means the currency pair will experience a higher price. Less
demand means the currency pair price will fall. An example of increased demand for a currency is
economic data suggesting a strong economy while demand for a currency could decline if the central
bank lowers interest rates. True price movement is based on the demand for the currency. In fact,
currencies rally when demand increases.

Basic economic principle of supply shows that the value of a currency will change as the levels of
supply rise and fall. A larger supply of a currency will diminish its value and price. A lower supply of a
currency will increase its value and price. While the supply side is important, look to the demand
factor as the primary moving force behind a currency’s value and price.

For example if the Central Bank Of Japan dumped a large amount of Euros in the market… what
would this do to the Supply / Demand for Euro’s? It would provide increased Supply… which offsets
demand… as a result… lower Euro in Forex this would reasonably translate to a Lower Eur/Usd
price or Shorting opportunity.
Im well aware of the demand and supply side of things on a basic level as per above but i find it nitty
gritty when looking at data and trying to depict a “reason” as per say why their was increased
demand/decreased demand.
Sorry if i wasnt clear but hard to explain ,thanks anyway;)

PipBandit #337 May 26, 2017, 3:44am


Im well aware of the demand and supply side of things on a basic level as per above but i find it nitty
gritty when looking at data and trying to depict a “reason” as per say why their was increased
demand/decreased demand.

I think you just have to try and read the economic news if you want to depict the reasons behind what
the charts are telling you. I guess that the Jun contracts are cheaper than the Mar contracts as investors
are wary about the austerity measures that have been implemented by the UK. At some point these are
going to bite into the economy and money will flow out of the UK as a result. Though inflation and
potential interest rate hikes by the BOE to try and curb it might act as a counter-balance to this.

Though I guess the beauty of using the charts pointed out by ICT is that we don’t really have to know the
actual reasons causing the change but just have to understand what the charts are telling us and try to
position accordingly.

anon10665397 #338 May 26, 2017, 3:56am


I think you just have to try and read the economic news if you want to depict the reasons behind
what the charts are telling you. I guess that the Jun contracts are cheaper than the Mar contracts as
investors are wary about the austerity measures that have been implemented by the UK. At some
point these are going to bite into the economy and money will flow out of the UK as a result. Though
inflation and potential interest rate hikes by the BOE to try and curb it might act as a counter-balance
to this.

Thats more like it thanks for that pipbandit.


Though I guess the beauty of using the charts pointed out by ICT is that we don’t really have to know
the actual reasons causing the change but just have to understand what the charts are telling us and
try to position accordingly.
Yes would love to see through the “fog”

PipBandit #339 May 26, 2017, 3:56am

Yeah I find it interesting to try and see through the fog too though I’ll not claim any great insight yet! I
usually read articles in Bloomberg and Reuters from the mainstream media. Quite a lot of their content is
from analysts from major financial institutions though so you can probably take a some of it with a pinch
of salt perhaps. For an alternative economic view Zerohedge is essential reading in my opinion - just
ignore the comments sections as the resident loony brigade is vocal and strong. But the analysis done
by Zerohedge itself is often excellent and brings up many points that should be in the mainstream media
but aren’t as the governments, Fed and financial institutions would much prefer that they’re not.

Alishijo #340 May 26, 2017, 3:09am

Shaunnd…after reviewing the video I can see what you mean about the second decline in Open Interest
now. The first decline that was mentioned saw no lag before prices increased, but in the 2nd example
the price actually dropped off before rallying up to exactly the same place it was before the OI decline
indication. I guess if the price continues to move higher from here, then we can assume that the initial
price drop was only a minor blip in the grand scheme of things, but if not, then surely the second
indication is no indication at all (which maybe the reason for the 20% rule). Anyway, I would be
interested in hearing where you are at with your understanding right now? I guess we just need to wait
for more information to emerge, and I trust completely that ICT WILL deliver.

Alishijo #341 May 26, 2017, 3:22am

Is anyone else monitoring Cable for a potential Head and Shoulders formation dating back to last
summer? It could be argued that the USD index is in a consolidation pattern (79 to 81.5) after its move
up from 76, and could be looking to go further. Williams%R is overbought on the Cable Daily chart to

Reasons for hesitation: We still have cable in backwardation, and the US Treasury 2Y,5Y and 10Y have
all been declining since the start of the year while UK bonds have been rising.

Alberto_Pau #342 May 24, 2017, 11:03am

Great resources, thanks for sharing!

anon10665397 #343 May 24, 2017, 1:12pm

Alishijo in reply to your question (I cannot quote for some reason,when i post i get an “uho error

I think as ITC said,the 20% rule is a good rule of thumb.

I havent been able to use it due to your holiday on monday but i wil use it this morning in my analysis.

To your second post,

Initially i thought the USDX is range bound,back up towards that high of 81…and thought we would see
some weakness in the Cable but the high CPI results of the UK pushed the cable right up to that high of
1.6060 and reversed the USDX back down…
Currently price is range bound at the 1.6000 level.It spent a lot of time around that area yesterday,No
real signficant move except that move early morning to 1.6060, but im predicting the cable to slide late
this week, early next week,We will have to wait and see

anon10665397 #345 May 24, 2017, 3:34pm

Initially this was the idea behind my trade.After it made the high of 1.6060 i was expecting price to fall
back down and test mondays high at 1.5954, and trade upto the 1.6000 level where i would scale out
and hopefully let profits run.
My stop was below the essential pivot at 1.5905

So to sum it up these are the details of the trade:

[B]Potential trading area[/B]
I took the trade because there was 3 confluences at the particular area of 1.5950
1.Yesterdays high of 1.5954 (possible area of support)
2.Pivot MR1 at 1.5945
3.50% FIB retracement level (This was drawn from yesterdays low(mondays low) of 1.5834 to the new
current intraday high of 1.6059)

My entry trigger was at 1.5945 around the areas of confluence above.

[B]Stop Loss[/B]
1.5905 (40 pips)

[B]Take Profit[/B]
1.6000 and 1.6050(just below intraday high)

[B]Trade management rules[/B]

Scale out at 1.6000 as it is a round figure and Pivot MR2 is at 1.6003.
Price is currently finding resistance in that area as it falls from its intraday high of 1.6059.
Once price is above 1.6000 and I have scaled out I will move the stop loss to breakeven.
But… it was getting late(my time) and we were in the New York session and the new Asian Session was
approaching but price traded down and tested mondays high,and triggered my trade at 1.5945, Price
was at about 1.5960 when i went to bed.
(I was well aware of a [B]retest[/B] of mondays high but what i did was reduce my full take profit to
1.6000 and move my stop upto 1.5935.

I did this because it was late in the trading day and the cable had mostly run its legs for the day as well
as me being sleeping I wouldnt be able to monitor the trade.

But price trade down to a new daily low of 1.5931 retesting mondays high and i got stopped out at
Price then traded up to 1.6000 (without me).

Lesson learned… Even though i am only demo trading ITCs method for the time being it has been very
succesful,this is my first loss trading this way, You need to take key notes like trade the retest (looking
back,if i had waited for price to trade to mondays high,trade up and then RETEST it again i would have
had a clean entry.

Alishijo #346 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm

Nice write-up Shaun…sorry about you getting stopped out :mad: As I type it looks as though the 4 Hour
flow is breaking to the downside and so our longer term angle might be starting to play out. I will be
looking for it to fully break, and then come back up for a retest in order to get in (as with the ICT

Some top-down analysis that I do on 5yr treasuries vs 5yr bonds supports the idea that we might be
going back down to 1.5500, but this is not part of ICT’s method and so I will leave out the details here.

BTW, what time zone are you living in?

LS1 #347 May 24, 2017, 7:43pm

I have been pretty much just trading using pivot point bounces alone after following the videos and I
have been able to pretty effortlessly bag 30-50 pips a day. It is incredible how well it works. I’ve started
to close trades at R/Ss as I’ve had one or two bounce on me and lost a substantial amount of the gains
due to holding on to it. I always move my stops to break even or half profit, though, so they never
become losers.
ukdave #348 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm

Excellent breakdown of your trade Shaun… thanks for posting.

Interestingly the price went on to retest that level again, before bouncing back up to the 1.6 level again.
Right now (20/01 @ 0815GMT) it’s dipped below the 5954 and could be finding resistance there. (EDIT:
it didn’t :D) Let’s see how it plays out, though I’m watching the fractals on that 4 hr chart very closely.

Like you, I’m demo trading ICT’s methods with some very positive results. I do believe that there is often
more to be learned from the losing trades than the winning ones though. So it’s all good!

anon10665397 #349 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm


BTW, what time zone are you living in?

Im in GMT+4 (Dubai)


Right now (20/01 @ 0815GMT) it’s dipped below the 5954 and could be finding resistance there.
(EDIT: it didn’t :D) Let’s see how it plays out, though I’m watching the fractals on that 4 hr chart very

Like you, I’m demo trading ICT’s methods with some very positive results. I do believe that there is
often more to be learned from the losing trades than the winning ones though. So it’s all good!

Price held nicley at yesterdays low of 1.5918 aswell,

You 100% correct you learn from the loosing trades a lot more than the profitable trades.

anon10665397 #350 May 24, 2017, 9:28pm

A question for ITC, The British Pound March Futures contract today shows quite a sharpe increase in
the open interest.Is this interpreted as commercial traders increasing their shorts?You will also see that
it is accompanied by a high volume spike.It compares to the spike of Sept 10 2010 where there was a
huge drop in open interest.Is there a reason for such large volume?(ie:Are commercial traders
drastically increasing their shorts because they expect a huge drop in price?)
MCAWally #351 May 25, 2017, 12:35am


A question for ITC, The British Pound March Futures contract today shows quite a sharpe increase
in the open interest.Is this interpreted as commercial traders increasing their shorts?You will also see
that it is accompanied by a high volume spike.It compares to the spike of Sept 10 2010 where there
was a huge drop in open interest.Is there a reason for such large volume?(ie:Are commercial traders
drastically increasing their shorts because they expect a huge drop in price?)

Edit… Because im freeeee,freeeee falling!

feel sick after missing this move. Cable at 1.5850. I was happy with my little 50 pip short earlier on…
But wow feel so blind:/

I noticed that too Shaun, I went short at M1 1.5990 but had to go to bed and being gun shy of shorts
having used the PDL as resistance earlier ( it was stop running, should have known ) I only got 40
I will be using OI from now on.
Also nearly fell off my chair when I tried ICT’s price projection on the high from just before london to the
low just after london open. :eek:


Alishijo #352 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm


Im in GMT+4 (Dubai)

Thanks for answering that, Shaun. It is of no siginificance…I am just interested in other people’s routines
and when you said you were getting sleepy far before UK and US sleepy time I thought you might
have been in Asia (Japan) like myself. GMT +4 must be a nice time zone…time to set-up the charts
before UK open, and plenty of follow through. I am GMT +9 so I set up my charts at 2pm my time (NY
midnight), and usually stay up till London closes.

Are you still looking here B6H11 | Commodity Futures Price Chart for British Pound March 2011
when making reference to OI?

Wally…I only got 50 pips yesterday,too, but it’s better than nothing. My ‘nearly falling off chair’ moment
came when Price reached my stop-loss on the ASK price, and then reversed! What a day:eek:
system #353 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

Optimal Trade Entry Video added to the first post of this thread…


1 Like

MCAWally #354 May 25, 2017, 2:09am


Optimal Trade Entry Video added to the first post of this thread…


Well that’s spooky, that’s the short I took and the ICT price predictions at the same place, are you
watching me Micheal?? lol

The difference was I was watching the IO on a 15 min futures and my mid-pivot was lower also, the low
that you used for the long, I used as PDL and tried to short as resistance but now having reviewed that
trade on the 15 min chart I see the structure was wrong that it was a ISL and a ISH hadn’t been formed
yet which I’m assuming is what we should be looking for ?

Another excellent video, thank you very much.


mozdef #355 May 25, 2017, 2:09am

Great video ICT. I was wondering whether in future trade examples you could go through the entire
process of top down analysis (COT, OI, market flow etc) that would be very helpful so we could see
some real life examples of how you determine trade bias. Also obviously you took both long and short
trades but did you have a general trade bias this week for the cable?

thanks again

ukdave #356 May 25, 2017, 7:18am

Yes, a really good video this one… thanks ICT. Very clear and straightforward, showing how these
concepts are used in a real trading scenario. Valuable stuff as always.
I got about 50 pips from yesterday’s (20th Jan) fall too. Strange how a number of us seem to have got
the same(ish) result! I guess knowing when to exit a trade for optimal results comes as much with
experience as anything; one needs to develop confidence in strategies and not be swayed too much by
phsychological influences. In my own case, my initial target is to reach a profit that gives me a 1:2
risk/reward ratio relative to my average initial stop loss posititoning. When it reaches that point, the fear
of losing part of it cuts in. On the other hand, that kind of self-protection mentality isn’t altogether a bad
thing perhaps.

I did take a short today (21st Jan) at the 62 fib level of yesterday’s big drop. I know it’s Friday and the
price looks like it’s consolidating but I wanted to give it a try. There’s also confluence with the 62 fib level
of the drop between 4th November and 28th December. Still looking at the daily chart, that level has
provided support and resistance in the past.

Anyway, 40 pip profit on that and letting it run for the time being. (EDIT: hit break even stop loss…
should have taken profit!!! Lesson learned.)


…I was wondering whether in future trade examples you could go through the entire process of top
down analysis (COT, OI, market flow etc) that would be very helpful so we could see some real life
examples of how you determine trade bias…

Yep, that would be good!

system #357 May 25, 2017, 7:17am

That is the plan… Two more videos and the material is completed for this thread. The analysis will be
comprehensive after having the core tenants explained like we have done here.


mozdef #358 May 25, 2017, 8:24am

That’s good to hear, can’t wait.

akeakamai #359 May 25, 2017, 8:24am

Great video as usual. You really have a way with those fibs!
That half-way 50% projection technique you have is really useful, I’ve been hitting targets way beyond
what I’d normally try for using that and other projection techniques.
Just for my own curiosity, what did you pull out of the market $-wise this week? I know you’re usually
trading $300 pips or something, and you do it with a level of calmness that would suggest it’s putting you
to sleep! I’m not criticizing, I really do find it inspirational

hvalley #360 May 25, 2017, 9:23am

Great informative lessons on support levels , pivot point levels, and top down analysis. Easy to follow
information on observing interest rates and “institutional” levels. Thank you. It helps fill gaps in my
learning to trade. I’m primarily an indicators guy at the moment.

I’ve noticed pip goals on this thread range from 20 to 50 or so. So is it safe to assume some posters on
other threads here claiming they make 900+ pips last week are just full of it? How can anyone make that
many pips anyways unless they caught every swing long and short on most every major forex pair?

system #361 May 25, 2017, 10:15am


Great video as usual. You really have a way with those fibs!
That half-way 50% projection technique you have is really useful, I’ve been hitting targets way
beyond what I’d normally try for using that and other projection techniques.

Just for my own curiosity, what did you pull out of the market $-wise this week? I know you’re usually
trading $300 pips or something, and you do it with a level of calmness that would suggest it’s putting
you to sleep! I’m not criticizing, I really do find it inspirational

Thank you… and for sharing your success with the concept!

Every January I reset back to 250k equity… my gearing for this month is at 125 usd per pip presently.

I managed to eek out a 210 pip haul for the week.


system #362 May 25, 2017, 11:05am


Great informative lessons on support levels , pivot point levels, and top down analysis. Easy to follow
information on observing interest rates and “institutional” levels. Thank you. It helps fill gaps in my
learning to trade. I’m primarily an indicators guy at the moment.

I’ve noticed pip goals on this thread range from 20 to 50 or so. So is it safe to assume some posters
on other threads here claiming they make 900+ pips last week are just full of it? How can anyone
make that many pips anyways unless they caught every swing long and short on most every major
forex pair? :rolleyes:

I do not know who claimed to make 900 pips last week… nor do I concern myself with what one trader
makes over another. I do suggest setting your goals initially as you learn… rather low… but 100 pips per
week is healthy.

You only need 20 per week to build a fortune.

Personally I have a weekly objective of 50-75 pips… realistic and it’s nice beating it consistently. No
stressing myself for monster pips… just let the money work it’s magic via compounding.


akeakamai #363 May 25, 2017, 11:05am


Thank you… and for sharing your success with the concept!

Every January I reset back to 250k equity… my gearing for this month is at 125 usd per pip

I managed to eek out a 210 pip haul for the week.


Okay now I’m just being nosey, but I swear you were trading a $5,000,000 in some of your november
videos, so you built that from $250,000 in 1 year??

If so :eek:

system #364 May 25, 2017, 11:50am


Okay now I’m just being nosey, but I swear you were trading a $5,000,000 in some of your november
videos, so you built that from $250,000 in 1 year??

If so :eek:
Pretty wild huh?

system #365 May 25, 2017, 11:50am

Now don’t mistake that for boasting… however you did ask. :o

akeakamai #366 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm


Now don’t mistake that for boasting… however you did ask. :o

Haha no way, the transparency is really refreshing in a place like this. it’s like tinfoil hat city here
sometimes. I just like the reminder that what I’m doing works just as good on the big accounts, keeps
me focused

LS1 #367 May 25, 2017, 1:58pm


Haha no way, the transparency is really refreshing in a place like this. it’s like tinfoil hat city here
sometimes. I just like the reminder that what I’m doing works just as good on the big accounts, keeps
me focused

Agreed. There is so much bull**** that floats around FX forums. This is a refreshing change, and gives
you a positive outlook on your future as a trader.

green_as_grass #368 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm

Hey guys, this has been a great Sunday read, thanks!

I haven’t watched the videos though, cause my mobile internet connection (It’s all I have now) is really

What I need is a program that will let me save the youtube videos to my hard drive so I can download
them & watch them multiple times. I know it is possible…

Thanks again Michael for the effort sharing this, even without seeing the vids I have picked up quite a
This type of thread is a real credit to the baby pips site.

Have a good week!

chizzenpips #369 May 25, 2017, 1:57pm

On the youtube thing, if you’re windoze get firefox 3 and have flashplayer and JavaRE installed so you
can watch them online. Have orbit downloader installed to download them: once it starts playing on
flashplayer mouse over the vodeo and click the grab thing for options, you cannnot pause the download
for long and the source tab on firefox has to be open still. To play offline get latest vlc player(1.1.4?) and
FVLplayer with update. To convert into other friendlier format, get PCDJmixer with video and record the
video as it plays with other format.

If you’re linux you’ve got to have wine installed, then install firefox3.exe for windows and orbit (or use
native downloaders but this is easier and more straightforward) converters using command line see

Alishijo #370 May 25, 2017, 2:39pm

This might be a simple question to answer, but here goes. In terms of risk management, if we take a
proportion of the trade off the table early, say 1/3, and let the rest (2/3) do its thing, how can we calculate
an overall pip count for the trade? Apologies if I have overlooked the obvious mathematical

soul786 #372 May 25, 2017, 3:17pm

Hi InnerCircleTrader.

I’ve been following and reading your posts and the videos are excellent. Great resource for a new trader.

In regards to the indicator you use for pivots in the past video which shows levels over different days but
also past days; where could I acquire this indicator? Is it possible for you to make it an attachment at
some point?

Also to anyone else I’m looking for an indicator much like the one ICT uses but also on an hourly
timeframe. Please let me know if I can get an indicator such as this. Thank you.

TalonD #373 May 25, 2017, 3:52pm

ICT you mentioned a live webinar. Is that still going to happen sometime soon? or did I miss it?
MCAWally #375 May 25, 2017, 4:25pm


Hi InnerCircleTrader.

I’ve been following and reading your posts and the videos are excellent. Great resource for a new

In regards to the indicator you use for pivots in the past video which shows levels over different days
but also past days; where could I acquire this indicator? Is it possible for you to make it an
attachment at some point?

Also to anyone else I’m looking for an indicator much like the one ICT uses but also on an hourly
timeframe. Please let me know if I can get an indicator such as this. Thank you.

I’m not sure which one ICT is using but I use one called Pivot Points - Daily (shifted) which leaves a
history of pivots on the charts. I got from here MT4 Indicator Download - eSignal Indicators
Download - Free MetaTrader4 Indicators Look down the left margin and find it under indicators, I also
managed to butcher the code and made a previous daily high-low indicator out of it, handy for
researching reactions to those levels.


system #376 May 25, 2017, 3:51pm


This might be a simple question to answer, but here goes. In terms of risk management, if we take a
proportion of the trade off the table early, say 1/3, and let the rest (2/3) do its thing, how can we
calculate an overall pip count for the trade? Apologies if I have overlooked the obvious mathematical

This is not a hard thing to determine…

Let’s consider an hypothetical example is say the Eur/Usd [Fiber]:

Assume we bought the Fiber at 1.3000 and our first profit objective is determined 30+ pips above our
entry price of 1.3000… this would be in the form of a limit SELL order placed at 1.3030.

Let’s assume we have a ultimate objective to scale the remaining portion of the long position out at 80+
pips above our entry of 1.3000 This would be placed as a limit SELL order at 1.3080.
Assuming for the purpose of this example we were able to realize both objectives and traded 10 mini

Long 10 mini lots @ 1.3000

Scaled out 30% of long position @ 1.3030 or 3 Mini lots = $30 USD profit or 30 pips +
Scaled out at 100% profit objective @ 1.3080 with remaining 70% of long position from 1.3000 or 7 Mini
lots = 7 X 80 pips in magnitude which translates to $560 USD

In Summary:

30 pips banked at 1.3030 on 3 lots scaled out

80 pips banked at 1.3080 on remaining 7 lots removed from market.

Now there are two schools of thought here…

Group “A” that wants to report Pips on Forums might do something like this…

A grand total of Pips of each Mini lot on the first scale out is 30 pips in positive movement. Our example
used 3 Mini lots… Group A might reflect this to the masses as 30 pips X three! Or arriving at 90 pips for
the first swing objective. The second scale out on 7 Mini lots on 80 pips would see group A reporting 80
pips X 7… or arriving at 560 pips!

Now clearly this would be viewed by neophytes as a 650 pip winning trade.

Now group “B” would view this as the following:

30 pips on first objective [despite the gearing on this potion is 3 mini lots]
80 pips on the final objective [despite the gearing on this portion is 7 mini lots]

Thus 110 pips total on trade. No ego… no scewing the numbers to impress the spectators. I added this
to answer some folks wondering how some “might” be arriving at 1200 pips for the week as their gains.

Hope this helps!


system #377 May 25, 2017, 4:24pm


Hi InnerCircleTrader.

I’ve been following and reading your posts and the videos are excellent. Great resource for a new

In regards to the indicator you use for pivots in the past video which shows levels over different days
but also past days; where could I acquire this indicator? Is it possible for you to make it an
attachment at some point?
Also to anyone else I’m looking for an indicator much like the one ICT uses but also on an hourly
timeframe. Please let me know if I can get an indicator such as this. Thank you.

All the tools I am referring to in this thread are going to post on the first post of this thread under
Resources. I am presently filming tutorials on how to add them and use them. This is the last week of
material and I am answering a lot of emails from folks…

Hang in there…

system #378 May 25, 2017, 5:00pm


ICT you mentioned a live webinar. Is that still going to happen sometime soon? or did I miss it?

I will post a possible date [Might very well be Feb now] when I catch up and announce it here and the
blog. I have had more folks reply via email and not the ICT forum thread… so I will need to reserve
seating for more than I first thought… let me get this endeavor completed and then we will go to this one

Feels like plate spinning some days lol :o

However, I enjoy it and appreciate your patience and support.

soul786 #379 May 25, 2017, 4:59pm


All the tools I am referring to in this thread are going to post on the first post of this thread under
Resources. I am presently filming tutorials on how to add them and use them. This is the last week
of material and I am answering a lot of emails from folks…

Hang in there…

Sounds good! No rush at all just wondered if you’d post it now that you’d filmed it. Thanks.

NorwegianBlue #380 May 25, 2017, 4:24pm

This is not a hard thing to determine…
30 pips banked at 1.3030 on 3 lots scaled out
80 pips banked at 1.3080 on remaining 7 lots removed from market.

Thus 110 pips total on trade.

I would calculate it this way.

30% @ 30 pips = 9 pips

70% @ 80 pips = 56 pips

Total: 65 pips

vonner #381 May 25, 2017, 4:24pm


I was wondering what MT4 broker do you use? I’ve been trying to find a MT4 broker that closes its daily
candles at the end of the New York session. I think this is important when analyzing the daily timeframe.


PS: Great video. I been watching your videos over and over again picking up something new each time.

system #382 May 25, 2017, 5:36pm



I was wondering what MT4 broker do you use? I’ve been trying to find a MT4 broker that closes its
daily candles at the end of the New York session. I think this is important when analyzing the daily


PS: Great video. I been watching your videos over and over again picking up something new each

I do not recommend brokers but I do have accounts with four of the main firms we all see and hear
hellogoodbye4201 #383 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm


I do not recommend brokers but I do have accounts with four of the main firms we all see and hear

May I ask why you have accounts with 4 different brokers

system #384 May 25, 2017, 6:35pm


May I ask why you have accounts with 4 different brokers

If I have positions in the Cable that have intermediate term durations… I can still swing or day trade with
the others and not have my longer term position offset. Not to mention should one of my feeds go
down… I can still access the market in another account. The fourth is an illustration I will be sharing

hellogoodbye4201 #385 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm


If I have positions in the Cable that have intermediate term durations… I can still swing or day trade
with the others and not have my longer term position offset. Not to mention should one of my feeds
go down… I can still access the market in another account. The fourth is an illustration I will be
sharing shortly.

Ohh, that makes sense now

Alishijo #386 May 25, 2017, 5:00pm

Thanks ICT and NorwegianBlue for your answers. I guess if I want Total pip count to be more reflective
of the equity gained or lost, I should probably go with NB’s answer. It was simple, but I was making it

system #387 May 25, 2017, 5:37pm

Indi lovers you have some to play with on the first post…

Download them and paste each in the MT4 folder on your PC under the Experts… Indicator folder.
Restart MT4 and voila

REO #388 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm


Great job on presenting a logical method for trading the markets!

I am a little confused however.
It is my understanding that we 'trade with the trend’
Confirm the 4H with the daily and enter on 15m.
In your last video you went long AND short on the cable within a short period of time trading on a 5m
chart, so one of those trades must have been a countertrend trade, which throws the whole ‘trade with
the trend’ out the window.
Also, exactly how do we define the trend? Should we be subjective and have a educated guess or do we
use an indicator like a 200 day SMA, which either needs to be trending up or perhaps just have price
action above it?


vonner #389 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm


I do not recommend brokers but I do have accounts with four of the main firms we all see and hear

Cool. But do you also have your daily candles closing at the end of the New York session?
akeakamai #390 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm

ICT, what is it about the GBP/USD that made you pick it over all the other pairs?

system #391 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm


Cool. But do you also have your daily candles closing at the end of the New York session?

Not all of them.

system #392 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm


ICT, what is it about the GBP/USD that made you pick it over all the other pairs?

It has characteristics that are very easy to learn and get a “feel” for. It’s a major… and I like it’s ranges
over the Euro.

Before I say any more… would anyone in the chatroom care to share what we went over before I
mention it… I just want someone who witnessed it to post before I do, that I indeed lose money and am
not right all the time… but the tools came through again… real time.

Wally… I think you or Six could assist me here.

hellogoodbye4201 #393 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm

I only wish I was awake to monitor my trade :mad: shorted GU at 1.6006 lol… Ended up with +40

system #394 May 25, 2017, 7:55pm


I only wish I was awake to monitor my trade :mad: shorted GU at 1.6006 lol… Ended up with +40
+40 is good… no reason to be upset about profits

Nice entry btw

hellogoodbye4201 #396 May 25, 2017, 8:22pm


+40 is good… no reason to be upset about profits

Nice entry btw

Ya it’s still nice, I had a pretty small stop so it was about a 3.x% gain, cant complain with that lol

vosterfxandy #397 May 25, 2017, 8:22pm

absolutely, never complain when you make pips.

Alishijo #398 May 25, 2017, 8:22pm

ICT, can you give us some pointers on your use of Average Daily Range, please?

MCAWally #399 May 25, 2017, 8:22pm

Well I’m still in a bit of shock I think…lol… awesome trade by ICT.

First off flow was up on all time frames so longs where the go, we had Optimal Trade Entry on the 15m
(62%-79% sweet spot) which was at CPP the fibs were taken from Asian session low to Asian session
High, look good for a bit but turned on us for a small loss.
Then (and this is the amazing bit) while the rest of us where hunting around for other likley levels to go
long, ICT calls a resistance level (Asian low and a break of the 1hr fractal) and then places a short trade
and goes to bed, to me it didn’t even look like a level yet let alone tradable!!!

After awhile it made sense to us in hindsight but It was the speed of the decision making process that
blew me away. Turned on a dime and with conviction in the trade. Gob smacking. :eek:

And turned into a great News trade.

Thanks for that ICT.

system #400 May 25, 2017, 8:48pm

yea it was a excellent call last night switching from looking for longs , to going short…and wow did it go
down right after that lol. It was nice going over it in real time to see what to watch for, and when / where
to watch for it to happen!

hellogoodbye4201 #401 May 25, 2017, 9:14pm

Been short for a while now at 1.58116, glad to see that quick drop right now lol

MCAWally #402 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm



Great job on presenting a logical method for trading the markets!

I am a little confused however.
It is my understanding that we 'trade with the trend’
Confirm the 4H with the daily and enter on 15m.
In your last video you went long AND short on the cable within a short period of time trading on a 5m
chart, so one of those trades must have been a countertrend trade, which throws the whole ‘trade
with the trend’ out the window.
Also, exactly how do we define the trend? Should we be subjective and have a educated guess or
do we use an indicator like a 200 day SMA, which either needs to be trending up or perhaps just
have price action above it?


Hey REO,
I’m not going to answer for ICT but I’ll try to help on a couple of points.

First off try to lose the idea of trends and think in terms of FLOW, no moving averages. Your looking for
the money flowing into and out of the market, that’s what the D1, H4 and H1 fractal agreement can show
you and keep you on the right side of the market, going with the flow. Together with various important
levels and a few other tools and you can enter on any timeframe.
Also we witnessed just such a long then short trade yesterday on the chat, ICT can see flow change
very quickly, more so than us mere mortals.

I’m sure more stuff is coming and will clear up things for you. In the mean time just keep reviewing the
vids, I keep finding little but really important stuff all the time.
Hope this helps

system #403 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm

New video posted on first post of this thread… it’s a dandy too.


vonner #404 May 25, 2017, 7:30pm

Thanks ICT!

I was just wondering…before the drop in the Cable because of the UK GDP report, I noticed that the OI
for the GBP futures has been higher than in the past and was steady for a few days prior to the release
of the GDP figures. The way I see it, this is because the “smart money” already had an idea of what
would happen and built up their short positions.

Did I get that right or am I just imagining things? :o

wrtm_19 #405 May 25, 2017, 7:55pm

Well that time projection was spooky :eek:

I wonder what you have to tell us about December 21st 2012 :D.

Great lessons ICT, thanks for the effort and quality you’re sharing.

akeakamai #406 May 25, 2017, 8:22pm

ICT, you must’ve hit your weekly objective on that one eh? are you done for the week or will you be
looking for more opportunities…

green_as_grass #407 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm

On the youtube thing, if you’re windoze get firefox 3 and have flashplayer and JavaRE installed so
you can watch them online. Have orbit downloader installed to download them: once it starts playing
on flashplayer mouse over the vodeo and click the grab thing for options, you cannnot pause the
download for long and the source tab on firefox has to be open still. To play offline get latest vlc
player(1.1.4?) and FVLplayer with update. To convert into other friendlier format, get PCDJmixer with
video and record the video as it plays with other format.

If you’re linux you’ve got to have wine installed, then install firefox3.exe for windows and orbit (or use
native downloaders but this is easier and more straightforward) converters using command line see

Thanks chizzenpips
Looks a little tricky but I’ll work it out

Sounds like you guys had some fun the other night. I managed to catch the bulk of the GBP’s fall, more
by chance then skill I’d have to admit.
(Still in demo mode here)

akeakamai #408 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm

and thanks for that little rule of thumb about daily highs/lows being formed by 4AM EST “90%” of the
time. anything that works 9/10 times is worth betting on IMO

ukdave #409 May 25, 2017, 4:24pm


and thanks for that little rule of thumb about daily highs/lows being formed by 4AM EST “90%” of the
time. anything that works 9/10 times is worth betting on IMO

Yes, and how much is that little nugget of information ALONE worth?

The Fib x 1.28 progression was really interesting too.

ICT: just to clarify re the fractals: let’s say the last fractal was a swing low; you consider it breached if
price trades below it? And vice-versa for swing-highs obviously?

I was only considering it breached once another swing low had completely formed at a lower price.
Alishijo #410 May 25, 2017, 4:25pm

Did you guys/girls backtest ICTs rule of thumb? Not that I was skeptical and didn’t trust, but ICT
encourages us to see for ourselves, right? Anyway, I don’t know if January is special or not, but in
testing the initial rule it only turned out to be the case in 11 trading days out of the last 18. A few of them
were boarderline though (a few pips broke the rule, and some just missed the time cut), so I decided to
play around a bit. Well, in extending the parameters out just one hour, from midnight EST to 5am EST
(not 4am), then it is true in 16 out of 18 cases!! 88% Rounded up to 9/10 cases!! Thanks ICT for your

system #411 May 25, 2017, 4:59pm


Yes, and how much is that little nugget of information ALONE worth?

The Fib x 1.28 progression was really interesting too.

ICT: just to clarify re the fractals: let’s say the last fractal was a swing low; you consider it breached if
price trades below it? And vice-versa for swing-highs obviously?

I was only considering it breached once another swing low had completely formed at a lower price.

As soon as the Fractal is broken… the fractal is “broke” and thus we watch for a new Fractal to form to
reference future swings. As it relates to Market Flow… it doesnt matter if we trade through the Fractal
and not close above it… just if its broken… that changes the Market Flow.

As it relates to Support and Resistance… when Support gives way and price trades… not merely pokes
under the Support level… it should act as Resistance when retested.

Fractals are like mile markers much in the same way Pivot levels are… they may be broken near term…
but their influence can still be useful despite being broken. Therein lies the reason and need for
“confluences” of reasons to support [no pun intended] a particular level… beit Resistance or Support.

Hope this helps… I wasn’t sure what you were asking so I tried to cover the inquiry as best as I
understood it.


system #412 May 25, 2017, 5:36pm


Did you guys/girls backtest ICTs rule of thumb? Not that I was skeptical and didn’t trust, but ICT
encourages us to see for ourselves, right? Anyway, I don’t know if January is special or not, but in
testing the initial rule it only turned out to be the case in 11 trading days out of the last 18. A few of
them were boarderline though (a few pips broke the rule, and some just missed the time cut), so I
decided to play around a bit. Well, in extending the parameters out just one hour, from midnight EST
to 5am EST (not 4am), then it is true in 16 out of 18 cases!! 88% Rounded up to 9/10 cases!! Thanks
ICT for your gems.

I forgot to mention the Daylight savings impact on that dandy… :o

Glad you all find it enlightening.

system #413 May 25, 2017, 9:14pm


ICT, you must’ve hit your weekly objective on that one eh? are you done for the week or will you be
looking for more opportunities…

I went over it a lil’ :eek:

I am done for my personal trading yes… but monitoring price nonetheless.

ukdave #414 May 25, 2017, 5:37pm


… Hope this helps… I wasn’t sure what you were asking so I tried to cover the inquiry as best as I
understood it.


Sorry yes, I should have been clearer ( :o ) but that was exactly what I wanted to know. Many thanks.

Alishijo #415 May 25, 2017, 5:36pm

Don’t the clocks go back 1 hour for DST? In which case wouldn’t it be 5am in winter and 6am in
Summer? I’m not picking fault, just trying to get a grip on something that I probably wouldn’t have
considered even if I had sat staring at these candlesticks every day for the next 5 years!

And seeing as you’ve met your quota for the week…I would like to go back and revisit some points
regarding the OI if I may? In your first example with the futures charts, I can’t see how the sharp OI drop
translated into higher prices in the 2nd (December) example. I wonder if you could explain in more detail
with regard to that example as I really want to believe in this.


REO #416 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm

Hey REO,
I’m not going to answer for ICT but I’ll try to help on a couple of points.

First off try to lose the idea of trends and think in terms of FLOW, no moving averages. Your looking for
the money flowing into and out of the market, that’s what the D1, H4 and H1 fractal agreement can show
you and keep you on the right side of the market, going with the flow. Together with various important
levels and a few other tools and you can enter on any timeframe.
Also we witnessed just such a long then short trade yesterday on the chat, ICT can see flow change
very quickly, more so than us mere mortals.

I’m sure more stuff is coming and will clear up things for you. In the mean time just keep reviewing the
vids, I keep finding little but really important stuff all the time.

Hope this helps


Hi Wally.

Thanks for your help.

Better have another look at all the videos on offer by ICt:D

Alishijo #417 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm


Correction to the above: I omitted to type ‘In your first example with the futures chart I CAN see how a
drop in OI translated in price’. It is the 2nd example I am having trouble with.
Regarding the 12midnight to 4am rule…I haven’t lived in a DST country for over a decade so I can’t get
my head around it, but some further backtesting results from July last year show a 76% success rate for
midnight to 5am, and 67% for midnight to 4am EST. A few examples were successful 30 minutes after
the deadline. I guess what we are saying is that highs and lows for the day on Cable are more often than
not set within the first few hours of London session.

akeakamai #418 May 25, 2017, 9:41pm


I went over it a lil’ :eek:

I am done for my personal trading yes… but monitoring price nonetheless.

I see your greed control is in perfect working order

and another word of appreciation, i’m finally starting to see the light in terms of focusing on one pair. I
really have a problem with overtrading, and watching a whole slew of pairs wasn’t really helping me out
in that department. I really admire your ability to take a few trades a week and then be done with it!

system #419 May 25, 2017, 10:06pm


I see your greed control is in perfect working order

and another word of appreciation, i’m finally starting to see the light in terms of focusing on one pair.
I really have a problem with overtrading, and watching a whole slew of pairs wasn’t really helping me
out in that department. I really admire your ability to take a few trades a week and then be done with

Makes for a boring thread and blog lol

Aarnog #420 May 25, 2017, 10:06pm

So, I’m hopping back in the saddle after an extended break.

Turns out that combining Fibs, and basic s/r with the Turtle Soup method makes for some very
successful trades.

On a related note, I finally broke my losing streak!

system #421 May 25, 2017, 10:30pm

Wtg Aaron… Remember it’s all about patience.

LS1 #422 May 25, 2017, 10:51pm


So, I’m hopping back in the saddle after an extended break.

Turns out that combining Fibs, and basic s/r with the Turtle Soup method makes for some very
successful trades.

On a related note, I finally broke my losing streak!

It never really clicked how simple it is to be successful until I started following ICT. I pretty much just wait
for fib/pivot bounces and then trade into the direction of the overall trend. It’s very easy and from what
I’ve seen so far quite reliable. I obviously lose trades from time to time like everyone else, but I have not
had a losing day as a whole in weeks. I used be really antsy with my trades, ready to close it the
moment it goes against me, and it made my losing rate far higher when it shouldn’t have been. You have
to trust your analysis and let it play out. That’s what stops are for:)

BTW, what is the GetMarketInfo.ex4 for? I don’t quite understand how to use it. The other indicators are
.mq4 files and just load up when you click on them, but GetMarketInfo doesn’t seem to do anything.

ukdave #423 May 25, 2017, 11:12pm


It never really clicked how simple it is to be successful until I started following ICT. I pretty much just
wait for fib/pivot bounces and then trade into the direction of the overall trend. It’s very easy and from
what I’ve seen so far quite reliable.

Exactly. Although there are some quite complex concepts explained in this thread, the principles are
very straightforward and easy to follow. It really is KISS in a nutshell. What I also like is the fact that, the
more you use these ideas, the more you understand WHY the market flows the ways it does and reacts
in particular ways at certain points.

This, for me at least, is the most valuable thing of all.

Anyway, there was a great short trade opportunity yesterday. 19:10 GMT (14:10 EST) Cable traded back
up to Wednesday’s high. This coincided almost bang on with a 62 fib level taken from the daily chart -
high 5th Nov to low 28th Dec. Price bounced along at that level for a while and formed a clear head and
shoulders pattern. That created the ‘confuence of three’ that I look for (in this case, previous
support/fib/chart pattern). I had to go out but set take profit at 50. It’s now (0800 GMT) bounced
beautifully off today’s S1 pivot.

All really clear and simple stuff.

Sweet_Pip #424 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

That was interesting about the bar counts between the lows and then projected from the high to predict
when the next high could complete…I had been working on that on another thread topic so was quite
familiar with it. What also is quite interesting is what I believe is a Wolfe Wave pattern that Ive marked
up on the chart below...its text book to the illustration in that Street Smart ebook, and the 1-4
point projection nails the high as well…cool

chizzenpips #425 May 25, 2017, 11:32pm

Today I gathered courage enough to take my first limit entry, short e$ 1.3725, but cant stay put over
weekend already out +90. Figure to take out 1.3600 nest wk. Also now going one pair only, broken my
loosing streak after 3.2. Thanx ICT awesome merge of concepts.

akeakamai #426 May 26, 2017, 12:10am

Today I gathered courage enough to take my first limit entry, short e$ 1.3725, but cant stay put over
weekend already out +90. Figure to take out 1.3600 nest wk. Also now going one pair only, broken
my loosing streak after 3.2. Thanx ICT awesome merge of concepts.

nobody would fault you for taking profits friday morning! Did you get more than what you risked? if so,
you did really good.

anyways, I know what you mean about “discovering” limit entries. without them I don’t think I could ever
sleep, ha

mozdef #427 May 26, 2017, 12:08am

Anyone here still using COT and OI to determine trade direction here? It seems we’re trading both ways,
with/against flow and it seems the structure that I was desperately craving for has gone to the side in
favor of just simple discretion.

Don’t get me wrong, there is extremely useful stuff here but trading confluences of fibs/SR/pivots/figures
is the basic tenant of every forex resource out there. I thought the whole aspect about determining
general market direction using cot,oi,market flows was something really unique to ICT’s methods and
would like to see some real life trades referencing these aspects. Anyways this is not to offend or take
anything away from what is probably one of the best resources on the internet for newbies. These
concerns may just be my own failings as other people here seem to be doing quite well.

akeakamai #428 May 26, 2017, 12:27am

I’m really not making any guesses yet on the GBP’s likely path for 2011, but this is what I’ve got in terms
of my bullish perspective. Incorporates things I learned from this thread, and made an effort to keep it

Weekly chart:
system #429 May 26, 2017, 1:00am


I’m really not making any guesses yet on the GBP’s likely path for 2011, but this is what I’ve got in
terms of my bullish perspective.

Three PDH’s: 1.6014,1.6007,1.6007 within three days and a 250 pip drop immediately afterwards is an
indication that a barrier is in place.
Ir is safe to assume cable is influenced by “forces” that are not reflected on your charts.
You never see barriers on your charts.

chizzenpips #430 May 26, 2017, 12:09am

Yeah I’ve been doing stop-orders for entry never goes in instant. To enter with limit orders takes having
more conviction in the s+r level used as trigger but gets one in at a better position than a stop order. If
that s+r level breaks then it pretty much looks like a stupid trade, lol. If price keeps running in the right
direction without first hitting my limit entry I’d be stupid trader.

I tend to think charts show everything about the market because price is the market, the ultimate
meeting between buyer & seller, total net result of activity and sentiments btw/among buyers and sellers.
Price discounts all market condition so what is on chart is it and no more outside. Problem is what to
perceive from it? That’s why we cant regard some s+r level as a barrier since price can do anything, we
look at outside variables to try gauge probable reaction at that level. Is that what you’re trying to say?
system #431 May 25, 2017, 11:32pm


Exactly. Although there are some quite complex concepts explained in this thread, the principles are
very straightforward and easy to follow. It really is KISS in a nutshell. What I also like is the fact that,
the more you use these ideas, the more you understand WHY the market flows the ways it does and
reacts in particular ways at certain points.

This, for me at least, is the most valuable thing of all.

Anyway, there was a great short trade opportunity yesterday. 19:10 GMT (14:10 EST) Cable traded
back up to Wednesday’s high. This coincided almost bang on with a 62 fib level taken from the daily
chart - high 5th Nov to low 28th Dec. Price bounced along at that level for a while and formed a clear
head and shoulders pattern. That created the ‘confuence of three’ that I look for (in this case,
previous support/fib/chart pattern). I had to go out but set take profit at 50. It’s now (0800 GMT)
bounced beautifully off today’s S1 pivot.

All really clear and simple stuff.

Very good… reaction at S1 was dynamic

system #432 May 25, 2017, 11:51pm


That was interesting about the bar counts between the lows and then projected from the high to
predict when the next high could complete…I had been working on that on another thread topic so
was quite familiar with it. What also is quite interesting is what I believe is a Wolfe Wave pattern that
Ive marked up on the chart below...its text book to the illustration in that Street Smart
ebook, and the 1-4 point projection nails the high as well…cool
Good eye Sweet… wtg

Are you sticking with Yen as your focus pair?

system #433 May 26, 2017, 12:09am


Today I gathered courage enough to take my first limit entry, short e$ 1.3725, but cant stay put over
weekend already out +90. Figure to take out 1.3600 nest wk. Also now going one pair only, broken
my loosing streak after 3.2. Thanx ICT awesome merge of concepts.

WTG! That was nice trading right there… I am stoked when I read these… I simply find inspiration in
reading others seeing it come together for themselves. Keep the chain going… patience and execution.


system #434 May 26, 2017, 12:44am


Anyone here still using COT and OI to determine trade direction here? It seems we’re trading both
ways, with/against flow and it seems the structure that I was desperately craving for has gone to the
side in favor of just simple discretion.

Don’t get me wrong, there is extremely useful stuff here but trading confluences of
fibs/SR/pivots/figures is the basic tenant of every forex resource out there. I thought the whole
aspect about determining general market direction using cot,oi,market flows was something really
unique to ICT’s methods and would like to see some real life trades referencing these aspects.
Anyways this is not to offend or take anything away from what is probably one of the best resources
on the internet for newbies. These concerns may just be my own failings as other people here seem
to be doing quite well.

Hey Mozdef… the tools are universal and while the core tenants to my starting this thread was to
highlight concepts that puts odds slightly in one’s favor… it by no means is a limitation to trade solely in
line with it all. For instance, if you are looking to build solid foundation and low risk trades… only
selecting trades that have the Market Flow and COT in sync will point you in the right direction… but
there will be many trade setups contrarian to those conditions and those versed in counter-trend or
contrarian in nature can still sniff out a gainer in the market.

Don’t lose sight of “your” goal and be distracted by what others might be doing day to day. Your style
may require sitting on your hands more but the trades could pay out comparably in pips do to the
magnitude they present.

COT and OI setups are more intermedite term in nature… these trades we are sharing in these recent
posts are intraday trading… a different animal all together.


system #435 May 26, 2017, 1:18am


Three PDH’s: 1.6014,1.6007,1.6007 within three days and a 250 pip drop immediately afterwards is
an indication that a barrier is in place.
Ir is safe to assume cable is influenced by “forces” that are not reflected on your charts.
You never see barriers on your charts.

I see resistance… and this seems to repeat itself enough to conclude I can see barriers on my charts.
What the underlying premise behind it fundamentally… I couldn’t care less… just that I can see it…
capitalize on it… and bank on it routinely.


system #436 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm


Correction to the above: I omitted to type ‘In your first example with the futures chart I CAN see how
a drop in OI translated in price’. It is the 2nd example I am having trouble with.

Regarding the 12midnight to 4am rule…I haven’t lived in a DST country for over a decade so I can’t
get my head around it, but some further backtesting results from July last year show a 76% success
rate for midnight to 5am, and 67% for midnight to 4am EST. A few examples were successful 30
minutes after the deadline. I guess what we are saying is that highs and lows for the day on Cable
are more often than not set within the first few hours of London session.

I have received a number of emails about COT and OI {Open Interest} so I will be expanding my
explaination and applications this weekend. This has created such a fever for more insight I am
encouraged by such an eagerness to learn.

system #437 May 25, 2017, 11:12pm


It never really clicked how simple it is to be successful until I started following ICT. I pretty much just
wait for fib/pivot bounces and then trade into the direction of the overall trend. It’s very easy and from
what I’ve seen so far quite reliable. I obviously lose trades from time to time like everyone else, but I
have not had a losing day as a whole in weeks. I used be really antsy with my trades, ready to close
it the moment it goes against me, and it made my losing rate far higher when it shouldn’t have been.
You have to trust your analysis and let it play out. That’s what stops are for:)

BTW, what is the GetMarketInfo.ex4 for? I don’t quite understand how to use it. The other indicators
are .mq4 files and just load up when you click on them, but GetMarketInfo doesn’t seem to do
anything. Anyone?

Great perspective LS1… realistic in terms of accepting losses will plague you and your trading and
prepare for it… but the wins should outweigh the losses on average and therein lies your “edge”… milk

The GetMarketInfo.ex4 was explained to me as needed to have the Mt4 indicator to work properly… so I
shared it how I was given it. I’ll leave the nuts and bolts to the coding and whatnot to the more learned
around here. :o

Glad you are seeing potential and stick with it!


Alishijo #438 May 25, 2017, 7:30pm

I have received a number of emails about COT and OI {Open Interest} so I will be expanding my
explaination and applications this weekend. This has created such a fever for more insight I am
encouraged by such an eagerness to learn.

Thank-you very much. I really look forward to viewing the video and gaining more insight.

One more query/question…Which session would you say you trade the most? There seem to have been
a lot of opportunities in London morning session of late, whereas I was expecting more opportunities on
the London/NY cross-over.

system #439 May 25, 2017, 7:55pm


Thank-you very much. I really look forward to viewing the video and gaining more insight.

One more query/question…Which session would you say you trade the most? There seem to have
been a lot of opportunities in London morning session of late, whereas I was expecting more
opportunities on the London/NY cross-over.

My pleasure…

I trade the London session the majority of the time… but have been known to trade in the New York
session as well. The least traded session on my personal accounts is Asian as this session, while
profitable at times… provides me too thin or light volatility for my personal trading style. However, don’t
think because I don’t trade Asian you shouldn’t… there is a swing every day there worth 15-25 pips on
the regular.

Hope this answers your inquiry…


mozdef #440 May 26, 2017, 1:01am


Hey Mozdef… the tools are universal and while the core tenants to my starting this thread was to
highlight concepts that puts odds slightly in one’s favor… it by no means is a limitation to trade solely
in line with it all. For instance, if you are looking to build solid foundation and low risk trades… only
selecting trades that have the Market Flow and COT in sync will point you in the right direction… but
there will be many trade setups contrarian to those conditions and those versed in counter-trend or
contrarian in nature can still sniff out a gainer in the market.
Don’t lose sight of “your” goal and be distracted by what others might be doing day to day. Your style
may require sitting on your hands more but the trades could pay out comparably in pips do to the
magnitude they present.

COT and OI setups are more intermedite term in nature… these trades we are sharing in these
recent posts are intraday trading… a different animal all together.


Thanks ICT for these words of encouragement. I will stick to the more safe trade opportunities and once
I’m comfortable with those then look to add more risky setups into the fold. You’re so right that I should
not get distracted by other peoples trades, everyone has their own style of trading and risk tolerance. I
will work own developing and refining my own style of trading.

system #441 May 26, 2017, 1:00am

ICT Pro Traders video posted on first post of this thread… enjoy.


Rounder #442 May 26, 2017, 1:17am

Question for you more experienced traders…

How likely is it that you’d find an indecision candle that favors the direction of the Commercial C.O.T.
data … WHILE the market flow is also in alignment with the Commercial C.O.T. data?

These feel like things that probably wouldn’t be happening together.

(i.e. You’d be more likely to get a bullish indecision candle when market flow is down.) But I know that
it’s not IMPOSSIBLE to get both things happening together.

Just trying to understand how unlikely it would be.


system #443 May 26, 2017, 1:17am


Thanks ICT for these words of encouragement. I will stick to the more safe trade opportunities and
once I’m comfortable with those then look to add more risky setups into the fold. You’re so right that I
should not get distracted by other peoples trades, everyone has their own style of trading and risk
tolerance. I will work own developing and refining my own style of trading.

It’s your money… know your setups and make them your own. Stay the course and learn the generic
cycles and characteristics PRICE repeatedly exhibits day after day… then it will be nothing for you to let
the others post their trades and have it make no matter to your bottomline or more importantly… your


system #444 May 26, 2017, 1:48am


Question for you more experienced traders…

How likely is it that you’d find an indecision candle that favors the direction of the Commercial C.O.T.
data … WHILE the market flow is also in alignment with the Commercial C.O.T. data?

These feel like things that probably wouldn’t be happening together.

(i.e. You’d be more likely to get a bullish indecision candle when market flow is down.) But I know
that it’s not IMPOSSIBLE to get both things happening together.

Just trying to understand how unlikely it would be.


There are times when even my tools conflict and if I can’t arrive at a bias that is defined by either Market
Flow and Market Structure… or possibly Pivot Fib Confluence or COT and Sentiment for longer term
trades… I sit on my hands. Hence the term I get “hisses” for more than any other… P.A.T.I.E.N.C.E. lol

To answer your question, I have seen it occur enough to know it is not a rare event… in large
consolidations… it can occur more frequently than you might expect.


Rounder #445 May 26, 2017, 1:48am

Thanks ITC!
akeakamai #446 May 26, 2017, 2:03am


There are times when even my tools conflict and if I can’t arrive at a bias that is defined by either
Market Flow and Market Structure… or possibly Pivot Fib Confluence or COT and Sentiment for
longer term trades… I sit on my hands. Hence the term I get “hisses” for more than any other…
P.A.T.I.E.N.C.E. lol :rolleyes:

To answer your question, I have seen it occur enough to know it is not a rare event… in large
consolidations… it can occur more frequently than you might expect.


I turned my account leverage down to 20:1 from 50:1 so I can learn how to sit on my hands!

I can’t believe I did it, but turned leverage down to 10:1, realized it really is all I need! I feel like I “get it”
now, slow and steady does win the race

lady11 #448 May 24, 2017, 11:03am

I took notes of all the videos links ,thanks!

akeakamai #449 May 24, 2017, 1:12pm

when Cable broke through 1.6000, i noticed it didn’t actually touch or go through the level when it

I know you’ve said institutional players tend to do their deals at these big numbers, so does that
observation have any meaning?

I’m totally clueless if it means anything at all but thought you might have some insight, ICT

system #450 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm


when Cable broke through 1.6000, i noticed it didn’t actually touch or go through the level when it
I know you’ve said institutional players tend to do their deals at these big numbers, so does that
observation have any meaning?

I’m totally clueless if it means anything at all but thought you might have some insight, ICT

Find your answer in tonight’s ICT Pro Traders Club… on first post of this thread.


Alishijo #451 May 26, 2017, 1:34am


ICT Pro Traders video posted on first post of this thread… enjoy.


ICT…So going back to the start of this big move up that began on Monday, I guess a lot of people were
initially looking for a further move down based on the fact that Daily fractals and 4H fractals were down.
You said that resistance trumped market flow on the higher time frames, but I am curious to know if you
were also seeing a confluence of the Weekly Pivot (1.5837) and Monthly Pivot (1.5834) when price
traded down to your entry? I am using your Pivot Macro indicator but I am not sure if this was just a
lucky coincidence (i.e. my +1GMT broker software got lucky with your EST indicator) as you didn’t
mention it in the video. (Although it shouldn’t matter THAT much on a weekly and monthly time frame,

Best regards…

vonner #452 May 26, 2017, 1:49am


I guess a lot of people were initially looking for a further move down based on the fact that Daily
fractals and 4H fractals were down. You said that resistance trumped market flow on the higher time

This is where I’m struggling too. I was initially looking for a chance to go short given that market flow
was down. I remember ICT mentioned that resistance trumps market flow but I never seem to know
when or which resistance point will hold. I mean, while market flow was down, price did penetrate
several resistance points so I was wondering how you know when a particular resistance point will finally
Sorry, I’m really still new to this. It’s just that I’m amazed at how you guys can spot the changes to
market flow so quickly and predict where price will likely reverse (just like ICT did in this most recent
video and in the last video 4.3).

mozdef #453 May 26, 2017, 2:03am


This is where I’m struggling too. I was initially looking for a chance to go short given that market flow
was down. I remember ICT mentioned that resistance trumps market flow but I never seem to know
when or which resistance point will hold. I mean, while market flow was down, price did penetrate
several resistance points so I was wondering how you know when a particular resistance point will
finally hold.

Sorry, I’m really still new to this. It’s just that I’m amazed at how you guys can spot the changes to
market flow so quickly and predict where price will likely reverse (just like ICT did in this most recent
video and in the last video 4.3).

Don’t worry I think a lot of us were in the same boat. I was also looking for shorts because of market flow
and because my COT index was saying to go short and also Open Interest on the gbp march contract
increased all last week to a previous high on Nov 12th. It seemed everything was pointing to a decrease
in price but price has increased substantially this entire week so far. I’m still trying to figure out how to
determine general market direction for intraday trading at a reasonable enough success rate.

system #454 May 26, 2017, 2:03am

Hang in there guys… it’s not going to happen over night… stick to it.

New video posted.


vonner #455 May 26, 2017, 2:17am


I think a lot of us are wondering…what happens when we use your ICT_PIVOT_MACRO and
PIVOTDAILYMACRO indicators with a MT4 platform that is not in EST? My MT4 platform, for instance,
is in the GMT (London) timezone. Does this mean that the pivots computed by these indicators is
Thanks and best regards!

ClarkFX #456 May 26, 2017, 2:16am

Just a quick question:

So are all the instruction videos done? =)

Thank you for the live trades, they are great resources too!


Alishijo #457 May 26, 2017, 2:44am



I think a lot of us are wondering…what happens when we use your ICT_PIVOT_MACRO and
PIVOTDAILYMACRO indicators with a MT4 platform that is not in EST? My MT4 platform, for
instance, is in the GMT (London) timezone. Does this mean that the pivots computed by these
indicators is wrong?

Hi Vonner,

The PIVOTDAILYMACRO indicator works out just fine if you adjust the setting to your broker’s software.
My Alpari broker is +1GMT, so when setting up the indicator, in ‘inputs’ I change ‘ShiftHrs’ to ‘-6’. This
means my indicator is calculating pivots from 6am to 6am, which is midnight to midnight EST. I have
checked it out manually with a PP calculator calculating the prev. day’s high, low,close…it works with no
problems. Just check that your broker really is GMT (look at your broker time, compare it to EST using a
world clock on the internet), and you should be good to go with ShiftHrs -5.

As for the ICT_PIVOT_MACRO, well I am still at a loss. I changed ‘Shift’ on that to ‘-6’, but the Pivot
values remain just the same as ‘Shift =0’. Also, the confluence that I saw on Monday is no longer there,
which either means I am hallucinating:eek: or it is calculating Weekly pivots on a rolling basis We’ll
just have to wait for ICT’s response on this one.

Alishijo #458 May 26, 2017, 2:30am


New video posted.


I like the new vid…thanks a lot for your time. London close is a good time for me to trade, and while this
is only one set-up, hopefully it will become one of many potential opportunities to look for. I actually
spotted it last night as my broker had recommended an upside target of 1.6220 on a long trade, and I
was initially interested to see how accurate they might be. Nice to know that that is a repeating

I have been playing around with the Op Entry quite a bit, and have found that it can be a great Op Exit
tool aswell:p (I was one of the short guys back on Monday early London session…bagged 40 pips off
the central pivot, but Op Entry got me out just as you were getting in!)

Best regards

vonner #459 May 26, 2017, 2:30am

Thanks Alishijo

I’ll try putting in -5 to my shift then.

Alishijo #460 May 26, 2017, 2:56am


Thanks Alishijo

Maybe I spoke too soon! I just noticed while re-watching the last ICT video that his pivots are at different
levels to mine on Tues & Wed. Like I said, I have been manually calculating using ICT’s initial guidelines
of midnight to midnight, 1Hr open on the midnight candle for the previous day’s close etc, and his pivot
indicator tallies with that (with the indicator visibly starting at 6am broker time/EST midnight). I can
understand why his Tuesday pivots might be different as my broker and his indicator use the Sunday
night candles, but Wednesday should be at the same levels. Regardless, I have been catching some
trades of his pivot indicator

(N.B. E-mail posted to ICT, let’s just wait and see what he says.)

akeakamai #461 May 26, 2017, 2:57am

Hey ICT, thanks for the explanation of the 1.6000 event, what you said makes a lot of sense. “Riding the
lightning” haha, I’m going to have to remember that one.
Your “rant” was really helpful to me actually, it covered a lot of what I’m doing wrong. I wish I wasn’t so
“contrarian” sometimes, it’d be nice to naturally want to join in the flow, but something in me wants to
fight it

MCAWally #462 May 26, 2017, 3:22am


Your “rant” was really helpful to me actually, it covered a lot of what I’m doing wrong. I wish I wasn’t
so “contrarian” sometimes, it’d be nice to naturally want to join in the flow, but something in me wants
to fight it

I second this, rant as much as you like. Maybe you should change you nic to Dr ICT - telling it like it is.

Great vids thanks


LS1 #463 May 26, 2017, 3:21am

Looking at cable and it seems to be hung up on the S1 midpoint / weekly R2. It is also forming a triangle
and over sold on the 4H chart. Is this a sign that this bear reversal may be short lived?

system #464 May 26, 2017, 1:34am


I see resistance… and this seems to repeat itself enough to conclude I can see barriers on my
charts. What the underlying premise behind it fundamentally… I couldn’t care less… just that I can
see it… capitalize on it… and bank on it routinely.


Agreed because you are experienced. Therefore you can see barriers.

The underlying premise behind it fundamentally isn’t important in my book. I don’t care either. The intent
of order book matters for me. I like to know that UK central bank is selling GBP because they need
bailout Euro’s for irish banks. EURGBP sell off got the ball rolling and caused the GBPUSD 200 pip+
plunge @1.6000 level.

Anyway…we are not far apart here…just different way’s going about it.
akeakamai #465 May 26, 2017, 1:33am

It’s amazing that the simple route is the most effective, but that’s how it always ends up it seems

I really been thinking about when ICT said “how far does it have to go against you before you’ll admit
you’re wrong?” and I’m starting to realize that is what is tripping me up 90% of the time. I think all these
tools provide a really excellent “skeleton” of the market so that you can define what being “wrong”
actually means.

akeakamai #466 May 26, 2017, 1:49am

I don’t really get the 1.27/1.28 extension level. It’s not a fib level from what I can see. If it’s just
something that has a habit of working, I can accept that but it’s bugging me that I can’t figure the
reasoning behind it…

thatsrightjack #467 May 26, 2017, 2:17am


I don’t really get the 1.27/1.28 extension level. It’s not a fib level from what I can see. If it’s just
something that has a habit of working, I can accept that but it’s bugging me that I can’t figure the
reasoning behind it…

It’s the square root of 1.618

TheSimpleMan #468 May 26, 2017, 2:17am

Holy smokes this is really detailed huh?

Thank you Clint one of my favorite actors you feel lucky well do ya? haha

Has anybody tried these ideas and has it been hard for you to learn?

What is a mt4? Do I need one?

This fella must be something else. What is a Inner Circle Trader?

When was the video for euro sell off put on here before or after it dropped?

Thanks you guys.

system #469 May 26, 2017, 2:30am

mt4 is short for Meta Trader 4…its just a trading platform and you dont NEED it to trade liike in the
videos here, but it would help to have if you want to upload the indicators on the first page here

Hordane #470 May 24, 2017, 1:12pm

I just found this topic thanks to NB and the information here is great. Will continue to watch as the thread
progresses. I realy enjoy the non-indicator trading. The further along I get with my trading the more and
more I remove indicators. I am down to only pivots session high/low indicators now (instead of drawing
manually). Great Stuff!

ITC…your profile says you are in Maryland. I’ve seen in the thread where you state that you trade
London. Do you get up for that time or do you have your limit orders ready and waiting to trigger only
during London time?

akeakamai #471 May 24, 2017, 3:33pm

I’m really looking forward to trading this week! and the real special part is that I don’t care if I win or lose.
got all my tools ready, levels plotted, now just going to sit an wait for something to catch my attention.
don’t got much on my plate yet, waiting for price to retest 1.6000, then we’ll see what’s up with those

targeting a modest 50pips for this week, and my account leverage is set at 10:1 so there’s not much
trouble I can get in to even if I make some crappy calls. i’m hoping all the stuff on this thread is making
sense to others too!

ClarkFX #472 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm

I understand all the lessons and the way each tool is used, the only hard time I’m having with this
system is how all this is put together. My brain likes to think logically and I can’t seem to create an order
for all the analysis. Is there some sort of checklist perhaps or a more concrete plan to follow? I know this
is discretionary trading but I’m getting some information overload now and having a hard time placing

gbl83 #473 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

Hey ICT, been follwing your threads from the start and really love your work here!

Today ive been looking at the audusd pairing, this was my thought process today. Didnt take the trade,
just observing.

Daily and 1 hour chart fractals show market flow is up. I remember you saying somewhere that you want
to have 2 out of the
daily, 4 hour, 1 hour chart flowing in your direction?

15 min chart with the daily pivots plotted shows price is in the buy zone, the S1 mid point and 62%
retracement, optimal entry area alignment. Since watching that area for the last few hours, price has
bounced off quite nicely!

Any thoughts?



ClarkFX #474 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm


Hey ICT, been follwing your threads from the start and really love your work here!

Today ive been looking at the audusd pairing, this was my thought process today. Didnt take the
trade, just observing.

Daily and 1 hour chart fractals show market flow is up. I remember you saying somewhere that you
want to have 2 out of the
daily, 4 hour, 1 hour chart flowing in your direction?
15 min chart with the daily pivots plotted shows price is in the buy zone, the S1 mid point and 62%
retracement, optimal entry area alignment. Since watching that area for the last few hours, price has
bounced off quite nicely!

Any thoughts?



I liked that analysis, I wish I could piece all of it together…

So first we would check the overall market flow/ sentiment of the day?
Then base our trades using Fibs and Pivots, in favour of the market flow?


vonner #475 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

Just wanted to share. After watching ICT’s last video, I realized that I was forcing the tools into the
market so that it would fit the way I wanted it to.

Today, I took a trade on the Cable. I knew market flow was down and price was in the sell zone of the
pivots so I was looking for a sell. At first, I put a fib on from the low to the high of the previous day. The
market retraced exactly in between the 62% and 79% levels before falling sharply down. I missed this
move but noticed that the market was starting to retrace again so I put on the fib again and entered
again between the 62% and 79% levels. Market slid down sharply again after that. Using ICT’s
projection technique, I set my profit target and it was right on the money. Banked 70 pips!

This just proves what ICT was saying all this time. Don’t force the market to bend to your will. We won’t
find setups at will. We should let it come to us.
Thanks ICT. Finally beginning to understand the power of these tools.

hellogoodbye4201 #476 May 25, 2017, 12:35am

Shorted GU @ 1.61319 today.

And again at 1.60999 lol.

Hordane #477 May 25, 2017, 2:09am

Wasn’t up in time for the prefect entry. Was short GU at 1.6082; went long GU 1.60395 because
confluence previous day low (2 days back), pivot point, 50% fib retrace of the last daily long swing, and
this was 4hr support retest. Took full profit 61022. Set take profit by placing the 50% fib at the 15m
consolidation and drop, TP was the 100% fib.

system #478 May 25, 2017, 5:47am

New video ICTPTC posted…


Aarnog #479 May 25, 2017, 7:18am

I am all kinds of loving these PTC videos - thanks ICT!

hellogoodbye4201 #480 May 25, 2017, 3:38am


Shorted GU @ 1.61319 today.

And again at 1.60999 lol.

Sorry ICT, I don’t like visiting the forums too much while I’m in a trade simply because I don’t want to see
anything that could influence my decision, other than my charts, and potentially cause to me mess up.
The first short @ 1.61319 I exited at 1.60626, (the 1.272 extension level) the second trade @ 1.60999 I
took partial profits at +30 and was stopped out at break even.
Shorted again 1.61096 today. And, I just saw your video where you said we could possibly see higher
prices. That’s why I like to avoid forums while trading lol. The trade hasn’t gone very far and may
possibly close out at BE though. I think if it was going anywhere it would have moved a bit by now but I
will let it run and at worst I gain something like half a pip…

wrtm_19 #481 May 24, 2017, 5:46pm

ICT, is that your trading station in the picture on your blog’s latest post?

system #482 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

thanks for the new video ! and also thanks for the “unofficial” check list so far too ;)!

MCAWally #483 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm

Video pop quiz: Observations of the previous low?

Answer: London close, 162% of the previous range, full ATR and stop running.


LS1 #484 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

I just wanted to comment on something you’ve said over the past couple of videos. You note how people
try to sometimes make tools fit what they want to see, and also how you feel some people may be taking
what they’re learning with you and adding to what they consider a successful trading method even
though it probably isn’t. I am guilty of both of these things to one degree or another, and always catch
myself doing this and try to refrain from it. You are a very astute trader to be able to recognize this in
your students and to remind them of it. It keeps it fresh in my mind, and I think they’re the most
important lessons you teach.

REO #485 May 25, 2017, 12:35am

Quiz answer:-

Bounce of previous week’s R2 (turning into support) and the low of London session Friday 04/02/11.
Starting to grasp the concept behind your videos - Thank you ICT.
system #486 May 25, 2017, 3:38am


Bounce of previous week’s R2 (turning into support) and the low of London session Friday 04/02/11.

A sharpshooter aims at the 1.6020/45 support channel IF USDX resistance holds and news fog doesn’t
obscure the view.
There have been three “kills” since Feb 4th. :-).

vonner #487 May 25, 2017, 5:47am

Here’s my quiz answer:

The 1.6020 level (took the whole number) has acted as support several times now. First it was
resistance during the month of January until it was broken and then became support during the weeks of
February. I think this level is especially significant because price was never allowed to retest the 1.6000
figure and is always blocked at around 1.6020. This is, as ICT has mentioned, purposely done by the
market makers as they don’t want the bears to start pulling the price down again (which would be the
case should price hit the 1.6000 level again).

This is, in my opinion, why price bounced off this level so drastically on Feb 9.

rashygomez #488 May 26, 2017, 1:34am

ICT is a legend. I’m not a good trader, but his posts are so useful.

Hordane #489 May 25, 2017, 7:18am


Wasn’t up in time for the prefect entry. Was short GU at 1.6082; went long GU 1.60395 because
confluence previous day low (2 days back), pivot point, 50% fib retrace of the last daily long swing,
and this was 4hr support retest. Took full profit 61022. Set take profit by placing the 50% fib at the
15m consolidation and drop, TP was the 100% fib.

ICT, here is a picture of the 15m setup when I looked at taking it Long.
GU went down with a great setup which I missed most of. The long was off the bottom. At the bottom the
blue doted line is the pivot; the pink line is the previous day low and a retest of the support on 4hr. The
pink dotted line is a 50% fib based on the daily (drawn up, so this is a pullback from a long momentum
move). The yellow line and yellow dotted line is a monthly fib and monthly s&r line.

So at the level of entry long (red mark), there was confluence of several resistance points. I traded the
pivot point up.

TP was set on 15m chart, I placed the 50% extension on the previous consolidation before the final drop
and made TP 100%. That also coincided with another S&R zone on the daily. Trade was 60 pips. I
haven’t mastered proper money management yet and I am still working on that.

Hordane #490 May 25, 2017, 7:18am

Here’s another GU trade I took:

This was a short move on the GU not long after that last trade.
The setup here was based on fib drawn on 4hr previous day high and the last low. Confluence was the
62-79% fib PA went to right under 72%. Entry on way down near that blue dashed line which was
previous 4hr support, now it was being retested here on the way up. Also time of trade was about 16:30
which is UK close, knowing that price has tendency to return to lower range and now break strong s/r
after London, I was okay with the trade (not as good as the last setup confluence). Was also above the
daily pivot trading DOWN to it.

Exit was manual based on 15m candle formation as shown below. In hindsight I should have kept the
trade on which woulda been one great overall short given today’s events.
Exited when PA went below daily pivot and turned north, next 15m candle was another higher candle so
I bailed. Again my issue is to trust my trades and let them run, something I have to work on.

Hordane #491 May 25, 2017, 8:24am

These two trade setups occurred today as well and I have a question about ICT on them.
This setup occurred after the last trade. Price was bouncing up to 2 fib confluence of the 4hr 78.6
retrace and a daily 38.2 retrace. Also present was the pink line, a daily s/r zone. Would you take this
type of setup for a short given that you are at midS1, 4hr/daily trend is short. Your fibs and daily s/r zone
is right here. If so, how long would you keep an entry short before declaring it invalid?

Second trade setup.

This setup occurred today (1hr chart). Price broke down and went to test a monthly s/r (yellow line). After
touching line it pulled back and exceeded the 78.6 %. At the entry level on the way down there is
another monthly s/r line, a 23.6 monthly fib level a daily level which is on top of the monthly level.

I didn’t enter short here for a few reasons. 1) Price is below the daily pivot point so in the “buy” zone; 2)
US unemployment claims came out 15 mins prior, so did not want to engage in a news trade; 3) The
HUGE wick on the candle that first touched monthly suggested that lower prices were not acceptable by
the market.

Do you use the buy/sell zone as a hard rule or can it be cautiously ignored if you have several
supporting factors to indicate a proper trade is can occur?
Hordane #492 May 25, 2017, 9:22am

Final question of the day.

If the daily/4hr or 4h/1hr are showing short bias, do you look for long setups at all? I’m asking how would
you determine when it was time to start looking for a long push.

I ask because it did not seem like any longs were available, at least using the fib retrace rule as part of
the confirmation checklist.

hellogoodbye4201 #493 May 25, 2017, 10:16am

Closed out my scalp a few minutes ago. Entry was at 1.61274, exited at 100% of the swing (1.60914)
Price was above the ADR, a little later than what ICT said but still [I]near[/I] the same time. Entered at
the .618 retracement :p.

TheSimpleMan #494 May 25, 2017, 11:05am

I notice the GBP/USD went right down to the 1.6014 level the last video pointed out. How often has
these predictions come out? Is this voodoo? haha

TheSimpleMan #495 May 25, 2017, 7:18am

hordane wow 60 pips ! I hope I can get those kinds of trades before long. What is TP mean though? The
charts pop up how in these chat windows?

system #496 May 25, 2017, 10:15am

I do look for trades counter Market Flow bias… but it must be in agreement with longer term Support
and or Resistance to warrant a valid setup… COT comes to mind here as well.

For the trades that do not have the Longer Term bias against it… the 4hour Market Flow confluence with
Daily or 1hour… will serve you well and hunting trades in that direction with Pivot Zone bias as
additional filter… your trades will be reduced in number… the payout and consistency will however,
increase exponentially.

BTW I’ll feature your trade questions above in the next ICT Pro Traders Feedback section… no voice
currently lol… sorry.

system #497 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

Actually it is not… but I have plans to make so. ;p

Now don’t think you need this stuff… but as a typical man… I like my toys just like the next guy! lol

Hordane #498 May 25, 2017, 9:22am


hordane wow 60 pips ! I hope I can get those kinds of trades before long. What is TP mean though?
The charts pop up how in these chat windows?

TP means take profit.

LS1 #499 May 25, 2017, 9:22am

The daily high/low fib is about to reach the 62% retracement, 1.60500, the S1 mid point and is
overbought on the 1H. Good time to buy, or am I out to lunch?

edit: I also noticed that on the daily chart that the 1.60500ish area has been resistance quite a few
times. I’m thinking it’s going to turn support. I’m long @ 1.60600.

ClarkFX #500 May 25, 2017, 10:15am

Hey ICT,
Thanks for providing us with a rough checklist, just demo-ing now and I feel much more confident
analyzing prices now that I have my order! Haha. Will there be more instructional videos released? I
noticed on your blog you have quite a lot of content to go through still! I’m looking forward to it!

I was also wondering if I could have your permission downloading your videos from YouTube onto my
iPhone? That way I can watch it over and over again while I have free time.


akeakamai #501 May 25, 2017, 11:05am

LS1, I saw and took that trade too, except I got 1.6055 just before London open. Optimal trade entry was
1.6050 but I missed it. Price traded down to M2 and bounced, so I thought a long entry would be a good
bet. Looked on the 4H chart and noticed some stops likely got taken out below 1.6030 and then price
shot up after the BOE rate announcement. Got stop at 1.6020, targeting today’s R1 level at ~1.6127.
Partial at 1.6100.
Going to sleep, gonna check this out in the mornin

gbl83 #502 May 25, 2017, 11:51am

Hi guys,

Just continuing on with what ICT was saying in regards to taking trades that are counter market flow. I
think right now there may be an opportunity to take a trade that is going against flow.

There is significant support around the 1.6030 area as can be seen in the hourly chart below. Price has
bounced off that area a number of times. Does that satisfy your requirement that there must be a longer
term support/resistance to take counter market flow trades?
Drawing a fib and plotting the pivots lines up with that support area, MS1pivot and 79% retracement.

Will be interesting to see the outcome…



Looks like price broker through the support

cubanpip #503 May 26, 2017, 2:03am


[B]ICT is a legend[/B]

100 % agree
[B]Thanks[/B] for your sharing, I am very thankful for being in the right place at the right time in order to
benefit for REAL.

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

ukdave #504 May 25, 2017, 11:50am

Is anybody else just sitting it out at the moment?

Maybe it’s just me. After quite a successful run, I’ve found myself getting back into old habits of
overtrading/looking for trading opportinities that aren’t there - with predictable consequences. So
patience is the name of the game for me right now.

Apart from the fact that it’s Friday, it all looks a bit uncertain. Particularly market flow on the 4hr (0900
GMT). Euro is pressing heavily on support right now and I can just see this being the day that Cable
crashes through support. On the other hand, market flow could quickly switch to long. I don’t know…
that’s why I’m sitting it out.

Sweet_Pip #505 May 25, 2017, 1:17pm


Is anybody else just sitting it out at the moment?

Maybe it’s just me. After quite a successful run, I’ve found myself getting back into old habits of
overtrading/looking for trading opportinities that aren’t there - with predictable consequences. So
patience is the name of the game for me right now.

Apart from the fact that it’s Friday, it all looks a bit uncertain. Particularly market flow on the 4hr
(0900 GMT). Euro is pressing heavily on support right now and I can just see this being the day that
Cable crashes through support. On the other hand, market flow could quickly switch to long. I don’t
know… that’s why I’m sitting it out.

Yes I’m sitting out. I didn’t/don’t really see a good solid area of multiple S or R confluence yesterday or
today. In spite of my interpretation of the COT which is bearish oriented, it just seems to be floundering.
There was a couple of really good areas earlier this week, of which I caught a little of, but missed a big
chunk of, but I don’t feel a need to force something that just isn’t quite “there” for me, so I’ll wait for the
time when it is, which looks like will be next week now.
Alishijo #506 May 25, 2017, 1:17pm

While we are all just sitting on our hands (yes, me included), maybe somebody could help me find a way
out of my COT confusion How can I use it to confirm the trade? Last week’s COT suggested
Commercials were once again increasing their short position, and are now at an extreme when
considering two year’s worth of data. Any confirmation here according to ICT’s teachings? Maybe
potential for the market to reverse i.e. price to drop through support?

The Futures market data suggests that there is still a premium on the market due to backwardation (this
suggests higher prices, right?) and Open Interest has been on the rise for a while which I believe
indicates a continuation of the current direction (not part of ICT’s teachings thus far, but something
gleaned from Steve Nison).

Are we in COT paralysis? What am I missing?


akeakamai #507 May 25, 2017, 1:57pm

3 trades, 3 losses for this week. nowhere to go but up, right? I don’t think I used the tools effectively,
probably forced them on my market view.

vonner #508 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm


3 trades, 3 losses for this week. nowhere to go but up, right? I don’t think I used the tools effectively,
probably forced them on my market view.

Yeah I know how you feel. It’s so hard to tell whether you are using the tools to read the market or if
you’re using the tools to see what you want of the market.

Hordane #509 May 25, 2017, 1:57pm

Here is an EU setup I wanted to show that I recently saw while doing analysis of the EU.
(Pink lines drawn off daily; yellow drawn off weekly).

Daily candle setup. What I see in this zoomed area is price came up to form a new intermediate high.
This high was between the weekly 68-79 (right under 722% actually) with a long term bias short. EU
could have been shorted based on weekly at that point.

EU fell down to a weekly support line retest and bounced up. Price action stopped at a previous daily
support level (pink line). At this point there was confluence of factors: 1) weekly long term bias short
(making lower intermediate highs); 2) traded up to prior resistance level which was still fresh; 3) price
stopped on the daily fib 62-79% level; 4) price stopped at the weekly 61.8 retrace level; 5) not shown in
picture is the Daily R2 which lies between the 2 61.8 listed on the chart.

I think these confluences strongly suggested a great daily short EU setup. 20/20 it was a good setup, but
I wanted to recreate the analysis anyways.

From top down analysis: 1) USDx was at support level and likely to move higher, giving strength to USD
and support EU move down; 2) did not check interest rate overlay; 3) futures lead month closed higher
than 2nd month; still unsure how this works; 4) previous market sentiment ticked down to suggest
bearish EU; 5) COT shows commercials net short so they are looking for price increase, this goes
against trade.

All in all, the factors greatly in favor of moving short outweighed the factors to go long. In the end price
went down to retest that monthly support and bounced off it.
hellogoodbye4201 #510 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm


Is anybody else just sitting it out at the moment?

Maybe it’s just me. After quite a successful run, I’ve found myself getting back into old habits of
overtrading/looking for trading opportinities that aren’t there - with predictable consequences. So
patience is the name of the game for me right now.

Apart from the fact that it’s Friday, it all looks a bit uncertain. Particularly market flow on the 4hr
(0900 GMT). Euro is pressing heavily on support right now and I can just see this being the day that
Cable crashes through support. On the other hand, market flow could quickly switch to long. I don’t
know… that’s why I’m sitting it out.

Well, after my scalp I really wasn’t looking for any other trades for the week. I don’t really like trading
Fridays but after GU dropped through support and broke the Daily, 4hr, and 1hr fractals I started looking
for potential shorts but there wasn’t enough retracement to hit my pending orders. Just recently there
looks to be a scalp trade (long) unfolding but as of yet you would have only gotten about 1:1 RR on it by
taking profit at the previous days low. Of course it could move higher though…

akeakamai #511 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm

Looking back on the trades I took this week, I’m clearly guilty of using ICT’s tools as an “add-on” to my
own ideas, rather than as the core. My brain is wired for puzzle solving, to an almost obsessive degree,
and I think when I started getting into this trading gig, the huge driver for me was to “figure out” the
puzzle. So over the years I’ve collected all these theories and ICT is right, trying to mesh his tools with
those ideas is leading to frustration.

So before I make the mistake of blowing off this amazing learning opportunity I’m going to “purge” my
mind of all the crap I’ve learned (or thought I learned more like it). I want to start next week as if it was
my first week trading, and all I’ve got to work with are ICT’s core trading tools (pivots, fibs, market
flow/bias from higher TF’s). Going to keep my 50pip objective that I had this last week as I think that was
a really positive framework for practicing using these tools.

So rather than waste any more money chasing that goal of “cracking the code”, I think I’ll have some
respect for what’s being offered to me here (for free no less) and make a solid effort to use the tools as
they were meant to be used.

[B]To ICT:[/B] I feel bad that my screen name is so akward to say (I really had no idea it’d ever need to
be said out loud lol) so I’ll just introduce myself proper. My name is Aaron, I’m 23 years old, and despite
some good runs, I’m Net Negative on my Forex pursuit and wholly fed-up with consistency consistently
eluding me!
LS1 #512 May 25, 2017, 3:52pm

Ha, we both failed hard on the same trade. You and I aren’t so different, sir. My name is Ian and I’m 22. I
actually live right next door to you in not so sunny BC. I usually come out to Alberta every year for

Looking back at that recent long on the cable, I think we entered it too soon. If it’s going to reverse it’s
more likely to happen now that it has made a push past it on the daily, but then closed pretty much right
on it. Not only has it proven to be a strong resistance in the past, but it’s also a whole number (1.6000).
I’m not going to try to catch the reversal before it happens again, but I haven’t given up on the trade yet.

Oh, King Michael, please bless us with your wisdom!

akeakamai #513 May 25, 2017, 4:59pm


Ha, we both failed hard on the same trade. You and I aren’t so different, sir. My name is Ian and I’m
22. I actually live right next door to you in not so sunny BC. I usually come out to Alberta every year
for Stampede!

Looking back at that recent long on the cable, I think we entered it too soon. If it’s going to reverse
it’s more likely to happen now that it has made a push past it on the daily, but then closed pretty
much right on it. Not only has it proven to be a strong resistance in the past, but it’s also a whole
number (1.6000). I’m not going to try to catch the reversal before it happens again, but I haven’t
given up on the trade yet.

Oh, King Michael, please bless us with your wisdom!

Hey I love BC, thoroughly enjoyed every trip I’ve taken there (all road trips on those winding highways of

I think our trade had some good support, but looking back, the flows weren’t really favouring longs. I
think we had a 50/50 on that one and bit the bullet. I’m trading a small account now, and only took a 1%
hit on that trade, so not the end of the world really. I’m frustrated with some trades I took earlier in the
week, especially a long trade at exactly the price ICT was shorting, D’OH!

ClarkFX #514 May 25, 2017, 4:59pm

Ha, we both failed hard on the same trade. You and I aren’t so different, sir. My name is Ian and I’m
22. I actually live right next door to you in not so sunny BC. I usually come out to Alberta every year
for Stampede!

The Stampede gets very boring after going your whole life! But this year will be great! I’ll finally be legal
to do all the fun things there!

I personally have a bearish bias for the Cable, the Dollar seems to be gaining strength, but the
significant support at the 1.6000 level is nearby which may cause it to bounce higher. I was just
wondering what everybody else’s opinions are for the opening of the Cable next week?

Akeakamai, I’m going to assume you live in my time zone, so I thought I’d get some personal opinions.
Since you’re trading with ICT’s methods, do you trade the London session? So that means you would
have to be up all night? Or do you just place pending orders and go to bed? Thanks.


LS1 #515 May 25, 2017, 5:36pm


Hey I love BC, thoroughly enjoyed every trip I’ve taken there (all road trips on those winding
highways of yours).

I think our trade had some good support, but looking back, the flows weren’t really favouring longs. I
think we had a 50/50 on that one and bit the bullet. I’m trading a small account now, and only took a
1% hit on that trade, so not the end of the world really. I’m frustrated with some trades I took earlier
in the week, especially a long trade at exactly the price ICT was shorting, D’OH!

Yeah, the market was definitely headed down. I was thinking that while I was in the trade. I’d like to
know what Michael has to say about the whole thing.

akeakamai #516 May 28, 2017, 7:48am


Akeakamai, I’m going to assume you live in my time zone, so I thought I’d get some personal
opinions. Since you’re trading with ICT’s methods, do you trade the London session? So that means
you would have to be up all night? Or do you just place pending orders and go to bed? Thanks.

Well ICT only recently laid out his specific trading schedule, and it involved a lot of sleeping haha. I like
his idea of “taking a nap” before starting your analysis from 11:30 PM-2:00 AM (our time). I think he said
he’ll take a trade and if it goes in his favour he’ll go to sleep (didn’t say when he wakes up), and if it goes
for his stop, he’ll try one more time then go to bed again. Not sure if he sets pending orders, but that’s
what I’d have to do, then I’d have some time for minor adjustments at 7:00AM’ish.

ICT has full time available and I don’t really, but I don’t really expect to capture the moves as efficiently
as him, but was kind of hoping that pending orders would still get me some net gains overall… sorry I
can’t say more, this is still a work in progress for me

but let me say that I can run just fine on 5 hours of sleep a night, and if I threw a nap in there like ICT
does, I’d be getting more sleep than I am now. I think this might be up to your personal sleep habits and
other commitments you might have (ie work)

Also I should mention that the tools, especially the projections, can be freakishly accurate, so I would
have a fair amount of confidence in setting a resting order (or 2) and leaving it be. My worry is that I
wouldn’t be able to trail stops effectively, as it seems the best way to do it is based on PA breaking
through levels, and there’s no way to know if that’s going to happen before it does.

Here’s what I mean, sorry it’s so small. Look at the confluence between S1 and 127% extension, then
again at MS2(red line) and the 161.8% extension. You could have drawn these levels over an hour
before london even opened and long before the optimal trade entry to go short had even played out.
(and that’s not even including the 1.6000 psychological level and 1.5980 institutional level)
system #517 May 25, 2017, 6:07pm


Yeah, the market was definitely headed down. I was thinking that while I was in the trade.

Why didn’t you shuffle your order(s) from long to short because the market was “definitely” headed down
in your opinion?

LS1 #518 May 25, 2017, 6:35pm


Why didn’t you shuffle your order(s) from long to short because the market was “definitely” headed
down in your opinion?

Because the whole point of the trade was that the market has a high probability of reversing in the area
it’s in now, and probably still does, it’s just my entry that was off. The mistake I made was that I entered
too soon, like I was worried it wasn’t going to actually touch the point where it had to reverse (this still
may never happen, but you can kind of imagine where that point is by looking at the daily). It often
leaves a lot of wick below the resistance before it slingshots in the other direction, I think.

system #519 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm


Because the whole point of the trade was that the market has a high probability of reversing in the
area it’s in now, and probably still does, it’s just my entry that was off.

A large UK pharmaceutical went Bid and caused the Thu burst from 1.6020 level [institutional level) up
to 1.61sisch after BOE official bank rate release.

Cable couldn’t hold 1.6100 level and reversed in line with Dollar index breaking major resistance 78.35
overnight (Thu/Fri) coming into London session.

You got “spooked” by that Bid and thought Cable would reverse. Instead 1.6055/50 stops got
triggered. Cable got pressured in EURGBP and the selling accelerated quickly as stops through 1.6010
(Thu lo) were tripped.

That’s why I was asking about order shuffling.

The mistake I made was that I entered too soon, like I was worried it wasn’t going to actually touch
the point where it had to reverse (this still may never happen, but you can kind of imagine where that
point is by looking at the daily). It often leaves a lot of wick below the resistance before it slingshots
in the other direction, I think.

You entered in no-man’s and hoping for a reversal but the evidence wasn’t there with the LH and LL on
1h bars coming out of Tokyo session. That were the footprints for going short.

akeakamai #520 May 25, 2017, 7:30pm


A large UK pharmaceutical went Bid and caused the Thu burst from 1.6020 level [institutional level)
up to 1.61sisch after BOE official bank rate release.

Cable couldn’t hold 1.6100 level and reversed in line with Dollar index breaking major resistance
78.35 overnight (Thu/Fri) coming into London session.

You got “spooked” by that Bid and thought Cable would reverse. Instead 1.6055/50 stops got
triggered. Cable got pressured in EURGBP and the selling accelerated quickly as stops through
1.6010 (Thu lo) were tripped.

That’s why I was asking about order shuffling.

You entered in no-man’s and hoping for a reversal but the evidence wasn’t there with the LH and LL
on 1h bars coming out of Tokyo session. That were the footprints for going short.

You’re right, I did put a lot of weight into the bid action from yesterday’s post-BOE announcement. I
would’ve gone short but I went to bed, but what ICT does, in taking 2 trades if the first one fails , likely
could’ve got me into that move. I mean in hindsight (20/20 of course) the bounce off the central pivot
had short written all over it. Not sure how I would’ve reacted live, but I’m glad I can see ICT’s strategy
working, so it’ll be easier to stay disciplined when I see a similar situation in the future.

MCAWally #521 May 25, 2017, 7:29pm

Well I had a great entry, placed the order 3 hours before this picture was taken, shame about the rest of
the trade.
Flow was up, ms1 pivot, was in the buy zone, cluster of support. So I placed the order at 79% fib rather
than the sweet spot because of all those elements. took part of the trade off before CPP and moved to
break even, we all know what happened after that but sticking to the ICT basics worked out just fine
akeakamai #522 May 25, 2017, 7:55pm

$5 says ICT scalped the central pivot bounce and bagged a nice wad of friday pips. at least i’ll know I
was beaten by the best

system #523 May 24, 2017, 11:03am

New PTC video posted… Above and more importantly than being a Forex Trader… I am a Father… as
you will no doubt hear in the background… my youngest son doing his best to avoid a bath… and his
Mother lol

GLGT - Enjoy

ClarkFX #524 May 24, 2017, 1:11pm

Thanks again ICT for the new video! I will be taking a look at it soon!
I will be opening a live account with just a small amount in the near future and I will be trying to trade
based on your methods. I’m looking forward to the learning experience. =) I feel live gives me more
experience than demo so a small amount, if I lose won’t be a big deal.
Just a quick question for ICT:
When looking at the Dollar Index, Bond Yields, etc, these long-term geared analysis, are you looking at
these daily before trading sessions or at the beginning of each trading week?


system #525 May 24, 2017, 3:36pm

awesome! loading it up now

hellogoodbye4201 #526 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm

My short is @ 1.6080 targeting 1.5920. Entry is a tad above the .618 level from previous high and low,
near the ADR high, Friday’s pivot, R1 of today with the .786 above as well as 1.6100. My target is
slightly above the 1.27 extension.

I feel like I’m not listening to the Fractal rule though as price is currently bullish being over the previous
fractal on the 1hr however if triggered the daily and 4hr will still be neutral.

akeakamai #527 May 24, 2017, 9:28pm


My short is @ 1.6080 targeting 1.5920. Entry is a tad above the .618 level from previous high and
low, near the ADR high, Friday’s pivot, R1 of today with the .786 above as well as 1.6100. My target
is slightly above the 1.27 extension.

I feel like I’m not listening to the Fractal rule though as price is currently bullish being over the
previous fractal on the 1hr however if triggered the daily and 4hr will still be neutral.

as of 10pm EST, I’ve got daily market flow still long, the 4H as short, and the 1H as long. and ICT said
he’d trade against daily and 1H if it was in agreement with 4H so I think your market flow gets a green
light, maybe not the best scenario but good enough from what I understand

hellogoodbye4201 #528 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

as of 10pm EST, I’ve got daily market flow still long, the 4H as short, and the 1H as long. and ICT
said he’d trade against daily and 1H if it was in agreement with 4H so I think your market flow gets a
green light, maybe not the best scenario but good enough from what I understand

We’ve gotta be looking at different charts, or maybe we’re determining market flow differently? Mine
currently reads daily and 4hr neutral, 1hr bullish

akeakamai #529 May 25, 2017, 12:35am


We’ve gotta be looking at different charts, or maybe we’re determining market flow differently? Mine
currently reads daily and 4hr neutral, 1hr bullish

oh, I guess I don’t really have a definition for neutral, I just thought it was long when the fractals were
making higher highs and higher lows. so far it hasn’t breached that fractal low at ~1.5820

system #530 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm

Asian Session Long: + 60 Pips

Optimal Entry and Pivot Zone Trade
Exit At ADR calculated from Sunday open.

Daily and 4hour Support & 1.60 Figure


hellogoodbye4201 #531 May 25, 2017, 2:09am


oh, I guess I don’t really have a definition for neutral, I just thought it was long when the fractals were
making higher highs and higher lows. so far it hasn’t breached that fractal low at ~1.5820

Neutral would be if price is currently in between the High and Low fractal

system #532 May 25, 2017, 5:47am


Neutral would be if price is currently in between the High and Low fractal

Its always up or down. One fractal is always broken either way… the most recent is the current flow,
basis timeframe.

hellogoodbye4201 #533 May 25, 2017, 7:18am


Its always up or down. One fractal is always broken either way… the most recent is the current flow,
basis timeframe.

Guess I have more to learn! Gotta go back and find that video about fractals now lol.

What trend would you say GU is currently on daily 4hr and 1hr?

system #534 May 25, 2017, 8:24am


Guess I have more to learn! Gotta go back and find that video about fractals now lol.

What trend would you say GU is currently on daily 4hr and 1hr?

Daily MF = Down but Sunday open at Key Support and Figure 1.60
4Hour MF = Down but trumped by Key Support.
1 Hour MF = Up since Friday close
We opened in the “Buy Zone” and new week and New Session “Asian” brings with it change in
Optimal Trade Entry was present.
ADR projected High reached from the Low of Sunday open.
SMT Positive Divergence Fiber vs. Cable

akeakamai #535 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm


Asian Session Long: + 60 Pips

Optimal Entry and Pivot Zone Trade
Exit At ADR calculated from Sunday open.

Daily and 4hour Support & 1.60 Figure


Wow nice catch right off the bat. What settings do you use for the ADR tool? my numbers aren’t lining up
with yours, but it could be the platform I’m using it on, the candles don’t start until 6PM EST for some
stupid reason.

okay, found a more suitable platform with opens at the standard 5PM EST, but still not lining up properly
ClarkFX #536 May 25, 2017, 3:38am


Wow nice catch right off the bat. What settings do you use for the ADR tool? my numbers aren’t
lining up with yours, but it could be the platform I’m using it on, the candles don’t start until 6PM EST
for some stupid reason.

okay, found a more suitable platform with opens at the standard 5PM EST, but still not lining up

I’m currently demo-ing with IBFX and the market does not “open” til around 6-7PM EST as well… Is that
normal for IBFX?

MCAWally #537 May 25, 2017, 5:47am

The World Clock indicator I use for MT4 is called P4L_Clock.

Here is the download link P4L Clock.mq4 just save to your drive:/mt4/experts/indictors then restart MT4
if you had it on and then just load it up and play with it as you see it.

If the link is broken just google “P4L clock” and you’ll find some where to download it.


akeakamai #538 May 25, 2017, 8:24am


The World Clock indicator I use for MT4 is called P4L_Clock.

Here is the download link P4L Clock.mq4 just save to your drive:/mt4/experts/indictors then restart
MT4 if you had it on and then just load it up and play with it as you see it.

If the link is broken just google “P4L clock” and you’ll find some where to download it.


great tool, thanks for sharing : ]

apmonster #539 May 25, 2017, 8:24am

Anyone else catch the short on EUR/USD (I tried to post a screenshot, but don’t have enough posts

50% Fib retracement of previous day’s high-low, confluent with PP, I traded it (live) down to 1.3480
where previous support / resistance appears on the daily.

Nice start to the day

Hordane #540 May 25, 2017, 9:22am

Caught GU short today from setup (Sunday night my time). Fib drawn 4hr, entered slightly above 61.8
@ 1.60732 , confluence of yesterday R1, overall bias short of GU. TP set to 1.6000 as BRO, yesterday
S1, and was a 61.8 retrace line from the daily (a possible daily move up from this point). 30% taken at
30 pips as suggested by ITC (thank you), rest went to TP 73.2.

Hordane #541 May 24, 2017, 1:12pm

ICT references a smart money tool. Which tools is he referring as I can’t seem to find it anywhere?

hellogoodbye4201 #542 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm

My short is @ 1.6080 targeting 1.5920. Entry is a tad above the .618 level from previous high and
low, near the ADR high, Friday’s pivot, R1 of today with the .786 above as well as 1.6100. My target
is slightly above the 1.27 extension.

I feel like I’m not listening to the Fractal rule though as price is currently bullish being over the
previous fractal on the 1hr however if triggered the daily and 4hr will still be neutral.

Woke up to a pleasant surprise today

Half of the trade was closed at +30, stop is at previous month’s high now, and I’m gonna let the rest run
until it’s stopped out. I wish I had a slightly bigger lot size so I could’ve closed out 1/3 of the trade
instead of taking off half at +30.

Hordane #543 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm

Sorry ICT about the chart screen snaps. I will take larger pictures and resize them so it is more useful.

system #544 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

Here’s a trade I caught monday morning, I’m excited because now that I’m over my weekly pip goal I’m
going to force myself not to trade everyday and now I can just sit back and relax and of course
still practice with the demo !

P.S.- I was supposed to put “Entry at Previous session/day high” and “Took profit at the previous low!”

PipBandit #545 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm


ICT references a smart money tool. Which tools is he referring as I can’t seem to find it anywhere?

If I remember right it’s overlaying say E/U and G/U on the same chart to show possible divergences or
relative strength or weakness in a pair.

hellogoodbye4201 #546 May 24, 2017, 5:46pm

My original entry was with .02 lots, closed one out and the remainder .01 is now risk free so, I entered
again on the .618 retracement (1.60392) with the same risk as the first trade. Targeting the same as
well. Being that I have a smaller SL so I was able to trade with .03 lots so 1/3 will be taken off at +30
instead of half like the last trade.

There was also a scalp I could’ve taken but being that I was already short my platform would not allow
me to enter long :mad:

wrtm_19 #547 May 24, 2017, 3:33pm

Answer to Hordane,

For some reason I cannot quote your post regarding the Smart Money Tool, but here is my answer to it.

As PipBandit already said, it’s an overlay of a highly correlated pair, (in this case EU over GU, line
chart), to look for divergences between the pairs at critical levels to look for a nice reaction.

ICT presented this amazing tool on his first thread here last year, and I’m sure he’ll talk about it in more
detail in the near future. In the meantime take a look at what happened before the quick drop of the
eur/usd and gbp/usd in the London session.

I can tell you that personally this tool is worth gold. It’s a nice way to know if a level is more likely to work
or not and the fact that a reversal/continuation is just around the corner.

shandy #548 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

[B]Answer to Hordane[/B],

For some reason I cannot quote your post regarding the Smart Money Tool, but here is my answer to

As PipBandit already said, it’s an overlay of a highly correlated pair, (in this case EU over GU, line
chart), to look for divergences between the pairs at critical levels to look for a nice reaction.

ICT presented this amazing tool on his first thread here last year, and I’m sure he’ll talk about it in
more detail in the near future. In the meantime take a look at what happened before the quick drop
of the eur/usd and gbp/usd in the London session.

I can tell you that personally this tool is worth gold. It’s a nice way to know if a level is more likely to
work or not and the fact that a reversal/continuation is just around the corner.

Something I’ve never got with this tool - once you spot divergence, how do you know which direction is
going to win out e.g. in this example how would you know to look for a short?

system #549 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm


Something I’ve never got with this tool - once you spot divergence, how do you know which direction
is going to win out e.g. in this example how would you know to look for a short?
I’m not 100% sure im right, but in the example above, (lets just say you were trading cable)… (and the
cable was the blue line lol) you would be looking for the cable to be making a lower high than the euro at
an important resistance level. So basically when it gets to a known level of resistance on gbp/usd, turn
to the SMT chart to see if cable is failing to make any new highs while the eur/usd continued to make
slightly higher highs for the time being. … like others said im sure ICT will explain it better

Hordane #550 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm


[B]Answer to Hordane[/B],

For some reason I cannot quote your post regarding the Smart Money Tool, but here is my answer to

As PipBandit already said, it’s an overlay of a highly correlated pair, (in this case EU over GU, line
chart), to look for divergences between the pairs at critical levels to look for a nice reaction.

ICT presented this amazing tool on his first thread here last year, and I’m sure he’ll talk about it in
more detail in the near future. In the meantime take a look at what happened before the quick drop
of the eur/usd and gbp/usd in the London session.

I can tell you that personally this tool is worth gold. It’s a nice way to know if a level is more likely to
work or not and the fact that a reversal/continuation is just around the corner.
I can’t find his old forum post whenI search for his name. Can you be so kind as to repost the tool here
so those of us new to it can have it?

Sweet_Pip #551 May 24, 2017, 9:28pm


Something I’ve never got with this tool - once you spot divergence, how do you know which direction
is going to win out e.g. in this example how would you know to look for a short?

I believe it’s the same principle…when highs diverge, price goes down, when lows diverge, price goes
up…that would be for both pairs because of their correlation.

So if EU stops making lower lows and starts heading up and GU hasn’t yet, GU will eventually follow
suit, or vice versa.

wrtm_19 #552 May 24, 2017, 9:28pm


Something I’ve never got with this tool - once you spot divergence, how do you know which direction
is going to win out e.g. in this example how would you know to look for a short?

ICT is the expert here, so take my advice with a pinch of salt.

This is where your other tools come into action (market flow, pivots, etc).

In this particular case, market flow was down on the 4hr, and both pairs were at a resistance level
almost at the same time, pairs had already reached their Average Daily Range on the Asain session, so
it was a no brainer. Shorts were imminent.

Cable was the leading pair, meaning that this was the one falling first. Euro was the lagging pair making
the higher highs, thus the ideal for the nicest entry. If you were looking to short the Cable, this is where
the Optimal trade entry was a good option, instead of pulling the trigger right at resistance.

But of course this is my view, and it’s not always as black and white as it sounds. It’s all about putting all
of your tools together to make the most sense out of them.

Hope that helps.

wrtm_19 #553 May 24, 2017, 9:28pm


I can’t find his old forum post whenI search for his name. Can you be so kind as to repost the tool
here so those of us new to it can have it?

It’s not a particular indicator. If your platform allows it, overlay the second pair on a line chart (calculated
to the close) and watch for divergences at key support/resistance levels. That’s it. If your platform does
not have this option, use Netdania charts available at DailyFx.

Hope that helps.

akeakamai #555 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

I made a “hack” version of the ICT smart money tool. Admittedly not as visually appealing as having
them overlap but in terms of spotting divergence it gets the job done…

ukdave #556 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

For MT4 users, there’s a great little indicator called OverLayChart-MA that replicates the Smart Money
Tool quite nicely. Just Google it and you’ll find it quickly.

Apply it to a EURUSD chart set on a line graph rather than candles.
SubSymbol: GBPUSD
ShowCandles: False
ShowMA: True

(UK inflation numbers @ 0930 GMT… “Be careful out there” :))

thatsrightjack #558 May 25, 2017, 2:09am

Don’t want to jump the gun on MCAWally but the time indicator ICT was referring to in his latest video is
called P4L Clock. I also have an useful indicator that will give you the trading sessions for London, New
York, Tokyo and Sydney in a separate indicator window, it doesn’t overlay on the chart so keeps things
pretty clean, it good for quick reference. Anyway google both P4L Clock mt4 and Market hours mt4 and
you should be able to score both.

system #559 May 25, 2017, 5:48am

They have tripped that first cable stop cluster 1.6090/100 up there and now they are gunning above
I wish cable makes up it’s mind where it want’s to go.

Hordane #560 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm


301 Moved Permanently

Best regards

Thank you, I have no idea how I missed that post!

MCAWally #562 May 25, 2017, 7:18am


Don’t want to jump the gun on MCAWally but the time indicator ICT was referring to in his latest
video is called P4L Clock. I also have an useful indicator that will give you the trading sessions for
London, New York, Tokyo and Sydney in a separate indicator window, it doesn’t overlay on the chart
so keeps things pretty clean, it good for quick reference. Anyway google both P4L Clock mt4 and
Market hours mt4 and you should be able to score both.

Hey m8,
Here’s the link again to PL4 clock in case anyone missed it - P4L Clock.mq4
Maybe ICT could put it on first post, if appropriate.


Hordane #563 May 25, 2017, 7:18am

Here’s the GU short I took last night before the haywire that occurred on GU.

This is 15m chart. At 1 (entry area) I had R1, with confluence of the 78 fib and weekly 23.6 fib. Entry was
at the 72, triggered a little early and price exceeded entry by about 12 pips. Target was near 2 which at
the time was the Daily pivot along with a monthly support line. On 4hr the trend was still lower highs
which was my bias, however I noted that it was not making lower lows which is my reasoning for
targeting the Daily pivot + weekly support zone in case it did not want to make lower lows.

At new day the day the daily ATR pop’ed up and confirmed that the lowest I should target was that
previous day pivot. Total trade 38 pips (r:r 2:1). I wasn’t around for TP or what happened after.

Hordane #564 May 25, 2017, 8:24am

I’ve noticed on the last couple days, and with today’s action, the GU seems to be leaving the short bias
nature. On the 4hr chart I see higher lows and higher highs being created. Does anyone else believe it is
time to anticipate further long moves?
hellogoodbye4201 #565 May 25, 2017, 10:16am


I’ve noticed on the last couple days, and with today’s action, the GU seems to be leaving the short
bias nature. On the 4hr chart I see higher lows and higher highs being created. Does anyone else
believe it is time to anticipate further long moves?

I definitely agree but as of yet I’m not 100% sure which direction to trade so I’ll probably wait until
something proves direction.

Edit, Actually 4hr and 1hr look bullish so maybe it’s time for some longs? I caught part of the long today
but go in late and closed it before I left for class so I didn’t get much out of it. Also took the scalp recently
at a tad above the .618 retracement (1.61538). Price is above the ADR high and it’s around that time of
day when price [I]should[/I] enter back into normal range.

Update on those trades, the first was stopped out at previous month’s high for some profit and the other
was close for a loss of about 2 pips

Hordane #566 May 25, 2017, 10:16am

I forgot to add this picture. A 4hr overlay of the GU and EU (line chart) divergence. With today’s move
you can clearly see the GU is moving to the upside and EU is not (Red GBP/USD, Purple EUR/USD)

The first shown divergence gbp continued to make a new high while EU did not, and then both fell.
Middle divergence the GBP continued making lows while EU did not, then EU fell. Finally we have the
current divergence where GBP broke the bullish trend line while EUR did not. Similar setup with the first
divergence so it could be anticipated for a GBP falling after this huge rally or I think we could anticipate
the EUR rallying with the GBP.

I think both situations should be planned and will need other confluences before we will know.
akeakamai #567 May 25, 2017, 11:04am

I took this trade minutes before going to bed, and after taking a 25 pip loss on a short trade that got
stopped out on that initial break higher into the London open.

my reason for the trade were optimal trade entry confluence at Central pivot and the fact that 4hr market
flow turned bullish on that push upwards before the news release. Also 1.6000 remained strong support
all day up to my point of entry, so I figured the low had been put in for the day. I was watching the Smart
money tool but I’m not really experienced with it so I didn’t use it in my analysis. If there was further
confirmation in the SMT, I’d appreciate someone pointing it out to me!

I was targetting 1.6150 (inst. level) because it was above thursday’s high (which looked significant on
the pullback) and below the 161.8% extension on that London open upswing, and it seemed in line with
Cable’s average daily range potential(~155 pips)

my stop was at 1.5995 (35 pips) and I netted (0.330)+(0.7120)=93 pips

subtract my 25 pip loss and that’s 68 net gain for the day!
Very happy that I used the tools properly, and that they worked out! Caught my first “ICT grade” swing
and it wasn’t as difficult as I thought.

Thanks ICT, your tools work just like you said

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

system #568 May 25, 2017, 11:50am

Very nice trading folks… I’m stoked you are seeing the tools perform for you. I love it!

My blog displays the London Close and Asian Open trades… just scalps nothing superb.
Wednesday night I will post a new PTC video and answer some of the posts and even Shandy’s :eek:


Alishijo #569 May 25, 2017, 1:17pm


Very nice trading folks… I’m stoked you are seeing the tools perform for you. I love it!

My blog displays the London Close and Asian Open trades… just scalps nothing superb.


I took the London close trade aswell as I was working through the morning session. Put up my charts
about an hour before optimal entry and scrambled for my ICT notes! Here is my write up:

Market is overbought as it is trading above it’s ADR High. Time was approx 11am NY time, and 4PM
London. Price set up for Optimal Entry with a confluence of 161.8 extension from the swing low at
10:30am London time (1.6159), and the Mid resistance between R2 and R3 (1.6162). I entered at
1.6157 because it was exactly half way between the 61.8 and 79 lines of optimal entry. Price turned
down at the 79 retracement which came in at 1.6161 (just 4 pips from my entry :D). My stop loss was
placed above the day’s high at 1.6172 so I risked 15 pips with an initial final target of 57 pips (Optimal
Entry swing low to Optimal Entry swing high/day high Fib placement – 1.61.8 extension coming in level
with London morning session’s swing high and the 1.6100 figure), but an initial TP of 32 pips at 1.6125
which was the ADR High Line and just ahead of the 123.6 extension (1.6120). Went to bed after taking
50% off the table at 32 pips. Left it with OCO orders at 1.6162 and 1.6100. Woke up this morning and it
was in the middle of my two OCO order range (neither triggered) with little sign of wanting to fall off to
my initial target. Took the remaining 50% off for just 12 pips.

I have screen shots but not too sure how to paste!

Thank-you ICT, this is my first London session close trade and it felt good, even though it was just a little
tiddly scalp

akeakamai #570 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm

Just woke up from a nap before London open, feels great haha. Try it one and all, the charts pop out at
you after a little shuteye

The ATM method, I get it now! I feel like I’ve been standing at this ATM for the last 3 years, and just
suddently remembered my PIN
shandy #571 May 25, 2017, 1:17pm


Wednesday night I will post a new PTC video and answer some of the posts and even Shandy’s


i am honoured

vonner #572 May 25, 2017, 1:17pm

Hi Guys,

At the risk of being reprimanded for over-trading (which I’m still working on), I just wanna share the two
trades I took last Feb 15.

The first trade I took was a short at 1.6100. Based on my analysis, 1.6100 has been a key S/R point
over the past weeks. In addition to that, it’s an institutional figure and was also in confluence with the
MR2 line. So, although market flow was up, I felt that this was strong enough resistance to warrant a
brief reversal at least. Price then traded sharply down and I took profit at around 1.6020 banking 80 pips.
Reason why I exited the trade was because I realized that the 1.6020 area was actually an optimal entry
for a previous bounce off of 1.6010/1.6000 area which is also a very strong S/R level.

I then took a second trade at this optimal entry and went long at 1.6030. I began seeing some
consolidation around the R2 level so I set my take profit at 1.6130 and bagged 100 pips.

Now I’m refraining from taking any more trades since I’ve hit my weekly target of 80-100 pips. Will still
watch the market though

Bach11 #573 May 25, 2017, 1:57pm


Just a note on my progress and a HUGE THANK YOU. The last month I watched your videos over and
over and over again (especially the first four “so called boring” ones)… boy what a difference it made. As
a direct result, I have started developing two strange phenomena called discipline & patience. I know it’s
early days, but for the last two weeks, I have achieved my weekly target (75 pips) and more. For anyone
struggling, I can only recommend going back to the very beginning and taking it slow…that was the
advice you as mentor gave me…and it worked. Thank you so much.
vonner #574 May 25, 2017, 1:57pm


Thank-you ICT, this is my first London session close trade and it felt good, even though it was just a
little tiddly scalp

I tried to trade this too

However, I set my TP too far expecting it to move closer to the pivot point and went to sleep. I got
stopped out here but I had moved my stop to breakeven so it’s all good

ukdave #575 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm


…The last month I watched your videos over and over and over again (especially the first four “so
called boring” ones)… boy what a difference it made. As a direct result, I have started developing
two strange phenomena called discipline & patience. I know it’s early days, but for the last two
weeks, I have achieved my weekly target (75 pips) and more…

Great post. It’s definitely worth going back to those initial videos from time-to-time and reviewing them
again. I think that the points ICT makes in them don’t just need to be understood, but thoroughly
absorbed so you live and breathe that information in every aspect of trading. This can only be achieved
by repeatedly viewing them.

Those first videos were what marked out this whole ‘system’ (for want of a better word) as different for
me. So often the psychology of trading and so on takes second place to the nuts and bots of actual tools
and strategies. In this system, it’s the foundation on which successful trading is built. If that foundation is
shaky, the whole structure is liable to come crashing down.

The thing is, many people who are new to this thread may be tempted to skip over those first videos in a
rush to get to the ‘meaty’ stuff. Those of us who have followed it from the start were lucky. We had to
wait for each new video so were given the time to review and really think about the content of each
video before the next appeared.

Anyway, great to see the difference that they’ve already made to your trading. Amazing stuff, isn’t it?

shandy #576 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

Been going through the ICT videos etc and whether I could see any of it being applied to today’s price-
action. Referring to the price-action in the elipse on the attachment, at 9am GMT I saw the 1hr and 4hr
showing the flow as down, based on the Fractal method that ICT teaches. On the 15min there were the
following four confluences:

1. Price was at 1.6120 - Institutional level.

2. price was at 61.8 retrace of yesterdays high / low.
3. Price was at yesterdays Pivot.
4. Price above todays Pivot - so in the “Sell Zone”.
5. Price at yesterdays Asian session low

Price then headed down , through the Asian session low to 1.6080 (so 15min flow now down as well
based on the Fractals), and started to retrace. Great I thought, “Optimal Entry” time, looking for entry
between the 61.8 and 76.8 - which was around the 1.6100 area, so another Institutional level. Great I
thought, this must be what ICT is talking about…only for price to head clean through this area and keep
on going.

So, the question is - was my interpretation of events wrong? If so, why…

system #577 May 25, 2017, 4:25pm


Been going through the ICT videos etc and whether I could see any of it being applied to today’s
price-action. Referring to the price-action in the elipse on the attachment, at 9am GMT I saw the 1hr
and 4hr showing the flow as down, based on the Fractal method that ICT teaches. On the 15min
there were the following four confluences:

1. Price was at 1.6120 - Institutional level.

2. price was at 61.8 retrace of yesterdays high / low.
3. Price was at yesterdays Pivot.
4. Price above todays Pivot - so in the “Sell Zone”.
5. Price at yesterdays Asian session low

Price then headed down , through the Asian session low to 1.6080 (so 15min flow now down as well
based on the Fractals), and started to retrace. Great I thought, “Optimal Entry” time, looking for entry
between the 61.8 and 76.8 - which was around the 1.6100 area, so another Institutional level. Great I
thought, this must be what ICT is talking about…only for price to head clean through this area and
keep on going.

So, the question is - was my interpretation of events wrong? If so, why…

Without working with the Wrong or Right labels…

I traded the same setup and it was a bust for me as the Cable rallied up through the Swing high tripping
my stop loss. The sweep under the Asian low was stop raid that admittedly I suspected but rules are
rules and I traded the setup… and the result was a loss. My scalp in the Asian session was breakeven
so I’ve managed to score a net loss for the day. Since I do not have a bias I will sit the rest of the week
out… being content with the net gain on the week.

Shandy you were on track, as it relates to how I trade it… unfortunately I’ve yet to perfect the entire
process. Very good run down though… however, like I mentioned previously… when we are entering the
London Session at or very near the Central Pivot… it’s a real toss up sometimes on the bias. The better
setups are when we enter the London Open in the S1 - S2 or R1 R2 regions as the price has been
“stretched” as we enter a change in sentiment which accompanies session opens and closes.

This is why we use stops and utilize risk management… we will eventually be “Wrong”.


shandy #578 May 25, 2017, 4:59pm


Without working with the Wrong or Right labels…

I traded the same setup and it was a bust for me as the Cable rallied up through the Swing high
tripping my stop loss. The sweep under the Asian low was stop raid that admittedly I suspected but
rules are rules and I traded the setup… and the result was a loss. My scalp in the Asian session was
breakeven so I’ve managed to score a net loss for the day. Since I do not have a bias I will sit the
rest of the week out… being content with the net gain on the week.

Shandy you were on track, as it relates to how I trade it… unfortunately I’ve yet to perfect the entire
process. Very good run down though… however, like I mentioned previously… when we are entering
the London Session at or very near the Central Pivot… it’s a real toss up sometimes on the bias. The
better setups are when we enter the London Open in the S1 - S2 or R1 R2 regions as the price has
been “stretched” as we enter a change in sentiment which accompanies session opens and closes.

This is why we use stops and utilize risk management… we will eventually be “Wrong”.


Thanks for the response ICT - as you say, “Wrong” and “Right” were the wrong words to use. Main
thing is it is good to know I was looking at this in the correct way, and didn’t in fact have my head on
upside down!!

shandy #579 May 25, 2017, 5:00pm

From an educational point of view its interesting how it panned out - the 1hr flow changing to bullish after
the Asian high got broken, price then retracing to test the Asian high (twice), yesterdays Pivot and 50%
retrace before heading up again.

However as price was at this point above todays Pivot, and therefore in the Sell Zone, would you have
considered a long?

ClarkFX #580 May 25, 2017, 5:36pm

It seems like the daily, 4H and 1H market flow was bullish until it hit some resistance (1.6185), which like
ICT stated, trumps market flow, so my assumption tells me that the market bias would be bearish. So
would it be a good time to look for short oppurtunities?


dkm888 #581 May 24, 2017, 11:03am

Hi Michael,
Awesome thread, great information. I have been a follower for some time, but never really had the nerve
to post anything as your method and style always seems to be so far above where I am at this point. At
any rate, I have been interested in learning to tackle the 15-Minute timeframe for quite some time
despite all the advice I have received from a number of people telling me that it is a long-term losing

The reason I am writing to you now is the fact that I have been trying to download the MT4 ICT Daily
Pivot Macro from the Trader Resources section, but for some reason the link appears to be broken as
there is not MT4 file but just a WordPad with nothing readable in it. I was wondering if you could take a
look at some point when you spare a few moments.

Thanks again and keep trying to enlighten all of us newbies!

MCAWally #582 May 24, 2017, 3:33pm


Hi Michael,

Awesome thread, great information. I have been a follower for some time, but never really had the
nerve to post anything as your method and style always seems to be so far above where I am at this
point. At any rate, I have been interested in learning to tackle the 15-Minute timeframe for quite some
time despite all the advice I have received from a number of people telling me that it is a long-term
losing proposition.

The reason I am writing to you now is the fact that I have been trying to download the MT4 ICT Daily
Pivot Macro from the Trader Resources section, but for some reason the link appears to be broken
as there is not MT4 file but just a WordPad with nothing readable in it. I was wondering if you could
take a look at some point when you spare a few moments.

Thanks again and keep trying to enlighten all of us newbies!

I just tried it and the links fine, you should get a page up from 4shared.com then press “Download Now”
which opens another page which counts down from 20 then hit download to get “PivotDailyMacro.ex4”.

To Shandy: I got hammered this week following the flow too. Bugga. :mad:


dkm888 #583 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm

I just tried it and the links fine, you should get a page up from 4shared.com then press “Download
Now” which opens another page which counts down from 20 then hit download to get

To Shandy: I got hammered this week following the flow too. Bugga. :mad:


Hi MCAWally,

Perhaps I did not explain myself very clearly. The link to download from the 4shared website is indeed
fine; however, the file that downloads is clearly not. It is a WordPad with nothing readable in it. That is
the problem. Try to download it and see what happens.

If someone else has downloaded this indicator successfully and could attach it here, that would be much


apmonster #584 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm

Hi dkm88,

the ex4 files are just the compiled versions of the indicators.
If you save that file into the experts\indicators subfolder of your mt4 installation, and restart mt4, it
should work fine.

Let me know how you go.

P.S. Are you a dropkick murphys fan by any chance?

dkm888 #585 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm


Hi dkm88,

the ex4 files are just the compiled versions of the indicators.
If you save that file into the experts\indicators subfolder of your mt4 installation, and restart mt4, it
should work fine.

Let me know how you go.

P.S. Are you a dropkick murphys fan by any chance?

Hello apmonster,

O.K., this is turning into a saga and takes away from the purpose of this thread. I do know that the file
from the 4shared website is a compiled file. I mean, come on, that much I am familiar with. The problem,
once again, is AFTER you download the file. When you try to open it, instead of having a “functioning”
.ex4 file, for lack of a better word, you will have a WordPad with some unreadable staff in it. At least, that
is what is happening to me.

That is why I suggested someone attach it in a reply to resolve this quickly.

I have no idea who/what dropkickmurphys is/are…

akeakamai #586 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

[B]ICT[/B], I’ve been noticing that your scalps (talking the London close and Asian session trades) make
quite the filler in your trading profits. I can’t really participate in these trades because of my work
schedule (except Sunday’s asian session), but based on your experience, would being available for the
London/NY open swing trades be enough to consistently bring in 50-75pips per week? Or perhaps are
there some weeks where the scalps are the only opportunities to get your weekly objective?

Thanks for your help.

after this last video I feel really obliged to help you out with my username

the short version “ake” is really easy to say, just ay-kay (as in AK-47 since it looks like you like guns lol)

apmonster #587 May 24, 2017, 9:29pm

Hi again dkm88,
Don’t try to OPEN the file, you just need to COPY it into the experts\indicators folder in your MT4
installation directory, then restart M4.

I have tried to upload it, but it won’t let me. Perhaps someone else could help out.

MCAWally #588 May 24, 2017, 7:43pm


Hi MCAWally,
Perhaps I did not explain myself very clearly. The link to download from the 4shared website is
indeed fine; however, the file that downloads is clearly not. It is a WordPad with nothing readable in
it. That is the problem. Try to download it and see what happens.

If someone else has downloaded this indicator successfully and could attach it here, that would be
much appreciated.


Sorry, I didn’t explain myself clearly, I actually downloaded the file from the link just as i said and
checked it, it all works fine so I have no idea why you’re having problems.
I’ve set up another link of the file here PivotDailyMacro.ex4
Also here again is a link to P4L clock P4L Clock.mq4


georgewhite #589 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

i am the guy from utube who asked u about the pivots. finally i got the time to dig in properly and got a
grip to detail it. things are straightened out and running the way they r supposed to.
its incredible that a trader of yr caliber is willing to share courteously.
there r people who promote gimmicks and charge for it, do i know myself.
after a year in trying all things out i can tell that the value and knowledge of yr tutorials are priceless.
gonna watch them couple times to get better feel and b able to construct viable questions if i shall ask
them then.
thx again

shandy #590 May 24, 2017, 11:04pm


its incredible that a trader of yr caliber is willing to share courteously.

there r people who promote gimmicks and charge for it, do i know myself.
after a year in trying all things out i can tell that the value and knowledge of yr tutorials are priceless.
gonna watch them couple times to get better feel and b able to construct viable questions if i shall
ask them then.
thx again

It is quite incredible isn’t it. When ICT first showed up there was suspicion that he was just another in a
long line of vagabonds out to snare some unsuspecting newbies to try and get some money out of them.
But turns out he’s in fact the genuine article, an all round good guy who just wants to help and share his
incredible experience - which was I think unheard of till now in this game!! Hats off to you ICT, and dare I
say it - GLGT!!
georgewhite #591 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

hi shandy
did u see or take today? just watched it,but worked out in plus around 7:15 gmt,GU

shandy #592 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm


hi shandy
did u see or take today? just watched it,but worked out in plus around 7:15 gmt,GU

Hi george, just observing today as still piecing all this together. Noted at 9:15 GMT what I saw as a
possible long based on:

1. Flows all long on the 1hr, 4hr and Daily

2. 61.8 retrace of todays price extremes
3. Re-test of Asian session high after breakout
4. Re-test of weekly high after breakout
5. Around the 1.6180 Institutional level

However, price was above the Pivot so not in the “Buy Zone”, so not sure whether it would be counted
as a valid trade. Also news was coming at 9:30, which obviously helped the long trade, but thats only in
hindsight of course - trading around that time would have been a no no!!

Price right now has retraced to the 76.8 of the last swing, so is this an optimal entry? Still got space
above to the 1.271 and 1.618 extensions / R2 / ADR High so lets see what happens…
dkm888 #593 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

Hi MCAWally,

Thanks for the new links and the files. I think I have located the issue with the PivotDailyMacro. The P4L
Clock file downloads just fine because it is a .mq4 file. The PivotDailyMacro file, however, does not open
because it is a .ex4 file. I believe this should also be a .mq4 file. Therefore, if you could find some time
to post a link to a .mq4 file, this should be resolved, finally! Thanks again for your help.

apmonster #594 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm


Hi MCAWally,

Thanks for the new links and the files. I think I have located the issue with the PivotDailyMacro. The
P4L Clock file downloads just fine because it is a .mq4 file. The PivotDailyMacro file, however, does
not open because it is a .ex4 file. I believe this should also be a .mq4 file. Therefore, if you could find
some time to post a link to a .mq4 file, this should be resolved, finally! Thanks again for your help.

Hi dkm88,

This is what I was trying to explain to you earlier.

As I said, the ex4 files are the compiled versions of the raw code in the mq4 files. MT4 will automatically
convert an mq4 file to ex4 at runtime. Some indicator authors only distribute ex4 files because they don’t
want the mql code made public.

Just save the file into you experts\indicators folder. There is no need to open anything.

Good luck.

dkm888 #595 May 25, 2017, 12:35am


Hi dkm88,

This is what I was trying to explain to you earlier.

As I said, the ex4 files are the compiled versions of the raw code in the mq4 files. MT4 will
automatically convert an mq4 file to ex4 at runtime. Some indicator authors only distribute ex4 files
because they don’t want the mql code made public.

Just save the file into you experts\indicators folder. There is no need to open anything.

Good luck.

Ahh, better late than never, as the saying goes. I saw the light (!) apmonster, you were correct. It is
working fine. Thanks for your help.

apmonster #596 May 25, 2017, 12:35am

No probs, glad you got it in the end mate

shandy #597 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm

Price right now has retraced to the 76.8 of the last swing, so is this an optimal entry? Still got space
above to the 1.271 and 1.618 extensions / R2 / ADR High so lets see what happens…

And there it is at the 1.271. Monthly high at 1.6276, which is also ADR high, so may well make a move
to that during NY…

Edit: Looks like the market ran out of steam and people decided to take profit instead. Here’s to

Jaroon #598 May 25, 2017, 2:09am

Hail ICT I’m a fully paid up follower (well I would be if it wasn’t free:D) of your methods.

I’m a great one for check lists and this is a check list of the perfect ICT type trade. Please have a look
over it folks as I may have the odd concept back to front and missed some points. No particular order
except the first couple of points.

Example for a SHORT GU set up:

1.Check/note S/R levels, actual then implied- previous daily, weekly, monthly Hs/Ls. Actual drawn S/R
levels by observation, session Hs/Ls, institutional levels. Fibs, pivots.
2. Market flow down on daily, 4hr and 1hr.

3.Swing high retracment around London open or NY open (minimum 40 pips) to between 62% and 79%
fib level. Price above the daily mid pivot (sell zone).

4.C.O.T is net long for USD and net short GBP. Commercials

5.O.I decreasing on USD and increasing on GBP. This signal is valid after down move in G/U followed
by consolidaton, then O.I. decrease is usd bullish.

6. US Bond yeilds up.

7. Sentiment guaged by Williams’ Percent range set at 14, over brought,ie between zero and -20 (not
sure about this one).

8.I think as we’re trading a strong trend here I don’t want to see divergence with the EU, correct?

9.US dollar index bullish.

Obviously we’re not going to see all these confluences at once:D but for theoretical purposes what have
I missed (Michaels’ principle only) and what have I mixed up?

Thanks so much for this thread Micheal I feel very lucky to have caught it just at the right time in my
trading education.

One question for you Micheal, I know S/R trumps market flow but all S/R levels are not created equal.
You regularly use mid pivots and yesterday R3 which I assumed (I should never assume) would be
weaker than full pivots, institutional levels and even market flow. Do you have favoured S/R levels or do
you try to watch what price is doing around all these potential S/R levels?

Long post sorry:o

georgewhite #599 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

sure i agree,
i guess we r at the point ‘‘what to look at’’…the funny thing about fx is,there is so much we can look at
and pay attention to. its just the right combo we choose that works for us,

regarding when u mentioned the pivot and trade to it or of it.

i ll try to attach 2xpics, but as i am new in the blog dont know if they allow me to//i ll try//.
yesterday intraday high //shooting star 1.6145//,R turned into S to the pip, i threw it on 15 m and with
that hammer? the level got noticed. and from there to me its about taking chances //fib from yest low few
pips to 38.2, we can find few things that coincides//,same with breaking asian high,R turned into S, price
came back to kiss it to carry on //news boosted it though-keeping it trending// ,bewaring the daily R is
just in front of us… just sitting lately trying to incorporate the ict’s knowledge, choosing the right combo
of flavors to snatch my cake from the market, i hope beside its friday, maybe a bit reserved for this
day and totally agree with the news to sit it out.
looking forward to read all contributions on this blog to learn more.
hope i dont sound as a smart alec, but if i do i shut up and will just watch
regards to all

shandy #600 May 25, 2017, 7:18am


sure i agree,
i guess we r at the point ‘‘what to look at’’…the funny thing about fx is,there is so much we can look
at and pay attention to. its just the right combo we choose that works for us,

regarding when u mentioned the pivot and trade to it or of it.

i ll try to attach 2xpics, but as i am new in the blog dont know if they allow me to//i ll try//.
yesterday intraday high //shooting star 1.6145//,R turned into S to the pip, i threw it on 15 m and with
that hammer? the level got noticed. and from there to me its about taking chances //fib from yest low
few pips to 38.2, we can find few things that coincides//,same with breaking asian high,R turned into
S, price came back to kiss it to carry on //news boosted it though-keeping it trending// ,bewaring the
daily R is just in front of us… just sitting lately trying to incorporate the ict’s knowledge, choosing the
right combo of flavors to snatch my cake from the market, i hope beside its friday, maybe a bit
reserved for this day and totally agree with the news to sit it out.
looking forward to read all contributions on this blog to learn more.
hope i dont sound as a smart alec, but if i do i shut up and will just watch
regards to all

Yeah nice pics George, nice check-list as well!! My main question is with regards tp the Pivot i.e. doesn
price HAVE to be in the Sell Zone or a Sell, and vice versa - if not, when does it not matter?

ukdave #601 May 25, 2017, 8:24am


Yeah nice pics George, nice check-list as well!! My main question is with regards tp the Pivot i.e.
doesn price HAVE to be in the Sell Zone or a Sell, and vice versa - if not, when does it not matter?

This is my take on it:

No, price doesn’t HAVE to be in the right buy or sell zone to make a trade. But…

If you’re going long and the price is in the buy zone, or if you’re going short and the price is in the sell
zone, you have additional weight to support your trading decision. It becomes a higher probability trade.

If the market flow is very positive in one direction or another, I will give less weight to buy and sell zones.
So if directional bias is strongly upwards, I won’t worry so much about going long if the price is in the sell
zone, just as long as everything else looks in place for a high-probablity trade (s/r levels, optimal entry
etc). Bear in mind that once breached, pivot resistance levels (R1/MR1 etc) can become support. Vice-
versa for pivot support levels.

If the market flow is less clear (and this has been the case quite a lot lately), I will give a lot more
credence to buy and sell zones. A lot more. To be honest, unless I’m very confident of the market’s
directional bias, I will only buy in buy zone and sell in sell zone. I’m not saying that this is a ‘must do’
though… it’s based on my level of confidence in using the tools at this stage of my development.

In one video, ICT referred to trades as being either ‘trend trades’ or ‘pivot trades’. This is really my
interpretation of what he meant by that.

By the way, this is my understanding only and definitely not an authoritative answer! Be happy to
hear others’ thoughts.

shandy #602 May 25, 2017, 9:22am


This is my take on it:

No, price doesn’t HAVE to be in the right buy or sell zone to make a trade. But…
If you’re going long and the price is in the buy zone, or if you’re going short and the price is in the sell
zone, you have additional weight to support your trading decision. It becomes a higher probability

If the market flow is very posititve in one direction or another, I will give less weight to buy and sell
zones. So if directional bias is strongly upwards, I won’t worry so much about going long if the price
was in the sell zone, just as long as everything else looks in place for a high-probablity trade (s/r
levels, optimal entry etc).

If the market flow was less clear (and this has been the case quite a lot lately), I would give a lot
more credence to buy and sell zones. To be honest, I would only trade within them unless I’m very
confident of the market’s directional bias.

In one video, ICT referred to trades as being either ‘trend trades’ or ‘pivot trades’. This is really my
interpretation of what he meant by that.

Byt the way, this is my understanding only and definitely not an authoritative answer! Be happy to
hear others’ thoughts.

Yes that sounds good Dave, and was pretty much what I was thinking. Did you take any trades today?

ukdave #603 May 25, 2017, 10:15am


Yes that sounds good Dave, and was pretty much what I was thinking. Did you take any trades

Hi Shandy

No I’ve been out most of the day and generally try to avoid Fridays anyway. Looks like a good long
opportunity earlier though, once price had settled after that news release. Just looking at the charts now,
I did notice a strong divergence with EURUSD from about 0730 to 1200 GMT. Then Euro rocketed up
nearly 100 pips.

georgewhite #604 May 25, 2017, 8:24am

‘‘If the market flow is very positive in one direction or another, I will give less weight to buy and sell
zones. So if directional bias is strongly upwards, I won’t worry so much about going long if the price is in
the sell zone, just as long as everything else looks in place for a high-probablity trade (s/r levels, optimal
entry etc). Bear in mind that once breached, pivot resistance levels (R1/MR1 etc) can become support.
Vice-versa for pivot support levels.’’

my opinion as well
georgewhite #605 May 25, 2017, 10:15am

dont really know how to quote yet

nice weekend to all

TheSimpleMan #606 May 25, 2017, 11:05am

this is a really great messageboard and the resources all free is unparallel in my searching for
understandable teaching and not a lot of hard terms and hard to follow commentary. Im very glad Clint
gave me a link to this messageboard the videos are awesome and it looks like it has brought together a
bunch of really nice people with a good heart to help others like ICT is doing. Thank you Babypips and
ICT for these lessons its really appriciated and has helped me with a lot of my goals. The ICT videos
makes a lot of sense and I dont claim to be a bright guy only high school and a day job but I think this is
really nice of a person to pour so much effort into helping without nothing but a thanks in return. Thats a
rare thing todays time. Im just glad is all. I made a profit on demo account today and it was 25 pips and
its really got me excited if this is all I have to do once a week to double my money. Heck in 10 years I
cold really see some mula if it grows. I cant spend a lot of time and 25 pips was no trouble to make
today like the video teached 7 am I looked for buy area and it went right up and got my exit on 25 pips. I
cant smile enough thanks is all really thanks

LS1 #607 May 25, 2017, 11:50am

A quick question for you, ICT. I’ve made little numbers to index the areas of interest here.

1: It’s Friday, and NY is about to close. It will reach S2 in that time and have a bit of time to react after it.
I place a pending order to sell at #2.

2: Rough location of sell order.

3: Around this area (a bit above ms2) I set the order to take profit.
The logic being that price often bounces off pivots, coupled with the fact that it’s Friday and everyone
wants to get out of their open positions before the weekend. I ended up bagging an easy ~25 pips off it.
Is this a smart trade, one that will often be a winner, or am I missing something?


Jaroon #608 May 25, 2017, 12:34pm

1: It’s Friday, and NY is about to close. It will reach S2 in that time and have a bit of time to react after it.
I place a pending order to sell at #2.

2: Rough location of sell order.

3: Around this area (a bit above ms2) I set the order to take profit.

The logic being that price often bounces off pivots, coupled with the fact that it’s Friday and everyone
wants to get out of their open positions before the weekend. I ended up bagging an easy ~25 pips off it.
Is this a smart trade, one that will often be a winner, or am I missing something?


Well played LS1 I tried that one but had my S/L too tight above R2 and thought it would be a real low
risk opportunity following London close, I only allowed about 10 pips to S/L which was a bit silly and got
hit. Nice exit aswell mate as price hit MR2 and then bouced back to R2 at the end of the day. Odd that?
So even if I’d not hit my stop I might not have exited until R1. (More than 30 pips, Greedy me).

hellogoodbye4201 #609 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm


A quick question for you, ICT. I’ve made little numbers to index the areas of interest here.

1: It’s Friday, and NY is about to close. It will reach S2 in that time and have a bit of time to react
after it. I place a pending order to sell at #2.
2: Rough location of sell order.

3: Around this area (a bit above ms2) I set the order to take profit.

The logic being that price often bounces off pivots, coupled with the fact that it’s Friday and everyone
wants to get out of their open positions before the weekend. I ended up bagging an easy ~25 pips off
it. Is this a smart trade, one that will often be a winner, or am I missing something?


You’re brave! There are quite a few things that could go wrong that close to the markets close but still a
good trade :p. Where was your stop?


Thanks for posting those times to look for trades ICT, I think that will really help me out both in finding
the correct trades and in over trading which is something I’m still working on.

LS1 #610 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm

Stop was about 12 pips above my order.

akeakamai #611 May 25, 2017, 1:58pm

I checked the cftc’s CoT weekly report and noticed the GBP commercials nearly doubled their net short
position to ~66,000 contracts. Looking at that chart from your CoT video, I noticed the “smart money”
commercial traders haven’t been this short in as far back as your chart shows (to 2008).

Now I know this doesn’t mean the market’s going to turn on a dime, especially since the data is 3 days
old already, but if the smart money really is [B]smart[/B] money then they must have some good reasons
to believe the price is going to fall in the near future.

so my idea to use this, is to wait for williams%R (market sentiment for free ) to start falling and
looking for short swings, knowing that I’m being backed by the bias of the commercial “smart money”.

how does that sound?

Sweet_Pip #612 May 25, 2017, 9:22am

That’s exactly what I thought too…only starting last week…lol. However like you commented, it doesn’t
turn on a dime and last week still presented more long opps than short. But now that they’re even more
bearish and a major resistance of 1.6300 area is only 70ish pips away, I’ve got a pending short order
there anyways. It’s a 12mon rolling high, and a swing high from back in Oct/Nov.

Sounds good to me too.

system #613 May 25, 2017, 11:05am


… a major resistance of 1.6300 area … I’ve got a pending short order there anyways.

Is your pending short order structure [Limit] Sell Order/Buy Stop Order [S/L] Barrier Option “proofed” ?

Because they will play the “double-no-touch (DNT)” structure 1.6300 game up there with a Price keeping
operations (PKO) to defend 1.6300 price level.

One part to the trade will want it higher and the other will want it lower 1.6300 at a particular strike. One
pip above/below decides the contest.

Sweet_Pip #614 May 25, 2017, 11:50am


Is your pending short order structure [Limit] Sell Order/Buy Stop Order [S/L] Barrier Option “proofed”

Because they will play the “double-no-touch (DNT)” structure 1.6300 game up there with a Price
keeping operations (PKO) to defend 1.6300 price level.

One part to the trade will want it higher and the other will want it lower 1.6300 at a particular strike.
One pip above/below decides the contest.

Ok…lol…we haven’t covered that yet. Isn’t that an Options or Futures strategy? Double No-Touch
Option Definition

My chart actually only has it going to 1.6297…no touch 1.6300 barrier (resistance)…is that kinda what
DNT means?

What do you mean by “proofed”?..like a strategic stop placement? My stop is 30 pips above at 1.6330
which is above the institutional 20.
system #615 May 25, 2017, 12:35pm


Ok…lol…we haven’t covered that yet. Isn’t that an Options or Futures strategy?

The spot price is not immune because the options exerting a magnetic force on strike price (in this case
1.6300), Sweet Pip.

My chart actually only has it going to 1.6297…no touch 1.6300 barrier (resistance)…is that kinda
what DNT means?

It touched, Sweet Pip. You forgot the spread.

DNT pays the owner a multiple of his premium if prices stay within the proscribed parameters during the
life of the option.

For example a 1.6300 DNT structure…the owner of the option wants price to touch 1.6300 and may buy
GBPUSD to touch 1.6300 [1.6297 +Spread :-)] a second time.

The bank that sold the option will want to push prices away to avoid having to pay-out on the options
structure. They failed the first time but the owner needs a second touch to get the money.

So, this time the banks will try harder defending 1.6300. When you look at your charts you can tell Price
keeping operations (PKO) has started, already.

What do you mean by “proofed”?..like a strategic stop placement? My stop is 30 pips above at
1.6330 which is above the institutional 20.

You need to make sure your order get’s filled first touch/no touch because that is when the level will get
sold off.

But you don’t want to be early because they will suck you into their PKO with Bids underneath from the
owners of the option structure. So you will get jigsawed and that is not low risk and a likely hazard to
your nerves.

Also, the breakout crowd is sitting up there with Bids and S/L underneath that level. They will feed into
the jigsaw as well.

akeakamai #616 May 25, 2017, 12:35pm

This is all starting to become really clear for me. When you have the tools that you know work
consistently, it’s very easy to spot all the problems (in your head usually) that are actually causing your
losses. I guess this is pretty typical, but I think what I was doing is taking a bunch of crappy setups
because I didn’t have the patience to wait for the good setups. It’s not that I don’t know a good setup
when I see it, or what a bad one looks like, but I just think I should be trading “something” so I’ll take
whatever comes up first. and some nights I’ll have the patience, but the days where you don’t can eat
into those profits so quickly it hurts! So [B]consistent[/B] patience is what I’ll be working on this
week(month/year?) and to help me out I’ll be targeting an all new [B]low[/B] profit objective of [B]25-

This last week I was up 38pips at one point and in the red by the end of the week! What a waste eh?

Another thing this will force me to do is accept losses as “normal business operations”. My good trades
will be netting me 80-120 pips so I know I’ll have some room for a loss or two or three. I noticed some of
the best setups often look the scariest, so I think this will give me an edge there…

looking forward to next week’s ICT vids, always learn something new when I watch them

and in case anyone cared, I’ll be risking ~1% on each trade setup, so nothing flashy there either

Alishijo #617 May 25, 2017, 11:04am


It’s a 12mon rolling high, and a swing high from back in Oct/Nov.

Akeakamai and Sweet Pip,

That is where I’m at too. And if you want to throw USD Index into the mix then you can see that there is
strong support (rising trendline) on a weekly chart, and Optimal Entry once again coming in on the Daily
chart (I say once again because if you draw a Fib from Nov 5th 2010 low to Jan 10th 2011 High on a D
chart, we had the 79% retracement test/bounce on Feb 2nd. Now draw a Fib from that low to a high on
Feb 16th, and you will see that we are now just over the 61.8% retracement with a little room to run
before the 79% level.)

system #618 May 25, 2017, 11:05am

Curious as to where most of you are… please sound off. What are you searching for… “right now”?

New PTC video uploading as I type this post as well

hellogoodbye4201 #619 May 25, 2017, 12:35pm


Curious as to where most of you are… please sound off. What are you searching for… “right now”?

New PTC video uploading as I type this post as well


More about profit objectives would be nice, I find it hard to know which method I should use. 1.27, 1.618,
100% of the swing.
Determining trade direction bias
Or trailing stops, I’m still not 100% sure as to where and when a stop should be moved

Now time to watch the new video

system #620 May 25, 2017, 12:34pm

just got done watching the new video , another great one like always! and it did give a new tip/trick to
look for this week which was keeping a close eye on the session opens and post what we see, so
thanks for that !

georgewhite #621 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm

impossible one /probably/,some chart/s that might give the direction of the $ strong/weak a step
//hour/s// ahead so i can take advantage of EU GU ,would the ‘‘intraday’’ interest rate that u showed in a
vid before, do the job ?///u said to have that chart lines smooth for intra day u d have to pay for the
service stockcharts.com/// cant tell really for the intraday part as i am not paying for that services yet
kind regards

system #622 May 24, 2017, 1:12pm

Quick PTC tip… when viewing the videos… as soon as it loads on Youtube and begins to play hit the
“Pause” button and wait 90 seconds then play it and there will be no stops and buffering during the

GLGV [Good Luck & Good Viewing]

georgewhite #623 May 24, 2017, 3:33pm

very good vid,thx

system #624 May 25, 2017, 1:17pm


More about profit objectives would be nice, I find it hard to know which method I should use. 1.27,
1.618, 100% of the swing.
Determining trade direction bias
Or trailing stops, I’m still not 100% sure as to where and when a stop should be moved

Now time to watch the new video

I would take 30% off at 30 pips… 30% at 100% of the swing your Fib is drawn from… and let the
remaining ride for the 127% split the rest at 127% and “reach” for the 162% with a stop just under
127%… that’s one way of skinning that cat.

As for directional bias… I have a couple of tips for you on the next PTC installment. How would you like
to know with pretty good odds what the Low or High of the day will be before the European Session
even opens? How’s that for tips?

Stay tuned folks… we’re entering the “Elite Zone” lol


system #625 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm


very good vid,thx

My pleasure George

Jack_B_PIP #626 May 25, 2017, 12:35pm


Curious as to where most of you are… please sound off. What are you searching for… “right now”?

I’m not a user of MT4. I use GFT Dealbook. Right now…I’m seaching for the “excel pivot worksheet for
non-mt4 users”.
Thank you very much for all the info and examples. This has really helped me learn a lot!!!

LS1 #627 May 25, 2017, 12:35pm

Thanks for going over my trade. The information is well received.

hellogoodbye4201 #630 May 25, 2017, 1:57pm


I would take 30% off at 30 pips… 30% at 100% of the swing your Fib is drawn from… and let the
remaining ride for the 127% split the rest at 127% and “reach” for the 162% with a stop just under
127%… that’s one way of skinning that cat.

As for directional bias… I have a couple of tips for you on the next PTC installment. How would you
like to know with pretty good odds what the Low or High of the day will be before the European
Session even opens? How’s that for tips?

Stay tuned folks… we’re entering the “Elite Zone” lol


I like this post!

ICT, my current weekly goal is 50 pips but I have a question. I take X amount off at +30, and lets say Y
amount at lets say 60 pips. Would you say that was a 60 pip gain? A 90 pip gain? Or, an average of the
profit taking? Such as 50% off at +30 and 50% off at +60 = an average gain of 45 pips? Sorry if that’s a
little confusing lol I’m just wondering what I should consider 50 pips
system #631 May 25, 2017, 2:38pm


I like this post!

ICT, my current weekly goal is 50 pips but I have a question. I take X amount off at +30, and lets say
Y amount at lets say 60 pips. Would you say that was a 60 pip gain? A 90 pip gain? Or, an average
of the profit taking? Such as 50% off at +30 and 50% off at +60 = an average gain of 45 pips? Sorry
if that’s a little confusing lol I’m just wondering what I should consider 50 pips

Thought you’d like that teaser… you will find it quite interesting to say the least.

As for the pips… well if you are hunting 50 pips as a net gain for the week… you simply need to
determine what your max risk you would take on if this was obtained by one trade. Lets assume it is one
mini lot… you are looking to net $50.00 USD for the week. This will be averaged out of scaling out on
trades… do not get hung up on pip and chip counting per trade. Just take what the trade gives you and
work towards the net gain, whatever that is for you personal equity and risk appetite.

You should select trades that can potentially pay this weekly goal in one swing… by doing so even if the
trade fails to pay out the weekly goal… it will still have you collecting pips in the right direction. I allow,
even still, my weekly goal to be harvested over three seperate trades over the entire week… yes… three
trades. I can get it on one… but I have realistic standards and because of it… my ego and emotions are
completely detached. The results speak for themselves… it works.

Hope that helps…


hellogoodbye4201 #632 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm


Thought you’d like that teaser… you will find it quite interesting to say the least.

As for the pips… well if you are hunting 50 pips as a net gain for the week… you simply need to
determine what your max risk you would take on if this was obtained by one trade. Lets assume it is
one mini lot… you are looking to net $50.00 USD for the week. This will be averaged out of scaling
out on trades… do not get hung up on pip and chip counting per trade. Just take what the trade
gives you and work towards the net gain, whatever that is for you personal equity and risk appetite.

You should select trades that can potentially pay this weekly goal in one swing… by doing so even if
the trade fails to pay out the weekly goal… it will still have you collecting pips in the right direction. I
allow, even still, my weekly goal to be harvested over three seperate trades over the entire week…
yes… three trades. I can get it on one… but I have realistic standards and because of it… my ego
and emotions are completely detached. The results speak for themselves… it works.

Hope that helps…


ICT I remember you mentioning something like the high or low of the day is created by a certain time but
I don’t remember what time that was or what video was it in. From what I remember the high or low of
the day is created before the end of the london session is that correct?

Alishijo #633 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm

OK, now that I have shaken off my dumb-ass early Monday mind (Monday Pivots are calculated from
Thursday Midnight to Sunday Midnight, right? I think ICT said Friday midnight which confused me into
believing my Pivots should be based on those Sunday ones alone!) I think I can answer your question,

It is in the thread somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it either. ICT said midnight to 4am EST would
make the high or low of the day 9 times out of 10. I decided to back test this rule and found it to be a
little less accurate in January, but spot on the money if you extended the parameters to 5am EST. I also
tested for a random month last summer, and overall I came to the conclusion that ‘The high for the day
is made within the 5 hours from midnight EST to 5am EST [B][U]75%[/U][/B] of the time’. Hope this
helps. EDIT: Found it! Page 39, Post #388 was my original post…you will find ICT’s reply and other info.
around that area. Sorry I can’t help with the video link.

hellogoodbye4201 #634 May 25, 2017, 4:24pm


OK, now that I have shaken off my dumb-ass early Monday mind (Monday Pivots are calculated
from Thursday Midnight to Sunday Midnight, right? I think ICT said Friday midnight which confused
me into believing my Pivots should be based on those Sunday ones alone!) I think I can answer your
question, hellogoodbye201.

It is in the thread somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it either. ICT said midnight to 4am EST would
make the high or low of the day 9 times out of 10. I decided to back test this rule and found it to be a
little less accurate in January, but spot on the money if you extended the parameters to 5am EST. I
also tested for a random month last summer, and overall I came to the conclusion that ‘The high for
the day is made within the 5 hours from midnight EST to 5am EST [B][U]75%[/U][/B] of the time’.
Hope this helps. EDIT: Found it! Page 39, Post #388 was my original post…you will find ICT’s reply
and other info. around that area. Sorry I can’t help with the video link.
Thanks, that’s all I needed to know

akeakamai #635 May 25, 2017, 4:25pm


OK, now that I have shaken off my dumb-ass early Monday mind (Monday Pivots are calculated
from Thursday Midnight to Sunday Midnight, right? I think ICT said Friday midnight which confused
me into believing my Pivots should be based on those Sunday ones alone!) I think I can answer your
question, hellogoodbye201.

It is in the thread somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it either. ICT said midnight to 4am EST would
make the high or low of the day 9 times out of 10. I decided to back test this rule and found it to be a
little less accurate in January, but spot on the money if you extended the parameters to 5am EST. I
also tested for a random month last summer, and overall I came to the conclusion that ‘The high for
the day is made within the 5 hours from midnight EST to 5am EST [B][U]75%[/U][/B] of the time’.
Hope this helps. EDIT: Found it! Page 39, Post #388 was my original post…you will find ICT’s reply
and other info. around that area. Sorry I can’t help with the video link.

What about if that low was broken, but not by more than 10pips, in which you could theoretically still be
in on a trade even though the market makes a new high/low, assuming you’re using the 10+ rule on your
optimal trade entries…

ukdave #636 May 25, 2017, 12:34pm


Curious as to where most of you are… please sound off.

Right now still battling with my overtrading demons! Getting there though… when I hold back and only
hit on what I see as high probability trades, the results speak for themselves. Like last week, I made five
trades, won four and came in 140 pips up. So very happy with the way things are going overall.


What are you searching for… “right now”?

Just more time and practice. Further development of good old patience and discipline. The only thing
that’s holding me back is myself, not lack of tools. If you stopped this thread exactly where it is now, I’m
convinced that there’s more than enough here to create consistent profitability (if applied properly).

Great video by the way. Got a lot out of that one.

georgewhite #637 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm

‘‘As for directional bias… I have a couple of tips for you on the next PTC installment. How would you like
to know with pretty good odds what the Low or High of the day will be before the European Session
even opens? How’s that for tips?
Stay tuned folks… we’re entering the “Elite Zone” lol’’

pls let it rain on us also how we could take full advantage of it, sure we talk probabilities

pls anybody can tell me how to do the quoting with the blue square and quotes?
what does PTC installment stands for?
thx to anybody who will shed the light on that :-)))

system #638 May 25, 2017, 12:36pm


What do you mean by “proofed”?..like a strategic stop placement? My stop is 30 pips above at
1.6330 which is above the institutional 20.

Sweet Pip, they are stone walling the offers up there @1.6270 with their stops further up.

Just be careful.

ukdave #639 May 25, 2017, 2:38pm


pls anybody can tell me how to do the quoting with the blue square and quotes?
what does PTC installment stands for?
thx to anybody who will shed the light on that :-)))

Hi George

See at the bottom of every post, on the right of that grey band, there’s ‘Reply With Quote’? Just click on

PTC = Pro Traders Club.

Alishijo #640 May 25, 2017, 2:39pm


‘‘As for directional bias… I have a couple of tips for you on the next PTC installment. How would you
like to know with pretty good odds what the Low or High of the day will be before the European
Session even opens? How’s that for tips?
Stay tuned folks… we’re entering the “Elite Zone” lol’’

pls let it rain on us also how we could take full advantage of it, sure we talk probabilities

pls anybody can tell me how to do the quoting with the blue square and quotes?
what does PTC installment stands for?
thx to anybody who will shed the light on that :-)))

It’s easy georgewhite, under the message you want to quote it says ‘Reply’ and ‘Reply with quote’. Hit
‘Reply with quote’ and write what you want to write after the last [/QUOTE] mark.

PTC stands for Pro Traders Club and he is referring to the PTC video update at the bottom of the first

georgewhite #641 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm


I would take 30% off at 30 pips… 30% at 100% of the swing your Fib is drawn from… and let the
remaining ride for the 127% split the rest at 127% and “reach” for the 162% with a stop just under
127%… that’s one way of skinning that cat.

As for directional bias… I have a couple of tips for you on the next PTC installment. How would you
like to know with pretty good odds what the Low or High of the day will be before the European
Session even opens? How’s that for tips?

Stay tuned folks… we’re entering the “Elite Zone” lol



It’s easy georgewhite, under the message you want to quote it says ‘Reply’ and ‘Reply with quote’.
Hit ‘Reply with quote’ and write what you want to write after the last


PTC stands for Pro Traders Club and he is referring to the PTC video update at the bottom of the first

thx UKdave and alishijo, was playing with it before, prob my brain kept farting at me

shandy #642 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm

Hi ICT, does the chat room on your blog ever / still get used? Would be good to talk in real time to folks
about whats going on on the charts, but never seems to be anyone in there.

shandy #643 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

Observed the following possible trade, but don’t know whether it would count as a valid ICT setup as
was against the 4hr and 1day flow (currently up), although price had broken an intermediate low on the
1hr chart so perhaps would be counted as a scalp opportunity whilst waiting for a potential long in line
with the higher timeframe flows? My thinking was:

1. Price had broken the Asian session low and then retraced.
2. Price retraced to in between the 61.8 and 72.6 levels - so Optimal Entry territory after the
3 Price in the Sell Zone i.e. above the Pivot.

Overall not a great deal of confluences, however I’ve often observed that price will continue in the
direction of the Asian session break - not always of course, but often (Often enough is the question I
guess?). Based on this, the trade would have had round about a 10 pip stop, with the 1.27 extension,
50% of Fridays extremes, 1.62 figure all round 30 pips away, so a good 1:3 trade.

Question is, would this have been considered a valid trade?

Jaroon #644 May 25, 2017, 3:51pm

After one months live trading today is the first day I haven’t pulled the trigger (yet:mad:).

I’m looking at a long G/U.

I’m watching the 1.62 (institutional), current 4hr up (just) and buy zone but with no US action I might just
sit out as an exercise in er… Not Massively Over Trading as usual!

georgewhite #645 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

not a trade idea related, but watching vid ICT PTC 02 13 11 , those 3 lower wicks in the middle of my
picture? the 3rd one overshot the2nd one by 8 pips //on ict’s platform made doble bottom with the 3rd
wick// i guess u or whoever might’ve lost again if u were using ALPARI, setting SL within 8 pips below
the 2nd one like ICT did - dunno how many pips though he did,but no matter, thx to brokers not to b
universal, i dare to say, it might suck at times //the last wick was 1.6010//
the point? ICT would make this vid about a winner and i would b grinding my teeth bitterly at brokers for
my loss
slowman #646 May 25, 2017, 5:00pm

As I look at the daily bar chart for cable to try and work out which way and where cable might be
heading I see a possible swing to 16400 is this still realistic with the commercials building up there
shorts. I find it difficult to work out my bias for the day or week.

system #647 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm


As I look at the daily bar chart for cable to try and work out which way and where cable might be
heading I see a possible swing to 16400 is this still realistic with the commercials building up there
shorts. I find it difficult to work out my bias for the day or week.

It all depends how much of a swing they are going to take to get past 1.6270. This might take them until
coming Wed morning after 09:30am GMT to archieve.
Wed morning MPC Meeting Minutes Release could be the cover they are looking for.
vonner #648 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm

Hi Guys,

Wanted to share with you this first trade of the week.

Basically, saw a resistance level at 1.6230. This has been a reaction level in the past and so happened
to be an institutional figure. In addition, this was within 10 pips of the previous day’s MR1 and an optimal
entry level (as seen in the attached image).

What I particularly like about this setup is how it played exactly to ICT’s swing projection. After price
broke the swing low (0% in the Fib), it dropped all the way to 1.6160 which was -100% of my Fib. So it
doubled the first swing. I initially took 30% off the trade at the 0% of the Fib and then took it all out at

Price actually continued to drop but i decided I was happy with the 70 pips

PS: Just want to add that market flow was still up but I noticed that it had been trading above the pivot
for the past 2 days and was expecting it to make some sort of correction (at least move toward the
pivot). This, coupled with the significant net short in COT data and the confluence of other things
mentioned above, led me to favor going short.

LS1 #649 May 25, 2017, 6:35pm

Made a similar trade on the same drop. Entered a bit below “optimal trade entry” (we should just start
calling it OTE for short lol), and got out a bit before you did as well. Only bagged 50 pips, but still happy:)

Alishijo #650 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm

According to my data, March Futures just became cheaper than June Futures for the first time since Jan
14th. Can we reverse the backwardation rule, ICT?

4Hr Flow now down, which is in line with C.O.T. Commercial’s position. USD Index turning up. Just
waiting for my midnight Pivots to kick in then looking for a short entry.

EDIT: The Futures Contracts just turned back again in favor of a premium on the March contracts.
system #651 May 25, 2017, 7:30pm

Get your daily dose of Fiber today? PTC review later tonight.


Don’t forget your homework…

Alishijo #652 May 25, 2017, 7:56pm

Could somebody be so kind as to guide me through the best way to post screen shots?


ClarkFX #653 May 25, 2017, 8:22pm

Currently as I am looking at the Cable, the daily seems to be bullish with fractals but seems to have
created a short-term high, while the 4H is bearish and could have possible created a short-term low,
while the 1H seems to be bullish. I assume that althought the Daily and 1H is bullish, the 4H market flow
is key and would look for short trades? Please correct me if I am wrong, which I’m sure I am.

Currently I am monitoring the 1.6230 level which is the ADR High as well as the Central Pivot. If price
reaches it, I will be looking to short the Cable. Entry, TP and SL is currently unknown.

I am also looking for a scalp at the same time: If price reaches 1.6156 - 1.6165 area, I would expect the
price to go up since it is at the the MS3 level as well as close to the ADR Low. Entry: 1.6157 SL: 1.6131
TP: 30% at 1.6196, 30% at 1.6207, 40% at 1.6228. Approx. 2:1 RRR

Edit: Hit SL, -2%… =/


Hordane #654 May 25, 2017, 8:48pm


Could somebody be so kind as to guide me through the best way to post screen shots?

If you have 50 post you can upload them here, until then you cannot. However, the way I do it is simply
take the screen shot, upload it to photobuck or image dump or your fav hosting service. Then you simply
press the little image button when creating a post and enter the url. The image will appear in your post.

qwertymyfx #655 May 25, 2017, 8:23pm

make some more posts…

Rokas1989 #656 May 25, 2017, 8:48pm

Hello, may I join in with this trade. It’s a confluence of R1, 50 fibo, 20 institutional, daily market flow. Sl is
30pips, tp1 at +30 tp2 1,6290 which is confluence of 1,27 fibo, BRN, S2 minus 10 pips. Limit order was
placed around 1 am EST, a bit negative at the moment… Also COT is not a plus, but you can’t have it
black or white right?

for your continuation of previous thread and top of the line material.

shandy #657 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

Finally am able to post, was getting some message about a token expiring or something…

Saw this trade earlier after a days bouncing around going nowhere (patience, patience as ICT says!!):

1. 4hr Flow now pointing down

2. 61.8 retrace of the days high / low
3. Exact confluence with the Daily Pivot
4. COT down as stated in previous posts
5. Near to yesterdays low
6. 1.62 big number

Trade then hit the 1.27 extension of the days high / low - very nice!!

georgewhite #658 May 25, 2017, 9:40pm

simply stellar , i wonder where i was lol

georgewhite #659 May 25, 2017, 10:05pm


4. COT down as stated in previous posts

hi shandy,guys,
regarding COT, where do u get the reading pls - //small/large specs,commercial - like ict that had on the
very bottom in his vid//
-just to make sure i am not regarding to the sentiment with possibility 2 b replaced with Williams percent
range 14/

thx a lot in advance

system #660 May 25, 2017, 10:06pm

heres a london close trade that happened today for a good 40 pips or so

the two red lines at the bottom indicate the estimated time the london close trade could happnen!

MCAWally #661 May 25, 2017, 10:05pm


Finally am able to post, was getting some message about a token expiring or something…

Saw this trade earlier after a days bouncing around going nowhere (patience, patience as ICT

1. 4hr Flow now pointing down

2. 61.8 retrace of the days high / low
3. Exact confluence with the Daily Pivot
4. COT down as stated in previous posts
5. Near to yesterdays low
6. 1.62 big number

Trade then hit the 1.27 extension of the days high / low - very nice!!

7. around 17:00GMT

Good one shandy.

ClarkFX #662 May 25, 2017, 10:06pm

Just a quick question regarding the ADR, what should the settings be?

system #663 May 25, 2017, 10:51pm


Just a quick question regarding the ADR, what should the settings be?


For now use default

system #665 May 25, 2017, 10:31pm

Please turn your attention to the first post of this thread for the link to today’s ICT PTC review. Fasten
your seatbelts… it’s an Ace.

Now didn’t I promise you a “tip” for directional bias? It’s in this video… using the “Crosshairs” at the
Session Opens and Closes. Anticipate a change in “sentiment” and look for your tools to line up with
Time & Price.

What if we could take it a step further and have the High or Low’s actual “Price” in our hot greedy little
mits at Midnight EST? How does that grab you for the next level of “Inner Circle” concepts?

We are getting to the good stuff folks… the Brass Tacks.


Hordane #666 May 25, 2017, 10:51pm

Hey ICT you are going to end up with your own group of turtle traders!

system #667 May 25, 2017, 11:13pm

woops, checkin the new vid out now!

Alishijo #668 May 25, 2017, 9:14pm


If you have 50 post you can upload them here, until then you cannot. However, the way I do it is
simply take the screen shot, upload it to photobuck or image dump or your fav hosting service. Then
you simply press the little image button when creating a post and enter the url. The image will
appear in your post.

Thanks Hordane for your time. Let’s see if this works.

I identified this opportunity early in the London session, and sat on my hands for a looooong time!
Unfortunately while capturing the image it seems to have wiped off my labels, but the red arrows show
entry, 30% profits, and 100% profits.

Entry consisted of Daily Pivot, 50% retracement from the previous day’s high, Real resistance (as
opposed to implied) from the 16th and 17th Feb, and the institutional 1.6180.

Oh yeah, also 4H Flow down which lined up with Commercial C.O.T. net short position.

Exit consisted of 30% profits at MS1, and 100% at MS2 and the 138% extension from the London/NY
swing high.
gbpusd1.gif picture by Alishijo - Photobucket
(Left click on the image to maximise and center)

system #669 May 25, 2017, 9:14pm

I took two trades today, the first one was stopped out =/…and the second was just a quick scalp to make
back the pips i lost !



system #670 May 25, 2017, 10:05pm


I took two trades today, the first one was stopped out =/…and the second was just a quick scalp to
make back the pips i lost !


WTG Six… nice recovery.

system #671 May 25, 2017, 4:26pm


Hi ICT, does the chat room on your blog ever / still get used? Would be good to talk in real time to
folks about whats going on on the charts, but never seems to be anyone in there.

Im working on a real time webinar format to host live trading where you can see my screens real time
and hear my thoughts as I set up for each session. I plan to have Monday night into Tuesday Morning
and Thursday night into Friday Morning as my shared time for those of you able to trade and be awake
during the London Open and New York Open.

The chat room is for any of you that want to meet and discuss set ups and such. I currently have little
time to sit in as I am preparing a great deal of resources for this thread and my personal blog of which I
have neglected but temporarily I might add.

Can’t help but repeat it here… stay tuned… it’s going to be really cool.


Jaroon #672 May 25, 2017, 4:24pm

Hi ICT, thanks again for taking the considerable time in putting together this great resource. If I fail as a
trader I know it’s down to me but if I make it I will be eternally grateful for the few altruistic traders like
yourself who share their hard earned knowledge for no personal gain. Just wow.:o

I’m understanding your concepts and working on improving my execution but I’m having some difficulty
with [I]The Big Picture[I]. I’ve read it is interest rate speculation that drives the currency markets, as well
as the big news events, but I know there’s much more to it. Can you explain why some of you concepts
work like OTE or why the Asian session often produces the high or low for the day and why price tends
to come back back towards a mid range when London closes (when the parameters align).

Here’s my symplistic reasoning, Asian traders are less risk averse, NY time zone traders are more
conservative in general and OTE is like the elastic band analogy, when the market is trending and
retraces, the market can only [I]bear[/I] to see price move in a counter trend direction up to the 62-79%
area before it insists on continuing the trend?
I understand if this is beyond the scope of these tutorials but if you could give us newbies your view on
why the market behaves as it does, as well as the excellent execution tools, it would really help my
gestalt understanding.

shandy #673 May 25, 2017, 5:00pm


Im working on a real time webinar format to host live trading where you can see my screens real
time and hear my thoughts as I set up for each session. I plan to have Monday night into Tuesday
Morning and Thursday night into Friday Morning as my shared time for those of you able to trade
and be awake during the London Open and New York Open.

The chat room is for any of you that want to meet and discuss set ups and such. I currently have little
time to sit in as I am preparing a great deal of resources for this thread and my personal blog of
which I have neglected but temporarily I might add.

Can’t help but repeat it here… stay tuned… it’s going to be really cool.


Wow, live sessions - that will be great!! Only one word to describe it really - stoked!!

hellogoodbye4201 #674 May 25, 2017, 5:36pm


Wow, live sessions - that will be great!! Only one word to describe it really - stoked!!

Shandy stole my reply.

My trade today was a short near the ADR high taken at 1.625, 30% taken off at +30, 30% off at R1, 20%
off at the 1.27 extension, remainder was taken off at the 1.618 extension.

Thanks ICT! Made my weekly goal in 1 trade, I’m done for the week


What do I do with all this free time

system #675 May 25, 2017, 5:36pm


Wow, live sessions - that will be great!! Only one word to describe it really - stoked!!

me ,aarnog, and wizard are in the ICT chat almost every night too around london open just incase your
still looking for people in the chat!

georgewhite #676 May 25, 2017, 5:01pm


Im working on a real time webinar format to host live trading where you can see my screens real
time and hear my thoughts as I set up for each session. I plan to have Monday night into Tuesday
Morning and Thursday night into Friday Morning as my shared time for those of you able to trade
and be awake during the London Open and New York Open.

The chat room is for any of you that want to meet and discuss set ups and such. I currently have little
time to sit in as I am preparing a great deal of resources for this thread and my personal blog of
which I have neglected but temporarily I might add.

Can’t help but repeat it here… stay tuned… it’s going to be really cool.


all priceless, cant wait Let’s rumble’ ;)

georgewhite #677 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm


Shandy stole my reply.

My trade today was a short near the ADR high taken at 1.625, 30% taken off at +30, 30% off at R1,
20% off at the 1.27 extension, remainder was taken off at the 1.618 extension.

Thanks ICT! Made my weekly goal in 1 trade, I’m done for the week


What do I do with all this free time

haha, well done, was watching this trade myself,but EU was going higher hence got mindblocked
apmonster #678 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm

Hi guys,

Just wondering what people make of tonight’s trading.

Around the London open, I spotted an OTE short around R1. This trade only moved 17 pips in favour
before reversing. Do others share my view that this was a good setup, which just didn’t happen to pan
out particularly well today?

Later, around the NY open, we see another OTE short, this time around R2. This one played out rather
better, moving around 40 pips lower.

Finally, around 3PM GMT, we get another short entry above the 79% retracement, around R2. With
hindsight, this is obviously the best entry of the day, as it moves lower roughly 75 pips, with minimal
pausing on the way.

I have noted the areas of interested with yellow scratches on my attached chart.

Some questions for those that feel like responding:

1. In the first trade, I would not have adjusted stops, or taken any profit yet. Would others feel the
same way? This one is just one of the inevitable losses?

2. Admittedly, I was not paying much attention to market flow on 1H, 4H, 1D, etc. If you were, what
did you see? Would you have taken all three trades, 1 or 2, or none at all?

3. If you entered on the 2nd setup, would you have stayed in through the retracement prior to the 3rd
setup? Or would you have adjusted stops by then, which would have been triggered?

I’d love to know what others think about tonight’s trading!

Alishijo #679 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm


Shandy stole my reply.

My trade today was a short near the ADR high taken at 1.625, 30% taken off at +30, 30% off at R1,
20% off at the 1.27 extension, remainder was taken off at the 1.618 extension.

Is your ADR set to start at midnight EST with the default 5 day range??? My ADR High was at 1.6291

hellogoodbye4201 #680 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm

I think ICT said to use default settings for now so mine has been default since I’ve been using it, seems
to match price very closely too

Hordane #681 May 25, 2017, 6:35pm

I took 3 trades today off the NY session GU. The first long was taken after the spike up that pierced ADR
(was asleep so missed that). Price pulled back to the 72% area after spiking up to retest the monthly
high, at this point was a previous day low and R1. Took trade long from right below yesterday’s R1 up to
R2 for 30 pips. Today’s R2 is a confluence of s/r (R2 + prevoius day high + Daily ATR + 4hr s/r +
previous week high). So TP was taken knowing it probably wasn’t going higher and trade was in
direction of trend.

I waited and watched PA touch previous week high and stop hard. Entered short under R2 back to R1
and netted 28.5 pips. This trade was based on the total resistance sitting up top. I exited the trade and
tried to go north again b/c this swing pulled back 72% of the last move up. That failed and I exited by
hand with 10 pips.

I completely missed the other opportunity to go short. Price went back up to retest the high which was
also a 78% pullback of the daily high/low. That move went all the way back down to yesterday’s pivot + a
previous daily low and previous monthly low.

vonner #682 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm

Hi Guys,

Sharing another trade I took last Feb 23. What I like about this trade is that it’s the first one that I simply
set before going to sleep and just left it to work itself out.

Market flow was up and was looking for a chance to go long. Saw an optimal entry at the 1.6180 figure
which was a strong reaction level. This is also an institutional figure and was in line with the previous
day’s pivot as well as the current day’s MR1.

My take profit was set at 1.6230. Reason I chose this level is that it was also another institutional figure
which also is a strong reaction level. It was also in line with the previous day’s R1 and the current day’s
MR2. So I was expecting that price may start consolidating again once it hits this level.

I woke up this morning and checked the market and my levels were right on the money. Price bounced
right off the 1.6180 level and then just hit the 1.6230 when I got online. This trade proved to me that
there really is no need to keep watching the markets. As long as you’re confident in your analysis, you
can just let the market do what it does and make a profit without the stress of watching every tick.

Alishijo #683 May 25, 2017, 7:04pm


Hi guys,

Around the London open, I spotted an OTE short around R1. This trade only moved 17 pips in favour
before reversing. Do others share my view that this was a good setup, which just didn’t happen to
pan out particularly well today?

I think 4Hr flow had broken up by this stage. What confluences did you have? Any Fib levels?

Hordane #685 May 25, 2017, 6:35pm

Wanted to share this setup too.

Around 2pm EST Gu retraced from the move up. This was a good confluence if you were around. The
yellow line is weekly/monthly s/r point and industry level of 1.6180. Here we had a 50% fib pullback;
sitting there was previous day pivot, a previous day low (pink line) weekly previous low (yellow doted).
The trade would have been with the trend towards the Monthly high retest.

Alishijo #686 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm


I think ICT said to use default settings for now so mine has been default since I’ve been using it,
seems to match price very closely too

I really don’t know what is happening, but I seem to have all the same settings on the ICT_ADR, but a
different value! I have uploaded a host of other ATR/ADR apps and one has ATR high at 1.6249, and
support at 1.6166 and 1.6142 (yes two support levels…don’t ask me what that is all about!) I wonder if
you could confirm that that is approximately what you were looking at?


EDIT: Default settings??? Does that mean you are not adjusting time to midnight start?
hellogoodbye4201 #687 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm

Press “Reset” and those are the settings I’m using, high 1.63226, low is 1.61519

Price opened above the privot today and is already at R2 :o

Alishijo #688 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm

This may be considered cheating on the homework, but this is my new way of getting the ‘set-up times’
and session times in my crosshairs. If anyone is interested in these two indicators I am using, then
speak out and I will post their links and input details. These are the least obtrusive indicators I have
tested so far, and these particular colors are the best to work with.

The dotted line boxes indicate the three main sessions: Tokyo, London, and N.Y.

The blue and red fill indicates the ‘Hunting Ground Set-Up Times’. When I saved the screenshot, it cut
off the 30% of screen I leave to the right of the last candle (just as ICT taught) and so you can’t see the
full effect of it, but I have two bars of color which tell me the best time for London open set-ups, and
London close set-ups. These are the only times I am interested in at the moment, which is convenient as
the Indy only lets you set up two periods of time! I guess if you want to add the NY open then you can
just use the drawing tool as per ICT suggests.

crosshairsindy.gif picture by Alishijo - Photobucket

(left click to maximise and center)

Anyway, sorry if you don’t approve, ICT, but this is definitely a leading indicator, and not a lagging one

N.B Black space on the chart indicates chill-out time

Alishijo #689 May 25, 2017, 7:56pm


Press “Reset” and those are the settings I’m using, high 1.63226, low is 1.61519

Price opened above the privot today and is already at R2 :o

Thanks again hellogoodbye. As expected you are not changing the ICT_ADR with consideration to your
broker software. If I leave it on default (and my broker is +1GMT) and you also leave it on default (and
your broker is -5GMT), then of course we get different levels.
ICT, I presume you are using different accounts for actual trading and PTC videos, which likely have
different broker time settings. Are you setting ADR to midnight EST?


hellogoodbye4201 #690 May 25, 2017, 8:23pm


Thanks again hellogoodbye. As expected you are not changing the ICT_ADR with consideration to
your broker software. If I leave it on default (and my broker is +1GMT) and you also leave it on
default (and your broker is -5GMT), then of course we get different levels.

ICT, I presume you are using different accounts for actual trading and PTC videos, which likely have
different broker time settings. Are you setting ADR to midnight EST?


My default settings of my broker are GMT, if you are using MT4 it sound like you are using Alpari
because they are GMT+1 while I’m using IBFX which is basic GMT times despite being located in the

If you are using Alpari try GMT-1? (I think) and that should help, if you’re not using Alpari then I’m not
sure what the problem is. Just wait for ICT to post the correct settings based on whatever TF and use

system #691 May 25, 2017, 8:22pm

Hey Babypipsters… I just uploaded the new video… please give Youtube about 20 minutes to finish the
final touches on the quality [HD]… as always… pause the playback as soon as it begins and wait 90
seconds then continue the playback… you will enjoy High Definition audio and video without any


system #692 May 25, 2017, 8:48pm

great new video, the time and price thing your explaining is another amazing golden rule to trade by that
i never knew until a few videos ago ! very cool stuff!!
Alishijo #693 May 25, 2017, 9:14pm

Great video! I especially liked the ‘cycle of a loser’ part at the end…LOL! Been there, done that. Never

Jaroon #694 May 25, 2017, 9:41pm

Morning gang, just trying to share my first screenshot of this mornings (8.50GMT) long cable trade.

Price 1.6162, buy zone,4hr and daily MF are rising and just a little late for OTE. S/L is 1.6090, 25 pips
and below this weeks low and I’ll take some profit (hubris anyone:o) at the, no just below 1.6200.

<a href=“ThursdaySS.png Photo by Deckard33 | Photobucket” target="_blank"><img

src=“http://i1086.photobucket.com/albums/j459/Deckard33/ThursdaySS.png” border=“0”

Jaroon #695 May 25, 2017, 10:05pm

Massive fail at screenshot postage:cool:

2nd attempt

Jaroon #697 May 25, 2017, 10:51pm

Thanks Rokas I’ll try now. I’ve lost my nerve and exited at 1.62 as it’s a strong level and I’m not sure.
Still 37 pips to the good:D


Woohoo thanks again.

apmonster #698 May 25, 2017, 10:30pm


4hr and daily MF are rising

Hi Jaroon,

As I understand it (from ICT’s videos), once we break a previous fractal high/low, the market flow
changes to that direction.

See the chart I have included. At the yellow line, we break the previous fractal low. This makes me think
MF on the 4H was in fact down…what do you think?

I actually stayed out of cable for this very reason, and instead traded the nice S1 bounce on the fiber.

In any event, it was a good trade to pick up those 37 pips!

Rokas1989 #699 May 25, 2017, 10:30pm

Hello, took limit order trade today which resulted in loss. Order was placed because of these

1. PDL which is also a clear S/R level;

2. 50 fib
3. Institutional 80 level
4. R1 pivot level
5. Market flow of 4h daily ( am I wrong with 4h?)

Sl standard 30, tp was tricky… 6270 was used and abused so odds of breaking level where higher than
bouncing from it, or am I wrong (again) ?

After that came a very optimal entry at 6250 which was missed due to university time… Would really like
some feedback on tps and trade generally.

For learning process what do you thing is a better way to go for a person who works during all 3 trading

A: Placing limit orders in the morning ~ 1am EST

B: Hindsight review of the day after work
C: Both (is the limit orders worth the time?)

Ps you can delete/edit posts with unnecessary stuff for keeping it clean;
Pps chart good?

Jaroon #700 May 25, 2017, 10:51pm


Hi Jaroon,
As I understand it (from ICT’s videos), once we break a previous fractal high/low, the market flow
changes to that direction.

See the chart I have included. At the yellow line, we break the previous fractal low. This makes me
think MF on the 4H was in fact down…what do you think?

I actually stayed out of cable for this very reason, and instead traded the nice S1 bounce on the fiber.

In any event, it was a good trade to pick up those 37 pips!

Hi apmonster, yup I think you’re correct, as the grey arrow hadn’t traced apparently it doesn’t exist in my
book lol.

I traded an R1 bounce on fiber this morning for another 36 pips, only .5% because I wasn’t too sure and
wasn’t able to monitor the trade but what a great day. I’d better call it quits before I get carried away.

gbl83 #701 May 25, 2017, 8:49pm


I actually took that long trade you described in the video for a quick 20 pips. Awesome to know we are
looking at the same thing! I took profit at the previous swing high though and didnt catch that big move.

Really getting a lot out of the live examples.



fxvoilaaa #702 May 25, 2017, 11:13pm


1. PDL which is also a clear S/R level;

2. 50 fib
3. Institutional 80 level
4. R1 pivot level
5. Market flow of 4h daily

Well, u got the right idea…

apmonster #703 May 25, 2017, 11:13pm


Tonight’s video was a gem!

I could swear you’re reading my mind. The discussion of the multiple SPECIFIC trading setups in any
given day was very timely for me, as well as the importance of not trading in “no-man’s land”.

Also, thanks for really hammering home the point about longer term S/R, and market flow (hey, some of
us are a little slow!)

And I must say I had a good little chuckle over the “cycle of a loser”. While I have managed over time to
beat most of those habits out of myself, I can certainly remember a time when that was me exactly!

Again, a big thanks to you for all you are doing for myself and the many other traders who must be
enjoying your material.

shandy #705 May 25, 2017, 11:32pm

Hmmm, strange day today for picking the right direction on GU I think. Based on yesterdays PTC video
we’re still looking for longs because the Daily flow is up (although I thought we were mean to use the
4hr??), of which there were a couple of opportunities, yet ended up being a down day, so the real
opportunities were the short setps in the end. Should we have know that??

On a side-note, something I’ve been observing for a while now is whether a break of the Asian high / low
gives any clue to the days direction. Seems this year so far if price breaks the high / low by a significant
amount i.e. at least 20 - 25 pips then it is likely to retrace and continue in that direction, today being a
good example. If it’s less than that i.e. 10 - 20 pips then it seems to be stop run and price will end up
heading the other way (18th Feb a good example of this). However the end of last year this seemed to
be less relevant, although price in Nov / Dec was all over the place I thought. Will continue to observe
this and see if it holds true over the coming weeks anyway…

TheSimpleMan #706 May 25, 2017, 11:51pm

that video puts alot of things in perspective for me. I see how it only requires me to see a certain time of
the day to look for a trade. I used to be in here every day and all hours of the night. I went over the last
week or so and it looks like it holds up. The eurusd went up right on time at new york crosshairs and 50
pips in the bank. haha yes

system #707 May 26, 2017, 12:09am


Hmmm, strange day today for picking the right direction on GU I think. Based on yesterdays PTC
video we’re still looking for longs because the Daily flow is up (although I thought we were mean to
use the 4hr??), of which there were a couple of opportunities, yet ended up being a down day, so the
real opportunities were the short setps in the end. Should we have know that??

On a side-note, something I’ve been observing for a while now is whether a break of the Asian high /
low gives any clue to the days direction. Seems this year so far if price breaks the high / low by a
significant amount i.e. at least 20 - 25 pips then it is likely to retrace and continue in that direction,
today being a good example. If it’s less than that i.e. 10 - 20 pips then it seems to be stop run and
price will end up heading the other way (18th Feb a good example of this). However the end of last
year this seemed to be less relevant, although price in Nov / Dec was all over the place I thought.
Will continue to observe this and see if it holds true over the coming weeks anyway…

The Asian Range is a concept I have material on and intend to share… it does have a great impact on
the Daily range.

Stay tuned…


system #708 May 26, 2017, 12:09am

Did anyone notice the short from the level we used in the most recent PTC video? What unfolded?


Alishijo #709 May 26, 2017, 12:26am

Draw a Fib from yesterday’s London High to New York’s Low, and that gives you OTE during the Asian
session (retest of R2 and that same high). Draw the Fib again from bottom to top, and one exit would be
the 138.2 extension, today’s MS2, and the 1.6150 figure. The other being the 200 extension, ds3, and
the 1.6080 figure.
feb23rdshort.gif picture by Alishijo - Photobucket

110-170 pips!!!

system #710 May 26, 2017, 1:01am


Draw a Fib from yesterday’s London High to New York’s Low, and that gives you OTE during the
Asian session (retest of R2 and that same high). Draw the Fib again from bottom to top, and one exit
would be the 138.2 extension, today’s MS2, and the 1.6150 figure. The other being the 200
extension, ds3, and the 1.6080 figure.

feb23rdshort.gif picture by Alishijo - Photobucket

110-170 pips!!!


Alishijo #711 May 26, 2017, 1:18am



Bingo is pure luck, this is skill and knowledge Thanks again ICT.

ClarkFX #712 May 25, 2017, 11:33pm


Thanks Rokas I’ll try now. I’ve lost my nerve and exited at 1.62 as it’s a strong level and I’m not sure.
Still 37 pips to the good:D

Woohoo thanks again.

Are your candles inverted? Or am I going blind?

ClarkFX #713 May 25, 2017, 11:32pm

Hey everybody,
I have a quick question.

When I try to convert the London Open, NY Open and London Close, I get 1am-3am, 8am-10am, 10am-
12:00pm EST respectively. Somehow I get the London Open and NY Open late by 1 hour while the
London Close is in line with ICT’s previous video.

Can anybody find what I am doing wrong? I’m checking world clocks, and I just can’t seem to match up
with ICT’s and I’m sure most of your guys’ times. Is it because we have to wait 1 hour into London Open
and New York Open?

PS. My time is GMT - 7:00 (Mountain Time)

I think I may have figured out my problem, but would like some clarification. I have always assumed that
the 4 different sessions opened and closed at 8:00am-5:00pm local time. Could someone lead me to the
correct times the 4 sessions open and close in their local time?


Alishijo #714 May 26, 2017, 12:10am

Hey everybody,
I have a quick question.

When I try to convert the London Open, NY Open and London Close, I get 1am-3am, 8am-10am,
10am-12:00pm EST respectively. Somehow I get the London Open and NY Open late by 1 hour
while the London Close is in line with ICT’s previous video.

Can anybody find what I am doing wrong? I’m checking world clocks, and I just can’t seem to match
up with ICT’s and I’m sure most of your guys’ times. Is it because we have to wait 1 hour into London
Open and New York Open?

PS. My time is GMT - 7:00 (Mountain Time)

I think I may have figured out my problem, but would like some clarification. I have always assumed
that the 4 different sessions opened and closed at 8:00am-5:00pm local time. Could someone lead
me to the correct times the 4 sessions open and close in their local time?


According to ICT, we are looking at 2am-4am EST for the London open. This would mean the open is
actually at 3am EST, but we are looking for opportunities 1hr before and 1hr after the open. NY open
would be at 8am EST, but we should be looking for opportunities AFTER the big news events have
messed around with the markets, thus, 8:30am - 9:30am EST. London close opportunties would present
themselves between 10am-12pm EST.

I hope this is what you wanted to know. I was little confused with your request. Don’t forget you need to
know where your broker is based in order to convert those times accurately.

P.S. As ICT said, there are no strict times when a session opens and closes, just times when it is likely
that London traders and NY traders will be sitting down to their desks. Hey, if there is a Tube strike in
London, you might want to be looking for opportunities later than those parameters suggest…LOL!

ClarkFX #715 May 26, 2017, 12:09am

Oh I see, so the 2 hour range is not exactly on the two opens?

I understand the concept behind the London Open, but if we were to give time for the New York open to
settle after news releases doesn’t that mean if we were to wait 1 hour, we would monitor the NY open
from 9-11am EST (Since, from my understanding, NY opens at 8:00am EST)?

Edit: In ICT’s recent video, he stated that NY open is 7:00am to 9:00am EST, is this also to give 1 hour
before and 1 hour after the open at 8:00?

My broker has GMT.

Thank you Alishijo.

system #716 May 24, 2017, 1:11pm

London Session:

Fiber & Cable both put in tradable shorts with OTE present on both swings.

I’ve remained flat on the sidelines since yesterday. I traded the Fiber long twice in New York Session
and just watched the London Session play out this morning. Cable was soft as the video hinted at two
days again on the Spike up in the Crosshair tutorial video… whether this is the “top” for an intermediate
term swing down… remains to be seen.

I hope this week we learned some new tips and techniques you can apply to your trading next week. I
will be joining you all by way of the Saturday night ICT Pro Traders Club and wish you a pleasant
weekend and as always… Good Luck & Good Trading!

alexk721 #717 May 24, 2017, 3:33pm

Here is one of the best list available for market hours.

//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_market_opening_times]List of market opening times - Wikipedia, the

free encyclopedia

Won’t let me post link - so add the usual h*tp: in front

ClarkFX #718 May 24, 2017, 5:46pm

Thanks Alexk721 =) I will check that out.

I found a Period Separator indicator that may help others if anybody is interested. One can set the day
open and close as NY Midnight.


I hope no body minds if I post it here.

Another question for ICT, (Sorry I’m a little slow with time… =P)
Since we monitor NY Midnight to Midnight Pivots, Shouldn’t the ADR also be set to New York time as

Hordane #719 May 24, 2017, 5:46pm

Next week GU may be good to hold long. Here is what I see on the chart technically

This is daily chart, the fractals are circled. Technically the money flow is long since we have yet to break
a previously low fractal (daily). The current pullback today stopped at the 79% from the last bullish
move. At this level we have (not shown) a weak s/r line from back in Nov. Also we have the Weekly
23.6% fib drawn from the weekly push up. Sitting 14 pips from where pa stopped is a weekly s/r level as

COT data shows Commercials very net short (haven’t seen today’s release as of writing this). US GDP
news was less than expected. GBP is rumored that a rate increase will occur making the GDP more
desirable to hold than USD.

I think the logical TP on a long held will be the very hard resistance sitting at 1.6276 as that is the retest
point that keeps failing to be broken now for a few months.

Edit: I also want to post this link: Forex Open Position Ratios | OANDA fxTrade

It is a position graph of Oanda’s open positions from traders. It is neat to see what that graph is doing v.
the COT data and such and which currencies they are trading mostly (EU)

This link is a snapshot of their order book for limit positions yet to be filled: Forex Order Book | OANDA
Rokas1989 #720 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

Hello if you look at SMT of daily (which is also at major resistance level) chart suggest that top has been
made (rephrase needed?) ; COT major shortage (and most of OANDA users are bearish); 4h market
flow south. Is this enough to consider long term perspective bearish?

Hordane #721 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm

Hey Rokas! Today’s COT data was out and commercials really piled on the net short position (almost
-80) which I think means they are hedging against further up movements. The Oanda info is interesting,
95% of all traders are wrong and most retail traders are wrong, so if they are all bearish we should go

akeakamai #722 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm


Thanks Alexk721 =) I will check that out.

I found a Period Separator indicator that may help others if anybody is interested. One can set the
day open and close as NY Midnight.


I hope no body minds if I post it here.

Another question for ICT, (Sorry I’m a little slow with time… =P)
Since we monitor NY Midnight to Midnight Pivots, Shouldn’t the ADR also be set to New York time as


Thanks, works great

akeakamai #723 May 25, 2017, 12:35am


Hey Rokas! Today’s COT data was out and commercials really piled on the net short position (almost
-80) which I think means they are hedging against further up movements. The Oanda info is
interesting, 95% of all traders are wrong and most retail traders are wrong, so if they are all bearish
we should go bullish!

GBP commercial “smart money” reduced net short position by almost 30% according to this week’s
last week net short: 66,435
this week net short: 47,103

system #724 May 25, 2017, 12:37am


Hey Rokas! Today’s COT data was out and commercials really piled on the net short position (almost
-80) which I think means they are hedging against further up movements. The Oanda info is
interesting, 95% of all traders are wrong and most retail traders are wrong, so if they are all bearish
we should go bullish!

Did you notice WHERE Cable had it’s weekly Close, yesterday ?
15 pips above it’s weekly Open.

Did you notice WHERE Cable formed it’s Fri Lo ?


How many times Cable formed it’s PW/PD Lo’s in the 1.5990/1.6040 Channel in the past 21 days?

How many times Cable took off from that channel in the past 21 days ?

There is a reason behind it…

xXTrizzleXx #725 May 25, 2017, 12:35am

If I’m thinking what you’re thinking, do you really think these participants would have been loading up so
far in advance of the event? :eek: Also would corporate flows be attributed to the bounces up from these

akeakamai #726 May 25, 2017, 2:09am


Did you notice WHERE Cable had it’s weekly Close, yesterday ?
15 pips above it’s weekly Open.

Did you notice WHERE Cable formed it’s Fri Lo ?


How many times Cable formed it’s PW/PD Lo’s in the 1.5990/1.6040 Channel in the past 21 days?

How many times Cable took off from that channel in the past 21 days ?

There is a reason behind it…

well the commercials did just dump a bunch of short positions, so this makes a lot of sense. you make
some good points

system #727 May 25, 2017, 3:39am


If I’m thinking what you’re thinking, do you really think these participants would have been loading up
so far in advance of the event? :eek: Also would corporate flows be attributed to the bounces up from
these levels?

They have.
It’s the Sovereigns.
Remember…the barrier up there is still the target.
xXTrizzleXx #728 May 25, 2017, 7:18am


They have.
It’s the Sovereigns.
Remember…the barrier up there is still the target.

Must note these things more often…I was only aware of the one in EUR/USD…once again thanks for
the heads-up!

p0w3rL3s5 #729 May 25, 2017, 7:18am


Very nice thread and awesome videos! Just a quick qn though, as a newbie trade
 


system #730 May 25, 2017, 5:47am


well the commercials did just dump a bunch of short positions, so this makes a lot of sense. you
make some good points

A word of caution…this might turn into a Short Covering “exercise” first because of perceived USD

It means Cable takes a jump up, pulls back…flushes BUY/SELL STOPS and more…after that it takes
off. It’s a “cheap way” for speculators to make money in a very large range. There are Offers lined up
around 1.6190, already.

Retail traders perceive this kind of PA behaviour as extreme volatility and get scared.

system #731 May 25, 2017, 5:48am

ICT PTC uploaded… processing playback.


Hordane #732 May 25, 2017, 8:24am


ICT PTC uploaded… processing playback.


Great video and analysis. Did you know a quicker way to tell the fib price level is to have mt4 print it as
part of the description. Just open the fib tool and edit levels. In the description box type in " %$" (without
quotes) and mt4 will print the level price as well as anything else you have in there.

LS1 #733 May 25, 2017, 8:24am

I was going to mention is that I notice you click the screen and drag it to scroll. You can scroll with your
mouse-wheel, it’s a lot easier :O. I have the feeling you probably already know this, though. The reason I
mention it is because I actually have a mouse (Logitech G500) that can unlock the scroll wheel so it
doesn’t move in clicks/fixed increments like one normally does. You can basically flick it with your finger
so it spins freely and scrolls through webpages (or in this case MT4 charts) really quickly. It might be
worth looking into if you find it annoying to scroll through charts slowly!

Great video as usual, btw:)

ClarkFX #734 May 25, 2017, 9:22am

Hmm, Logitech G500… LS1, are you a gamer?

system #735 May 25, 2017, 10:15am

New Resource the ICT Daily Pivot Calculator and Tutorial Video added to the very first post of this
thread for the links.

Thanks for the the tips Hordane and LS1… I do not use a mouse but a pad… no wheel.

Alishijo #736 May 25, 2017, 11:05am

Hey, ICT that looks like a great resource, but could you please upload it in xls. format aswell? Your other
workbooks were in xls., and that enabled those with only 2003 Excel software to download.

Best regards

EDIT: I solved the problem by downloading some ‘compatibility software’ from Microsoft. Here is the link
for anyone else experiencing problems:

Download details: Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint File

LS1 #737 May 25, 2017, 11:04am


Hmm, Logitech G500… LS1, are you a gamer?

Yeah, I am. :o

Alishijo #738 May 25, 2017, 11:05am

Morning folks. Hope everybody had a nice weekend.

So the C.O.T. data was out on Friday and the Commercials scaled back on their net short positions by
approx 20,000 contracts. My question for this morning is, because they are still overall net short, are we
still looking for short trades when considering C.O.T. bias?

akeakamai #739 May 25, 2017, 11:51am


Yeah, I am. :o

lolz, gamer traders in da haus

ClarkFX #740 May 25, 2017, 12:35pm


lolz, gamer traders in da haus

That makes me 3. LOL. XD

Alishijo, based on one of ICT’s more recent PTC entries, I believe the Cable may be looking to retest the
1.6270 level (daily), although 4H and 1H show bearish market flow. I think I will stay sidelined for now
unless London Open shows something tradeable. =)


NeedyPips #741 May 25, 2017, 11:04am

Hello ITC. Let me add my kudo’s to those before me… “ditto”. The Thread/Video/Feedback combo is
especially nice; in my young experience unmatched!

I joined your thread back in October but sadly have not followed too close, but for the video’s. So I’m
reading the head and tail now trying to catch up and even started your original thread. I’m pumped!

I wonder about your charts in the vid’s. You apologize now and again saying you know they are hard to
see… why not use some colors with contrast?

OK, also trying to up my post count, so please bear with me - hehe

Alishijo #742 May 25, 2017, 1:17pm


That makes me 3. LOL. XD

Alishijo, based on one of ICT’s more recent PTC entries, I believe the Cable may be looking to retest
the 1.6270 level (daily), although 4H and 1H show bearish market flow. I think I will stay sidelined for
now unless London Open shows something tradeable. =)


Thanks Clark. Currently monitoring the 1.6120 level on Cable. Fiber touching it’s CPP so let’s see if we
get some divergence on the SMT ahead of Cable’s MR1 (ICT’s new PP Calculator Daily bias tool).
ClarkFX #743 May 25, 2017, 1:17pm

Currently, I am only monitoring the Cable. It has just broke through the 1.6120 level (seems to have
found resistance at the 1.6150 institution level), and just a bit past the 79% retracement from previous
day’s high low. I’m not 100% sure of this trade, since the Cable had been a bit trickle lately, so I entered
a short order on my demo. Let’s see how it does.

Alishijo, what are you using for the Cable/Fiber overlays, AKA SMT, I can’t seem to find any chart that
can do that. Something free would be nice.

Alishijo #744 May 25, 2017, 2:38pm


Currently, I am only monitoring the Cable. It has just broke through the 1.6120 level (seems to have
found resistance at the 1.6150 institution level), and just a bit past the 79% retracement from
previous day’s high low. I’m not 100% sure of this trade, since the Cable had been a bit trickle lately,
so I entered a short order on my demo. Let’s see how it does.

Alishijo, what are you using for the Cable/Fiber overlays, AKA SMT, I can’t seem to find any chart
that can do that. Something free would be nice.

I am still sidelined. Can’t get a hold on it today.

My broker is non-MT4 and it allows me to overlay Fiber. I use Alpari MT4 for my analysis, then go to my
broker platform for a last check on SMT before pulling the trigger. Sorry I can’t help you with that.

vonner #745 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm


I am still sidelined. Can’t get a hold on it today.

My broker is non-MT4 and it allows me to overlay Fiber. I use Alpari MT4 for my analysis, then go to
my broker platform for a last check on SMT before pulling the trigger. Sorry I can’t help you with that.

Why don’t you try searching for the Overlay - MA indicator? I tried it out and the MA function looks to be
Jaroon #746 May 25, 2017, 2:38pm

Morning guys I’m flat as well with an alert set at 1,3730 on fiber (don’t fancy a pending order) looking to
go long.

As usual I’m missing something, where can I find the SMT and why is is more useful than just looking at
EU/GU for preferential trade selection?

apmonster #747 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm

Well, I’m done with work for the day

Just got off this cable long. Entered at 1.6103 (confluence of CPP, 1.61 figure and 62% fib retracement),
exited just above r1 at 1.6176 (just below .80 institutional level). Looks like it’s gone on to hit the 5 day
ADR and challenge 1.62, but I’m pretty happy with 73 pips in ~30 mins lol


(Linked because image embedding not working ATM)

Cheers ICT - This stuff is legit!

EDIT: Just wanted to add a thanks for the discussions of the “bigger picture” (esp the importance of the
daily TF) in your recent videos, ICT. When we know which way the train is going, it’s pretty easy to hitch
a ride (instead of getting run-over!). For this trade, it was clear cable is in an up-trend on the daily, as
was the market-flow.

vonner #748 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm

Hi Guys,

Wanna share my first trade of the week This is a Fiber trade for a change (London Open).

Basically, I took a look at the 4H and 1H timeframe to get my market flow bias. It looked to me like price
had bounced off support and was looking to retest the 1.3820 high. On the 15M timeframe, I saw price
had breached a swing high at 1.3760 and then retraced to an optimal entry. The OTE also happened to
coincide with the 1.3760 institutional figure as well as the MS1 line of the previous Friday.

Price proceeded to trade higher blowing through the swing high at 1.3780 leading me to believe that it
will not stop until the next significant high which was 1.3820. This also happened to be exactly where my
swing projection pointed to (as you can see from my fib). Took 30% off at 1.3785 and then took the rest
off at 1.3820 for a 60 pip profit.

EDIT: I chose to remove 30% at 1.3785 even though this was not yet 30 pips as this was also a swing
high as well as last Friday’s pivot line. I was worried that price might reverse there so I locked in some
profit earlier.

vonner #749 May 25, 2017, 3:51pm

I just wanna give a BIG THANK YOU to ICT. My trading has improved dramatically. I don’t claim to be a
pro trader or even an experienced one. With only 4 months of experience under my belt, I’m quite the
newbie. But ICT’s lessons have really helped me begin to understand why price moves the way it does
and where it will move.

I used to just follow an indicator system and not really know why price would fluctuate the way it does.
Price would often do the exact opposite of what I thought it would do.

But now, I am beginning to see the logic behind these moves as well as project where price would likely
go. Naturally, I am still wrong many times but even when I’m wrong, I understand why price moved in
that direction.

So thanks so much ICT! I really truly believe that you and your lessons have shaved off years on my
forex education.

vonner #750 May 25, 2017, 3:52pm


Morning guys I’m flat as well with an alert set at 1,3730 on fiber (don’t fancy a pending order) looking
to go long.
As usual I’m missing something, where can I find the SMT and why is is more useful than just
looking at EU/GU for preferential trade selection?

Hi Jaroon,

The SMT is actually just an overlay of the EU and the GU. The problem is finding a good MT4 indicator
that will let you see them in line chart format. So far, the best I’ve seen is the Overlay-MA indicator. Not
sure if someone has found something better.

system #751 May 25, 2017, 3:51pm

I also took a trade this morning on the cable…

rashygomez #752 May 25, 2017, 3:51pm

Lol, love the title of this thread.

Alishijo #753 May 25, 2017, 3:52pm


Morning guys I’m flat as well with an alert set at 1,3730 on fiber (don’t fancy a pending order) looking
to go long.

As usual I’m missing something, where can I find the SMT and why is is more useful than just
looking at EU/GU for preferential trade selection?

Remind me to screw my head on before checking in on Monday mornings :mad: All price action was
obviously pointing up this morning, but I was temporarily bamboozled by the new PP Calculator:eek:

This, Jaroon, is how the SMT can get you into a nice trade. Would have picked up the Fiber around 1.37
level, even before the open of London session:

SMT.jpg picture by Alishijo - Photobucket

This is a 1 hr chart. Cable turned up while Fiber was still heading south. That divergence would have
suggested Fiber was going to follow suit if all other analysis was in line.
Jaroon #754 May 25, 2017, 3:51pm

Thanks Alishijo great example.

I’m going to try and stay flat until London close which is looking promising (cable) if price hovers around
my R2 (1.6232). Hopefully it’ll come back into to the daily range, TP a bit above R1, what do we think?

Well my resolve lasted about 3 minutes (new record!). I’m short at 1.6234. Not the perfect entry but with
several strong resistance levels in the next 40 pips up, I’ve reduced my normal position size to allow a
40pip S/L and jumped in the water.

Alishijo #755 May 25, 2017, 5:00pm


Thanks Alishijo great example.

I’m going to try and stay flat until London close which is looking promising (cable) if price hovers
around my R2 (1.6232). Hopefully it’ll come back into to the daily range, TP a bit above R1, what do
we think?

Well, I am interested to see what happens with the NY open first. Will it stick around R2, or even come
off, or will it gun for the highs? Do you see a lot of implied resistance around this level? (Today’s R2,
Friday’s R1 and Thursday’s Central Pivot all line up for me).

London close trade would be my preferred option from here on in though. I’d like it to gun for the highs,
retrace 20% of it’s daily range, then put in an Optimal Trade Entry set-up before moving back into the

Jaroon #756 May 25, 2017, 4:59pm

Yes as it looks now London close might be the one to wait for but if NY brings a change in sentiment I’ll
try and catch a few pips. I’m watching the charts for a while as I don’t have an exit strategy. If it was
London close R1 would be my target but with the overlapping sessions I’d better keep on my toes:)

Alishijo #757 May 25, 2017, 5:00pm

Well my resolve lasted about 3 minutes (new record!). I’m short at 1.6234. Not the perfect entry but
with several strong resistance levels in the next 40 pips up, I’ve reduced my normal position size to
allow a 40pip S/L and jumped in the water.

Caution to the wind, hey?! Don’t know if they would take it this close without testing those highs. Could
just be in consolidation for a further move up. 50/50 at this point. Fasten your seatbelts!

P.S. Beware a fake-out on the previous high at 1.6274. The Market Makers may want to pick up those
juicy S/L orders

ClarkFX #758 May 25, 2017, 5:00pm

Hey guys! =)

Took two trades with the Cable this morning. One scalp and one swing trade. =) Made up for the losses
last week, hopefully this will take me back on track for my goals. =)

Both trades were taken during London Open. My first trade was a scalp of about 34 pips. Price had
reached the 79% retracement level from previous days high and low, so I entered a quick short, aiming
for the 1.6100 institutional level. I quickly exited that one, as I had realized price has a bullish sentiment,
and was aiming for the 1.6270 level, also, I noticed that there was a couple small range days, so a big
ranged day was bound to happen soon.

Second trade was almost at the same place as the exit of previous trade. Price had reached another
OTE from a recent swing, so I went long this time. Scaling and exiting as ICT had taught us. =)

Reached my weekly goal of 85-100 pips/week on Monday, now I can focus on school, AKA game, for the
rest of the week. =)

Trying to upload screenshots right now.


Swing Trade Entry and Exit:


system #759 May 24, 2017, 1:11pm

ICT Pro Traders Club video posted on the first post of this thread…

Babypips was not loading for me to include Feedback section in this installment. I’ll review the posts in
Wednesday’s edition… get your trades and questions in to make the video!


ClarkFX #760 May 24, 2017, 3:33pm

Last trade of the week, I promise!

Just entered another short trade on the Cable, seems to have hit some major resistance at the 1.6270
area, entered short at 1.6268 (79% level of 1.6275 to 1.6243). I placed my SL at 1.6285, a price that
hasn’t been reached since 2009, and aiming for the 1.6160 level (R1 and ADR high)

5.8:1 Reward to Risk ratio. Just hoping this goes as planned, maybe I won’t have to trade next week


Aarnog #761 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm

The trade I’m really hoping to hit, is a bounce off of November’s high at just below the 1.6300 level. I’m
assuming that it’ll happen either today or tomorrow, but I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

akeakamai #762 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm


The trade I’m really hoping to hit, is a bounce off of November’s high at just below the 1.6300 level.
I’m assuming that it’ll happen either today or tomorrow, but I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.
I see it got to 1.6298, did you take the short or miss by a pip? If you did take it, what’s your stop? just

Aarnog #763 May 24, 2017, 9:28pm

I didn’t even notice - I don’t check the markets until London open. I have to have SOME free time

akeakamai #764 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

I was thinking back to ICT’s video where he encouraged people to post their trades in order to get that
“spotlight” and take your accountability to the next level. I really think he’s on to something there, for us
new/struggling traders (i’m the struggling variety), so I want to try it out.

I want to apply it to something else though, hoping it will be just as useful. I have a problem of trading
out of boredom, and usually I’ll take trades I essentially know are crap trades, but it just seems more
interesting and worthwhile to do that watch some re-run of the simpsons or something. Especially asian
session, cause that’s when I’m usually full of good food and feeling on top of the world with nothing
going on.
So I took a swing trade on the fiber, sunday open, and netted +69 pips (that’s factoring in the scaling)
and I’m really interested in keeping it as my total for the week.
Problem is I’ve got 4 great trading days ahead and I’m sure I’ll be tempted to take (stupid) trades cause
I’m really stoked about those 69pips hah! But been trading for 3 years now and I know how alluring the
greed demon can be so I’m hoping hoping hoping that some extra accountability will teach me that
patience and discipline I know I need.

Basically I’ll just edit this post if I end up taking a trade. I’ll even post the excuse I gave myself at the
time, I got nothing to lose by telling the truth. But if I get to friday afternoon and I still got those 69 pips,
I’ll be on here telling you how happy I am that I actually had the patience to not take a single trade for 4
days! I’ll do it for everyone here, to show that patience is possible for those who wait (…)

There I think I’ve successfully created some accountability

The_Hunter #765 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm

Thank you ICT, your videos are so very helpful

georgewhite #766 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

yes ICT, thx a lot for another very helpful vid,cant wait for the live webinar

Alishijo #767 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm


Just entered another short trade on the Cable, seems to have hit some major resistance at the
1.6270 area, entered short at 1.6268 (79% level of 1.6275 to 1.6243). I placed my SL at 1.6285, a
price that hasn’t been reached since 2009, and aiming for the 1.6160 level (R1 and ADR high)

Well I’m glad (for me) that I wasn’t the only one to sit through that horrible horrible mud. I know ICT said
in his last video that the conditions weren’t favorable for a London close trade, but it had ALL the
attributes laid out in his video tutorial. Overbought according to ADR, at resistance which was implied
(pivot MS3) and actual (previous 1.6274 high). It retraced back 35 pips which was 20% of the days 180
odd pips, in the right time zone, and there was SMT divergence as Fiber came down handsomely! Well I
guess it was just one of those times it didn’t work. Finally got myself out at B/E.

Anyway, what is it with this thread? I can only access through my phone which makes it a nightmare to
Jaroon #768 May 24, 2017, 9:28pm


Well I’m glad (for me) that I wasn’t the only one to sit through that horrible horrible mud. I know ICT
said in his last video that the conditions weren’t favorable for a London close trade, but it had ALL
the attributes laid out in his video tutorial. Overbought according to ADR, at resistance which was
implied (pivot MS3) and actual (previous 1.6274 high). It retraced back 35 pips which was 20% of the
days 180 odd pips, in the right time zone, and there was SMT divergence as Fiber came down
handsomely! Well I guess it was just one of those times it didn’t work. Finally got myself out at B/E.

Anyway, what is it with this thread? I can only access through my phone which makes it a nightmare
to navigate!

Jeez what a mess, I took the London close as well, liked the look of it and over leveraged, moved my
S/L twice, was suffering a 22% unrealised drawdown at one point. So wrong, so very very wrong.

Anyway price is headed towards B/E so, as I’ve already sweated all my blood out, I’ll hold on. Asia has
hopeful made the daily high so I’ll go sit on the naughty step for a bit and reread my notes from the

ClarkFX #769 May 24, 2017, 9:28pm


Anyway, what is it with this thread? I can only access through my phone which makes it a nightmare
to navigate!

Oh good! I’m not the only one! Seems to me that all of babypips forums isn’t working. I made a post on it
earlier but it’s gone. Haha


Alishijo #770 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm

Fiber put in a very nice tradeable short last night (March 1st), but I was sick in bed! It hit the high for the
third time in 2 days (1.3850), came down to the pivot, back up for OTE just above MR1 and is now fast
approaching 1.3750 and the day’s S1.
system #771 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

heres the Euro trade I took last night, its almost the excat same reasons as the cable trade I took the
night before it was only for a quick 30 pip scalp but I was excitied to see the same trade unfold night
after night

Alishijo #772 May 25, 2017, 12:35am

Six3six - I thought I was looking at Cable all over again just then! Pivot, railroads, just this time the
journey wasn’t so long! Nice work.

system #773 May 25, 2017, 3:38am


Six3six - I thought I was looking at Cable all over again just then! Pivot, railroads, just this time the
journey wasn’t so long! Nice work.

Thank you very much !

akeakamai #774 May 25, 2017, 5:47am

I think I took in a lot of information over these past few months, and am starting to digest and process it
in a very meaningful way. [B]ICT[/B], your message is really getting through to me, and I really
appreciate the effort you put into all this. I see the reasons for why you laid it all out in the order that you
did, it’s been very helpful. I know you’re the real deal because of how well you understand the
psychology of the losing trader. You caught all my pitfalls throughout the videos, and helped me bring
them out into view so that I could finally start working on fixing them.

It’s just such a relief to finally have a grasp on what profitable trading actually entails. Perhaps this
thread was timed perfectly for my level of development, but either way it feels like you’ve single-
handedly turned my trading career around. I booted my ego to the curb and put all my focus on learning
patience and consistency, and I see no reason to look back now.

I’m seeing the setups, taking them with low risk entries, and then sitting happily on my profits! I’m
rambling a bit because I’m literally shocked that I’m doing this so effectively. I said this before, but I’ll say
it again, your thread and videos really give me the feeling that I’m in a university class with a really good
professor. You deliver the realities of trading bluntly , and even call out our flaws, and I appreciate that

I dont really have a question on the material but I remember you saying somewhere, maybe it was your
old thread, that you had been offered jobs at banks and turned them down. I found that inspirational at
the time, matches my independent mindset, so I was hoping you could elaborate on that story in one of
your videos. Also, anything about your early career, I would find very interesting. You seem like you’ve
got a pretty firm grasp on how the banks are trading, so I always assumed you had some kind of
experience there. (actually thought that’s what inner circle trader referred to before you explained it )

anyways, Me=infinitely grateful , and I look forward to all the things you’ve yet to teach! keep it comin

system #775 May 25, 2017, 5:47am


If I’m thinking what you’re thinking, do you really think these participants would have been loading up
so far in advance of the event? :eek: Also would corporate flows be attributed to the bounces up from
these levels?

They have taken it…Cable 1.6300 Double No Touch Barrier Option…

Now they are flushing stale Cable Longs up there…

LS1 #776 May 25, 2017, 8:25am


I think I took in a lot of information over these past few months, and am starting to digest and
process it in a very meaningful way. [B]ICT[/B], your message is really getting through to me, and I
really appreciate the effort you put into all this. I see the reasons for why you laid it all out in the
order that you did, it’s been very helpful. I know you’re the real deal because of how well you
understand the psychology of the losing trader. You caught all my pitfalls throughout the videos, and
helped me bring them out into view so that I could finally start working on fixing them.

It’s just such a relief to finally have a grasp on what profitable trading actually entails. Perhaps this
thread was timed perfectly for my level of development, but either way it feels like you’ve single-
handedly turned my trading career around. I booted my ego to the curb and put all my focus on
learning patience and consistency, and I see no reason to look back now.

I’m seeing the setups, taking them with low risk entries, and then sitting happily on my profits! I’m
rambling a bit because I’m literally shocked that I’m doing this so effectively. I said this before, but I’ll
say it again, your thread and videos really give me the feeling that I’m in a university class with a
really good professor. You deliver the realities of trading bluntly , and even call out our flaws, and I
appreciate that too.

I dont really have a question on the material but I remember you saying somewhere, maybe it was
your old thread, that you had been offered jobs at banks and turned them down. I found that
inspirational at the time, matches my independent mindset, so I was hoping you could elaborate on
that story in one of your videos. Also, anything about your early career, I would find very interesting.
You seem like you’ve got a pretty firm grasp on how the banks are trading, so I always assumed you
had some kind of experience there. (actually thought that’s what inner circle trader referred to before
you explained it )

anyways, Me=infinitely grateful , and I look forward to all the things you’ve yet to teach! keep it comin

I’m feeling the same way lately, my friend.

My “homework” as of late I’ve been working on is getting discipled with napping at night and waking up
at 12am PST for the London open.

Aarnog #777 May 25, 2017, 8:24am

So, I think I’ve figured out my biggest problem with trading - it’s that I am able to find 3+ reasons to enter
a trade at multiple levels ahead of time.

For instance:

Right now, on the cable, I’m looking at both the CPP, and R1 as possible short entries. The CPP has the
following lined up with it: Previous Support/resistance (right around the 1.6250), an institutional level
(1.6250), the CPP, and it is in an OTE zone.

There is also a lot of convergence on the R1 level on the cable - it is at the 1.6300 level, previous
monthly high from November, previous resistance, R1, yesterday’s MR1, and it is in an OTE zone when
you draw fibs from the PDH to the PDL.

The problem I have with this, is that I get lost when I have 2+ areas with multiple confluences - which
one should I enter at? I’m always hesitant to enter at the both levels for fear of unnecessarily being
stopped out.

system #778 May 25, 2017, 10:15am


The problem I have with this, is that I get lost when I have 2+ areas with multiple confluences - which
one should I enter at? I’m always hesitant to enter at the both levels for fear of unnecessarily being
stopped out.

Stay aside. That’s a position.

If you have any doubts before you enter a trade it’s best NOT to enter because your own doubts and the
resulting fear will have an impact on your trade management. You’ll get flushed…because you are an
easy target for their “flush operations”.

Aarnog #779 May 25, 2017, 11:05am


Stay aside. That’s a position.

If you have any doubts before you enter a trade it’s best NOT to enter because your own doubts and
the resulting fear will have an impact on your trade management. You’ll get flushed…because you
are an easy target for their “flush operations”.

That’s definitely good advice, but it’s something I’ve taken a little too much to heart - I’m pretty much a
professional at talking myself out of trades - I think it’s been about 3 weeks since I’ve taken a trade?
This isn’t necessarily a bad trait, but it’s something I need to get over if I want to make my way as a
trader ;).

Also, if there’s one thing I’ve discovered about myself, it’s that my trade management is never an issue.
Once I’m in a trade I have no problems whatsoever. The real hurdle is getting myself into that trade.

system #780 May 25, 2017, 11:50am


I’m pretty much a professional at talking myself out of trades - I think it’s been about 3 weeks
since I’ve taken a trade?

How often…do you think…Corporates, Central Banks and Sovereigns that moves price in Cable have
taken a Cable position in the past 21 days ?


It took the market by “surprise”…so they say…month end book squaring…so they say…Cable
weakness…so they say…interest rate blahlah…so they say…get the drift…

Where did it get Cable ?

How many trades would you need to make that amount of pips out of those two moves ?

At what risk ?

This isn’t necessarily a bad trait, but it’s something I need to get over if I want to make my way as a
trader ;).

You don’t need to, no.

If people knew how often I trade…I would be laughed off this board…

Also, if there’s one thing I’ve discovered about myself, it’s that my trade management is never an
issue. Once I’m in a trade

Good for you.

system #781 May 25, 2017, 11:05am

NorwegianBlue #782 May 25, 2017, 11:04am

Reduce your size.

system #783 May 24, 2017, 1:11pm

GREAT STUFF ICT!!Been studying all your videos and The Babypips “school of pipsology”!

I´ve never traded virtual or otherwise and would really appreciate

it if anyone can recommend a basic but functional platform to practice on
and potential brokers.

I am trading from Spain/EU and going to concentrate on

the cable.
Many thanks

georgewhite #784 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm


GREAT STUFF ICT!!Been studying all your videos and The Babypips “school of pipsology”!

I´ve never traded virtual or otherwise and would really appreciate

it if anyone can recommend a basic but functional platform to practice on
and potential brokers.
I am trading from Spain/EU and going to concentrate on
the cable.
Many thanks


hi spanishjeff
this should do, whenever yr demo expires just go in FILE?OPEN ACCOUNT and change yr email,just
add a letter or whatever

mt4 //meta trader// is good,thats what u c most likely on ict vids

Trading Account - Open a Free Demo Account - Alpari (UK)

Download your free mt4 Demo…You could be demo trading the financial markets in just minutes

either of them,have fun

slowman #785 May 25, 2017, 11:04am

Hi Arrnog

Had the same problem and how got over it.

Log all my trades and started to only take trades with three or more points.To get three points or more I
have a list.

1. buy/sell zone =.20

2. pivoit level =.25
3. round no =.30
4. smt =1
5. stochs =.20 to .75 if realy good
6. pdl/pdh =.25
7. OTE =.45 which I think is amazing and I think it deserves a full point but at the moment I give it .45

and so on, I end up with 7or 8 reasons to get in a trade which has to =3 points then when its three points
I do take the trade.
No I am not making a fortune but it gets me in trades and if my MM was better I would be doing good but
I feel a lot more confident with 3 points rather than just three reasons. Dont no if this makes sense but it
has helped me a lot especialy now I have the OTE I can get about 4 or more trades a week

northerntouch101 #786 May 25, 2017, 11:50am

Caught the Cable long this morning.

Daily fractals were up.

4 Hr fractals were up.
MS1 buy zone.
Round number 1.6220
OTE Entry

When I looked at my chart I actually missed the OTE entry so I entered at the market 1.6234. Price did
end up trading back down to hit the 61.2-79% retracement but oh well, lesson learned.

Set TP at 1.6295 and went to sleep. Woke up at 7:30 to see that it had been hit.

I’ll try to post the chart later today.

Hordane #787 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm

Here’s the london trade I took this morning.

Entered off the fibs drawn from the first push up of the day. Noticed PA respected Asia session low all
night which was also yesterday’s pivot point and not far from S1 so was okay stating this was the low
point. Also, low point created within first 5 hrs of the trade day (12pm EST ).

Trade entered long 1.62257, fib 50% placed on top of swing high for extension projection. 3% profit at
30 pips, remainder at TP of 1.62792. It was almost a mS1 to mR1 trade. Entrance to exit 53.5 pips.
Aarnog #788 May 25, 2017, 12:35pm


Reduce your size.

Way ahead of you - I can’t reduce my lot size anymore, though, I’m already at the minimum.

I think what I’m actually going to do (in the specific case of 2+ trades that look plausible), is wait for an
OTE at one of the support levels, during London/NY open, or London close. No OTE, no trade. I have a
couple of other pairs that I can watch while I wait. Plus, that should help me get over my entry anxiety,
given how ridiculously effective the OTE technique is.

LS1 #789 May 25, 2017, 12:34pm

Hi Arrnog

Had the same problem and how got over it.

Log all my trades and started to only take trades with three or more points.To get three points or
more I have a list.

1. buy/sell zone =.20

2. pivoit level =.25
3. round no =.30
4. smt =1
5. stochs =.20 to .75 if realy good
6. pdl/pdh =.25
7. OTE =.45 which I think is amazing and I think it deserves a full point but at the moment I give it

and so on, I end up with 7or 8 reasons to get in a trade which has to =3 points then when its three
points I do take the trade.
No I am not making a fortune but it gets me in trades and if my MM was better I would be doing good
but I feel a lot more confident with 3 points rather than just three reasons. Dont no if this makes
sense but it has helped me a lot especialy now I have the OTE I can get about 4 or more trades a

IMO, you give to much credit to Stochastic, compared to pivot/institutional levels/OTE/general trend

I love me some Stochastics as much the next guy, but it can sometimes be misleading. Sometimes it’s
over 80 or under 20 for long periods of time. You buy in early because you had other signals and the
stoch said it was massively oversold. Turns out the long term time frame is majorly bearish and it just
plows on through being oversold on whatever TF you’re looking at.

I like the idea of a points system that determines the eligibility of a trade, though.

ClarkFX #790 May 25, 2017, 12:35pm

I agree with LS1, stochs, IMO should only be an afterthought after price action. Like ICT, had said, it’s
difficult to incorporate his teachings with one’s current trading plan.


TheSimpleMan #791 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm

it has been a week of learning for me and I wrote down the ideas I thought I would trade and where my
enter would come and where I would like to get out of trades. I was aimin for 25 pips on each trade and I
goofed the enters up rushing before the time we are looking for and a few enters after london closed and
market went no where but to my stop. If I didnt do those dumb things and follow the rules the choices
would have all made 25 pips of each of em. How does it take to get of the dumb things that I am talking
about and is it normal to feel like I am about to miss the moves? This is what I am thinking right before I
click in the enter. Is anyone feeling this to? Im still really ecited to see this work like it does and like
clockwork the moves happen like a favorite tv show i can turn on the forex tv and churn on the Ict chanel
and right there you go a new dish of the same platter haha its allmost crazy how it works even if I do
stump it up by my silly dumb rushing and I did chase after one move and it was a winner if I stayed in
but I wrote down I would have jumped out. If its this crazy on paper I know Im not ready for real money
yet.! I get goosebumps on the videos real neat stuff and the quality and trailers are making me buzz like
a visit to the movies and seeing a new flick coming out. haha keep it coming and thanks for your
answers guys this website is the best.! my goal is 50 next week and stop

TheSimpleMan #792 May 25, 2017, 12:34pm

was it hard to sleepn on the trade or was it practice? how many pips did it win 75? or did I count it

LS1 #793 May 25, 2017, 1:17pm


Now that we’ve broken the last high on the cable, do you think we’re liking to see it rise until it tests the
last peak at ~1.6450?

akeakamai #794 May 25, 2017, 1:17pm


Way ahead of you - I can’t reduce my lot size anymore, though, I’m already at the minimum.

I think what I’m actually going to do (in the specific case of 2+ trades that look plausible), is wait for
an OTE at one of the support levels, during London/NY open, or London close. No OTE, no trade. I
have a couple of other pairs that I can watch while I wait. Plus, that should help me get over my entry
anxiety, given how ridiculously effective the OTE technique is.

That’s kind of what I concluded too. If you watch ICT’s videos, 90%+ of his trades are entered at OTE,
and it’s easy to see why. The ones that aren’t entered at OTE lined up with 50% fib level, or the central
pivot. I think knowing when to enter outside of the OTE trigger is the “advanced” route and like you I
decided to just stick to OTE because it clearly will get you into trades, and you can be sure that the entry
is low risk, assuming you are being honest with yourself about the market flows and sum of

ClarkFX #795 May 25, 2017, 1:58pm


That’s kind of what I concluded too. If you watch ICT’s videos, 90%+ of his trades are entered at
OTE, and it’s easy to see why. The ones that aren’t entered at OTE lined up with 50% fib level, or the
central pivot. I think knowing when to enter outside of the OTE trigger is the “advanced” route and
like you I decided to just stick to OTE because it clearly will get you into trades, and you can be sure
that the entry is low risk, assuming you are being honest with yourself about the market flows and
sum of confluences…

Lately, the Cable hasn’t really been making deep fib retracements into the 62-79%, but more into the
50%-62% zone, I was wondering how viable are those? Because they still tend to work as well as the
OTE… I’m not sure if anyone has entered trades in that zone, I try to avoid those setups, but when they
appear, and are solid, backed up by other confluences, they seem to work quite well.


akeakamai #796 May 25, 2017, 2:38pm


Lately, the Cable hasn’t really been making deep fib retracements into the 62-79%, but more into the
50%-62% zone, I was wondering how viable are those? Because they still tend to work as well as
the OTE… I’m not sure if anyone has entered trades in that zone, I try to avoid those setups, but
when they appear, and are solid, backed up by other confluences, they seem to work quite well.


well if the swing that you are using to draw your fibs on is less than 40pips, the difference between 62%
and OTE is only a matter of a few pips, so I don’t think that’s going to make or break your trade. But on
some of the bigger swings, the difference can be 10-15pips and then it probably has a greater impact on
the risk/reward ratio of your trade. and a swing that big, entering at 62%, you might need a 40-45pip
stop to get 10+ below the 100% retracement level.
and I never see ICT using that wide of a stop so I’m assuming he’s never jumping the gun on his OTE’s,
at least not on the big swings
system #797 May 24, 2017, 5:45pm

Many thanks Georgewhite!

Great advice.
Off to work out my trading plan,and will post all trades from the very first!

Great thread!!!Thanks to all the contributors learning from you all.

Jaroon #798 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

I’m bullish on cable today but I don’t think this level (1.6250) qualifies as OTE because of the
consolidation period after the swing high, do you guys agree?

I think it was in the last PTC video Micheal said the tools are more effective following a clear swing and
retracment, this is too messy?

akeakamai #799 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

I think it adds to the support, but you’d probably do better (lower risk anyway) by waiting for an OTE off a
bounce from that level (if that materializes). Your stop on that OTE would be at least 45pips!
and when I say bounce, I mean something significant, like 30pips at LEAST.

Jaroon #800 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

Thanks Akea, that sounds reasonable. Price is hovering around the 61%, if I entered at OTE I’d have
yesterdays and todays S1s to hold price up and think I’d place my S/L at yesterdays low giving a 37 pip
potential loss which I can adjust for. I’ll sit on my hands until NY open and hope for a bounce.

system #801 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm


I’m bullish on cable today but I don’t think this level (1.6250) qualifies
do you guys agree?

You’re right, yes.

They are gunning for stops @1.6250 and below…right now…

Cable bulls got a tough time…right now.

system #802 May 24, 2017, 11:04pm

Good morning folks…

New PTC uploaded on the first post of this thread.

Here is the Feedback link for this week… ICT Feedback Video

jim68 #803 May 25, 2017, 12:35am

Hello ICT and to everyone else as well.

New to the thread here. Just like to say thanks for your contribution. I have just started going over your
videos and plan on catching up on the thread here this weekend.
Again, just like to say thanks and look forward to the knowledge and experience that you offer to share.

Hordane #804 May 25, 2017, 2:09am

Thanks for the video ICT!

georgewhite #805 May 25, 2017, 2:11am

hi ICT

i ll b like a broken record, both vids are great. u know, i watch, i enjoy, i learn and form into the right mind
set and build technical ammunition. u put yr time,knowledge and effort into it to share it just for the sake
of being nice. so to say great thx is the least i can do,hopefully i ll b able to post some forming trades
before they unfold. i see those materialized ones but hindsight is tons easier then foresight. but that
20/20.com is the first step to spot them beforehand and grab them by the spine and squeeze the life out
of them. a bit brutal, but so was the market to me in the early times with little ammunition and took
advantage of my fx innocence :-))))

TheSimpleMan #806 May 25, 2017, 5:48am

the new york sesion saw the buy on euro but its up over 100 pips when would you get out? wow the
optimal entry pushed it up really high today. I would have been looking to go down before this technique
and time to hunt for it everyday. its really cool finding them I hope it keeps happening. can you talk more
about enter methods and how to enter trades and what it takes for good enters? Thanks you guys!

northerntouch101 #807 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm

Adding a new post to add the my chart example from March 2nd.

You can see where I thought I missed the OTE.

Sorry for the quality of the chart, having sizing issues.


Hordane #808 May 25, 2017, 8:24am


the new york sesion saw the buy on euro but its up over 100 pips when would you get out? wow the
optimal entry pushed it up really high today. I would have been looking to go down before this
technique and time to hunt for it everyday. its really cool finding them I hope it keeps happening. can
you talk more about enter methods and how to enter trades and what it takes for good enters?
Thanks you guys!

I saw the EU today NY and took it (green circle). It was a confluence of the ADR Low, 62% fib zone,
yesterday mS1, and finally right under the Asia low; Long bias since 4hr has not traded below previous
low fractal. Fib drawn off the 1hr fractals.

Now I messed up this trade as I moved my stop to BE the candle before the large spike up.
Unfortunately the BE was hit and then 10minutes later it spiked as it did, a little fear got to me on that

The exit on this trade would be easy. You would move your fib to place the 50% on top of the swing
measurement to get the 100%. In this case the 100% overlapped exactly at R2. Notice the pink line, that
is the ADR high. I had planned the ADR high as the exit instead of R2 to be safe.

Lesson learned: do not move your stop too early, I mistakenly made an assumption that the price was
finished going lower and paid by missing out on an excellent trade.
wrtm_19 #809 May 25, 2017, 9:22am


I saw the EU today NY and took it (green circle). It was a confluence of the ADR Low, 62% fib zone,
yesterday mS1, and finally right under the Asia low; Long bias since 4hr has not traded below
previous low fractal. Fib drawn off the 1hr fractals.

Now I messed up this trade as I moved my stop to BE the candle before the large spike up.
Unfortunately the BE was hit and then 10minutes later it spiked as it did, a little fear got to me on that

Same thing happened to me, lol. But honestly I don’t feel bad about missing the trade. News was about
to come out and we know how good they are at messing up any reasonable view we might have about
the market, so conditions had been met already for a succesful trade and we moved our stops
accordingly. Nothing bad about following proper money management and having a risk free trade
around news time, that’s pretty good actually. Can’t win them all though. :eek:

Anyway, nice to see what this thread has become into

NeedyPips #810 May 25, 2017, 2:09am


Good morning folks…

New PTC uploaded on the first post of this thread.

Here is the Feedback link for this week… ICT Feedback Video


Like a Three-Legged-Stool: Video’s, Thread, Feedback: Awesome strat! Of course the subject should
not be left out: Awesome strat!

Thank You

vonner #811 May 25, 2017, 10:15am


Same thing happened to me, lol. But honestly I don’t feel bad about missing the trade. News was
about to come out and we know how good they are at messing up any reasonable view we might
have about the market, so conditions had been met already for a succesful trade and we moved our
stops accordingly. Nothing bad about following proper money management and having a risk free
trade around news time, that’s pretty good actually. Can’t win them all though. :eek:

Anyway, nice to see what this thread has become into

I agree 100%

Breaking even on a trade is a win in my book!

akeakamai #812 May 25, 2017, 10:15am

Well I only took one trade this week, what a relaxing way of trading haha. Kept my 69 pips from that
trade and feel more in control of when I want to trade now. It was interesting to see what trades people
got involved in, I was wondering if I would’ve taken the same ones if I was looking for more trades. Who
knows but I’d say it was a great learning experience. Plus it gives me confidence that I don’t have to
succumb to overtrading if I really put my mind to it.
Hope that inspires someone out there. Also I did notice the markets when kinda choppy after monday’s
moves, leading up to the report, but was impressed by all the people that found good trades in there!

MCAWally #813 May 25, 2017, 11:50am


Well I only took one trade this week, what a relaxing way of trading haha. Kept my 69 pips from that
trade and feel more in control of when I want to trade now. It was interesting to see what trades
people got involved in, I was wondering if I would’ve taken the same ones if I was looking for more
trades. Who knows but I’d say it was a great learning experience. Plus it gives me confidence that I
don’t have to succumb to overtrading if I really put my mind to it.

Hope that inspires someone out there. Also I did notice the markets when kinda choppy after
monday’s moves, leading up to the report, but was impressed by all the people that found good
trades in there!

Well done AK, I reckon your head of the class now.

Great stuff.


jim68 #814 May 25, 2017, 11:50am

I have a couple questions about the COT for anyone that is willing to explain.
What is the difference between the Dealer Intermediary and the Asset Manager/Institutional?
Which has more influence?
I was noticing for example GBP heavy short in both yet the YEN was heavy short and heavy long,

hellogoodbye4201 #815 May 25, 2017, 12:35pm

Thanks for another good video ICT!

system #816 May 25, 2017, 1:17pm

I have a couple questions about the COT for anyone that is willing to explain.
What is the difference between the Dealer Intermediary and the Asset Manager/Institutional?
Which has more influence?
I was noticing for example GBP heavy short in both yet the YEN was heavy short and heavy long,

The report uses the same data that appears in the COT reports, but separates large traders in the
financial futures markets into the following four categories:

Asset Manager/Institutional
Leveraged Funds
Other Reportables

The “dealer/intermediary” category comprises the sell-side participants that earn commissions selling
financial products, capturing bid/offer spreads and otherwise accommodating clients. The remaining
three categories represent buy-side participants. These are generally clients of the sell-side participants
who use the markets to invest, hedge, manage risk, speculate or change the term structure or duration
of their assets.

akeakamai #817 May 25, 2017, 12:35pm


Well done AK, I reckon your head of the class now.

Great stuff.


thanks! for me, what’s helping a lot is having a really low pip objective. just looking at 20-50pips and
anything over is just an astounding week. and it’s astounding because I plug the pip count into a
compounding template and realize that it’s a fortune 3-5 years out into the future. I mean I’m only 24, I
got the time, no reason I have to be the formula 1 racer and try to do it in a year. that’s mainly what i’m
realizing this week…

Clint #818 May 25, 2017, 8:24am

Hello, Michael

I just wanted to stick my head in, and say that your video series is fabulous. Great work! Great info.

I’ve been lurking here on your thread since the beginning, and I’m starting to look at the market through
your eyes.
It has been quite a learning experience for me. I hope you’ll be here for years to come.

By the way, is that you behind the AR-15 on the firing range?

system #819 May 25, 2017, 2:38pm



Now that we’ve broken the last high on the cable, do you think we’re liking to see it rise until it tests
the last peak at ~1.6450?

I wanted to get on the other side of the NFP report and start a new week to get a beat on what Price
might try to reach for… let’s see what London presents us.


system #820 May 25, 2017, 2:39pm

New Pro Traders Club posted on the first post of this thread…


akeakamai #821 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm

yeah being “head of the class” isn’t really where I like to be. I post what I do because I want this thread
to take off, and I know the best way to do that is show to everyone that these tools and concepts and
lessons and rules can be applied to YOUR trading and that it does work and will make you money. I
can’t even explain how grateful I was that ICT came back and “resurrected” his thread. I learned so
many things in his thread from last March, but since it wasn’t really the complete package I was still lost
for the most part.

Well here’s a sobering disclosure for y’all: I’m in the red $14,500 overall in Forex. Been tracking it since
my first trade and promised myself to never cover up my losses and enter that hell known as denial. So
maybe I’m picking up what ICT is saying quickly, but it’s only because I’ve run out of time to keep pissing
my money away at greed and overtrading!
system #822 May 25, 2017, 4:24pm


yeah being “head of the class” isn’t really where I like to be. I post what I do because I want this
thread to take off, and I know the best way to do that is show to everyone that these tools and
concepts and lessons and rules can be applied to YOUR trading and that it does work and will make
you money. I can’t even explain how grateful I was that ICT came back and “resurrected” his thread.
I learned so many things in his thread from last March, but since it wasn’t really the complete
package I was still lost for the most part.

Well here’s a sobering disclosure for y’all: I’m in the red $14,500 overall in Forex. Been tracking it
since my first trade and promised myself to never cover up my losses and enter that hell known as
denial. So maybe I’m picking up what ICT is saying quickly, but it’s only because I’ve run out of time
to keep pissing my money away at greed and overtrading!

You can come out of it… patience and focus and a significant measure more of… Patience.


Aarnog #823 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm

Alright, so I’m going to try something new this week. I’m going to post my analysis of the Cable every
night at or around 1:00am my time (2:00am EST), where I’m thinking of entering, and in what direction,
and then I’ll post the results of any trades I took. This is a very selfish act, I won’t lie. I want as many
people as possible to criticize my analysis, because that’s how I learn best.

Starting from the top down - I see that we haven’t been able to hold above the 1.6300 level yet. If price
does reach above there, there are some highs from back in September/October that I’d imagine price
would reach for - that’s way in the future though.

Market flow is bullish on the daily, and bearish on the 4h and 1h - so the market flow bias is short.

We are, however,currently in a buy zone, so I’m going to be looking for opportunities to go long, until
price leaves the buy zone.
There are 3 possible entries I see here - the first one I’m hoping for would be an entry long at S1 - there
is confluence with the PDL, and Friday’s S1 is only about 10 pips away (also, Thursdays S1 is about 3-4
pips away). If price trades down there, I might wait for one more bit of confluence before I take a long, it
depends on how price is behaving.

The second entry is at R1 - Friday’s high lines up with it quite nicely, as does Friday’s MR1, and it’s right
at the 1.6300 level which price hasn’t been able to hold above - definitely a reasonable place to look for
a short, if price were to reach there at a sensible time.

The third entry is something that I might consider scalping - the Central Pivot lines up with the 50% fib
drawn from Friday’s high to low, and is also right smack dab in the middle of the OTE zone. It also lines
up fairly well with Friday’s MS1. Again, if I were to enter short there, I wouldn’t be looking for more than
20-30 pips.

Anyone agree/disagree?

Update: Entered short @ CPP - 1.6269, stop loss at 1.6290. stopped out for -21 pips.

Jaroon #824 May 25, 2017, 5:00pm

Akea thanks for disclosing. Sobering, as you’re clearly not an undisciplined guy, nor lacking in the ability
to apply systematic tools. Would you ascribe your level of drawdown to classic risk management issues,
jumping around systems too much or other? I’m sure we’ll be part of this thread, ICTs gang, for the
forseeable future so the pints are on me when you hit B/E (initial goal only:)).

Rereading your post Akea you site greed and overtrading, a particular system, T/F or generally? I over
traded horribly last week, traded NFP, lost and spent all day scalping back to B/E, horrible stressful day.
Swing trading only this week.

Armnog, I don’t think a daily ideas review is selfish at all, great idea. My main goal this week is
developing my discipline so as I don’t see much bias, I’m flat for Monday morning.
If Asian low holds at 1.6032 I may look to go long in NY open if price moves back into the buys zone, at
least to the 50% intraday fib but as a discipline exercise I’ll hold for a potential O.T.E.

I’ve got a new daily checklist I’ll try and post. It’s an open word doc ODF text document. I’m computer
stupid I’m afraid, how can I post it for anyones use, comment or adaption?

Aarnog #825 May 25, 2017, 5:36pm

I’ve made a discovery! Not a particularly pleasant discovery, but a discovery nontheless.

So, for Monday’s pivots, I like to use Friday + Sunday’s price data - I like a full 24 hours worth of price
information reflected in my pivots. It turns out the pivot indicator I use on my MT4 platform doesn’t do
that. In fact, it registers Sunday and Monday as a single day. This knocks my pivots out of whack by 15
pips or so for Monday. As a note for the future, I should manually calculate my pivots for Mondays.

Also, Jaroon - the idea in itself isn’t selfish, but my motives behind it are. I’m not doing it to help others,
only myself. If other people benefit from my mistakes - all the better! But that’s not my actual intent. That
doesn’t mean I won’t do my part to help others, just… not with my daily stuff.

akeakamai #826 May 25, 2017, 6:06pm

Jaroon, it was mostly from overtrading on the smaller timeframes 5m/1m. Biggest chunks were from
days when I’d fight the market flow (not that I knew I was doing this at the time) all day long and get
cleaned out with 3 or 4 losses. I guess that was an ego problem, but still 3 or 4 trades is too many in a
day (something I recently decided).

system #827 May 25, 2017, 6:35pm

Euro was a Long at London Open… nice swing captured… looking at Cable in the New York Open we
have potential setup to stalk at the 1.630 Figure… currently price likely to retrace the London Swing and
we have R1 pivot with Old Highs and the Swing retracement from the London Swing converging at the
38% retracement.

The daily charts are poised to push higher and this might be a candidate for a handsome trend trade.
Something to monitor and narrow your focus on.

jim68 #828 May 25, 2017, 6:35pm

I would like to share a basic run down of my trade this morning.

EURUSD - daily and the 240 is still going up according to fractals…FIB on the 15m gives a OTE
between 1.3955 - 1.3966.
Took the long at 1.3966, took first exit @ +30 and moved stop to BE. Took second exit 1.4027. Initially, I
had set target at 1.4040 because of R2, FIB extension and previous day mr2 were all setting at 1.4045

BTW, thanks for the reply about the COT and great video with excellent ending

Rokas1989 #829 May 25, 2017, 7:03pm

Hello I have some questions on directional bias…

To start with we use market flow from top. Daily very clear north but we are at a support level; 4h south,
but unlike daily price is rather rangy so north/undecided; h1 strong north, but before spike same rangy
rangy action. Question is can we consider market flow of rangy PA?

Second USD index is clearly south so gu north

Third is COT. Commercials are decreasing shorts increasing longs so north for gu.

Notes are moving, but no failure swings so ignore?

So directional bias of GBP/USD is north. One should consider trading after 4h market flow is north
discarding any short unless it’s a scalp.

Having directional bias in long a possible setup is forming currently which is a confluence of 38fib; R1
(which in strong trending market can be considered as support level); BRN and previous resistance
levels which should act as support.

Would like some feedback on bias and current trade.

Ps buying in scary bearish candle is good practice even if trade analysis is rubbish.



Jaroon #830 May 25, 2017, 7:30pm

Here’s my NY open trade. with market flow, confluence support around my daily CPP. A little above OTE
but hoping CPP will be strong enough support.
system #831 May 25, 2017, 7:55pm

No support offered at 1.63 figure and absence of Optimal Trade Setup sidelined… London swing nearly
retraced completely which I suspect they are gunning stops under the 1.6240 level.

One trade thus far… New York session keying off Resistance levels early on… hindsight, and this one
slipped by me… Euro OTE short but looked for the slide to present retracement into support levels…
thus far have yet to materialize.

Looking at London Close for possible setup but not forcing the matter on the heels of a lucky Euro long
from London Express.


system #832 May 25, 2017, 8:22pm

1.6240 stops toasted… moving to sidelines in profits for the day.

Trade review later tonight with London session review.

Fiber reaching for its CPP… Cable dead weight on the Fiber bulls. Be careful folks…


hellogoodbye4201 #833 May 25, 2017, 8:48pm

Got my 2% for the week off cable today… Guess it’s time to find something else to do for the rest of the
week lol
ClarkFX #834 May 25, 2017, 9:40pm


Got my 2% for the week off cable today… Guess it’s time to find something else to do for the rest of
the week lol

Nice! Went long on the Cable, got my OTE during the London Open. Price was at ADR Low, and
previous day’s low, also was at S1 which indicated a buy zone as well, entry was at OTE, banked
85pips. =)


Aarnog #835 May 25, 2017, 9:41pm

Update the second: Took the same trade Jaroon took - OTE @ CPP. Stopped out for -30; out -51 pips
for the day. That’s 2 failed trades for the day, so I’m stepping back until tomorrow. Not the greatest
Monday I’ve ever had, but I’m one successful trade away from breaking even completely so I’m not
terribly worried.

Hordane #836 May 25, 2017, 10:07pm

I took the GU down from ADR high. Confluence of ADR high and R2,daily was a previous retest of that
high. Placed trade right below R2 down to daily pivot point. I took the trade near the daily pivot as well
and was stopped out -35. Still with the stop out I’m in profit and stood aside the rest of the day and
watched GU become an anchor.

Interesting note, DXY hit a trend line and bounced up, seems a missed factor in judging a continued GU

jim68 #837 May 25, 2017, 10:31pm

2nd Trade long at cable CPP. -30, but still up +15 on the day because of the early fiber at london open

hellogoodbye4201 #838 May 25, 2017, 10:06pm


Nice! Went long on the Cable, got my OTE during the London Open. Price was at ADR Low, and
previous day’s low, also was at S1 which indicated a buy zone as well, entry was at OTE, banked
85pips. =)


Went long in the Asian session, not 100% pleased with why I took the trade but it happened to work out

vonner #839 May 25, 2017, 10:05pm

Count me in here. Got stopped out yesterday New York Open. Was planning to go long on the Cable
since market flow was up on the 4H and Daily. It also looked to me like price had broken through
previous highs and then was retracing to test the previous highs at the 1.6270 S/R level which coincided
with my optimal entry and CPP. Too bad price didn’t stop and broke all the way down.

Well, can’t win them all, right? I’m proud that I was able to stop myself from entering into another trade
that day (though I was sorely tempted to try to recover some of my losses). I just kept reminding myself
that there will be lots of other days and setups to come so rather than rush into another trade, I simply
watched from the sidelines.

apmonster #840 May 25, 2017, 10:30pm

Took the same long on fiber.

Saw MF was up, and we got OTE around MS1.

Took some profit at the 1.64 figure, and left some open to try for R2, but didn’t quite get there. Still, a
nice profitable trade.

As a side note, I’ve been trading live with these tools for a total of seven trading days now. [B]I have not
had a single losing trade[/B] (a couple of break-evens due to tightening stops too quickly), and [B]my
account is up roughly 65%.[/B] I know a losing trade is coming, but with this kind of expectancy, it really
doesn’t bother me.
I don’t give those figures in order to boast, but to show that this stuff really is working, LIVE, exactly as
ICT said it would, and to give hope to others who (like me) may have been close to giving up any hope
of making consistent profits in FX.

Jack_B_PIP #841 May 25, 2017, 8:22pm

I would like to post how I saw Sunday night/Monday GU trades I took. I apologize for the poor quality of
my chart. I am not very computer savy. This is the best 2 trades I have ever taken and am very excited!!.
Please let me know if I am looking at things correctly.

1st trade - Sunday at approx Midnight NY time. Took long at 1.6244

Reasons for the Trade 1. Below daily CPP in the buy zone. 2. Confluence of PDL (Friday), Fridays MS2,
Thursdays S1 and 78.8% fib from Fridays low to high. 3. This one is from Tymen’s BB DNA thread - 15m
TF was in a Boll Band squeeze and I entered on the Count back line rules from that method.
TP1 at 30 pips. TP2 set at Fib ext 161.8% from sunday high to midnight low which converged with
Fridays PDH and took TP2 at round number 1.6300 for 55 pips. All while I slept!!!

2nd trade - when I woke up at 6am NY time. Saw price above CPP in the sell zone
Reasons for trade: 1. Convergence of PWH, Fridays R1, Thursdays High 2. Entered at the rules for BB
Countback line at 1.6324.
TP1 = 30 pips
TP2 at convergence of Fridays S2, Fridays Fib ext 138.2% and Sunday/monday fib ext 138.2% and
institutional level 1.6220. 100 pips.
Total for sunday/monday approx 215 pips.
Thanks so much for this tread!!!
I am done for the week, since I can only trade part-time

LS1 #842 May 25, 2017, 11:13pm


Took the same long on fiber.

Saw MF was up, and we got OTE around MS1.

Took some profit at the 1.64 figure, and left some open to try for R2, but didn’t quite get there. Still, a
nice profitable trade.

As a side note, I’ve been trading live with these tools for a total of seven trading days now. [B]I have
not had a single losing trade[/B] (a couple of break-evens due to tightening stops too quickly), and
[B]my account is up roughly 65%.[/B] I know a losing trade is coming, but with this kind of
expectancy, it really doesn’t bother me.

I don’t give those figures in order to boast, but to show that this stuff really is working, LIVE, exactly
as ICT said it would, and to give hope to others who (like me) may have been close to giving up any
hope of making consistent profits in FX.

This is good to hear:) I’m going live next week myself. Consistently making fake money is depressing, ya

Leaving to Hawaii for a week here, first, though. Felt pretty damn good to grab cash for the trip and
exchange what Americans used to consider monopoly dollars 1:1 with USD.

Aarnog #843 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

Alright, my analysis, day 2:

So, yesterday didn’t go so hot. Ended up around -50 pips off of two trades. Today should be better, I’m

So, we’re entering the new day after some pretty decent consolidation in the Asian session. I know we’re
in the sell zone, but my initial bias is short, due to the giant bear flag that price has formed. That may
change to long later tonight.

Currently price is hung up on MS1 for the day. I’m expecting price to trade up to the CPP, or possibly
MR1 and then continue it’s move southwards.

For Confluence at the CPP, we have:

Daily CPP
Yesterday’s MS1 and S1 both within 10 pips, with yesterday’s S1 being tested as resistance earlier on
We also have the institutional 1.6250 level nearby
the 32% retracement from PDL to PDH.
Total: 4-5 events.

For confluence at MR1, we have:

Daily MR1
Yesterday’s CPP (which also acted as both support and resistance yesterday)
the 62% fib drawn from PDH to PDL.
Total: 3 events.

Also, If you guys could post the values of your ADR high and low. I think I have to futz around with the
settings for mine a bit more.

My ADR high today is 1.63230, and my ADR low is 1.60790. Is this right, or are people getting other
values? I’d hate to be using ADR incorrectly.

Aarnog #844 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm

Alrighty, so I took another loss in London session: -21.5 pips.

So, ignoring the last 3 candles there (the “after the fact” candles), I saw price in the buy zone, right at
London open. Price reached just past Asian low, into S1, where it spiked through and the formed a
hammer. There was also yesterday’s untested S1 there to act as further support, and it was right at the
1.3950 level. Seemed like a loaded long, so I went long.

Unfortunately, price tested the Asian lows, and wasn’t able to break through, leaving me with a net loss
of -21.5 pips.

Total for the week: -75 pips or so.

Well, I’m off to bed, we’ll see what New York brings me!

apmonster #845 May 25, 2017, 11:51pm

Hi guys,

Didn’t find any good setups around the open, so I stayed flat.
I actually monitor several pairs, and couldn’t find OTE with any significant confluence on any of them.

I will wait for NY open and have a look, but if I don’t find anything, it’s an early night for me

ICT, I was wondering how you feel about taking trades where there is a good confluence, but we don’t
have OTE? Just how critical is the OTE, in your opinion?

Good trading all!

system #846 May 26, 2017, 12:09am


Seemed like a loaded long, so I went long.

If you trade against a Sovereign you will lose, regardless of how many lines, fibs, indies ect. you have on
your charts.

If Sovereigns are on the Bid and Offer…the retail crowd is taken to the cleaners on both sides of the
They are flushing the retail crowd between 1.6170 and 1.6210/15/20 in Cable since Frankfurt Open this

The Sovereigns WILL win…ALWAYS…you don’t stand a chance against them if you are on the wrong
side or caught in the middle.

Good luck betting against them.

Jaroon #847 May 26, 2017, 12:09am

Aarnog my ADR is H-1.6283 to L-1.6094, I haven’t touched the settings so I think this is 5 day default.

I had 2 losers myself yesterday, I’m still having difficulty sitting on my hands so I entered a small
position, long at the Asian low, which I’ll leave for a day or two if it’s not stopped (level looks to be
retesting now). I’m hoping the length of consolidation may somewhat invalidate the bear flag (Cable btw)
and NY sees the GBP as undervalued.

I’m a bit bullish on Fiber but don’t see any value in being in both cable and fiber. Fiber is approaching R2
and the 1.3900 but unless NY open brings an OTE I’m staying flat.

SimonTemplar #848 May 26, 2017, 12:44am


I had 2 losers myself yesterday, I’m still having difficulty sitting on my hands so I entered a small
position, long at the Asian low, which I’ll leave for a day or two if it’s not stopped (level looks to be
retesting now). I’m hoping the lenght of consolidation may somewhat invalidate the bear flag (Cable
btw) and NY sees the GBP as undervalued.

Staying out of the market when it is a little flat, or there are no perfect setups, is one of the hardest
aspects of trading. Once I cracked staying out and waiting for a better setup I became consistent almost
immediately. Overtrading can cloud the results of an otherwise effective strategy. Anyway, sorry to
interrupt, thought it a point worth making!
Jaroon #849 May 26, 2017, 1:00am


Staying out of the market when it is a little flat, or there are no perfect setups, is one of the hardest
aspects of trading. Once I cracked staying out and waiting for a better setup I became consistent
almost immediately. Overtrading can cloud the results of an otherwise effective strategy. Anyway,
sorry to interrupt, thought it a point worth making!

I hear you ST and I believe you. I’m a disciplined person in [I][I]real life[/I][/I] (gym in 10 minutes even
with the sniffles:mad:). I know I’ll get there with trading but I’ve just got to make that mental leap.
Discipline, patience etc. is plastered all over my notes but I’m not following through yet. Might have to go
cold turkey. Cheers.

Jack_B_PIP #850 May 25, 2017, 11:52pm


Alright, my analysis, day 2:

So, yesterday didn’t go so hot. Ended up around -50 pips off of two trades. Today should be better,
I’m thinking.

So, we’re entering the new day after some pretty decent consolidation in the Asian session. I know
we’re in the sell zone, but my initial bias is short, due to the giant bear flag that price has formed.
That may change to long later tonight.

Currently price is hung up on MS1 for the day. I’m expecting price to trade up to the CPP, or possibly
MR1 and then continue it’s move southwards.

For Confluence at the CPP, we have:

Daily CPP
Yesterday’s MS1 and S1 both within 10 pips, with yesterday’s S1 being tested as resistance earlier
on today
We also have the institutional 1.6250 level nearby
the 32% retracement from PDL to PDH.
Total: 4-5 events.

For confluence at MR1, we have:

Daily MR1
Yesterday’s CPP (which also acted as both support and resistance yesterday)
the 62% fib drawn from PDH to PDL.
Total: 3 events.
Also, If you guys could post the values of your ADR high and low. I think I have to futz around with
the settings for mine a bit more.

My ADR high today is 1.63230, and my ADR low is 1.60790. Is this right, or are people getting other
values? I’d hate to be using ADR incorrectly.

Aarnog, I was seeing the same things you were last night. Price might keep going south…To add to your
analyis I’m looking at the H4 TF and if you draw a fib from low a week ago Friday at 1.6030 to last
weeks high of 1.6342 the OTE I see setting up here is at the 78.6% at institutional level 1.61000 also a
big round number and at the H4 200SMA. This is where I will start looking for a long. THanks Jack

Hordane #851 May 25, 2017, 11:51pm

I wanted to place this up even though it is after the fact. It is the overlay of the treasury 2/5/10 and the

Top picture is the USDX daily, bottom picture is a combined overlay of the 2/5/10 year note. The green
circled box is the same period on both charts. On the Treasury chart there was a divergence between
the 2/4 year bond. The 2 year went short while the 10 and 5 continued up. ICT can you comment, is this
the type of setup you want to see when anticipating a possible change in the USD index.
on 2/14 USD index started going down, 2 year treasury went short and the 10/5 year were heading long.
Afterwards the 5/10 followed suit of the 2 year in moving shorter.

Thanks to NB for the link to the treasury overlay. You can get it here: PerfCharts - StockCharts.com -
Free Charts

Aarnog #852 May 26, 2017, 12:27am


If you trade against a Sovereign you will lose, regardless of how many lines, fibs, indies ect. you
have on your charts.

If Sovereigns are on the Bid and Offer…the retail crowd is taken to the cleaners on both sides of the
They are flushing the retail crowd between 1.6170 and 1.6210/15/20 in Cable since Frankfurt Open
this morning.

The Sovereigns WILL win…ALWAYS…you don’t stand a chance against them if you are on the
wrong side or caught in the middle.

Good luck betting against them.

I totally forgot to mention in my post - I went long on the Fiber, not the Cable. The Cable really looked
like a death trap today, so I stayed well away from it all day.

The Fiber was actually looking pretty decent for a long. At the time I entered the trade, Market flow was
up on all 3 time frames, I was in the buy zone, plus the other technicals I mentioned. I figured price was
just going on a stop raid. Ah well, win some, lose some.

Also, I noticed that the low of today on the Fiber was exactly on January’s high. I imagine that if we
break that level, we’re in for a pretty significant bearish move.

northerntouch101 #853 May 26, 2017, 12:45am


I totally forgot to mention in my post - I went long on the Fiber, not the Cable. The Cable really
looked like a death trap today, so I stayed well away from it all day.

The Fiber was actually looking pretty decent for a long. At the time I entered the trade, Market flow
was up on all 3 time frames, I was in the buy zone, plus the other technicals I mentioned. I figured
price was just going on a stop raid. Ah well, win some, lose some.
Also, I noticed that the low of today on the Fiber was exactly on January’s high. I imagine that if we
break that level, we’re in for a pretty significant bearish move.

If you look carefully, the 2:30-2:45 candle broke below the last 4 hour fractal as well as the 1 hour fractal,
turning market flow bearish on those 2 time frames. Price also broke the Asian range to the downside,
which then acted as resistance on the 3:00-3:15 candle.

Hindsight is 20/20 though, I was flat all day.

Aarnog #854 May 26, 2017, 12:43am

Hm, I did miss the break of the 4h fractal on that candle - I did notice the Previous daily low acting as
resistance, though. I thought price would have been able to break through it though. I was wrong!

But yeah - hindsight is 20/20.

system #855 May 26, 2017, 12:43am


I totally forgot to mention in my post - I went long on the Fiber, not the Cable.

I figured it was Fiber you’re talking about.

The Cable really looked like a death trap today, so I stayed well away from it all day.

Cable will continue to look that way until the 1.6050 and 1.6350 China Barrier Option “play” has been
Cable’s 1.6341 level plunge was part of that “play”.

Also, I noticed that the low of today on the Fiber was exactly on January’s high.

The 1.3864 holds weight, yes. Nov 1st, 2010 weekly lo, Jan 2011 hi with 1.3860 Jan 29th, 2010 weekly
lo below.

If Dollar Index breaks important 77.00 resistance we migt be looking at Fiber weakening further…mind
you…watch those Sovereigns buying the dips and selling the rallies

Sweet_Pip #856 May 26, 2017, 1:01am


I figured it was Fiber you’re talking about.

Cable will continue to look that way until the 1.6050 and 1.6350 China Barrier Option “play” has been
Cable’s 1.6341 level plunge was part of that “play”.

The 1.3864 holds weight, yes. Nov 1st, 2010 weekly lo, Jan 2011 hi with 1.3860 Jan 29th, 2010
weekly lo below.

If Dollar Index breaks important 77.00 resistance we migt be looking at Fiber weakening further…
mind you…watch those Sovereigns buying the dips and selling the rallies

How does one know when the “play” expires? I take it these are rumors…where does one find these
rumors about what “Option Play” is in play? I’m googling stuff but it’s still a bit over my head. It’s great
you brought it all up…perhaps a good topic to teach more about it and how it affects spot forex.

system #857 May 26, 2017, 1:17am


How does one know when the “play” expires?

Look at your charts. Seriously.

If price “all of a sudden” turns away a couple of pips below/above a half number/round number or big
figure…a Barrier Option Structure is in place and ACTIVE.

1.6343…the first time last week…1.6341…yesterday.

Now they are gunning for 1.6050 Barrier with Stops below 1.6160 being flushed, today. Today’s close…

Next Stop targets they are looking for…1.6114/00…after that it’s 1.6088/84/74/68. If they trip those
STOPS they will put Bids above 1.6050 to defend that level.

I take it these are rumors…

They aren’t. The finer Barrier Option Structure details are not known except to the two parties involved
but that they are active is known. Especially Cable because the levels are repetitive where the “plays”
are active.

Watch how Cable price action changes the minute 1.6050 is taken out…
where does one find these rumors about what “Option Play” is in play?

Birds singing…

Jaroon #858 May 26, 2017, 1:17am


How does one know when the “play” expires? I take it these are rumors…where does one find these
rumors about what “Option Play” is in play? I’m googling stuff but it’s still a bit over my head. It’s
great you brought it all up…perhaps a good topic to teach more about it and how it affects spot forex.

Seconded. Can you elaborate or point us towards further study areas please coxsonne. I’m Ok following
the basic news releases and forex calender info. but commercials and institutional moves, well, I can’t
even find out where to learn about them. I’ve had two good looking setups blown away by stop runs that
both yourself and ICT seemed to see brewing. There may be more on these things to come but any help
at this point would be most welcome.

Posted at the same time as your reply coxsonne:)

northerntouch101 #859 May 26, 2017, 1:34am


Seconded. Can you elaborate or point us towards further study areas please coxsonne. I’m Ok
following the basic news releases and forex calender info. but commercials and institutional moves,
well, I can’t even find out where to learn about them. I’ve had two good looking setups blown away
by stop runs that both yourself and ICT seemed to see brewing. There may be more on these things
to come but any help at this point would be most welcome.

Posted at the same time as your reply coxsonne:)

Some recent reading material on the Barrier Options

Q. Barrier options: What purpose do they serve, and why do people use them? | ForexLive

system #860 May 26, 2017, 1:34am


Seconded. Can you elaborate or point us towards further study areas please coxsonne.

Learn and study the basics about FOREX.

What is FOREX ?

What does a BUY Order T/P, S/L do when it get’s triggered ?

What does a SELL Order T/P, S/L do when it get’s triggered ?

You are not placing one order with your T/P and S/L. When you place a BUY order your T/P is a sell
order and your S/L is a sell order. You are placing THREE orders in fact. So, you got three positions in
the market and not just one. Turn it on it’s head for a SELL order.

What is price doing when a cluster of BUY or SELL STOPS being triggered ?

Those candles on your charts are formed for a reason. They are formed because Bids, Offers, Buy
Stops and Sell Stops are triggered.

Generally, these two FOREX basics aren’t understood/known by/to FOREX newcomers in my
experience. And they are essential to navigate FOREX with success.

Any good broker will educate you. Ask them…

I’ve had two good looking setups blown away by stop runs that both yourself and ICT seemed to see
brewing. There may be more on these things to come but any help at this point would be most

Stop running is part of the FOREX game. Without going into detail but without stop running banks would
lose a lot of money in a very short time.

Just try to think where you would place your stops if you are LONG Cable and your objective is 1.6350
starting at 1.6067…I think the situation with Cable would become clearer once looking at it from that

system #861 May 26, 2017, 1:33am

[B]Hey Babypipsters[/B]…

Just a quick hello and a note to let you know I took the time last night and today to answer emails and I
was flat in London, New York and today’s Asian Sessions. We had a large range day yesterday that was
counter to Market Flow and long term trend… these produce less than favorable conditions and I avoid
trading right after large range days why? Large range days are followed by small range days and so
Large range days suck “street money” or “dumb money”; no offense… just talking the talk as they say…
and basically you can toss good money away in these conditions. I have read the thread tonight and will
post a Feedback session in the Pro Traders Club video Wednesday night… yea yea, I know I said last
week was the last one during the week… but I owe you guys a video from last night… so this is making
up for the withdraw you addicts!


I want a pledge from all the new traders to reduce their trading to one profitable trade per 24 hour
window. I consider a break even trade a win… so that answers that one upfront. I want to see folks
posting their total number of trades made from Sunday open to Friday close… and total pips lost or
gained on your Demo accounts. We are moving towards consistency and you need a means of
accountability… and this will provide that.

In addition… I do not want to see traders taking trades outside of the buy zone for longs… or outside the
sell zone for shorts. Avoid trading at the Central Pivot level. Stick to trading the levels beyond the price
levels the Central Pivot level indicates each day.

Do me proud folks and go forth and profit this week.


Aerozot #863 May 26, 2017, 1:33am

I have one insight about this forum. Probably, this is the most friendly and supportive forum i have seen.
I am very glad i have registered here. The Pips websites, are always great. Thank you guys for your
posts. Sorry for off-topic

Jaroon #864 May 26, 2017, 1:49am

Thanks for your reply coxsonne.


Learn and study the basics about FOREX.

What is FOREX ?

What does a BUY Order T/P, S/L do when it get’s triggered ?

What does a SELL Order T/P, S/L do when it get’s triggered ?

You are not placing one order with your T/P and S/L. When you place a BUY order your T/P is a sell
order and your S/L is a sell order. You are placing THREE orders in fact. So, you got three positions
in the market and not just one. Turn it on it’s head for a SELL order.

I’m OK with this area, although it would hurt me to think about it habitually each time I place an order.

What is price doing when a cluster of BUY or SELL STOPS being triggered ?

Stall or reverse?

Those candles on your charts are formed for a reason. They are formed because Bids, Offers, Buy
Stops and Sell Stops are triggered.

Generally, these two FOREX basics aren’t understood/known by/to FOREX newcomers in my
experience. And they are essential to navigate FOREX with success.

Any good broker will educate you. Ask them…

Stop running is part of the FOREX game. Without going into detail but without stop running banks
would lose a lot of money in a very short time.

If you have the time and inclination, myself and others would love the detail or pointers to relevant

Just try to think where you would place your stops if you are LONG Cable and your objective is
1.6350 starting at 1.6067…I think the situation with Cable would become clearer once looking at it
from that angle…

Umm… having difficulties editing this post sorry. Elaborate on stop runs or point us towards materials
please coxsonne. I’m OK with basic forex, well I’ve read the books, how much I’ve absorbed… certainly
a bit more thought before I pull the trgger and what occurs would be good.

Thanks again DD.

system #865 May 26, 2017, 1:34am


Next Stop targets they are looking for…1.6114/00…after that it’s 1.6088/84/74/68.

I think they will get there. Cable Price Action is looking very ugly…

Jaroon #866 May 26, 2017, 1:49am


Some recent reading material on the Barrier Options

Q. Barrier options: What purpose do they serve, and why do people use them? | ForexLive

Thanks northerntouch, just the information I was looking for.

I’m pledging to a max of of one (good or bad) trade a day, only in buy/sell zones and only in “kill time
zones.” Starting as soon as I can get out of my current positions (predicaments?):rolleyes:

akeakamai #867 May 28, 2017, 7:48am

I made this to help me see the Big range/Small range cycle more clearly.

fartist #868 May 26, 2017, 2:03am

Hey ICT! Great thread great work! Would love to start learning what you have shown, unfortunately,
exams are taking too much of my time! none the less i will be back to devour all that you’ve offered, take
care and thanks alot! Much appreciated.

northerntouch101 #869 May 26, 2017, 2:17am

Cable trade from this morning.

Daily Fractals Up
4HR Fractals Down
1 HR Fractals Up

Price opened in the buy zone, almost kissed MS1 and bounced.
Appeared to have strong support at institutional level 1.6150

OTE present
Good learning point for me, I was a little too greedy with my exit and it was missed by only a few pips
(essentially the spread). I should have placed it a little lower instead of right on resistance and taken into
account the ATR high. I would have almost hit the high of the day. The Cable did fill the numbers today.

I chose the Cable over the Fiber because it was able to make a new high and break above the Asian
session high, while the Fiber wasn’t. Leading me to believe there were more buyers of the Pound as
opposed to the Euro.

Take Care,

Jaroon #870 May 26, 2017, 2:30am

Here’s my London close trade on the Cable. Sell Zone, O.T.E, MF Daily up, 4hr down, 1hr up.

I quite like this trade with a reservation that price must drop through 1.62 instituional which also has
some actual resistance.

My only trade today and that’s final!

50% taken at +30 pips, new T/P is CPP, S/L moved down accordingly.

Alishijo #871 May 26, 2017, 2:44am

Here is my London close trade. Entered bang on .20 with OTE on the MR2. Let’s see how she plays out.

march9thtrade.gif picture by Alishijo - Photobucket

Alishijo #872 May 26, 2017, 2:43am

30% taken at 25 pips or 1.6195 (R1, 1.6200 and prev. resistance turned support from London open).
Let’s see how she plays out.

march9thprogress.gif picture by Alishijo - Photobucket

Edit to above…confluence at 1.6200 not 1.6100!

ClarkFX #873 May 26, 2017, 2:57am

Hey Alishijo,
In the same trade as you right now. Let’s hope it works well. =)


Alishijo #874 May 26, 2017, 3:22am


Hey Alishijo,
In the same trade as you right now. Let’s hope it works well. =)


I’m pulling the plug at 1.6207 if it breaks resistance from earlier in the day. If not, then she
ruuuuuuuuuuns. Good luck.

P.S. Unlike ICT I obviously have no problems talking while in the trade!!
Alishijo #875 May 26, 2017, 3:21am

My Alpari server crashed just as I got stopped out! At least I think I am stopped out! This image captures
the moment perfectly, and will continue to capture the moment until I am back online

march9thstop.gif picture by Alishijo - Photobucket

25 pips taken on 30%, 13 pips taken on 70%. I know it will tank from here, but I am pleased with that
entry, and pleased with my risk management. These are the things that will keep me liquid.

Now I get to hit the sack Nightie night.

Hordane #876 May 26, 2017, 3:33am

3 trades today (see ICT new homework after the fact )

1. asia range trade from top to bottom.

2. long trade: we started day at previous day S2 which has been suggested is a very good setup for
a swing; daily bias long; Fib drawn off daily with entry near 1.61513, also noted that today’s pa
didn’t go lower than yesterday’s low during first 5 hrs of trade day; TP was set at 50 pips because
on 4hr and hourly there was a large cluster of resistance and was also R1, a safe exit I believed
(pa did go past it but that’s okay)

3. another long trade; PA peeked out from the morning swing and withdrew to Asia high. Fib drawn
from today’s swing. Entry at 62%. Confluence: daily pivot point, Asia High, OTE zone, minor 4hr
support. TP set at 30 pips (another cluster of hourly resistance from today)

ClarkFX #877 May 26, 2017, 3:44am

Hey Alishijo,
I hope your trade is okay.
I exited at a 26 pips on the R1 level. It’s consolidating around a lot and I do not like staying or entering
trades near and after NY Close. I think this will be my last trade of the week, as I will be trying to test my
patience. 111 pips this week to exceed my goal. Good luck. =)

Edit: Just pulled a quick fib from a bullish swing on the Cable from yesterday from 14:15-15:45GMT,
today’s low, a big pin bar, created at 8:30GMT (London Open) was right in the middle of the 62% and
79% retracement level, as well as the projected ADR Low of the day and 7 pips away from yesterday’s
S1 which was quick a significant support level from yesterday. Price then, nearly made it to the 262%
extension. Simply amazing, just goes to show how effective ICT’s methodologies are.

vonner #878 May 26, 2017, 3:56am


Can I just ask? I noticed that you use the 5M TF a lot in your videos. I know you mentioned that you
don’t necessarily recommend that we use the 5M TF. However, it looks like some of the trades come up
with OTEs on the 5M TF but don’t at the 15M TF. They look like simple bounces of S/R levels on the
15M TF. As a rule, I don’t take any trades that don’t come in as an OTE so I miss many of those trades.

Would working with the 5M TF be too small in your opinion?

Also, thanks and great video! Just watched it. I started noticing that the Asian session does provide
strong reaction levels for the rest of the day. Thanks for another great tip!

system #879 May 26, 2017, 4:07am

Got my 30 pips from this one, even though it did turn around almost instantly and went the other way!

#3 is supposed to say from PDH to PDL

akeakamai #880 May 26, 2017, 4:28am


Got my 30 pips from this one, even though it did turn around almost instantly and went the other

#3 is supposed to say from PDH to PDL

Real nice scalp there. What made you decide to take it all off the table at 30pips? I think if I did that
more often, I’d really be getting somewhere lol

system #881 May 26, 2017, 4:28am

Thank you ake , and as for what made me take the whole amount at 30 pips is basically the same
reason you just mentioned lol, I would love to be able to catch the swings like ICT, but I’m not good
enough lol but honestly, most of my trades are from one point, to the nearest support or resistance
level, I rarely tryy for the whole days range because when I used to, I never made out very well, as ICT
says, u onlyy need 25 pips to make it big here

Alishijo #882 May 26, 2017, 4:38am

Could somebody tell me how to vote on the poll? I have been meaning to do it for a long time, but I
could only see the results, and nothing to click on. ICT, you definitely got the goods!

CANCEL THAT! As soon as I posted this message, the voting bar suddenly appeared! I have NEVER
seen that.

Alishijo #883 May 26, 2017, 4:48am


I have mainly been trading the GBP/USD on the London close, but recently I put up 7 more low-spread
pairs at the London close just to see if the same set-ups were occuring on other pairs. I am currently
only able to trade at that time, and I figure if I can find the same opportunities on a number of pairs,
spread my 1% daily risk over all of the trades, and then settle for little scalps, then on a good day I might
be looking at 60 pips (15pips X 4 pairs out of 8 potentials).

To my amazement there actually seems to be potential for this system. Last night, for example, I was in
the GBP/USD trade, but also in the EUR/USD trade, and two other trades (sorry I am on my laptop now
and not my main computer so can’t remember which ones). I chickened out on Fiber for a profit of 10
pips at central pivot, but could have let it run much more if I had not had my main focus on Cable. I
obviously got the 25+13 on my main Cable trade, and I was BE for another and +8 pips for a fourth.

They were all entered at OTE, all at pivot resistance in the sell zone, and all had some kind of natural
resistance or higher level Fib resistance. My other criteria is ADR, and although I didn’t trade according
to that last night, I think this is going to be my filter for narrowing down the search from my 8 chosen

What I want some advice on is how to go about setting the stop loss and take profit on short scalps like
this. Through back-testing I have found that as long as I always enter according to the above criteria, the
chances of scalping out the pips from entry to the point I drew the Fib from is quite high, and more often
than not it will go to 1.23% (as you taught us, draw the Fib backwards for TP, or 38% of the daily range)
if no other resistance/support is visible before that. Of course this only really works on smaller retraces
such as 20% retrace of the Daily range (another criteria for me, and one that you taught), and is unlikely
to occur on deeper retraces like we saw yesterday. But what about SL? You said it should be placed
above the initial high, but I was wondering if you might actually place it at the 123% (High to swing low
Fib) to allow for Fake-outs on the initial high (which also seems to be quite common)? This would keep
you in the move, and the risk to reward is kept at 1:1 (which normally wouldn’t be good, but the accuracy
rate of the move off OTE is very high according to my backtests!) Another way to do it might be to take
the loss 2 pips above the high, and jump straight back in if it goes back down again (for a short).

Your comments and advice would very much be appreciated on this. You said in one of your videos that
we should hunt out particular trades, and make them our own (as in our specialities, and not in terms of
deveating from your tried and tested methodology). Well this is the time of day that I can work with, for
now, and this is how I am trying to make it my own. The GBP/USD trade might only set-up 5 times a
month, but that seems to be the case for the other 7 pairs too, and that is plenty of scalping opportunity
in my book

As you know, with your help I would also like to be taking position trades, but I am patient and I will
wait for further instruction on this.

Kindest regards

Aarnog #884 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm

So, I might have missed my analysis yesterday because I was playing Dragon Age 2. I almost did the
same thing tonight. Not sorry.

So, there isn’t much happening that’s very clear in foresight on the GU tonight. I’m eyeing 2 levels - S1,
and MR1.

Since we opened below CPP, I think the S1 entry is more likely. It has yesterday’s MS1, Yesterday’s low,
and Tuesday’s low all lined up around it, making it seem like a decent entry for a long.
MR1 has te Asian high lining up fairly nicely with it, and yesterday’s MR2 is sort of near there as well.
Nothing too exciting. Unless we get a nice OTE or something like that, I’ll probably be flat on the GU

Without posting a shot of the EU, I’m looking to go long at MS1, as price is having a quite a problem
getting past the 3860 level. I might look for a long at the S1, with Friday’s low lining up nicely with it.

system #885 May 26, 2017, 5:16am


So, there isn’t much happening that’s very clear in foresight on the GU tonight.

They smashed Cable 1.6210/15 Offers, yesterday and tripped Buy Stops (38 pips spike-up in 2m).
I don’t know what caused it but I don’t buy ECB Bond buying as the reason.

1.6240 was rejected, yesterday and they lined up another wall of 1.6210/15 Offers (Asian Hi).

They need to get Cable below 1.6160/20 channel to shoot @1.6050.

They have got plenty of high priority news lined up for cover…

Dollar Index is testing 77.00 key resistance as I type…

system #886 May 26, 2017, 5:16am

Dollar Index broke 77.00 key resistance…

EURUSD broke 1.3850 key support

I would be vey surprised if they can defend 1.6050…

Alishijo #887 May 26, 2017, 2:57am

Hey Jaroon, I am also using that ‘###Daily-Weekly-Monthly Hi-Low’ Indicator. Nice little tool, hey? If you
ever find that your chart is getting too busy, you can go to ‘Inputs’ and change the ‘Shift Current Label’
and ‘Shift Previous Label’ to ‘1000’ and this will put the labels 1000 candles back on your charts. If you
move your mouse over the lines, the description pops up anyway, and so why not get the labels out of
the way altogether. Just thought I’d share while I remembered.

Jaroon #888 May 26, 2017, 2:56am

Thanks mate.

London open I traded fiber, long at R2, 1.3813. I’ve move S/L to B/E with T/P at R1. With fundamentals
out at lunch time I’ll be flat for the rest of the day but keeping an eye on London close.

Closed at 1.3842 for 2% profit. Price is still moving north but with R2 and an S/R level I put in at 1.3857
I’m happy to watch from the sidelines.

cubanpip #889 May 26, 2017, 5:35am


I would be very surprised if they can defend 1.6050…

From yesterday to today Bank’s channel was lowered 110 pips from 1.6560 -1.5990 to 1.6450 -
[U]1.5880[/U]. Let’s see what happen

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

system #890 May 26, 2017, 5:44am


From yesterday to today Bank’s channel was lowered 110 pips from 1.6560 -1.5990 to 1.6450 -

Do you think they got scared, Amigo ?

I would…looking at the Dollar Index…

PWH 77.43 and after that it’s the 77.60 - 77.80 channel.

1.5980 - 1.6070 Cable channel…Corporates “love” price down there…

Two of them need Cable cash to pay for Q1 dividends…

cubanpip #891 May 26, 2017, 5:53am


Do you think they got scared, Amigo ?

I don’t know if they got scared or not mi Amigo. What I do know if that even they (the BIG ONES) CAN’T
control this. And that’s what I love from market. For real, ANYTHING can happen here. Wait and see the
swing where it goes is what I like, you know, just enjoying the show (of course making some profits here
and there at its due time) without hesitation.

Best regards
[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

system #892 May 26, 2017, 6:01am


I don’t know if they got scared or not mi Amigo. What I do know if that even they (the BIG ONES)
CAN’T control this.

It’s not about control, no. It’s about P/L.

They lost a lot of money, yesterday when Bids busted that 1.6210/15 defence line.

Cable stuck it’s head into 1.6070 - 15980 channel.

Let’s see how they are going to play this…

Have you loaded your gun, Amigo ??

Alishijo #893 May 26, 2017, 6:01am

First of 2 scalps for the evening. Took a long trade on EURJPY. No Fibs on the Entry M5 picture, but it
was dead on 79% OTE and S2. The H1 chart shows how today’s S2 came in level with yesterday’s
MS2, and also previous and two days prior’s mid-pivots. It was also 38.2% retracement from last week’s
low. Price is currently up another 7 pips up, but I am happy bagging 15 pips here for a quick 30 minute

Entry on M5:
eurjpym5entry.gif picture by Alishijo - Photobucket
Entry on H1:
eurjpyh1entry.gif picture by Alishijo - Photobucket
Exit on M5:
eurjpym5exit.gif picture by Alishijo - Photobucket

Alishijo #894 May 26, 2017, 6:10am

Well, gotta be honest and post the losers too! Got stopped out on a EURGBP Short trade for minus 10

My reasons for taking this trade were:

Over the ADR range. R1 confluence with 0.8600 and yesterday’s high.
To be fair I wasn’t 100% on this because of the big move up today. As ICT said with the GBP/USD trade
I took last week, even if it adheres to the rules, price action on big swings like today’s are not conducive
to a London Close trade. Maybe I need to come up with some rule that suggests an upper limit over and
above the ADR that should not be exceeded.

It also didn’t show as overbought on my Williams % R (14) which I am experimenting with as an add-on.

M5 Entry:
march10thentry.gif picture by Alishijo - Photobucket
M5 Stop:
eurgbpstoppedout.gif picture by Alishijo - Photobucket

cubanpip #895 May 26, 2017, 6:11am


It’s not about control, no. It’s about P/L.

[B]They lost a lot of money[/B], yesterday when Bids busted that 1.6210/15 defence line.

Not that I like when others lose money but you know what mi Amigo, I don’t like either when Big Boys
call us, the little ones, dumbs and underestimate what we can do. Then, if they lost a lot of money that’s
their problem, profiting from the market is NOT easy for ANYONE. Possible yes, simple yes, BUT NOT
EASY. And for them the rule is the same even if they play on a level superior to our level.

Have you loaded your gun, Amigo ??

I already banked my minimal monthly goal in each account (200 pips) for March. But I left some remoras
swimming nicely in G/U, E/U and A/U for the rest of the month.

One of them looks like this:

Let’s see how they are going to play this…


2 pips for the broker (Swap fee) and 123 pips for my account

Note- Please, ICT (and everyone here), sorry for this post.
Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

Aarnog #896 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm

Trade recap:

I didn’t take this one, I was pretty tired from another Dragon Age marathon (which doesn’t surprise me in
the LEAST), but that’s okay, because my analysis was still good! That’s what’s REALLY important.

Taking a look, you’ll see that price bounced off of S1, giving about 7 negative pips at its highest point,
before bouncing and climbing upwards, testing the CPP, giving a small bounce off the CPP, and then
going up, hitting the 162% extension, the ADR high, and clearing out the stops from the previous test of
the CPP, and making it’s way lower. Much, much lower.

Either way, if I would’ve taken the long, I would’ve netted around 70 pips, which is pretty reasonable.

Also: The EU gave me a two bear flags in a row in the sell zone, so I pretended it didn’t exist today.

apmonster #897 May 26, 2017, 6:19am

Hi guys,

Now, I didn’t actually take this trade, but it seemed a good setup, so I’m wondering if anyone was caught
out by this:
We have OTE in the buy zone, right on the NY open - but price never even gave us a chance!

I am interested to know if others would have taken this trade, and the reasons why/why not?

On another note, this week’s trading has been not quite so spectacular as the last, lol
But on the plus side, I’m still learning a lot, and I can usually recognise my mistakes fairly easily.

apmonster #898 May 26, 2017, 6:28am

So I was reviewing some of ICT’s videos, in particular the one about price swings (STL, ITL, LTL, etc)
and pulling fibs while looking for confluence.

I wonder if anyone else is seeing what I’m seeing on cable and fiber today?
Pull up an hourly chart with fractals, and start pulling some fibs.

See some good shorts coming up?

1. Seems to me we will get a push up to around 1.3850 on the fiber, where we have the previous
monthly high, a 50% fib retracement, some support turned resistance, and of course the 50 figure

2. On the cable, it’s a similar deal around 1.6120, 50% fib retracement, support turned resistance,
institutional level, etc.

Once today’s pivots are drawn in a few hours, we’ll get some more clues.

What do you guys think?

P.S., I know this is more swing stuff rather than scalping which we have been focusing on, sorry if I’m
dragging anyone off-track.

P.P.S, I’m happy to post charts if folks can’t see what I’m yammering on about. Just ask!

P.P.P.S And I think I just answered my own question about the Cable long above lol

Alishijo #899 May 26, 2017, 6:36am

Just watched the last PTC video. I’m [B]REALLY[/B] looking forward to your teaching segment on the
London Close! I have also taken on board your comments regarding ‘looking back at the videos and not
glossing over the material’ when it comes to the position trades.

I just want to post my weekly results here and now so that it forces me to sit on my hands tonight.

[B]Experiment with multiple scalps using ICT methodology of natural and implied resistance coupled
with OTE at the London close: Week 1 [/B] (Phew, that was a title!)

Total Trades: 6
Total Winners: 4
Total B/E: 1
Total Losers: 1
(Accuracy: 66.67%)

Average risk in Pips: 16

Total Pips gained for the week: 43 (prior 36 was a miscalculation of my split GBP/USD trade)

Assuming that ‘Average Risk’ equates to 1% of account, then the results would be a 2.69% ROI for the

Notes on risk management: Never risk more than 1% per London Close session. If multiple pairs
present themselves in one session, spread risk accordingly.

N.B. Of course I am only DEMOing this system for the time being. My risk to reward is only 0.82
because I am jumping on the profits at the first sign of resistance/support, and this is something I need
to work on. Hopefully further instruction will help.

Well, thanks again for the latest installment, ICT. It is nice to know that trading is possible with a little boy
running around!! Mine is 7 years old, and another reason that I trade at night (London Close, but 12pm-
3am Japan time) is so that I can give him the attention he needs, when he needs it.

P.S. Goal for next week: Get my sleeping patterns in order!

ClarkFX #900 May 26, 2017, 6:45am

I like your way of organizing your trades for the week, I think I will do something similar to help keep
myself organized as well. And of course, I too, will be showing off my losers. =P
I’ve been live for a few weeks now; started with $200. So I will try to keep posting until I’ve gone
bankrupt. I’m not expect too much out of the $200, just a learning experience for me; more like an initial
fee for learning. I still have years ahead of me to trade, only 17 years old (18 in June), and going to
University for a Business/Finance degree, so hopefully that’ll just help me out more in my trading.


Hordane #901 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm

I’m going to post this tool I updated for those interested in the COT data. As you may or may not know,
CTFC now desegregates Swap dealers from COT data. Swaps have become so large that they actually
skew what is occurring, not all data services use the new desegregated data but the old data format with
the swaps included.

The tool is simple, it requires Excel 2003 or greater. I rewrote most of this on 2007 and can’t test on
2003. The data is preloaded for the Aussie, Cable, Loonie, Fiber, Yen, Franc, Dollar Index. Instructions
on how to add the new week’s data is included on the first page. Charts are in Yellow tabs, raw data in

If you have any questions on how to use the data please read the notes in the file and email me here
privately so we don’t get off track.

The benefit of this tool is I designed it to give you the desegregated data charts along with the COT
Index charts. The data range for the chart can be quickly and easily changed by pressing the button.
You can also lock the range. This is beneficial because you lock the range, expand data time, mark the
extremes, and then you can look at lesser data window for when extremes occur.

Base work is off an abandoned project from 06’, I have updated, rewrote most of the code and
expanded the functions.

You must enable macros for this to work!

I would love any feed back in terms of functions to add or make simpler, but do it in private please so not
to clutter this forum.

Update: there was a bug in copying the date. This is fixed.

Update: minor issue with charts not properly updating, this is fixed in new version

Commitment of Traders (Deseg data v 2.0001b).zip (716 KB)

system #902 May 26, 2017, 6:52am

They are late…but they are there…

They positioned Cable right at “that” line…

Look back to Feb 17th and Feb 27th on your 4h charts…

Have a nice weekend.

Manta #903 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm

Hi Michael and others,

your thread, blog and videos are really amazing. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

I made for myself small ICT Market flow indi based on fractals for all timeframes from H1 up to Monthly
and decided to share this indi. Hope it can help somebody. Here it is:

Manta_Market_Flow.ex4 shows market flow for current timeframe.

Manta_MF_Table_1_0.ex4 shows Market flow on all timeframes in small table and calculates direction.
You need Manta_Market_Flow.ex4 in the indicator folder to make it work.

I use white background in Metatrader, so if you use default black background don’t forget to change font
color in indis settings. The files are ex4, but there are no restrictions.



Alishijo #904 May 26, 2017, 7:00am


I still have years ahead of me to trade, only 17 years old (18 in June), and going to University for a
Business/Finance degree, so hopefully that’ll just help me out more in my trading.

Wow! Half a life time ago I was also a 17 year old just about to go to University to study a
Business/Finance degree! Consider yourself extremely lucky to be living in an age with such internet
resources as this, and such generous people as ICT. While University gave me a lot, and has enabled
me to travel to the other side of the world and set up my own successful business, it never gave me the
practical resources for building a business with such potential as Forex trading. Go to University my
friend, and drink up whatever they have to offer, but don’t forget that this is a Uni course in itself, with a
professsor who has his finger on the pulse of the real world.


Alishijo #905 May 26, 2017, 7:00am

Did anyone see what the Forex repercussions were of yesterday’s earthquake? While I am a good 500
km away, I did find myself under the table at just before 3pm as it registered Mag.3 here with quite a bit
of swaying. As you can imagine, currencies have been the last thing on my mind for the last 15 hours,
but it is now time to assess the damage.

ClarkFX #906 May 26, 2017, 7:08am

Yes, I agree, I do feel quite lucky that with the Internet, the resources are practically unlimited. I will
consider what you have said, thank you. =) I am hoping the school I have currently been accepted into
has a good Finance faculty (it has a nice business reputation in Canada and around the world) where I
can gain more insight into the world of economics.

It has been a very successful trading week for me (2 in a row now) and my confidence in these
strategies are getting stronger. Hopefully I stay consistent. I will be doing alot more research over the

I hope your alright over there in Japan. The waves are actually said to have just reached Vancouver, but
only 2ft high.


soul786 #907 May 26, 2017, 6:36am


Hi guys,

Now, I didn’t actually take this trade, but it seemed a good setup, so I’m wondering if anyone was
caught out by this:

We have OTE in the buy zone, right on the NY open - but price never even gave us a chance!

I am interested to know if others would have taken this trade, and the reasons why/why not?

On another note, this week’s trading has been not quite so spectacular as the last, lol
But on the plus side, I’m still learning a lot, and I can usually recognise my mistakes fairly easily.

I did take the trade; I was looking for renewed selling down to a support level near 5960 I had on my
charts prior to the trade. Mind you the institutional level 1.6000 was in the way first so I didn’t gun hard
for the support level. I target 30 pips on these trades and got that with ease here, played the 61.8-78.6%
OTE short.
I’m working now on a way to capture more of these trades both psychologically and adding to the

cubanpip #908 May 26, 2017, 7:08am


They are late…but they are there…

They positioned Cable right at “that” line…

Look back to Feb 17th and Feb 27th on your 4h charts…

Have a nice weekend.

Yeah. I also think next week may be a very interesting week on Cable.

Two weeks suggesting a 500 pips movement down and 3 weeks suggesting a 300 pips movement up.

Bank’s channel keeps lowering. Let’s see what happen!

Happy weekend!

[B]Tú me has enseñado a CREER EN LO QUE HE SOÑADO,

ahora vivo la vida con una enorme CONFIANZA,
no me abandona, se alimenta mi esperanza,
AVANZA mi vida con una gran ilusión
Música, la música, MI MÚSICA
tú eres mi amor de verdad[/B]

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

system #909 May 26, 2017, 7:16am


Yeah. I also think next week may be a very interesting week on Cable.
Two weeks suggesting a 500 pips movement down and 3 weeks suggesting a 300 pips movement
up. BUT…

The Dollar Index printed 76.99 Fri close.

77.00 is a Dollar Index key S/R level.
77.00 translates to 1.6050/Cable and 1.3850/Fiber key S/R level.
Dollar Index 77.60/80 channel has been rejected…bottom of 1.5980 - 1.6070 Cable channel attracted
solid Bids as on previous occasions lifting Cable to “that” line.

Watch “that” line and use Dollar Index and Fiber for confirmation/filter and there are NO buts anymore…

Couldn’t be any easier or could it…

Mhendry80 #910 May 26, 2017, 7:15am

Hey ICT and everyone. My name is Mike and this is my first post. i’ve been hanging out in the
background for a month or so now trying to absorb all the info on this thread. Forex is totally new to me
so i imagine the learning curve will be steep (and long)

I took 6 demo trades last week applying ICT’s tools and won 4 of them and lost two (well technically i
had 7 trades and lost three - i accidentally hit the sell button when I meant to buy on one of them :o
hows that for a newbie mistake) I netted 50 pips for the week but im sure it was beginners luck

ICT, I cant tell you how much I appreciate all the hard work you have done for us. Thanks a million

And thanks to all the other posters on this thread, I’ve learned quite a bit from all of you as well

I look forward to learning with you all


akeakamai #911 May 26, 2017, 7:23am

This week I lost 20pips, costing me $14 real money. But the lessons I learned in consistency and
discipline were literally priceless. Took bad trades & lost money, took good trades and made money. I
think the market was trying to tell me something
So a good week all in all

Jaroon #912 May 26, 2017, 7:30am

I lost about 90 pips this week. 9%. £90 real money. Seven weeks live trading for a total of 15%
drawdown. My 4 ICT trades were good this week with 3 average profits of 15 pips and one loss. I had 2
trend trades early in the week, one went quite bad and the other only a little bad.

Lack of discipline got me scalping on Friday night because I just wanted some action before the
weekend (just being honest I know what a bad idea this was). Everytime frame was heading south so I
over leveraged trying to B/E for the week and my magic button managed to shift the momentum of a 4
trillion dollar market:mad:

So I’m going to try and conquer a couple of demons this week. I wont make any promises about position
size but will stay in my own comfort zone. Only ICT trades, I’ll really try to stick to one a day but if I do
two I’ll live with it. I’ll only trade the “kill zones.” Only trade correctly in buy/sell zones. I could add more
but I’m going to stick to this much at least.

GLGT Jaroon.

Obviously I’ll be applying the rest of the tools to find as much confluence as I can and here’s a quick
reminder of what’s on my check list. All S/R levels, Kill zones, buy/sell zones, market flow, min. 40 pip
swing, O.T.E, check USDx,Bonds C.O.T. O.I, Asia H/L,sentiment, news, compare E/U G/U, low range
day to “make the numbers,” ADR for London close. I love lists

ClarkFX #913 May 26, 2017, 7:31am


Hey ICT and everyone. My name is Mike and this is my first post. i’ve been hanging out in the
background for a month or so now trying to absorb all the info on this thread. Forex is totally new to
me so i imagine the learning curve will be steep (and long)

I took 6 demo trades last week applying ICT’s tools and won 4 of them and lost two (well technically i
had 7 trades and lost three - i accidentally hit the sell button when I meant to buy on one of them :o
hows that for a newbie mistake) I netted 50 pips for the week but im sure it was beginners luck

ICT, I cant tell you how much I appreciate all the hard work you have done for us. Thanks a million

And thanks to all the other posters on this thread, I’ve learned quite a bit from all of you as well

I look forward to learning with you all

Welcome Mike =)
Nice to see another Calgarian here.
Much like yourself, I am also a beginner, so looking forward to learning together.


akeakamai #914 May 28, 2017, 7:48am


I lost about 90 pips this week. 9%. £90 real money. Seven weeks live trading for a total of 15%
drawdown. My 4 ICT trades were good this week with 3 average profits of 15 pips and one loss. I
had 2 trend trades early in the week, one went quite bad and the other only a little bad.

Lack of discipline got me scalping on Friday night because I just wanted some action before the
weekend (just being honest I know what a bad idea this was). Everytime frame was heading south
so I over leveraged trying to B/E for the week and my magic button managed to shift the
momentum of a 4 trillion dollar market:mad:

The vast majority of my $14k in losses were because of that exact mindset. Gotta break even, gotta
break even, gotta get my money back, otherwise I’m a losing trader. That mindset will kill you over and
over. So y’know, if you want, feel free to think of me when you feel like you need to B/E, and just remind
yourself where it’ll inevitably leave you. I too thought my minilots could turn the market around, lol

Calgary in September, not a bad lookin place. I was born in Lethbridge and moved to Edmonton, so I go
through calgary a lot but rarely stop in.
system #915 May 24, 2017, 1:11pm

Hi to all,does anyone know any more about tonights webinar?

as I would like to participate.
A great big thanks to all contributors really helping me study this fascinating world!!


MCAWally #916 May 24, 2017, 3:33pm

I don’t think it was tonight Jeff.

I’m sure we’ll get plenty of notice be fore it happens.


Jagstrack #917 May 24, 2017, 1:12pm

Great work mate. I REALLY…appreciate it. Thanks

seansheep #918 May 24, 2017, 3:33pm

Can you use this system for end of day trading or do you need to be watching in the day for the
Fibacconic to form?

I have started demo trading but go went off track using EA and indicators rather than learning the
market, so am back here at babypips for the groundwork, I do work in the day so need set and forget

NeedyPips #919 May 26, 2017, 6:52am

Kudo’s Hordane - excellent work you’ve done!

Bach11 #920 May 26, 2017, 7:00am

:)21 Pips up for week. Missed the sell zone entry on Wednesday. My interpretation was long term
indicated north and GBP plunged south, I let it be. Took a 20 pip scalp on Friday around NY open,
bought at 16000 TP 16020. I’m happy

Hordane #921 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm

I’ve updated my tool for anyone who downloaded it and had an issue with the date not properly copying.

Now for my next upload. I’m a little apprehensive in uploading this but I think it can be beneficial to those
struggling with understanding how everything goes together. This is my own notes and thoughts from
ICT’s videos and explanations on the forum; it is how I see the concepts coming together. It is not
comprehensive but more of a road map to what ICT has said in terms of major concepts.

ICT Trade Concepts.pdf (85.4 KB)

trader2000 #922 May 24, 2017, 1:12pm


Hello Traders… and Those Aspiring To Be!

I have watched over the last year some of the tools and concepts I presented here on Babypips find
new homes in the toolbox of many traders. I am very pleased to have contributed, hopefully for the
better, to those traders’ individual careers. I also have seen many New Traders stumble and find
barriers in their development as a consistent Trader. I have learned a thing or two about Forums and
even more about this particular one in fact. I felt compelled to present a Newbie a nuts and bolts
method to give the Neophyte in Forex a solid foundation and stepping stone to find sure footing in
the long journey on the road to consistent profitable trading.

The thread is welcome to have whomever post… I will only post the material in this post, so as
entries are made by others in the form of questions or comments… the “meat” will be posted in one
single post… not spread over hundreds of entries… so it can be referred to in one single location
and not present a nightmare for those trying to find the resources or commentary regarding any
particular subject or concept.

If you have struggled with where to begin or fell flat on your face in Forex… there is hope… there is
one important advice I can not stress enough… learn to love and practice patience. I’m confident you
will be pleased to learn you do not need a lot of tools and indicators… nor do you need a lot of pips
to be very profitable in trading Forex. However, you do need to have consistent habits and good
ones at that.

This is precisely why I will be testing your patience and boring you with the “Theory” first… hey you
have to have the proper mindset folks. I’m investing time & effort in your success… you, put in the
study and development needed for the fine art of patience. It will serve you more than you realize

Back in 1994, early in my trading career… I read a successful trader’s remark concerning trading
systems and methods. This trader mentioned the ideal Trading Plan and or method can be written on
the cover of a matchbook. Think about the size of a matchbook cover and it’s limitations in space.
The point is short and sweet is possibly the best approach.

It is with this premise I humbly submit the following starting point for new Traders… it promises to
produce losses as any other system or approach will. The name I’ve given to it is a “tongue in cheek”
attempt to answer the myth that a winning system is like having a limitless ATM machine for cash
withdraws. It promises to not work all the time. It promises to have strings of losses… and it
promises to make you second guess following it for any length of time. Do I have your attention yet?

The point I’m trying to make from the start is no matter what you trade… you will incur losses.
However, it will provide you a foundation to build your ultimate trading approach and illustrate how to
manage Risk effectively.

Cool videos, I haven’t went through all of them yet, but I can see there is some serious information here,
I am looking forward to learning more. Thanks for this thread.

Mhendry80 #923 May 26, 2017, 7:37am

Welcome Mike =)
Nice to see another Calgarian here.
Much like yourself, I am also a beginner, so looking forward to learning together.


Thanks for the Welcome:) I think it will be great to have other people to learn with

AK thats a great pic

ukdave #924 May 26, 2017, 7:30am


Hey ICT and everyone. My name is Mike and this is my first post…

And a welcome from across the pond Mike. Good to have you here. This has turned from an
instructional thread into a supportive community of likeminded people. It’s a big tribute to everyone here
and ICT for making it happen. Very cool stuff.

ukdave #925 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm


Now for my next upload. I’m a little apprehensive in uploading this but I think it can be beneficial to
those struggling with understanding how everything goes together. This is my own notes and
thoughts from ICT’s videos and explanations on the forum; it is how I see the concepts coming
together. It is not comprehensive but more of a road map to what ICT has said in terms of major

ICT Trade Concepts.pdf (85.4 KB)

I like this. I like this a lot. Have only had time to skim over it so far but it looks great. Thanks for putting it
together and posting it.

ClarkFX #926 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm

I’ve updated my tool for anyone who downloaded it and had an issue with the date not properly

Now for my next upload. I’m a little apprehensive in uploading this but I think it can be beneficial to
those struggling with understanding how everything goes together. This is my own notes and
thoughts from ICT’s videos and explanations on the forum; it is how I see the concepts coming
together. It is not comprehensive but more of a road map to what ICT has said in terms of major

ICT Trade Concepts.pdf (85.4 KB)

Thank you for the upload Hordane, this will really help lots of people out (including myself) in reviewing
what ICT had covered.
I will be carefully reading this now and hopefully make my own notes based on it.


AK thats a great pic

If only it were like that now…


ClarkFX #928 May 26, 2017, 7:23am

So now that the times are changed, I’m having troubles, once again with the times. I’ve tried to do the
math, but would appreciate it if someone could look it over, and if someone in the Mountain Time clarify
too, since that’s where I live.

Market Opens at Sunday 4:00pm Mountain Time, approximately. (10:00pm GMT)

Market Closes at Friday 3:00pm Mountain Time approximately. (9:00pm GMT)
New York Midnight is at 10:00pm Mountain Time. (4:00am GMT)
London Open is 1:00-3:00am Mountain Time. (7:00-9:00am GMT)
New York Open is 6:00-8:00am Mountain Time. (12:00-2:00pm GMT)
London Close is 9:00-11:00am Mountain Time. (3:00-5:00pm GMT)

As for pivots, since I’m with IBFX, MT4 is GMT time, would we have to adjust Pivot Points to -4? ADR
still set at default?

Please correct me if I am wrong, which… chances are, I probably am.

akeakamai #930 May 26, 2017, 7:30am

I want to do another Accountability Challenge this week to really help crystallize my new found
appreciation for patience and consistency.

This week’s challenge is to stop trading after reaching any number of pips over 20. I won’t be targetting
20 pips in each trade, but just as soon as a trade closes, if the net profit is over 20, I’m done.

The reason I want to try this is because I’ve noticed that nearly every week, at some point I am up over
20 pips. But in going for more, I end up heading into the negative. I want to push the focus towards
consistently profitable weeks, even if it means that I have to start down at a 20 pip goal. Obviously this is
just an exercise to train my mindset, when I think I’m ready, I’ll start going for the 50-100 on the week.

apmonster #931 May 26, 2017, 7:44am


This week’s challenge is to stop trading after reaching any number of pips over 20.

Hey AK, I am loving this idea. I (and I suspect many others) have experienced this exact same thing.
We get up a few pips, start thinking “ah, finally I’ve got a handle on this trading thing”, and then before
we know it, the market puts us back in our place!

I think I may join you in your challenge this week. I’m not concerned with profit really, consistency is
what I want more than anything else.


hellogoodbye4201 #932 May 26, 2017, 7:44am


I want to do another Accountability Challenge this week to really help crystallize my new found
appreciation for patience and consistency.

This week’s challenge is to stop trading after reaching any number of pips over 20. I won’t be
targetting 20 pips in each trade, but just as soon as a trade closes, if the net profit is over 20, I’m

The reason I want to try this is because I’ve noticed that nearly every week, at some point I am up
over 20 pips. But in going for more, I end up heading into the negative. I want to push the focus
towards consistently profitable weeks, even if it means that I have to start down at a 20 pip goal.
Obviously this is just an exercise to train my mindset, when I think I’m ready, I’ll start going for the
50-100 on the week.

I’ve been doing something similar for the last 3 weeks but have been capping myself at 2% per week,
So far I’ve only taken one trade per week and every trade has either been taken Sunday night or
Monday. Each win is at least 2%, currently up 8% for the last 3 weeks. If I can get another 2% this week
I’ll be upping my weekly goal a tad. Goodluck!

arasheed #933 May 26, 2017, 7:23am

Thanks a lot. This PDF file is a geat help for trading.

This has been really beneficial for me to attend this forum.


Aarnog #934 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm

Okay, so tonight I’m looking to sell the GU at around the MR1, or R1 levels.

Market flow is down on all 3 time frames, and we’re in the sell zone for pivots. Seems like a bit of a no-
brainer to go short to me, but the very bearish sentiment in the market makes it even more logical.

The MR1 level has the following confluences:

1.6080 institutional level, posisible the 6100 major institutional level.
Friday’s CPP
The R1 level has:
1.6120 institutional level
Friday’s MR1 (untested),
162% extension

I’ll probably set a pending order at R1, and move it up if it looks like price isn’t going to reach that level.

LS1 #935 May 26, 2017, 7:37am

It doesn’t exactly fit here, but still a pretty important question that I (and I’m sure everyone else) would
like your opinion on, Michael.

Do you think there is an oppertunity to take advantage of what is happening in Japan? Long on
USDJPY? I notice that it actually dipped hard after the event happened, even though everything points
to trouble for JPY. Is this the banks pushing in the opposite direction of buyers who are trying to jump on
it early so they can make some easy money, or is it something more than that?

The japanese are reportedly injecting something like $184B into the market to keep themselves afloat.
You would also think that in a way they are stimulating their economy with all of the new construction
and rebuilding (I could be way off on this).

Someone has also released an interview with a man who claims to be an ex-employee of Bank of
America and says he can prove they were commiting fraud with their mortgages.

So… long on UJ or just stay flat for now?

Also, I’m Hawaii on vacation right now. I was browsing babypips from my beachfront hotel counting
down the minutes to the tsunami… and then it never came! Biggest letdown ever. They were clearing
Waikiki out and evacuating people in certain areas. Moved everyone in the hotel above the 4th floor. It
was ridiculous!

cubanpip #936 May 26, 2017, 7:23am


Watch “that” line and [B]use Dollar Index[/B] and Fiber for confirmation/filter and there are NO buts

Simply THANKS for that! Another GREAT tool for the arsenal. It’s amazing!

I used to use this tool before but when changed from MM to NDD the new type of account didn’t have it
as regular instrument.
But I would like to say something else. When I use the “BUT” expression, [B]I DON’T mean indecision or
confusion[/B], simply: “Attention. There is more to take into account cause here ANYTHING can
happen”. Sorry if I can’t express properly my thoughts in English (it’s really not SO easy for me to do
that) and for giving wrongs ideas. Personally, although I don’t know what will happen next, I DO know
what I will do, no matter what market does, the same if I’m “right” or “wrong” in my assumptions.

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

system #937 May 26, 2017, 7:52am


Long on USDJPY?

So… long on UJ or just stay flat for now?

You missed the boat after Tokyo Open.

They triggered those stops, already…resulting in gapping 30 pips air pockets in Tokyo targeting 80.00…
they got to 80.56.

After that try ist was 186 pips north in one session…Kudos to the BoJ…

I doubt they will try again targeting 80.00…

Alishijo #938 May 26, 2017, 7:52am


Also, I’m Hawaii on vacation right now. I was browsing babypips from my beachfront hotel counting
down the minutes to the tsunami… and then it never came! Biggest letdown ever. They were
clearing Waikiki out and evacuating people in certain areas. Moved everyone in the hotel above the
4th floor. It was ridiculous!

I’m so sorry you were let down. YouTube - Japan Earthquake: Helicopter aerial view video of giant
tsunami waves

Probably best to stick to the analysis, folks.

arasheed #939 May 26, 2017, 7:52am

EurUsd is going higher.
How farther it is expected to go up??

apmonster #940 May 26, 2017, 7:58am

OK, so I had a couple of nice trades on both EUR/GBP and the cable at the London open.

This time, I tried to put into practice some of the material I had reviewed from ICT’s earlier videos
regarding the fractals on the longer term timeframes, and really trying to trade in sync with where the
market is “trying to get to”.

As a point of possible interest to others, here is my analysis on the two pairs I traded. I wrote this prior to
the London open, just to make a few notes so I had an idea of what I was looking for when the open
arrived. I do this because otherwise I just feel rushed, and that leads to mistakes.

[B]GBP/USD[/B]: PA is up on the monthly and weekly, just had a bounce from previous R turned S,
confluent with 38% retracement of last major upswing on weekly. Price has recently found resistance on
the 4H, at the 50% fib retracment. 1.6040 might see a long entry, confluent with previous S on the 4H,
and also the 50% retracment of the move to resistance at 1.6095. 1.6040 lies just below the day’s CPP

[B]EUR/GBP[/B]: Bias is down on the monthly. Up on the weekly, although at the 62% retracement of
last major down swing, and previous resistance. We may see a retracement short back to 86, which is
the 62% level on the daily, as well as figure, and previous significant fractal high. PA is in the sell zone,
so look for potential intraday shorts today.

Just to echo Alishijo’s comments above, I do believe it’s best we stick to the analysis.
From a trading perspective, I will avoid the yen for the time being, and from a human perspective, let’s
all try to show some sensitivity.

On a personal note, Alishijo, I hope you and all your loved ones are OK. I have spent a couple of years
in Japan. My girlfriend and her family are spread out between Tokyo and Ibaraki, so were fortunate to
have been spared the worst of it. It really is such an unimaginable tragedy. Everyone over there is in my
thoughts and prayers.


Mhendry80 #941 May 26, 2017, 8:05am

Well I remained flat last night. I didnt see any set ups that had market flow in line with the buy/sell zones
except for one scalp on the cable that just missed OTE (thats assuming that im pulling the fibs properly
which i may not be)

I will watch NY open for another half hour or so before work. If there is nothing then I will try again
tonight. I have all week to get my 30 pips

Have a good day everyone (or night)

newbietrader #942 May 26, 2017, 8:05am

I went short on GU today. The confluences were institutional level 1.6080, Daily M3, Asia session high,
and the 79 retracement level of the move down. 1hr, 4hr, and daily fractals were all down. Price was in
the sell zone. I set a limit order at 1.6079 and set my stop loss above the trend line at 1.6107. Stop loss
was hit for -28 pips ($56). Where did I go wrong?

SimonTemplar #943 May 26, 2017, 8:19am


I went short on GU today. The confluences were institutional level 1.6080, Daily M3, Asia session
high, and the 79 retracement level of the move down. 1hr, 4hr, and daily fractals were all down. Price
was in the sell zone. I set a limit order at 1.6079 and set my stop loss above the trend line at 1.6107.
Stop loss was hit for -28 pips ($56). Where did I go wrong?
Apologies if I am posting out of turn, but I took this pair Long last night - I would not have shorted based
on the Hourly as the Daily chart did not agree, and I generally defer to the higher timeframe. Price on
this pair has been reacting well to the 50ema for quite a while, so the low test for yesterday on the Daily
made my bias Long.

That’s the fun in trading - you can often make a case for both Long and Short, depending on the


apmonster #944 May 26, 2017, 8:18am


I went short on GU today … Where did I go wrong?

Hi newbietrader, I ended up going long around 1.6035. You know, it’s funny, you can show the exact
same chart to two different traders, and one will go short, the other long! But I guess, you can’t have a
market without at least two differing viewpoints

See my comment a couple of posts above yours on why I personally wasn’t looking for shorts today

EDIT: Adding to what SimonTemplar said above, a case can indeed often be made to go both long AND
short. And both could be correct, depending on timeframe. For example, I may be in a long-term short
position, and many other traders may profitably short-term trade the retracements long. So as you can
see, timing becomes important (I’m not suggesting there was anything wrong with yours).

ClarkFX #945 May 26, 2017, 8:19am


Where did I go wrong?

Hey newbietrader,
I went long as well on the trade during london open, H4 was favouring a long bias, while H1 and Daily
were signaling shorts. But based on the previous drops from last week, I felt price would try to go long
again. If you check some long term signals, such as Open Interest, and Backwardization, the Cable still
has a large demand, as such, one would expect price would go higher, Monday’s are typically nice too. I
check some advisors and most were all in the “Strong Buy” for the Cable, I don’t follow them to a tee,
but I do use it to double check myself.

During London Open, there was a three candle OTE (7:30, 7:45, 8:00 GMT). Price landed right on the
79% and went shot straight up. Keep in mind that price was also on the ADR Low. Had one looked at the
5Min chart, the OTE looks really clear!

Took the long at 1.6033, SL was set at 1.6020 and aimed for just below the ADR high at 1.6100
institutional figure. Fell asleep on my laptop, woke up to see price 25 pips above my TP, but still glad I
got away with around 60pips w/ spread. And just got a trade off with an almost 5:1 reward to risk ratio
whilst risking 2%.

Only problem I feel is that I had put my SL too tight, which I have been doing quite a bit lately. I’m
starting to feel paranoid about that now… But we’ll see I guess…


system #946 May 26, 2017, 8:25am


Hey newbietrader,
I went long as well on the trade during london open, H4 was favouring a long bias, while H1 and
Daily were signaling shorts. But based on the previous drops from last week, I felt price would try to
go long again. If you check some long term signals, such as Open Interest, and Backwardization, the
Cable still has a large demand, as such, one would expect price would go higher, Monday’s are
typically nice too. I check some advisors and most were all in the “Strong Buy” for the Cable, I don’t
follow them to a tee, but I do use it to double check myself.

During London Open, there was a three candle OTE (7:30, 7:45, 8:00 GMT). Price landed right on
the 79% and went shot straight up. Keep in mind that price was also on the ADR Low. Had one
looked at the 5Min chart, the OTE looks really clear!

Took the long at 1.6033, SL was set at 1.6020 and aimed for just below the ADR high at 1.6100
institutional figure. Fell asleep on my laptop, woke up to see price 25 pips above my TP, but still glad
I got away with around 60pips w/ spread. And just got a trade off with an almost 5:1 reward to risk
ratio whilst risking 2%.

Only problem I feel is that I had put my SL too tight, which I have been doing quite a bit lately. I’m
starting to feel paranoid about that now… But we’ll see I guess…


Pro Traders Club video highlights this setup… video is processing now should be online by Noon.

system #947 May 26, 2017, 7:30am


Simply THANKS for that! Another GREAT tool for the arsenal. It’s amazing!

They had a go at it…but it’s not the major move…

Cable has done 110% of it’s Avg. Daily Range. A Cable swing lower would be expected. The are aiming
for 1.6340/80, Amigo.

Dollar Index is above it’s Weekly Open because of the JPY and sit’s in that 76.50 - 77.00 channel.

Keep an eye on the USDJPY chart…they are trying to gun for Stops below 80.00.

I don’t think they will get there because of BoJ but if they do this will turn ugly for Cable, Fiber and the
JPY crosses. There is a lot of money pouring into the JPY.

Good luck.

system #948 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm


Hi Michael and others,

your thread, blog and videos are really amazing. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

I made for myself small ICT Market flow indi based on fractals for all timeframes from H1 up to
Monthly and decided to share this indi. Hope it can help somebody. Here it is:

Manta_Market_Flow.ex4 shows market flow for current timeframe.

Manta_MF_Table_1_0.ex4 shows Market flow on all timeframes in small table and calculates
direction. You need Manta_Market_Flow.ex4 in the indicator folder to make it work.

I use white background in Metatrader, so if you use default black background don’t forget to change
font color in indis settings. The files are ex4, but there are no restrictions.



Manta that’s very cool and thank you for sharing with the followers of this thread.

system #949 May 26, 2017, 7:30am


Hey ICT and everyone. My name is Mike and this is my first post. i’ve been hanging out in the
background for a month or so now trying to absorb all the info on this thread. Forex is totally new to
me so i imagine the learning curve will be steep (and long)

I took 6 demo trades last week applying ICT’s tools and won 4 of them and lost two (well technically i
had 7 trades and lost three - i accidentally hit the sell button when I meant to buy on one of them :o
hows that for a newbie mistake) I netted 50 pips for the week but im sure it was beginners luck

ICT, I cant tell you how much I appreciate all the hard work you have done for us. Thanks a million

And thanks to all the other posters on this thread, I’ve learned quite a bit from all of you as well

I look forward to learning with you all


My pleasure Mike


ClarkFX #950 May 26, 2017, 8:31am


Pro Traders Club video highlights this setup… video is processing now should be online by Noon.


That’s awesome! Thank you ICT, I’m very glad that I am finally understanding your concepts. =)


system #951 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

Can you use this system for end of day trading or do you need to be watching in the day for the
Fibacconic to form?

I have started demo trading but go went off track using EA and indicators rather than learning the
market, so am back here at babypips for the groundwork, I do work in the day so need set and forget

I will share one soon enough… just stay tuned. Patience…

Manta #952 May 26, 2017, 7:23am


Manta that’s very cool and thank you for sharing with the followers of this thread.


ahh, that’s nothing. I have another version where you can choose to calculate only H1-H4-D1
Timeframes and some other small improvements, but I’m sick and don’t really have mood to write any
code now. It should be ready in 2-3 days.

If you have some suggestion for improvements, just let me know.

system #953 May 26, 2017, 7:52am


It doesn’t exactly fit here, but still a pretty important question that I (and I’m sure everyone else)
would like your opinion on, Michael.

Do you think there is an oppertunity to take advantage of what is happening in Japan? Long on
USDJPY? I notice that it actually dipped hard after the event happened, even though everything
points to trouble for JPY. Is this the banks pushing in the opposite direction of buyers who are trying
to jump on it early so they can make some easy money, or is it something more than that?

The japanese are reportedly injecting something like $184B into the market to keep themselves
afloat. You would also think that in a way they are stimulating their economy with all of the new
construction and rebuilding (I could be way off on this).

Someone has also released an interview with a man who claims to be an ex-employee of Bank of
America and says he can prove they were commiting fraud with their mortgages.
So… long on UJ or just stay flat for now?

Also, I’m Hawaii on vacation right now. I was browsing babypips from my beachfront hotel counting
down the minutes to the tsunami… and then it never came! Biggest letdown ever. They were
clearing Waikiki out and evacuating people in certain areas. Moved everyone in the hotel above the
4th floor. It was ridiculous!

I stay away from event driven markets like this… and I honestly stay away from the Yen crosses
anyways… I never liked them to be honest. I traded them profitably yes… but I have a “feel” or comfort
for the Cable and Fiber and sniffing around another plate when my plate has plenty… well… you know.

I have no opinion or analysis to lend as it relates to the Japanese and it’s currency. However, I
prayerfully wish them well and healing… such a mess they have experienced. We are blessed aren’t we
as we sit in our dry, secure homes and offices… I feel for those poor souls and the children that had to
experience this horror. God help them.

Sorry if that leaves you empty handed… but I simply stick to what I know and live there.


system #954 May 26, 2017, 7:52am

Uploaded Pro Traders Club video to youtube… they are formatting the playback right now… should be
viewable in 15 minutes or so.

I was just monkeying around with the Babypips chat room and discovered we can create our own chat
rooms… I wasn’t aware of this… so… I will be removing the lifeless chat room on my blog and will
simply meet everyone in the Babypips chat room named obviously… “ICT Pro Traders Club”.

I’d like to meet this week for a London Session live analysis… anyone up to it?


Hordane #955 May 26, 2017, 8:06am


Uploaded Pro Traders Club video to youtube… they are formatting the playback right now… should
be viewable in 15 minutes or so.

I was just monkeying around with the Babypips chat room and discovered we can create our own
chat rooms… I wasn’t aware of this… so… I will be removing the lifeless chat room on my blog and
will simply meet everyone in the Babypips chat room named obviously… “ICT Pro Traders Club”.

I’d like to meet this week for a London Session live analysis… anyone up to it?


Yes what time are you thinking. Also until the 27, london is only 4 hrs ahead ( I didn’t know that)

system #956 May 24, 2017, 1:12pm

Edited miscalled date on the latest video

Rokas1989 #957 May 24, 2017, 3:33pm

Hello, great video as usual too bad I was not able to take London trade but I took NY OTE at ~1,6115.
Trade was confluence of 38.2 fib R1 and average daily range was filled. OTE was taken at those
confluences on 15m chart and cable did move in favor for about 20 pips, couple more and would have
moved sl to be, but trade failed miserably moments later. Despite the fact that trade was a loss I am
pleased with it, the only problem is (which is obvious in hindsight) shorting reserve currency at a time of
disaster. Anyhow I am thinking of checklist for entry and confluence which does not involve s/r that can
be seen from a moon is not that great of a confluence.

To add I too would like to participate in live analysis but I doubt of having time to do so.

shandy #958 May 26, 2017, 8:05am


I’d like to meet this week for a London Session live analysis… anyone up to it?


For sure, as you say the existing room is a bit lifeless

Hordane #959 May 24, 2017, 5:48pm

I had a loss today because I was very sloppy in my setup. AT NY I saw the 4hr and 1hr were long
momentum and price was bouncing off S1. I took the bounce off S1 to mean the price would fall and
traded short at a really! bad spot. Looking back, price was bouncing through S1 (Resis) and Asia High
(supp) but I didn’t mark the Asia channel so completely missed that aspect. In the end was stopped out
with at 22 pips.

hellogoodbye4201 #961 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm


Uploaded Pro Traders Club video to youtube… they are formatting the playback right now… should
be viewable in 15 minutes or so.

I was just monkeying around with the Babypips chat room and discovered we can create our own
chat rooms… I wasn’t aware of this… so… I will be removing the lifeless chat room on my blog and
will simply meet everyone in the Babypips chat room named obviously… “ICT Pro Traders Club”.

I’d like to meet this week for a London Session live analysis… anyone up to it?


That would be awesome!

I was looking to go long at S1 today but my order never triggered

northerntouch101 #962 May 26, 2017, 8:05am


I’d like to meet this week for a London Session live analysis… anyone up to it?


You can count me in.

Mhendry80 #963 May 26, 2017, 8:06am


I’d like to meet this week for a London Session live analysis… anyone up to it?


You bet, I’m in:)

ClarkFX #964 May 26, 2017, 7:31am


ahh, that’s nothing. I have another version where you can choose to calculate only H1-H4-D1
Timeframes and some other small improvements, but I’m sick and don’t really have mood to write
any code now. It should be ready in 2-3 days.

If you have some suggestion for improvements, just let me know.

Looking forward to it Manta.


system #965 May 26, 2017, 7:30am

Woops! Nevermind you already answered my question =P

ClarkFX #966 May 26, 2017, 7:44am


I’d like to meet this week for a London Session live analysis… anyone up to it?

That would be London Open, correct?

Count me in! I’ll just sleep during school so I am able to stay up all night. Haha


apmonster #967 May 26, 2017, 8:06am


I’d like to meet this week for a London Session live analysis… anyone up to it?
Count me in too. Looking forward to this

LS1 #968 May 26, 2017, 8:05am


Uploaded Pro Traders Club video to youtube… they are formatting the playback right now… should
be viewable in 15 minutes or so.

I was just monkeying around with the Babypips chat room and discovered we can create our own
chat rooms… I wasn’t aware of this… so… I will be removing the lifeless chat room on my blog and
will simply meet everyone in the Babypips chat room named obviously… “ICT Pro Traders Club”.

I’d like to meet this week for a London Session live analysis… anyone up to it?


Hell yeah!

system #969 May 26, 2017, 8:05am

No damage done to Cable. Lucky…very lucky…

The Aussie Dollar and AUDJPY took it “on the chin” in Tokyo.
What pair and Yen cross is next ?
USDJPY is 167 pips away from 80.00 with that nasty 80+ pip spike 3 hours ago.
No bounce in sight.
This doesn’t look good…
I’m out…if I want to gamble I go to the casino.

Good luck.

arasheed #970 May 26, 2017, 8:18am


No damage done to Cable. Lucky…very lucky…

The Aussie Dollar and AUDJPY took it “on the chin” in Tokyo.
What pair and Yen cross is next ?
USDJPY is 167 pips away from 80.00 with that nasty 80+ pip spike 3 hours ago.
No bounce in sight.
This doesn’t look good…
I’m out…if I want to gamble I go to the casino.

Good luck.

EurUsd is 100 pips down from 1.4002 to 1.3920.
Do you think it will rebound and recoup losses because it is now inching upward to 1.3932


arasheed #971 May 26, 2017, 8:19am


No damage done to Cable. Lucky…very lucky…

The Aussie Dollar and AUDJPY took it “on the chin” in Tokyo.
What pair and Yen cross is next ?
USDJPY is 167 pips away from 80.00 with that nasty 80+ pip spike 3 hours ago.
No bounce in sight.
This doesn’t look good…
I’m out…if I want to gamble I go to the casino.

Good luck.

Now EurUsd has reached 1.3942

I think it gaining momentum


system #972 May 26, 2017, 8:25am


EurUsd is 100 pips down from 1.4002 to 1.3920.
Do you think it will rebound and recoup losses because it is now inching upward to 1.3932


If the USDJPY goes BELOW 80.00 we will most likely see a crash.
The Aussie Dollar is breaking down.

Looks like Fiber and Cable are in the process…this can get very ugly…very ugly…

arasheed #973 May 26, 2017, 8:31am


If the USDJPY goes BELOW 80.00 we will most likely see a crash.

The Aussie Dollar is breaking down.

Looks like Fiber and Cable are in the process…this can get very ugly…very ugly…

Strange EurUsd suddenly dipped to 1.3909


system #974 May 26, 2017, 8:37am


Strange EurUsd suddenly dipped to 1.3909


It’s not strange because there is no market stability.

All kinds of cross trade positions across instruments getting undone…there is fear AND hope, my friend.

They are hoping for the “JPY white knight” coming to the rescue. And the are fearing a crash.


No place to have your money in my book.

cubanpip #975 May 26, 2017, 7:37am


They had a go at it…but it’s not the major move…

Cable has done 110% of it’s Avg. Daily Range. A Cable swing lower would be expected. The are
aiming for 1.6340/80, Amigo.
Dollar Index is above it’s Weekly Open because of the JPY and sit’s in that 76.50 - 77.00 channel.

Keep an eye on the USDJPY chart…they are trying to gun for Stops below 80.00.

I don’t think they will get there because of BoJ but if they do this will turn ugly for Cable, Fiber and
the JPY crosses. There is a lot of money pouring into the JPY.

Good luck.

I don’t trade Yen. I keep an eye on it cause the correlation stuff but I have more than enough with G/U,
E/U and A/U. I limit myself to these exclusively and feel satisfaction with what I get there.

Don’t worry about luck. We don’t really need that. As I already said to a very appreciated fellow trader,
personally, I don’t believe in luck, is simply a matter of decisions, good ones or bad ones.

Best regards

[I]“Me quedaré, me quedaré, [B]siempre cubano[/B] me quedaré…”[/I]

apmonster #976 May 26, 2017, 7:37am

Had a nice short on the Fiber today.

We had OTE, and MF was down on the 4H. Traded short at OTE, following a bounce from the CPP.

Got my entry at the 62% retracement level at 1.3925, just prior to the london open.

Price then continued up to a significant fractal low from the asian session, at ~1.3940, before dropping
like a rock at the london open, down to my initial target just below the 1.39 figure. I would have liked to
have scaled out, because I could see it going a lot lower, but had only a single lot on, for risk-
management reasons.

If only I can keep this up!

EDIT: I just want to add what a revelation this thread has been for me. I am finally starting to accept that
intraday traders DO need to be concerned with INTER-day time frames, that 20 pips a day is actually
quite a lot (more than enough to get rich, anyway!), that stops DO have to be wide enough to let trades
breathe, etc. I am starting to get the feeling that I’m near a breakthrough in my trading, and it feels good

Manta #977 May 26, 2017, 7:44am

yeah, I took the same short. Entry 1.3932 (Fibo 70.2 RET) first exit 1.3880 (1.27 EXT), second exit
1.3860 (1.618 EXT).

New version of Market flow indi is almost ready. I will post it here today.

apmonster #978 May 26, 2017, 7:51am

Nicely managed trade Manta, netted some good pips on that one!
Looking forward to the indi too.

Manta #979 May 31, 2017, 4:14pm

[B]Here it is, enjoy and happy trading!!!

Main changes: fully customizable layout, ICT H1-H4 or H4-D1 rule option and option to hide Weekly and
Monthly Flow in Table.[/B]


Installation: MT4 folder/experts/indicators


MANTA MF TABLE 1.1 (Manta_MF_Table_1_1.ex4)

Default settings description is in help.txt.

To make this indicator work, you must have Manta_Market_Flow.ex4 file in your indicator folder, but not
necessary attached to the chart!
I use white background in Metatrader, so don’t forget to change textColor, if you use default black

MANTA MARKET FLOW (Manta_Market_Flow.ex4)

Default settings description is in help.txt.

Files are ex4, but there are no restrictions.

Mhendry80 #980 May 26, 2017, 7:52am


Had a nice short on the Fiber today.

We had OTE, and MF was down on the 4H. Traded short at OTE, following a bounce from the CPP.

Got my entry at the 62% retracement level at 1.3925, just prior to the london open.

Price then continued up to a significant fractal low from the asian session, at ~1.3940, before
dropping like a rock at the london open, down to my initial target just below the 1.39 figure. I would
have liked to have scaled out, because I could see it going a lot lower, but had only a single lot on,
for risk-management reasons.

If only I can keep this up!

EDIT: I just want to add what a revelation this thread has been for me. I am finally starting to accept
that intraday traders DO need to be concerned with INTER-day time frames, that 20 pips a day is
actually quite a lot (more than enough to get rich, anyway!), that stops DO have to be wide enough
to let trades breathe, etc. I am starting to get the feeling that I’m near a breakthrough in my trading,
and it feels good

I took the same trade Entered at 1.3931 and exited at 1.3901. I have been taking 100% of my trades
off at 30 pips because i don’t know how to scale out portions of them. Do i just place an opposing order
for the number of mini lots that I want to take out?

Anyway, I got my 30 pips for the week so I am happy

ClarkFX #981 May 26, 2017, 7:51am

Oh man, good trade on the Fiber guys. =) I didn’t pay attention to it last night. I keep forgetting the fact
that if the Cable isn’t looking great then the Fiber may provide more opportunities. Couldn’t find any valid
entries in the Cable going long during London Open and decided to just stay sidelined. And good thing I
did! Cable dropped 160 pips.

Just curious, did anyone take the long on the Fiber during NY Open, at the OTE, below ADR Low and
S1 acting as support?

I hope everybody else’s trading went well. =)

system #982 May 26, 2017, 8:05am


Oh man, good trade on the Fiber guys. =) I didn’t pay attention to it last night. I keep forgetting the
fact that if the Cable isn’t looking great then the Fiber may provide more opportunities. Couldn’t find
any valid entries in the Cable going long during London Open and decided to just stay sidelined. And
good thing I did! Cable dropped 160 pips.

Just curious, did anyone take the long on the Fiber during NY Open, at the OTE, below ADR Low
and S1 acting as support?

I hope everybody else’s trading went well. =)


You know it… in it to win it…


arasheed #983 May 26, 2017, 7:52am

I entered BUY at 1.3908 EurUsd it is now 1.3955


system #984 May 26, 2017, 7:58am

Just hit my limit… sidelined. Crazy day… but profitable.

Long 1.3865 limited out last portion 1.3965

30% off @ 1.3900

30% off @ 139.40
remainder off at 1.3965

Sweet swing after a modest London haul of 23 pips… Im done for the week Ladies & Gents…

Manta #985 May 26, 2017, 8:12am


Just hit my limit… sidelined. Crazy day… but profitable.

Long 1.3865 limited out last portion 1.3965

30% off @ 1.3900

30% off @ 139.40
remainder off at 1.3965

Sweet swing after a modest London haul of 23 pips… Im done for the week Ladies & Gents…


This is cool, I wanted to trade the same setup during NY after London morning short, but had some
meeting. Almost the same levels. Unbelievable.

Thanks ICT. I’m looking forward to see more stuff from your arsenal. I’m sure You have much more to
share and teach…

ClarkFX #986 May 26, 2017, 8:12am


You know it… in it to win it…


I didn’t trade that set up figuring the market flow was indecisive or more bearish, so I decided to opt out.
How did you decide to take the long instead of the short? Because there was an OTE to go short as well
at 12:00pm GMT

newbietrader #987 May 26, 2017, 8:12am

I went long on GU during the London Open at 1.6113 on the first big red candle to the right of the red up
arrow. Confluence of 79% retracement, Daily M2, and the Asia low. Price was in the buy zone. Stop loss
was set below the Asia low and got hit for -18 pips.

system #988 May 26, 2017, 8:19am


I didn’t trade that set up figuring the market flow was indecisive or more bearish, so I decided to opt
How did you decide to take the long instead of the short? Because there was an OTE to go short as
well at 12:00pm GMT

Tonight’s PTC…

Look at your 4h hint, hint… nudge, nudge lol

system #989 May 26, 2017, 8:25am


I went long on GU during the London Open at 1.6113 on the first big red candle to the right of the red
up arrow. Confluence of 79% retracement, Daily M2, and the Asia low. Price was in the buy zone.
Stop loss was set below the Asia low and got hit for -18 pips.

Yea I was in the chat room and went long twice and managed to BE initially… then bagged 23 pips on
the second long but got tagged for BE on second long… can’t catch em’ all.

Keep practicing and following the setups… we will lose eventually… prepare for it.


shandy #990 May 26, 2017, 8:31am

Yea I was in the chat room…


Hi ICT, what time are you in the chat room please? And do you mean a Baby Pips one rather than your
blog site?

ClarkFX #991 May 26, 2017, 8:25am


I went long on GU during the London Open at 1.6113 on the first big red candle to the right of the red
up arrow. Confluence of 79% retracement, Daily M2, and the Asia low. Price was in the buy zone.
Stop loss was set below the Asia low and got hit for -18 pips.

Just taking a quick look at your chart… I think you’ve got your fib wrong? You are measuring putting the
fib on a downtrend… so it should be the other way around, I believe… (0.0 at the bottom, and 100.0 at
the top.

system #992 May 26, 2017, 8:31am


Just taking a quick look at your chart… I think you’ve got your fib wrong? You are measuring putting
the fib on a downtrend… so it should be the other way around, I believe… (0.0 at the bottom, and
100.0 at the top.

I was going to mention that in tonights video… good eye Clark.

Not judging Newbietrader… we just want you to do it correctly.


system #993 May 26, 2017, 8:37am

Hi ICT, what time are you in the chat room please? And do you mean a Baby Pips one rather than
your blog site?

If I do pop in… usually at or just before 1am New York time.

Babypips chat room, yes. There were a few folks in there last night… was cool. :35:

ClarkFX #994 May 26, 2017, 8:37am


I was going to mention that in tonights video… good eye Clark.

Not judging Newbietrader… we just want you to do it correctly.


Thanks ICT, looking forward to tonight’s PTC. =)


shandy #995 May 26, 2017, 8:43am


If I do pop in… usually at or just before 1am New York time.

Babypips chat room, yes. There were a few folks in there last night… was cool. :35:

Couldn’t get into the room this morning for some reason, tells me server not responding - better luck

Manta #996 May 24, 2017, 1:11pm

Today London Session: I took EU short from 3985 (M15 market flow changed to short during first 2
hours + OTE zone + 80 level + MR1 + R1 from yesterday).

Let’s see. Picture is here: http://www.mantafx.com/pics/ict_eu_11-03-16.gif

SL moved to BE when price hit 0.0 level (3958).
1st target 1.3949 hit +36 pips. (1.27 ext. + pivot + 50 level)
Remaining 50% closed at 2nd target 1.3918 for 67 pips. (MS1 + 100% ext. + 20 level).

Manta #997 May 24, 2017, 3:33pm

Guys, I’m newbie here in this forum. What’s the difference between Thread and Groups?

johnnykanoo #998 May 24, 2017, 5:46pm

ICT I just wanted to take a moment and say great thread. I haven’t visited in a while and I just noticed
the video commentary from your pro trader group. Excellent!!! I really enjoy your methodical approach
and i think it is commendable that you spend so much time and effort, and you charge nothing

Thanks for doing that for us.

p0w3rL3s5 #999 May 24, 2017, 7:42pm

Hi guys,

I know I'm a little slow on this (in fact, i think I'm one of the slowest lea
 


P.S On a side note, i really envy you guys for being able to actively participate in this thread. The nature
of my work renders me unable to have internet access for most of the weekdays (except Wednesday
night GMT+8), i can only go through all the PTC videos on weekends. So its really kinda frustrating to be
unable to try and apply what i learn in realtime.

P.S.S All this will be different once college starts in August yay!

Manta #1000 May 24, 2017, 9:27pm

I took GU short from 6100, better entry would be probably 6105 or 6110, but this broker has minimal
distance 10 pips and I spotted the opportunity late. (M15 market flow changed to short during London
session + OTE zone + 100 level + MR1 + pivot from yesterday + H4 and D1 flow is short).
Targets are MS1 and S1.

Let’s see :rolleyes: Picture is here: http://www.mantafx.com/pics/ict_gu_11-03-16.gif

SL to BE. Price broke 0.0 level (6052).
50% out at 1st target (6025) +75pips. It should be 6020, but I realized that I had wrong pivots by 1 hour.
I was playing with it and forgot to put it back to EST midnight :eek: 2nd target adjusted to proper S1
5980+spread (also 80 level, ADR low and yesterday’s low).
Huh, 2nd target hit during Asia session exactly at 5980+spread. Another +115 pips.

Thanks ICT.

apmonster #1001 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm


Hi guys,

I know I'm a little slow on this (in fact, i think I'm one of the slowest
 

Hi p0w3rL3s5,

Don’t worry about being slow, it’s not a race. I’ve been at this for years and am still a complete newbie

Regarding my fiber short, indeed it was in the buy zone, but given that the market flow on the 4 hour
timeframe was down, I was content to take a less than optimal setup. A big reason for this was the fairly
convincing bounce from the central pivot earlier during asian trade, and the fact that we had retraced
back “close enough” to the CPP (in my judgement).

ICT has mentioned in an earlier post, that we are best advised to trade the S/R levels of the pivot, rather
than the central pivot itself. This is good advice, and indeed I find my best trades come at those levels.
However, I will - from time to time - take less than optimal setups if I feel other factors are in favour
strongly enough.

Basically, the long and short of it is: This was not a “textbook” ICT setup, but it happened to pay off for
me today.
Hope that helps mate
p0w3rL3s5 #1002 May 24, 2017, 11:03pm

Hi Alan,

Thanks for the prompt reply. To be frank I'm still kinda confuse when people
 


apmonster #1003 May 25, 2017, 2:09am


Hi Alan,

Thanks for the prompt reply. To be frank I'm still kinda confuse when peopl
 


Hey p0w,
Check this video out: YouTube - Top_Down_Analysis.avi
Explanation starts at 7:36.

If that doesn’t clear things up, let me know.

Manta #1004 May 25, 2017, 2:09am


Hi Alan,

Thanks for the prompt reply. To be frank I'm still kinda confuse when peopl
 


Market flow is defined (hope it is the same as ICT ) as the most recent broken fractal. Look only at
the most recent upper and lower fractal. If the price breaks this level, then market flow is either long or

Hope it is clear. My English is worse and worse…

p0w3rL3s5 #1005 May 25, 2017, 2:09am

Hi Alan,

Thanks lots for the video, it really served as a reminder that i should be re
 

On a side note, as i was looking at the fractals on the chart, i saw these:


Sell Zone and market flow was down. I didn’t take the trade, but its really exciting to see one of ICT’s
concept panning out real-time. It sorta serve as a mini confidence booster


P.S Thats still a good 60 pips for anyone who traded that set-up even if price do bounce up after that.

Manta #1006 May 25, 2017, 12:36am


Hi p0w3rL3s5,

Don’t worry about being slow, it’s not a race. I’ve been at this for years and am still a complete

Regarding my fiber short, indeed it was in the buy zone, but given that the market flow on the 4 hour
timeframe was down, I was content to take a less than optimal setup. A big reason for this was the
fairly convincing bounce from the central pivot earlier during asian trade, and the fact that we had
retraced back “close enough” to the CPP (in my judgement).

ICT has mentioned in an earlier post, that we are best advised to trade the S/R levels of the pivot,
rather than the central pivot itself. This is good advice, and indeed I find my best trades come at
those levels. However, I will - from time to time - take less than optimal setups if I feel other factors
are in favour strongly enough.
Basically, the long and short of it is: This was not a “textbook” ICT setup, but it happened to pay off
for me today.
Hope that helps mate

Good point apmonster, this is not a race. This thread and ICT’s work is really cool, I just hope that it
stays as it is and not become poor competition who is better and smarter trader and man, like I saw in
some other forums before.

I’m trying to trade FX really intensively for about 3.5 years now and more I know about this market, more
I feel like newbie The last year was my first profitable year, but still have some problems with

ClarkFX #1007 May 25, 2017, 12:35am

Hey ICT,
Just wanted to say thanks for all your lessons, it’s really helped me out a lot in my trading =) And may
have saved myself years of hard work, and money.

I’m really excited about your London Close plan! I don’t see very many opportunities during London
Close, so I’m very curious as to what you have planned.

May I ask when the London Close lessons will be ready and released?


Manta #1008 May 25, 2017, 2:09am

I could not find any good kill zone indi, so decided to write another small tool based on ICT concepts.
Just simple indi which shows small rectangles (similar like in ICT’s videos) during opening hours of
London and NY session and during closing hours of London.

Just want to make sure that I have the right time windows (kill zones):

London: Open 2am-4am EST, Close 10.30am - 12.30 EST

NY: Open 8.30am - 10.30am EST, Close 3pm - 5pm EST

Am I right?

Aarnog #1009 May 25, 2017, 5:48am

Well that’s just rude.

I took the OTE at MR1 on the GU today during London open. Entry at 1.6108 (roughly). Stop loss was at
1.6130 (a little bit higher to include spread), which was 10 pips past the recent swing high of 1.6120.

Price traded up to 1.61303 before trading down, JUST taking out my stop.

There is only one time when being stopped out is frustrating - and it is this exact scenario.

Hordane #1010 May 25, 2017, 7:18am


I could not find any good kill zone indi, so decided to write another small tool based on ICT concepts.
Just simple indi which shows small rectangles (similar like in ICT’s videos) during opening hours of
London and NY session and during closing hours of London.

Just want to make sure that I have the right time windows (kill zones):

London: Open 2am-4am EST, Close 10.30am - 12.30 EST

NY: Open 8.30am - 10.30am EST, Close 3pm - 5pm EST

Am I right?

Yes and No, currency EST is only 4 hrs behind GMT until the 27th of this month when GMT returns to
daylight time and the time difference is again 5 hrs.

Manta #1011 May 25, 2017, 8:25am


Yes and No, currency EST is only 4 hrs behind GMT until the 27th of this month when GMT returns
to daylight time and the time difference is again 5 hrs.

Thanks for confirmation. Yeah, I know that about this week time difference. Just wasn’t really sure
whether it was exactly like this: 1 hour before - opening time - 1 hour after.

Hordane #1012 May 25, 2017, 9:22am


Thanks for confirmation. Yeah, I know that about this week time difference. Just wasn’t really sure
whether it was exactly like this: 1 hour before - opening time - 1 hour after.

Ah, yes generally it is the time before and after the opening. Not necessarily 1 hr exactly but typically it is
the 1hr before and after that setups occur but you can watch longer. Like today a EU short signal at 8am
GMT (1hr after London open) and again at 13:30 (2 hrs after NY open) again at 16:30 and 17:30 which
is the London close (these two are sell in buy zone though).

ClarkFX #1013 May 25, 2017, 9:22am

Just a quick suggestion Manta, could you do it so could have a built in period separator to separate
days? My broker is GMT time and it becomes a hassle for separating by NY Midnights.

Also the ability to disable certain “kill zones” would be really nice since I only monitor London Open and
New York Open. It would be really great! I hope I’m not asking too much.


system #1014 May 25, 2017, 10:16am

The JPY is melting down.

-1.7% on avg. incl. JPY Crosses in 15 minutes.

The Aussie Dollar is going down with it.

Hordane #1015 May 25, 2017, 11:05am

Just wanted to put this out there for trade ideas. GJ is again retesting last week’s low and is only a few
pips above it. I don’t know if this is a risk-off move from Japan, but it could be a significant point to find a
long entry. Any thoughts

flabberdous #1016 May 27, 2017, 7:38pm

Hey Manta,

You can try this attachment (Kill Zones ex4, mq4)

Works for me.

You can adjust the time windows and colors to whatever you like.


system #1017 May 25, 2017, 12:36pm


Just wanted to put this out there for trade ideas. GJ is again retesting last week’s low and is only a
few pips above it. I don’t know if this is a risk-off move from Japan, but it could be a significant point
to find a long entry. Any thoughts

Watch GBPUSD…if GBPJPY starts moving UP…GBPUSD has to follow OR lead.

That means GBP is the driver and the move UP is genuine.

system #1018 May 25, 2017, 3:39am


Hey ICT,
Just wanted to say thanks for all your lessons, it’s really helped me out a lot in my trading =) And
may have saved myself years of hard work, and money.

I’m really excited about your London Close plan! I don’t see very many opportunities during London
Close, so I’m very curious as to what you have planned.

May I ask when the London Close lessons will be ready and released?


Same here! I can’t trade anymore during london so I would love to see more N.Y. open , London Close,
and any Asian session tips and tricks too!!!

akeakamai #1019 May 25, 2017, 5:47am

okay here’s my update. Done for the week with +37 pips banked. thanks for chatroom tips ICT, I’ve been
using the dual GMTpivot/new york pivot perspective and it really feels like I have an edge now. I got 2
asian session scalps this week based on GMT pivots, and it’s what put me over my 20 pips! Great stuff
all around.
Next week, I might not take any trades because the daylight savings has pushed london open ahead
one hour and it’s screwing up my sleep schedule. The asian scalps were nice, but I’d still like my focus
to be on london open swings.

MCAWally #1020 May 25, 2017, 8:25am


okay here’s my update. Done for the week with +37 pips banked. thanks for chatroom tips ICT, I’ve
been using the dual GMTpivot/new york pivot perspective and it really feels like I have an edge now.
I got 2 asian session scalps this week based on GMT pivots, and it’s what put me over my 20 pips!
Great stuff all around.

Next week, I might not take any trades because the daylight savings has pushed london open ahead
one hour and it’s screwing up my sleep schedule. The asian scalps were nice, but I’d still like my
focus to be on london open swings.

Do you mean London midnight/NY midnight?

akeakamai #1021 May 25, 2017, 8:24am

Gmt 00:00
est 00:00

Alishijo #1022 May 25, 2017, 8:24am


okay here’s my update. Done for the week with +37 pips banked. thanks for chatroom tips ICT, I’ve
been using the dual GMTpivot/new york pivot perspective and it really feels like I have an edge now.
I got 2 asian session scalps this week based on GMT pivots, and it’s what put me over my 20 pips!
Great stuff all around.

Did you write up those trades on previous pages? I have been away from the forum this last week and
not trading due to developments here in Japan, but I’d like to see your entries and exits. GMT pivots, but
trading off tight asian resistance and support channels? Early asian session entry?

Manta #1023 May 25, 2017, 11:05am


Just a quick suggestion Manta, could you do it so could have a built in period separator to separate
days? My broker is GMT time and it becomes a hassle for separating by NY Midnights.

Also the ability to disable certain “kill zones” would be really nice since I only monitor London Open
and New York Open. It would be really great! I hope I’m not asking too much.


Option to disable certain kill zones is included. Built in period separator is not a bad idea. I will see.

apmonster #1024 May 25, 2017, 11:05am

Woohoo! We made it!! 100 Pages

In all seriousness, cheers firstly to ICT, these tools are invaluable and I’m sure I speak for all of us when
I say “thank you”. And thanks also to all my fellow students. We are all helping each other on this
journey to success.

To profit!

fxvoilaaa #1025 May 25, 2017, 1:17pm


Watch GBPUSD…if GBPJPY starts moving UP…GBPUSD has to follow OR lead.

No necessarily. They can still be totally independant.

newbietrader #1026 May 25, 2017, 11:51am

I went short on GBPUSD during the London Open. Price was in the sell zone, institutional level 1.6100,
yesterday’s high and ADR high, I entered short at 1.6104 which was between the 72% and 79%
retracement levels of the last move down. My stop was above yesterday’s high and M4 at 1.6135 and
was hit for -31 pips.
system #1027 May 25, 2017, 1:58pm


No necessarily. They can still be totally independant.

HA HA HA…whatever you say, sweethart.

500 pips UP in GBPJPY and 190 pips UP in GBPUSD since Tokyo lo’s…money-flows INTO GBP,

apmonster #1028 May 25, 2017, 2:38pm


HA HA HA…whatever you say, sweethart.

500 pips UP in GBPJPY and 190 pips UP in GBPUSD since Tokyo lo’s…money-flows INTO GBP,

Don’t really know if the attitude is warranted there, coxsonne. While of course they are quite well
correlated, fxvoilaaa has a point - there are plenty of times in even the most correlated pairs that the
price will move independantly.

Have a look (This is a daily of GU/GJ):

Manta #1029 May 25, 2017, 1:17pm


I went short on GBPUSD during the London Open. Price was in the sell zone, institutional level
1.6100, yesterday’s high and ADR high, I entered short at 1.6104 which was between the 72% and
79% retracement levels of the last move down. My stop was above yesterday’s high and M4 at
1.6135 and was hit for -31 pips.

Just my 2 cents…I did not trade today London Open. Look at GJ and EJ huge swings during Asia (due
to Japan disaster I guess). Start of London was too sharp for GU. If I look for shorts, I want to see clear
swing down before I even think about a trade and market flow break from long to short at least at 15
minute TF.

P.S.: You know what I like to trade with this ICT concept? The first change in Market flow (e.g. at M15, of
course supported with some other tools like pivots, institutional levels etc.). These signals especially
when they come during kill zones are extremely strong and powerful.

system #1030 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm


Don’t really know if the attitude is warranted there, coxsonne. While of course they are quite well
correlated, fxvoilaaa has a point - there are plenty of times in even the most correlated pairs that the
price will move independantly.

Have a look (This is a daily of GU/GJ):

Since when is a cross correlated ???

Correlated to what with three currencies involved ?

What has correlation to do with money-flows in and out of ONE currency and a temporary imbalance
because of time factor due to excecution of orders ?

There is all types of jargon been put out now to jibber about something that has got NOTHING to do with
the original question asked.

I have no time for that !

Jaroon #1031 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm

I’ve got fibs on yesterdays low to todays highs on fiber and cable with O.T.E for long entry coming in at
CPP (GMT pivots) on both currency pairs. They’ll need to retrace quite a bit but with an hour until NY
open I’ve got my alerts set. I’ll enter manually (:54:) as I can watch PA for an hour or two.

They’re both 180+ swings so the retrace really is a big ask. Cable R1 around the 1.61 may well act as
support so I might move down to the 5minute and seek a scalp.

apmonster #1032 May 25, 2017, 3:51pm


What has correlation to do with money-flows in and out of ONE currency and a temporary imbalance
because of time factor due to excecution of orders ?

There is all types of jargon been put out now to jibber about something that has got NOTHING to do
with the original question asked.

I have no time for that !

Coxsonne, I believe you understand my point.

You stated that if GBP/JPY moves up, cable must do the same. When someone (accurately) stated that
this is not necessarily true all the time, you laughed at them and referred to them condescendingly.

I then posted a chart, showing a time when the two currencies pairs you referred to were indeed moving

It is you who is introducing jargon, i simply posted a chart very clearly demonstrating that fxvoilaaa’s
statement was valid.

system #1033 May 25, 2017, 4:25pm


You stated that if GBP/JPY moves up, cable must do the same.

That’s what I stated…

“GBPUSD has to follow OR lead”.

Now, look at your chart again.

I even get misquoted.

That’s the end of this “discussion” for me because I am sure fxvoilaaa had exactly that in mind with his
one sentence reply to start a pointless “discussion”.
And you apmonster took his bite.

apmonster #1034 May 25, 2017, 5:00pm


That’s what I stated…

“GBPUSD has to follow OR lead”.

Oh ok, I see. So, what you are saying is that if one pair goes up, another pair will have gone up before
OR will go up after?
Well, that is very enlightening - cheers!

Just look at the chart I posted, my friend. A small child could tell you that in the yellow circle, GBP/JPY
was going up while cable was going down.

I am rather surprised that you continue to argue such a clear point.

In any case, my statement about your dismissive attitude towards fxvoilaa still stands. I believe we are
all in here to learn together, and no-one likes a know-it-all, right?

Hordane #1037 May 25, 2017, 11:51am

"Just wanted to put this out there for trade ideas. GU is again retesting last week’s low and is only a few
pips above it. I don’t know if this is a risk-off move from Japan, but it could be a significant point to find a
long entry. "

I know you are not supposed to kick yourself over trades not taken, but honestly this one is a little painful
to wakeup and see and not want to kick myself for not taking it.

system #1038 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm


"Just wanted to put this out there for trade ideas. GU is again retesting last week’s low and is only a
few pips above it. I don’t know if this is a risk-off move from Japan, but it could be a significant point
to find a long entry. "

I know you are not supposed to kick yourself over trades not taken, but honestly this one is a little
painful to wakeup and see and not want to kick myself for not taking it.
:59:I would log it as a milestone towards your consistency… you seen it… identified it… and allowed it to
pass. You have two choices here… 1) be upset you didn’t make money on it or 2) be content with having
made a sound call and bolster your confidence for future periods when you will need the “pick me up”
after drawdown periods.


Opportunity is a parade. Even as one chance passes, the next is a fife and drum echoing in the

ClarkFX #1039 May 25, 2017, 1:16pm

I couldn’t really figure out the market flow prior to London Open last night, but still had a short bias, since
all three time frames was showing a short bias. To my surprise, when I woke up, I saw that Cable had

Just curious, could some enlighten me as to why one would look to go long today? I do see an OTE long
at the CPP during London Open and as I type this, an OTE to go short during NY Open.


system #1040 May 25, 2017, 2:38pm


I couldn’t really figure out the market flow prior to London Open last night, but still had a short bias,
since all three time frames was showing a short bias. To my surprise, when I woke up, I saw that
Cable had skyrocketed.

Just curious, could some enlighten me as to why one would look to go long today? I do see an OTE
long at the CPP during London Open and as I type this, an OTE to go short during NY Open.


In the previous videos I noted the Key support levels and in the chat room. Key levels maintain their
impact… hence the premise “Key” S&R.

Look at the 1.5980 level… note it on the timeframes we monitor. See the price action on this level? This
was the basis for the long on the Cable two days ago.

Note 1.6100 level? In chat, while for disclosure sake I said I was flat… I explained the Cable would likely
see a retest of the 1.61 figure and it traded there again after testing the 1.5980 level last night. These
levels are being traded as the current dealing range… spend most of your time on the higher
timeframes… drill down to 15 and 5 min charts only after you have a clear “reaction level” noted… to set
up your Scouting Point and wait for “time of day” and price to come together… then 15 and 5 min charts
are your Sniper Scope… to zero in on the Kill Shot for the Session you trade.

That really is all there is to it folks… either it plays out and your trade pays you… or you take a
controlled loss and hunt your next big game prey… profitable, consistent trading.

PS: What did we discuss as it relates to Market Flow and Key Levels? Refer back to the core
essentials… therein lies the gold.

Hope this helps!


Manta #1041 May 25, 2017, 3:17pm


In the previous videos I noted the Key support levels and in the chat room. Key levels maintain their
impact… hence the premise “Key” S&R.

Look at the 1.5980 level… note it on the timeframes we monitor. See the price action on this level?
This was the basis for the long on the Cable two days ago.

Note 1.6100 level? In chat, while for disclosure sake I said I was flat… I explained the Cable would
likely see a retest of the 1.61 figure and it traded there again after testing the 1.5980 level last night.
These levels are being traded as the current dealing range… spend most of your time on the higher
timeframes… only drill down to 15 and 5 min charts [B][U]after you have a clear “reaction level”
noted[/U][/B] to set up your Scouting Point and wait for “time of day” and price to come together…
then 15 and 5 min charts are your Sniper Scope… to zero in on the Kill Shot for the Session you

That really is all there is to it folks… either it plays out and your trade pays you… or you take a
controled loss and hunt your next big game prey… profitable, consistent trading.

PS: What did we discuss as it relates to Market Flow and Key Levels? Refer back to the core
essentials… therein lies the gold.

Hope this helps!


I think I’m addicted on this after more than 400 pips gain in the last two days…

I know losses will also come and I have no problem with that, but the tools work very well if you put them
together in a way you show here and in your videos.
Hordane #1042 May 25, 2017, 3:16pm


PS: What did we discuss as it relates to Market Flow and Key Levels? Refer back to the core
essentials… therein lies the gold.

Price action trading down to a prior support is more significant than price action trading down to prior
resistance. Is this what you were referring to?

system #1043 May 25, 2017, 1:17pm


I went short on GBPUSD during the London Open. Price was in the sell zone, institutional level
1.6100, yesterday’s high and ADR high, I entered short at 1.6104 which was between the 72% and
79% retracement levels of the last move down. My stop was above yesterday’s high and M4 at
1.6135 and was hit for -31 pips.

Keep this in your toolbox…

Whenever price runs hard and is within 30 pips of the Previous Day’s High… anticipate it retesting if not
blowing through it… as far as the next Institutional level. Even if the price rejects and slams lower
afterwords… the majority of Stops rest just above PDH’s and under PDL’s… they are easy ducks to
shoot and traders feel “safe” placing them there…

This is the premise behind the exercise I detailed in the video on Consistency… which highlights the
phenomenon at PDH’s & PDL’s.

Keep plugging at it… you will see it click by working the tools everyday on your charts… print out charts
and or save intraday charts for your study on weekends. This is a big help or it was for me… this is how
you begin to see the tracks in the snow and how to spot the opportunity when it falls in your lap again…
as it surely will multiple times per week.

Do not get discouraged… trust me… nobody takes off right out of the gate.


system #1044 May 25, 2017, 3:51pm


Price action trading down to a prior support is more significant than price action trading down to prior
resistance. Is this what you were referring to?

What Trumps Market Flow?

[B]Key Support & Resistance Levels[/B]

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