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 Look at the pictures and complete the text.

There’s no place like home! My hometown is Bristol. There are lots of things
to do in my neighbourhood. There’s a 1.
......................................................, with lots of
great shops. Chaos is my favourite 2.
................................................ There you can also
go to the 8.
..............................................., see films at the 6.
..................................., chat
with your friends at the18. .............................................. or have some pizza at Gino’s
....................................... In the afternoon I like going to the 3.
I play basketball there. Near my house there’s a beautiful 7.
................................ and
a 12. ........................ It is very small but there are some interesting animals.
My 16. ................................. isn’t near my house so I take the bus. My parents work in
the city centre and both take the train. It takes 10 minutes walking to get to the
....................................... On Saturday morning I usually go to the10. ..............................
because I love reading and sometimes I visit the 17.
..................................... Where can
you go out in your town? Where do you like going?

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