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Sr. No. of Question Paper: 2341 Unique Paper Code : 42171205 Name of the Paper : Chemical Energetics, Equilibrium & Functional Organic Chemistry— I Name of the Course : B.Se. (Programme) Semester i Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instructions for Candidates 1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. 2. Use of Scientific calculator and log table is allowed. 3. Use separate sheets for Section A and Section B. SECTION A (PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY) Attempt any three questions in all and Question No. 1 is compulsory. 1. Attempt any five questions : (a) What do you understand by buffer? Give an example of basic buffer. P.T.O. 2341 2 (b) What are extensive and intensive variables? Classify the following as extensive and intensive- molar entropy, enthalpy, temperature, heat capacity. (c) State Le-Chatelier’s principle and explain the effect of change of temperature on equilibrium. (d) What is pH? Calculate the pH of 0.001 M NaOH. (c) Differentiate between differential enthalpy of solution and integral enthalpy of solution. (Q) Why salts of strong acid and strong base do not get hydrolysed? (2.5x5) (a) Define enthalpy of neutralization. The enthalpy of neutralization of HCl with NaOH is 57.3 kImol"! and NH,OH is -51.3 kJmol-!. Calculate the enthalpy of ionization of NH,OH. (b) Explain the term entropy and give its physical significance. The entropy of the universe is increasing. Explain. (c) What is the physical significance of AG? Show that AG,,, = ~TAS,,.. (4,4,4%) (a) What are the characteristics of chemical equilibrium? Find the relationship between Kp and Ke. 2341 3 (b) Explain the following : (@ A Solution of Na,CO, is alkaline. (ii) A solution of NaCl is neutral. (c) Define solubility product. At 25°C, a saturated solution of BaSQ, is 3.9 x 10-°M. What is its solubility in 0.1 M Na,SO, solution? (44,44) (a) Calculate the enthalpy change of the reaction 3C,H, (g) > C,H, (g) Given that Enthalpy of combustion of C,H, (g) and CH, (g) are -1.30 kImol, -3.302 kJmol! respectively. (b) Calculate the hydrolysis constant and degree of hydrolysis of 10 M solution of NH,CI. Given ) that K, of NH,OH is 1.8 x 10-M, (c) What is C, and C,. Show that C,-C,=R. (4,4,4%) SECTION B (ORGANIC CHEMISTRY) Attempt any three questions in all. (a) Complete the following reaction and draw the structure of (A), (B), (C) and (D), PL.0. 2341 4 2341 5 7. (a) Complete the following reaction cHy—cu—=cH, + er —Pemoide, KOHGaq) B = |r (b) Discuss how benzene is converted into chlorobenzene. Explain its mechanism. Gy 2HCHO) + | (NaOH —— (©) What do you understand by Sy1 and S,2' OCHs reactions? Discuss the stereochemistry of Syl reaction. (4.4.44) Gi + HE ——. ? 6. (a) Give reason for the following : (@) p-Nitrochlorobenzene undergoes nucleophilic CHa i substitution reaction faster than chlorobenzene. | div) ea ut - (i) Phenol is more acidic than alcohols. HOH OH (b) Why do aldehydes and ketones undergo nucleophilic addition reaction? Give chemical reaction for the formation of oxime. ®) + Buea) ———e 7 (c) How will you convert? (i) Acetaldehyde to isopropyl alcohol Hs (ii) Acetyl chloride to acetaldehyde wi) Hill ace HIO, ? — (2x2,4%,2*2) bu On P10. 2341 6 (b) What*is Lucas reagent? Describe Lucas test for distinguishing between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohol. (c) Write the chemical reaction of acetone with phenyl hydrazine. (6,4,2%) 8. (a) Write short notes on any two of the following : (i) Aldol condensation Gi) Wittig reaction (iii) Reimer-Teimann reaction (b) What is oppenauer oxidation? Give its mechanism. (4,4,4%4) Sr. No. of Question Paper : 2291 Unique Paper Code > 42341202 Name of the Paper : Database Management Systems Name of the Course : B.Sc. (Prog.) / Math. Science Semester = Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instructions for Candidates i, Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. Question 1 is compulsory. Answer any five questions out of remaining questions (Q2-Q8). Answer all parts of a question together. (a) What is data redundancy? What are the disadvantages of having redundancy within a database? (2) (b) What is meant by degree of a relationship type? (2) RTO; 2291 2 (c) From the tables R and S, find the following @RUS qa Gi) S-R @, (iii) Cartesian Product of R and § Q) R s sno Dept Sno Dept si Phy S10 Mathsi $2 Psy S83 Chem $3 Chem $15 Eng Sa Jour S16 Maths2 (a) Given the following table and its associated functional dependencies. @) Emp_proj Emp id | Project [Hoves Emp_name Proj_name | Emp id Emp name Proj_id > Project_id Bmp_id,Proj_id >Hours What is the highest normal form that the relation Emp_proj satisfies? Justify your answer. - ing: (2 (e) Give an example for each of the following Q) (i) Total participation (ii) Recursive relationship 2291 3 (f) Illustrate with the help of an example an anomaly that might arise if referential integrity constraint is not satisfied in a relational schema? (2) (g) Consider the following table TABLE 1: (2) TABLE 1 * Y Z vfofalefele wl SJofafafe [la fefel= Which of the following functional dependency constraints do not hold in the table TABLE1? @ YZ3xX (i) XZ iii) XY (iv) Z9X (h) What is Cardinality ratio? For the binary relationships below suggest cardinality ratios based on the meaning of the Entity types. State any assumptions you make, Q PTO 2291 4 ENTITY 1 Cardinality Ratio ENTITy 2 STUDENT _ TEACHER COUNTRY CURRENT_PRESIDEN? ITEM —— ORDER (in an order ) @ What enhancements distinguish the EER model from the ER model? Q) @) Identify the tables needed to store the following model. You should not introduce unnecessarily. tables G) enone af cons Po 2 (a) What do you mean by the following terms? (4) (i) Database catalog (ii) Meta data {b) What are the responsibilities of a database administrator? ” 2291 5 (c) Describe the 3-schema architecture. Why do we need mappings between schema levels? «) A University registrar’s office maintains a database about the students having the following entities : (10) o courses, inchiding number, title, credits, syllabus and prerequisites; o course offerings, including course number, year, semester, section number, instructor(s), timings and cla room; o students, including student-id, name and program; © instructors, including identification number, name, department, and title Further, for each student’s enrollment in courses and grades awarded in each course in which the student is enrolled must be appropriately modeled. () Identify the entities of interest. Gi) Identify essential attributes associated with each entity with primary attributes marked. Git) Construct an E-R diagram for the registrar's office. State all assumptions that you make about the mapping constraints, P.T.0, 2291 6 4, (@) Consider the following relational schema: (6) Employee (eno,ename,dnum, dob, salary, street, city) Works for (eno, proj no, hrs) Department (dname, dno, mgr_no) Give the following queries in relational algebra : (i) Retrieve the name and address of ali employees who work for Research department (ii) Find the employee names who are either working in department no 4 and earn over 25,000 or are in department no 5 and earn over 30,000. (iii) Find the names and salary of all managers. (>) Differentiate between the following : (4) (i) single valued attributes and multivalued attributes (ii) intension and extension 5. (a) Given below is the BR diagram which models the Car Insurance System. Map the diagram into relational schema. Specify the primary key aa4 foreign key. © 2291 7 adress aes ae> Ea person ‘ar toe —~—Taeiaent ER Diagram for the Car Insurance System (b) Consider a relation R(A,B,C,D) with the following functional dependencies. (4) AB>C CD3E DESB Find out the candidate key for the above dependencies. 6. (@) Consider the following table (5) P.O; 2291 8 WP DEPT(ELA, Enane, date, address, dnoner, dnane, ugsssn ) (a) (8) ee 1 @ id | naee [Bats [ress #101 [ajay] 1070271980 w-i23, Janakparr Boe [Seati [05/07/1974 | A-5, Rani Bagh pw p———_ 14 BIOS [Riya [12/10/1902 | F-19 naxti Wagar Bi06 | Deepak | 07/07/1970 |A-66, Pitanpura ist | Patient No. i wig [anit [18/03/1972 o8-34, eviner Denisa | Avett | Apotsins | Dens E110 | Deepti | 06/05/1985 | Al-23, Janakpuri If the following operations are performed, check if one or more of the following constraints are violated : domain constraint, key constraint, entity integrity constraint (i) Insert a tuple (*E106’, ‘Supriya’, ‘01/01/ 1992’, *X-22, Vasant Kunj’, D5, ‘IT’, ‘B105’) into the EMP_DEPT tal le. (i) Insert a tuple (‘E122’, ‘Rama’, ‘11/07/ 1989”, ‘MM-122, Kalu Saray’, D1, ‘Sales’, “E106’) into the EMP_DEPT table. (iii) Insert a tuple (NULL, ‘Zaheer’, ‘11/02/ 1995”, ‘AA-98, ‘Rajpur Road’sant Kunj’, DS, ‘IT’, ‘E105°) into the EMP_DEPT table (b) Using diagrams give an examples illustrating the following concepts. specialization hierarchy and specialization lattice (5) Consider the above relation having the depicted functional dependencies. Apply normalization successively till 3NF. State the reasons behind each decomposition. {b) Prove that a relation schema R(A, B) with two attributes is always in BCNF. (2) 8. (a) Consider the following schema about a library system having several branches. BOOK ( BookId , Title , PublisherName ) BOOK COPIES ( BookId, BranchTd , NoOfCopies) LIBRARY BRANCH ( BranchId, BranchName , Address ) BOOK_AUTHORS (BookId , AuthorName) ‘BOOK_LOANS (BookId, BranchId, CardNo , Dat: C1 , DateIssue, DueDate} BORROWER ( CardNo, Name, phone , Address ) ) Write the following queries in SQL: — (2x5=10) (i) List the title of books issued to ‘Ramesh’ PLEO: 2291 10 (ii) Change the Publisher Name of BookId B10 to ‘BPB’. (iii) Find the maximum number of copies that a book has. (iv) How many copies of the book titled ‘Fundamentals of Accounting’ are owned by each library branch? (v) Give the list of book titles, branch-wise. This question paper contains 4 printed pages] Roll No. S. No. of Question Paper 2293 Unique Paper Code : 42351201 Name of the Paper : Calculus and Geometr: Name of the Course B.Sc. (Prog.) Semester : oI Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 (Write your Roll No. on. the top immediately on receipt of this guestion paper.) All questions are compulsory. Attempt any fwo parts from each question. Marks of each part are indicated. 1 (a) Use (€, 5) definition to prove that lim 1 (7x + 5) =-2, * 3] Find a 6 > 0 if € = 0.01. 6. (6) Let the function be defined as : 2x+3, x<4 SO)=)_ 16 T+—, x>4 x Find the value of x (if any) at which f is not continuous. 6 P.T.O. 1) @ ) © (a) () 2293 Define uniform continuity of a function on the interval | Show that the function f(x) = is not uniformly x continuous on ]0, 1] 6 Discuss the derivability of the function : Qx-3, O0 Wx€ (ad), then prove that fis increasing on fa, 6). 42 Find the asymptotes of ‘the curve : + 2p $y — x7 ak B= 6 Determine the intervals of concavity and points of inflexion of the curve y = 2xt — 322 + Ie $1 6 Prove that the curve y2 = (x — a)? (x — 6) has at x=, anode if a > B a cusp if a = b and a conjugate point if a < b, 6 Trace the curve y2(a? — x2) = x4 6 @ ©) © @ © (3) 2293 Trace the curve x = a(@ — sin®), y = a(l — cos), 0<0<52n. 65 Show that : ntl gin! -cos”t!x sin” 1x J sin xc0s" x de = +21) int? xc0s" x ak mtn m, n being positive integers. 65 Find the length of the loop of the Cardioid : r= a(l + cos 0). Or Evaluate the definite integral = 4 Paar as. 65 o Find the volume of the solid that is obtained when the region under the curve y= x over the interval [1, 4] is revolved about the x-axis, 6 Describe the graph of the equation : 2-2 aes gyri = 9, PTO. 2293 © @ (0) © (4) 2298 (i) Find an equation for the ellipse with foci-(0, +2) and major axis with end-points (0, +4). (ii) State reflection property of a parabola. 42 Rotate the coordinate axes to remove the xy-term from the equation x2 — xy + y? — 2 = 0. Then identify the type of conic and sketch its graph. 7 @ (ii) —) (i Find the divergence and the curl of the vector field : Fs ~ F(x, y, z)=xyi + 2y?27 + 32k. Sketch the ellipsoid : +2421, 43 d(2 2 x. _ Calculate é F x G | for vector functions : < & - > a F(t)=208 +3? j+Pk and G(t)=c6. % p Verify V|| 7 ||=—— for the radius vector rl > : r=xityj+zh 43 [This question paper contains 6 printed pages Sr. No. of Question Paper: 2333 Your Roll Unique Paper Code : 42221201 Name of the Paper : Electricity, Magnetism and EMT Name of the Course : B.Sc. (Prog.) Semester i OL Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instructions for Candidates 1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. Attempt Five questions in all. Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt four questions from the rest of the paper. Use of non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed. Attempt any five of the following : (a) If 9(x,y,2) = 3x2y ~ y3x2 4 22, calculate gradient of @ at the point (1, -2, -1). (b) Can the following be a Possible electrostatic field? E= xyi + 2yzj + 3xzk BLO; 2333 2 (c) State Poynting theorem and explain what do you understand by the Poynting vector. (4) If A and 8 are irrotational, prove that AxB is solenoidal. (e) Prove that V.B=0 and explain its physical significance. (£) Distinguish between dia-, para- and ferro-magnetic materials. (g) Discuss the difference between induced electric field and clectric field due to static charges. (5*3=15) 2. (a) Find the work done in moving a particle in the force field F=(2x+y*)i+(3y-4x)j along the straight lines from (0,0) to (2,0), then to (2,1), then to (0,0). ean i ield (b) Show that the following function is a sink fiel -xi -yi ae 2333 * o{Fxk (6,6,3) (c) Prove that #{¥ Vx B=p, J. (c) Define B,MandH. Establish the relation B= 1, (H+ mi). (6,63) (a) State the Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. Show that | R? defined by 1(/5))-(2 yl) Ly is a Linear Transformation. Describe the effect PO; 2335 2 of this transformation on a AABC with Vertices A(0,0), B(2,0) and (1,2). (©) Define a basis of a vector space. Verify that the set 1 1 sof] [Tp evavorm, aan 111 (a) Find the inverse of the matrix A=|0 2 3] using a5 1 elementary row operations. (b) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the reflection about x-axis in R2. (c) Show that the following system of equations is inconsistent we % 1 “ ‘: N 4 2 (4,4,4) (a) Examine which of the following is a subspace of R?. If it is a subspace, give its geometric representation : 3 2335 (a,b?) : a,b € R} " av i Vz = (28 eR 1-2 39 ~~ Az|2 -3 18) to triangular duce the matrix A (b) Redve' 3.0 -13. form and hence determine its rank. (c) Prove that any subset of a linearly independent set of vectors is linearly independent. —(4,4,4) SECTION IL 4. (a) Sketch the graph of y = 4 — |x—2|. Clearly state the transformations used at cach step. (b) According to UN data, the world population in / 1998 was approximately 5.9 billion and growing at a rate of about 1.33% per year. Assuming an exponential growth rate, estimate the World Population by end of the year 2023. \ & (©) Find = where y = (ax +b)", (6,6,6) P.T.0) 2335 4 5. (a) Define bounded and monotonic sequence, State monotone convergence theorem. Give an example of a sequence which is bounded but not monotonic. (b) Examine the Convergence of the following sequences : @ {at Gi) Cay (c) If sin (x+y) = py, where p is a constant, prove (6,6,6) 6. (a) If y = (sin'x)*, prove that (1-2) Bn 2-2-0. 1 (b) Find the Taylor series generated by f(x)=~ # 1 { =9 x=2. When does this series converge to ¥ 5 * 2335 = 2 ¢ the surface represented by Zz = 16x’ (c) Deserib (66,6) oy. SECTION II 7. (a) Let 2,,23,23 be affixes of points P, Q, R respectively. If |z,| = |z,| = |z,] and z, +z) + 2, =0, prove that APQR is equilateral. (b) Find the equation of the circle whose radius is 3 and whose centre has affix 1—i. (3.5,4) 8. (a) Find the equation whose roots are nth power of the roots of the equation x? — 2x cos@ + 1 = 0. (b) Solve the equation 26+ 73+ 1=0, (3.5,4) (a) State Fundamental theorem of Algebra. Form an equation in lowest degree with teal coefficients which has 14/3 and 2—4/3 roots. as two of its P.T.O. 2335 6 (b) Prove that : Lisi) heas =os{ 3-10} ag . 1+sin@-icos@ 2 2 (3.5,4) Sr. No. of Question Paper : 2336 Unique Paper Code > 42231202 Name of the Paper : Comparative Anatomy and Developmental Biology of Vertebrates Name of the Course : B.Sc. (Prog.) Semester : Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instructions for Candidate: 1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. Question No. 1 is compulsory There are two sections, Section A and Section B. Attempt two questions from each section. Attempt five questions in all. Draw neat labelled diagrams wherever necessary. (a) Define the following terms : (5) @ Ontogeny (ii) Neopalium (iii) Primitive streak (iv) Plastron (v) Vitellogenesis P.T.O. 2336 2 (b) Differentiate between following pairs of terms (any five) : (2x5) @) Larynx and Syrinx Gi) Epiboly and Emboly (iii) Spermatogenesis and Spermiogenesis (iv) Epitheliochorial and Haemochorial placenta (v) True horns and Antlers (vi) Ductus caroticus and Ductus botalli (c) Give location and function of the following : G@) Acetabulum Gi) Sertoli cells ii) Carnassial tooth (iv) Jacobson’s organ (4) Match the following : A B () Acrosome (a) Heart (ii) Ceruminous gland (b) Sperm Gii) Foramen ovale (c) Blastula (iv) Fate map (d) Sweat gland 4) (4) 2336 3 m which the following the germ layers fro (e) Name the g (4) are derived : () Notochord (i) Artery Gii) Adrenal cortex (iv) Testes SECTION - A (a) Explain the succession of kidney in vertebrates. Support your answer with suitable diagrams. (b) Write in brief about various types of uteri in mammals. (8+4) (a) What are receptors? Classify them with suitable examples, (6+6) (6) Briefly describe the structure and mechanism of respiration in birds, Write brief notes on any three of the following: A+4+4) (a) Visceral arches ‘ ; (b) Pancreas PLD. 2336 4 (c) Epidermal derivatives (d) Ruminant stomach SECTION - B 5. (a) Give an account of development of frog upto gastrulation with the help of labelled diagrams. (b) Add a note on phenomenon of metamorphosis in frog. (8+4) 6. (a) Describe the various types of morphogenetic movements and their role during mammalian development. (b) Explain the various phases of oogenesis that form a mature ovum from primordial germ cell. (6+6) 7. Write short notes on any three of the following: (4+4+4) (a) Primary organizer (b) Types of cleavage (c) Fate maps (d) Cortical reaction (2000) AM ‘as he This question paper contains 6 printed $ piBes. ‘J @s) Your ef vm Sr. No. of Question Paper: 2337 Unique Paper Code : 42161201 Name of the Paper Plant Ecology and Taxonomy Name of the Course : B.Se. (Prog.) Semester iO Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75 Instructions for Candidates i. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper. 2. Attempt Section A and B on SEPARATE SHEETS. 3. Question No. 1 of both sections is COMPULSORY. 4. Attempt three questions from Section A and three questions from Section B including question number 1 of both sections. 5. Attempt all parts of a question together. SECTION - A (a) Define any five of the following terms: (5x1=5) (i) Pedogenesis Gi) Abundance (ii) Heliophytes B.1O%. 2337 2 (iv) Edge effect (v) Megatherm (vi) Autoecology (vii) Food chain (b) Match the following : (5x0.5=2.5) (i) Ecesis (a) Total water present in soil (ii) Weathering (b) Amount of inorganic substance present at any given time in an ecosystem (iii) Holard (c) Instrument to measure light intensity (iv) Standing state (d) Process of successful establishment of a species in a new area (e) Process of breakdown of parent rock material (v) Lux meter i ive of the following : 2, Differentiate between any fiv aa {@ Neoendemism and paleoendemism ion, Gi) Primary and secondary suecessio 2337 3 (iii) Epilimnion and hypolimnion (iv) Analytical and synthetic characters of community (v) Capillary water and hygroscopic water (vi) Pyramid of number and pyramid of biomass 3. Write short notes on any three of the following: / (3x5=15) @ Light as an ecological factor (i) Phytogeography Gi) Shelford’s law: of tolerance (iv) Hydrosere (@) Write an explanatory note o n soil profile wit help of a well labeled diag with the ram. ™ (6) What are biogeochemical cycles? Discuss nitro, syele with the help of a diagram, = SECTION- B (2) Fill in the blanks (any five) ; : (5x1=5) © Classification proposed by Considered as . phyl i classification. OREN system of P.T.0, 2337 4 2337 5 Gi) The branch of taxonomy based con. the (iv) The head office of BSI is situated at Kolkata. information obtained from phytochemical studies is —___—_. (v) A clade is a group of organisms that - . . . . includes a single ancestor and all of its (iii) is a specimen or illustration A . descendants. designated by the author of the species to represent nomenclatural type of species. 2. Differentiate between any five of the following : (iv) botanical garden is situated in (5x3=15) Bengaluru. 7 arin 2 (i) Artificial and natural system of classification v is the father of taxonomy. . ™ _ (ii) Phenogram and cladogram hi iti i itt sai (vi) The Flora of British India is written by ii) Synonym and homonym (iv) Isotype and (vii) The ICN sets the formal starting date of plant Pe and neotype nomenclature at (¥) Local flora and regional flora (b) State true or false for the following : (vi) Indented (yoked) and (5x0.5=2.5) parallel key () Adanson is the father of numerical taxonomy. 3. (a) Expand any five of the following terms : 6 : . : x1=5 (i) The annotation label is used to write the @ APG ) corrections done for the original label and is Gicncp appended to the right side of the herbarium _ sheet. Git i i iv) L (iii) The alternate name for family cruciferae APT lamiaceac. (¥) Lamk P.T.0. Wi) sp. nov, 2337 6 (b) Discuss the Principles of ICN. (5) (c) Explain the role of palynology in taxonomy. (5) 4. (a) Give the merits and demerits of classification proposed by Engler and Prantl. (6) (b) Interpret any three of the following: (3x2=6) (i) Delphinium viscosum Hook.f. ‘et Thomson (ii) Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara (iii) Gossypium tomentosum Nutt. ex Seem. (iv) Phyllanthus Linn. emend. Mull. (c) Identify the taxonomic rank of any three of the following : (31=3) (i) Lamiales Gi) Triticum (iii) Liliaceae (iv) Magnoliopsida OP «file a) & iique Paper Code Name of the Paper ¢ of the course ester duration of Examination imum Marks ustruction for Candidates: Supt} 234291 Compu) ‘ational Skills (CSAT-201 B.Sc. (kis B.Sc, (H)Electronies /¢ Semester-II ee Uy Three Hours 73 Marks 7 a“ Question No. | (in Section A) is compulsory. Answer any Five questions out of the remaining (Q. No. 2 10 Q. No. 8) in Section B. Answer aliparts of the question together. a) b) 4 a e)} 8) h) d k) a) SECTION-A Answer the following: VLSL technology is used in __.. generation computers. What is FLASH memory? Why I/O device are necessary for a computer system? Detine cache memory. How base of a number system is related with the number of symbols or di; number system? Name two common graphics file formats. Define router, Which register hold the current instruction? Auty program is an algorithm, although the reverse is not true. Discuss this statement. @ Distinguish between word—addressable and character— addressable computers @ Dot matrix printer is impact printer, explain the statement. * Give full form of (i) FTP (ii) SGML (ii) CAD (Gv) GUL * ® SECTION-B Perform the following conversions: QXS = 6 a 11001.0013=( )iy b. 2ABis=(_)o © 43,763652j5=( dig Subtract 011002 from 0100102 by using 2’s complement method. @ Uxplain Telnet & Browsers. © Dilferentia “2 e, Diterentiate between soft copy & hard copy output with example. 6 iate between Dot Matrix & Inkjet Printers. ® (3) Differs ere its present in thal) 4 a) Write an algorithm to determine whether a given number is odd or even. © b) Find out the output of following algorithm: © 1. START 2. READ num 3. size = 10, count = | 4. WHILE count < size ans = num * count WRITE num, “times”, count, “equals”, ans ENDDO 5. STOP What is Internet? Write four services provided by Internet and how each of these services helps the internet users. 6) What are the applications of multimedia in education? 8 6 a) Explain different types of computers. © b) Differentiate betwwenprimary & secondaiy memory. © ~ a) Which of the following are multimedia devices & why? @ a,. Béok having Text only. b. A modern personal computer c. A system. b) Differentiate between CISC and RISC. (@) c) Draw a block diagram to show the organization of a computer system. a 8 Weite short notes on any two of the following: Cx Q= 10 a. Networks b. Registers ©. Point & draw devices. This question paper contains 3 printed pages Zz Ss. No. of Question Paper: ... 647 1. oo Unique Paper Code: - 235267 Name of the Course: B.Se, (4.2% sQisineny Ate ronan Chemistry a Name / Title of the Paper: Calculus and Matrices (MAPT-101) Semester: II Time: 3:00 Hours Maximum Marks: 75 (Writé your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper) Attemp: any two questions from each Séction. SECTION-I © 1) fz 1.(@) Show that the-vectors [ i and. m of R’ are linearly independent, Express the vecior 3 m 1, [| as linear combination of the vectors | and (7 [x (6) Let W= b [SY SR >. Show that W is esubspace of R?. Give abasigof W.. 6.6) 0 a5, RE + 2.(@) Let TR? =5.R? gg: defined by (i Show that T js a linear transformation, (b) Show that 1 1 . -1 -2 he vectors ~9 {nd o| @ the eigenvectors for the matrix A= 0 3 ‘What are the eigenval Also find a matrix representation for T. ues associated with each of these vectors? (6,6) 3. (a) Show that the followin, tein of equations is not consistent, (b) Find the rank of the matrix using elementary row operations 1 2 3 210 012 (6,6) SECTION-IL 4. (a) Sketch the graph of y= |x — 2] + 4. Also mention the transformations used ateach step. (b) Find the n™ derivative of sin(ax + b) (c) A cettain culture of bacteria gtows at arate that is proportional to the number present. Tt is found ‘that the number doubles in 4 hours. How many is expected atthe ehd.of 24 hours? * (6,6,6) 5. (a) Discuss the convergence of the sequerices: * (i) & ‘Gi i) =} (b) Show that u(x,t) = 4 cos(2x4 2ct) +. e**%t, is a solution of the wave o. ORG 2 Ou quation 5S = c oa a Jetset 6. (a) Ify = sin(m sin? x), prove that © A a au © If u= 3 7 by? +2? s+ 0, Show that e+ = =0. 6.6.6) (1 = 2? )¥ny2 = n+ Dxvnsr + (0? — m)y_ (b) Find the Maclaurin’s series expansion upto five terms of the function F(x) =e () Draw the level curves of f(x,y) = y? — x? of height k=01. (6,6,6) SECTION-IIL 7. (a) State and prove De Moivre’s theorem when n is an integer(positive or negative). 3,4) (b) Describe the set of point z in che complex plane that satisfy [2 + (I- ‘|= 6. 8. (2) Find the Centre and radius of the circle, whose equation is 22+ (2-3i)z+(2 +3iI)Z+4=9 (©) Give the ecometrical interpretation of the sum of two complex numbers. (3.5, 4 9. (a) State the Fundamental theorem of Algebra and hence form an equation of lowest degree with real coefficients that has 3-61 and 3+6i as two of its roots. (b) lf nis a positive integer, show that W340" +3 iy <2 cos “Z G5, 4) ya eh! Z4en @ eA Uisi jue Paper Code? 217261 2019 Name of the Paper: Thermodynamics, Equilibria and Functional Group Organic Name of the Covrse: Semester: tf Duration: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 75 Chemistry —I (Chemistry — If, CHPT.-26 SC (pry. ) Tae ; ife Sei ied Lif Sciences) LOM Industrial Chemistry ADSPAPS/XCPT Instructions for Candidates: 1 2, 3 Wiite your Roll No. on the top immediately on teceipt of this question paper. ‘Use of scientific calculators and log tables is allowed; Use separate sheets for Section A and Section B, Section A (Physical Chemistry) Attempt any three questions in this section. All questions carry equal marks, - (@) What are intensive and extensive variables? Give examples, (b) At absolute zero, the entropy of pure elerhents and compounds is zero, Explain. (c) Give the Henderson Hasselbalch equation for PH of an acidic buffer, (d) What is the difference between open and closed system? (©) What is meant by the term degree of. hydrolysis? » * 25x5=12.5 ~ (8) State and explain the Kirst Law of Thermodynamics, (b) One mole of an ide gas at 300 K and 10 atm press Wag, Ail id AU for isothermal and reyersible expansion of the gas. *s principle and predict the effect of increasing temperature and Pressure on the following reaction; N, (8) +34, @ - (a) Derive the following relation: 25433 ) OP. av), ~~ Ge), tion for the hydrolysis of salt of we : ak acid and weak base, PH=>[pK. + pk, — PKs] (c) Calculatz the entropy change for the fusion of one mole of a solid, whi The latent keat “f fusion is 2.51 kJ/mol. Sihich melts a 399% 363.5 4. (@) The solubility product of Pbs(POs)2is 1.5 x 10°, Determine its sotubitin See Pbs(PO,)2= 811 g/mol) Ouility in /L. oly (b) Write short notes on the following (any three) i. Hess’s Law of constant heat summation ii, Ostwald dilution Law ii Buffer solution iv. pH Scale ° 5,2.5x 3TH Section B (Organic Chemistry) Attempt any-three questions in this Section. All questions carry equal marks. 5. (a) Complete the following reactions: 7; Clyre : Ss ‘Chilotination . CHO KMno, Ox é ii. ,2CH, CHO — iy. CH,COCH, Sra, (b) Describe Lucas : \ test to distingui. prit , Secondary and tertiary alcohols. (©) Explain Cani ‘tinguish between primary, sary othary 2zaro reaction by taking a suitable example with its mechanism. @ Give reason for the following: L Aryl halides ate Unreactive towards nucleophilic substitution reaction at mild Conditions, Phenols are weakly acidic in nature. (0) Give Sy1 mechanism for alkyl halides by taking a suitable example. (©) Give stey i i , ide method, 7V0lved in the formation of phenol from benzene by cumene hydro 45 4,445 ii. HD Re gonemical test 0 distinguish between | following pans: goue and ae sldehyde Xe saone and propionaldehyde sei (a) Give cb) AvoRen reaction with HI gives phenol and alkyl iodide rather than aryl iodide and. alcohol Give reason, (o) Predict the products and give the benzyne mechanism for the following reaction: v2? lies 4,4,4.5 5 rite short notes on any three of the following: i, Pinacol - Pinacolone rearrangement = A Aldol condensation. Wi illiamson’ 's synthesis iv. Reimer — Tiemann reaction. 4,4,4.5 (This question paper contains 3 printed pages.] “e3 @Y sz.No. of Question Paper... Unique Paper Code: 235266 i Name ofthe Paper : CALCULUS AND GEOMETRY (MAPT 202) Name of the Course. : B.Sc. (H) Computer Science/ B.Sc. (Mathematical Sciences)/ B.Sc. (Physical Sciences) Semester t if Duration Had”, oS Aout Maximum Marks ‘ 75 Marks Instructions for Candidates 1, Write-your Roll no. on the top immediately on the receipt of this question paper. 2. This question paper has six questions in all. i : 3. Attemptian: parts from each questi ae ¥ h 4, All questic Joes te QU. @) Proveithat lim, 5 22H! doesn’t exist. 9 z (6) hae, § (b) Use (¢,6) definition to prove that lim,..9 = =4, 6) if = (c) Define uniform continuity, Show that the function f(x) = vx is uniformly continuous function in [0,1]. ‘ ©) @. @ Verify Rolle's Theorem for f(x) = x? in [-1, 1]. (6) (0) Verify Lagrange's Mean Value Theorem for the function F(z) = @& — 1) @ — 2)@— 3) in [1,4]. ©) (©) Separate the intervals in which the following function is increasing or decreasing FO) = x3 - 6x? + 9x 4.4, (6) 93. (a) Fi ©3. (a) Find the asymptotes of the curve x7 + 3x*y —4y3 yt y+3=0. A) OR r(m + 0) = ae®. © (b) Determine the position and nature of the double points of the curve x +2y-2x-y'=0. © {c) Sketch the oegh. of r= @ sin2¢ in polar coordinates. (6) ) Ey a i 8 la a e fa & Fi ; ; (6.5) (b) Trace the curvey2(a? — BP) = xt \ (6.5) (c).Find i ey cpap ‘intervals on which'the furictiony = Sik doen ro is concave up or concave | down.) A points’ of biexiong, of a Fein e | fcenedi7ony (6.5) Sta) Find saat area between the pivebokey* ya © gai ia » and y? = —4a(x — a). (7) (b) Describe the: graph of the equation: QP ye ve Bey—10=0. ° a” e Put the soi in standard form and sketch it: 16x? + 25y? = 400. Also determine the foci. (2) 6(a) Rotite the ees ‘of coordinates to remove the xy-term from the equation: Beas: & x +xyty?-3=0 ‘Then name the conic and sketch the graph. (6) OO F=x*yit Rey? j + 32k . Find curl F: (2) Gi) Sketch the graph of x? + y? = Lin 3-space.. (4 (c) A particle moves along the curve r(t) = e4i += aert} , where t is the time. Find the @ ' component of the velocity and acceleration at t = ind. 4 ig? paper. Code: 216251 init Jaume of the Paper: Biology-II (LSPT-202) of the Coprse: B.Sc. (Hons.)/ B.Sé. (Prog.) Sens ane fe Thiv sont ‘S * Duration: 3 Hour Maximum Marks: 75 (Write the Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper) Answer Five question including Question No.1 which js compulsory. 1. (@) Expand the following (any Five): = () SEM seis Gi) PPLO (iii) MPF * (iv) ATP (v) SER (vi) Cp DNA (b) Fill in the Blanks (any five): ' Sx1=5 is a used aé a fixative in Electron Microscopy? (i) 70s ribosomes ate found in ...:... saa aia botnae .. Cells, By a oweeagasitens is the marker:enzyme of mitochondria? .. is the spontaneous movement of a substance down its Concentration gradient : ®) are in ive inthe formation of cell plate. & toi Spindle i is inpde up vor. (©) Mateh the got @ J.D. Rober; : Hes Tts6n, 3 Bs ee (ii) Benda Confocal Microscope ax Mitosis (iit) Marvin Mi ‘nsky Unit membrane model (iv) Walter Fle, imningflicieus) > @ A (v) Robert Brown Mitochondria 2. Write short notes on the following (Any Five): 5X3=15 (i) X-ray diffraction (ii) Freeze fracturing (ii) Function of Chloroplast (iv) Binary Fission (¥) Tight junction (vi) Ribosomes. 3. Draw well labeled diagram of the following (Any three): 3x52-15 @ Ultrastructure of Mitochondria Gi). Ray diagram of conifoe: Gi), Ultra structure ene Go 7. @ Explain withthe help of sn Singer and Nicolson. Whaybie it, carbohydrates in the cell membrane? a (ii) Discuss the sodium-potassium purhp involved i (iii) What is facilitated transport? ° eee, entra)

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