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The Emperor’s Angels

A Homebrew Supplement for Wrath and Glory for the Adeptus Astartes
The Adeptus Astartes
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall
mould them and in the furnace of war I shall forge them. They shall be of iron will and
steely sinew. In great armor I shall clad them and with the mightiest weapons shall they be
armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight them. They
shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best them in battle. They
are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space
Marines...and they shall know no fear."
— The Emperor of Mankind

Compared to the endless legions of the Imperial Guard, the Space Marines are relatively
few in number. With but a thousand marines per chapter, at least by the strictures of the
Codex Astartes, it is unlikely that there are many more than a million Astartes active at
any one time.

However, what the Space Marines lack in quantity they make up for with centuries of
combat experience, some of the best wargear in the Imperium, and a series of drastic
enhancements that leave even the mightiest human being as a child in comparison. Each
Astartes is a killing machine, only human in the loosest sense of the word, and dedicated
mind, body, and soul to the destruction of mankind’s opposition.

While all Marines are loyal to the Emperor, the Imperium, and the Chapter, not all go
about their service in the same way. Many specializations exist, and far, far many more
chapters, each with unique cultures and tactics. Many rules bend or break in the
presence or absence of outside factors, and some can become unidentifiable when
compared to more conservative chapters.

However, to be an Astartes is to be the Emperor’s will made manifest, to have His blood
flowing through your veins, and to serve with all your being a destiny greater than
yourself, greater than anything else. Unlike a guardsman, you do not fight for your
world, your family, your farm. You fight for Humanity itself, to purge the daemon, burn
the heretic, slay the mutant, and destroy the alien.

The chapter demands your service.

Will you answer the call?

Astartes Biology

Adeptus Astartes marked as being related to the Chapter’s

Build Point Cost: 50
Base Tier: 2
Speed: 7
Attribute Modifications: +1 Strength, +1 1. Secondary Heart (The
Agility, +1 Toughness, +1 Resolve Maintainer): Provides
Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 redundancy and enhances blood
Rank icons to any successful attack flow.
against a Mob. 2. Ossmodula (The Ironheart):
Honour the Chapter: You are subject to Fuses the rib cage for structural
the orders of your chapter master, and integrity.
must honour both the beliefs and 3. Biscopea (The Forge of
traditions of your chapter. Strength): Produces hormones to
Space Marine Implants: Space Marines increase muscle mass.
do not bleed. Space Marines gain +1 4. Haemastamen (The Blood
bonus dice as a situational modifier to Maker): Enhances blood
any test if the Game Master deems it efficiency.
appropriate for one of the 19 implants. 5. Larraman’s Organ (The Healer):
Enables faster clotting and scar
Primaris Astartes tissue formation.
6. Catalepsean Node (The
Build Point Cost: 100 Unsleeping): Eliminates the need
Base Tier: 4 for sleep.
Speed: 7 7. Preomnor (The Neutraliser):
Attribute Modifications: +2 Strength, +1 Enables the digestion of poisons
Agility, 1 Toughness, +1 Resolve, +4 without consequence.
Wounds 8. Omophagea (The
Remembrancer): Incorporates
Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 memories from consumed meat.
Rank icons to any successful attack 9. Multi-lung (The Imbiber):
against a Mob. Enables breathing in poisonous
Space Marine Implants: Space Marines atmospheres and water.
do not bleed. Space Marines gain +1 10. Occulobe (The Eye of
bonus dice as a situational modifier to Vengeance): Enhances eyesight,
any test if the Game Master deems it including low-light vision.
appropriate for one of the 22 implants. 11. Lyman’s Ear (The Sentinel):
Honour the Chapter (Primaris): You Filters and enhances audio
are subject to the orders of your chapter detection and improves balance.
master and the beliefs and traditions of 12. Sus-an Membrane (The
your chapter. Primaris Space Marines Hibernator): Enables voluntary
gain the first special rule from their suspended animation.
Chapter and ignore any penalties or
drawbacks from the second if it is
13. Melanochrome (The 19. Interface (The Black Carapace):
Skinshield): Provides radiation Interfaces with power armor.
14. Oolitic Kidney (The Purifier): Primaris Space Marines add the
Filters poisons from the following three implants:
20. Sinew Coils (The Steel Within):
15. Neuroglottis (The Devourer):
Further enhances physical
Enhances the senses of taste and
smell to detect minute traces.
21. Magnificat (The Amplifier):
16. Mucranoid (The Weaver):
Enhances growth and improves
Protects the skin from extreme
implant efficiency.
temperatures and vacuum.
22. Belisarian Furnace (The
17. Betcher’s Gland (The Poison
Revitaliser): Provides rapid
Bite): Enables acidic, poisonous
healing under extreme stress.
18. Progenoids (The Gene-seed):
Provides the basis for new

Honour the Chapter

There are far, far too many chapters within the Adeptus Astartes to possibly list, but this
list will incorporate rules for several of the most popular/well-known. The nine loyal
First Founding chapters may be found in the core rulebook.

Name Gene-seed Description

Angels Encarmine Blood Angels Decorated marines who rarely rest or recuperate between missions

Angels of Absolution Dark Angels Proud marines that believe themselves free of the sins of the Fallen

Angels of Dark Angels Infamous for pursuing their own goals at the cost of Imperial victory

Angels of Vengeance Dark Angels Determined, unforgiving slayers of Xenos and Chaos Space Marines

Angels Sanguine Blood Angels Secretive warriors who never reveal their true face to their allies

Angels Vermillion Blood Angels Isolationists who distance themselves from other Sons of Sanguinius

Black Consuls Ultramarines Dying chapter that seeks to earn lasting glory before being destroyed

Black Templars Imperial Fists Anti-psyker melee specialists that disregard the Codex Astartes

Blood Drinkers Blood Angels A blood-focused chapter with many intricate and strange rituals

Blood Ravens Unknown Scholars and lore-seekers that have a high number of librarians

Carcharodons Raven Guard Trackers and hunters with a brutal combat style and tribal culture
Celestial Lions Imperial Fists Specialists in diversionary tactics, almost wiped out by “Ork snipers”

Consecrators Dark Angels Seekers of ancient legion relics, they have a well-stocked reliquary

Crimson Fists Imperial Fists Strong defensive fighters that focus on killing Orks and other Xenos

Disciples of Caliban Dark Angels Genetically pure marines who focus heavily on hunting the Fallen

Doom Eagles Ultramarines Morose marines that focus on death and aerial jump assaults

Excoriators Imperial Fists Attrition fighters who refuse to back down even to their last breath

Exorcists Unknown Daemon-hunters that allow possession to become invisible to daemons

Fire Angels Ultramarines Imperial Creed zealots and jump pack assault specialists

Fire Lords Unknown Tribalistic warriors with a cultural obsession with flame weapons

Flesh Tearers Blood Angels Brutal melee berserkers, driven to drink the blood of their foes

Genesis Chapter Ultramarines Prideful chapter that keeps close ties with the Ultramarines

Guardians of the Dark Angels Scholars and tacticians who put a low emphasis on the Fallen

Hammers of Dorn Imperial Fists Codex Tactic Specialists that hold a Rivalry with the Ultramarines

Howling Griffons Ultramarines Proud Codex-compliant chapter with a special hatred for Word Bearers

Iron Knights Imperial Fists Siege Warfare and Vehicular Assault Specialists

Knights of the Raven Unknown Suspected Raven Guard sons who strive to prove their chapter’s worth

Lamenters Blood Angels Self-sacrificing protectors of the Imperium’s common citizenry

Mantis Warriors White Scars Guerilla Warfare specialists seeking Redemption for their failure.

Marines Errant Ultramarines Naval combat specialists, very understrength due to Chaos attacks

Mentors Unknown Information Warfare and Unconventional Warfare Specialists

Minotaurs Unknown Highly antagonistic, believed to be servants of the High Lords of Terra

Mortifactors Ultramarines Tribal warriors who devour the flesh and blood of their fallen enemies

Nemesis Chapter Ultramarines Exterminatus specialists, users of highly destructive weapons

Novamarines Ultramarines Highly dispersed chapter on the edge of Imperial Space, Xenos hunters

Raptors Raven Guard Pragmatic guerilla fighters that use conventional warfare and stealth

Red Scorpions Unknown Radical purists that despise corruption and strongly hold to the Codex

Silver Skulls Ultramarines Devout, ritualistic warriors who seek guidance in the Emperor’s Tarot

Sons of Medusa Iron Hands Scavengers and craftsmen who have a troubled past with their origins

Sons of the Phoenix Imperial Fists Newfound Primaris Chapter, show unusual fanaticism and loyalty.
Subjugators Imperial Fists Exterminatus Specialists reputed for notoriously high civilian

Star Phantoms Unknown Tactically flexible Marines who believe the ends justify the means

Steel Confessors Iron Hands Mechanicus-aligned marines with many vehicles and weapons

Storm Wardens Unknown Proud, isolationist swordsmen who fight in search of honor and glory

White Consuls Ultramarines Defenders of the Eye of Terror that work with the Imperial Guard

Angels Encarmine based on how long it has been since the

character has tasted blood.
Primarch: Sanguinius
Angels of Absolution
Though decorated and with a high
number of successful missions, the Primarch: Lion El’Jonson
Angels Encarmine rarely rest between
combat actions to rest and recover their While still a member of the Unforgiven,
lost strength. Instead, they prefer to the Angels of Absolution believe
continuously fight on and on, to the themselves to have somehow paid their
point that the chapter has not been at debt and been absolved of the sins of
full strength for quite a while. Believed Luther’s betrayal. While they hunt the
to possess some strange variation on the Fallen and work with their parent
twin curses of the Blood Angels, they chapter, they do not actively feel the
have a larger than normal Death same shame many other chapters do.
Fire Discipline: When Angels of
Healing Blood: Brothers of the Angels Absolution make a ranged attack using a
Encarmine gain additional durability held action, they ignore up to Rank
from imbibing the blood of others. An penalties on the attack.
Angels Encarmine marine is treated as if
Existential Trauma (Tradition): While the
he were lightly wounded at all times (if
Angels of Absolution claim themselves
he is wounded at all), but if he did not
free from the shame of the Fallen,
drink blood during the last game session,
extreme pressure can cause them to
he loses this ability until he does.
doubt themselves. If an Angel of
The Red Thirst (Gene-seed): After Absolution fails a Conviction test, the GM
engaging in melee combat, Angels gains 1 Ruin.
Encarmine must pass a Willpower test
Angels of Redemption
(DN 3). On a failure, the Angels
Encarmine Space Marine feels a strong Primarch: Lion El’Jonson
urge to drink the blood of the fallen—the
player may choose how to respond to Equally decorated and despised, the
this urge. If the failure involves a Angels of Redemption are highly lauded
complication, the Angels Encarmine as a Second Founding chapter with a
Space Marine may not resist this urge. long history of service. However, the
The Game Master may alter the DN Dark Angels’ propensity to abandon a
mission if Fallen activity is detected runs
stronger than most. Many a time, active Duty Unto Death: The Angels of
warzones have been lost as the Angels of Vengeance will never give up and will
Redemption abandoned the battlefield in never surrender. They receive +Rank
search of their hated foes, causing a bonus dice to Resolve tests.
great deal of resentment by many
Imperial groups, especially Imperial Unforgiven (Tradition): Dark Angels and
Guard regiments who were left to die by their descendants distrust anyone
the Angels. outside of their chapter. They suffer a
+2DN penalty for Interaction tests
Hunters of the Fallen: The Angels of involving anyone outside the
Redemption devote themselves even Unforgiven.
more than most to the art of tracking
and gathering information. They receive Angels Sanguine
+½ Rank bonus dice to all tests made to
Primarch: Sanguinius
track, follow, or find information on a
target. If the target is a Fallen Angel, then While normally loyal adherents to the
the bonus increases to +Rank. An Angel creed of the Blood Angels, the Angels
of Redemption must pass a DN 4 Sanguine hold one strange tradition that
Willpower test if he learns of a suspected makes them unique--they never remove
Fallen influence, or else pursue the their helmets or hoods and reveal their
Fallen above all other options. faces in the company of others. Some
have speculated that this is some strange
Distrusted (Tradition): Dark Angels and
tradition, but those enemies who fight
their descendants distrust anyone
the Angels Sanguine know true fear
outside of their chapter, but the Angels
when the helmets are removed.
of Redemption are equally distrusted.
They suffer a +3DN penalty for Face of Terror: What is truly beneath the
Interaction tests involving anyone hood of an Angels Sanguine is up to
outside the Unforgiven. speculation, but nonetheless, a Battle
Brother of the chapter may remove his
Angels of Vengeance
helmet as an action. He will never under
Primarch: Lion El’Jonson any circumstances do this if anyone
other than his enemies could witness his
Regarded as some of the most stubborn face. While the helmet is removed, the
fighters of the Imperium of Man, the character gains a +3d bonus to
Angels of Vengeance have risked the Intimidate, and may make Intimidate
future of their chapter many times due tests as a free action.
to their unwillingness to retreat even
when their chances of survival were The Red Thirst (Gene-seed): After
almost nil. They shun fame and engaging in melee combat, Blood Angels
celebrations and instead concentrate on must pass a Willpower test (DN 3). On a
their duties and mission, contributing to failure, the Angels Sanguine Space
their lack of renown. The Angels of Marine feels a strong urge to drink the
Vengeance embody the uncompromising blood of the fallen—the player may
devotion of the original Dark Angels choose how to respond to this urge. If
Legion above all else, with this trait the failure involves a complication, the
bordering on single-mindedness. Angels Sanguine Space Marine may not
resist this urge. The Game Master may
alter the DN based on how long it has the Black Consuls have seemingly
been since the character has tasted resigned themselves to their fate,
blood. becoming almost suicidal in combat,
seeking to carve their chapter’s name
Angels Vermillion into history.
Primarch: Sanguinius Glory in Death: A Black Consul wishes
nothing more than to earn his chapter a
Isolationist even by the standards of the
place in the memory of the Imperium, so
Adeptus Astartes, the Angels Vermillion
that they will never be forgotten, and in
shun even basic contact with their
that pursuit he will give his life. A Black
gene-brothers, seemingly desiring to
Consul below 0 wounds may make a Last
suffer alone. They seem to intentionally
Stand. If he does, he regains
avoid the Blood Angels and those of their
consciousness with twice his Rank in
line, keeping their distance at the best of
wounds, and may continue to fight,
gaining 1 Wrath at the beginning of each
At Arm’s Length: A brother of the Angels of his turns. If he is again reduced to 0
Vermillion keeps his secrets and mind wounds or combat ends, he dies
sealed from others. He receives +Rank permanently.
bonus dice to resist mind-affecting
Last of the Chapter (Hardship): A Black
powers and abilities. He suffers +1DN to
Consul has no support structure and his
Interaction tests with Blood Angels and
chapter is in shambles. He suffers a
their successors.
+1DN penalty to Influence checks.
The Red Thirst (Gene-seed): After
Black Templars
engaging in melee combat, Angels
Vermillion must pass a Willpower test Primarch: Rogal Dorn
(DN 3). On a failure, the Angels
Encarmine Space Marine feels a strong The most numerous of the many Space
urge to drink the blood of the fallen—the Marine chapters, with a suspected total
player may choose how to respond to of around 6,000 active marines, the Black
this urge. If the failure involves a Templars are something between noble
complication, the Angels Vermillion knights and relentless berserkers. They
Space Marine may not resist this urge. hold their own traditions above all else,
The Game Master may alter the DN including the words of the Codex
based on how long it has been since the Astartes, which they reject out of hand.
character has tasted blood.
No Pity, No Fear, No Remorse: The Black
Black Consuls Templars are ruthless and brutal,
preferring melee combat above all other
Primarch: Roboute Guilliman forms, especially honor duels. When
attacking an Elite or Adversary threat in
Trusted by the Ultramarines, the Master
melee, they add +Rank ED to melee
of Macragge has counted several Black
damage rolls.
Consuls among his trusted advisors.
However, due to a brutal conflict
Suffer Not The Witch To Live (Tradition):
suspected to involve Word Bearers, the
The warriors of the Black Templars
chapter’s future is all but gone. With but
despise all mutants, especially psykers.
a handful of scattered squads remaining,
Black Templars suffer a +2DN penalty to restructurings, including the mantle of
social tests when dealing with all psykers Chapter Master passing to Gabriel
and mutants, even allies, and will prefer Angelos, they remain dedicated servants
to attack enemy mutants and psykers in of the Emperor.
Knowledge is Power: Blood Ravens are
Blood Drinkers students of many topics. They add +Rank
bonus dice to any Scholar test.
Primarch: Sanguinius
An Open Mind…(Tradition): The Blood
Seemingly unique amongst the Sons of Ravens’ quest for knowledge can lead
Sanguinius, the Blood Drinkers do not them into dark places. If a Blood Raven
suffer from the twin flaws of the Blood rolls a complication on a Scholar test, the
Angels to the degree that their GM gains 1 Ruin.
progenitor does. The Black Rage is
relatively uncommon and the Red Thirst, Carcharodons
while present, is slaked by the ritual
consumption of copious amounts of Primarch: Corvus Corax
blood. However, there is an insidious
Assailing their foes from the depths of
secret unknown to all but the
space, the Nomad Predation fleets of the
Reclusiarchs of the chapter: the boon is
Carcharodons stalk the galaxy from end
not of the Emperor, but of Chaos--a
to end in their pursuit of the Imperium’s
daemonic bargain struck with one
enemies. They are infamous for their
believed to be Kairos Fateweaver. While
ruthlessness and brutality; engaging in
the pact has yet to damn the Chapter, if
bloody close combat and rapid assaults
the leaders of the chapter falter in
that leave their opponents reeling, and
strength of will, Tzeentch will claim the
readily enact scorched earth policies.
Blood Drinkers as his own.
Scant few records discuss the origins of
Blood Frenzy: When attacking in melee the chapter; no First Founding chapter
combat, a Blood Drinkers Space Marine has claimed them as successors. In spite
may reroll up to Rank damage dice on of their reclusiveness and savagery,
every attack. Imperials are quick to accept aid from
this Fleet-Based chapter as they have an
Impending Damnation: The Ruinous uncanny ability to appear when they are
Powers already hold some sway over the least expected.
souls of the Blood Drinkers, making a fall
from grace that much easier. If a Blood Blood in the Water: The Carcharodons
Drinker would fail a Corruption test, the possess a mix of taciturn cautiousness
character gains an additional and extreme bloodlust, which is a
Corruption. hallmark for many of its members.
When attacking a target that is below its
Blood Ravens maximum wounds in melee, a
Carcharodon may reroll a number of
Primarch: Unknown dice equal to his Rank.
Secretive purveyors of knowledge, the The Long Hunt (Tradition): Many
Blood Ravens have a past shrouded in millennia ago, the Chapter was given a
mystery. Though tumultuous events in sacred duty to travel the empty spaces
the past have caused grand
beyond the Imperium's borders to seek Primarch: Lion El’Jonson
out and destroy the enemies of Mankind.
If a Carcharodon fails a Survival skill test Famed for their large number of holy
being used to track down a target, the relics, the Consecrators often engage in
GM gains 1 point of Ruin. hunts for the history of the Dark Angels,
seeking out wargear lost since the Great
Celestial Lions Crusade.

Primarch: Rogal Dorn Reliquary of Angels: Nearly every

Battle-Brother of the Consecrators enters
A Chapter that has come back from the battle with at least one relic. One of the
brink of destruction with their beliefs character’s starting weapons gains the
and honour intact, the Celestial Lions Master-Crafted upgrade.
practice community, legacy and courage
before anything else. The Lions are a At Any Cost (Tradition): Relics of any
Chapter that fights closer to a pack of chapter are nigh-irreplaceable and for
hunters than traditional Astartes one to be lost is a dishonor above all
Warriors. They execute flanking else. Should a Consecrator lose his
maneuvers to strike from all directions, starting relic, he starts every session
picking off their enemies. The Lions act with one less Wrath until it is recovered.
as warrior-poets, telling stories of history If the weapon was destroyed, then the
and valor to each other and to those the loss of Wrath is permanent until the
Lions meet. character performs a penance set by the
GM, usually a personal crusade to find
However, the Chapter's defiance of the another relic to replace it.
Inquisition’s actions has drawn the ire of
the watchdog group, and most of the Crimson Fists
Chapter’s leadership was killed by “Ork
Primarch: Rogal Dorn
Snipers” in order to stop their
interference. While their recovery has A stoic group of marines worn and
been aided by the Black Templars, their battered by continual battles with the
chapter’s future remains uncertain. Greenskin hordes, the Crimson Fists
gained their name from the practice of
Pride Hunters: The Celestial Lions are new Captains cutting their palms and
brutal and cunning warriors, always exchanging blood with the Primarch in a
finding the best way to hunt their prey. ritual handshake. Though they are most
Celestial Lions add +Rank dice to all famous for the defense of their
Survival tests made to track or locate a recruiting planet, Rynn’s World, they
target. have continued their battles since then,
bringing honor to the Imperium.
Ork Snipers: The Celestial Lions were
marked for death for their attempts to The Only Good Ork: The Crimson Fists
second guess the Inquisition. All Celestial have suffered much against their hated
Lions suffer a +3DN penalty to all foes, and have learned much about how
interaction tests with those with the to fight them. A Crimson Fist adds +Rank
Inquisition Keyword. bonus dice to all attack tests when
attacking Orks.
No Retreat (Tradition): Crimson Fists are assaults, and even some devastators
stubborn, tenacious and stoic. If a have been known to use them from time
Crimson Fists Space Marine fails a to time. A Doom Eagle ignores Rank
Willpower test, the GM gains 1 Ruin. penalties to Pilot tests made to operate a
Jump Pack, and may ignore Rank
Disciples of Caliban penalties when attacking on a turn
where the marine moved using a jump
Primarch: Lion El’Jonson
Founded at the request of the Grand
Depressing Fatalism (Tradition): A Doom
Master of the Dark Angels, the Disciples
Eagle is fully accepting of the fact that he
of Caliban are held to an extreme level of
will eventually die, and makes that fact
genetic purity, routinely checked and
abundantly clear. He suffers a +1DN
rechecked by apothecaries and genetor
penalty to Defiance tests.
magi. Rumors state that the purpose of
the chapter is to hunt Cypher and his Excoriators
Fallen specifically, and it is quite true
that the chapter is rarely seen operating Primarch: Rogal Dorn
outside of warzones where Fallen have
been seen to operate, and though they A chapter born of the Second Founding,
have obtained glory in their own right, the original Excoriators were drawn
they continue the hunt to this day. from those who defended the walls of
the Imperial Palace at the Battle of Terra,
Pure Helix: The brothers of the Disciples given a single command by their
of Caliban possess highly pure geneseed, Primarch: Do not lose. They have
routinely checked for imperfections. A maintained this command even today,
Disciple of Caliban gains +Rank to keeping vigil on the edge of what was
Corruption tests. once the Eye of Terror. Their tactics are
based on attrition, every battle fought
Unforgiven (Tradition): Dark Angels and until their dying breath.
their descendants distrust anyone
outside of their chapter. They suffer a Never Retreat: The Excoriators fight on
+2DN penalty for Interaction tests in the darkest of times, knowing that
involving anyone outside the their Primarch demands they hold the
Unforgiven. line. Excoriators may spend a Glory to
automatically pass a Resolve test.
Doom Eagles
The Darkness (Gene-seed): A mutation of
Primarch: Roboute Guilliman the Catalepsean Node, the Excoriators
sometimes experience waking
Though all chapters are concerned with
nightmares, experiencing in person the
death, the Doom Eagles are almost
Emperor’s death, causing them untold
depressingly focused on it. They
stress. If an Excoriator fails a Willpower
consider death to be the ultimate release
based test, he suffers 1 shock in addition
from their duty, and while they meet it
to any other effects.
with dignity and stoicism, it can seem
quite off-putting. Exorcists
Wings of the Eagle: The marines of the Primarch: Unknown
Doom Eagles are trained in jump pack
A chapter with its true nature sealed by suspicion or contempt by other chapters.
orders of the highest authorities, the However, the Ecclesiarchy adores the
Exorcists practice what most puritan Chapter and uses them for propaganda.
Inquisitors and members of the
Ecclesiarchy would consider worthy of Faith and Fury!: The Fire Angels' zeal
the chapter’s destruction. Each marine endears them to the Ecclesiarchy and
allows a weak daemon to possess him, grants them a measure of protection
under extremely controlled situations, against the machinations of the Enemy.
with a squad of Grey Knights nearby. Fire Angels may add +½ Rank bonus dice
After a few hours, the daemon is to all Resolve tests. All Fire Angels gain a
exorcised. Though casualties are high, -1DN bonus to Interaction tests with
necessitating a double-strength scout those with the Adeptus Ministorum
company, the resulting marine has an keyword.
extreme resilience to the power of the
Warp, to the point of being undetectable Praise Be! (Tradition): The Fire Angels
to minor warp entities. are beloved by the Ecclesiarchy, but this
comes at the cost of being the subject of
Exorcised: An Exorcist’s soul has come in distrust, pity, or contempt from other
direct contact with a Daemon and been Chapters. Fire Angels suffer a +2DN
found worthy. Troops with the Daemon penalty to interaction with all other
keyword cannot detect the marine Astartes outside the Chapter.
without direct line of sight, even with
psychic powers, and all Daemons suffer Fire Lords
a +Rank DN penalty to Awareness tests
to detect an Exorcist. Primarch: Rogal Dorn

Shrouded in Secrecy: The practices of the Though their tactics would place them as
Exorcists are kept secret, but they sons of Vulkan, the Fire Lords are
possess knowledge of Daemons some actually successors to the Imperial Fists.
would find heretical. An Exorcist suffers The Fire Lords are most famous for their
a +2DN penalty to Interaction tests with invention of the Land Raider Redeemer,
those with the Adeptus Ministorum which is used by hundreds of chapters,
keyword. as well as the tattoos they ritually cover
themselves with, giving them the
Fire Angels appearance of being on fire, blackened
with soot and ash.
Primarch: Roboute Guilliman
Flames of Cleansing: A Fire Lord is rarely
The Fire Angels are an exemplary seen without a flame weapon, and unlike
fighting force, showcasing Zeal rarely the Salamanders, they have no
seen even amongst the Astartes humanitarian beliefs preventing them
Chapters. Their fanaticism and their from using such weapons to their fullest
dedication to the Codex Astartes would potential. A Fire Lord wielding a weapon
make them model Astartes, were it not with the Blaze and Blast traits may spend
for a serious flaw. The Fire Angels a Glory to increase the size of the Blast
devoutly follow the Imperial Creed, as by one category (Blast (Medium)
opposed to the Imperial Truth that the becomes Blast (Large), etc.) for one
majority of Astartes Chapters follow. round.
This has lead to them being viewed with
Devotion to the Flame (Tradition): The Chapter has remained closer to their
Fire Lords treat fire with an almost primogenitor than perhaps any other.
divine reverence, using it in their rituals Sometimes even going so far as to second
and training almost exclusively with it marines to the Ultramarines when they
for combat. A Fire Lord suffers -2d to hit take extreme losses, the Genesis Chapter
with all ranged weapons that do not is fully committed to carrying out the
have the Bolt, Fire or Melta keyword. will of Guilliman.

Flesh Tearers Blood Brothers: A Genesis Chapter

marine keeps his ideals close to the
Primarch: Sanguinius founding principles of the Ultramarines,
and the two chapters are linked by
“Brutality Embodied” is the best way to
strong bonds. A Genesis Chapter Marine
describe the Flesh Tearers. Though
gains +Rank on interaction tests with
descendants of the Blood Angels legion,
members of the Ultramarines, and may
the Flesh Tearers are infamous amongst
be considered a member of the
the Scions of Sanguinius for the high
Ultramarines in appropriate situations.
number of marines that fall to the black
rage, as well as the brutal, berserk Pride of Ultramar (Tradition): The
combat style that even the most sane Genesis Chapter is held to a high
among the chapter employ. Their standard, and work doubly hard to excel
terrifying outer demeanor is that of under the eyes of their reborn Primarch,
barely-restrained rage, like a chained Roboute Guilliman. An Genesis Chapter
wild animal that may at any point break Space Marine begins each session with 1
loose and slaughter all present. fewer Wrath. The character regains this
lost Wrath point if he accomplishes his
Unquenchable Thirst: The Flesh Tearers
Objective during the session (in addition
feel the Red Thirst far more strongly
to the normal benefits of accomplishing
than many other descendants of the
an Objective).
Blood Angels, and use it to their
advantage in combat. A Flesh Tearer Guardians of the Covenant
may add +½ Rank ED and may reroll any
damage dice when using a weapon with Primarch: Lion El'Jonson
the Chain keyword in melee.
A Chapter of uncertain founding, the
The Depth of Rage (Gene-seed): The
Guardians of the Covenant are a chapter
emotions of war never truly leave a
that spends their time fighting around
Flesh Tearer. Constantly on the edge of
the Halo Stars and leading Crusades
lashing out, a Flesh Tearer always seems
against the numerous Alien threats that
like he could attack anyone nearby at
emerge from the sector. The Guardians
any moment. Flesh Tearers suffer a
isolate themselves, paying only lip
+3DN penalty to Interaction tests, but
service to other Unforgiven chapters.
gain a +1d bonus to Intimidate.
The Guardians pride themselves on
Genesis Chapter learning from the Codex Astartes in
addition to the tactics and genius of
Primarch: Roboute Guilliman their own Primarch, exemplified by
inscribing passages from the Codex
Founded at the sundering of the Legions Astartes and the writings of the Lion on
in the Second Founding, the Genesis
their armor and vehicles. knowledge, butting heads with the
Primogenitor chapters. Hammers of
Infused Knowledge: The Guardians of the Dorn gain +2DN to Interaction tests
Covenant study many different subjects involving Ultramarines and their
and maintain an extensive library of successors.
knowledge and tactics. A Guardian of the
Covenant adds +Rank bonus dice to all Howling Griffons
Scholar Tests.
Primarch:Roboute Guilliman
Scholarly Hermits (Tradition): The
Staunch traditionalists, the Howling
Guardians of the Covenant are
Griffons see their primary objective as
incredibly secretive and isolationist, to
the defense of the Imperium and the
the point that even other members the
upholding of the Emperor’s ideals. While
Unforgiven neither fully trust them nor
the pain of Calth drives all descendants
understand their motives. Guardians of
of the Ultramarines to hate the Word
the Covenant take a +2DN to all
Bearers, the Howling Griffons were more
interaction tests with anyone outside of
directly affected, when the Daemon
the Chapter.
Prince Periclitor, formerly a Word
Hammers of Dorn Bearer, slaughtered their entire First
Company and Chapter Master in an act
Primarch: Rogal Dorn of cowardly ambush. To this day, each
Griffon swears an oath to avenge this
Of the Sons of Dorn, you will never find massacre.
more devoted and dedicated Space
Tactical Assessment: While
Marines, treating the Codex Astartes as
Codex-compliant, the Howling Griffons
their birthright, mastering the book and
are flexible in their thinking, seeing the
applying its tactical knowledge with
Codex Astartes as a set of guidelines
their own unique ingenuity. The
rather than hard rules. A Howling
Hammers of Dorn believe themselves,
Griffon may spend a Glory at the
and the Imperial Fists to be the chosen
beginning of his turn to select a specific
Sons of the Emperor due to Rogal's
enemy and study it. The Griffon then
instrumental part in the Siege of Terra.
gains +½ Rank bonus dice to all tests and
They maintain a friendly rivalry with the
attacks made involving that threat.
Ultramarines and do their best to prove
themselves the greatest masters of the Cursing the Word (Tradition): The
Codex Astartes. Howling Griffons have no tolerance for
treason or heresy, especially involving
Masters of the Codex: By studying the the Traitors of the Word Bearers. A
the Codex Astartes and adding their own Howling Griffon suffers a +2DN penalty
creative thinking, the Hammers of Dorn to Interaction tests with anyone he
are well-known for their tactical suspects of heresy or treason, and the
flexibility. All Hammers of Dorn add +½ GM gains 2 Ruin if the Griffon
Rank bonus dice to Leadership tests. encounters a Word Bearer and does not
attempt to kill him.
Ever Superior (Tradition): The Hammers
of Dorn make it a point to exemplify Iron Knights
their knowledge and superior tactical
Primarch: Rogal Dorn and rarely communicate with other
A Second Founding Chapter with a long
and successful History, the Iron Knights Proving Honor: The Knights of the Raven
have had a history of marked success are obsessed with out-doing other
throughout their near ten thousand marines and showing their chapter in
years of service. The Iron Knights have the light it deserves. A Knight of the
been part of several major conflicts, Raven adds an additional Glory to the
from aiding in the Last Wall against the Glory pool when he gains Glory in
Ork Warboss the Beast, taking the prize combat.
in the Feast of Blade championship, to a
Fiercely Independent (Tradition): Knights
Company of Marines fighting against the
of the Raven traditionally disdain using
forces of Chaos in the 13th Black
direct tactics and have a reputation for
Crusade. The Iron Knights have always
independent action. A Knights of the
found their biggest successes in Siege
Raven Space Marine suffers a +2DN
Warfare situations, with a special brand
penalty to any combined action (see page
of efficiency in use of heavy tanks and
52, CRB) with those outside the Knights
vehicles like Sicaran Tanks, Vindicators,
of the Raven.
and Predator Tanks.
"Vigilance! Valour! Vengeance!": Iron
Knights immediately recognize the Primarch: Sanguinius
weaknesses in any fortification. An Iron
Knights Space Marine may add his Rank An unknown and long dead author once
bonus to damage when attacking any said that “No good deed goes
building or fortification. An Iron Knights unpunished.” There is perhaps no other
Space Marine may spend a Glory to Astartes chapter that best exemplifies
ignore any bonuses to an enemy’s this phrase than the Lamenters. For
Defense from cover on any attack. much of their history the Lamenters
have a record of effective and
We Hold! (Tradition): The Iron Knights well-intentioned service to the
take after their progenitor legion in their Imperium, yet they have been subject to
stubborn refusal to accept defeat. If an extraordinary levels of misfortune.
Iron Knight retreats from battle, the GM Despite the fact that their ill luck has cast
gains 1 Ruin. them into the deep end on numerous
occasions, and has seen them fighting in
Knights of the Raven many desperate defences and last stands,
they remain the heroic and kind souls
Primarch: Unknown they began their existence as. They are
no strangers to sacrifice; having done so
A chapter whose primarch is lost to time,
many, many times, to ensure that others
the Knights of the Raven have much in
may live.
common with the Raven Guard, but no
official evidence supports this claim. Do Not Go Quietly: For all the death and
Thus, the Knights seek to prove defeat fate sends their way, they send
themselves by accomplishing deeds such back as much fire and fury, holding on
that none can deny their worth. In until their last breath. A Lamenter
combat, they often use a secret language
ignores all penalties to tests due to being
Lightly or Heavily Wounded.
Mantis Warriors
For Those We Cherish (Tradition): The
Lamenters see themselves as guardians Primarch: Jaghatai Khan
of the everyday Imperial citizen. Indeed,
they would offer up their whole chapter The Mantis Warriors have served for
to oblivion if even a meager fraction of a millennia with honor and distinction
planet’s population would live as a until recent events, unfortunately
result. If a Lamenter finds himself in a choosing the wrong side in the Badab
situation where he must risk his own life War. Afterwards, they threw themselves
in order to save someone else’s, and at the mercy of the Inquisition, repenting
decides against it, the GM gains 2 Ruin. for their failure at great cost. Tactically,
the Mantis Warriors have taken after
Marines Errant their progenitors, excelling in hit and
run guerrilla tactics, even finding a way
Primarch: Roboute Guilliman
to enter into a trancelike state that
A fleet-based chapter with no grants a form of near perfect reflexes
homeworld to call their own, the and reaction time.
Marines Errant are the victims of several
crushing losses, that ultimately could Swift and Deadly: The Mantis Warriors
still spell doom for them should the are some of the fastest moving Astartes
influx of Primaris marines not be in the Galaxy, their lightning quick
enough to stem the tide. The Marines reflexes and guerrilla attacks capable of
Errant are specialists in boarding wiping out entire assault forces in mere
actions, training extensively with minutes. All Mantis Warriors gain +1/2
zero-gravity environments and fighting Rank bonus dice to Agility-based tests.
in the confines of a ship.
Seeking Redemption (Hardship): The
Zero-G Tolerance: The fleet-based nature Mantis Warriors have only recently
of the Marines Errant results in a strong earned the right to resupply and rejoin
familiarity with movement in areas the ranks of the Adeptus Astartes, as
devoid of gravity or even air. All Marines such certain items are still hard to come
Errant reduce all penalties due to low or by. All Mantis Warriors suffer a +1DN
reduced gravity, as well as low penalty to all Influence checks and suffer
atmospheric pressure/vacuum by their a +1DN penalty to Interaction tests with
Rank. those possessing the Inquisition
Shepherd of Assets (Hardship): Due to
their heavy losses from the attacks Mentors
during the Badab War and the brutal
damage taken by millennia of fleet Primarch: Unknown
combat, the Marines Errant have little to
spare or offer others. A Marine Errant A rather unorthodox and versatile
suffers a +1DN penalty to Influence tests chapter of the Adeptus Astartes, the
to acquire items with the Adeptus Mentors are a chapter that prioritizes
Astartes keyword. learning from all possible sources. Their
willingness to adapt and even use new
technology of their own creation has Executors of Terra: Some observers have
netted them some suspicion, but the noted that the Minotaurs respond
Chapter’s secrecy has shielded them immediately and slavishly to directives
from scrutiny. issued by the High Lords of Terra
themselves, and have linked this
The Imperial Loremasters: The Mentors apparent unquestioning behavior with
pride themselves on their willingness to their large amounts of high quality war
teach others, hoping to grant insight to materiel. However, this speculation
others and obtain such insight cannot be proved. A Minotaur gains a
themselves. A Mentor may spend a Glory +2d Bonus to Influence tests.
to grant +Rank bonus dice to an ally’s
test when performing a Combined Shunned by Most (Reputation): The
Action, so long as the skill is one the Minotaurs are hated by most Imperial
Mentor has at value 2+. bodies due to their past deeds and
ever-present hateful demeanor. They
Fear the Wise (Tradition): The Mentors’ suffer a +3DN penalty to Interaction tests
willingness to learn has cast the chapter involving anyone outside the Minotaurs.
in an unfavorable light by many
members of the Imperium, casting
suspicion and doubt on the chapter’s Primarch: Roboute Guilliman
loyalty. Mentors suffer +2DN to
Interaction tests with those who have the Treated almost with disgust by their
Inquisition or Adeptus Mechanicus gene-kin, the Mortifactors are a strange
keywords. chapter, even by Astartes standards.
Their homeworld is a tribal one ruled by
Minotaurs shamans that practices ritual
cannibalism and various other pagan
Primarch: Unknown
rites, and this extends to the chapter
The Minotaurs are a mysterious and itself. Their Fortress-Monastery is filled
abrasive Chapter, having reappeared with the engraved skulls of fallen battle
and disappeared numerous times brothers and defeated foes alike,
throughout Imperial history. They are forming a grisly mausoleum that few
presumably of the 21st Founding, find tasteful.
although records state that they
Cult of Posul: The Mortifactors train
participated in the attack against the
themselves to fight in low or zero light
Solar Rebellion of M32, which places
conditions, even without augmentation.
them four thousand years out of time.
They also participate in ritual meditation
After their latest reappearance in
that prepares their minds for battle,
053.M41, the Chapter had reformed
keeping them strong. A Mortifactor
themselves from simple berserkers with
ignores his Rank DN worth of penalties
little regard for command-trees and
due to impaired vision. Additionally,
battle-plans to aloof, organized, and
once per session, a Mortifactor may
incredibly well-equipped soldiers (for a
meditate for at least 10 minutes to
minor Astartes Chapter) with focuses on
restore ½ Rank shock.
shock assaults, close combat
engagements, and siege warfare. Held in Suspicion (Tradition): The
Ultramarines and their more traditional
successors find the Mortifactors almost Primarch: Roboute Guilliman
heretical, and dislike them intensely. The
Mortifactors receive a +3DN penalty to One of those created in the Second
Interaction tests with any member of the Founding, the Novamarines maintain
Ultramarines or their successors. their trust in the Codex Astartes,
sometimes coming to blows over it. They
Nemesis Chapter possess a specific hatred for those they
consider non-human, especially Xenos.
Primarch: Roboute Guilliman As such, many Novamarines choose to
join the Deathwatch.
One of the most seasoned and decorated
chapters in the history of the Adeptus Hunters of Aliens: A Novamarine adds
Astartes, the Nemesis Chapter traces +½ Rank bonus dice to all attack rolls
their specific heritage all the way back to made against Xenos and their
the Great Crusade, distinguishing supporters.
themselves as the XIIIth Legion's
Pride of Ultramar (Tradition): The
Destroyer specialists and proving their
Novamarines are held to a high
tactical flexibility by learning from the
standard, and work doubly hard to excel
then Loyal Night Lords Legion, learning
under the eyes of their reborn Primarch,
how to best maximize their terror tactics
Roboute Guilliman. An Novamarine
combined with their heavy weapons
Space Marine begins each session with 1
specialty, the Nemesis Chapter has a
fewer Wrath. The character regains this
reputation of great honor, distinguishing
lost Wrath point if he accomplishes his
themselves during the Battle of Calth
Objective during the session (in addition
when they boarded and captured a Word
to the normal benefits of accomplishing
Bearers Gloriana Class Battleship. To this
an Objective).
day they remain one of the greatest
Ultramarines Successors. Raptors

Hellfire Incarnate! : The Nemesis Primarch: Corvus Corax

Chapter’s heavy weapon specialization is
a thing of legend, winning seemingly Even amongst the Sons of the Raven, the
impossible battles with only a modicum Raptors are unlike many Astartes
of difficulty through superior firepower. chapters, in that they make full use of
All Nemesis Chapter Marines treat any traditional combat practices like
Heavy Weapons as having the Steadfast camouflage and guerilla tactics.
Quality. Considered dishonorable by many, the
Raptors nonetheless are strict
Rad-Poisoning (Gene-seed): Though the pragmatists, willing to do whatever is
Chapter has a proud heritage of success, the fastest and most efficient route to
it does bear the genetic scars from completing their mission quickly and
constant use of dangerous and toxic with as few casualties as possible.
weapons. All Nemesis Chapter Members Marksman’s Honor: When firing a
suffer a +1DN penalty to all Toughness ranged weapon with an aim action, the
based tests. Marine ignores all penalties due to
Novamarines range.
Grim Determination (Tradition): While Ultramarine descendents with tribalistic
not willing to lay down and die, the tendencies, the Silver Skulls vigorously
Raptors know that their duty only ends advance on any and all enemies of the
in death and that there is little other Imperium that stray too close to their
than their death waiting for them at the homeworld of Varsarvia (Of which, there
end of their service. Raptors suffer a are many that do). They are known for
+1DN penalty to Defiance tests. crusading despite the potential
long-term ramifications, and taking the
Red Scorpions heads of especially powerful foes they
have killed. In the aftermath of any
Primarch: Unknown
battle, they examine the worth of each
Holding purity to the highest possible skull and select only the most worthy
standard, the Red Scorpions hate any skulls to be displayed within their
form of mutation or corruption with a Fortress-Monastery. They are also well
passion that dwarfs even traditionally known for their usage of Librarians, who
zealous chapters. Holding to the Codex they refer to as Prognosticators. These
Astartes, in many ways, even more psykers use the Emperor’s Tarot to
closely than the Ultramarines divine the future, and they speak of the
themselves, the Red Scorpions seem results to the rest of the chapter
determined to set themselves apart as afterwards. The Silver Skulls take the
shining examples of purity and readings seriously, and often do follow
compliance. them to their own detriment.

Path of the Pure: Through rigorous Fated: The Silver Skulls monitor the
testing and the abundance of winds of fate as intensely as they
Apothecaries in the chapter, the Red monitor their enemies, and in doing so,
Scorpions have an abundant amount of believe themselves better able to
high-quality gene-seed. A Red Scorpion perform their duties. A Silver Skull starts
may spend a glory to reduce any each session with one more Wrath than
corruption he gains by 1 to a minimum they normally would.
of 0.
Destiny’s Hand (Tradition): To deny what
Purge the Taint (Tradition): A Red the Prognosticators tell of what is to
Scorpion despises any form of impurity. come is tantamount to heresy. The future
While this manifests in battle as the is a matter of grave importance to the
destruction of the Emperor’s foes, out of Silver Skulls. If a Silver Skull acquires
warfare it comes off as grating and knowledge of an event that has yet to
antagonistic, questioning the orders of occur through means such as an
those they consider less pure than Emperor’s Tarot reading or from one of
themselves, which is everyone. A Red the chapter’s Prognosticators, and he
Scorpion suffers a +2DN penalty to chooses to disregard it, the GM gains 2
interaction tests with anyone outside the Ruin.
Sons of Medusa
Silver Skulls
Primarch: Ferrus Manus
Primarch: Roboute Guilliman
The Sons of Medusa were born out of the
Moirae Schism, which brought the Iron
Hands and their successor chapters to reputation for their penchant for
the brink of civil war. The cleansing the worlds they conquer with
Moirae-faithful Iron Hands were exiled extreme vengeance and leaving a world
and would go on to avoid renegade ready to be converted. All Sons of the
status, as well as later proving to the Phoenix gain +Rank bonus dice to
High Lords that they were worthy of Interaction tests with those who have the
being their own chapter during the Age Adeptus Ministorum keyword.
of Redemption.
Perfection In All Things (Tradition): The
Expert Scavengers: A favored tactic of the Sons of the Phoenix are proud and fierce
chapter is to hunt down and war with perfectionists, they seek to be the
traitor Astartes chapters for the sole greatest that they can possibly be, and
purpose of plundering their equipment. failure in a task the marine deems
Thanks to their skills at techno-exorcism, important is the ultimate sin. When a
this is made possible, not to mention Son of the Phoenix spends a Wrath to
their already-considerable forge reroll a test, and the test again fails, the
resources. A Son of Medusa gains a +1d DM gains 2 Ruin.
Bonus on Influence tests.
Star Phantoms
Curse of Moirae (Hardship): A permanent
stain has been left on the honor of the Primarch: Unknown
Sons of Medusa, and this effect is felt
when they deal with their progenitor A mysterious and isolationist chapter,
chapter and the Adeptus Mechanicus. A the Star Phantoms have wandered for
Son of Medusa suffers a +1DN penalty on many years, only recently gaining a
Interactions tests with individuals with homeworld after the Badab War. While
the Iron Hands and Adeptus Mechanicus nominally followers of the Codex, they
keywords. maintain that no particular strategy is
better than any other, though they favor
Sons of the Phoenix plasma and melta weapons. However,
their lack of concern for collateral
Primarch: Rogal Dorn damage led to Lord Solar Macharius
naming them "Totally unsuitable for
One of the newest Primaris Based tactical close support of other Imperial
Chapters, the Sons of the Phoenix are units."
relatively untested, but have shown
serious promise. The Sons of the Phoenix Ranged Devastation: The Star Phantoms
shown themselves to be excellent care not how the enemy dies, only that it
Crusaders, lead by their Chaplains on does, but they do seem to favor the use
Crusade and followed closely by the of ranged weapons, keeping 3 devastator
Ecclesiarchy priests to spread the word squads per battle company. A Star
of the Imperium to the newly converted.. Phantom adds +½ Rank to Ballistic Skill
tests with Heavy weapons.
Primaris Legion: All Sons of the Phoenix
Rejected Lineage (Tradition): The Star
members must be Primaris.
Phantoms’ tactics and organization are
often compared to the Dark Angels’, but
Beacon of the Emperor: The Sons of the
the two chapters deny any connection
Phoenix have started to earn a
and seem to vehemently hate each other.
A Star Phantom suffers a +3DN penalty cunning strategy, usually involving
to interaction tests with Dark Angels and vehicle charges with artillery support.
their successors.
Thunder’s Call: Blade in hand, Storm
Steel Confessors Wardens loudly issue challenges to those
enemies they deem worthy to face them.
Primarch: Ferrus Manus A Storm Warden may spend a Glory as a
free action to issue a Thunder’s Call,
An attempt at creating a chapter
picking out a specific threat. So long as
subservient to the Machine God, the
he spends his next action(s) attempting
Adeptus Mechanicus had the Steel
to engage that enemy in melee, the target
Confessors secretly created using the
of the Call suffers a +½ Rank DN penalty
Iron Hands’ gene-seed. Discovered by the
to all attacks against targets that are not
Inquisition, the Confessors were made
the Warden, and the Warden gains +½
an independent chapter, but still retain
Rank bonus dice to all melee attacks
close ties to the Mechanicum, with their
against the target until the target is dead
homeworld, Kalevala, being a forge
or combat has ended. Only one enemy
may be the target of a specific Storm
The Machine God’s Own: Though not Warden’s Thunder’s Call at a time.
explicitly beholden to the Adeptus
My Oath is My Bond (Tradition): A Storm
Mechanicus, the Steel Confessors
Warden who breaks his word is without
maintain a special relationship with
honor, and to purposefully use a false
Mars, and are favored in many areas. A
oath to deceive an enemy is the lowest
Steel Confessor gains +1d to Influence
cowardice. If the Storm Warden says
tests to acquire technological items and a
that he will perform an action, and then
-Rank DN bonus to Interaction tests with
does not at least earnestly attempt to
those with the Adeptus Mechanicus
perform that action, then the GM gains 2
Unforgiving (Tradition): The Steel
Confessors despise weakness and
corruption. When a Steel Confessors
Primarch: Rogal Dorn
Space Marine fails a Corruption test, the
GM gains 2 Ruin rather than 1.
There are fewer sights more worthy of
Storm Wardens universal dread and despair from all
sides of a conflict than the arrival of the
Primarch: Unknown Subjugators. One of the most brutal and
vicious chapters in known existence,
Clannish and aloof, the Storm Wardens they often prefer to simply enact acts of
rarely associate with those outside their mass extermination or genocide to
own chapter. Personal honor and oaths pacify rebellion, making them feared
are sacred, and a Storm Warden would amongst other Imperial Guard forces
sooner die than break his word, or allow and despised by many other Astartes,
his companions to fall while under his especially the Salamanders.
protection. Often getting into what
appears to be large arguments the night Wetwork: Subjugators are extermination
before battle, the Storm Wardens and purgation specialists, and they take
nonetheless will have developed a
pride in their work doing so. If a the chapter has two chapter masters, one
Subjugator ends a combat with no to direct the defense against Chaos and
surviving hostiles, the Subjugator adds 2 one to lead the chapter’s forces when
Glory to the Glory pool. crusading.

Indiscriminate Annihilation (Tradition): Proconsuls of Sabbatine: The White

The summoning of the Subjugators is Consuls often attach their marines as
viewed as a last resort by Imperial advisors to Imperial Guard forces,
Commanders, as they know what allowing the marine to gain leadership
happens when the Chapter enters a experience, and the guardsmen to
theater. The Chapter is feared for its lack benefit from the practiced tactical mind
of concern for collateral damage, and as of the Consul. A White Consul gains
such is held in thinly-veiled contempt. +Rank to Scholar tests and Leadership
All Subjugators suffer a +3DN to penalty tests involving the Astra Militarum.
to interaction tests with Imperial
Pride of Ultramar (Tradition): The White
military forces outside the Chapter.
Consuls are held to a high standard, and
White Consuls work doubly hard to excel under the
eyes of their reborn Primarch, Roboute
Primarch: Roboute Guilliman Guilliman. A White Consuls Space
Marine begins each session with 1 fewer
Far, far from Ultramar, the White Wrath. The character regains this lost
Consuls hold to the teachings of the Wrath point if he accomplishes his
Codex Astartes just as much as any other Objective during the session (in addition
Primogenitor chapter. Their chapter is to the normal benefits of accomplishing
tasked with keeping vigil over the Eye of an Objective).
Terror, and now forms a bastion against
the forces emerging from the
Maledictum. Their Chapter’s greatest
deviation from the Codex Astartes is that

To Serve the Chapter


The first step after becoming a full

Devastator Space Marine battle-brother, a codex-compliant
chapter’s Devastator Company is fully
composed of those marines who have
“Do you see that Wartrukk?”
just finished their time as a Scout.
“Yes, Jarl.”
Allowed to watch live combat from afar
“I don’t want to see it anymore.”
while familiarizing themselves with
“Yes, Jarl.”
their wargear and weapons, they
--Jarl Arngrim to Long Fang armed with a
become ever more familiar with the arts
of war. After obtaining the rank of
Tactical Marine, some brothers still find designed to give marines a chance to
that their aptitude lies with ranged experience combat close up, learning
combat and the use of heavy weapons, how to fend off attacks from all sides
and so join the Devastator squads in full and tearing through the enemy with
battle companies. blade and bolt. Those marines who find
themselves with a particular thirst for
Build Point Cost: 60 close combat will join an Assault squad
when they are elevated to a battle
Tier: 3
Build Point Cost: 55
Species: Adeptus Astartes
Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4,
Tier: 3
Toughness 4
Species: Adeptus Astartes
Skill: Ballistic Skill (4), Weapon Skill (3)
Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4,
Toughness 4
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
Skill: Ballistic Skill (3), Weapon Skill (4)
Influence Bonus: +2
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
Focus Fire: Devastator Marines are
known for their ability to lay down
waves of suppressive fire, cutting down Influence Bonus: +2
any enemy foolish enough to approach
them. They add +Rank bonus dice to hit Meteoric Descent: An Assault Marine
with weapons with the Heavy trait, but uses his jump pack to its fullest potential,
only if they did not move that turn. using his momentum as a weapon. After
charging while equipped with a jump
Wargear: Aquila power armor, heavy pack, an Assault Marine may add +Rank
bolter with ammunition backpack, bolt ED to any melee attacks he makes that
pistol, Astartes combat knife, 3 frag and round.
krak grenades.
Wargear: Aquila power armor, chain
sword, bolt pistol, jump pack, 3 frag and
krak grenades.
Assault Space Marine


--Last words of Warboss Toofsmasha, to
Sergeant Aguila of the Crimson Fists “Flexibility is key in war. To continue a
stratagem that has failed you is the height
of folly and is unworthy of any of the
The third step in the journey of an Adeptus Astartes.”
Astartes, the Assault Company is
--Writings of Ventus Octavius,
Ultramarines Captain “The Chapter demands much from us, but
when a weapon forged by my hand strikes
down a heretic with the might of the
The final step in many marines’ careers, Emperor himself, all of it is worth the
the tactical marine is the backbone of sacrifices.”
any chapter. Armed with bolters and --Brother Valeran, Techmarine of the
combat knives, they stand ready to face Imperial Fists
any situation, able to adapt freely to
varying situations. For additional
adaptability, one or two members of As with any Imperial organization, the
tactical squads often wield special or warriors of the Adeptus Astartes require
heavy weapons, giving answers to maintenance on their vehicles and
problems not easily solved by a regular wargear. Warriors and scholars in one,
bolter. Techmarines study for years with the
tech-priests of Mars (or with whatever
Build Point Cost: 50 forge world is most convenient for the
chapter), learning the mysteries of the
Machine. Upon the end of their training,
Tier: 3 they become a bridge between the
Chapter and the Machine Cult, part of
Species: Adeptus Astartes both worlds at once.
Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4, Build Point Cost: 85
Toughness 4
Skill: Ballistic Skill (3), Weapon Skill (3)
Tier: 3
Species: Adeptus Astartes
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
<Chapter> Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4,
Toughness 4, Intellect 5
Influence Bonus: +2
Skill: Ballistic Skill (3), Weapon Skill (3),
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine Tech (4), Pilot (3)
training prepares an Astartes for any
combat circumstance. When making a Benefits
critical hit, they may draw two Wrath Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
Cards and choose one (if using the Adeptus Mechanicus, <Chapter>
Critical Chart, make two rolls and pick
one). Influence Bonus: +2

Wargear: Aquila power armor, boltgun, Master of the Forge: A Techmarine

bolt pistol, Astartes combat knife, 3 frag gains +Rank to all Scholar, Pilot and Tech
and krak grenades. tests involving vehicles, weapons, armor,
and wargear with the Adeptus Astartes
keyword and +½ Rank to all other
Imperium items.
Wargear: Aquila power armor, bolt Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
pistol or boltgun, Omnissian Axe, 3 frag <Chapter>
and krak grenades, augmetic Servo Arm.
Influence Bonus: +2

Prime Helix: An Apothecary adds +½

Apothecary Rank to the number of wounds he heals
when performing first aid. He gains
+Rank bonus dice to all Scholar and
“Your duty ends here, brother. It was a Medicae tests he makes regarding
blessing of the Emperor that we were able Adeptus Astartes or Primaris Astartes.
to serve it together.” An Apothecary will never willingly leave
--Caerus Madon, Sanguinary Novitate, recoverable gene-seed behind, and is
before administering the Emperor’s Peace duty-bound to recover any that can be.
to a dying Blood Angel and recovering his
gene-seed Wargear: Aquila power armor with
Diagnostor helmet, bolt pistol, boltgun or
chain sword, 3 frag and krak grenades,
Scientist, combat medic, warrior, all narthecium, reductor
these titles apply to the Apothecary.
While the most common duty of these
specialists is the healing of wounds
obtained on the field of battle, they have Librarian
a second, more sacred duty: the recovery
of gene-seed from dead marines.
Without this vital resource, a chapter “Very well; you clearly have made your
cannot hope to replace losses, and the choice, and I will not ask again.”
price of warfare will eventually wipe -Fire Lords Librarian Lor’shan before
them out. In addition, an Apothecary is burning an assembled company of
responsible for detecting and ensuring renegades alive
that his brothers are free from physical
corruption, as is the gene-seed he
recovers from those few who did their With the vast numbers of candidates
duty to the last. that undergo the trials to become a space
marine, it sometimes occurs that one
Build Point Cost: 70 with the psyker’s gift enters the chapter.
After this is discovered, they are shifted
to the care of the Librarius, forever
Tier: 3 removed from the standard squad
classifications, in favor of a wholly new
Species: Adeptus Astartes one--the mantle of the Librarian.
Keepers of the chapter’s lore, Librarians
Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4, are indispensable for the maintenance of
Toughness 4, Intellect 5 records and the scribing of the history of
all marines that pass through the halls of
Skill: Ballistic Skill (3), Weapon Skill (3),
the fortress-monastery. When they take
Medicae (4), Scholar (3)
the field of battle, they wield their
psionic might in concert with their skills renegade guard regiment
in combat.

Build Point Cost: 80 As an Apothecary guards against

corruption of the flesh, the Chaplain
Prerequisites guards against the erosion of faith and
the onset of heresy. Stalwart in his
Tier: 3
unflinching spiritual armor, he bears
Species: Adeptus Astartes into battle three badges of office: the
Rosarius, symbol of the ties between the
Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4, chaplain and the Adeptus Ministorum;
Toughness 4, Willpower 5 the Crozius Arcanum, symbol of the
divine authority granted to the Chaplain
Skill: Ballistic Skill (3), Weapon Skill (3), by the Emperor’s will; the Skull Helm,
Psychic Mastery (4), Scholar (4) the terrifying visage that strikes fear into
Special: May not be taken by a marine of the hearts of the enemy and amplifies
the Black Templars chapter. the marine’s voice so that all may hear
his litanies of hatred as he leads the
Benefits charge into brutal melee.

Influence Bonus: +2 Build Point Cost: 85

Psyker: A Librarian begins play with one Prerequisites

minor or Librarius psychic power and Tier: 4
the smite psychic power. They may
purchase additional Minor psychic Species: Adeptus Astartes
powers, Librarius psychic powers, and
powers from up to one other discipline, Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4,
subject to Tier restrictions. Toughness 4, Willpower 5, Fellowship 4

Wargear: Aquila power armor with Skill: Ballistic Skill (4), Weapon Skill (4),
psychic hood, bolt pistol, force sword or Intimidate (5), Leadership (4)
force staff, 3 frag and krak grenades
Keywords: Imperium, Psyker, Adeptus Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
Astartes, <Chapter> Adeptus Ministorum, <Chapter>

Influence Bonus: +3
Chaplain Litanies of Hate: A Chaplain may make
an Intimidate test once per combat as an
action, opposed by a Leadership test by
“You can beg for mercy all you wish. Your one of the enemies present in the combat
life was forfeit the moment you betrayed (GM’s choice). If successful, the chaplain
the Emperor, and you shall serve as an grants a +Rank bonus to the melee
example to all others who foolishly attacks of all allies that can hear him for
consider such actions.” the Chaplain’s willpower in rounds.
--Chaplain Elrich of the Black Templars
before executing the commander of a
Wargear: Aquila power armor, bolt Influence Bonus: +1
pistol, Crozius Arcanum, 3 frag and krak
grenades, Rosarius, skull helm Intercessor Focus: When firing a bolt
rifle (any variant) or heavy bolt pistol, an
Intercessor gains a +Rank bonus to
attack rolls.
Wargear: Mark X Tacticus power armor,
bolt rifle, heavy bolt pistol, Astartes
combat knife, 3 frag and krak grenades.
Primaris Intercessor

“The targets were plentiful. Thank the Primaris Hellblaster

Emperor for Hellfire bolts.”
--Varaan Stygg, Sons of Medusa
Intercessor seconded to the Deathwatch, “The Emperor guides us home.”
recounting the purge of a Genestealer --Last words, Hellblaster Sergeant Ostor
infestation of an agri-world of the Angels of Vengeance, supercharging
his weapon to bring down a Necron Tomb
Created as the ultimate expression of
tactical flexibility, Intercessors are
armed with little more than their bolt Hellblaster Squads include many of the
rifles, and do not wield special weapons best marksmen in a given company,
as the tactical marines they are often using their Plasma Incinerators to
compared to do. The result is that each reduce vehicles and monstrous creatures
and every Intercessor is aware of his to pools of slag. They are also often the
limitations and works well in concert bravest, as many Hellblaster squads
with other Astartes squads, keeping their have martyred themselves by
duty clear and their impact on the intentionally firing their weapons in the
battlefield limited to those roles which unstable supercharge mode, so long as
they best fill. the enemy’s destruction is assured.
However, just as many times, the
Build Point Cost: 60 weapons work as intended, ending the
lives of heretics and xenos in star-born
Tier: 4
Build Point Cost: 75
Species: Primaris Astartes
Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4,
Tier: 4
Toughness 4
Species: Primaris Astartes
Skill: Ballistic Skill (4), Weapon Skill (4)
Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4,
Toughness 4
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
Skill: Ballistic Skill (4), Weapon Skill (4)
Primaris, <Chapter>
Benefits Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4,
Toughness 4
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
Primaris, <Chapter> Skill: Ballistic Skill (4), Weapon Skill (4),
Athletics (3), Intimidate (4)
Influence Bonus: +1
Plasma Specialists: When firing a
weapon with the Supercharge trait, a Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
Hellblaster may add his Rank to the Primaris, <Chapter>
damage increase when firing on
supercharge mode. Influence Bonus: +1

Wargear: Mark X Tacticus power armor, Terror Troops: Reivers know how to
plasma incinerator, pistol, Astartes attack from the shadows and intimidate
combat knife, 3 frag and krak grenades. their enemies via their very presence. A
Reiver adds +Rank to intimidate tests.

Wargear: Mark X Tacticus power armor

Primaris Reiver with skull mask, grav-chute, heavy bolt
pistol with grapnel, Bolt carbine or
“What do you mean they’re dead? Is Astartes combat knife, 3 frag, shock and
there--” krak grenades.
“Incoming message, Archon! Three more
guards have failed to report in!”
--Archon Rez’Kailai of the Kabal of the
Primaris Inceptor
Blackened Thorn, under assault by Raptor
“It’s just some debris from orbit. Focus
your fire on the Corpse-Worshippers!”
Stealth, infiltration, and assassination --Neregryn Skulltaker, Khornate Chaos
specialists, the Reivers are skilled at Lord, before being slain by a White Scars
skirmishing and close combat. Often Inceptor Squad.
dropping from the sky using their
grav-chutes, they make up for the
Highly mobile, extremely fast, and
lessened stopping power of their smaller
ruthlessly efficient, Inceptors are
weapons by having a veritable bag of
vanguard troops, flying ahead of the
tricks up their sleeves. Shock grenades,
main force in order to harass or
grapnels, skull masks; all contribute to
assassinate key targets in the enemy’s
making the Reiver one of the most
defense. Their modified boots allow
mobile and impactful warriors on the
them to jump from low orbit, landing
with shattering force without ill effects.
Build Point Cost: 60
Build Point Cost: 80
Tier: 4
Tier: 4
Species: Primaris Astartes
Species: Primaris Astartes Species: Primaris Astartes

Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 5, Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4,

Toughness 4 Toughness 4

Skill: Ballistic Skill (4), Weapon Skill (4), Skill: Ballistic Skill (5), Weapon Skill (4)
Pilot (4)
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Primaris, <Chapter>
Primaris, <Chapter>
Influence Bonus: +1
Influence Bonus: +1
Storm of Flame and Iron: An Aggressor
Crushing Charge: When an Inceptor ignores the penalties for running and
wearing a jump pack makes a charge, firing Assault weapons. If an Aggressor
roll Rank d6s. For each 6, the target of does not move on a turn it fires any
the charge takes a Mortal Wound before ranged weapons, double the Salvo rating
the attack is resolved. of its ranged weapons.

Wargear: Mark X Gravis power armor Wargear: Mark X Gravis power armor,
with shock absorbers, jump pack, two auto boltstorm gauntlets, fragstorm
assault bolters. grenade launcher.

Primaris Aggressor Primaris Apothecary

“They won’t stop! Get the lascannon! Get “What is your verdict, Apothecary?”
the--” “The damage is too extensive. However, it
--Intercepted heretical transmission from may not be the end of his service, Chapter
the operational area of a squad of Master.”
Nemesis Chapter Aggressors --Primaris Apothecary Aman to Gabriel
Seth, recommending Dreadnought status
for a critically wounded 1st Company
Unleashing hails of bolts, tearing apart Veteran
vehicles with crackling fists, scorching
buildings to the ground, the Aggressors
are forces of pure destructive might. With the advent of the Primaris Marine,
Bulky but purposeful, an Aggressor is the traditional specialist positions were
fully capable of fighting either at range altered in many ways. While the purpose
or in melee, leaving nowhere for their of the apothecary remained the same,
targets to run or hide. the tools of his trade changed
significantly. Rather than an
Build Point Cost: 95 arm-mounted narthecium, a Primaris
Apothecary has a set of medical
mechadendrites on his backpack that
Tier: 4 serve similar functions, while leaving
the marine’s hands free to perform
whatever actions he needs. In addition, --Primaris Librarian Ceresh of the Blood
the reductor, critical for the recovery of Ravens to Kaban, Prince of Tzeentch
geneseed, has been incorporated into a
short-ranged pistol.
Just as some applicants to the Adeptus
Build Point Cost: 80 Astartes have psychic potential, so too do
some who strive to become Primaris. To
Prerequisites better serve their chapter, they also join
the Librarius, and apart from their
Tier: 3
enhanced biologies, their duties and
Species: Primaris Astartes responsibilities are much the same as a
normal Librarian. However, they excel
Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4, on the field of battle, often fighting at the
Toughness 4, Intellect 5 front lines or providing fire support
while speaking blessings upon his allies
Skill: Ballistic Skill (4), Weapon Skill (4), and banes upon his foes.
Medicae (5), Scholar (5)
Build Point Cost: 90
Influence Bonus: +2
Tier: 4
Prime Helix: An Apothecary adds +Rank
to the number of wounds he heals when Species: Adeptus Astartes
performing first aid. He gains +Rank
Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4,
bonus dice to all Scholar and Medicae
Toughness 4, Willpower 5
tests he makes regarding Adeptus
Astartes or Primaris Astartes. An Skill: Ballistic Skill (4), Weapon Skill (4),
Apothecary will never willingly leave Psychic Mastery (5), Scholar (4)
recoverable gene-seed behind, and is
duty-bound to recover any that can be. Special: May not be taken by a marine of
the Black Templars chapter.
Wargear: Tacticus Mark X power armor
with diagnostor helmet, absolvor bolt Benefits
pistol, reductor pistol, narthecium
mechadendrites, 3 frag and krak Influence Bonus: +2
Psyker: A Primaris Librarian begins play
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, with one minor or Librarius psychic
Primaris, <Chapter> power and the smite psychic power.
They may purchase additional Minor
psychic powers, Librarius psychic
powers, and powers from up to one
Primaris Librarian
other discipline, subject to Tier

“My soul is guarded by the Emperor; my Wargear: Tacticus Mark X power armor
will is guided by his hand. A self-serving with psychic hood, heavy bolt pistol,
monster such as you has no such power.”
force sword or force staff, 3 frag and Influence Bonus: +3
krak grenades
Litanies of Hate: A Chaplain may make
Keywords: Imperium, Psyker, Adeptus an Intimidate test once per combat as an
Astartes, <Chapter> action, opposed by a Leadership test by
one of the enemies present in the
combat. If successful, the chaplain grants
Primaris Chaplain a +Rank dice bonus to the melee attacks
of all allies that can hear him for the
Chaplain’s willpower in rounds.
“Rise, and take your bolters in hand. We
bring our vengeance to bear tonight, and Wargear: Tacticus Mark X power armor,
the Emperor himself will be made proud absolvor bolt pistol, Crozius Arcanum, 3
by the death we craft in his name.” frag and krak grenades, Rosarius, skull
--Tacitus Engall, Primaris Chaplain of the helm
Marines Errant before a boarding action

Fundamentally unchanged by the DISTINCTIONS

inception of the Primaris marine,
Primaris Chaplains remain warriors of
unbreakable will and purpose. Striking
While there are hierarchies within many
at the heart of corruption and heresy,
Imperial organizations, the Space
they wield their advanced wargear in
Marines put a reverency on rank
the same mission every Chaplain has
uncommon even within the regimented
undertaken since the Great Crusade--to
Imperial Guard. Distinctions are similar
destroy those who would dare force the
to Talents, except they often have
Imperium’s hand and lead their brothers
in-game effects on roleplay, and thus a
to ever greater heights of spiritual
GM should be consulted before
attempting to take one. While the point
Build Point Cost: 95 at which a character may be granted the
right to take a distinction is often
Prerequisites dependent on the deeds he has
performed, each distinction below has a
Tier: 5 minimum rank/tier to represent
required amounts of experience and
Species: Primaris Astartes
battle prowess.
Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4,
Some have multiple sets of prerequisites;
Toughness 4, Willpower 5, Fellowship 4
a Tier 4 character at rank 1 is no less
Skill: Ballistic Skill (4), Weapon Skill (4), skilled nor experienced than a Tier 3
Intimidate (5), Leadership (4) character at rank 5. A player who wishes
to take the distinction may satisfy any of
Benefits the Rank/Tier requirements, but all other
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, conditions after the semicolon must be
Primaris, Adeptus Ministorum, fulfilled for all ranks and tiers.
Most of these distinctions only offer new
wargear and small benefits; it is
ultimately up to the players to craft their such a rank. In command of a
characters in such a way as to live up to demi-company of fifty battle-brothers, he
the traditions and reputations of these often coordinates tactics on a smaller
ranks and positions. In order to reduce scale than a captain, but is often at least
possible conflicts, it may be best to limit involved in overall strategy.
the number of players that take the
leadership roles. Additionally, while a Benefits: The Marine gains +1 to
marine may have multiple distinctions, Influence and +1d to Leadership tests,
generally he is only able to hold one and may issue orders to all marines
chapter position at once. Additionally, within his demi-company.
unless specified otherwise, an
Apothecary, Chaplain, Librarian,
Techmarine, or related specialization Captain
may not take a distinction.
BP Cost: 30
Prerequisites: Rank 5 or Tier 4+, Rank
4+ or Tier 5, Rank 2+; Fellowship 6+,
Leadership 6+, Crux Terminatus,
BP Cost: 10 Lieutenant
Prerequisites: Tier 3+, Rank 2+, OR Tier
The leader of a full company, a marine is
4+, Rank 1+; Fellowship 4+, Leadership
not even considered for Captaincy
without several hundred years of active
The marine has been determined by his service, most of that in a command
superiors to be fit for the officer track. position. All Captains are powerful
Often, he is placed in charge of a squad warriors in their own right, often
of 4-9 other marines, who he leads in capable of matching threats that would
battle, making all squad-level tactical overwhelm entire squads. However,
decisions in order to carry out his their true gifts are those for command,
orders. as their duties involve the organization
and strategy of more than a hundred
Benefits: The marine gains the use of a marines.
back banner. This mounts to his
backpack and provides a +1d bonus to As a Captain serves for life, the
Leadership and Intimidation tests vs. opportunity to become one will only
appropriate targets. He may issue orders appear if an existing Captain is killed in
to his assigned squad. battle or is forced to step down from his
position. Allowing this distinction to be
taken should be a decision made by both
the player and GM, as it will
Lieutenant fundamentally change the average
duties of a character, often preventing
BP Cost: 15
him from going on adventures as he
Prerequisites: Rank 4+ or Tier 4+, Rank
wishes. A character who takes this
2+ or Tier 5; Sergeant
Distinction in a game lower than Tier 5
Hand-selected by his Captain, a may wish to retire the Character to the
Lieutenant is one of only two individuals GM afterwards, allowing him to start
in a codex-compliant company to hold
anew with a new character, keeping the BP Cost: 10
newly minted Captain as an NPC. Prerequisites: Rank 4+ or Tier 4+;
Veteran, May be taken by specialists
Benefits: The marine gains command of
a Company of Astartes, including After a sufficient time in the First
command staff and vehicles. While still Company, or after a particularly heroic
answerable to the Chapter Master, none deed, the Chapter Master may consider
else within the chapter can consider him granting a marine perhaps the most
anything lower than a peer. His famous award in the Adeptus
influence is again increased by +1. He Astartes--the Crux Terminatus, or
gains an Iron Halo, and may have the Terminator’s Cross in low gothic. This
Master-Crafted upgrade applied to up to cross is welded to the recipient’s armor
two of his personal weapons. and grants him the right to use a suit of
Tactical Dreadnought armor. While the
cross on his normal armor is purely
decorative, the matching Crux on the
Terminator itself projects a powerful
BP Cost: 15 field of protection, said to contain a
Prerequisites: Rank 3+ or Tier 4+, May shard of the Emperor of Mankind’s
be taken by specialists golden armor.

After having served the chapter for more Benefits: The marine gains a +1 to
years than he can count and slain as Influence. In circumstances where he is
many foes, a marine may be deemed being dispatched on duties for his
worthy to join the First Company of his Chapter, he may wear a suit of
chapter. Veteran status comes with many Indomitus Terminator Armor at the GM’s
responsibilities, but ultimately is a approval, equipped with a Storm Bolter
position that many marines strive for and Power Fist (though he may exchange
and it grants them access to some of the these with any personal weapons that
best wargear in the Chapter. are Terminator-compatible). He
forevermore treats all Terminator Armor
Benefits: The marine becomes able to as one rarity lower for the purposes of
mark his armor with the colors of the Acquisition.
First Company. If his archetype came
with a Boltgun, it may be replaced with a
Special Issue Boltgun (transferring all
Company Champion
upgrades) and if it came with a
chainsword, it may be replaced with a BP Cost: 15
Power Sword or Axe. Veterans treat all Prerequisites: Rank 4+ or Tier 4, Rank
Special bolt ammunition as one rarity 2+ or Tier 5; Weapon Skill 5+, must have
lower for the purposes of Acquisition. defeated at least one Adversary-level
threat in single, melee combat.

Usually the marine selected by a

Crux Terminatus
company’s Captain as the best melee
fighter under his command, a Company
Champion’s duty is to fight on behalf of
his company in single combat,
representing it in any official duels. On
the field of battle, a Company Champion
will often seek out the enemy’s leader or Company Ancient
its own champion and slay him in the
BP Cost: 15
same manner.
Prerequisites: Rank 4+ or Tier 4, Rank
Benefits: A Company Champion gains a 2+ or Tier 5; Willpower 5+
power weapon of his choice (GM’s
A Company’s banner is the heart and
discretion) with the Master-Crafted
soul of its marines. Those who can see it
upgrade and a Combat Shield. A
are reminded what they fight for and
Company Champion begins each session
what awaits them if they fail, and often
with an additional Wrath, but may only
bring themselves to fight on despite fatal
spend it while in melee with an Elite or
wounds, dying to protect that symbol. To
Adversary-level threat.
bear a Company Standard into battle is
to be the ultimate guardian of the
company’s identity, and an Ancient will
Chapter Champion guard his charge with his life. Should the
Company Standard be captured, the
BP Cost: 25 entire company is dishonored until it is
Prerequisites: Rank 5+ or Tier 4, Rank recovered.
3+ or Tier 5, Rank 2+; Weapon Skill 6+,
must have defeated several Benefits: The marine gains +1 to
Adversary-level threats in single, melee Influence, and when his Company is
combat. deployed in force, he holds the Company
Standard, a large banner that must be
An honor on the level of being selected held high at all times. Therefore, while
to become a Captain, the Chapter the Ancient may engage in combat, one
Champion embodies his chapter’s ideals of his arms is always occupied by the
and culture, wielding them as he does banner, and as such he may only use
his blade in order to bring low its foes. A one-handed weapons.
Chapter Champion is relentless in All marines from the Ancient’s company,
slaying the greatest enemies he can find including the Ancient himself, receive
and bringing glory to his chapter +2d to Resolve tests while they can see
through honorable victory. the Standard, and while within 12
meters of the banner, they will die to
Benefits: A Chapter Champion gains a
protect it, and gain +2d to Defiance tests.
power weapon of his choice (GM’s
Should a marine be killed (except by
discretion) with the Master-Crafted
Annihilation) while within 12 meters of
upgrade, as well as a Master-Crafted
his Company Standard, he may regain
Champion’s Blade or Storm Shield
consciousness and take one more turn
(Champion’s choice). A Chapter
before dying.
Champion begins each session with an
additional Wrath, but may only spend it
while in melee with an Elite or
Adversary-level threat. If such a threat is Chapter Ancient
killed in melee by the Champion, the
Heroes gain 1 Glory.
BP Cost: 25
Prerequisites: Rank 5+ or Tier 4, Rank
3+ or Tier 5, Rank 2+; Willpower 6+

As the Company Standard is to a

Company, so is the Chapter Standard to
the Chapter. Often a masterwork of
rugged but valuable materials, usually
topped either with an Aquila or the
chapter’s symbol, a Chapter Standard is
the symbol of all marines that serve
under it. All marines look up with
reverence at a Chapter Ancient, and his
proud defiance of the enemy inspires his
brothers to greater and greater feats of
courage and heroism. If somehow, the
enemy still manages to capture the
Chapter Standard, there is nothing that
will stand between the wronged and the
perpetrators. Crusades have been
launched and worlds put to the torch for
the purpose of recovering a stolen
Chapter Standard.

Benefits: The marine gains +2 to

Influence, a power sword, and one suit
of armor he possesses gains the Artificer
When deployed as a member of his
Chapter, he holds the Chapter Standard,
a large banner that must be held high at
all times. Therefore, while the Ancient
may engage in combat, one of his arms is
always occupied by the banner, and as
such he may only use one-handed
All marines from the Ancient’s chapter,
including the Ancient himself, receive
+3d to Resolve tests while they can see
the Standard, and while within 12
meters of the banner, they will die to
protect it, and gain +3d to Defiance tests.
Should a marine be killed (except by
Annihilation) while within 12 meters of
his Chapter Standard, he may retain
consciousness and take one more turn
before dying.
Armory of the Space Marines

Grav Skill test instead, with the firing

Grav weapons create a massive character not needing line of sight.
gravitational disturbance at the
weapon’s target, turning the enemy’s Sanctified
heavy wargear and armored plating Blessed by holy rites and made of
against them as they buckle under their materials known to be anathema to the
own increased weight. A weapon with denizens of the Warp, Sanctified
this trait gains ED equal to the target’s AV weapons allow those who regularly
minus 3 (min. 0). combat the Daemon to fight on equal
footing, burning through their essence
Icarus like a red-hot knife. Those with the
Daemon keyword may not attempt to
Designed for attacking airborne targets soak damage caused by weapons with
like jump infantry and airplanes, these the Sanctified trait.
weapons add +2d to hit when targeting
an enemy that has the ability to fly or Volkite
hover, including those with jump packs A terrifying remnant of the Great
or skimmer vehicles. Against all other Crusade era, these guns scorch their
targets, the weapon suffers a -2d to hit. targets with blasts of energy, melting
armor and frying flesh. When this
Indirect weapon rolls ED, each result of 6 deals a
Artillery platforms, from the humble Mortal Wound to the target of the attack,
mortar to the mighty Earthshaker in addition to any normal damage.
cannon are feared mainly because they
need be nowhere even remotely close to Off-Hand
their targets, nor even need to draw line Often small and well-balanced, an
of sight if a spotter can provide firing Off-Hand weapon is designed for dual
solutions. A weapon with the Indirect wielding, allowing the user to blend both
trait may ignore objects between the weapons together in a single, seamless
attacker and the target when firing, but combat style. Wielding a single Off-Hand
may not fire while in enclosed spaces. If weapon adds +1d to hit when making
an ally of the character using this Dual Wielder melee attacks, or +2d if
weapon has line of sight on the desired wielding two Off-Hand weapons.
target, and can communicate with the
character, the ally may make the Ballistic

Name Damage AP Range Salvo Traits Value Keywords

Bolt Weapons

Bolt Pistol 10+1ED 0 20m 1 Brutal, Pistol 4 Uncommon Bolt,


Boltgun 10+1ED 0 40m 2 Brutal, Rapid 4 Uncommon Bolt,

Fire (2) Imperium

Special Issue Boltgun 10+1ED -2 60m 2 Brutal, Rapid 6 Rare Bolt,

Fire (2) Imperium,

Storm Bolter 10+1ED 0 40m 4 Brutal, Rapid 6 Rare Bolt,

Fire (2) Imperium

Stalker Boltgun 10+1ED 0 100m - Brutal, 5 Rare Bolt,

Sniper (2), Imperium,
Heavy Adeptus

Heavy Bolter 12+2ED -1 60m 3 Brutal, 6 Uncommon Bolt,

Heavy Imperium

Heavy Bolt Pistol 10+1ED -1 24m 1 Brutal, Pistol 7 Very Rare Bolt,

Absolvor Bolt Pistol 12+1ED -1 32m 1 Brutal, Pistol 8 Very Rare Bolt,

Reductor Pistol⁺ 10+2ED -3 6m 1 Brutal, Pistol 8 Very Rare Bolt,


Auto Bolt Rifle 10+1ED 0 48m 3 Brutal, 7 Very Rare Bolt,

Assault Adeptus

Bolt Rifle 10+1ED -1 60m 2 Brutal, Rapid 7 Very Rare Bolt,

Fire (2) Imperium,

Stalker Bolt Rifle 10+1ED -2 72m 2 Brutal, 7 Very Rare Bolt,

Sniper (2), Imperium,
Heavy Adeptus

Assault Bolter 12+2ED -1 36m 3 Assault, 8 Very Rare


Bolt Carbine 10+1ED 0 48m 2 Brutal, 6 Very Rare Bolt,

Assault Imperium,

Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets 10+1ED 0 36m 6 Brutal, 12 Very Rare Bolt, Power
(shooting)* Assault Field
Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets 7+2ED -3 -- -- Brutal, -- Astartes,
(melee) Unwieldy (2) Primaris,

Boltstorm Gauntlet (shooting) 10+1ED 0 36m 3 Brutal, Pistol 10 Very Rare Bolt, Power
Boltstorm Gauntlet (melee) 7+2ED -3 -- -- Brutal, -- Adeptus
Unwieldy (2) Astartes,

Flame Weapons

Hand Flamer 7+1ED 0 12m 1 Blast (Small), 5 Rare Fire,

Blaze, Pistol, Imperium

Flamer 10+1ED 0 16m 1 Assault, Blast 5 Uncommon Fire,

(Medium), Imperium

Heavy Flamer 12+2ED -1 16m 2 Blast (Large), 5 Rare Fire,

Blaze, Heavy, Imperium

Flamestorm Gauntlets 10+1ED 0 16m 2 Assault, Blast 13 Very Rare Fire, Power
(shooting)* (Large), Field
Blaze, Imperium,
Spread Adeptus
Flamestorm Gauntlets (melee) 7+2ED -3 -- -- Brutal, -- Gravis
Unwieldy (2)

Las Weapons

Lascannon 18+3ED -3 150m 1 Heavy, 9 Uncommon Las,

Steadfast Imperium

Plasma Weapons

Plasma Pistol 15+1ED -3 24m 1 Pistol, 6 Rare Plasma,

Supercharge Imperium

Plasma Gun 15+1ED -3 48m 1 Rapid Fire 6 Rare Plasma,

(1), Imperium

Plasma Cannon 15+2ED -3 72m 1 Heavy, 7 Very Rare Plasma,

Supercharge Imperium

Plasma Blaster 15+1ED -3 36m 2 Assault, 8 Unique Plasma,

Supercharge Imperium,

Plasma Incinerator 15+1ED -4 60m 2 Rapid Fire 8 Very Rare Plasma,

(2), Imperium,
Supercharge Adeptus

Assault Plasma Incinerator 14+1ED -3 48m 2 Assault, 8 Very Rare Plasma,

Supercharge Imperium,

Heavy Plasma Incinerator 16+1ED -4 72m 2 Heavy (4), 8 Very Rare Plasma,
Supercharge Imperium,

Plasma Exterminator 15+2ED -3 36m 3 Assault, 8 Very Rare Plasma,

Supercharge Imperium,

Melta Weapons

Inferno Pistol 16+1ED -4 12m 1 Melta, Pistol 6 Very Rare Melta,


Meltagun 16+2ED -4 24m 1 Assault, 6 Uncommon Melta,

Melta Imperium

Multi-Melta 16+3ED -4 48m 1 Heavy, Melta 7 Rare Melta,


Solid Projectile Weapons

Astartes Shotgun 10+1ED 0 24m 2 Assault, 7 Rare Projectile,

Spread, Imperium,
Steadfast Adeptus

Astartes Sniper Rifle 10+1ED 0 150m 0 Sniper (2) 6 Uncommon Projectile,


Assault Cannon 14+2ED -1 48m 6 Heavy 6 Uncommon Projectile,


Reaper Autocannon 16+1ED -1 96m 6 Heavy 6 Very Rare Projectile,


Grav Weapons

Grav Pistol 12+1ED -3 24m 1 Pistol, Grav 6 Very Rare Grav,


Grav Gun 12+1ED -3 36m 2 Rapid Fire 6 Very Rare Grav,

(1), Grav Adeptus

Grav Cannon 12+2ED -3 48m 4 Heavy, Grav 7 Very Rare Grav,


Volkite Weapons

Volkite Serpenta 14+1ED 0 24m 1 Pistol, 12 Unique Volkite,

Volkite Adeptus

Volkite Charger 14+2ED 0 30m 2 Rapid Fire 12 Unique Volkite,

(2), Volkite Adeptus

Volkite Caliver 14+2ED 0 48m 3 Heavy, 12 Unique Volkite,

Volkite Adeptus

Missiles and Launchers

Cyclone Missile By By 150m 1¹ Heavy 11 Very Rare Explosive,

Launcher Missile Missile Imperium,

Missile Launcher By By 150m -- Heavy 4 Common Explosive,

Missile Missile Imperium

Frag Missile 10+2ED 0 - -- Blast (Large) 4 Common Explosive,

Krak Missile 16+3ED -2 - -- Blast (Small) 6 Uncommon Explosive,

Grenades and Explosives

Astartes Grenade Launcher As As 48m 1 Assault 6 Uncommon Explosive,

Grenade Grenade Imperium,

Auxiliary Grenade Launcher As As 60m -- Assault 7 Rare Explosive,

Grenade Grenade Imperium,

Fragstorm Grenade Launcher 10+1ED 0 36m 1 Assault, Blast 6 Very Rare Explosive,
(Medium) Imperium,

Frag Grenade 10+1ED 0 Sx4m -- Blast 2 Common Explosive,

(Medium) Imperium

Krak Grenade 14+2ED -2 Sx4m -- Blast (Small) 4 Uncommon Explosive,


Shock Grenade ² ² Sx4m -- Blast 5 Uncommon Explosive,

(Medium) Imperium,

Melta Bomb^ 16+2ED -4 S*3m -- Blast (Small) 7 Uncommon Explosive,


* The profile listed is for a pair of gauntlets, but they are always treated as a single weapon. If something
happens that prevents one gauntlet from being fired, halve the Salvo rating for the purposes of attacking
with the remaining gauntlet.
⁺ This weapon also functions as a Reductor. This weapon is only issued to Primaris Apothecaries and cannot
be requisitioned by other marines.
^ This weapon cannot be fired from launchers.
¹ In addition to the normal benefits, spending a Reload to Salvo with a Cyclone Missile Launcher allows the
wielder to attack a specific enemy with two missiles. To resolve this, make a single attack and double the
missile’s damage value and ED, then double the target’s Resilience.
² This weapon deals no damage; instead, all caught in the blast must make a DN 4 Toughness test or be
staggered for d3 rounds, suffering -2d to all hit rolls and losing any held actions or Overwatch.

Name Damage AP Range Traits Value Keywords

Unarmed Strike 0+1ED 0

Astartes Combat Knife 3+1ED 0 Steadfast 3 Uncommon Blade, Imperium,

Adeptus Astartes

Mono Bayonet 3+2ED -1 Penetrating (1) 3 Uncommon Blade, Imperium

Chain Weapons

Chain Sword 5+1ED 0 Brutal, Parry 5 Uncommon Chain, Imperium

Chain Axe 5+2ED 0 Brutal, Penetrating (1) 5 Rare Chain, Imperium,

Adeptus Astartes,

Chain Bayonet 4+1ED 0 Brutal 4 Uncommon Chain, Imperium

Eviscerator 6+2ED -4 2m Brutal, Unwieldy (3) 6 Rare Chain, Imperium,

Adeptus Astartes,
Adeptus Ministorum,
Adepta Sororitas,

Chain Fist 7+3ED -4 Brutal, Unwieldy (3) 10 Very Rare Chain, Power Field,
Imperium, Adeptus
Astartes, Chaos

Power Weapons

Power Sword 5+1ED -3 Parry 6 Rare Power Field,

Imperium, Aeldari

Power Axe 5+2ED -2 Penetrating (1) 6 Rare Power Field,

Imperium, Adeptus
Astartes, Adeptus
Mechanicus, Aeldari

Power Maul 6+1ED -1 Brutal 6 Rare Power Field,

Imperium, Adeptus
Power Lance 6+2ED -1 2m Penetrating (1) 6 Rare Power Field,
Imperium, Adeptus

Power Bayonet 4+1ED -2 4 Rare Power Field,


Lightning Claw 5+1ED -2 Brutal, Off-Hand 7 Rare Power Field,

Imperium, Adeptus

Omnissian Axe 5+2ED -2 2m 6 Very Rare Power Field,

Imperium, Adeptus

Power Fist 7+2ED -3 Brutal, Unwieldy (2) 8 Very Rare Power Field,
Imperium, Adeptus

Relic Blade 6+3ED -3 Parry, Penetrating (2) 10 Unique Power Field,

Imperium, Adeptus

Champion’s Blade 5+1ED -2 Parry, Off-Hand 6 Unique Power Field,

Imperium, Adeptus

Thunder Hammer 8+3ED -3 Brutal, Unwieldy (2) 9 Unique Power Field,

Imperium, Adeptus
Astartes, Inquisition,

Force Weapons

Force Staff 4+1ED -1 2m Brutal, Force* 6 Rare Force, Imperium,

Adeptus Astartes

Force Sword 5+1ED -3 Force, Parry 6 Rare Force, Imperium,

Inquisition, Adeptus

Force Axe 5+2ED -2 Force 6 Very Rare Force, Imperium,

Inquisition, Adeptus

Force Hammer 6+2ED -3 2m Force, Unwieldy (2) 7 Very Rare Force, Imperium,
Adeptus Astartes

* The weapon grants the wielder a +1d bonus to Psychic Mastery tests while wielded


Name Armor Traits Value Keywords


Basic Astartes Armor

Scout Carapace Armor 4 5 Rare Imperium, Adeptus Astartes

Astartes Power Armor

Mk. II “Crusade” ⁺ 4 Powered (4) 10 Unique Powered, Imperium, Adeptus Astartes

Mk. III “Iron” ⁺ 6 Powered (4) 9 Unique Powered, Imperium, Adeptus Astartes

Mk. IV “Maximus” 5 Powered (3) 9 Very Rare Powered, Imperium, Adeptus Astartes

Mk. V “Heresy” 5 Powered (3) 9 Very Rare Powered, Imperium, Adeptus Astartes

MK. VI “Corvus” 5 Powered (3) 8 Very Rare Powered, Imperium, Adeptus Astartes

Mk. VII “Aquila” 5 Powered (3) 8 Very Rare Powered, Imperium, Adeptus Astartes

Mk. VIII “Errant” 5 Powered (3) 9 Very Rare Powered, Imperium, Adeptus Astartes

Primaris Armor

Tacticus Mark X Power Armor 5 Powered (4) 9 Very Rare Primaris, Powered, Imperium,
Adeptus Astartes

Gravis Mark X Power Armor 5 Powered (4) 10 Very Rare Primaris, Gravis, Powered, Imperium,
Adeptus Astartes
Terminator Armor

Cataphractii Terminator Armor ⁺ 8 Powered (5), 13 Unique Powered, Imperium, Adeptus Astartes
Cumbersome, Bulk

Indomitus Terminator Armor 7 Powered (5), 10 Unique Powered, Imperium, Adeptus Astartes

Tartaros Terminator Armor 7 Powered (5), 12 Unique Powered, Imperium, Adeptus Astartes

Shields and Force Shields

Combat Shield 1 Shield 5 Rare Heavy, Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,

Adeptus Ministorum, Inquisition

Storm Shield *2 Bulk (1), Force 8 Unique Force Field, Imperium, Adeptus
Shield, Shield Astartes, Adeptus Ministorum,

⁺ These Marks of armor are not freely available for requisition, as they are considered relics of the Imperium.
The approval of the character’s superiors must be obtained before they can be granted the right to wear it,
usually requiring at least a rank of 4+ or great deeds to have been performed.

Scout Carapace Armor wearer is a hero of the Imperium,

Advanced armor issued to Scout Marines worthy of the era of Legions. A character
during their years of training in the field, wearing Mark II “Crusade” Armor gains
Scout armor would encumber anything a -2DN bonus to Interaction and
other than the frame of a Space Marine. Leadership tests when dealing with
Thick ceramite plates combine with characters with the Adeptus Astartes
exceptionally tough carbon-weave keyword, and adds +1d to all Leadership
fatigues to provide good protection on tests. However, the wearer suffers a
the battlefield. The suit includes morphic +1DN penalty to all Stealth tests due to
tread combat boots and a short-range the loud noises the armor makes.
tight-beam squad vox-link.
Mark III “Iron” Armor
Mark II “Crusade” Armor The first adaptation of the basic Mk. II
Worn by the first Space Marines to leave armor, the “Iron” suit was created for
Terra, the venerable design of the the purposes of fighting in close quarters
Crusade armor is a symbol of the glory versus the Squats, where direct firefights
days of the Imperium. Though with less were common. Heavy plating was added
effective protection and lower manual to the front of the suit and removed from
dexterity than modern power armor, a the back to prevent the suit’s servos from
suit of Mark II armor is proof that the being overloaded. Those few who are
awarded the honor of wearing Mark III Heresy. Forced to find a cheap, simple
armor are those who best embody the way to deflect Astartes weapons, the
values of facing the enemy head on and result was a series of suits that are more
matching blow for blow. A suit of Mark chimeric than most, often cobbled
III armor only has AV 4 in the back. In together from available parts. While the
most cases, this only comes into effect if marine gains a -1DN bonus to Interaction
the marine wearing the armor is and Leadership tests with those with the
surrounded or if he is attacked from Adeptus Astartes keyword, he suffers a
hiding. A character wearing Mark III +1DN penalty on Interaction tests with
Armor gains a -1DN bonus to Interaction those with the Inquisition keyword, as
and Leadership tests when dealing with the armor reminds them of the tainted
characters with the Adeptus Astartes history of the Space Marines. Due to the
keyword. However, the wearer suffers a redundant plating, increase the armor’s
+2DN penalty to all Stealth tests due to AV by 1 against weapons with an AP of 0.
the grinding noises the metal plates
make as they slide against each other. Mark VI “Corvus” Armor
The lightest mark of armor, the helmets
Mark IV “Maximus” Armor of Corvus armor resemble avian beaks,
The last mark of armor developed before giving the marines who wear them the
the Horus Heresy, those who first wore nickname “beakies” amongst
Maximus armor saw the Imperium at its particularly crude guardsmen. Favored
height, enjoying the more efficient by assault marines and those marines
design of the armor that reduced noise who need to move quickly, a Mark VI suit
and made several basic improvements. of armor adds +1 to the wearer’s Agility.
In terms of performance, Mark IV armor
is not too different from the standard Mark VII “Aquila” Armor
marks used by most Astartes, but the The most common mark of Astartes
nostalgia and history of the Mark IV power armor and therefore the armor to
elevates the opinion of the battle-brother which all others are compared, the
in the eyes of his peers. A character Aquila design is easy to construct and
wearing Mark IV “Maximus” Armor repair. Suits of Aquila armor outnumber
gains a -1DN bonus to Interaction and all others by a massive margin, and parts
Leadership tests when dealing with to fix them are commonly available.
characters with the Adeptus Astartes Tech tests to repair or maintain Mark VII
keyword. “Aquila” Armor gain a +1d bonus.

Mark V “Heresy” Armor Mark VIII “Errant” Armor

Less a single mark of armor and more a Produced more as an upgrade to the
group of different designs with extra Aquila than its own mark of armor, the
ablative armor attached to the base plate Errant features a reinforced chestplate
with molecular bonding studs, Mark V and a gorget which offers added
armor harkens back to the darkest days protection to the head. Such protection is
of the Legiones Astartes--The Horus favored by those who snipers often
target, such as Astartes officers. If an
attack, such as a called shot, would hit lacking nearly any ability to perform any
the wearer’s head or chest specifically, action requiring manual dexterity.
the attack is resolved as if the wearer
had an additional point of AV. Terminator Armor incorporates what is
known as the Crux Terminatus. Though
Tacticus Mark X Power Armor the true nature of this cross, usually
Primaris Astartes being so much larger placed on the left shoulder, is unknown,
than their predecessors, they cannot use legend states that each Crux contains a
any of the standard marks of power single, nearly microscopic sliver of the
armor crafted before their advent. Based Emperor of Mankind’s golden armor.
on designs by Archmagos Dominus True or not, Terminator Armor can
Belisarius Cawl, the Mark X armor line is provide protection many would consider
designed for Primaris Astartes, and the blessing of a god, and often a
functions in concert with their enhanced seemingly lethal attack is completely
physiologies, providing enhanced deflected by the toughest parts of the
strength beyond even standard power ceramite plating. All Terminator armor
armor. allows the wearer to attempt to soak
Mortal Wounds.
Gravis Mark X Power Armor
Built with enhanced gel layers and a Terminator Armor has special
hardened exterior with overlapping mountings that allow only specific
plates, Gravis Armor supplements the weapons to be mounted on it. While the
normal protective quality of Tacticus exact weapons allowed are to be
Mark X with what is in effect a second, determined by the GM, the following is a
stronger skin without meaningfully non-comprehensive list of allowed
sacrificing the mobility of the wearer. A weapons and equipment.
character wearing Gravis armor
increases their base resilience by 1 and ● Storm Bolter
adds 1d to soak tests. When riding in ● Bolter Combi-Weapons
transports, a marine wearing Gravis ● Heavy Flamer
armor takes up 2 passenger slots, and ● Plasma Cannon
they may not serve as crew. ● Multi-Melta
● Assault Cannon
● Reaper Autocannon
● Power Fist
● Lightning Claw
Tactical Dreadnought or Terminator
● Power Sword
armor is the most advanced personal
● Power Axe
protection in the Imperium and can
● Power Lance
shrug off blows that would turn even a
● Power Maul
fully armored marine into shredded
● Relic Blade
meat. With this protection comes the
● Thunder Hammer
cost of being inordinately heavy, and
● Storm Shield
● Crozius Arcanum Tartaros Terminator Armor
● Force Sword Possibly the most technologically
● Force Staff advanced Terminator armor in the
● Force Axe Imperium, Tartaros is based on the
design of Mark IV armor, created with
Mounting a weapon on terminator the intention of improving the mobility
armor is a DN 5 Tech test requiring half of Terminator armor. Most commonly
an hour per weapon, and removing it used during the era of the late Great
properly takes as long. This also applies Crusade and Horus Heresy, most
to weapons that are simply held by the chapters that retain these suits only
wearer, as their machine spirits need to grant them to their most trusted
be properly calibrated and allowed time brothers. A brother wearing Tartaros
to become acquainted with the spirit of armor may run in spite of the
the armor. Cumbersome trait, but may not sprint.

Cataphractii Terminator Armor
Used mostly during the Great Crusade,
this ancient armor pattern shares much Combat Shield
in common with the Mark III “Iron” A design that has not changed since the
suits, in that it is designed for durability earliest days of combat, a Combat Shield
over mobility. In M41, each suit is a holy is merely a sizable piece of armor plating
relic, with a long and storied past, and carried in the off-hand of the bearer.
even many first founding chapters have Those designed for Astartes are as
only a handful of suits. Cataphractii durable as they come and are favored by
armor gives the wearer a -2DN bonus to marines that prefer a defensive melee
Interaction and Leadership tests with style.
those who have the Adeptus Astartes
keyword. Storm Shield
Created by applying a force field
Indomitus Terminator Armor generator to a shield, those marines that
Due to the STC for its creation being held need extra defense often trade the ability
by the forges of Mars, Indomitus-Pattern to carry multiple weapons for one of
Tactical Dreadnought Armor is the these defensive marvels. A Terminator
standard type, used by countless with a storm shield is one of the most
chapters throughout the Imperium. impenetrable things on any battlefield.
While each suit takes months, if not
years to construct, they are at least
relatively common and their
construction is at least possible.
Going Without a Helmet

While the advantages of wearing a helmet in live combat are obvious, there are many
reasons for which a marine may choose not to do so. Some merely prefer to observe the
battlefield without the filters of auto-senses; some believe it gives them a closer
connection to those under their command; some find it an act of defiance, a challenge to
enemy snipers and the like. In any case, it is often seen as an act of bravery by other
marines, trusting in the gifts of the Emperor’s design above mere machine, often
inspiring them to perform actions of similar daring. Going without a helmet has the
following benefits and penalties.

● Obviously, the armor’s AV is not added to called shots against the head.
● The suit is no longer environmentally sealed.
● The vox link in the suit’s collar still functions, but can only transmit--a separate
vox-bead is needed to hear transmissions.
● The Preysense function of the helmet is not granted.
● The character adds +½ Rank bonus dice to Interaction and Leadership tests
regarding those with the Adeptus Astartes keyword.
● At the GM’s discretion, the character may gain an extra BP when BP is awarded.

However, there are circumstances when a helmet must be put on, sometimes quickly.
Putting on and removing a helmet can be done as an Action, granting the armor
immediately and restoring the Vox Link and Preysense functions at the beginning of the
marine’s next turn. If a full environmental seal is required, putting the helmet on
requires a Full Action , with the secondary functions similarly returning at the beginning
of the wearer’s next turn.


Name Value Keywords

Armor Upgrades/Attachments

Artificer 11 Unique Imperium, Adeptus


Diagnostor Helm* 6 Very Rare Imperium, Adeptus


Skull Helm* 6 Very Rare Imperium, Adeptus

Skull Mask* 5 Very Rare Imperium, Adeptus
Astartes, Primaris

Narthecium* 6 Rare Imperium, Adeptus


Narthecium Mechadendrites* 6 Very Rare Imperium, Adeptus


Reductor* 5 Rare Imperium, Adeptus


Psychic Hood* 6 Very Rare Imperium, Adeptus


Shock Absorbers* 5 Very Rare Imperium, Adeptus

Astartes, Gravis

Weapon Upgrades

Auxiliary Grenade Launcher 7 Rare Explosive, Imperium,

Adeptus Astartes,

Grapnel 7 Rare Imperium, Adeptus

Astartes, Primaris

Mono Bayonet 3 Uncommon Blade, Imperium

Chain Bayonet 4 Rare Chain, Imperium

Power Bayonet 5 Rare Power Field, Imperium

Reloads and Ammunition

Dragonfire Bolts 7 Very Rare Imperium, Adeptus


Hellfire Bolts 7 Very Rare Imperium, Adeptus


Inferno Bolts 7 Very Rare Imperium, Adeptus

Kraken Bolts 7 Very Rare Imperium, Adeptus

Metal Storm Bolts 7 Very Rare Imperium, Adeptus


Stalker Bolts 6 Uncommon Imperium, Adeptus


Tempest Bolts 7 Very Rare Imperium, Adeptus


Ulysses Bolts 7 Very Rare Imperium, Adeptus


Vengeance Bolts 8 Very Rare Imperium, Adeptus


*These items are issued only to Marines that are part of certain archetypes and are only available to others
at the GM’s allowance.

addition, the armor’s auto-senses grant

Armor Upgrades/Attachments the wearer the function of an Auspex, in
addition to the normal Vox-link and
Any upgrade stated to be a helmet Preysense visor.
(including the psychic hood) also has an
equivalent Terminator variant, or the Diagnostor Helm
base model can be used with Terminator Issued to Apothecaries in place of their
armor. A marine who has received normal helmet, the Diagnostor Helm
Terminator Honors from their chapter upgrades the already advanced
may obtain a single terminator version hardware of a power armor helmet with
of any helmets granted by his archetype a suite of medical sensors. In addition to
for no cost. the full suite of abilities granted by a
power armor helm, a character wearing
a diagnostor helm gains a +1d bonus to
Artificer Medicae tests made to detect and
This upgrade can be applied to any diagnose diseases, injuries, and ailments,
Astartes Power Armor or Terminator and to Awareness and Investigation tests
armor, including Mark X Armor. It made when examining a corpse to
represents a fundamental rebuilding of determine cause of death. This does not
the suit and replacing its components stack with a normal diagnostor.
with the best available. Turning a suit of
power armor into Artificer Armor Skull Mask
increases its Armor Rating by 2, or by 1 if
it was a suit of Terminator armor. In
Used by Primaris Reivers, these masks narthecium while remaining completely
amplify the wearer’s voice and can add a hands-free. While not a true cybernetic,
terrifying timbre to any words they it is similar in design to a medical
speak. A character wearing a Skull mask mechadendrite. A character equipped
adds +1d to all intimidate tests. with Narthecium Mechadendrites is
considered to be equipped with a
Skull Helm Narthecium.
Designed for use by Astartes Chaplains,
this power armor helmet is fashioned Reductor
with the appearance of a skull with A device mounted below the
blazing eyes and equipped with Narthecium, the Reductor has one use,
vox-amplifiers that allow the wearer to and one alone--To recover the gene-seed
shout over the din of battle. While of a fallen battle-brother. After drilling
wearing a Skull Helm, the wearer gains a into the armor, the device is used to
+2d bonus to intimidate tests and can be extract the progenoid glands found in
heard normally over the sounds of the chest and neck of the dead marine,
combat. storing them in stasis vials contained
within the reductor. Recovering
Narthecium gene-seed takes a DN 3 Medicae test,
Mounted on an Apothecary’s arm, the with penalties or bonuses depending on
Narthecium includes a suite of tools, like the state of the body or the time since
micro-saws, injectors, extended surgical death. Without a reductor, the test
implements, flesh-grafts, and a drill increases to DN 6, and the user must still
designed to cut a hole in power armor, have a medical kit and stasis vial in
all for the purposes of field surgery. A order to keep the gene-seed from
character equipped with a Narthecium is spoiling before it can be cultivated.
considered to have a medikit, and may While a Reductor can hold up to 3 stasis
use Medicae on fully armored characters vials at once, Apothecaries often carry
without removing the armor. The user more, especially if they expect heavy
also gains a +2d bonus to Medicae when combat.
attempting to heal a character with the
Adeptus Astartes keyword. Finally, the Psychic Hood
Narthecium also incorporates a device This device attaches to the collar of a suit
known as The Emperor’s Peace, a of power armor, surrounding the
spring-loaded piston that can be used to bearer’s helmet and granting him
euthanize a marine too badly wounded increased focus and control over his
to be savable. This device cannot be used psychic might, as well as allowing him to
in combat, but can instantly kill any more easily calm the tides of the warp
helpless marine. around him. The wearer of a Psychic
Hood gains a +1d bonus to Deny the
Narthecium Mechadendrites Witch, and may reroll the first
Equipped on the backpacks of Primaris complication per combat he rolls on a
Apothecaries, these mechanical limbs psychic test.
serve all the functions of a traditional
Shock Absorbers wielder may attack using the Mono
Attached to the boots of Inceptors’ Gravis Bayonet profile.
armor, these attachments allow a marine
to drop from nearly orbital heights with Chain Bayonet
little to no slowing down. So long as the A logical next step to the basic bayonet
wearer is conscious, he never takes concept, this upgrade adds a whirring
damage due to long falls. blade to the end of the gun, providing an
intimidating display that can be used to
Weapon Upgrades hack and slash even power armor. The
weapon’s wielder may attack using the
Chain Bayonet profile.
Auxiliary Grenade Launcher
Attaching to the bottom of a bolt rifle, Power Bayonet
stalker bolt rifle, or auto bolt rifle, this With the addition of a power field, a
upgrade grants the wielder of the bayonet turns from a simple knife to a
weapon the ability to use grenades lethally efficient weapon. Shearing
without sacrificing the range advantage. through armor and bodies like its
The weapon’s wielder may attack using full-sized counterpart, foes would be
the Auxiliary Grenade Launcher weapon foolish to charge a gun when a Power
profile, but cannot fire normally on Bayonet is involved. The weapon’s
turns where the launcher is used. wielder may attack using the Power
Bayonet profile.
Mounted to the bolt weapons of Primaris
Reivers, these grappling hooks allow the Reloads and Ammunition
Reiver to navigate vertical surfaces with
the ease that he navigates the ground. A
All ammunition below can only be used
marine may use a grapnel as an action to
in weapons with the Bolt keyword.
anchor to any surface within 30m,
allowing safe movement up or down, up Dragonfire Bolts
to 5m per turn. The weapon the grapnel These hollow-shelled bolt rounds
is attached to cannot be fired while the explode in gouts of superheated gas that
grapnel is deployed. eliminate the value of enemy cover.
They easily blast apart tightly packed
Mono Bayonet
infantry formations and can be effective
A simple but effective method of
against loaded transports.
granting a melee option to users of
Effect: Weapon gains the Spread Trait
two-handed guns, this bayonet is made
and ignores any cover bonus to the
of special alloys that allow the knife to be
target’s Defense.
sharpened to an atoms-thick blade,
cutting through flesh, bone, and even Hellfire Bolts
metal with relative ease. The weapon’s These specialised bolt rounds inflict
devastating wounds on organic matter.
Developed to combat the Tyranid threat,
a vial of mutagenic acid replaces the work off each other.
core and tip of these rounds. Thousands Effect: Awareness tests to detect the
of needles fire into the target upon source of an attack made using Stalker
shattering the vial, injecting the acid bolts suffer a +3DN penalty. If the attack
directly into the foe. was made using Stalker bolts in a Stalker
Effect: +2ED, +3ED vs. organic targets boltgun or Stalker bolt rifle, no
Awareness test may be made; other
Inferno Bolts methods must be used to detect the
Filled with an oxy-phosphorus gel, these attacker. This does not conceal the
rounds explode on impact, consuming impact of the shots, only where they
the target in fire. They are most came from.
commonly used against enemies weak to
flames or to damage a force’s morale. Tempest Bolts
Effect: Weapon gains the Blaze trait. Crafted on Mars, each Tempest bolt
contains a special electro-magnetometric
Kraken Bolts charge. After impact, a Tempest bolt’s
Kraken rounds are powerful, shrapnel generates a field that disrupts
armour-piercing bolt shells possessing a and ravages machine spirits.
solid adamantium core and a heavier Effect: Weapon gains the Arc (3) trait.
main charge. Upon impact, the outer
casing peels away, and the high-velocity Ulysses Bolts
adamantium penetrator accelerates into An oddity amongst the lethal armory of
the target. Then, the larger charge the Space Marines, Ulysses bolts are
detonates, sending super-hard shards explicitly designed not to kill. Containing
further into the wound. a micro-cogitator and transponder, a
Effect: AP -2 Ulysses bolt embeds itself into whatever
it strikes and begins transmitting a
Metal Storm Bolts unique, encrypted signal to a device held
In effect an airburst grenade, each Metal by the user of the bolt, allowing it to be
Storm bolt shatters into countless tiny tracked with complete accuracy.
shards before reaching the target. While Effect: Damage is reduced by 2. Any
less effective than a normal bolt shell target hit by a Ulysses Bolt (whether or
against any one target, tightly-packed not it did damage) may be tracked using
groups of infantry can be shredded a keyed tracking device (acquiring the
easily. ammunition also includes the device).
Effect: Weapon gains the Blast (Medium) The exact geographic location of the bolt
and Spread traits, but reduces its DR by 1 may be determined so long as the
and its AP (if it had any) becomes 0. tracking device and bolt are both on or
around the same planet or an area of
Stalker Bolts
similar size.
Designed to be nearly undetectable,
Stalker bolts are most commonly used in Vengeance Bolts
conjunction with Stalker weapons, Containing unstable flux-core
where their complementing attributes technology, Vengeance bolts were
developed for a dark purpose: to kill Effect: AP-3, +1ED. If a weapon using
other Astartes. After impacting, it digs Vengeance bolts jams, the wielder takes
deep into the target, penetrating even damage as if hit in the arms by the
Astartes plate with relative ease, then weapon, but with an AP of 0, in addition
exploding with devastating effect, to the weapon jamming as normal.
warping and rending flesh.

The Wrath of the Machine

While the average Astartes is a force to can be found at the end of this section.
be reckoned with, few chapters would be Upgrade Options may be acquired after
able to operate without the legions of the vehicle has been obtained, and the
vehicles available to them. From the influence test to acquire them includes
humble Rhino to the mighty the installation of the upgrade on the
Thunderhawk, a properly utilized war vehicle.
machine can be the turning point in a
battle. Optional Rule: Weapon Facing

Vehicles may state that a weapon is

specifically located on a vehicle
Unless stated otherwise, a character with somewhere. While this usually does not
a jump pack takes up two Passenger slots matter in theater of the mind, if using a
instead of one, and cannot be Crew battle map and actual miniatures,
without removing said wargear. A remember that Sponsons are mirrored
marine wearing Terminator armor can on the left and right of a vehicle and can
only ride in a Land Raider and may not only fire at a target on their side of the
serve as Crew. vehicle, and a Hull weapon may only be
fired at a target in front of the vehicle.
Many vehicles offer a list of options for Turret and Pintle mounted weapons may
weapons on the vehicle. The overall be fired in any direction, as can any
value of the vehicle may be increased if weapon where its facing is not stated.
more valuable weapons are taken.
Changing these weapons is often quite
difficult, and cannot normally be done
without the Techmarines of the chapter
that supplied the vehicle, and is subject
to the approval of the GM.

Certain vehicles list “Upgrade Options”.

These are codex-approved additions that
may be added to the vehicle in order to
increase its fighting strength. A full list of
Upgrade Options, as well as their rarity

Fire support and transport in one, the Razorback

has a smaller internal capacity, but makes up for
it by carrying a large heavy weapon. They are
favored by smaller, elite squads that can afford to
trade away the extra space.

Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner

Passengers: 6

Cruising Speed 24m; Defence 3; Wounds 15;

Resilience 15; Crash-Webbing, Sealed, Tracked

Weapons: Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range

40m; Salvo 4; Brutal, Rapid Fire [2])

One of the following:

● Twin heavy bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range

60m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy [6])
● Twin assault cannon (14+2ED; AP -1;
Transports Range 48m; Salvo 12; Heavy [8])
● Twin lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range
150m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Steadfast)
(Value +2)
Rhino Armored Transport ● Twin plasma gun (15+1ED; AP -3; Range
48m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire[1], Supercharge)
An armored personnel carrier used by many and
factions within the Imperium, but the Adeptus Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m;
Astartes are the most famous. Tough and reliable, Salvo 1; Heavy [8], Steadfast) (Value +2)
the Rhino can carry a full-strength squad of
Astartes comfortably. Upgrade Options: Extra Storm Bolter,
Hunter-Killer Missile
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
Passengers: 10 Value: 11 (Uncommon)

Cruising Speed 24m; Defence 3; Wounds 15; Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
Resilience 15; Crash-Webbing, Sealed, Tracked <Chapter>

Weapons: Storm bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m;

Salvo 4; Brutal, Rapid Fire [2])
Drop Pod
Upgrade Options: Extra Storm Bolter,
Hunter-Killer Missile One of the most immediate signs of the arrival of
Astartes to a battlezone is the sight of drop pods
Value: 10 (Uncommon) falling like steel rain to the ground, striking like
thunder, releasing Space Marines to bring bloody
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, destruction to the Emperor’s foes.
Crew: None, Machine Spirit is considered to have
Pilot 8 and Ballistic Skill 8
Passengers: 10 or 1 Dreadnought
Cruising Speed --; Defence 1; Wounds 13; carrying squads of Terminators. Each Land
Resilience 15; Crash-Webbing, Vacuum Hardened Raider carries an advanced machine spirit that
stabilizes the vehicle’s weapons.
Weapons: One of the following:
Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Pilot
● Storm bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Passengers: 12
Salvo 4; Brutal, Rapid Fire [2])
● Deathwind launcher (12+1ED; AP 0; Cruising Speed 20m; Defence 3; Wounds 25;
Range 24m; Salvo 2; Assault, Blast Resilience 19; Sealed, Tracked
Weapons: Twin heavy bolter (12+2ED; AP -1;
Drop Pod Assault: Unlike traditional vehicles, a Range 60m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy [6])
Drop Pod is mostly moved by gravity, fired from
an orbiting vessel and falling to the world below. 2x Sponson twin lascannons (18+3ED; AP -3;
It is equipped with thrusters on the top and Range 150m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Steadfast)
retro-rockets on the bottom, as well as guidance
Power of the Machine Spirit: Those operating a
fins that direct the pod to its intended destination.
Land Raider’s weapons suffer no penalties to hit
While falling, the drop pod’s Defense is
due to moving faster than the vehicle’s cruising
considered to be 6. After getting closer to the
surface, the Machine Spirit will attempt to direct
the pod to land in what it determines to be the Upgrade Options: Extra Storm Bolter,
safest area closest to the pre-programmed Multi-Melta, Hunter-Killer Missile
destination. It will make a DN 3 Pilot test. If the
test is successful, it lands in the area it selected Value: 15 (Very Rare)
with no issue. If the test is failed, the pod scatters.
Treat this like a grenade scattering (CRB page Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
217), but the deviation is 1d6 times twenty meters, <Chapter>
not 1d6 times two meters. If the Pilot test involved
a complication, all passengers take d3 shock from
the rough landing, and potentially other Land Raider Crusader
problems. If the pod lands on top of something,
treat it as a successful Ram attempt at above 2x A variant on the venerable Land Raider design,
cruising speed. After landing, the pod will the Crusader was crafted by the Black Templars.
automatically open its doors, allowing the Designed to break the front lines of an enemy
occupants to leave. From this point forward, the army, it can deposit its lethal cargo directly into
Drop Pod is completely immobile. The Machine melee with relative ease. The Crusader came into
Spirit will fire the Drop Pod’s weapon at the wider use once it was accepted by the Adeptus
nearest available enemy (if there is one) every Mechanicus, and is now used by nearly all
turn, using a reload to Salvo each turn until the chapters that have access to it.
vehicle is out of reloads.
Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Pilot
Value: 10 (Uncommon) Passengers: 12

Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Cruising Speed 20m; Defence 3; Wounds 25;
<Chapter> Resilience 19; Sealed, Tracked

Weapons: Twin assault cannon (14+2ED; AP -1;

Range 48m; Salvo 12; Heavy [8])
Land Raider
2x Sponson hurricane bolters (10+1ED; AP 0;
One of the heaviest vehicles in the Space Marines’ Range 40m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Rapid Fire [6])
arsenal and the lightest ground vehicle capable of
Power of the Machine Spirit: Those operating a for each target rammed by the Land Raider. On a
Land Raider’s weapons suffer no penalties to hit 4 or higher, that target takes d3 Mortal Wounds.
due to moving faster than the vehicle’s cruising
speed. Upgrade Options: Extra Storm Bolter,
Multi-Melta, Hunter-Killer Missile
Frag Assault Launchers: When performing a
ram action, before determining damage, roll a d6 Value: 16 (Very Rare)
for each target rammed by the Land Raider. On a
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
4 or higher, each target takes d3 Mortal Wounds.
Upgrade Options: Extra Storm Bolter,
Multi-Melta, Hunter-Killer Missile
Value: 16 (Very Rare)
With the introduction of the Primaris marines,
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
the Archmagos Belisarius Cawl set about
producing a vehicle worthy of carrying them. The
Repulsor is unique among skimmer vehicles in
that while it does suspend the tank in the air, it
Land Raider Redeemer pushes down massively on the ground to do so,
flattening whatever it hovers over. Many heretics
A further adaptation of the Land Raider Crusader, seeking to affix melta-bombs to the bottom of a
this vehicle swaps the hail of bullets put out by Repulsor have received a crushing surprise when
the Crusader’s hurricane bolters for a pair of they dive under the grav-plating of the massive
Flamestorm cannons. Designed by the Fire Lords tank.
chapter for the cleansing of the world of Grissen,
the tight ruins and sprawling corridors of the Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
rebellious cities proved ideal for the use of heavy Passengers: 10
flame weaponry, and the Redeemer remains the
favored tool for that purpose. Cruising Speed 20m; Defence 3; Wounds 25;
Resilience 19; Sealed, Gyro-Stabilized, Hover
Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Pilot
Passengers: 12 Weapons: Choose one from each slot:

Cruising Speed 20m; Defence 3; Wounds 25; Heavy onslaught gatling cannon (12+2ED; AP -1;
Resilience 19; Sealed, Tracked Range 60m; Salvo 12; Brutal, Heavy [6]) or
Las-talon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 48m; Salvo 2;
Weapons: Twin assault cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Heavy [8], Steadfast)
Range 48m; Salvo 12; Heavy [8])
Hull Twin heavy bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range
2x Sponson Flamestorm Cannons (14+2ED; AP -2; 60m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy [6]) or
Range 16m; Salvo 2; Blast (Large), Blaze, Heavy Hull Twin lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m;
[8], Spread) Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Steadfast)

Power of the Machine Spirit: Those operating a Ironhail heavy stubber (10+2ED; AP-1; Range 72m;
Land Raider’s weapons suffer no penalties to hit Salvo 3; Heavy [4]) or
due to moving faster than the vehicle’s cruising Onslaught gatling cannon (12+2ED; AP -1; Range
speed. 48m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy [6])

Frag Assault Launchers: When performing a Icarus Ironhail heavy stubber (10+2ED; AP-1;
ram action, before determining damage, roll a d6 Range 72m; Salvo 3; Heavy [4], Icarus) or
Icarus rocket pod (15+1ED; AP-1; Range 48m;
Salvo 2; Blast (Small), Heavy [6], Icarus) or
Storm bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4;
Brutal, Rapid Fire [2]) or Land Speeder
Fragstorm grenade launcher (10+1ED; AP 0; Range
Created using the grav-plating of the great Magos
36m; Salvo 1; Assault, Blast (Medium))
Arkhan Land, the machine named in his honor is
2x Krakstorm grenade launchers (14+2ED; AP -1; a lightning-fast light recon vehicle. Though armed
Range 36m; Salvo 1; Assault, Blast (Small)) and able to fight independently, the Land
speeder’s true power comes from its ability to
2x Storm bolters (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo provide intelligence to the rest of an army, acting
4; Brutal, Rapid Fire [2]) or as the vanguard. If needed, it can also be used as a
2x Fragstorm grenade launchers (10+1ED; AP 0; harasser vehicle, keeping the enemy from
Range 36m; Salvo 1; Assault, Blast (Medium)) devoting their full attention to the main battle
force. Either way, many chapters that employ
Auto launchers (Must be used before firing any hit-and-run tactics make heavy use of Land
other weapons in a round, Vehicle cannot fire speeders.
other weapons this round, but increases its
defense by 2 until its next turn) or Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Co-pilot/Gunner
2x Fragstorm grenade launchers (10+1ED; AP 0;
Range 36m; Salvo 1; Assault, Blast (Medium)) Cruising Speed 32m; Defence 5; Wounds 12;
Resilience 14; Hover, Gyro-Stabilised, Open Top
Ironhail heavy stubber (10+2ED; AP-1; Range 72m;
Salvo 3; Heavy [4]) Weapons: Choose one of the following:

Repulsor Field: A non-vehicle character must ● Heavy bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m;
make a DN 4 strength test to move within 2m of a Salvo 3; Brutal, Heavy [4])
Repulsor. If a Repulsor moves within 2m of a ● Multi-melta (16+3ED; AP-4; 48m; Salvo 1;
non-vehicle character, the character must make Heavy, Melta) (Value +2)
the same test or be pushed back until it is 2m
A Land speeder may also take one of the following
away. If there is not enough space to move back,
(+1 Value):
the enemy is treated as having been rammed by
the Repulsor at half cruising speed. Any who end ● Assault cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range
up underneath a Repulsor take damage as though 48m; Salvo 6; Heavy [8])
they were being rammed by the Repulsor moving ● Heavy flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m;
at cruising speed every turn at the beginning of Salvo 2; Blast [Large], Blaze, Heavy [6],
the character’s turn. The Repulsor takes no Spread)
damage from crushing an enemy using its ● Typhoon missile launcher (Choose one
Repulsor Field, but it does take damage from mode per attack)
normal ramming attempts. ○ Frag missile (10+2ED; AP 0;
Range 150m; Salvo 2; Blast
Power of the Machine Spirit: Those operating a
Repulsor’s weapons suffer no penalties to hit due
○ Krak missile (16+3ED; AP -2;
to moving faster than the vehicle’s cruising speed.
Range 150m; Salvo 2; Blast
Value: 20 (Very Rare) [Small])

Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Primaris, Value: 13 (Very Rare)

Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,

Fast Attack
Land Speeder Storm Remote Control: As long as a <Chapter>
Techmarine is within 6m of the Thunderfire
Designed as a fast transport for scout marines, the Cannon, the Techmarine may fire its weapon as if
Land Speeder Storm strips out most everything he were wielding it. If there are no <Chapter>
except the most structurally integral parts in Techmarines within 6m, the Cannon can do
order to make room for up to five scouts, in nothing, not even move.
addition to the pilot of the vehicle. With so many
passengers, the Storm cannot support the added Value: 8 (Rare)
weight of power armor, and so regular marines
do not make use of the Storm speeder. Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Co-pilot/Gunner (Cannot wear
powered armor)
Passengers: 4 (Cannot wear powered armor)
Cruising Speed 32m; Defence 5; Wounds 14;
An extremely common heavy support vehicle, the
Resilience 14; Hover, Gyro-Stabilised, Open Top
Predator is the main battle tank of the Adeptus
Weapons: Heavy bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range Astartes. Capable of loading out for
60m; Salvo 3; Brutal, Heavy [4]) anti-personnel, anti-vehicle, or a combination, it is
no overstatement to say that the Predator is a
Cerberus launcher (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 36m; highly versatile staple of any Astartes chapter and
Salvo 1; Heavy [6], Blast (Medium)) has turned the tide of countless battles.

Value: 13 (Very Rare) Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner

Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Cruising Speed 24m; Defence 3; Wounds 17;
<Chapter> Resilience 15; Crash-Webbing, Sealed, Tracked


Heavy Support One of the following:

● Predator autocannon (16+3ED; AP -1;

Range 96m; Salvo 8; Heavy [8])
Thunderfire Cannon ● Twin lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range
150m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Steadfast)
Not a vehicle so much as a remotely controlled
weapon on treads, the Thunderfire Cannon is an A predator may take one pair of sponsons:
extremely powerful rapid-fire artillery piece that
can shred light and heavy infantry with relative ● 2x Sponson heavy bolters (12+2ED; AP -1;
ease. Lacking a true pilot, the cannon requires Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal, Heavy [6])
firing data from a nearby Techmarine, often (Value +1)
referred to as a Techmarine Gunner. ● 2x Sponson lascannons (18+3ED; AP -3;
Range 150m; Salvo 1; Heavy [8],
Crew: None Steadfast) (Value +2)

Cruising Speed 6m; Defence 3; Wounds 8; Upgrade Options: Extra Storm Bolter,
Resilience 15; Tracked, Gyro-Stabilised Hunter-Killer Missile

Weapons: Thunderfire cannon (12+2ED; AP -1; Value: 12 (Uncommon)

Range 120m; Salvo 4; Brutal, Heavy [8], Blast
(Medium), Indirect)
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Weapons: Demolisher cannon (20+3ED, AP-3,
<Chapter> Range 48m, Salvo 1; Heavy [8], Blast (Large)

Upgrade Options: Extra Storm Bolter,

Hunter-Killer Missile
Value: 13 (Uncommon)
The main long-range bombardment artillery piece
in the Space Marine’s arsenal, the Whirlwind Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
launches missiles that spread as they fly so as <Chapter>
explode in a pattern with the greatest overlap
possible, creating a tightly concentrated field of
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
Crafted as a variant on the Whirlwind, the Hunter
Cruising Speed 24m; Defence 3; Wounds 17; is a resilient anti-air piece that has a single large
Resilience 15; Crash-Webbing, Sealed, Tracked missile launcher, which can blast a hole in even
the largest enemy aircraft. When heavy air
Weapons: superiority is expected by the enemy, a Hunter is
an absolute must.
One of the following:
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner
● Whirlwind castellan launcher (12+1ED;
AP 0; Range 150m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Cruising Speed 20m; Defence 3; Wounds 17;
Blast (Very Large), Indirect) Resilience 17; Crash-Webbing, Sealed, Tracked
● Whirlwind vengeance launcher (14+2ED;
AP -1; Range 150m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Weapons: Skyspear missile launcher (18+3ED; AP
Blast (Large), Indirect) -3; Range 120m; Salvo 1; Heavy [8], Icarus)

Upgrade Options: Extra Storm Bolter, Upgrade Options: Extra Storm Bolter,
Hunter-Killer Missile Hunter-Killer Missile

Value: 12 (Uncommon) Value: 13 (Uncommon)

Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,

<Chapter> <Chapter>

Vindicator Stalker

Effectively built around a single massive gun, the Though similar to the Hunter in its purpose, the
Vindicator is a short-ranged artillery piece Stalker is designed more to shoot down light
designed to obliterate the walls of a fortress, but it aircraft, equipped with twin tri-barrel
does equally effective work against vehicles, stormcannons that fill the air with lethal flak. The
buildings, and if needed, infantry. targeting cogitators must be made from the most
skilled brains, so that their accuracy in life may be
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner transferred to the machines.

Cruising Speed 20m; Defence 3; Wounds 17; Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner

Resilience 17; Crash-Webbing, Sealed, Tracked
Cruising Speed 20m; Defence 3; Wounds 17;
Resilience 17; Crash-Webbing, Sealed, Tracked
Weapons: 2x Icarus stormcannons (16+2ED; AP -1; valuable Sarcophagi that are required to
Range 96m; Salvo 3; Heavy [8], Icarus) pilot a Dreadnought.
Upgrade Options: Extra Storm Bolter,
To become a Dreadnought, a character
Hunter-Killer Missile
must have the Adeptus Astartes
Value: 13 (Uncommon) keyword, be at least Rank 3, and have
completed at least a single worthy deed.
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
<Chapter> This is dependent on the GM’s approval,
but should be something noteworthy
even by Astartes standards.
Dreadnoughts If a marine that meets these conditions
While technically vehicles, a would die (from something other than
Dreadnought is unique in that it is annihilation), he may instead choose to
directly connected to the senses--and remain barely alive. He loses all Wrath
more importantly, the battle prowess--of points and no longer starts sessions with
an Astartes, damaged beyond the ability Wrath points (though he may earn them
to move his body, but still alive enough over the course of a session). So long as
to serve the Emperor. Only those with he is brought to a sufficient medical
the will to live on after grievous injuries facility within his toughness in hours, he
can become a dreadnought, as the can be stabilized, placed into a
process is agonizing, and even after it is Dreadnought sarcophagus. Surviving the
complete, the isolation from the world transition is a toughness test, with DN 4.
outside can affect even the strongest A Sarcophagus is like a mini-vehicle,
minds. However, for those who can with no mobility, but a Defense of 1, 5
successfully become one, the rewards wounds, and a Resilience of 10. It is
are plentiful. Suspended in a device equipped with a sensorium equivalent to
known as a sarcophagus, the an Auspex, as well as vox-coders for
Dreadnought moves as if it were the hearing and speaking to those outside. If
marine’s own arms and legs. A it is reduced to 0 wounds, the marine
Dreadnought is also functionally inside dies, with no chance for revival. A
immortal, with a few examples having marine inside a sarcophagus is immune
survived millennia in their current state. to shock loss while inside a dreadnought.
Bjorn the Fell-Handed of the Space
Wolves is the most famous example, After being placed into a sarcophagus,
having served alongside Leman Russ the character may be placed into a
himself. Dreadnought chassis. Dreadnought
chassis are interchangeable, and while
Becoming a Dreadnought in most cases, a marine will be assigned
Not all Space Marines become to a specific chassis, he can be removed
Dreadnoughts when they fall. Most are from a wrecked chassis and placed into a
simply not worthy to take up one of the new one.
When not in battle, a Dreadnought is 16m; Salvo 2; Blast [Large], Blaze, Heavy [6],
often placed into suspended animation. Spread)

This is a DN 3 tech test that takes 1 hour, Right Arm Options:

and cannot be performed by the
dreadnought himself. While a ● Assault cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range
48m; Salvo 6; Heavy [8])
dreadnought is in suspended animation,
● Heavy plasma cannon (15+2ED; AP -3;
he is considered to be asleep, and cannot Range 72m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Blast
wake unless his chassis receives the (Medium), Supercharge)
signal to wake up. The test to wake up a ● Multi-melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m;
sleeping dreadnought is also DN 3 and Salvo 1; Heavy [8], Melta)
● Twin lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range
takes 1 hour.
150m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Steadfast)
Though Dreadnoughts do have melee Value: 12 (Rare)
weapons, they have a fixed strength, and
do not add the pilot’s strength to their Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
own. Any Strength tests made while in a
dreadnought use a default value of 7.

While overall values are listed for a Hellfire Dreadnought

dreadnought, they obviously are not
Those Astartes who were ranged specialists in
bought or sold. This is merely to allow a their former lives often choose to remain so as a
character interred in a dreadnought to Dreadnought. The Hellfire dreadnought is a heavy
potentially change his chassis. fire-support platform that replaces the normal
power fist of the dreadnought with a large pod of
missiles, allowing it to remain at range.

Dreadnought Crew: 1 Pilot

While considered the most basic chassis, only a Cruising Speed 12m; Defence 4; Wounds 14;
fool would underestimate it. Able to be equipped Resilience 15; Sealed, Walker, Gyro-Stabilized
with a variety of weapons, most who are reborn
as a Dreadnought start with this as their new Right Arm Options:
● Assault cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range
Crew: 1 Pilot 48m; Salvo 6; Heavy [8])
● Heavy plasma cannon (15+2ED; AP -3;
Cruising Speed 12m; Defence 4; Wounds 14; Range 72m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Blast
Resilience 15; Sealed, Walker, Gyro-Stabilized (Medium), Spread, Supercharge)
● Multi-melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m;
Weapons: Left Arm: Salvo 1; Heavy [8], Melta)
● Twin lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range
Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon (22+3ED, 150m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Steadfast)
AP-3) with
Underslung storm bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range Left Arm:
40m; Salvo 4; Brutal, Rapid Fire [2]) or
Underslung heavy flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range Dreadnought Missile Launcher (Choose one mode
per attack)
● Frag missile (10+2ED; AP 0; ● Underslung heavy flamer
Range 150m; Salvo 1; Blast (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo
[Large]) 2; Blast [Large], Blaze, Heavy [6],
● Krak missile (16+3ED; AP -2; Spread)
Range 150m; Salvo 1; Blast
[Small]) Upgrade Options: Up to 2 Hunter-Killer Missiles

Value: 12 (Rare) Wrecker: If an Ironclad Dreadnought is equipped

with two melee weapons, the pilot may ignore
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, +2DN worth of penalties for multi-attacking in
<Chapter> melee.

Ironclad Assault Launchers: When performing a

ram action, before determining damage, roll a d6
Ironclad Dreadnought for each target rammed by the Dreadnought. On a
4 or higher, each target takes d3 Mortal Wounds.
Clad in thick ceramite and the weight of years, the
Ironclad Dreadnought is the supreme anti-fortress Value: 14 (Rare)
option available to the Space Marines. Capable of
tearing down reinforced rockrete walls with the Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
same ease as it rips open enemy vehicles, there’s <Chapter>
nothing an Ironclad Dreadnought can’t destroy.

Crew: 1 Pilot
Venerable Dreadnought
Cruising Speed 12m; Defence 4; Wounds 14;
Resilience 17; Sealed, Walker, Gyro-Stabilized A marine who has served as a dreadnought for
years upon end, such that few alive remember his
Weapons: Select one for each arm: entombment may be granted Venerable status. In
addition to being some of the most experienced
Right Arm: fighters in the Imperium, Venerable
Dreadnoughts often bear protective sigils and
● Dreadnought close combat weapon
long golden scrolls of their past victories, to the
(22+3ED, AP-3) with
point where very little of their chassis is not
Underslung storm bolter (10+1ED; AP 0;
covered in shining tributes to their service. It
Range 40m; Salvo 4; Brutal, Rapid Fire [2])
takes more than mere firepower to bring down
such a dedicated servant of the Emperor, much to
Underslung heavy flamer (12+2ED; AP -1;
the chagrin of most aliens and heretics.
Range 16m; Salvo 2; Blast [Large], Blaze,
Heavy [6], Spread) Crew: 1 Pilot
● Hurricane bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range
40m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Rapid Fire [6]) Cruising Speed 12m; Defence 4; Wounds 15;
Resilience 16; Sealed, Walker, Gyro-Stabilized
Left arm:
● Seismic hammer (22+5ED, AP-4, Unwieldy
[2]) Left Arm:
● Dreadnought chainfist (22+4ED, AP-4)
● Dreadnought close combat weapon
Both left arms come with: (22+3ED, AP-3) with
Underslung Storm bolter (10+1ED; AP 0;
● Underslung meltagun (16+2ED;
Range 40m; Salvo 4; Brutal, Rapid Fire [2])
AP -4; Range 24m; Salvo 1;
Assault, Melta)
Underslung heavy flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Internal combi-bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m;
Range 16m; Salvo 2; Blast [Large], Blaze, Salvo 4; Brutal, Rapid Fire [2])
Heavy [6], Spread)
● Dreadnought missile launcher (Choose Right Arm:
one mode per attack)
● Kheres-pattern assault cannon (16+2ED;
○ Frag missile (10+2ED; AP
AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo 6; Heavy [8])
0; Range 150m; Salvo –;
● Multi-melta (16+3ED; AP-4; 48m; Salvo 1;
Blast [Large])
Heavy, Melta)
○ Krak missile (16+3ED; AP
● Dreadnought close combat weapon
-2; Range 150m; Salvo –;
(24+3ED, AP-3) with
Blast [Small])
Internal combi-bolter (10+1ED; AP 0;
Right Arm: Range 40m; Salvo 4; Brutal, Rapid Fire [2])

● Assault cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range Atomantic Shielding: This vehicle may attempt
48m; Salvo 6; Heavy [8]) to soak Mortal Wounds.
● Heavy plasma cannon (15+2ED; AP -3;
Unstoppable Fury: If this vehicle is equipped
Range 72m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Blast
with two Dreadnought close combat weapons, the
(Medium), Supercharge)
pilot may re-roll unmodified dice results of 1
● Multi-melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m;
when rolling to hit in melee (except for
Salvo 1; Heavy [8], Melta)
● Twin lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range
150m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Steadfast) Value: 16 (Unique)

Unyielding Ancient: Whenever a Venerable Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,

Dreadnought would lose a wound, for each <Chapter>
wound roll a d6. On a result of 6, the wound is not

Value: 16 (Very Rare) Redemptor Dreadnought

Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Designed by the great Belisarius Cawl, the
<Chapter> Redemptor was designed for use by those
Primaris who were unable to continue fighting
from their wounds. While it is compatible with
normal marines, the high stress of piloting the
Contemptor Dreadnought
vessel and the intense energies involved in the
Relics of the Great Crusade, each Contemptor dreadnought’s construction mean that few
Dreadnought stands tall, even higher than other non-Primaris have the strength to do so. For those
dreadnoughts. Its ancient frame is powerful even who master this machine, the sheer amount of
by dreadnought standards, and rare beyond firepower that can be brought to bear is
compare. To be granted the company of a unmatched.
Contemptor is to be in the presence of one of the
Crew: 1 Pilot
most powerful champions of the Emperor.
Cruising Speed 16m; Defence 4; Wounds 18;
Crew: 1 Pilot
Resilience 15; Sealed, Walker, Gyro-Stabilized
Cruising Speed 18m; Defence 4; Wounds 15;
Resilience 16; Sealed, Walker, Gyro-Stabilized
Redemptor Fist (24+3ED, AP-3) with
Weapons: Dreadnought close combat weapon Underslung onslaught gatling cannon (12+2ED; AP
(24+3ED, AP-3) with -1; Range 48m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy [6]) or
Underslung heavy flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range ● Arachnus heavy lascannon battery
16m; Salvo 2; Blast [Large], Blaze, Heavy [6], (20+3ED; AP-4; Range 150m; Salvo 2;
Spread) Heavy [8], Steadfast, If at least one
Exalted Icon is shifted to damage, the
Icarus rocket pod (15+1ED; AP-1; Range 48m; target takes a mortal wound) (Value +1)
Salvo 2; Blast (Small), Heavy [6], Icarus) ● Hellfire plasma carronade (16+3ED; AP-3;
Range 48m; Salvo 5; Heavy [8];
One of the following:
● Heavy onslaught gatling cannon (12+2ED;
AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 12; Brutal, Heavy
[6]) ● Twin heavy bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range
● Macro plasma incinerator (16+1ED; AP-4; 60m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy [6])
Range 70m; Salvo 1; Heavy [8], ● Twin heavy flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range
Supercharge; Blast (Medium)) 16m; Salvo 4; Blast [Large], Blaze, Heavy
[6], Spread)
One of the following:
● 2x Storm bolters (10+1ED; AP 0; Range
40m; Salvo 4; Brutal, Rapid Fire [2]) ● Aiolos Missile Launcher (14+1ED; AP-1;
● 2x Fragstorm grenade launchers (10+1ED; Range 120m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Blast
AP 0; Range 36m; Salvo 1; Assault, Blast (Medium), Spread)
(Medium)) ● Atomantic pavaise: (Allies within 12m of
the Deredeo Dreadnought may attempt to
Value: 15 (Very Rare)
soak Mortal Wounds)
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
Helical Targeting Array: At the beginning of the
pilot’s turn, it may activate or deactivate its
Helical Targeting Array. While it is active, the
dreadnought may not move, but all weapons
Deredeo Dreadnought mounted on it gain the Icarus trait.

Crafted by the ancient Astartes Legions as a Layered Atomantic Shielding: This vehicle may
dedicated fire support platform, the Deredeo is attempt to soak Mortal Wounds. It receives a +2d
expressly created to support a firing line. It is bonus when attempting to soak wounds from
equipped with no close combat weapons, rather melee attacks.
every inch of the walker is covered in either
heavy armor or heavy weapons. Addition, while it Value: 17 (Unique)
possesses energy barriers to protect itself from
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
ranged fire, it also may be upgraded to project a
defensive shield over nearby allies.

Crew: 1 Pilot
Leviathan Dreadnought
Cruising Speed 14m; Defence 4; Wounds 19;
Only a few of these highly-lethal dreadnoughts
Resilience 15; Sealed, Walker, Gyro-Stabilized
were crafted during the latter days of the Great
Weapons: Choose one from each slot: Crusade. Designed mostly for siege operations,
many of the weapons available for a Leviathan
Arms: contain technology not seen since the Dark Age,
and those chosen to pilot them are of the sturdiest
● Anvilus autocannon battery (16+2ED; AP breed available to the Chapters that can afford to
-1; Range 72m; Salvo 8; Heavy [8]) field such a priceless relic. For those that can, the
Leviathan Dreadnought can shrug off anything shooting them down before they can reach their
short of a point blank melta blast with little target. With a wide array of weapons and
trouble, and violently devastate anything smaller countermeasures, any xenos or heretic would be
than a Titan in seconds with an array of arcane wise to beware a wing of Stormhawks.
Crew: 1 Pilot
Crew: 1 Pilot
Cruising Speed 60m; Defence 6; Wounds 15;
Cruising Speed 16m; Defence 5; Wounds 19; Resilience 15; Hover, Vacuum Hardened
Resilience 18; Sealed, Walker, Gyro-Stabilized
Weapons: 2x Assault cannon (14+2ED; AP -1;
Weapons: Choose two from the list below (the Range 48m; Salvo 6; Heavy [8])
same weapon may be chosen twice)
One of the following:
● Cyclonic melta lance (18+3ED; AP-4; 36m;
Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Melta, Blast (Medium)) ● Icarus stormcannon (16+2ED; AP -1;
● Grav-flux bombard (18+2ED; AP-5; 36m; Range 96m; Salvo 3; Heavy [8], Icarus)
Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Grav, Blast (Medium), ● Las-talon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 48m;
Increase this weapon’s Salvo rating by 2 Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Steadfast)
for every 5 enemies in a targeted mob)
One of the following:
● Leviathan siege claw (26+3ED, AP-3;
Brutal) with ● Twin heavy bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range
Underslung meltagun (16+2ED; AP -4; 60m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy [6])
Range 24m; Salvo 1; Assault, Melta) ● Skyhammer missile launcher (15+3ED;
● Leviathan siege drill (26+4ED, AP-4) with AP-2; Range 120m; Salvo 3; Heavy [6];
Underslung meltagun (16+2ED; AP -4; ● Typhoon missile launcher (Choose one
Range 24m; Salvo 1; Assault, Melta) mode per attack)
● Storm cannon array (16+2ED; AP -2; ○ Frag missile (10+2ED; AP 0;
Range 48m; Salvo 10; Heavy [8]) Range 150m; Salvo 2; Blast
Upgrade Options: Up to 3 Hunter-Killer Missiles
○ Krak missile (16+3ED; AP -2;
Reinforced Atomantic Barriers: This vehicle Range 150m; Salvo 2; Blast
may attempt to soak Mortal Wounds. It receives a [Small])
+2d bonus when attempting to soak wounds.
Interceptor: The Stormhawk’s systems are
Value: 20 (Unique) calibrated specially to attack flying enemies.
When attacking an aircraft or other flying enemy,
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, the Stormhawk may reroll unmodified dice
<Chapter> results of 1 when rolling to hit.

Infernum Halo-Launcher: A specialized decoy

flare designed to distract enemy homing weapons
Fliers and obscure the Stormhawk’s true position. When
attempting an Evasion stunt, the pilot may reroll
unmodified dice results of 1 on his Pilot test.

Stormhawk Interceptor Value: 15 (Very Rare)

When the Space Marines expect enemy air Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
support, they call upon the Stormhawk. A <Chapter>
relatively light fighter, its speed makes it ideal for
meeting the advance of enemy aircraft and
The Stormraven Gunship may also take:

Stormraven Gunship 2x Sponson Hurricane Bolters (10+1ED; AP 0;

Range 40m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Rapid Fire [6]) (Value
Designed for situations where the bulk of a +1)
Thunderhawk would be inconvenient, the
Stormraven can tactically insert a full squad of Power of the Machine Spirit: Those operating a
Astartes with their attached specialists. Stormraven’s weapons suffer no penalties to hit
Additionally, using the magnetic grapples on the due to moving faster than the vehicle’s cruising
rear of the vehicle, a Dreadnought may be safely speed.
secured and transported, granting a more subtle
Value: 18 (Very Rare)
method of bringing one of these ancients to bear
than dropping him in the enemy’s midst from Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
orbit. <Chapter>

Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Co-pilot, 1 Gunner. Passengers: 12

+ 1 Dreadnought (Not Leviathan or Redemptor)
Stormtalon Gunship
Cruising Speed 40m; Defence 5; Wounds 20;
Resilience 17; Hover, Vacuum Hardened Designed as a fast all-purpose attack craft, the
Stormtalon is equally effective at fighting off
Weapons: Choose one from each slot: enemy aircraft and layering destruction against
ground troops, using its vectored thrusters to
Top Turret
enhance its agility and quickly change its
● Twin assault cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; battlefield role.
Range 48m; Salvo 12; Heavy [8])
Crew: 1 Pilot
● Twin lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range
150m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Steadfast) Cruising Speed 50m; Defence 5; Wounds 15;
(Value +1) Resilience 15; Hover, Vacuum Hardened
● Twin heavy plasma cannon (15+2ED; AP
-3; Range 72m; Salvo 4; Heavy [8], Blast Weapons: 2x Assault cannon (14+2ED; AP -1;
(Medium), Supercharge) (Value +1) Range 48m; Salvo 6; Heavy [8])

Front Hull One of the following:

● Hull twin heavy bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; ● 2x Heavy bolters (12+2ED; AP -1; Range
Range 60m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy [6]) 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal, Heavy [6])
● Hull twin multi-melta (16+3ED; AP -4; ● 2x Lascannons (18+3ED; AP -3; Range
Range 48m; Salvo 2; Heavy [8], Melta) 150m; Salvo 1; Heavy [8], Steadfast)
(Value +1) (Value +1)
● Hull Typhoon missile launcher (Choose ● Skyhammer missile launcher (15+3ED;
one mode per attack) AP-2; Range 120m; Salvo 3; Heavy [6];
○ Frag missile (10+2ED; AP 0; ● Typhoon missile launcher (Choose one
Range 150m; Salvo 2; Blast mode per attack)
[Large]) ○ Frag missile (10+2ED; AP 0;
○ Krak missile (16+3ED; AP -2; Range 150m; Salvo 2; Blast
Range 150m; Salvo 2; Blast [Large])
[Small]) ○ Krak missile (16+3ED; AP -2;
Range 150m; Salvo 2; Blast
2x Stormstrike Missile Launchers (16+3ED; AP-3; [Small])
Range 140m; Salvo 3; Blast [Large])
Strafing Run: Add +2d to attack rolls made ● Thunderhawk heavy cannon (16+3ED,
against ground targets. AP-2; Range 200m, Salvo 1; Heavy [10],
Spread, Blast (Very Large)
Value: 16 (Very Rare) ● Turbo-laser destructor (30+6ED, AP-4;
Range 200m, Salvo 2; Heavy [10], Target
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
takes d3 mortal wounds for each damage
die result of 6)

Power of the Machine Spirit: Those operating a

Thunderhawk Assault Gunship Thunderhawk’s weapons suffer no penalties to hit
due to moving faster than the vehicle’s cruising
Absolutely massive and with the ability to bring speed.
an entire army to bear, as well as carrying an
arsenal of its own weapons, the Thunderhawk is Hardened Hull: This vehicle may attempt to soak
rarely deployed into combat except when a large Mortal Wounds.
portion of a chapter’s forces are involved. This is
Value: 50 (Unique)
mainly due to the enormous quantities of
resources required to field one, and their relative Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,
rarity amongst even well-equipped chapters. <Chapter>
However, the effect of such a craft dropping
multiple squads of marines directly to the front
lines cannot be denied.
Thunderhawk Transporter
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Co-Pilot, 1 Gunner, 1 Navigator
Passengers: 30 (May carry dreadnoughts, each More designed for logistics rather than a true
takes 5 spaces) combat role, a Thunderhawk Transporter brings a
massive amount of force to bear regardless.
Cruising Speed 50m; Defence 4; Wounds 50; Stripping down its heavier weapons and trading
Resilience 21; Hover, Vacuum Hardened one of its transport bays for specialized
hardpoints, a Thunderhawk Transporter is
Weapons: 2x Lascannons (18+3ED; AP -3; Range capable of lifting even a fully loaded Land Raider
150m; Salvo 1; Heavy [8], Steadfast) or a pair of smaller vehicles.

4x Twin heavy bolters (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Co-Pilot, 1 Gunner, 1 Navigator
Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy [6]) Passengers: 15 (May carry dreadnoughts, each
takes 5 spaces) + 1 Land Raider (or variant) or 2
One of the following:
smaller vehicles (Rhino, Predator, Vindicator, etc).
● Hellstrike battery (16+3ED; AP-3; Range Carried vehicles may themselves carry crew and
150m; Salvo 4; Heavy [10]) passengers.
● Thunderhawk cluster bombs: Once per
Cruising Speed 50m; Defence 4; Wounds 45;
deployment, at the start of its turn,
Resilience 21; Hover, Vacuum Hardened
choose up to 12 targets or one
vehicle/monstrous creature. So long as Weapons: 4x Twin heavy bolters (12+2ED; AP -1;
the Thunderhawk manages to fly over the Range 60m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy [6])
target(s), roll a d6 for each target (if
targeting infantry) or 3d6 for the Hellstrike battery (16+3ED; AP-3; Range 150m;
vehicle/creature. For each die result of 5 Salvo 4; Heavy [10])
or 6, the target suffers d3 mortal wounds.
Power of the Machine Spirit: Those operating a
One of the following: Thunderhawk’s weapons suffer no penalties to hit
due to moving faster than the vehicle’s cruising

Hardened Hull: This vehicle may attempt to soak

Mortal Wounds.

Value: 50 (Unique)

Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes,


Upgrade Options

● Extra Storm Bolter: The vehicle gains an

additional pintle-mounted storm bolter
(10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4; Brutal,
Rapid Fire [2]) mounted to one of the top
hatches. Any occupant of the vehicle may
operate the storm bolter, though the
vehicle loses the Sealed quality while the
storm bolter is being used, due to the top
hatch being open.
Value: 6 Rare
● Multi-Melta: The vehicle gains a
pintle-mounted multi-melta (16+3ED;
AP-4; 48m; Salvo 1; Heavy, Melta)
mounted to one of the top hatches. Any
occupant of the vehicle may operate the
multi-melta, though the vehicle loses the
Sealed quality while the multi-melta is
being used, due to the top hatch being
Value: 7 Rare
● Hunter-Killer Missile: A single-shot
anti-vehicle missile (16+3ED; AP-2, Range
150m, Salvo --, Heavy, Blast (Small)). This
weapon may be fired by any occupant of
the vehicle, but after being used, the
upgrade must be replaced.
Value: 6 Uncommon
The Secrets of the Librarius

Unlike the psykers of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, most Librarians are highly respected
and allowed a degree of autonomy. Over the millennia, the psykers of most chapters
have developed cohesive sets of powers that they consider their own. The Librarius
Discipline is the most famous, though chapters that diverge more strongly from the
Codex add to these books of spells with their own, stranger abilities.

Name Point DN Activation Duration Range Multi- Keywords Effect

Cost Target

Librarius Discipline

Veil of Time 15 6 Action Sustained 40m Yes Adeptus Grants the target the ability
Astartes, to interfere with the
Psychic standard flow of time

Might of Heroes 15 6 Action Sustained 25m Yes Adeptus Fills the target with psychic
Astartes, might, enhancing their
Psychic strength and durability

Psychic Scourge 15 Target’s Action Instant 40m No Adeptus Forces a battle of wills,
Willpower Astartes, harming and stunning the
(Opposed) Psychic enemy if the psyker wins

Fury of the Ancients 15 Target’s Action Instant 25m No Adeptus Selects a target for the
Defense Astartes, psyker’s wrath, harming all
Psychic enemies in the way

Psychic Fortress 15 5 Full Sustained 40m Yes Adeptus Places a shield of energy,
Action Astartes, protecting against the warp
Psychic and reinforcing the will

Null Zone 15 8 Full Sustained 15m No Adeptus Purges psychic energies and
Action Astartes, protective fields from an
Psychic area

LIBRARIUS DISCIPLINE advantage and grasping victory from the

jaws of defeat.
Due to the nature of a Librarian’s role on
the battlefield, the Librarius discipline is Veil of Time
entirely combat-focused. Make no
mistake--those skilled in this discipline Point Cost: 15
are capable of twisting battles to their DN: 6
Activation: Action Multi-target: No
Duration: Sustained Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Psychic
Range: 40m Effect: The psyker pits his superhuman
Multi-target: Yes willpower against that of his enemies in
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Psychic a battle of mental fortitude, seeking to
Effect: The psyker projects his will destroy their minds in a burst of psychic
beyond the regular passage of time, fury. If the opposed test is won by the
taking in the strands of fate before psyker, the target takes d3 Mortal
returning to the present to sway the tide Wounds and d3 Shock. If the test was a
of battle. If successful, those affected tie, the target takes 1 Mortal Wound and
may choose which threat will take its 1 shock.
turn next after each of their turns. Potency: [1] +1 Shock.
Potency: [2] One target may take an [3] +1 Mortal Wound
additional action this round.
*[4] One target may take an additional Fury of the Ancients
turn this round.
Point Cost: 15
Might of Heroes DN: Target’s Defense
Activation: Action
Point Cost: 15 Duration: Sustained
DN: 6 Range: 25m
Activation: Action Multi-target: No
Duration: Sustained Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Psychic
Range: 25m Effect: Calling upon the myths and
Multi-target: Yes legends of his Chapter’s home world, the
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Psychic psyker sends forth a terrifying
Effect: The psyker cages the immense monstrosity wrought from psychic
power of the immaterium within his energy. If successful, draw a line from
physical form and becomes the the psyker to the target, noting any
Emperor’s vengeance made manifest. If enemies the line passes over. If using
successful, those affected gain +1 ED on theater of the mind, any enemies that
all melee attacks, +1 to Resilience, and could be reasonably assumed to be
may ignore up to +2DN penalty for between the psyker and the target are
making melee multi-attacks. affected instead. Each enemy the line
Potency: [2] The bonus to ED and crosses, including the target, suffers a
Resilience increases by 1 for all targets. Mortal Wound.
Potency: [3] +1 Mortal Wound to all
Psychic Scourge affected
Point Cost: 15 Psychic Fortress
DN: Target’s Willpower (Opposed)
Activation: Action Point Cost: 15
Duration: Sustained DN: 5
Range: 40m Activation: Action
Duration: Sustained
Range: 40m
Multi-target: Yes
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, Psychic
Effect: Drawing on boundless reserves
of inner strength, the psyker shields his
mind – and those of his battle-brothers –
from mortal fears and the threat of
sorcerous assault. If successful, all
affected automatically pass Resolve tests.
Additionally, if dealt Mortal Wounds by a
psychic power, roll a d6 per Mortal
Wound. On a result 4, 5, or 6, the Mortal
Wound is negated.
Potency: *[3] The result required
becomes 3, 4, 5, or 6.

Null Zone

Point Cost: 15
DN: 8
Activation: Full Action
Duration: Sustained
Range: 15m (Radius)
Multi-target: No
Keywords: The psyker unleashes the full
might of his mind to cast down his
opponent’s defences, both technological
and mystical, rendering them vulnerable
to the retribution of the Adeptus
Astartes. If successful, for as long as the
power is sustained, each enemy psyker
within range must subtract 1 from the
result of each die on Psychic Mastery
tests. In addition, enemies may not
attempt to soak Mortal Wounds while
within range or benefit from armor with
the Force Shield trait.
Potency: [2] The range of the power
increases by 5m.
*[3] Enemy psykers must subtract 2 from
the result instead.

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