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2/6/22, 6:51 PM Arbitrators Registeration

Application Form for Arbitrators

*Please Add Attachments Before Submitting The Request Maximum file size is 25 MB.

Add Attachments

Title: *

Full Name: *

Date of Birth: *

Nationality: *

Gender: *

Personal Address

Postal Address

City: Country:

Telephone: Fax:

Mobile: Email:

Business address

Postal Address

City: * Country: *

Telephone: * Fax:

Mobile: Email: *

Please indicate preferred method of


communication: *
Please select one:

Working Days: Working Hours:

Academic qualification(s)

Please provide photocopied evidence of your university degree duly certified in the country of issuance with a legalized translation into English.
Please attach evidence of any other relevant academic qualifications, if any

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ID Degree Dates obtained Institution Name Location

Languages 1/4
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ID Languages Written Spoken

Employment History for legal professionals

Outline your employment history for at least the past 6 years and attach any relevant employment certificates.

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ID Organization Name Position Date Responsibility in Brief

Employment History for non-legal professionals

Outline your employment history for at least the past 8 years and attach any relevant employment certificates

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ID Organization Name Position Date Responsibility in Brief

Fields of Expertise

Please select areas of Specialization

Commercial Law
Construction Law
Oil & Gas Law

Company Law
Contract Law
Environmental Law

Competition Law
Air Law
Sharia Law

Conflicts of Law
Maritime Law
Intellectual Property

Foreign Investment
Transfer Technology

Other (Please specify):

Jurisdictional Experience

Outline the national jurisdiction(s) and legal system(s), to which your academic qualification(s) and practice pertain

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Dispute Resolution/Arbitration Training

Please set out any training programs in dispute resolution and arbitration that you have taken and provide evidence of completion of such

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ID Program Title Date Institute Name Other Relevant Information 2/4
2/6/22, 6:51 PM Arbitrators Registeration

Arbitration Experience

Please indicate demonstrable arbitration experience with proven track of working on arbitration-related matters.
For this purpose, you may
provide recommendation letters and/or set out the number and nature of cases in which you participated as an arbitrator and/or advocate with
any supporting documentation that you are able to provide. Please note

- Where the arbitration has been under an arbitral institution, please provide the reference number for each case.

- Where the arbitration is Ad Hoc; please provide an abbreviated reference of the parties without violating confidentiality.

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ID Arbitral Institution Name and/or Nature of dispute Approximate sum in dispute Date of award rendered
Case Ref. No.

*If further information is required, the candidate may be individually contacted for an interview. Such interview may be face to face or otherwise
conducted online or by telephone. Further, the candidate might be asked to submit up to three redacted awards that he/she had rendered from
the list set out above.


Please provide us with information about your intellectual contribution to your field of expertise.

Professional Membership

Please list all dispute resolution institutes/ organizations of which you are a member.

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ID Organization Name Date of Admission Status

Additional Information

Provide any other information that supports your application and evidences your professional standing in your field of work and your ability to
deliver independent and unbiased rulings. Attach extra documents as necessary.

Registration Fee and Renewal

A one-off non-refundable registration fee of AED 500 should accompany this application.
If your application is successful, the validity of your
registration will be two years, unless revoked by DIAC or you expressly request your name to be removed from the DIAC's list of registered
After that period, your registration is renewable at no additional cost, but we will require you
to update your skills and experience (or
otherwise confirm that there are no changes), so that
we can also keep our database current.
Should you fail to renew your registration by the
end of the 25th month of the registration date
(or confirm that there is no change to your skills or experience), your name will be removed from
the DIAC's list of registered arbitrators and, respectively, any later application will be treated
as initial application and subject to a registration

Declaration 3/4
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I, the undersigned, hereby confirm that the above information is true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
"I further confirm my
understanding that the consideration of my application is subject to the payment of the registration fee and that, if applicable, upon the
expiration of the validity of my registration, my name will be removed from the DIAC's list of registered arbitrators, if I do not comply with the
renewal policy."

Submit 4/4

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