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Received: 20 September 2021 Revised: 23 November 2021 Accepted: 25 November 2021
DOI: 10.1111/rge.12283


A new orogenic gold belt in Southeast Asia: Geology,

mineralogy and genesis of the Vangtat gold deposit,
Southeastern Laos

Patthana Bounliyong1 | Antonio Arribas2 | Yasushi Watanabe1 |

Takuya Echigo1 | Henry Wong3

Graduate School of International
Resource Sciences, Akita University,
Akita, Japan The Vangtat deposit is the major gold deposit in a new orogenic gold belt dis-
Department of Earth, Environmental and covered and developed in southeastern Laos in the past two decades. Our study
Resource Sciences, The University of
of the Vangtat orogenic gold deposit shows that it formed within a convergent
Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas, USA
Geology Department, Joint Assessment
margin along the western segment of the Poko suture zone, which marks the
and Development Exploration Co., Ltd, collision between the Indochina Terrane and the Kontum Massif. Shear struc-
Pakse, Laos ture and greenschist facies metamorphic rocks are the main hosts for gold
mineralization in the Vangtat deposit. High-grade gold-bearing quartz-sulfide
Patthana Bounliyong, Graduate School of veins and wall rock hydrothermal alteration are genetically related, and alter-
International Resource Sciences, Akita
ation minerals consist of quartz, carbonate, graphite, white mica, chlorite, and
University, 1-1 Tegata Gakuen, Akita
010-8502, Japan. pyrite. The study of fluid inclusions and wall rock alteration assemblages indi-
Email: cate that the Vangtat gold deposit was formed by an aqueous-carbonic, low
salinity, reduced, weakly alkaline to near-neutral pH fluid, mainly composed
Funding information
JICA of H2O, NaCl, CO2, CH4, N2, H2S, H2, O2, Si, and K. Gold was predominantly
carried as a sulfide complex. The precipitation of gold is related to wall rock
sulfidation and the further reduction with the carbon-bearing host rock. The
correlation between trapping temperature obtained from arsenopyrite geo-
thermometry (360–395 C) and homogenization temperature obtained from
primary fluid inclusion microthermometry (240–250 C), indicates a pressure
and depth range for the Vangtat deposit of 380–420 MPa and 11–13 km,
respectively. Gold appears as inclusions mainly in pyrite, and auriferous pyrite
is homogeneous in textural, chemical, and sulfur isotopic composition. Aurif-
erous pyrite δ34S values range from +4 to +6‰, which is compatible with the
δ34S composition of igneous rocks. Together with cobalt/nickel ratios from the
Vangtat auriferous pyrite, which are significantly greater than one (avg. 6.3),
we suggest that mafic-ultramafic rocks in the geologic basement of the Vangtat
deposit are the plausible source of hydrothermal gold and sulfur. The forma-
tion of this orogenic gold deposit is associated with metamorphic dehydration
and devolatilization that transported gold to the site of deposition.

Resource Geology. 2022;72:e12283. © 2021 Society of Resource Geology. 1 of 22
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greenschist facies gold, orogenic gold, shear zone mineralization, southeastern Laos,

1 | INTRODUCTION this regional gold mineralization event corresponds to

late- to post-collisional orogenic and metamorphic activ-
Orogenic gold deposits form a widespread, coherent ity in the Indosinian orogeny (Lepvrier et al., 2004, 2008;
group of epigenetic ore deposits that occur along conver- Osanai et al., 2008; Bounliyong et al., 2021). In this study,
gent margins and involve terrane accretion, translation, we characterize gold mineralization in the Vangtat dis-
or collision, during a later stage of regional metamor- trict based on the geology, mineralogy, geochemistry of
phism and magmatism within an orogenic belt (Groves the Vangtat deposit, and propose a conventional orogenic
et al., 1998, 2003; Kerrich et al., 2000; Goldfarb gold genetic model for the deposit and district.
et al., 2001). Regional tectonic structures and greenschist-
facies metamorphic rocks are the main host for orogenic
gold mineralization and provide the main control on 2 | EXPLORATION AND
deposit distribution (Groves, 1993; Kerrich et al., 2000; DISCOVERY HISTORY
Goldfarb et al., 2005). Gold mineralization in this envi-
ronment commonly occurs over a range of crustal depths The presence of alluvial gold in the Vangtat region of
in association with deep-seated, aqueous-carbonic, low- southeastern Laos was known to local inhabitants for
salinity fluids which transport gold as sulfide complexes over a century. Organized artisanal mining in the area
(McCuaig and Kerrich, 1998; Hagemann and commenced in the early 2000s with miners engaged in
Cassidy, 2000; Goldfarb and Groves, 2015). alluvial and hard-rock gold mining in the vicinity of the
Mainland Southeast Asia is composed of a collage of current Vangtat gold mine. The proximity to the interna-
large continental blocks, including the Indochina, South tional border with Vietnam and the use of heavy equip-
China, and Sibumasu terranes (Figure 1; Metcalfe, 1998, ment and chemical processing to extract gold
2002). Precious- and base-metal deposits in Southeast (e.g., mercury, cyanide) brought the area to the attention
Asia are mainly found along the boundaries of the differ- of the Laos Ministry of National Defense.
ent terranes and internal domains, such as the Truong Initial regional geological mapping and mineral
Son and Loei fold belts (Figure 1). Within the northern assessment were conducted in 2006 by geologists from
and eastern regions of the Indochina Terrane several gold the Geological Survey of Japan and the Department of
deposits have been discovered and developed: the Song Geology, Laos, under an international cooperation pro-
Hien sediment-hosted gold deposits in NE Vietnam, ject (Vilayhack et al., 2008). A 1:200,000 scale geological
located in the western part of the South China Terrane map was produced and alluvial resources of up to a few
close to the northeastern margin on the Indochina grams per ton of gold in average in stream sediment sam-
Terrane (Tran et al., 2016; Nevolko et al., 2017); distal dis- ples, as well as several occurrences of gold bearing
seminated, sediment-hosted gold deposits associated with quartz-sulfide veins, were recognized (Vilayhack
skarn (and porphyry) mineralization in the Sepon Cu- et al., 2008). Soon after, the Vangtat area was recognized
Au-Mo district (Smith et al., 2005; Cannell and as having high potential for gold mineralization at a
Smith, 2008; Cromie et al., 2018); and the Phuoc Son and regional scale.
Bong Mieu orogenic gold deposits in central Vietnam In 2007, the Viet-Lao Joint Stock Company Ltd, in
(Manaka, 2014, unpublished data; Tran et al., 2014). This cooperation with the Laos Ministry of National Defense,
paper presents a study of a new gold belt that has been started an alluvial and hard-rock gold exploration pro-
discovered recently in the Vangtat region of southeastern gram in the current Vangtat gold mine area. An explora-
Laos (Figures 1, 2). tion license of 219 km2 was granted to the Viet-Lao
A recent radiometric dating study by Bounliyong cooperation project, and detailed geological, geochemical,
et al. (2021) estimated the age of gold mineralization in geophysical, and drilling programs were conducted. In
the Vangtat district at ~200 Ma. This age is comparable 2012, the company received a license for gold mining and
to the age of the Phuoc Son and Bong Mieu deposits production at Vangtat. During this time (early 2010s),
(250–200 Ma; Manaka, 2014, unpublished data; Tran several additional small-scale mining centers sprung up
et al., 2014) which are located approximately 100 km to in the district, including the Thongkai-Ok and Xekong
the east of the Vangtat (Figure 1). The broad timing of areas north of the Vangtat deposit (Figure 2).
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Initial hard-rock mining in the Vangtat deposit and partly via mercury amalgamation, as well as heap
started with shallow pits and short underground drives leaching. No data are available for ore-grade, reserve ton-
within the near-surface oxidation zone, typically down to nage, or gold production from the supergene gold.
less than 50 m (Figure 3a,b,c). The operation focused on By 2016, open-pit mining had reached the top of the
the extraction of oxidized ore for crushing and gold unoxidized zone (Figure 3a). Mining ceased temporarily,
extraction in nearby processing plants. The main ore type but soon exploration drilling intersected a series of aurif-
was coarse-grained gold liberated by weathering and oxi- erous sulfide-bearing quartz veins. In addition, other
dation of primary microparticulate gold encapsulated in prospects located south of the Vangtat deposit
sulfide minerals. This relatively coarse free-gold was (e.g., Gieng Dat; Figure 2) were discovered, and a ~3 km
extracted from the crushed ore, partly via gravity settling long extension to the north of the primary ore zone at the

F I G U R E 1 Main
lithotectonic terranes and
domains of mainland Southeast
Asia, and their associated metal
deposits (modified from Nakano
et al., 2007 and Lepvrier
et al., 2008). Abbreviations:
DBPF, Dien Bien Phu fault;
NSZ, Nan suture zone; PKSZ,
Poko suture zone; RRF, Red
River fault; SCF, Song ca fault;
SMSZ, Song ma suture zone;
TKPSSZ, Tam Ky-Phuoc son
suture zone. Metal deposits
1: Song Hien (au); 2: Ban Huay
Xai (au-ag); 3: Phu Kham
(cu-au); 4: Phu Lon (cu-au); 5:
Phu Thap fa (au); 6: Phu Thep
(cu-au); 7: Sepon (cu-au); 8:
Chatree (au-ag); 9: Phuoc son
(au); 10: Bong Mieu (au); 11:
Xekong (au); 12: Vangtat (au);
13: Cong Yong (cu-au); 14:
Sanxay (Pb-Zn)
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Vilayhack et al., 2008) showing the distribution of metals deposit. Although the boundaries of the Vangtat shear zone are not well defined,
F I G U R E 2 Simplified geological map of the north–south Vangtat shear zone in the southeastern region of Laos (modified from

they are approximately in between two yellow dashed lines

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Vangtat deposit was indicated (Figure 4a,b). At present, et al., 2020). Preliminary geochemical data on these igne-
Vangtat Mining (the new name of the resident company) ous rocks suggest a subduction-related island arc envi-
is expanding its exploration and mining activities ronment with an adakitic signature (Sanematsu
(Figure 3c) and building a gold processing plant for et al., 2011; Gardner et al., 2017). The lithological base-
recovering sulfide ore via flotation followed by the ment in the Vangtat region is of possible Precambrian
roasting of sulfide concentrate. age and consists of scattered outcrops of mafic-ultramafic
rocks (Vilayhack et al., 2008).

3.2 | Geology of the Vangtat deposit
3.1 | Regional geology
The lithological units around the Vangtat deposit, as well
The Kontum Massif in central Vietnam is mainly com- as other hard-rock (primary) gold deposits within the
posed of granulite, amphibolite, and greenschist facies Vangtat shear zone, are covered by a thick (~up to 50 m)
metamorphic complexes (United Nations, 1990), rep- weathering/oxidation blanket. Within the gold minerali-
resenting a core complex of the Indochina Terrane zation area, this supergene activity led to the
(Hutchison, 1989). The north–south trending Poko suture remobilization of primary gold and the concentration of
zone marks the collision between the western edge of the secondary gold in surficial detrital sediments. Therefore,
Kontum Massif and the eastern extension of the Indo- this study of the host geology and associated gold miner-
china Terrane (Figure 1). The Poko suture zone, which alization at Vangtat is based on an open pit and drill core
hosts the Vangtat deposit, extends for >30 km from the examination. Two main country rocks in the Vangtat
western limit of the Kontum Massif (Lepvrier et al., 2004). deposit are found; the lower unit is made up of meta-
The Vangtat shear zone is one of the main subsidiary gabbro and the upper unit is composed of pelitic schist,
structures associated with the Poko suture zone (Figures 1, slate, meta-sandstone, and quartzite (Figure 4a,b,c).
2). It is hosted by early- to mid-Paleozoic metamorphic
rocks including Cambrian-Ordovician mica-schist, slate,
sandstone, and quartzite and Ordovician-Silurian green- 3.2.1 | Meta-gabbro
schist, pelitic schist, psammitic schist, quartzite, and quartz
arenite (Figure 2; Vilayhack et al., 2008). These metamor- In the southern part of the Vangtat deposit, meta-gabbro is
phic rocks are similar to those in low-grade metamorphic found below a depth of 190 m in drill hole VADH017
complexes of the Kontum Massif and are interpreted to (Figure 4b). The age of this mafic-ultramafic unit is
have been deformed and metamorphosed during the unknown and it is labeled as undifferentiated in the
Indosinian orogenic event (Lepvrier et al., 2004; Osanai regional scale map (Figure 2). In drill core samples, the
et al., 2008). The metamorphic rocks within the Vangtat meta-gabbro is characterized by green color with a coarse-
shear zone are strongly sheared with north-northwest and grained, equigranular texture (Figure 5a). The meta-
north–south striking schistosity, and commonly contain gabbro is mainly composed of amphibole (e.g., actinolite,
asymmetrically deformed boudins indicative of right-lat- tremolite, hornblende), epidote, and plagioclase, with
eral, strike-slip shearing. minor K-feldspar and trace titanite (Figure 5b). Under the
The Vangtat shear zone and associated regional meta- microscope, actinolite and tremolite typically show pris-
morphic units are the main hosts for several recently dis- matic and fibrous texture. Massive epidote is present
covered gold deposits and prospects, including Gieng together with plagioclase and K-feldspar. Chlorite and cal-
Dat, Vangtat, and Thongkai-Ok (Figure 2). These cite are also observed in areas of hydrothermal alteration
deposits line up for ~15 km along strike. Evidence for closer to the mineralization zone (Figure 5a,b).
gold mineralization at a wider regional scale is provided
by the Xekong gold deposit which appears to be hosted
by a sub-parallel north–south trending structural corridor 3.2.2 | Pelitic schist
10 km to the northeast of the Vangtat shear zone
(Figure 2). Pelitic schist occurs as large outcrops throughout the
To the west of the Vangtat shear zone, mineralization deposit, and characterizes the regional metamorphic belt of
character changes to poorly documented base-metal the Vangtat shear zone. The pelitic schist is the principal
(gold) skarn and porphyry type deposits associated with host to the mineralized bodies, both vertically and horizon-
intrusive rocks (Figure 2) with a wide range of ages, tally (Figure 4a,b). This unit is made up of foliated musco-
between 485 and 250 Ma (Sanematsu et al., 2011; Wang vite and chlorite with finely interlayered quartz and
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plagioclase (Figure 5c,d), and it has a distinct schistose tex- toward the strongly sheared deformation zones. The
ture as a result of the intense deformation, foliation and graphite layers appear segregated and deformed; together
metamorphism of a sedimentary protolith (Figure 5c). with the foliation defined by metamorphic chlorite and
Calcite, dolomite, epidote, and K-feldspar, as well as trace muscovite, graphite appears folded and host to micro-
amounts of opaque minerals (i.e., pyrite, magnetite, hema- shears (Figure 5g). This observation suggests graphite
tite), are the main mineral constituents of the pelitic schist. transformation took place during regional metamorphism.
Quartz, quartz-carbonate, and pyrite porphyroblasts
and mylonite are commonly observed in the pelitic schist
(Figure 5e,f). The porphyroblasts and porphyroclasts are 3.2.3 | Slate, meta-sandstone, and quartzite
associated with pressure shadows, which are formed by the
foliated muscovite and chlorite enclosing quartz and pyrite Slate, meta-sandstone, and quartzite (Figure 6a) overlie
(Figure 5e,f). The presence of fine-grained (<200 μm) the pelitic schist and occupy the eastern part of the
euhedral pyrite crystals along the foliated metamorphic Vangtat gold deposit (Figure 4a,c). Slate is composed of
chlorite and muscovite (Figure 5d,f), indicates that pyrite fine-grained particles including carbonaceous materials;
crystallized and was deformed during the regional meta- slate is characterized by well-developed cleavage and foli-
morphism. The schistosity of the pelitic schist is cut by later ation and is occasionally cut by barren pyrite-bearing
thin quartz and carbonate veins (Figure 5c). quartz-veins (Figure 6b). The meta-sandstone is mainly
The pelitic schist also contains a minor amount composed of recrystallized quartz grains in a matrix of
(<1 vol%) of carbonaceous, graphitic material which is fre- quartz and white mica (Figure 6c) with trace amounts of
quently found as a dark material interleaved in the foliated disseminated pyrite. Quartzite is massive in texture and
texture of chlorite-muscovite. This graphitic material likely made up of recrystallized quartz grains with a minor
originated as detrital fragments that were dispersed amount of iron-oxide occurring along with the grain
through the sediment. The amount of graphite increases boundaries of quartz crystals (Figure 6d).

F I G U R E 3 (a) Ground view of the current Vangtat mine showing initial mining has occurred on the weathering (oxidation) zone, and
primary sulfide ore lies immediately below the oxidation level; (b) short underground typical of the initial mining; (c) aerial view of the
Vangtat mine in 2018
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F I G U R E 4 (a) Geological map of the Vangtat gold deposit area showing host lithologic units and gold mineralization; (b) schematic
cross-section through the Vangtat ore body (modified from Bounliyong et al., 2021); and (c) the stratigraphic column and distribution of gold
grade in the Vangtat deposit; red solid line: Major gold; red dashed line: Minor gold

4 | ANALYTICAL METHODS AND diffraction, and qualitative characterization of the wall

MATERIALS rock lithologies and ore and gangue minerals, b) ore min-
eral chemistry, with a focus on pyrite, gold, and co-
This research focused on field investigations in open-pits existing pyrite-arsenopyrite, c) fluid inclusion petrogra-
of the Vangtat deposit and core logging and sampling of phy and microthermometry in auriferous vein quartz
12 selected drill holes representative of the Vangtat min- samples, d) laser Raman spectroscopy analysis for the
eralized belt along a ~ 3 km strike length (Figure 4a). For estimation temperature of graphite transformation and
this research, the following studies were conducted at the identified gaseous composition of fluid inclusions,
Akita University: a) petrographic observation, X-ray and e) sulfur isotope analyses of auriferous pyrite. The
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analytical techniques used in these studies are standard heavily sheared zone, most commonly within the pelitic
and their details are described in Data S1. Detailed ana- schist. Gold orebodies rarely occur within slate or meta-
lytical results are presented in Data S2 (Table B–F). sandstone. The dominant form of gold mineralization is
quartz veining, in which gold is present next to and
within sulfides, predominantly pyrite. A minor amount
5 | G OL D M IN E R A LI Z A T I ON of gold-bearing pyrite is found in the graphite-carbonate
rich zone which forms an envelope around the veins
Economic gold mineralization at the Vangtat deposit (Figure 4a,b) and grades into the less-altered pelitic
extends continuously for almost 3 km along strike schist. The north–south trending gold-mineralized zones
(Figure 4a). The auriferous orebodies occur within the (e.g., veins and graphite-carbonate alteration envelope)

F I G U R E 5 (a) Hand specimen

photo showing a coarse-grained and
equigranular texture of meta-gabbro;
(b) photomicrograph showing the
mineral assemblage of meta-gabbro;
(c) drill core photo showing the typical
schistose texture of pelitic schist;
(d) photomicrograph showing the
foliation and orientation of muscovite
with finely interlayer quartz and
plagioclase; the porphyroblastic texture
and an associated pressure shadow of
quartz (e) and pyrite (f) boudins were
enclosed by lineation and foliation of
muscovite and chlorite; (g) deformation
and folding of segregated graphite layer
associated with metamorphic chlorite-
muscovite (mineral abbreviations in
Table A, Data S2)
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are commonly deformed and folded, and cut by east–west hydrothermally altered, the pelitic schist presents minor
and northeast-southwest faults (Figure 4a), resulting in but noticeable amounts of pyrite, titanite, rutile, ilmenite,
discontinuous segments of mineralized quartz veins. A hematite, magnetite, and barite. Consequently, the hydro-
key element in understanding the processes that lead to thermal alteration feature of the pelitic schist is subtle and
gold mineralization at Vangtat is the study of wall-rock difficult to distinguish in hand specimens or outcrop.
alteration associated with the hydrothermal fluids that The evidence for hydrothermal alteration of the
precipitated gold. pelitic schist host consists of: a) muscovite replacement
of plagioclase (i.e., albite) along crystal margins and
within micro-fissures (Figure 7e); unlike the muscovite of
5.1 | Hydrothermal alteration metamorphic origin this generation of muscovite is ran-
domly oriented and not foliated; b) the presence of
Wall rock alteration in the Vangtat deposit is closely chromium-mica (fuchsite; Figure 7f); and, c) a marked
associated spatially with the shear zone; the hydrother- increase in the amount of pyrite present (Figure 7g).
mal alteration zone extends laterally for tens to hun- Pyrite is an accessory mineral in the unaltered host
dreds of meters beyond the ore-grade rock. The pelitic schist; the differentiation between diagenetic or
resulting alteration assemblages reflect the wall rock metamorphic pyrite and hydrothermal pyrite is difficult
lithology: meta-gabbro in the lower portion of the in the marginal zones of the alteration corridor.
Vangtat deposit and pelitic schist in the upper portion.
The most prominent feature of the hydrothermal alter-
ation that accompanies gold mineralization is the 5.1.3 | Graphite-carbonate alteration
graphite-carbonate zone that occurs as an alteration envelope
halo surrounding the mineralized quartz-pyrite veins
(Figure 4a,b). Graphite, calcite, dolomite, quartz, and pyrite (with a
minor amount of arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite) mark a
prominent feature of the hydrothermal alteration envelope
5.1.1 | Hydrothermally altered meta-gabbro that surrounds the mineralized quartz veins. This mineral
assemblage locally overprints the foliated chlorite-
Actinolite, tremolite, epidote, and plagioclase are the muscovite of the pelitic schist (Figure 8a,b). The presence
major components of the meta-gabbro; the presence or of pyrite in the graphite-carbonate alteration envelope typ-
absence of minerals in this assemblage reflects the ically indicates low-grade (avg. <1 g/t Au) ore. The abun-
degree of alteration of the meta-gabbro. Partially altered dance of graphite in this zone is interpreted to involve the
meta-gabbro is found in the bottom of drill hole transformation of graphite during regional metamorphism
VADH017 (from 190 m downward; Figure 4b) and is (see above), plus additional hydrothermal graphite
characterized by randomly oriented aggregates of chlo- remobilized by the hydrothermal fluids. Hydrothermal
rite and calcite replacing actinolite in its crystal margins graphite also occurs in cross-cutting structures, predomi-
(Figure 7a). Above this depth (up to 150 m depth), close nantly microshears, including the presence of graphite in
to the core of the shear zone, which is marked by the quartz veins (Figure 8c,d). Pyrite and quartz-carbonate
pelitic schist and quartz-sulfide vein, the meta-gabbro is porphyroblasts are commonly observed in the graphite-
completely altered and the original rock texture is carbonate zone, where they appear elongated and sub-
partly destroyed; the mineral assemblage within the parallel to the pelitic schist foliation (Figure 8b).
meta-gabbro changed to chlorite, calcite, dolomite, qua-
rtz, talc, and muscovite (Figure 7b,c,d). No gold or sul-
fide is observed in the hydrothermally altered meta- 5.2 | Auriferous veins
Auriferous quartz veins and strong silicification of the
host rock characterize the Vangtat deposit. To date,
5.1.2 | Hydrothermally altered pelitic schist both have been found over 3 km along strike
and ~200 m across (Figure 4a). Discrete quartz veins,
The pelitic schist occupies the center of the shear zone and or the strongly silicified host rock, appear to overprint
is commonly hydrothermally altered. The alteration min- the graphite-carbonate alteration zone. Individual veins
erals in the pelitic schist are for the most part the same have a thickness of 10 cm and up to 3 m. The veins
major silicate minerals present in the metamorphosed rock are mainly composed of quartz and pyrite, with minor
(i.e., chlorite, muscovite, quartz, and plagioclase). When amounts of graphite, calcite, dolomite, white mica,
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F I G U R E 6 (a) Outcrop photo of

slate, meta-sandstone, and quartzite in
the eastern rim of the Vangtat deposit;
(b) well-developed cleavage and
foliation of slate were cut by barren
quartz-pyrite vein; (c) photomicrograph
of meta-sandstone showing the
recrystallized quartz grains in the matrix
of quartz and white mica;
(d) photomicrograph of quartzite
showing the compact texture of quartz
and the iron oxide precipitated along the
grain boundaries (mineral abbreviations
in Table A, Data S2)

chlorite, chalcopyrite, and arsenopyrite. Pyrite in high- content decreases consistently with gold concentration,
grade veins may reach up to 60 vol%, with average from the quartz-sulfide vein zone at the center of the
mineralization grades greater than 3 g/t gold. Selected Vangtat shear zone toward the altered host rocks in the
hand specimens and drill core intercepts within these margins (Figure 8a). Pyrite in the vein zone and graphite-
quartz-pyrite veins can yield gold concentrations carbonate alteration envelope presents a wide range in
greater than 90 g/t (Figure 8a). The vein zone includes grain size, from ~300 μm up to a few centimeters. The
several fractures which are filled by quartz, calcite, finer-grained pyrite (<500 μm) commonly has a euhedral
and graphite (Figure 8d). Fragments of quartz veins shape, while the coarser-grained pyrite crystals are
are brecciated and cemented with pyrite in the silici- anhedral to subhedral (Figure 9a). Disseminated pyrite in
fied zone (Figure 8e), and boudinaged within the the altered pelitic schist is relatively finer-grained, generally
shear zone. ranging from a few tens of microns up to a few hundreds
of microns; typically, it has a euhedral shape. Under the
microscope, Vangtat pyrite appears uniform, with a homo-
5.3 | Ore mineralogy geneous texture and rare evidence of zoning. Only a few
grains of pyrite in the veins displayed overgrowths texture,
Pyrite is the most common sulfide mineral in the Vangtat with a porous core and compact rims (Figure 9b).
deposit. Abundant pyrite is commonly found in association Chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite likely precipitated
with gold mineralization, and the presence and abundance together with pyrite, but have a more restricted distribution
of pyrite is an important indicator of the most gold- than pyrite; chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite are typically
mineralized rock in the Vangtat district. As a rule, pyrite found in the most intensely altered part of the shear zone,
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particularly in quartz veins. Arsenopyrite is intimately associated with deformation, and minerals formed during
related to pyrite and the abundance of arsenopyrite consis- hydrothermal alteration and mineralization captures the
tently corresponds to the presence of pyrite. Arsenopyrite key elements of the paragenetic sequence of the Vangtat
appears mainly as microscopic inclusions in pyrite and is gold deposit. The paragenetic sequence of gold minerali-
rarely recognized in hand samples. Individual arsenopyrite zation in the Vangtat deposit is summarized in Figure 10,
crystals present a wide size range, from tens of microns up as follows: a) a shear zone that cuts across the host pelitic
to a few hundreds of microns, and are anhedral to euhedral schist marks a favorable site for fluid flow and potential
in shape (Figure 9c). Chalcopyrite, as well as arsenopyrite, precipitation, b) a graphite-carbonate alteration envelope
are not observed in the host pelitic schist. Other sulfide forms in the early stages of mineralization, and c) quartz-
minerals such as sphalerite, galena, unidentified Bi-sulfide, pyrite veins represent the main gold mineralization stage.
and pyrrhotite are present as small (avg. ~30 μm) anhedral
grains and as inclusion in pyrite; they could be found only
under the microscope (Figure 9d). Native gold typically 6 | MINERAL C HEMISTRY
appears together with sulfides, mainly as inclusions in
pyrite and along pyrite crystal boundaries (Figure 9a,e,f). 6.1 | Temperature of graphite
Gold is also found in chalcopyrite and with unidentified transformation
Bi-sulfide (Figure 9g,h).
Laser Raman spectroscopy was used to measure the
degree of graphite transformation in the Vangtat host
5.4 | Mineral paragenesis rock and estimate the temperature of metamorphic
grade. The first-order region of Raman spectra of
The gold mineralization at Vangtat is closely associated graphite-bearing host pelitic schist from the Vangtat
with a shear zone which affected the pelitic schist host deposit showed higher intensity of the disordered or
unit and created permeable zones for hydrothermal activ- defect “D” band compared to the fully ordered graphite
ity and associated gold deposition. Therefore, the “G” band (Figure 11a). “Peak Fit 4.2” software was used
sequence marked by metamorphic minerals, minerals to place the hidden peaks (e.g., D2, D3, D4; Figure 11b),

(a) Photomicrograph showing
chlorite and calcite replaced
actinolite in its crystal margin,
which indicates the partially
altered metagabbro;
(b)–(d) hand specimen photos of
completely altered metagabbro
showing its hydrothermal
alteration mineral assemblage
within the modification of
original rock texture;
(e) photomicrograph showing
hydrothermal muscovite
replacing albite in its crystal
margins and micro fissure;
(f) hand specimen photo
showing the presence of Cr-mica
along the lineation of muscovite
in the pelitic schist; (g) the
dissemination of pyrite in the
pelitic schist (mineral
abbreviations in Table A,
Data S2)
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and estimate their parameters (the results are summa- was below the detection limit of the electron microprobe
rized in Data S2, Table B). Using the equation of Beyssac analysis. Based on our observations, we believe that most
et al. (2002), the estimated temperature of graphite trans- of the gold in the Vangtat deposit occurs as particle grain
formation for the host rocks of the Vangtat gold deposit inclusions in pyrite (visible gold), rather than in solid
ranges between 347 and 407 C (Figure 11a; Data S2, solution in the pyrite crystal structure.
Table B). This temperature range is consistent with the Cobalt and nickel are common impurity metals in
major mineral assemblage of the pelitic schist, which pyrite, which are easily incorporated into the mineral lat-
consists of chlorite, muscovite, quartz, and plagioclase, tice (Morse and Luther Iii, 1999; Large et al., 2009).
suggesting that graphite-bearing pelitic schist had trans- Cobalt is an abundant trace element in Vangtat pyrite,
formed under greenschist facies metamorphic grade. with an average concentration of 1,100 ppm and up to
11,960 ppm cobalt; nickel content is lower than that of
cobalt, with an average of 850 ppm and a maximum of
6.2 | Pyrite chemistry 2,180 ppm nickel, commonly nickel values were below
the detection limit (~100 ppm Ni). The cobalt to nickel
Pyrite is the most abundant sulfide mineral in the ratio from eleven selected samples ranges from 0.4 to
Vangtat deposit and represents the main mineral host for 36.2, with an average of 6.3 (Data S2, Table C). The con-
gold mineralization. Auriferous pyrite in the Vangtat centrations of lead, mercury, copper, zinc, and cadmium
deposit is homogenous in texture and its chemical com- in Vangtat pyrite reached hundreds of ppm; whereas ele-
position is consistent; likewise, trace and impurity ele- ments such as selenium, tellurium, chromium, bismuth,
ment contents in pyrite are uniformly low, most gold, silver, and antimony were typically below the detec-
commonly less than 1 wt% (see Data S2, Table C). The tion limit (Data S2, Table C).
iron and sulfur content measured in Vangtat pyrite varies
between 44.6 and 46.2 wt% iron (avg. = 45.5 wt% Fe) and
51.9–55.0 wt% sulfur (avg. 53.5 wt% S; Data S2, Table C). 6.3 | Arsenopyrite chemistry and
Arsenic is a common substitution element for sulfur geothermometry
in pyrite (Blanchard et al., 2007), an average of
3,500 ppm arsenic that reached up to 9,520 ppm arsenic Arsenopyrite in the Vangtat mineralized quartz veins
was measured at Vangtat pyrite (Data S2, Table C). Gold occurs with pyrite, as inclusions, and along pyrite crystal

F I G U R E 8 (a) Drill core

photo showing high grade gold
occurs in the quartz-suflide vein,
surrounded by the graphite-
carbonate rich zone
accompanied with lower-grade
gold; hand specimen photos
showing (b) graphite-carbonate-
quartz-pyrite overprinted the
foliated chlorite-muscovite in
the pelitic schist; (c) the
dominant of graphite
accompanying pyrite in the
microshear occurs cross-cutting
pelitic schist; (d) the fractures of
quartz-sulfide vein have filled by
graphite and calcite;
(e) fragments of quartz in the
vein are cemented and
brecciated with pyrite (mineral
abbreviations in Table A,
Data S2)
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boundaries (Figure 9c). The textural relations and the diagram of the Fe-As-S system by Sharp et al. (1985)
coexistence of pyrite and arsenopyrite suggest equilibrium results in a temperature range of 360–395 C (and a sulfur
conditions and validate the estimation of the formation fugacity range of 8.9 to 6.8) (Data S3, Figure A). We
temperature of the Vangtat quartz-gold veins using the interpret this to be a reasonable average temperature
arsenopyrite geothermometer by the equilibrium phase range for the formation of the Vangtat gold veins.
relationship of the Fe-As-S system (Clark, 1960;
Kretschmar and Scott, 1976; Sharp et al., 1985). Electron
microprobe analyses of arsenopyrite yielded iron, sulfur, 6.4 | Gold chemistry
and arsenic contents ranging between 33.5 and 33.9 atom%
Fe, 34.6–35.8 atom% S, and 30.7–31.5 atom% As, respec- Major and trace element contents in visible gold or gold
tively (Data S2, Table D). The range of arsenic content in grains were determined by microprobe analysis (Data S2,
arsenopyrite plotted in the pyrite-arsenopyrite phase Table E). Gold and silver contents in gold particle grains

F I G U R E 9 Photomicrographs of
ore minerals in the Vangtat deposit,
(a) various crystal sizes and shapes of
auriferous pyrite; (b) the overgrowth
texture of pyrite; (c) the coexistence of
pyrite and arsenopyrite in the
mineralized quartz-sulfide vein; (d) the
presence of other sulfide minerals
(e.g., sphalerite, galena) as inclusion in
pyrite; (e) the typical occurrence of gold
particle grains inclusion in pyrite and
gold occurs along the crystal boundaries
of pyrite (f); (g) gold incorporated with
chalcopyrite and with unidentified bi-
sulfide (h) (mineral abbreviations in
Table A, Data S2)
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range from 87 to 94 wt% and 3 to 8 wt%, respectively; the Minor elements such as iron, copper, sulfur, bismuth,
Au:Ag ratio ranges from 30:1 to 10:1, with an average of cadmium, and mercury typically have concentrations
15:1. Gold fineness expressed as [Au(wt%)/(Au(wt%) + above the detection limit; however, other minor elements
Ag(wt%)  1,000], is commonly used to characterize the (As, Se, Si, Pb, Te, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, and Sb) have few mea-
gold content of the Au-Ag alloy in hydrothermal deposits. surements above the detection limit (Data S2, Table E).
For instance, the gold fineness from epithermal deposits
has a large range from 302 to 998, while the orogenic and
reduced intrusion-related gold deposits have similar 7 | FLUID I NCLUS I ON STUDY
ranges, from 702 to 994, and 740 to 990, respectively (Liu
and Beaudoin, 2021). To better understand the nature of the hydrothermal
Our microprobe data revealed the gold fineness of fluids responsible for gold mineralization in the Vangtat
the Vangtat deposit ranges between 915 and 969, with deposit, drill core (VADH017-98.00 m and
an average of 929 (Data S2, Table E). High gold fine- VADH018-134.6 m) and outcrop (20190424–3) samples
ness together with low silver content in gold particle from mineralized quartz-sulfide veins were prepared for
grains from the Vangtat auriferous pyrite would indi- a fluid inclusion study. The appearance of quartz is clo-
cate the sulfidation is the dominant of ore deposition, udy and characterized by a milky luster; commonly, qua-
in which gold will prefer sulfide ligand and deposit in rtz shows a feather texture.
high temperature (Morrison et al., 1991; Huston Various grain sizes and textures of quartz are
et al., 1992). observed under the microscope, including randomly

FIGURE 10 Mineralization and paragenesis of the Vangtat gold deposit along with the mineralization stage
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distributed, fine-grained subhedral-anhedral crystals. Nevertheless, significant FIAs were successfully studied
Locally, quartz is elongated with fine-grained crystallites by microthermometry and the results are summarized in
along the boundary of larger crystals. Zoning within the Figure 12d,e, and Data S2, Table F. The primary FIAs
quartz crystals studied is rarely observed; the growth analyzed homogenized to the liquid phase, where the
zonation of quartz is locally indicated as lamella texture. vapor bubbles disappeared, and this was recorded as
Thus, fluid inclusions trapped in the lamella texture of homogenization temperature (Th). Although the total Th
quartz crystals (Figure 12a) and isolated groups of fluid measured in FIAs ranges widely from 190 to 325 C, a
inclusion are interpreted as primary fluid inclusion narrow range of 240–250 C was observed for the majority
assemblages (FIAs) (e.g., Roedder, 1984). These fluid of the FIAs (Figure 12d). The liquid phase of fluid inclu-
inclusions are relatively tiny in size, most commonly less sions became ice when they were frozen down to 90 C,
than 10 μm, and typically show an oval to oblate shape. and the final melting temperature of ice was recorded for
They are randomly oriented, individual inclusions which the estimation of the salinity of fluid inclusions. Based on
are dominantly liquid-rich or two-phase liquid–vapor the equation by Bodnar (1993), the calculated salinity of
inclusions with similar volumetric proportion FIAs ranges from 0.7 to 10.0 wt.% NaCl equivalent, but a
(Figure 12b). narrow range of 4–6 wt.% NaCl equivalent is observed for
Most of the larger (>20 μm) fluid inclusions are the majority of FIA (Figure 12e).
deformed and/or adapted to irregular shapes and col- Representative primary fluid inclusions were analyzed
lapsed inclusion cavities, with leakage or partial decrepi- by laser Raman spectroscopy to understand the composi-
tation likely. The inclusions are composed of tiny newly tion of the gas phase. The results show the presence of CO2
formed (neonate) inclusions, surrounding irregular shape with a minor amount of CH4, N2, and H2S (Figure 12f).
relicts of the precursor inclusions (Figure 12c), suggesting Combined, the results of microthermometry and Raman
that quartz has been weakly deformed by ductile shear- spectrometry indicate that the essential components of the
ing after the vein formation. This texture of fluid inclu- hydrothermal fluid responsible for gold mineralization in
sions is common in hydrothermal vein systems the Vangtat deposit are H2O, NaCl, CO2, CH4, N2, and
associated with shear zones (e.g., Diamond and H2S, reflecting an aqueous-carbonic fluid system.
Tarantola, 2015).
Most of the fluid inclusions found in the quartz crys-
tals of the Vangtat deposit are relatively small, thus the 8 | SULFUR IS OTOPE S TUDY
measurement of temperatures (e.g., homogenization and
melting temperatures) of fluid inclusions is complicated Fifteen samples of pyrite from altered pelitic schist,
and in many cases the measurements were unsuccessful. graphite-carbonate zone, and quartz-sulfide veins were

F I G U R E 1 1 (a) Representative Raman spectra of graphite-bearing pelitic schist and results of their temperature estimates;
(b) schematic illustration showing an example of decomposition of the first-order region of the Raman spectrum
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(a) Photomicrograph showing
primary fluid inclusion
assemblages (FIAs) trapped in
the lamella texture of quartz
crystal; (b) two-phase liquid and
vapor inclusions;
(c) decrepitation of relict fluid
inclusion and was surrounded
by neonate inclusion planes; the
histogram summarized the
result of microthermometric
data from fluid inclusion
studies, homogenization
temperature (d) and salinity (e);
(f) representative of Raman
spectrum analyzed the gaseous
composition of fluid inclusions

analyzed for their sulfur isotope composition and the composed of subsidiary fault zones that are traced over
results are presented in Table 1. Pyrite from quartz- tens of kilometers into its western part (Lepvrier
sulfide veins and the graphite-carbonated alteration et al., 2004). The gold deposits of the Vangtat district are
envelope yield δ34S values that range between +3.8 directly associated with one of these subsidiary struc-
and +7.8‰, while most data from the high-grade tures, the Vangtat shear zone. Lepvrier et al. (2004, 2008)
(>3 g/t) gold samples are between +4 and +6‰ suggested a model involving westward dipping oceanic
(Figure 13). Two hydrothermal pyrites from altered subduction along the Poko suture zone during the
pelitic schist show δ34S values of +1.3 and +10.7‰ Permo-Triassic (Figure 14).
(Figure 13). At the Vangtat deposit, quartz-sulfide veins mark
the core of the shear zone and represent the center of
hydrothermal fluid flow, which was responsible for
9 | DISCUSSION gold mineralization and the associated envelope of wall
rock alteration. Hydrothermal alteration and fluid–rock
9.1 | Regional controls and location of interaction expanded laterally outwards of the main
the Vangtat gold deposit fluid conduits, the quartz veins. The innermost alter-
ation is marked by a graphite-carbonate-quartz alter-
The Indochina Terrane is a major tectonic unit of main- ation envelope. This extends laterally to the adjacent
land Southeast Asia and is made up of several tectonic wall rock consisting of pelitic schist and/or meta-
domains, volcanic arcs, and suture zones (Charusiri gabbro. In addition, the mineralogy of alteration
et al., 2002; Metcalfe, 2002; Lepvrier et al., 2004; Burrett assemblages associated with the evolution of fluid
et al., 2021). The Tam Ky-Phuoc Son and Poko suture transected two lithologies (e.g., metagabbro in the
zones mark the tectonic collision between the main part lower portion and pelitic schist in the upper portion)
of the Indochina Terrane and the Kontum Massif in cen- of contrasting composition have provided a vertical
tral Vietnam and southeastern Laos, respectively zonation and variety of alteration assemblages,
(Figure 1; Lepvrier et al., 2004, 2008; Tran et al., 2014). reflecting equilibrium and disequilibrium of fluid-wall
The Poko suture zone is a segmented structure, rocks interaction reaction.
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9.2 | Variation in alteration assemblages The abundance of graphite in the alteration envelope
and mineral paragenesis may suggest the mixing of two different fluids: a) carbon
dioxide + water and b) methane + water (e.g.,
The variation in wall rock alteration is mainly a reflec- Holloway, 1984; Craw, 2002), This hypothesis is supported
tion of the host-rock units and the distance away from by the evidence from the fluid inclusion study, which indi-
the veins. Fluid–rock interaction within metagabbro in cates the presence of CO2 and CH4 in the ore-forming fluids
the lower portion is characterized by the reaction (Figure 12f). The abundance of graphite in the high-grade
between an H2O-CO2 bearing fluid and the mafic mineral mineralized areas and its presence in the alteration enve-
components (e.g., actinolite, tremolite) of the metagabbro lope would reflect a favorable environment for gold miner-
(Equation (1), (2)). The presence of chlorite and carbon- alization. We propose that precipitation of gold in the
ate as alteration products represents the hydrothermal Vangtat deposit is related to a) wall rock sulfidation involv-
evolution that occurred in the greenschist facies environ- ing Fe-bearing minerals (e.g., chlorite) in the host rock and
ment (Groves, 1993). S-bearing fluid (Equation (4); Phillips and Groves, 1984;
Phillips and Powell, 2010) and b) reduction by reaction with
6Ca2 Fe5 Si8 O22 ðOHÞ2 þ 12CO2 þ 14H2 O the carbon-bearing host rock (Poulsen et al., 1986; Cox
ðActinoliteÞ ðFluidÞ
et al., 1991; Ridley, 1993). This process assumes that gold
¼ 5Fe6 Si4 O10 ðOHÞ8 þ 12CaCO3 þ 28SiO2 ð1Þ was transported in the ore fluid as a sulfide complex.
ðChloriteÞ ðCalciteÞ ðQuartzÞ

Fe2þ þ 2AuðHSÞ2 þ 2H2 ¼ FeS2 þ Au0 þ 2H2 O

Ca2 ðMgFeÞ5 Si8 O22 ðOHÞ2 þ 4CO2 ðFemineralÞ ðOre fluidÞ ðPyrite and gold deposition in rockÞ
ðTremoliteÞ ðFluidÞ
¼ Mg3 Si4 O10 ðOHÞ2 þ 2CaMgCO3 þ 4SiO2 ð2Þ
ðTalcÞ ðDolomiteÞ ðQuartzÞ

Hydrothermally altered pelitic schist broadly marks 9.3 | Depth of ore formation
the site of gold deposition surrounding the gold-bearing
quartz veins. However, the alteration feature and/or the Quartz, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and arsenopyrite are the major
zone of hydrothermal alteration are not too prominent, component of the Vangtat mineralized veins leading us to
because the hydrothermal alteration mineral assemblage assume that the trapping temperature (Tt) estimated from
within the altered pelitic schist is mostly the same as the arsenopyrite geothermometry and Th estimated from
silicate mineral component of unaltered rock; in other aqueous-carbonic fluid inclusions in quartz are approxi-
words, the fluid was generally in equilibrium with the mately contemporaneous. The temperature ranges
host pelitic schist (e.g., greenschist facies metamorphic obtained for Tt and Th differ by a significant amount
rocks; Goldfarb et al., 2005). The most intensely altered (~100 C) which reflects the necessary ambient pressure
part of the pelitic schist is characterized by albite altered correction due to the depth of ore formation. A relatively
to muscovite (Equation (3)), reflecting cation exchange narrow range of 240–250 C accounts for a majority of the
during fluid–rock interaction and a weakly alkaline to fluid inclusions Th of the Vangtat ore-forming fluid (see
near-neutral hydrothermal fluid. above). Based on Diamond (2003), a Tt range of 360–395 C
would project to a Th range of 240–250 C, corresponding to
3NaAlSi3 O8 þ Kþ þ 2Hþ ¼ KAl3 Si3 O10 ðOHÞ2 þ 3Naþ an estimated pressure range of the Vangtat gold minerali-
ðAlbiteÞ ðFluidÞ ðMuscoviteÞ zation of 380–420 MPa (Data S3, Figure B). This pressure
þ 6SiO2 range translates to a depth range of 11–13 km (based on lit-
hostatic pressure gradient of 100 MPa = 3 km). This depth
of ore formation in the Vangtat deposit is comparable to
the proposed depth of orogenic gold mineralization glob-
The development of chromium-mica along the foliation ally (5–15 km; e.g., Goldfarb and Groves, 2015).
texture together with muscovite is a recognizable feature
of the altered pelitic schist; chromium being possibly
derived from the mafic-ultramafic rocks known to be pre- 9.4 | Implication for ore genesis and
sent at deeper levels at Vangtat. Wang et al. (2020) identi- sources
fied that mafic igneous rocks in southeastern Laos, which
form the lower portion of the Vangtat deposit, have an The petrographic and chemical observations of the
anomalous chromium content. Vangtat hydrothermal auriferous pyrite show a
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TABLE 1 Sulfur isotope composition and gold concentration in pyrite from the Vangtat deposit

Sample number Mineral δ 34SV-CDT‰ Gold grade (g/t) Zone occurrence

ADH016-172.20 Pyrite 10.7 - Altered pelitic schist
VADH018-160.00 Pyrite 1.3 - Altered pelitic schist
VADH018-141.00 Pyrite 5.0 11.55 Graphite-carbonate
VADH018-146.50 Pyrite 4.7 5.00 Graphite-carbonate
VADH051-75.50 Pyrite 7.1 0.22 Graphite-carbonate
VADH051-152.30 Pyrite 5.6 0.67 Graphite-carbonate
VADH017-90.70 Pyrite 4.6 93.30 Quartz vein
VADH017-98.00 Pyrite 4.8 30.30 Quartz vein
VADH018-134.6 Pyrite 5.1 10.55 Quartz vein
VADH018-145.50 Pyrite 4.7 24.00 Quartz vein
VADH033B-92.60 Pyrite 3.8 1.71 Quartz vein
VADH055-50.35 Pyrite 4.6 1.37 Graphite-carbonate
VADH076-57.10 Pyrite 5.3 5.74 Graphite-carbonate
VADH131-81.00 Pyrite 7.8 14.65 Graphite-carbonate
VADH154-100.00 Pyrite 5.5 4.52 Graphite-carbonate

microprobe data reveal that cobalt/nickel ratios from the

Vangtat auriferous pyrite are generally greater than one,
with an average of 6.3, indicating that the Vangtat aurif-
erous pyrite is closely linked with hydrothermal fluid or
pyrite related to magma at depth (e.g., Bralia et al., 1979).
Most of the sulfur isotope data within the high-grade
gold samples constrained the sulfur isotopic composition
of the Vangtat auriferous pyrite in a narrow range
between +4 to +6‰ (Figure 13). This sulfur isotopic
composition is compatible with the δ34S composition
range of igneous rocks (Ohmoto and Rye, 1979), and is
inferred to have a magmatic-derived source (Figure 15).
The sulfur isotopic composition of the Vangtat aurif-
erous pyrite corresponds to the range of δ34S value of the
known orogenic gold deposits globally (Figure 15,
Goldfarb et al., 2005), and is also comparable to the δ34S
value of the Phuoc Son orogenic gold deposits (4 to
+4‰, Figure 15). The Vangtat sulfur isotopic values are
heavier than the δ34S values of distal disseminated,
sediment-hosted gold deposit at the Sepon District (down
F I G U R E 1 3 Gold concentration versus sulfur isotope
composition of Vangtat pyrite
to 29‰, Figure 15), which was interpreted as involving
some sedimentary sulfur (Cromie, 2010, unpublished
data). The sulfur isotopic values of the Vangtat auriferous
homogeneous texture and the presence of trace elements, pyrite in hydrothermally altered pelitic schist are +1.3
including gold, as separate mineral phases or inclusions and +10.7‰, and one sample in the graphite-carbonate
inside the pyrite crystals, rather than incorporated in alteration envelope yielded +7.8‰ (Figure 13; Table 1);
solid solution in the pyrite crystal structure (e.g., Butler these δ34S values possibly suggest a minor contribution of
and Rickard, 2000). The variations in cobalt/nickel ratios sedimentary sulfur.
in pyrite have been used as a proxy for classifying the ori- Combined with the evidence above, we believe the
gin and source of hydrothermal deposits (Bralia mafic igneous rocks situated in the footwall and forming
et al., 1979; Large et al., 2009; Koglin et al., 2010). Our the basement of the deposit could be a plausible source
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F I G U R E 1 4 Tectonic model
showing the location of the Vangtat
district in southeastern Laos related to
the forearc of a convergent margin
(modified from Lepvrier et al., 2008).
Abbreviation: HP, High pressure
metamorphic rocks, granulite facies

F I G U R E 1 5 Comparisons of the
sulfur isotopic composition of the
auriferous pyrite in the Vangtat deposit
with other gold deposits in the region,
well-known orogenic gold deposits
globally, and natural sulfur isotope
reservoirs. References are:
(1) Rollinson (1993); (2) Goldfarb
et al. (2005); (3) Cromie (2010,
unpublished data); (4) Manaka (2014,
unpublished data)

for gold in the Vangtat deposit and gold would possibly mineralogical, and geochemical study of the Vangtat gold
be transported to the site of deposition during the meta- deposit, the main operating mine in the district, indicates
morphic dehydration and devolatilization (e.g., Phillips that the style of mineralization in the Vangtat district cor-
and Powell, 2010; Goldfarb and Groves, 2015; Evans and responds to an orogenic gold deposit model, as described
Tomkins, 2020; Patten et al., 2020). by previous authors (e.g., Groves et al., 1998; Ridley and
Diamond, 2000; Goldfarb et al., 2005).
The Vangtat gold belt formed along a convergent
1 0 | C O N C L U S IO N S margin within the western segment of the Poko suture
zone, which, together with the Tam Ky-Phuoc Son suture
This study documents a new primary gold district discov- zone, marks the collision in the Triassic between the
ered in the late 2010s in southeastern Laos. Evidence of Kontum Massif and the Indochina Terrane. At a district
discontinuous ore-grade gold mineralization along scale, the gold deposits are associated with the Vangtat
a > 15 km long, north–south belt parallel to the border shear zone, a subsidiary structure of the Poko suture
with Vietnam is presented. The results of our geological, zone. Host rocks associated with greenschist facies mark
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the main host for hydrothermal alteration and location of RE FER EN CES
the gold-bearing quartz veins. Alteration mineral assem- Beyssac, O., Goffe, B., Chopin, C. and Rouzaud. (2002) Raman spec-
blages are dominated by quartz, carbonate, graphite, tra of carbonaceous material in metasediments: a new geo-
white mica, chlorite, and pyrite. thermometer. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 20(9), 859–871.
Gold predominantly occurs as visible gold or gold Blanchard, M., Alfredsson, M., Brodholt, J., Wright, K. and
Catlow, C.R.A. (2007) Arsenic incorporation into FeS2 pyrite
inclusions in pyrite, with a low base-metal sulfide over-
and its influence on dissolution: a DFT study. Geochimica et
all content. A positive correlation exists between the Cosmochimica Acta, 71(3), 624–630.
abundance of quartz-pyrite veins and silicification and Bodnar, R.J. (1993) Revised equation and table for determining the
gold mineralization, as well as between gold mineraliza- freezing point depression of H2O-NaCl solutions. Geochimica et
tion and pyrite abundance. Gold likely precipitated Cosmochimica Acta, 57(3), 683–684.
together with pyrite and the deposition of gold may Bounliyong, P., Itaya, T., Arribas, A., Watanabe, Y., Wong, H. and
have been facilitated by reduction of the hydrothermal Echigo, T. (2021) K-Ar geochronology of orogenic gold mineral-
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