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How are the layers of the Earth different in terms of composition and


The earth is divided into 4 major components mostly: the crust, mantle, outer
core, and inner core. Some people merge the 2 different cores together, so they only
state that there is the crust, mantle, and the core of the Earth. Each one of these parts
are made of different materials that are in different states. Additionally, the different
components of the Earth are also in varying thicknesses which makes some materials
more abundant than the others. Furthermore, some of the parts are solid, some are in a
molten state, while others are partially molten.

The first major component of the Earth is the crust. There are 2 types of crust:
continental or oceanic crust. The first one, the continental crust is granitic in
composition, rich in silicon, oxygen, and aluminum; and stretches for about 35 - 40
kilometers thick. Next one is the oceanic crust which is basaltic in composition, rich in
iron, oxygen, and magnesium. The oceanic crust is much thinner with a range of about
5 – 7 kilometers. Together, the crust only contributes less than 1% of the Earth’s mass.
The difference in densities also effect the formation of the 2 types of crusts. The
continental crust is less dense than the oceanic crust making it more buoyant and be
much higher in the mantle.

The next major component of the Earth is the mantle. The mantle can also be
separated into 2 parts: the upper and lower mantle. The upper mantle in simple
definition is the area just beneath the Earth’s crust. It stretches to about 403 to 660
kilometers and is composed mostly of substances that gives it a viscous and plastic-like
characteristics. It is composed of Olivine, silicon dioxide, and Peridotite. The lower
mantle is hit with more pressure than the upper mantle, this is why it is more solid.
Additionally, it also has Olivine, along with iron, a perovskite, magnesium, and also
silicate compounds. Furthermore, it makes up about 55% of the volume of the Earth and
is ranges to about 660 to 2891 kilometers below, before transitioning to the outer core.

The outer core and inner core are the last 2 major components that makes up the
Earth. First, the outer core is between the inner core and the lower mantle. It is
composed of iron and nickel and is molten. It is also 2200 kilometers thick and reaches
temperatures of up to 4500 to 5500 degrees Celsius. Then, the transition line between
the outer and inner core is called the Lehman Seismic Discontinuity. The inner core is in
a solid state and has a radius of about 1221 kilometers. The temperature in these parts
is near to that of the sun which is 5200 degrees Celsius. It is comprised of iron which
stays in solid form due to the immense pressure in these depths.

If put all together, there are 5 major components that make up the Earth: the
crust, upper mantle, lower mantle, outer core, and inner core. The crust makes up the
surface of the Earth which we living beings are living and is made up of the continental
and oceanic crust. Then there is the viscous upper mantle with plastic like
characteristics while the lower mantle due to more pressure is less viscous; combining
the two together makes the thickest part of the Earth. Lastly, the outer core is a molten
area made of iron and nickel while the inner core is in a solid state due to the immense
pressure and is made of iron. These major components are what makes the Earth that
we are living on today.


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 Kaushik, N. (2011, July 8 ). Difference Between Oceanic and Continental Crust.
Difference Between Similar Terms and
 Geography4kids(n.d.).Composition.Geography4Kids.http://
 Dianne, J.. "What Are Three Differences Between the Upper & Lower Mantle?"
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 Dobrijevic, D. (2022, April 8 ). Earth's layers: Exploring our planet inside and out.

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